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Saturday, August 5, 2023

f _ f   19/06/2018   The Chance-Vought F4U Corsair was, in the opinion of many, the finest piston-engined fighter ever built. This page is the hub of a network of pages each regarding a specific area of this aircraft.   18/05/2021   Wildlife Watching with FAB. A blog about UK birding and wildlife. Frank Boxell (aka FAB). From an early age I loved exploring the heath, woods and farmland close to my birth place on the Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire borders.   26/12/2020   The University Museum of Contemporary Art - the teaching museum of the University Massachusetts Amherst – is a multidisciplinary, international laboratory for the exploration and advancement of contemporary art.   2/26/2023   Yale University Office of Facilities. The Office of Facilities provides services that support construction projects, maintenance, and operations for all buildings and facilities throughout the University.   10/06/2018   S. Marc Cohen. Professor Emeritus. Department of Philosophy. University of Washington.   10/06/2018   Philosophy 433. Philosophy of Aristotle. University of Washington.   10/06/2018   Scott B. Noegel. Professor of Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization. University of Washington.   10/06/2018   Books. Scott B. Noegel. Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization. University of Washington.   19/04/2019   Fairview Public Library. Welcome to the website of the Fairview Free Public Library where you can find out more about our resources, programs, staff and hours.   1/31/2023   Fairview Free Public Library. Fairview, New Jersey.   27/07/2021   Famgus Aviation Postcards. The aviation postcards of my collection are grouped in the following three main areas, aircrafts, airlines and airports.   4/19/2022   Famgus Aviation Postcard. The following web pages are dedicated to my collection of aviation postcards covering commercial   airlines and airports.   25/06/2020   Fanfare for Aaron Copland. These pages are dedicated to the dean of american composers, Aaron Copland.   12/03/2020   Fanny Rush is one of Britain's leading painters, known for her portraits. Based in London she works internationally.   1/14/2023   FAPAES. Federació d’Asssociacions de Mares i Pares d’Alumnes d’estudis sufragats amb fons públics no universitaris de Catalunya.   26/10/2021   Fargo Air Museum is a non-profit museum dedicated to promoting aviation through education, preservation and restoration. A North Dakota favorite location for wedding, private & corporate event rental in Fargo.   28/08/2019   Военная тематика и моделизм. Armament, Military history, Modeling.   21/06/2021   FA-RE-MI. En 1954, y viendo la necesidad de una revista que se hiciera eco de los artistas, tanto paraguayos como extranjeros, que difundían la música paraguaya en el mundo, fundamos con unos amigos FA-RE-MI.   22/10/2020   The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) provides science-based analysis of and solutions to protect against catastrophic threats to national and international security.   11/08/2019   Laser Fundamentals. Robert Aldrich. The word "laser" is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.   07/01/2020   Fashion United: Modevaknieuws, Trends en Modevacatures. Fashion United is een toonaangevend onafhankelijk platform voor de modebranche met het laatste mode nieuws, trends, en de meest complete mode vacaturebank.   13/11/2019   Department of History, The School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. History happens every day, and informs who we are as individuals, as citizens, and as members of the world community.   13/11/2019   Sacred Harp is a uniquely American tradition that brings communities together to sing four-part hymns and anthems. It is a proudly inclusive and democratic part of our shared cultural heritage.   13/11/2019   Alvin I. Goldman. Board of Governors Professor of Philosophy and Cognitive Science Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.   14/12/2020   The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences embodies the core values of The Open University, enabling, empowering and transforming individuals, societies, cultures and ourselves through our teaching, research and engagement in dialogues across the world.   13/11/2019   FAST. FAA Acquisition System Toolset. The official record for all FAA acquisition management policy and guidance. Federal Aviation Administration.   24/12/2020   Fat of the Land. Adventures of a 21st Century Forager. Langdon Cook. Award-winning author of Upstream, The Mushroom Hunters and Fat of the Land, Langdon Cook is a writer, instructor, and lecturer on wild foods and the outdoors.   29/02/2020   Welcome. Here you can listen in on William Faulkner’s sessions with audiences at the University of Virginia in 1957 and 1958, during his two terms as UVA’s first Writer-in-Residence.   21/04/2020   The Fauna Sanctuary is a place of refuge for animals who have come to us from the wild, from private homes, and from the medical research, agriculture and entertainment industries.   6/26/2022   Món de Llibres. Articles sobre literatura escrits pels amics de la llibreria Món de Llibres.   06/04/2020   La FAY, Federación Argentina de Yachting es la Autoridad Nacional en materia de Navegación a Vela en Argentina, para profesionales y aficionados.   29/09/2021   The FBOMB (Flash-Bomb) Reading Series is Denver’s only flash fiction reading series! A beautiful blend of amateur and professional set in the quirky Mercury Cafe.   6/23/2022   La Fundació Rafael Campalans és una entitat sense ànim de lucre que es constitueix el 1979 que, a través de la recerca i l'anàlisi, té com a objectiu principal la difusió del pensament socialista democràtic.   27/09/2019   L'Arxiu Històric de la Fundació Rafael Campalans custodia un important testimoni de la història política de Catalunya d'ençà la fi de la Guerra Civil espanyola l'any 1939, la lluita per la democràcia i l'evolució del socialisme català.   6/6/2022   L'Arxiu Històric de la Fundació Rafael Campalans custodia un important testimoni de la història política de Catalunya d'ençà la fi de la Guerra Civil espanyola l'any 1939, la lluita per la democràcia i l'evolució del socialisme català.   23/06/2018   Na missão, a FCB anuncia seu compromisso institucional com o município de Colatina, com sua área de influência e com o Estado do Espírito Santo quanto à formação oferecida através de seus cursos, bem como, quanto à cidadania que pretende consolidar em benefício da sociedade e da região.   03/03/2022   Farmington Canal Heritage Trail & Farmington River Trail. The fifty-six miles of the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail (FCHT) and the eighteen miles of the Farmington River Trail constitute the most picturesque and historic greenways in New England.   1/20/2023   FCIT. Florida Center for Instructional Technology. Located in the University of South Florida’s College of Education, FCIT has been a leader in K-20 technology integration since 1982.   1/20/2023   A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust. An overview of the people and events of the Holocaust through photographs, documents, art, music, movies, and literature.   25/11/2020   Federation of Canadian Municipalities. FCM has been the national voice of municipal government since 1901. Our members include more than 2,000 municipalities of all sizes, from Canada's cities and rural communities, to northern communities and 20 provincial and territorial municipal associations.   26/10/2021   The Business of Federal Technology. FCW provides federal technology executives with the information, ideas, and strategies necessary to successfully navigate the complex world of federal business.   6/22/2022   La Federació catalana de cineclubs (FCC), segons els seus estatuts, treballa perquè el cinema independent, d’autor i de qualitat, en versió original subtitulada, si pot ser en català i de producció catalana, arribi a tota Catalunya, tal com fomenta la Llei del cinema de Catalunya.   29/12/2020   Federacja Anarchistyczna - wolność, równość, pomoc wzajemna. Występujemy przeciwko nacjonalizmowi, rasizmowi i innym ideologiom dyskryminującym jakiekolwiek grupy społeczne.   21/06/2021   Federico Garcia Lorca. Obras completas. Biografía de Lorca, uno de los poetas más insignes de nuestra época. Amplia selección de fotos.   5/28/2022   The Foundation for Economic Education, founded in 1946, is the world’s top destination for young people to learn the crucial role of entrepreneurs and the importance of free markets.   16/01/2021   The Freeman magazine was the flagship publication of the Foundation for Economic Education and one of the oldest, most respected journals of liberty in America.   5/28/2022   Federal Employee Education & Assistance Fund. FEEA is the only charity by and for federal employees. Emergency hardship loans, disaster grants, college scholarships, and #FedLifeHacks for fed families.   30/04/2021   Project FeederWatch turns your love of feeding birds into scientific discoveries. FeederWatch is a November-April survey of birds that visit backyards, nature centers, community areas, and other locales in North America.   17/07/2020   Napfizikai Obszervatórium. A Napfizikai Obszervatórium a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont budapesti Konkoly Thege Miklós Csillagászati Intézetének részeként működik.   03/10/2021   Napfizikai Obszervatórium. A Napfizikai Obszervatórium a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Csillagászati és Földtudományi Kutatóközpont budapesti Konkoly Thege Miklós Csillagászati Intézetének részeként működik.   19/10/2020   FEP is an independent, non-commercial umbrella association of book publishers associations in the European Union. FEP represents 27 national associations of book publishers of the European Union and of the European Economic Area.   21/10/2020   Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá. Desde 1988 la Cámara Colombiana del Libro y Corferias, realizan la Feria Internacional del Libro de Bogotá, una alianza exitosa que ha permitido posicionar este evento cultural, como uno de los más importantes en el mundo de habla hispana.   07/12/2019   Feridah Rose was born in Uganda where she grew up with both the vocal and musical traditions of East Africa and those of the church and gospel singing.   11/06/2020   The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, formerly GLAST, is opening this high-energy world to exploration and helping us answer these questions.   07/12/2020   Novela histórica, artículos, sátira, crónicas y crítica. Relatos históricos, irónicos y sarcásitos de los que soy autor.   07/04/2020   La página de Fernando G. Toledo. Poeta, narrador y periodista.   07/04/2020   Página oficial de Fernando G. Toledo. La respuesta de un silencio más vivo.   19/01/2021   Ferran Savall. En Ferran Savall és un cantant autodidacte a la recerca de la veu natural. Ha explorat músiques del món: del Pakistan, de l’Índia, d’Armènia entre d’altres, però sempre defugint de l’especialització d’estil, cercant tastets tècnics per incorporar en les seves improvisacions.   13/11/2019   Festival de Fès des Musiques Sacrées du Monde. Fès, à la confluence des cultures.   2/2/2023   Fes Ta Festa. La cultura popular a la ràdio i a internet. Bloc del programa Fes ta Festa, sobre cultura popular.   17/07/2018   The Believer Festival.   4/10/2022   Sou brasileira, paulista, libriana e jornalista. Trabalho como web developer para a Universidade da Califórnia em Davis, que é a cidade onde eu vivo há onze anos com meu marido e dois gatos.   13/03/2020   Human Rights Watch Film Festival home page featuring human rights films and festivals in various cities.   2/7/2023   FFL. Food for Life Global. The world's largest plantbased food relief with over 250 projects in 65 countries, serving over 1 million meals daily.   16/01/2022   Fantasy Football Today. Providing updated fantasy football and NFL information for free.   17/01/2021   Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, carreras, estudios e investigación.   24/05/2019   Since the Florida Geographic Alliance (FGA) was established in 1987, with the support of the National Geographic Society of Washington, DC, our goal has been to encourage the inclusion of more geography education in the K-12 and post secondary curricula.   2/26/2023   FGB. La Fundación Gustavo Bueno es una institución española, de iniciativa privada y naturaleza permanente, exenta de todo fin lucrativo y con fines de interés general, constituida el 14 de mayo de 1997 ante el notario de Madrid don Isidoro Lora Tamayo.   19/02/2021   El Basilisco, revista de materialismo filosófico. La revista El Basilisco fue fundada por Gustavo Bueno en 1978 como revista de filosofía, ciencias humanas, teoría de la ciencia y de la cultura, para facilitar “la publicación regular de trabajos cuyo común denominador fuera el estar concebidos desde una perspectiva filosófico-crítica (materialista)”.   27/03/2020   El Basilisco, revista de materialismo filosófico. La revista El Basilisco fue fundada por Gustavo Bueno en 1978 como revista de filosofía, ciencias humanas, teoría de la ciencia y de la cultura, para facilitar “la publicación regular de trabajos cuyo común denominador fuera el estar concebidos desde una perspectiva filosófico-crítica (materialista)”.   15/03/2020   FIAN Österreich. FIAN ist die internationale Menschenrechtsorganisation für das Recht auf Nahrung. 1948 wurde von der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte verkündet, die auch das Recht auf Nahrung beinhaltet.   21/06/2021   Ficción Breve Venezolana es un sitio destinado a la divulgación de la literatura venezolana, con especial énfasis en la narrativa y, más específicamente, en la narrativa breve.   15/10/2019   La INRUJTA-FICI es la Organización Histórica del Pueblo Quichua de la Provincia de Imbabura, constituida el 1ro de mayo de 1974.   05/04/2020   Fiddlefreak is the blog of Stuart Mason. I review traditional folk, old time, Nordic, Celtic, blues, and other music of the people, on a purely subjective basis.   19/03/2020   David Work grew up in the apple orchards of Harvard, Massachusetts and the woods of Vermont, mainly, with some time in The San Francisco Bay Area, Ohio, Virginia and Europe.   28/07/2021   Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising. FIDM is a 4-year, WASC- and NASAD-accredited, specialized, private college with campuses in Los Angeles and Orange County, California.   21/10/2020   Fiesta del Libro y la Cultura - Medellín. En el movimiento se anida nuestra esencia, nos vemos del 2 al 11 de octubre. Acompáñanos en la 14° edición de la Fiesta del Libro y la Cultura.   06/10/2019   Fondé en 1999 au Département d’études littéraires (UQAM), Figura, le Centre de recherche sur le texte et l’imaginaire, réunit aujourd’hui des chercheurs et des équipes de plusieurs universités, issus des études littéraires et cinématographiques, des arts visuels, de l’histoire de l’art, de la traductologie, de la bibliothéconomie et de la sociologie.   10/09/2019   FilaSiete. Crítica de Cine y Series, Estrenos, noticias... Todo sobre el Cine: críticas de estrenos, actualidad cinematográfica, cartelera de cine y series TV, clásicos, BSO, entrevistas, Vestuario y Estilo...   8/28/2022   El Departament de Filologia Catalana de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona va iniciar, el 1986, les seves activitats com a unitat de recerca i docència independent.   06/06/2020   El Departament de Filologia Catalana de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona va iniciar les seves activitats com a unitat de recerca independent el 1986.   29/12/2020   Filharmonia Warmińsko-Mazurska. Jak wiemy, za datę narodzin olsztyńskiej orkiestry przyjmuje się 17 marca 1946 roku. Wtedy to w zrujnowanym Olsztynie wystąpił zespół muzyków, którzy ściągnęli tu po wojnie z różnych stron kraju.   2/26/2023   Celebrating UK film. British Council. Championing innovation, diversity, creativity and excellence of UK film around the world.   10/09/2019   This database is being constantly maintained to bring you up-to-date filmographies of contemporary British feature film directors.   11/12/2019   Film @ The Digital Fix. Film, DVD and Blu-ray news, reviews and features.   18/04/2020   Film-415.   18/04/2020   The Filmatelist. The Unholy Marriage of Movies and Postage Stamps.   16/08/2021   Timeline of Historical Film Colors was started with Barbara Flueckiger’s research at Harvard University in the framework of her project Film History Re-mastered, funded by Swiss National Science Foundation, 2011-2013.   09/05/2020   TCM Classic Film Festival 2020. Held over four days in the heart of Hollywood, the TCM Classic Film Festival is a place where movie lovers from around the world can gather to experience classic movies as they were meant to be experienced: on the big screen, in some of the world’s most iconic venues, with the people who made them.   13/03/2020   Film Forum. New York's leading movie house for independent premieres and repertory programming; a nonprofit cinema since 1970.   02/02/2022   Film In Maine. With a skilled and talented pool of local production crews, MFO will point you in the right direction and help you find the best possible local talent to fit your needs.   12/03/2020   Film International started in 1973 as Filmhäftet in Sweden and has through the years recruited contributors among the most distinguished scholars and journalists around the world.   19/06/2018   Filmbase began publishing Film Ireland as a photocopied newsletter back in 1987 covering all the latest news about current Irish short and feature film productions, information on funding schemes, and film festival reports.   19/04/2020   Filmreporter. Best Entertainment. Das Portal rund um Film, Kino, Stars, DVD, Video. News, Interviews, Reportagen, Kritiken, Trailer, Galerien & das deutschlandweite Kinoprogramm!   16/11/2019   Les films du Louvre. Catalogue des productions audiovisuelles, cinéma et des éditions multimédias du musée du Louvre.   13/03/2020   Films Graded. Movies graded by Brian Koller. Never confuse genre with quality. Forget the hype.   18/04/2020   Film Sound dedicated to the Art of Film Sound Design & Film Sound Theory. FilmSound serves as an essential learning space dedicated to aspects of film sound.   04/09/2021   Films per la pau i els drets humans. Aquest és un recurs destinat a facilitar l’organització d’activitats educatives i de sensibilització orientades a la promoció de la pau i dels drets humans entre la ciutadania en general i el món educatiu en particular.   13/11/2019   Founded in 2008, Film Studies For Free is lovingly tended (in a personal capacity) by Catherine Grant, Professor of Digital Media and Screen Studies at Birkbeck, University of London. She always wanted to be a Borgesian librarian when she grew up.   10/09/2018   Film Threat’s mission is to champion up and coming indie filmmakers while giving a middle finger to the Hollywood establishment.   23/08/2020   Filosofia on suomalainen filosofinen internet-portaali. Se toimii ajankohtaisen tiedon välittäjänä, yhteydenpitokanavana, tienä verkkofilosofiaan, johdatuksena suomalaisen filosofian historiaan sekä digitaalisena arkistona.   22/04/2020   Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá D.C.   2/26/2023   Filosofía en internet.   29/12/2020   Filozofia. Wydział Filozofii i Socjologii UMCS dąży w ofercie edukacyjnej do wypośrodkowania pomiędzy dobrym przygotowaniem specjalistycznym a ogólnohumanistycznym wykształceniem.   2/26/2023   Fine Art America is the world's largest community of independent artists and iconic brands and features millions of images for sale as wall art, home décor, iphone cases, tshirts, and more.   01/05/2020   The Hong Kong Art Archive has been founded with the aim of promoting awareness and study of Hong Kong artistic achievement on a worldwide basis. At present the HKAA exists only on a modest scale, but if resources permit we hope to expand it in due course.   19/01/2020   Hong Kong Art Archive. The Hong Kong Art Archive has been founded with the aim of promoting awareness and study of Hong Kong artistic achievement on a worldwide basis.   4/10/2022   The Finkelstein Memorial Library is a free public library founded in 1917, now serving 100,000 people in the East Ramapo Central School District of Rockland County, New York.   7/5/2022   Finnish Heritage Museum, Fairport Harbor, Ohio. The museum is located on the corner of High and Third Streets in downtown Fairport Harbor, Ohio just two blocks from Lake Erie and one block from the Finnish Monument.   11/17/2022   Fiona Lovelock: Artist. Fiona is a signature member of the Southern Arizona Watercolor Guild, the Montana Watercolor Society, and is a member of the Tubac Center of the Arts.   12/7/2022   Alaska Interagency Coordination Center. AICC serves as the focal point for initial attack resource coordination, logistics support, and predictive services for all state and federal agencies involved in wildland fire management and suppression in Alaska.   24/06/2020   Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library.   20/01/2022   FishEx Seafoods. We specialize in Alaska king, dungeness, & snow crab. We also offer premium salmon, halibut, shrimp, scallops, and smoked salmon. Overnight delivery throughout the U.S.   15/04/2020   The FITS Support Office at NASA/GSFC. The standard data format used in astronomy. Stands for 'Flexible Image Transport System'. Endorsed by NASA and the International Astronomical Union.   28/08/2019   FiWeBelize is dedicated to providing quality information to our visitors. We aim to provide an open forum where people can have a voice without censorship while maintaining respect for the opinions of others.   05/02/2020   Flama literaria.   28/09/2021   Flashback försvarar det fria ordet, och bevakar avvikande åsikter i vårt samhälle. Politiskt och religiöst obunden.   29/09/2021   Flashbak. Everything Old Is New Again.   29/09/2021   FlashPoint: A Multidisciplinary Journal in the Arts and Politics.   29/09/2021   Flatbush Gardener. Urban Gardening with Native Plants.   24/06/2021   Flathead Beacon. News for Montana's Flathead Valley. Find breaking news, multimedia, commentary and other reports on Montana's Flathead Valley, including sports, outdoors, business, arts and real estate.   30/10/2019   1/1/2020   Flavin's Corner Main Page.   11/14/2022   The Society of Flavor Chemists is a not-for-profit organization devoted to the advancement of the field of flavor creation, flavor technology and related sciences.   2/26/2023   The Fletcher School. A Graduate School of International Affairs. For nearly 90 years, Fletcher has innovated the study and practice of international affairs, leading at the intersections of the most complex global challenges, in the context of an ever-evolving world.   13/11/2019   Gemeinschaft der Flieger deutscher Streitkräfte e.V.   12/23/2022   Flight Test Museum Foundation. Our mission is to preserve, display, and educate the public about the more than 75 years of flight tests, aerospace, and technological developments at Edwards Air Force Base, NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center, Plant 42, and the Aerospace Valley.   10/05/2020   Flora, Fauna y Fungi del Valle del Rudrón en Burgos. Dedicado a conocer lo que nos rodea, para que de esta manera podamos apreciarlo todavía más.   2/26/2023   Flora of New Zealand. This site was created as part of a project to make nine volumes of the Flora and Fauna of New Zealand series available to the public via the Internet.   29/01/2022   GFBWT. The Great Florida Birding and Wildlife Trail is a network of 510 premier wildlife viewing sites across the state. When you want to know where to go in Florida to see native birds, butterflies and more, head for the Trail.   15/11/2019   Florida Department of Economic Opportunity. Florida will have the nation’s top-performing economy and be recognized as the world’s best place to live, learn, play, work and do business.   9/3/2022   Florida Keys vacation. Florida Keys travel information. Explore Florida Keys travel, hotels, attractions and activities before your visit here to the American Caribbean.   1/1/2020   Florida Magazine Association. Professional community for magazine publishers in the state of Florida.   1/22/2023   The Florida Bookshelf. News from University Press of Florida and UF Press. The scholarly publishing arm of the State University System of Florida, the University Press of Florida was founded in 1945.   2/16/2023   Floridata. Use the Plant List page for a complete search of the Plant Encyclopedia.   12/18/2022   Master Plant List. Use Floridata's Master Plant List search bar (for botanical names) and tag popup menus to search and filter the plant database.   19/06/2018   The Online Magazine of Aviators, Pilots and Adventurers since 1997. Historic Wings is an online aviation, adventure and pilot magazine featuring stories about airplanes, helicopters, jets, and all things aloft from the past and present.   19/11/2019   The FLY DC3 New Zealand crew are committed to giving their time.... and operating their DC3 in excellent flying condition. With their NZ CAA Commercial Airline licence, they are trusted to provide an excellent service.   17/04/2020   Flying ART. Helmut Schmidt.   02/01/2021   FMARS. Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station. Analogue research base owned by The Mars Society and located on Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada.   07/04/2020   Radio FmBolivia. Últimas Noticias de Bolivia.   07/04/2020   Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, A.C. es una organización privada sin fines de lucro que nació en 1994.   17/01/2021   FM Del Lago Esquel. Patagonia, Argentina 105.5.   17/01/2021   FM Dimensión. Portal de información actualizada. El Calafate. Santa Cruz.   17/01/2021   101.9 FM Estación Marina. Pinamar, Buenos Aires.   28/05/2020   Foundation for Medieval Genealogy. Promoting the study of medieval genealogy and prosopography.   24/06/2020   FMK je nova škola mišljenja u oblasti društveno-humanističkih nauka i umetnosti. Škola koja povezuje teorije i savremene prakse, podstiče akademsku argumentaciju i kreativno stvaralaštvo, i otvara slobodnu razmenu ideja.   07/03/2020   Prírodovedecká fakulta. História Prírodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Komenského sa začala písať už v roku 1940, kedy sa na vtedajšej Slovenskej univerzite vytvorila Prírodovedecká fakulta.   15/05/2020   The International Focusing Institute is an international, cross-cultural organization dedicated to supporting individuals and groups world-wide who are practicing, teaching and developing Focusing and its underlying philosophy.   28/07/2021   Wildlife Conservation News. Wildlife photography, news and petitions in supporting wildlife conservation, celebrating the biodiversity of Planet Earth and condemning wildlife crime.   21/03/2020   21/03/2020   21/03/2020   21/03/2020   07/01/2020   FOLDOC is a computing dictionary. It includes definitions of acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, standards, mathematics, telecoms, electronics, institutions and companies, projects, history, in fact any of the vocabulary you might expect to find in a computer dictionary.   2/26/2023   Contents of FOLDOC. Browsing The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing.   27/03/2020   International journal that covers all branches of animal parasitology, including morphology, taxonomy, biology, biochemistry, physiology, immunology and molecular biology of parasites, host-parasite relationships and parasite evolution.   27/12/2020   American Folk Art Museum. New York City. Since 1961, the American Folk Art Museum has been the leading institution shaping the understanding of art by the self-taught through its exhibitions, publications, and educational programs.   25/04/2020   Smithsonian Folkways Recordings is the nonprofit record label of the Smithsonian Institution, the national museum of the United States.   4/30/2022   Folsom Louisiana Native Plant Society. The Folsom Native Plant Society was the master mind of a group of forward thinking individuals. The FNPS began in February, 1988.   2/7/2023   Foltz Pottery. When we began in 1962, we could have never imagined what we are doing now. The Foltz Pottery shop has become more than a business; it’s become a family.   26/12/2020   La Fondazione è intitolata a Giuseppe Di Vagno (1889-1921), primo Deputato al Parlamento Nazionale vittima, nel 1921, della violenza fascista.   17/02/2022   Fondazione Zeri. È stata istituita nel 1999 dall'Università di Bologna con lo scopo di tutelare e divulgare l'opera e la figura di Federico Zeri, conservare e valorizzare lo straordinario lascito dello studioso: la Biblioteca e la Fototeca.   17/01/2021   La Fondation humaniste du Québec est un organisme de bienfaisance créé en décembre 2004 pour recueillir des fonds afin de promouvoir la pensée critique et diffuser les valeurs humanistes au Québec.   13/01/2020   Fondo Antiguo. Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla.   23/06/2018   Fons d'armari. Un recull de peces. que resisteixen el desgast del temps, vestint-se de records.   13/09/2018   The Food Channel began as a print publication in 1989. Over the years, the publication evolved, expanded to outside subscribers and eventually moved online in 1996.   25/12/2019   Foodgeeks is a community-sourced recipe website founded by Ryan Snyder in 1999, after being continually frustrated when perusing cookbooks to find a recipe. Foodgeeks is no longer an active community, but its recipes and articles will remain available here.   2/7/2023   Food Network UK. British Dishes and Global Recipes. TV channel Food Network UK official site with latest shows and thousands of global recipes, British dishes and cooking tips from the experts.   07/01/2020   Fordham University Institutional Repository. A repository for projects, articles, journals, datasets, and research, both formally published and self-published, from the faculty, students, and staff of Fordham University.   2/26/2023   Foreign Policy. The Global Magazine of News and Ideas.   06/12/2021   Foresight Institute advances technologies of fundamental importance to the long-term future of life and the biosphere, focusing on molecular machine nanotechnology, biotechnology, and computer science.   20/11/2019   Seguridad Wireless. Wifi.   18/08/2020   Comunidad Mystery Planet. Descubre lo Oculto, Experimenta lo Desconocido.   07/12/2019   Forskning ved Københavns Universitet. Et fagligt bredt, internationalt anerkendt universitet med fokus på grundforskning og løsning af globale problemer.   15/01/2022   Forsvarets forum er et redaksjonelt uavhengig fagmedium utgitt av Forsvarets fellestjenester på oppdrag fra forsvarssjefen.   1/31/2023   Fort Lee Public Library. The Library’s collection contains books, media, newspapers and periodicals totaling over 130,000 items and includes materials in Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Spanish.   20/12/2020   The Fortnightly Review, one of the most influential English-language periodicals of the 19th century, was the invention of Anthony Trollope, who, with the support of Frederic Chapman, James Cotter Morison, Danby Seymour, Alfred Austin, and others, decided to launch a magazine designed to free the “higher journalists” of the time from “the views of an Editor or Political party.”   26/10/2019   Fortune is a global media organization dedicated to helping its readers, viewers, and attendees succeed big in business through unrivaled access and best-in-class storytelling.   2/26/2023   Fort Worth Aviation Museum. We celebrate impacting people and showcase valuable accomplishments in the aviation industry. We have over 25 airplanes, interactive exhibits, and a flight simulator.   06/01/2020   Axis History Forum. This is an apolitical forum for discussions on the Axis nations and related topics hosted by the Axis History Factbook in cooperation with Christian Ankerstjerne’s Panzerworld and Christoph Awender's WW2 day by day.   2/26/2023   Egyptian Dreams Discussion Board. Forum.   06/01/2020   EuroBillTracker. Follow your Euro notes in their tracks.   19/01/2020   LibriVox Forum. At LibriVox, volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain into digital audio (eg. mp3), and then make the audio files available to the world, for free.   2/26/2023   Forum dyskusyjne miłośników twórczości J.R.R. Tolkiena.   14/12/2019   Forum Akademickie jest finansowane ze środków Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego na działalność upowszechniającą naukę.   03/06/2020   UK Airshow Review Forums.   09/07/2019   Choral Public Domain Library. Bulletin Board.   03/06/2020   The Flyer Forums.   7/5/2022   X-Plane Forum.   30/07/2019   Forvo is the largest pronunciation guide in the world, the place where you'll find millions of words and phrases pronounced in their original languages.   2/26/2023   News That Matters to American Jews. The Forward. Founded in 1897 as a Yiddish-language daily, the Forward soon became a national paper, the most widely read Jewish newspaper anywhere.   27/03/2017   Inzendingen je beste foto van de maand.   31/08/2018   Ukažte fotky známým - Fotoalba. Neomezený prostor pro Vaše fotky.   2/26/2023   Sistema de Archivo Fotográfico. Congreso de la República del Perú.   2/26/2023   Fotogroep CreatiVision. Onze doelstelling is om de kennis, kunde en ambitie van de leden te vergroten en ons werk uit te dragen binnen exposities en fotowedstrijden.   27/03/2020   Fottea is a journal of Czech Phycological Society (formerly bulletin Czech Phycology). Fottea publishes papers on all aspects of the ecology, physiology, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, systematics and uses of algae (including cyanobacteria).   30/01/2021   Foundations of Irish Culture – Irish Manuscripts on the Continent AD 600 – AD 850 has been developed as a postdoctoral research project by Dr Meadhbh Nic an Airchinnigh, under the supervision of Prof Dáibhí Ó Cróinín at the Department of History, School of Humanities, National University of Ireland, Galway.   19/04/2019   Found in Brooklyn. Most of the Time.   06/04/2020   Found Magazine. We collect stuff people find. We collect found stuff: love letters, birthday cards, kids’ homework, to-do lists, ticket stubs, poetry on napkins, doodles– anything that gives a glimpse into someone else’s life.   11/09/2021   The Fowler Museum at UCLA acknowledges the Gabrielino/Tongva peoples as the traditional land caretakers of Tovaangar (the Los Angeles basin and Southern Channel Islands).   15/07/2020   The Flight Programs and Projects Office for Goddard Space Flight Center. FPD manages the implementation, maintenance, and operations of end-to-end space architectures, including mission operations, tracking, and data acquisition services for missions supported by GSFC.   09/07/2018   FPlanque: Techno. Convergence Création d'entreprise IT business Management Marketing Media Web Mobile & wireless Net usage Open Source Placements/Finance Productivité Software engineering. Blog non technique sur les (nouvelles) technologies.   31/05/2020   Four Points Middle School. Austin, Texas.   2/26/2023   La Facultat de Psicologia és el centre encarregat d'organitzar els ensenyaments i els processos acadèmics, administratius i de gestió conduents a obtenir el títol de Graduat/ada en Psicologia, de caràcter oficial i validesa a tot el territori de l'Estat.   06/06/2020   All Africa: African news and information for a global audience.   05/09/2019   Euronews porte un regard unique sur les événements de l'actualité mondiale avec une mission : donner à chacun la capacité de se forger sa propre opinion en proposant une grande diversité de points de vue.   08/09/2018   Yahoo Finance. Finances des entreprises, marché d’actions, cours, actualités. Sur Yahoo Finance, faites-vous assister dans votre gestion financière grâce à toute une gamme d’informations gratuites : cotations d’actions, actualités en temps réel, ressources pour la gestion de portefeuilles, données des marchés internationaux, taux hypothécaires ou interaction sociale.   2/26/2023   Fraenkel Gallery. Since 1979, Fraenkel Gallery has presented more than 300 exhibitions exploring photography and its relation to other arts. The exhibitions have spanned the medium’s history, from its early masters to the present day.   27/03/2020   France-Amérique. Founded in 1943 by French exiles in New York, France-Amérique is the only bilingual French-English publication in the United States.   6/29/2022   Francesc-Marc Álvaro. Periodista i escriptor. Escriu a La Vanguardia, El Temps i Serra d’Or. Parla a RAC1 i Ràdio Barcelona. Fa classes a la Facultat de Comunicació Blanquerna.   04/12/2021   Franklin County Times. Newspaper, Local News, Schools, Obituaries, Sports, Churches, Records, Weather, Breaking News and More. Franklin County, Alabama.   28/07/2021   Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. Frank Lloyd Wright changed the way we build and the way we live.   28/07/2021   Die Firma Alfred Frank Modellturbinen hat mittlerweile über 2 Jahrzehnte Erfahrung in der Fertigung und Entwicklung von Turbostrahltriebwerken.   28/07/2021   French Revolution Digital Archive. Stanford University, Stanford, California.   1/14/2023   Freaks-Books. Tienda de libros y comics nacional e importación.   13/05/2020   Official website of the Free Church of Scotland - seeking to transform the lives of believers, our communities and the nation through the Gospel.   23/08/2020   Freeditorial is an online publishing house and library, bringing together readers and writers from all over the world, offering the books on its website as totally free downloads in various digital formats, with no registration requirement.   4/19/2022   The Freedom Foundation of Minnesota is an independent, non-profit educational and research organization that actively advocates the principles of individual freedom, personal responsibility, economic freedom, and limited government.   1/31/2023   Freedom to Tinker. Research and expert commentary on digital technologies in public life.   8/24/2022   Free Government Information (FGI) is a place for initiating dialogue and building consensus among the various players who have a stake in the preservation of and perpetual free access to government information.   08/01/2020   Forums. Webmaster Forum.   4/9/2022   Free Republic. Established in 1996, Free Republic is one of the earliest and largest online gathering places for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web.   11/05/2021   Free Speech TV is a 24-hour television network and multi-platform digital news source, currently available in 37 million television homes nationwide.   26/12/2020   Free Speech Debate. At the heart of the project is you, the citizens and netizens of all countries. Free Speech Debate aims to combine expertise and openness.   23/08/2019   Reinhard Muskens. I am interested in the logic of ordinary language. Logicians study concepts such as truth, consequence, proof, computation and information with the help of formal languages, but it has increasingly become clear that many insights thus obtained also apply to ordinary spoken and written languages.   23/08/2019   Publications. Reinhard Muskens.   01/04/2020   Free Verse: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics is an annual electronic journal that focuses on publishing the finest free verse being written today.   08/02/2022   Fremont Tribune. Fremont, NE.   30/08/2021   Friendly Atheist. Patheos. You can be skeptical and friendly at the same time. Hemant Mehta covers the world of non-believers and skeptics.   07/06/2021   Friends of the Canadian War Museum. FCWM. The Friends promote, support & assist the Canadian War Museum in educating present & future generations about Canada’s military heritage.   1/13/2023   Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield. With the support of local citizens and the American Battlefield Trust, Friends of Cedar Mountain Battlefield is working to ensure that this battle and the valor displayed by both armies will never be forgotten.   09/07/2018   Dublin Fringe Festival 2018 will take us to places we’ve never been through theatre, music, comedy, dance and much more.   29/12/2020   Muzeum Mikołaja Kopernika we Fromborku. Pierwsza izba pamiątkowa we Fromborku, poświęcona Mikołajowi Kopernikowi, została założona w 1912 roku, w budynku na Wzgórzu Katedralnym we Fromborku zwanym Wieżą Kopernika, przez historyka warmińskiego księdza Eugena Brachvogla.   09/09/2019   Front for the arXiv. The arXiv is a permanent, freely available digital library of research articles (or e-prints) in physics, mathematics, computer science, and quantitative biology maintained at Cornell University.   30/04/2021   MoveOn: People-Powered Progress. MoveOn is where millions mobilize for a better society—one where everyone can thrive.   15/07/2018   Facultatea de Ştiinţe Aplicate a fost infiinţată în anul 2005, la propunerea Departamentelor de Matematică şi de Fizică.   01/01/2020   Florida State Horticultural Society. Discover New Science, Business and Networking Opportunities. Since 1888, the Florida State Horticultural Society is one of the oldest horticultural societies in the United States.   07/09/2019   Der FSV “Glück Auf” Ailertchen gliedert sich in die Abteilungen Motorflug, Motorsegelflug, Segelflug und Modellflug. Zur Ausübung dieser Luftsportarten stehen vereinseigene Flugzeuge und Luftsportgeräte zur Verfügung. Zusätzlich sind am Flugplatz auch Gastvereine aktiv.   05/06/2020   Flugsportverein Kelheim e.V. ...wir fliegen. Unser Fluggelände befindet sich auf dem Stieberberg in Hienheim. Die Ortschaft Hienheim liegt direkt an der Donau zwischen Neustadt und der Landkreisstadt Kelheim.   14/04/2020   The Foundation for Social Welfare Services was established on the 24th March 1998, following authorisation by the Prime Minister on 27th February 1998, with responsibility in the fields of social services, inter alia, the agencies of the said Foundation in relation to the work of Aġenzija Sedqa and Aġenzija Appoġġ, back then known as the Social Welfare Development Programme.   22/12/2021   The Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences is the largest and most academically diverse unit on campus with 19 departments and 43 academic programs and research centers.   27/12/2020   Fuller Craft Museum offers expansive opportunities to discover the world of contemporary craft. By exploring the leading edge of craft through exhibitions, collections, education, and public programs, we challenge perceptions and build appreciation of the material world.   22/03/2020   O funcionamento de certas coisas. Como o próprio nome indica, este blog é uma reflexão sobre o funcionamento de certas coisas.   2/26/2023   The Mathematical Functions Site. The world's largest collection of formulas and graphics about more than 300,000 mathematical functions for the mathematics and science communities.   2/26/2023   The approach of FunctionX is to present programming instructions with practical exericses that can be used in real-world projects.     1/14/2023     Fundació Bromera per al Foment de la Lectura. Els objectius de la Fundació Bromera són fomentar la lectura en valencià i organitzar activitats relacionades amb el llibre, la cultura i la literatura.     6/1/2022     Fundació Carulla. Som un espai de memòria, reflexió i transformació. Des de la cultura i l’educació, a la Fundació Carulla volem estimular una societat cohesionada i crítica.     1/14/2023   Fundació Congrés de Cultura Catalana. Pensar la cultura i la democràcia des de la societat civil.   29/11/2020   La Fundació Josep Pla neix l’any 1973, quan el propi escriptor decideix donar la seva biblioteca particular i crea la Fundació Privada Biblioteca Josep Pla, regida per un Patronat que s’ocuparà de la seva conservació i de facilitar l’accés al públic interessat.   6/28/2022   La Fundació J.V. Foix és una fundació privada constituïda l’any 1991. Té la qualificació de benèfica de tipus cultural i s’acull a la Llei de Fundacions vigent a Catalunya.   28/07/2021   La Fundació Arquia destaca per la seva labor continuada i preocupació constant en la difusió de la cultura arquitectònica, amb l'objectiu de millorar la imatge de l'arquitecte i la seva obra en la societat.   21/08/2020   La Fundación John Boulton es una institución sin fines de lucro, creada en 1950 por las empresas H.L.Boulton. Co y varios miembros de la familia, quienes apoyaron al artista e historiador Alfredo Boulton para dirigir esta institución, destinada a la preservación de importantes documentos originales y objetos de indudable valor histórico.   23/05/2019   Fundación Enlaces para el Desarrollo Sustentable.   13/11/2019   La Fundación ESPERANZA es una Organización de la sociedad civil que trabaja por los Derechos Humanos y el bienestar de la población en contextos de movilidad y por los Derechos y el bienestar de las niñas, niños y adolescentes.   13/11/2019   Fernando Buesa Fundazioa. Fundación Fernando Buesa Blanco, ETA es una organización sin fines de lucro fundada en honor a Fernando Buesa el 20 de febrero de 2000, en honor a Fernando Buesa y en honor a Vitoria.   30/07/2020   La Fundación Jorge Guillén se constituyó el 14 de marzo de 1992, y tiene como finalidad genérica la de promocionar la creación artística y literaria mediante la realización de actividades, investigaciones y publicaciones que guarden relación con los fines de la Fundación.   21/11/2020   Fundación Luisa Mercado. El programa cultural de la Fundación Luisa Mercado está orientado a la creación de proyectos enfocados en la promoción, el fomento y la investigación acerca de las diversas expresiones artístico-culturales de Masatepe y la Meseta de los Pueblos.   1/14/2023   Fundacion Mona. Al nostre Centre de Rehabilitació es recuperen del maltractament ximpanzés i macacos que han estat artistes de circ, de televisió, models de publicitat o fins i tot mascotes.   18/02/2020   Augusto Roa Bastos nace el 13 de junio de 1917 en el barrio de Villa Morra, Asunción. Vivirá sus primeros años de infancia en una pequeña casita al lado del ingenio y a metros del rio Tebicuary-mi, lugares que tendrán gran influencia en su vida y, posteriormente, en su literatura.   23/11/2019   Fundasul. Prestar serviços na área educacional, no âmbito da Região Centro-Sul, atendendo expectativas de qualidade dos acadêmicos das comunidades, das instituições e pessoas que buscam a Fundasul e suas mantidas, tendo como finalidade precípua servir de mola propulsora para o desenvolvimento regional.   07/04/2020   La Fundación Alberto Vollmer es la materialización de una muy larga tradición familiar de ayuda a las actividades culturales, científicas y educativas en Venezuela.   29/06/2018   Indice Schede Micologiche. Archivio Generale AMINT.   13/05/2019   Fungi Perfecti, LLC is a family-owned business dedicated to promoting the cultivation of high quality gourmet and medicinal mushrooms.   19/03/2020   Fungi Images on the Net. The page with direct links to many [+3500] of the best Fungi Photo on the web. There is a lot of beautiful and valuable mushroom images on the Internet.   19/03/2020   Information about fungi and details of UK fungus recording groups.   29/11/2020   La Fundación Joaquín Díaz, de la Diputación de Valladolid, es una entidad cultural privada, sin ánimo de lucro, cuyo fin principal es contribuir a la valoración y difusión del patrimonio legado por la tradición.   19/06/2018   Funk Soul Brother! Bienvenidos a Funk Soul Brother! Un blog especializado en música soul, funk, rhythm and blues y demás paisajes sonoros.   27/10/2019   Funsalprodese. Fundación salvadoreña para la promoción social y el desarrollo económico. Funsalprodese fue constituida en la segunda mitad de 1986 por iniciativa de diez organizaciones del movimiento social con el propósito de coordinar acciones de capacitación y de defensa de los derechos de organización, de expresión y participación en el desarrollo del país.   20/12/2020   Futurefire Publishing (FFN) is a small, independent publisher of short speculative fiction stories, poetry and art, in anthologies, collections, magazines, and potentially other formats.   29/06/2021   Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri. Ministeriet for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri består af departementet, tre styrelser, den selvejende institution Madkulturen og tre klagenævn.   17/04/2020   Bookie's Focke-Wulf 190 / Ta 152 Page. This site is dedicated to the Focke-Wulf 190/Ta 152 aircraft of World War II. The result of many years of research, this page has information, articles, photos, colour profiles and more.   11/1/2022   Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, through its employees and citizen commission and board, provides for the stewardship of the fish, wildlife, parks, and recreational resources of Montana, while contributing to the quality of life for present and future generations.   13/07/2020   Pacific Exchange Rate Service: Current Exchange Rates; Database of Historical Exchange Rates; Canadian Dollar Services; Exchange Rate Economics; daily updated exchange rate data; exchange rate charts, plots, and diagrams.   2/26/2023   Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. La moderna Facultad de Filosofía y Letras es el centro de la Universidad de Zaragoza con mayor número de titulaciones y está también entre los primeros por número de estudiantes matriculados, alrededor de 3300.