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Saturday, August 5, 2023

www.h _ www.h   20/11/2020   Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel.   17/07/2018   Revista de literatura y cultura cubana, caribeña, latinoamericana, y de estética. Editor: Francisco Morán. La Habana Elegante is sponsored in part by Southern Methodist University. Views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors, and not those of the Editorial Board of La Habana Elegante, nor those of Southern Methodist University.   12/01/2016   Habbo on yli 13-vuotiaille nuorille tarkoitettu virtuaaliyhteisö vintage-henkisessä pikselitaideympäristössä. Habbossa voit luoda oman hahmon, tavata kavereitasi tai hankkia uusia, chattailla, rakentaa huoneita, järjestää ja pelata pelejä sekä paljon muuta kivaa! Melkein mitä vaan voi tapahtua tässä oudossa paikassa, joka on täynnä upeita tyyppejä!   17/02/2020   HABE. Eusko Jaurlaritza. Euskadi. HABE erakundearen sorrerako helburua helduen euskalduntzea sustatzea da, euskara-ikastaroak euskaltegietan ikasteredu ezberdinetan antolatuz, izan aurrez aurreko ikas saioetan, edota internet sarea baliatuz, autoikaskuntzan: -e-learning-; edota jardun biko ikastaroetan: -b-learning-.   16/06/2016   Hazloposible refuerza su proyección internacional con el proyecto, así como con la creación de alianzas y colaboraciones tanto de Europa como de EEUU. Hazloposible recibe el Premio ABC Solidario en la modalidad Entidad Social, por su utilización de las TIC en el fomento de la participación de los jóvenes en causas solidarias.   10/11/2019   Ministerio de Hacienda, Gobierno de Chile.   02/10/2019   Ministerio de Hacienda. República de Costa Rica.   15/01/2020   Ministerio de Hacienda de Nicaragua.   18/02/2020   Portal del Ministerio de Hacienda de La República del Paraguay. Los orígenes del Ministerio de Hacienda de la República del Paraguay se remontan a instituciones de época de la conquista y colonización española, cuando el manejo de la cosa pública estaba a cargo de los oficiales del Tesoro Real.   18/08/2020   Hackett Publishing is an independent publisher serving the humanities since 1972. Established in 1972, Hackett Publishing Company is a privately held, staunchly independent publisher, currently employing twenty-seven people in its Indianapolis and Cambridge offices.   10/10/2020   Hack Players. Computer security, ethical hacking and more.   01/03/2020   Haggard Hawks. Since 2013, Haggard Hawks has been tweeting and blogging about obscure words and their origins. Haggard Hawks was founded by the author and language blogger Paul Anthony Jones in 2013. Paul has had a longstanding interest in language, having read a dictionary cover to cover one childhood Christmas (yes, he’s that kind of person).   02/03/2020   Haksöz Haber.   02/05/2020   The Blues Rock Sensation from The Netherlands. Blues-rock power trio Rob Orlemans & Half Past Midnight has inspired enthusiasm and loyalty among fans around the world through their explosive live performances and exceptional musicianship.   20/12/2020   Hallandsposten. Senaste nyheterna från Hallandsposten.   19/06/2018   Halmstad ligger i Hallands län. I norr gränsar Halmstad mot Falkenberg och i söder mot Laholm. Halmstad ligger mitt emellan Göteborg och Malmö. Med 100 000 invånare är Halmstad landets 18:e största kommun. Det fördelaktiga läget på västkusten gör att företagandet utvecklas, turismen frodas och invånarna trivs och blir fler.   10/04/2021   Halonoviny. České levicové zprávy.   25/12/2020   Hamanasi is the ideal Belize all inclusive beach resort and vacation, combining ecotourism & casual elegance amidst reef & rainforest.   27/02/2016   Hamburg Airport. Alle Informationen zum Flughafen Hamburg - zu An- und Abflug, Parken, Reisen, Restaurants, Shops & Services.   23/08/2020   Hämeen Sanomat. Hämeenlinnan seudun kiinnostavimmat uutiset ja jutut, videot, kuvat ja kolumnit.   12/05/2017   Hammer. Founded in November 1934, Hammer is one of the oldest film companies in the world. Hammer is synonymous with horror, after defining the genre in Britain with classics such as Dracula, The Curse of Frankenstein and The Mummy, which spawned numerous sequels.   22/10/2020   Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts, is among the most innovative colleges in the country, requiring students to pursue their passions by designing their own programs of study and recruiting a faculty committee to guide them on a rigorous path of intellectual discovery.   22/10/2015   The Hampshire Airfields site provides a page on each Hampshire airfield(Land or Water), past or present, showing runway layout, position,height ASL and a brief history. To go to a particular page, just click on the airfield name in the lists on left or right of this panel.   01/02/2020   Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije (ZRS).   23/04/2020   Club Handbol Banyoles. Història i actualitat del club handbol Banyoles, equips, calendari, activitats, àlbum de fotos, premsa i enllaços.   22/02/2019   Handgun Hunter Magazine publishes a large volume of member provided articles on handguns, hunting, shooting, reloading, optics, and other outdoor related subjects. Other features of the website include a very active forum and member photo galleries to upload photos of their latest game trophy or their newest handgun in the collection.   21/01/2016   Hangar 9 Aeroworks. John Baker. Main Page for Hangar 9 Aeroworks, a website for sport aviation enthusiasts. Specializing in Aeronca and Stinson Aircraft.   17/02/2020   Hangar Flying. Belgian Aviation Magazine. Hangar flying is de Engelse uitdrukking voor het keuvelen over luchtvaart. We willen op een aangename en eigenzinnige manier artikels brengen over de Belgische burgerlijke en militaire vliegerij.   11/07/2019   Online database van het Belgisch Luchtvaarterfgoed. Deze gegevensbank van ons luchtvaarterfgoed is het resultaat van jarenlang onderzoek van een hele schare medewerkers. De feedback die we ontvangen wordt via deze webstek van Hangar Flying ter beschikking gesteld aan zowel beleidsmakers als liefhebbers.   29/10/2017   Pilot, sailor, photographer, geek! Started flying in the RAF (1976) – Bulldog, Jet Provost, Gnat, Hawk, Harrier. Left the RAF to join the airlines – Cathay Pacific Airways in Hong Kong (1988) – L-1011 Tristar, Boeing 747-400 and A340-200. Since 1996, back in the UK on the A330-300, A340-300 and A340-600 with a major UK carrier.   23/08/2020   Hanken Svenska handelshögskolan. Hanken är ett ledande, internationellt ackrediterat universitet med över 110 års erfarenhet av utbildning och forskning inom ekonomi.   02/05/2020   Velkommen til Hanne's hjemmeside!   02/03/2019   Hanover is situated just west of historic Madison, Ind. Once a major river port for the state, Madison (population 12,000) has maintained its sense of 19th century heritage with 133 city blocks on the National Register of Historic Places, designating it as the state's largest historic district.   04/01/2021   Der Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. 1928 von Carl Hanser gegründet, befindet sich das Unternehmen bis heute im Besitz der Familie des Verlagsgründers. Der Mittelständler Hanser ist einer der wenigen verbliebenen konzernunabhängigen Verlage von Rang und belegt seit Jahren einen Platz unter den 30 größten Verlagen Deutschlands.   11/03/2020   Hanser Literaturverlage. Alles rund um die Bücher der Verlage Hanser, Hanser Kinder- und Jugendbuch, Zsolnay / Deuticke, Hanser Berlin und hanserblau.   21/05/2021   Hampshire County Council.   18/12/2015   Ray "HAP" Halloran, was born February 4, 1922 in Cincinnati, Ohio of parents, Paul and Gertrude Halloran; the second of 5 boys."HAP" Halloran recently passed away on June 7, 2011. Shortly after Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) Hap volunteered for the Army Air Force at Wright-Patterson air base in Dayton, Ohio.   22/10/2015   I plan to write about an American writer, Mary Austin, who is unknown in Japan, including my experience of meeting her. In my writing I will explore who she was: what she was thinking, how she was living, where she would go to do her writing.   09/07/2018   Happietaria is een tijdelijk restaurant voor een goed doel, vanuit het niets opgezet door studentenvrijwilligers. Organiserende teams zijn ruim een half jaar tot een jaar bezig met de voorbereidingen voor de actie die 3 tot 5 weken duurt.   13/05/2016   Yachtcharter, Bootscharter und Bootsverleih - bei Happycharter. Über 5.000 Motorboote, Segelboote und Katamarane bei Happycharter - Yachtcharter und Bootsverleih weltweit. Günstige Boote und exklusive Yachten - vergleichen Sie selbst.   12/05/2019   Nautisches Lexikon. Segellexikon auf Happycharter. Möchten Sie wissen, was ein Wort bedeutet? Was heißt Pinne, was ist eine Kombüse oder was ist ein Bug? Oder wie Relingsnetzt auf Englisch heißt? Erklärung der nautischen Fachbegriffe und Übersetzung in viele Sprachen finden Sie im nautischen Lexikon auf Happycharter.   18/12/2015   Nautisches Lexikon. Segellexikon auf Happycharter. Möchten Sie wissen, was ein Wort bedeutet? Was heißt Pinne, was ist eine Kombüse oder was ist ein Bug? Oder wie Relingsnetzt auf Englisch heißt? Erklärung der nautischen Fachbegriffe und Übersetzung in viele Sprachen finden Sie im nautischen Lexikon auf Happycharter.   13/05/2016   Project HappyChild - linking children all across the world: links through school nets to 400,000 schools worldwide, and a global index to free educational resources for parents and schools.   13/05/2016   The Happy Christmas project was started in 1997 to help provide an insight into the lighter side of Christmas. Over the last decade we have evolved into a site that is not only informative and interactive but has built successful partnerships with some of the UK's leading retailers.   17/12/2020   Find Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants Near Me. Happy Cow was founded in 1999 as a public service to assist travelers and people everywhere find plant-based / vegan options and healthy food. We are vegan-run, from a vegan perspective, and staffed by vegans and vegetarians.   13/05/2016   Staffed and run by vegans and vegetarians, HappyCow was founded in 1999 as a public service to assist travelers and people everywhere find vegan, vegetarian, and healthy food.   17/12/2020   Healthy Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes. Find healthy recipes for your everyday meals. Find international vegetarian cuisines, low calorie recipes, vegan cake and desserts, raw food and raw desserts, gluten free meals, as well macrobiotic cooking.   13/05/2016   Find healthy recipes for your everyday meals. From vegetarian holiday recipe and romantic dinner entrees, our vegetarian and vegan recipes include something for every palate. Find international vegetarian cuisines, low calorie recipes, vegan cake and desserts, raw food and raw desserts, gluten free meals, as well macrobiotic cooking.   27/04/2017   Happy Fish Travel Tour Operator in Guatemala The leader in daily trips in the North East Coast of the Caribbean of Guatemala, Happy Fish Travel offers special trips of Eco-Adventures in a variety of tourist sites throughout the environments of Guatemala.   27/04/2017   Happy FM.   27/04/2017   Happy News - Real News. Compelling Stories. Always Positive. Happy News - Positive real-world international stories about business, health, science & technology, arts & entertainment, sports, heroes, opinion & editorial, environment.   11/21/2019   HappyNews is een optimistische en inspirerende nieuwssite ter bevordering van positieve nieuwsvorming en geluksbeleving. Een online feel good magazine met handige tips en een positieve kijk op het dagelijks nieuws en de maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen.   27/04/2017   Happyrobot is slowly turning into a strange and funny collective of friends and acquaintances from around the world. Happyrobot is a place to put stuff up on the web that we like. Happyrobot doesn't make any sense, and doesn't really need to.   03/06/2020   Hapsalons. Eten afhalen of laten bezorgen bij jou in de buurt! Geen idee wat te eten vandaag en geen zin om te koken? Duizenden afhaalrestaurants en maaltijd bezorgdiensten. Zoek eenvoudig bij jou in de buurt!   08/11/2016   Hapsalons - Regio's. Alle afhaalrestaurants en maaltijd bezorgdiensten met recensies. Zoek en vergelijk bij jou in de buurt!".   14/05/2016   Verspreid in de provincie Groningen zijn bij ons in de volgende plaatsen afhaalrestaurants en bezorgdiensten bekend. Kies een plaatsnaam om te bekijken wat er aan gemakkelijke maaltijden in die stad of dat dorp te verkrijgen is.   14/05/2016   Eten bezorgen en afhalen in Groningen. Kies één van de volgende thema's om alle afhaalrestaurants en bezorgdiensten in Groningen met die betreffende keuken of formule weer te geven.   22/02/2019   Harbor High School is a high school located in Santa Cruz, California. There are 950 students studying at Harbor High School with a range of ages 13-19 years. The mascot of this school is Petey the Pirate with the typical colors of green and gold.   06/12/2020   Hark, a vagrant: 404. Hark! A Vagrant, such as it is, is an archive website now.   27/08/2020   Harper Collins Publishers: World-Leading Book Publisher. Publishing great authors since 1817. Discover thousands of books and authors, plus get exclusives on new releases, bestsellers, and more, at Harper Collins.   24/07/2020   Harper Collins Christian Publishing, Inc. is a world leading Christian content provider.   28/09/2020   HarpWeek: Explore History. In 1817, 22-year old James Harper and his 20-year old brother, John, set up a small printing firm in New York City called J. & J. Harper. Joined later by their younger brothers, Joseph Wesley and Fletcher, the firm became the largest book publisher in the United States by 1825.   23/02/2019   Now in its sixth decade, the University of Hartford sits proudly on a 350-acre main campus that includes parts of Hartford, West Hartford, and Bloomfield, Conn. It provides   a beautifully landscaped vista with grassy expanses and wooded areas with a branch of the Park River winding through it.   23/02/2019   At the Hartford Art School, we educate the whole artist through rigorous studio-based disciplines in a liberal arts university setting. And with an undergraduate enrollment of about 310 students, you can count on lots of personal attention from the professional artists, designers, and historians who teach our classes in eight diverse studio areas and art history.   23/02/2019   Hartford Web Publishing provides pro bono web publishing services that in general aim to promote social progress.   23/02/2019   World History Archives, by Hartford Web Publishing, offers documents to support the study of world history from a working-class and non-Eurocentric perspective. Questions about the site may be answered by the site policies. Your attention is drawn to the Historical Materialism site, which offers essays on the theory of history with an opportunity for your critical comments.   11/06/2020   Hathi Trust is a partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world. Founded in 2008, Hathi Trust is a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items.   21/10/2017   Bienvenue! Depuis 19 ans, le but de mon site est le plaisir de partager avec vous mes 7950 photos et fonds d'écran originaux sur Annecy, son lac et son carnaval, sur les villages de Haute-Savoie, sur la montagne dans les Alpes, ses animaux, ses fleurs et ses champignons.   21/10/2017   Galerie de 2056 photos de champignons avec les noms français et scientifiques. Ces champignons ont été photographié en Haute-Savoie par Christian Pourre. Les identifications des 437 espèces ont été confirmées par le mycologue Laurent Francini.   27/02/2016   Havana Times, open-minded writing from Cuba. When Havana Times began back in October 2008 in Havana it was hoped to be updating once a week and we were only publishing in English. Less than a year later we were operating as a daily publication with a Spanish and English edition.   26/12/2020   12/01/2016   Haven Yhtymä. Äänentoisto ja valaistus, musiikkivideot, treenikämpät.   24/01/2021   University of Hawaii System. With 10 campuses and educational, training and research centers across the Hawaiian Islands, the UH System is leading the way to a diverse, sustainable future.   23/01/2021   The Hawai'i Academy of Science (HAS) is a private, non-profit organization founded in 1925. The vision of the Academy is to promote scientific research & education in Hawai'i and the Pacific Rim. The Academy is particularly interested in developing and executing programs and experiences for the science and learning communities.   23/01/2021   Hawaiian Historical Society. Preserving Hawaiʻis History. The Hawaiian Historical Society, established in 1892, is a private non-profit organization created by a group of prominent citizens dedicated to preserving historical materials, presenting public lectures, and publishing scholarly research on the history of Hawai’i.   24/01/2021   Hawaiian Kingdom Independence Blog. This blog is about Hawaii's status as an independent country under prolonged illegal occupation by the United States, and the history, culture, law & politics of the islands.   24/01/2021   Hawaiian Kingdom Government. E Komo Mai. The Web site of the acting Hawaiian Kingdom Government presently operating within the occupied State of the Hawaiian Islands.   23/01/2021   The Hawaii Community Foundation helps people make a difference by inspiring the spirit of giving and by investing in people and solutions to benefit every Island community. At the Hawaii Community Foundation, we strive to use both our heads and our hearts to help Hawaii in meaningful and measurable ways.   24/01/2021   The Hawaiʻi Conservation Alliance is a partnership of organizations and agenices working together to provide unified leadership, advocacy, and collaborative action to conserve and restore native ecosystems and the unique biodiversity of our islands.   24/01/2021   Hawaii Magazine. Based in Honolulu, Oʻahu, Hawai’i Magazine is the state’s only national/international magazine. It is also the largest paid circulation magazine in the state. Hawai‘I Magazine reaches Hawaiʻi enthusiasts locally, nationally and internationally.   24/01/2021   Hawaii News Now (KGMB/KHNL) is Hawaii's source for breaking news, severe weather forecasts and traffic updates.   24/08/2020   Hawaii Reporter. In January 2016, Hawaii Reporter was relaunched and rebranded as free online entertainment page. Content includes opinions and editorials as as well as feature articles on business, technology, travel, the environment, entertainment and other topics germane to Hawaii readers.   24/01/2021   Hilo News. Hawaii Tribune-Herald. Covering the Hilo area of the Big Island of Hawaii, including news, business, sports, entertainment and weather.   24/10/2017   For more than half a century, Hawker Pacific Aerospace has been a leading independent international maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) provider. Hawker Pacific Aerospace is specialized in the maintenance of landing gears and associated hydraulic components. Since 2002, Hawker Pacific Aerospace has been a 100% owned subsidiary of the Lufthansa Technik AG.   21/02/2019   As the world's first refuge for birds of prey, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary has a dramatic history that started during the Great Depression with amateur ornithologist Richard Pough. In 1929, Pennsylvania's Game Commission placed a $5 price tag on the goshawk's head—a grand sum at the time.   06/11/2019   Hrvatsko botaničko društvo okuplja članstvo koje se profesionalno ili amaterski bavi nekim od polja botaničkih znanosti. Djelovanje društva usmjereno je k promicanju i razvitku botaničkih znanosti na popularnoj, stručnoj i znanstvenoj razini. Društvo se zalaže za očuvanje i zaštitu flore, vegetacije i staništa te ukupne biološke raznolikosti Hrvatske.   13/11/2020   High Country News is an independent, reader-supported nonprofit 501(c)3 media organization that covers the important issues and stories that define the Western United States. Our mission is to inform and inspire people to act on behalf of the West's diverse natural and human communities.   11/05/2021   The Harvard Computer Society is a student-run organization at Harvard College that has been a driving force in the development and deployment of computers at Harvard since well before the fall of the Soviet Union (or at the very least, we've met weekly to talk about computers and technology and eat pizza since at least 1983).   07/10/2017   Helsingborgs Dagblad. Nyheter Dygnet Runt.   10/12/2020   Hrvatsko društvo za biokemiju i molekularnu biologiju, HDBMB, neprofitna je znanstvena i strukovna organizacija koja okuplja znanstvenike i stručnjake koji se bave biokemijom i molekularnom biologijom, kao i srodnim znanostima u kontekstu istraživanja, edukacije i primjene.   05/05/2020   The Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah (HEAL Utah) has a track record of tackling some of the biggest threats to Utah’s environment and public health — and succeeding — by empowering grassroots advocates, using science-based solutions, and developing common-sense policy.   08/12/2019   Heavens-Above provides satellite visibility predictions and a host of other astronomy related information, all customized for your location.   09/02/2016   Uitgebreid aanbod immo te koop en te huur in Belgie. Hebbes. Je zoekt immo te koop of te huur in België?. Hebbes heeft meer dan 60.000 huizen, appartementen en gronden beschikbaar. Bekijk ons volledig aanbod online!.   23/08/2020   Helsingin Barokkiorkesteri tuo uusia näkökulmia vanhan musiikin tulkintaan. Taiteellisena johtajana on vuodesta 2003 toiminut Aapo Häkkinen, jonka johdolla orkesteri on noussut Euroopan arvostetuimpien periodiyhtyeiden joukkoon.   13/04/2016   Heckler & Koch ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Handfeuerwaffen mit festen Wurzeln am Standort Deutschland. Seit mehr als 60 Jahren ist das Unternehmen ein zuverlässiger Partner für Sicherheitskräfte, Polizei und Sondereinsatzkräfte der Bundeswehr, der NATO und NATO-assoziierter Staaten.   13/04/2020   The Heckscher Museum of Art presents dynamic exhibitions and inspiring museum programs, serving the people of the Town of Huntington and all of Long Island. It maintains an important Permanent Collection that includes more than 2,300 pieces by American and European artists.   13/04/2016   HECUA has a 40 plus year history of taking students out of the classroom and into study abroad and study off-campus partnerships with communities in the US and around the world. HECUA’s programs in Ecuador, Italy, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Norway, and the United States focus on justice, social change, and imaginative approaches to difficult problems.,Lde/HD.html   21/05/2021   Stadt Heidelberg. Heidelberg gilt als eine der schönsten Städte Deutschlands. Das harmonische Ensemble von Schloss, Altstadt und Fluss inmitten der Berge inspirierte bereits die Dichter und Maler der Romantik und fasziniert auch heute Millionen von Besucherinnen und Besuchern aus aller Welt.   03/08/2016   Aktuelle Telepolis News.   03/08/2016   Wassenaar an der Donau. Erich Moechel 19.08.1998. Ein kleines Büro in Wien regelt die Exportkontrolle von Kryptographie-Programmen.   03/08/2016   The European Surveillance Union. Erich Moechel 20.11.1998. Europol Seeks a Broad Structure for Tapping Mobile Communications.   03/08/2016   Literatur. Telepolis. Unabhängig. Kritisch. Autorenjournalismus.   23/08/2020   Helsingin kaupunki. Helsinki on Suomen pääkaupunki ja Helsingin seudun noin 1,49 miljoonaa asukasta ja 779 000 työpaikkaa käsittävän talousalueen keskus. Helsinki perustettiin Ruotsin kuninkaan Kustaa Vaasan käskystä vuonna 1550 Vantaanjoen suulla sijaitsevan Helsinginkosken rannalle.   12/01/2016   HELCOM (Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission - Helsinki Commission) is the governing body of the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area, known as the Helsinki Convention.   18/06/2019   Helimax Aviation, Inc. is based in Sacramento, California and has been serving the utility industries in the area since 1996. We offer a variety of services to meet your needs. What sets us apart from the competition is that we operate the best and most capable aircraft available.   06/02/2017   Die Stiftung Helimission ist ein internationales Helikopter-Hilfswerk, welches im Jahre 1971 von Ernst Tanner gegründet worden ist. Seit 2002 ist Simon Tanner, Sohn von Ernst und Hedi, Leiter der Helimission. Ziel und Zweck der Helimission ist die Hilfeleistung an Menschen in abgelegenen, schwer zugänglichen Gebieten und zwar im sozialen, medizinischen und geistlichen Bereich.   06/02/2017   Heli Niugini Limited (HNL) is a Papua New Guinea (PNG) incorporated company with experience in operations throughout PNG, Australia, Asia and the Pacific. HNL specialises in Precision Construction, Mining and Petroleum industry support including seismic support in both general Visual Flight Rule (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) category operations.   06/01/2020   Helisota is an international provider of integrated maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO), training services for rotorcraft aviation. The company is a family member of Avia Solutions Group, the largest aerospace business group from Central & Eastern Europe with 67 offices and production stations.   12/01/2016   Heliwest Oy on vuonna 1992 perustettu yhtiö.Olemme erikoistuneet vaativiin helikopterilla suoritettaviin töihin, kuten erilaiset nostotyöt, oksien sahaus sähkölinjakaduilta, erilaisten mastojen rakennus-, ja asennustyöt, sähkölinjojen ja kaukolämpöverkkojen tarkastus- ja lämpökamerakuvaukset.   18/03/2017   HELPICARE produce e commercializza ausili informatici per le persone con disabilità. Opera nel settore delle tecnologie assistive a supporto del miglioramento della qualità della vita. Crediamo nella Professionalità intesa come garanzia di tutela per i clienti.   09/12/2020   Help Congo. Sanctuaire de chimpanzés au Congo. Help Congo est une association congolaise qui agit pour la protection des chimpanzés braconnés au Congo. Accueil et Réintroduction sont les leitmotivs de cette association qui a réalisé une première mondiale en 1996 en réintroduisant le premier groupe de chimpanzé en milieu naturel.   21/05/2021   Helsingin yliopisto on Suomen suurin ja vanhin tiedekorkeakoulu. Helsingin yliopistossa opiskelee yli 30.000 henkilöä ja työskentelee lähemmäs 10.000.   02/02/2016   Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology. Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki. Helsinki Institute of Physics. Astroparticle physics and cosmology are vital and growing disciplines at the borderline of particle physics and astrophysics. The subject of their study are the properties of the universe and matter under extreme conditions.   23/05/2017   Welcome to HEMAC. Flying a model plane and taking command of the skies is a real thrill, and at Hough End Model Aircraft Club, you can enjoy all the excitement of piloting an aircraft - plus it's affordable, sociable and great fun! We welcome everyone from aged 10 upwards.   28/02/2020   Henning R. Sørensen.   16/01/2021   The Herald Bulletin has a long history of serving Madison County. The Anderson Herald began publishing in 1868 as a weekly publication. The Anderson Daily Bulletin was formed in 1885 and became Madison County's first successful daily newspaper.   03/05/2020   The Herald-Dispatch. The Herald-Dispatch celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2009. The Herald-Dispatch’s roots go back to 1871 when O.G. Chase arrived in the Huntington area on a riverboat.   24/08/2020   Rock Hill Herald. Rock Hill SC Breaking News, Sports & Crime. Follow the Rock Hill Herald newspaper for the latest headlines on Southeast news. Find daily local breaking news, opinion columns, videos and community events.   13/02/2016 is published by the Herald & Times Group, one of Scotland's most successful and oldest media companies. Our newspaper division publishes The Herald, Evening Times and Sunday Herald. Founded in 1783 The Herald is one of the oldest newspapers in the world, whilst the Sunday Herald is Scotland's youngest (born 1999).   30/10/2020   Shirley C. Tucker University Herbarium at Lousiana State University: we study biodiversity of vascular plants, lichens, and fungi that enable research with history, databases, and interactive identification keys that work.   22/10/2015   Index Librorum Prohibitorum. Index of Prohibited Books from the Roman Office of the Inquisition, 1559.   31/05/2020   Herencia Latina Lo mejor en la WEB... y que lo diga la gente! Music history, in the making, now and then: Haciendo historia musical, ayer y hoy.   25/05/2018   The Heretical Press Public Service Website, Main Directory. The Heretical website is a collection of humorous and enlightening articles on many topics. Included are sex differences, female psychology, human games, science and unorthodox history.   24/09/2015   Founded and based in Brooklyn, New York, Heritage Foods USA is a farm-to-table online butcher dedicated to supporting family farms and increasing biodiversity in our nation's food system. Our mission is to create a fully traceable food supply, increase genetic diversity and foster land stewardship.   09/11/2020   Hermida Editores. Paracuellos de Jarama, Madrid.   01/08/2019   Hexagon Comics.   31/08/2018   Bergbau. Gruben, Fördertürme, Kraftwerke, Brikettfabriken... Industriefotografie Archiv. Industriefotografie, Industriegeschichte und Architektur.   08/06/2020   HfS, Hochschule für Schauspielkunst Ernst Busch.   17/10/2016   Hip Hop Bootleggers.   22/02/2019   It is the mission of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Americans. We fulfill that mission by providing for effective health and human services and fostering advances in medicine, public health, and social services.   22/08/2017   Hiba Music: Ecouter Musique Arabe gratuite en ligne, chanson arabe.   27/04/2017   This section of my web site is the largest which contains general information about fungi, some fun things to do with them and a large collection of photographs that have been taken over many years. Many are from the Auckland region of New Zealand although not limited only to this region.   02/06/2020   Sitio Web de la Dirección de Hidrometeorología de ETESA. República de Panamá.   28/10/2017   Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is an ambitious organisation with a unique remit from the Scottish Government that integrates economic and community development. We work in a diverse region which extends from Shetland to Argyll, and from the Outer Hebrides to Moray, covering more than half of Scotland’s land mass.   20/05/2021   The Highlights Foundation helps children's authors and illustrators hone their craft through intimate and inspiring workshops.   14/08/2019   Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) is a unit of the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa.   14/08/2019   The Pacific Regional Planetary Data Center (PRPDC) is an archive of planetary data that serves the planetary research and education community throughout the Pacific.   11/10/2019   HILOBROW. Josh Glenn, ed.   21/05/2021   Publishing Open Access research journals & papers. Hindawi. Maximizing the impact of research through openness. Because science works best when research is open.   21/05/2021   Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry publishes research into the methods and instrumentation used in chemical analysis, including spectroscopic, spectrometric and wet chemistry techniques, and their applications in real-world problems.   27/03/2017   Die Hinduja Bank (Schweiz) AG wurde 1994 als Schweizer Bankinstitut zur Fortführung der Asset-Management-Aktivitäten einer im Jahr 1978 entstandenen Finanzgesellschaft gegründet.   11/05/2021   Hiram College. Hiram is a coeducational liberal arts college of about 1100 men and women located in the historic Western Reserve region of Ohio. Hiram College is a liberal arts college with a proud heritage of educational innovation and excellence. Hiram was established in the mid-nineteenth century as a preparatory institution of high grade called the Western Reserve Eclectic Institute.   30/06/2018   Der S. Hirzel Verlag (SHV) wurde 1853 von Salomon Hirzel in Leipzig gegründet und war von Anfang an eng mit der Herausgabe des Deutschen Wörterbuches von Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm verbunden. Nach 1945 wurden im Zuge der deutschen Teilung nach der Übersiedlung der damaligen Eigentümer des Hirzel Verlags zunächst in Zürich, dann in Stuttgart weitere Dependancen des Verlages gegründet.   10/09/2019   Hislibris. Libros de Historia, libros con Historia. Este blog no pretende ser más que un punto de encuentro para aquellos que nos gustan los libros de historia. Como decía un gran amigo, se trata de acercar la historia a través de la literatura.   13/04/2020   Hispania Nostra es una asociación no lucrativa, declarada de utilidad pública. Su objetivo es la defensa, salvaguarda y puesta en valor del Patrimonio Cultural y Natural español.   21/05/2021   Fundacion Histarmar. Historia y Arqueología Marítima.   11/01/2016   Indice Armada argentina.   05/09/2020   Einbanddatenbank. Die Einbanddatenbank (EBDB) verfolgt das Ziel, die Einbanddurchreibungen von Bucheinbänden des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts in einer speziell auf die Anforderungen historischer Bucheinbände entworfenen Datenbank formal und inhaltlich zu erfassen.   20/09/2019   Kun Tampere täytti 220 vuotta, tehtiin sen historiasta Koskesta voimaa -verkkojulkaisu, joka kertoo, miten Tampere on kehittynyt Tammerkosken rannalle ja saanut koskesta voimaa. Olennainen osa tätä kokonaisuutta on Tampereen paikallishistoria -verkkoyhteisön ja kuntalaisten digitaalisen perinnepankin muodostaminen.   16/06/2018   Historia Net.   02/06/2018   The Irish Committee of Historical Sciences is the national committee for history in Ireland. We represent historians in Irish universities, schools, archives and societies.   21/05/2021   The American Historical Association is the largest professional organization serving historians in all fields and all professions. The AHA is a trusted voice advocating for history education, the professional work of historians, and the critical role of historical thinking in public life.   15/01/2021   Publications & Directories. American Historical Association.   28/05/2015   Blog de cine, estrenos de cine, cartelera, OSCAR, en el corazón de Hollywood, bandas sonoras.   12/09/2017   Històries de la Ciència. Històries sobre ciència i científics.   13/03/2017   Historic Aircraft Collection was formed in 1985 by Guy Black and Angus Spencer-Nairn to restore and operate Spitfire Mk. IX TE566. Alongside this major project, two other Spitfires were recovered from gate guardian roles in Belgium.   28/05/2015   Welcome to the new website for the Historic Aircraft Restoration Museum located at Creve Coeur Airport. The museum is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit educational institution, recognized and approved by the Federal Government and the State of Missouri. Our primary goal is the acquisition, restoration, display, and operation of antique and vintage aircraft.   28/05/2015   The Historical Aircraft Squadron, Inc. is an all- volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration, display and operation of former military aircraft and related equipment in our hangar/ museum located at the Fairfield County Airport.   21/03/2016   The Historical Text Archive is in its 25th year of publishing high quality articles, books, essays, documents, historical photos, and links, screened for content, for a broad range of historical subjects. It was founded in 1990 in Mississippi and is one of the oldest history sites on the Internet.   28/05/2015   The Historical Text Archive contains 74 books.   04/01/2018   For years, Historic Aviation has been the best place for modelers and aviation enthusiasts to shop! We offer thousands of models, kits, books, DVDs, prints and posters, hats and t-shirts, and much more. We know you'll enjoy shopping with us to get everything you could want to enjoy your love of all things aviation.   21/10/2017   Historici is dé website voor iedereen met een serieuze interesse in de Nederlandse geschiedenis. Onderzoekers, studenten, docenten, archivarissen, museummedewerkers en historisch geïnteresseerden vinden hier het laatste nieuws, toegang tot een grote collectie online onderzoeksmateriaal en publicaties, en discussie over het vakgebied.   24/05/2020   Historische Archive und Museen der Stadt Hagen - Geschichte erforschen, erfahren und erleben. Das Historische Centrum in Hagen ist eine Institution zur Erforschung, Bewahrung und Präentation von Geschichte im Ruhrgebiet und in Nordrhein-Westfalen.   22/04/2020   History. Watch full episodes of your favorite History series, and dive into thousands of historical articles and videos. To know History is to know life.   22/02/2019   The Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC), headed by the Director of Naval History, is an Echelon II command headquartered on the Washington Navy Yard, D.C. The Naval History and Heritage Command traces its lineage to 1794, when the Navy Department Library was established under the Naval Bureau, which was part of the War Department in Philadelphia.   15/12/2015   Kun Tampere täytti 220 vuotta, tehtiin sen historiasta Koskesta voimaa -verkkojulkaisu, joka kertoo, miten Tampere on kehittynyt Tammerkosken rannalle ja saanut koskesta voimaa.   12/05/2020   History Channel.   14/08/2020   The History Guide. The History Guide has been created for the high school and undergraduate student who is either taking classes in history, or who intends to major in history in college. Steven Kreis.   30/01/2021   History Ireland. Illustrated Irish history magazine suitable for the scholar and the general reader. Feature articles from all periods of history, book reviews, news, events.   21/11/2020   The History Learning Site Covering All Historical Topics. The History Learning Site covered all interesting topics of history like Ancient Rome, Medieval England, Nazi Germany, Stuart England, World War Two and many more.   09/08/2018   History Net is brought to you by the world’s largest publisher of history magazines. History Net contains daily features, photo galleries and over 5,000 articles originally published in our various magazines. If you are interested in a specific history subject, try searching our archives, you are bound to find something to pique your interest.   22/07/2018   The History Place is a private, independent, Internet-only publication based in the Boston area that is not affiliated with any political group or organization. The Web site presents a fact-based, common sense approach in the presentation of the history of humanity, with great care given to accuracy.   22/07/2018   The History Place. Vietnam War.   04/05/2017   History Today.   09/06/2020   History Today. Inside this month’s features, reviews, and short articles.   04/05/2017   Since 1999, HistoryWiz offered history to students, teachers and lovers of history. The site is aimed primarily at the adult, upper high school, and college level. The mission of this site is to promote an interest in history, to help us understand where we have been so we can know where we are going, and to provide high-quality history materials free of charge to everyone.   04/05/2017   The cold war began with mistrust between the Soviet Union and the western democracies as early as the Russian Revolution. The Soviet Union felt it had good cause to mistrust the west.   21/05/2021   History World contains narrative world history and interactive world history timelines. History World’s aim is to make world history more easily accessible through interactive narratives and timelines. Written by Bamber Gascoigne, it consists of about 300 narratives and some 10,000 events on searchable timelines.   04/05/2017   ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BRITAIN. The site contains more than 5000 entries from Bamber Gascoigne's Encyclopedia of Britain, originally published by Macmillan in 1993. HistoryWorld.   10/02/2020   History World’s aim is to make world history more easily accessible through interactive narratives and timelines. Written by Bamber Gascoigne, it consists of about 300 narratives ( the alphabetical list runs from Aegean Civilization to Zoroastrianism) and some 10,000 events on searchable timelines.   09/06/2017   Timeline Selection. HistoryWorld.   11/01/2017   Single-Subject Timelines.   09/06/2017   Whizz Quizz Questions. HistoryWorld.   09/06/2017   HistoryWorld contains narrative world history and interactive world history timelines.   09/06/2017   What. When. Where. HistoryWorld.   18/12/2015   El Centro de Histoterapia Placentaria de la Habana, Cuba es una institución dedicada a la investigación, producción y aplicación terapéutica de medicamentos y cosméticos, extraídos de la placenta humana.   09/02/2016   Hitta hjälper dig att enkelt och snabbt hitta relevant information om företag, personer och platser. På finns adresser och telefonnummer till alla svenska företag och privatpersoner. Dessutom finns kartor, vägbeskrivningar, gatubilder, satellitbilder och mycket annat som hjälper dig att hitta rätt både via webben och mobilen.   17/07/2018   HLN. Het Laatste Nieuws. Volg het nieuws op de nr1 nieuwssite in België, brengt je het allerlaatste nieuws 24/24 en 7/7, uit binnen - en buitenland, evenals dichtbij met nieuws uit je eigen regio.   30/09/2015   Homepage Hans Le Roy: Spanish, Teaching, Computer Sciences and more.   21/05/2021   The Henry Luce Foundation seeks to enrich public discourse by promoting innovative scholarship, cultivating new leaders, and fostering international understanding. Established in 1936 by Henry R. Luce, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of Time, Inc., the Foundation’s earliest work honored his parents, missionary educators in China.   10/06/2020   Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium.   20/03/2020   The Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) was founded in 1974 and incorporated as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the State of New York.   24/07/2020   HMH Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Trade division, strives to entertain, inform, and connect with readers everywhere.   23/11/2017   The Hill Museum & Manuscript Library (HMML), located at Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota, holds the world’s largest archive of manuscript photographs in both microfilm and digital format. HMML identifies manuscript collections around the world that need photographic preservation.   23/11/2017   Collections. Hill Museum and Manuscript Library - Preserve and Share. Learn more about the world of manuscripts you will find in HMML’s digital and microfilm collections.   21/05/2021   H-Net Humanities and Social Sciences Online is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web.   30/03/2019   The Historic Naval Ships Association (HNSA) links the public with historic ships from around the world. These ships are storytellers and the deeds of those who served aboard them provide inspiration to present and future generations.   01/05/2020   호암미술관은 삼성그룹의 창업자인 호암 이병철 선생이 30 년에 걸쳐 수집한 한국미술품을 바탕으로 1982 4 22일에 개관한 사립 미술관입니다.   15/05/2020   Welcome to the Here Of A Sunday Morning website. Those of you who listen on Sunday mornings to WBAI 99.5 FM, Pacifica Radio in New York need little by way of introduction, but for those who come to this site by way of a weblink or websearch, it may help to know that Here Of A Sunday Morning is a radio program that I have been hosting on WBAI since the early 1970s.   18/02/2019   The Ars Nova in England. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries much English music appears conservative beside contemporary French compositions, though this is not altogether a correct impression.   25/05/2019   IVD: Social Music In Italy.   25/05/2019   IVI: The French Chanson. In the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries it is difficult to speak of a French musical idiom distinct from that of Burgundy or the Netherlands. The culture of Burgundy, as well as that of most of the Netherlands provinces, was French.   18/02/2019   Thomas Bateson (c.1570 -1630). English composer. After serving as organist at Chester Cathedral (from 1590) he went to Holy Trinity (now Christ Church) Cathdral, Dublin, as a singer in 1609, and became master of the choristers in 1618; in 1615 he became the first Dublin B.Mus, and M.Art (Trinity College, Dublin) in 1622.   18/02/2019   Thomas Campion (Campian) (1567-1620). English poet and composer. Campion was son of the attorney and diplomatic courier John Campion: he was raised in affluence and entered Cambridge in 1581. Leaving three years later, probably without a degree, he joined Gray's Inn, a gentleman's society that engaged in amateur and semi-professional music-making.   25/05/2019   IVM:England Through 1635. English music flourished under Henry VIII, owing in no small measure to his interest in it, and also under Edward VI and Mary, to reach, at the end of Elizabeth's reign, a level rarely approached thereafter.   18/02/2019   Thomas Ford (c.1580-1648). Lutenist and composer. Thomas Ford was in the service of Prince Henry and, from 1625 until the civil war, was one of the king's musicians; he is of significance mainly as a composer of ayres. Musician and arranger in masque (1613).   25/05/2019   New Releases. Here Of A Sunday Morning.   25/05/2019   The Research Periods. Fifty years ago, when Deutsche Grammophon started its pioneering Archiv Produktion label devoted to (increasingly authentic) performances of early music, the ambitious plan organized the works that were to be recorded in "Research Periods" and through the early 1970s all recordings on that label were classified according to the scheme.   25/05/2019   VIIA: Henry Purcell and his Contemporaries.   05/09/2018   Créé en 2000, Hoax Buster poursuit un objectif: mettre un terme à la propagation des hoax et des rumeurs en circulation sur le web francophone!. La mission semble impossible?. Voilà une bonne raison de rejoindre le réseau mondial de la HoaxTeam en devenant vous aussi un "HoaxBuster".   05/09/2018   The goal of the Hoax-Slayer Website is to help make the Internet a safer, more pleasant and more productive environment by: Debunking email and Internet hoaxes. Thwarting Internet scammers. Educating web users about email and Internet security issues. Combating spam.   28/10/2019 is family owned and operated from Atlanta, Georgia since 1971. Originally a local hobby shop, moved exclusively online in 1994 with the simple idea of offering the largest selection of general hobby items at the lowest prices. Today, has grown into one of the largest online suppliers of general hobby items in the world!   24/03/2021   Negative Space. Books, games, and the politics of prohibition. Special pages include Tools for Comic Creators, Cerebus the Gopher, Neon Alley, Jerry's Diner, Highland Games, Strange Bedfellows, FireBlade Coffeehouse, Oscar Wilde, and Alexandre Dumas. And many, many more!   28/12/2016   Pocket Guide to Recreational Drugs. A Practical Guide To The Safety And Health Issues Of Licit And Illicit Recreational Drug Use. Updated November 18, 1995 with a minor update on October 29, 2006.   27/02/2016   Recetas de cocina y trucos de Karlos Arguiñano, Eva Arguiñano. Hogarmania. Las recetas y trucos de cocina de Karlos Arguiñano, Arzak o Bruno Oteiza y los postres de Eva Arguiñano en la sección cocina de Hogarmania.   22/06/2020   Hoja de Lata. Lecturas sugerentes para tiempos inciertos. Hoja de Lata es una pequeña editorial independiente que publica libros en papel de narrativa y no ficción. Pretendemos llegar a ese público lector habitual que sabe lo que quiere y que se deja asesorar por su librero de confianza.   13/04/2016   HOKEJ.   19/04/2020   Hollywood brings Hollywood to the world – we cover the movies, TV shows, and stars you care about and we help you discover what’s new in entertainment. dates back to the 1990’s.   13/03/2020   Hollywood Pinup. Classic cheesecake pics of silver screen starlets. Pin-up, cheesecake, glamour portraits, movie stills, and other movie collectables are on display at Hollywood Pinup. Pictures of silver screen actress's, B movie queens, and starlets.   11/12/2020   Hollywood Reporter. Entertainment News.   20/05/2021   The Holocaust Memorial Center honors as survivors any persons, Jewish or non-Jewish, who were displaced, persecuted, or discriminated against due to the racial, religious, ethnic, social, and political policies of the Nazis and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945.   24/02/2016   Холодильник. интернет магазин бытовой техники. Холодильники, стиральные машины и другая бытовая техника. Интернет магазин Холодильники, стиральные машины и бытовая техника. Выбрать и купить холодильник   посудомоечные машины   микроволновые печи встраиваемую технику.   12/03/2020   Holstein. Antiquar und Buchautor. Jürgen Holstein, geboren 1936 in Berlin, absolvierte eine Lehre als Antiquariatsbuchhändler. Es folgten mehrere Jahre im Antiquariat Bruno Hessling, Berlin, danach wurde er Geschäftsführer im Antiquariat Amelang in Frankfurt am Main. 1966 gründete er sein eigenes Antiquariat.   26/10/2016   In 1901, nineteen years before women had the right to vote, an independent school for girls first opened its doors. The School founders were Jessie Moon Holton and Carolyn Hough Arms. The high academic standards for which Holton-Arms School is known today were set during those first years at 2125 S Street, NW, Washington, DC.   22/10/2020   HOME has been a nonprofit public education and research group since 2000, incorporating in January 2006. Our board is composed of people with decades of experience in hazardous materials waste management, technology and transportation, geology, toxic impacts on health, computer modeling, and advanced chemistry.   21/10/2017   Magic-1 is a completely homebuilt minicomputer. It doesn't use an off-the-shelf microprocessor, but instead has a custom CPU made out of 74 Series TTL chips. Altogether there are more than 200 chips in Magic-1 connected together with thousands of individually wrapped wires.   03/06/2020   Homem na Cozinha. Do caderno de receitas de um pai de família, saiu o primeiro blog do Brasil com receitas voltadas para o público masculino. Com o tempo, o site passou a cobrir todo lifestyle masculino. O Homem na Cozinha deixou, há bastante tempo, de ser um blog pessoal para se tornar em um grande repositório de receitas e vivências.   03/10/2019   Site du Dr Robert Séror.   03/10/2019   Introduction au catalogue de remèdes homéopathiques ou du lexique Français-Latin des remèdes homéopathiques de la nomenclature française. Docteur Robert Séror.   16/03/2020   Association Homo Vivens. Notre projet est de faire en sorte que ce site Homo Vivens devienne un haut lieu de la réflexion et de l'information sur les transformations que l'homme opère en lui-même au fur et à mesure qu'il progresse dans la conviction que toute vie, y compris la sienne, se réduit à la mécanique.   16/05/2018   Honducor. Empresa de Correos de Honduras.   21/12/2019   Honduras Tips, encuentra Hoteles, Restaurantes, Transportes, Actividades, Artículos y mucho más información en la La guía oficial de turismo en Honduras.   15/05/2018   Culturas Vivas. Honduras Tips. La Guía Oficial de Turismo en Honduras.   16/02/2016   Parohia Evanghelică din Braşov aparţine de Biserica Evanghelică C.A. din România. În limba germană poartă numele de "Comunitatea Honterus" după reformatorul braşovean Johannes Honterus. Comunitatea Bisericii Negre este o comunitate vorbitoare de limba germană, având în vedere că membrii ei aparţin preponderent minorității saşilor transilvăneni din România.   25/05/2020   Hontza Liburudenda. Donostia.   14/08/2020   Hoover Institution. The Hoover Institution at Stanford University is a public policy think tank promoting the principles of individual, economic, and political freedom.   14/08/2020   Hoover Fellows. Hoover's core strength is its exceptional scholars, some esteemed generalists, capable of addressing broad policy applications, others for their expertise in specific areas of public policy.   14/08/2020   Library & Archives. Founded by Herbert Hoover in 1919, the Hoover Institution Library & Archives are dedicated to documenting war, revolution, and peace in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.   14/08/2020   Publications. The Hoover Institution generates a wide variety of outreach products to advance our fellows’ ideas and scholarship across a broad range of issues and topics.   14/08/2020   Hoover Research. As a policy-oriented enterprise steeped in academic tradition, the Hoover Institution seeks to deploy its unique intellectual resources toward practical and timely applications, focusing on peace, personal freedom, and safeguards to the US system.   15/02/2016   Jornal Hora do Povo. Noticias, artes, ciencias, cultura, politica, musica, historia, filosofia, educacao, esportes.   21/05/2021   August Horch Museum in Zwickau. Etwa 160 automobile Großexponate und eine Vielzahl von Kleinexponaten begeistern auf 6.500 m2 Ausstellungsfläche (nicht nur) Auto- und Technikfreunde. Ein Wechselspiel von Objektpräsentationen und Inszenierungen prägt die Ausstellung im August Horch Museum in Zwickau, ergänzt durch Multimediastationen und historische Dokumente.   13/04/2016   Host. Your Free Web Hosting Partner. Free webhosting with many features!.   17/03/2017   La Asociación de Empresarios de Hostelería de Navarra está compuesta por un grupo multidisciplinar de profesionales al servicio de las necesidades de todos sus asociados. Abogados, gestores, profesionales del marketing y técnicos administrativos que velan por la seguridad y el crecimiento de sus negocios.   15/09/2019   Hot Dishes. Recipes.   01/11/2020   Les Hôtels Littéraires sont des établissements 4 étoiles dédiés à des écrivains comme Marcel Proust, Gustave Flaubert, Alexandre Vialatte, Marcel Aymé ou Arthur Rimbaud. Les Hôtels Littéraires recréent l’univers de ces auteurs à travers des bibliothèques, des œuvres d’art et des citations.   09/02/2016   HotMoney. To co się liczy. Miejsce, które jest kompendium informacji na temat pieniędzy i biznesu. Dowiedz się, jaka jest prawdziwa sytuacja gospodarki i jak będzie się rozwijać w perspektywie kilkuletniej.   17/08/2020   Hot Springs Sentinel Record. The Sentinel-Record is Hot Springs, Arkansas source for news, entertainment, weather, classifieds, jobs, autos, real estate, and Oaklawn racing information.   22/02/2019   Peterson Field Guides(R). The most informative and practical nature guides available. Includes comprehensive birding resources, complete listing of available guides, and biography of Roger Tory Peterson.   22/02/2019   20/03/2020   The House of Blues grew out of founder Isaac Tigrett's love for the unique American art form known as the "the Blues". Weaned on this music during his early childhood in Tennessee, one of Isaac's goals was to introduce the world to the music of the rural south, including the Blues, Rhythm and Blues, Gospel, Jazz and Roots-based Rock & Roll.   28/12/2016   House of Blues. Chicago. House Of Blues Chicago Announcements. New Year's Eve. Spend New Year's Eve With Better Than Ezra! Get Your Tickets Here And Ring In The New Year At House Of Blues!   10/03/2019   House of Blues Myrtle Beach. Featuring a beautiful music hall and soul to spare, House of Blues is Myrtle Beach’s premier live entertainment venue. Located near Barefoot Landing & Barefoot Resort, the House of Blues experience brings together authentic American food, live music, and art like no other place on Earth.   01/06/2018   The Howard Aircraft Foundation (HAF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation dedicated to the preservation and support of the airplanes inspired in the 1930's by the vision of Ben O. Howard. Without support, these airplanes could not survive into perpetuity.   25/04/2020   Howlin’ Wuelf Media is a publicity cabal founded by Howard Wuelfing, a veteran of 12 years with Columbia Records preceded by an additional 4 years with JEM Records. Howard brings his intense love of diverse musics as well as decades of practical experience to the undertaking.   20/12/2020   Hoy Bolivia. El primer Periódico Digital de Bolivia. El Primer Periodico por e-mail y en Línea de Bolivia, con variedad de noticias que se actualizan 2 veces al día.   21/10/2017   The Museum of HP Calculators displays and describes Hewlett-Packard calculators introduced from 1968 to 1986 plus a few interesting later models. There are also sections on calculating machines and slide rules as well as sections for buying and selling HP calculators, an HP timeline, collecting information and a software library.   22/07/2016   Since its inception in 1958, NASA has accomplished many great scientific and technological feats in air and space. NASA technology also has been adapted for many nonaerospace uses by the private sector. NASA remains a leading force in scientific research and in stimulating public interest in aerospace exploration, as well as science and technology in general.   21/05/2021   Apollo Expeditions to the Moon.   22/09/2016   On the Shoulders of Titans: A History of Project Gemini by Barton C. Hacker and James M. Grimwood. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.   22/07/2016   The Troubled Launching of SA-5, January 1964. The block II version of Saturn I (SA-5 through SA-10) represented a sizable increase in launch requirements over block I.   22/07/2016   Apollo 5: The Lunar Module's Debut. A 1966 schedule called for LM-1 to be delivered to Cape Kennedy on 16 November of that year, but the craft ran into difficulties in manufacturing and the months slipped by.   22/07/2016   Quest for Performance: The Evolution of Modern Aircraft.   22/09/2016   History Timelines. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.   22/09/2016   Women's Achievements in Aviation and Space.   02/05/2021   Hrady, zámky, tvrze a spoustu dalších zajímavých míst na výlety a cestování nejen po České Republice.   07/02/2020   Harry Ransom Center. The Ransom Center is an internationally renowned humanities research center at The University of Texas at Austin. The collections include nearly 1 million books, more than 42 million manuscripts, 5 million photographs, and 100,000 works of art.   09/02/2016   Vše o hrách na Hrej.   27/02/2021   Defending Human Rights Worldwide. Human Rights Watch investigates and reports on abuses happening in all corners of the world. We are roughly 450 people of 70-plus nationalities who are country experts, lawyers, journalists, and others who work to protect the most at risk, from vulnerable minorities and civilians in wartime, to refugees and children in need.   12/11/2019   Africa. Human Rights Watch.   09/05/2018   Human Rights News. Documents on Colombia. Colombia: U.S. "Misses an Opportunity". Certification Not Based on Facts. (New York, July 8, 2003).   09/05/2018   Generation Under Fire. Children and Violence in Colombia. Human Rights Watch/Americas (formerly America's Watch). Human Rights Watch Children's Rights Project.   09/05/2018   Colombia's Killer Networks. The Military - Paramilitary Partnership and the United States. The junior and mid-level officers who tolerated, planned, directed, and even took part in paramilitary violence in Colombia in the 1980s now occupy senior positions in the Colombian military.   09/02/2016   Nově přidané hry. Hry.   23/08/2020   Helsingin Sanomat. Tuoreimmat uutiset. Näkökulmia yhteiskuntaan, kulttuuriin, hyvinvointiin ja tieteeseen. Laadukkaita timanttiartikkeleja ja koukuttavaa datajournalismia.   14/04/2020   HSBC Malta. Credit Cards, Accounts, Loans. Bank in Malta. HSBC Personal Banking offers a range of bank accounts with online banking 24/7, mortgages, savings, investments, credits cards, loans and insurance.   01/02/2021   Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia is a nationally ranked private liberal arts college for men. Hampden-Sydney College has unique bragging rights - it is the tenth oldest institution of higher learning in the United States (1775), and is the oldest of the country's few remaining private colleges that specializes in educating and developing young men.   22/02/2019   This is a World Wide Web site for official information about Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron TWO FIVE. It is provided as a public service by HSC-25. The purpose is to provide information and news about HSC-25 to the general public.   22/02/2019   This is a World Wide Web site for official information about Helicopter Sea Combat Squardon SIX. It is provided as a public service by HSC-6. The purpose is to provide information and news about HSC-6 to the general public. Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron SIX (HSC-6) transitioned from Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron SIX (HS-6) and commissioned on July 8, 2011.   13/07/2020   NM Human Services Department. To transform lives. Working with our partners, we design and deliver innovative, high quality health and human services that improve the security and promote independence for New Mexicans in their communities.   24/12/2020   Hearing, Speech & Deaf Center (HSDC). Seattle & Puget Sound. HSDC provides audiology, hearing aids, speech therapy, advocacy for the Deaf, early education, and ASL interpreting in Seattle and the Puget Sound region.   19/05/2018   The Homeland Security Digital Library (HSDL) is the nation’s premier collection of documents related to homeland security policy, strategy, and organizational management. The HSDL is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s National Preparedness Directorate, FEMA and the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security.   19/05/2018   HSE: Information about health and safety at work. Advice, guidance, news, templates, tools, legislation, publications from Great Britain's independent regulator for work-related health, safety and illness; HSE.   19/05/2018   Public register of prosecutions. This site gives details of prosecution cases pursued by the Health and Safety Executive, that resulted in successful convictions. To account for the appeals process and internal quality assurance, cases are published 9 weeks following conviction.   19/05/2018   Hand-arm vibration exposure calculator. As part of the package which supports the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005 we have produced a calculator to assist in calculating exposures for hand-arm vibration.   19/05/2018   Workers' health and safety. This site provides information for all workers on their rights and responsibilities that affect health and safety at work. All workers are entitled to work in environments where risks to their health and safety are properly controlled.   19/05/2018   Национальный исследовательский университет Высшая школа экономики. Не для школы, а для жизни мы учимся.   01/02/2020   Holding Slovenske elektrarne d. o. o. je obvladujoča družba skupine HSE. Sedež ima v Ljubljani in poslovne enote v Mariboru, Šoštanju in Novi Gorici.   19/05/2018   The Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) is an executive non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for the Economy (DfE). HSENI is the lead body responsible for the promotion and enforcement of health and safety at work standards in Northern Ireland.   27/03/2017   Historical Society of Jews from Egypt. This site is designed to gather, and provide historical and current information on the Jews From Egypt, one of the most ancient established societies in the world. We will attempt to cover the period from Joseph Saadia el Fayoumi (Saadia Gaon) to the present day.   27/03/2017   Consists of account books, by-laws, case files, certificates, correspondence, legal documents, minutes, photographs and reports from the Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jewish communities of Cairo.   26/10/2017   H.S.L. is the oldest Club of its type in N.S.W. It is primarily a radio controlled glider Club. We also encourage and have eletric powered models being flown by members. Sports power planes are generally not flown at H.S.L. and our constitution and terms of lease, do not allow them to be flown as a rule.   18/12/2020   HTML Goodies: The Ultimate HTML Resource. Free web developent tutorials, resources, and help featuring tutorials on HTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, color codes, hex codes, Open Source CMSs, SEO, and more.   18/12/2020   HTML5 Development Center. HTML Goodies HTML5 Resource page for tutorials, how-tos, and other information on using HTML 5, CSS3, and new browser features.   27/02/2016   Helicopter Transport Services began operations in Baltimore, Maryland in 1993, specializing in charter, law enforcement and electronic news gathering services. Our success in these sectors in large markets such as Chicago, Philadelphia and Washington D.C., led to active growth.   13/04/2020   Hubert Gallery is a fine art landmark on Manhattan's Upper East Side, bringing modern and contemporary masterworks to New York. Founded in 1989, Hubert Gallery. Modern and Contemporary Masterworks. Hubert Gallery is proud to exhibit both Modern and Contemporary Masters. Important artists from the Modern era include Matisse, Braque, Picasso and Miro.   06/11/2015   HuffPost Weird News. Strange-But-True Stories from the Headlines. Whether it’s weird, funny or bizarre we’ve got news stories on dumb crime, UFOs, paranormal activity, urban legends, anatomical wonders and much more.   25/05/2019   Handcrafted in Switzerland since 1996. Since 1996, I take pride building my guitars all by hand using small power tools. I create my instruments with passion and perfectionism. I do not use any computer controlled machine (CNC) and create a very limited amount of guitars (approx 6-8) per annum. Every instrument is completely unique and reflects the dedication to my craft!   21/11/2020   The University of Hull. Where teaching and research combine. The University of Hull has been changing the way people think for 90 years. Our motto, Lampada Ferens, translates as ‘carrying the light of learning’, and over the years, we’ve shared that light with thousands of people from across the world.   21/11/2020   Library. University of Hull. Search the Library for books, eBooks, journal articles, DVDs, exam papers, referencing guides, and more.   24/10/2019   The University of Hull has been changing the way people think for 90 years. Our motto, Lampada Ferens, translates as ‘carrying the light of learning’, and over the years, we’ve shared that light with thousands of people from across the world.   03/11/2020   Hull New Theatre & Hull City Hall. Today, Hull City Hall offers a wide range of events each year, hosting top international names in contemporary live music as well as headline comedy acts, the world’s leading orchestras, celebrities, adventurers, drama, musicals, opera and more. Hull New Theatre abrió el sábado 16 de octubre de 1939 con 'Me And My Girl' de Noel Gay.   08/05/2021   Cornell College of Human Ecology. High-quality education, research and public engagement are the cornerstones of the College of Human Ecology and its academic departments, which include: Human Development, Design + Environmental Analysis, Nutritional Sciences, Policy Analysis and Management, and Fiber Science & Apparel Design.   23/12/2020   L'Humanité. Toute l'actualité en France et à l'international, décryptages et débats. L'Humanité, le journal de la justice sociale, de l'écologie et de l'émancipation humaine.   22/04/2020   Faculty of Humanities, McMaster University. The Faculty of Humanities first came into being as a result of the The McMaster University Act, 1976. The act officially launched the modern era creating the Faculties of Business, Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences.   22/04/2020   The Bertrand Russell Research Centre. McMaster University.   21/10/2017   The Film and Video Center at UC-Irvine is Orange County’s premiere art house cinema and cinemathèque, featuring both archival and contemporary works that reflect a wide spectrum of audiovisual practices, from popular Hollywood cinema to experimental video and electronic media, to documentary and independent narrative film.   07/05/2018   Humboldt State students enjoy an extraordinary college experience, taking small classes taught by professors who know them by name. They live and learn in one of the world's most beautiful places—near ancient redwood forests, mountains and beaches. We are located 275 miles north of San Francisco in the town of Arcata, which is recognized as one of the West's best college towns.   19/05/2018   Die Humboldt-Stiftung setzt sich für die Chancengleichheit von Frauen und Männern in der Forschung ein. In ihren Veröffentlichungen und auf dieser Website bemüht sie sich deshalb um geschlechtergerechte Formulierungen. Aus Gründen der Lesbarkeit wird aber auch das generische Maskulinum verwendet.   20/03/2020   Welcome to Hummingbirds, a place to learn about attracting, watching, feeding, and studying the hummingbirds that breed in North America.   20/02/2020   Hundertvierzehn. Das literarische Online-Magazin des S. Fischer Verlags. 114, das ist unsere Hausnummer in der Frankfurter Hedderichstraße. Auf wollen wir, die Lektor*innen des S. Fischer Verlags, unsere Autor*innen beim Nachdenken auf Nebenwegen begleiten, beim Fragen und Fragen beantworten, bei dem also, was andere »work in progress« genannt haben.   17/12/2020   The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens is a collections-based educational and research institution established by Henry E. Huntington and located in San Marino, California.   13/07/2020   HCTPL. Huntington City. Township Public Library. The public library for the city of Huntington, the township of Huntington, and the town of Markle in Northeast Indiana in the United States of America.   07/02/2020   The Huntington Theatre Company engages, inspires, entertains and challenges audiences with theatrical productions that range from the classics to new works; we train and support the next generation of theatre artists; we provide arts education programs that promote life-long learning to a diverse community; and we celebrate the essential power of the theatre to illuminate our common humanity.   02/01/2021   Post Hill, Allenspark, Colorado Current Weather Conditions. Personal Website of Stan & Margaret Huntting.   31/05/2018   The goal of is to make Husserl's thought more accessible by providing free resources and scholarly tools. These tools include: a searchable database of keywords, a database of Husserl's writings and Husserl scholarship, and a concept-database.   31/05/2018   The first Husserl Circle Conference was held at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri June 1969, through the initiative of José Huertas-Jourda, Algis Mickunas, and F. Joseph Smith. The participants agreed that meetings should be held annually with the primary purpose the communication of phenomenological research and discussion of Husserl’s philosophy.   12/05/2020   Edmund Husserl. Resources detailing the life, works, and influence of Edmund Husserl, the 20th-century German philosopher and founder of the phenomenological movement.   01/05/2019   Het Huygens Instituut voor Nederlandse Geschiedenis voert analytisch onderzoek uit op het gebied van de Nederlandse letterkunde, geschiedenis en wetenschapsgeschiedenis in combinatie met innovatieve digitale methoden.   21/05/2021   Heriot-Watt University. We are proud that since our foundation in 1821, we have been outward looking pioneers of education, in pursuit of knowledge to the benefit of society and the world.   21/11/2020   Mathematical and Computer Sciences. Heriot-Watt University. From a pioneering institute born out of the Scottish Enlightenment, today we are shaping the world, a global university, a leader in transnational education.   13/04/2016   HWINFO. Slogan - pokrok nezastavíš!.   13/11/2019   Thomas Hylland Eriksen er sosialantropolog, forfatter og kunnskapsformidler, men han deltar også i det offentlige ordskiftet om temaer som klima, flerkulturalitet og identitetspolitikk. Dette nettstedet, «Engaging with the world», har eksistert i ulike inkarnasjoner og tapninger siden 1996.   14/04/2016   Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.   12/05/2019   HyperNietzsche est un groupe de recherche international consacré à l’interprétation et à l’édition de l’œuvre de Nietzsche. D’un point de vue juridique, le groupe de recherche se base sur l’Association HyperNietzsche, une association non lucrative de droit français (loi 1/7/1901) fondée à l’École normale supérieure de Paris en l’an 2001.   08/09/2019   This site is based upon the work of Stephen Kane & Dawn Gelino on the topic of Habitable Zones, particularly for planets in eccentric orbits. This work in turn is based upon numerous other references. The Habitable Zone (HZ) is defined as the range of circumstellar distances from a star within which a planet could have liquid water on its surface, given a dense enough atmosphere.   10/12/2020   HZZ. Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje - službeni web. Učinkovito posredujemo na tržištu rada s ciljem osiguranja potrebne radne snage, postizanja pune zaposlenosti te ostvarivanja prava za vrijeme nezaposlenosti, uz promicanje partnerskih odnosa s dionicima na tržištu rada.