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Saturday, August 5, 2023

l _ l   15/06/2020   The College of the Liberal Arts at Penn State is one of the premier institutions in the world to study and work in the liberal arts disciplines.   07/01/2020   The LA84 Foundation makes grants to non-profit youth sports organizations throughout Southern California, educates coaches, convenes local and national thought leaders and uses its voice to advance sports as an essential element in transforming the lives of youth.   02/08/2019   La’BaNA está en todas partes ...   07/01/2020   LabCom.IFP. Communication, Philosophy and Humanities is a research unit in Communication Sciences, developing disciplinary and interdisciplinary work in the fields of Communication, Philosophy, and Humanities.   06/12/2020   La Biblioteca Langlois (un espacio sobre libros y revistas de cine).   10/05/2020   Blog Bodega Ateneo. Blog de vinos de Rafa Tobar.   15/05/2021   La bona confitura. El blog del microrelat en català.   3/6/2023   Pirineu. La Borrufa. Revista gratuïta de les comarques del Pirineu de Lleida. Alt Urgell, Alta Ribagorça, Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà i Val d'Aran.   6/26/2022   laBreu Edicions. Suport i difusió de poesia i literatura en llengua catalana. Associació cultural sense ànim de lucre des de la qual pretenem dur a terme una tasca de suport i difusió de la poesia i de la literatura de qualitat.   31/08/2018   Zonezero Labs es la plataforma de difusión para proyectos realizados como parte de las actividades educativas de la Fundación Pedro Meyer.   6/3/2023   La buena vida. Café del libro. Premio Librería Cultural 2018.   6/3/2023   La cançó del divendres (CdD).   24/04/2020   L’Accent. Informació i comunicació popular dels Països Catalans. L’Accent és un projecte autogestionat i funciona a través de dos elements imprescindibles: el treball voluntari i les persones sòcies.   28/05/2018   La cocina de cada día. En este cuaderno trataré de ir poniendo menús diarios unos serán sencillos, para el día a día y otros más sofisticados para días de fiesta. Los menús constaran de entrada, primero, ensalada y postre.   28/05/2018   La Cocina Paso a Paso.   29/07/2021   Louisiana College is a Christ-centered community committed to Academic Excellence where students are equipped for Lives of Learning, Leading, and Serving.   4/22/2022   Los Angeles County, one of California’s original 27 counties, was established on Feb. 18, 1850. It is one of the nation’s largest counties with 4,084 square miles, and has the largest population of any county in the nation.   17/10/2020   La Cuerda. Letras, Tablaturas y Acordes para Guitarra Acústica, Guitarra Eléctrica, Piano, Ukulele y Bajo.   15/09/2019   La Cuina Vegana de l'Anna.   05/09/2021   La cuina de la Teresa.   30/11/2019   Josep Puntí, blog incondicional.   13/11/2021   Ladies Must Swing! An 18 Piece Female Big Band from Madison, WI.   4/25/2023   Louisiana Digital Media Archive (LDMA). This is the first project in the nation to combine the media collections of a public broadcaster and a state archives.   28/01/2020   La double vie de Veronique.   6/3/2023   Ladroes de bicicletas.   26/03/2020   Lafautearousseau. Le quotidien royaliste sur la toile - ISSN 2490-9580 - Site Officiel.   10/08/2019   La forma en que algunos mueren.   19/10/2020   Llibreria la Garba. Fundada al 1968, som la llibreria de la Barceloneta.   09/12/2020   Observatorio del Laicismo. Europa Laica. Por un estado laico, por la libertad de conciencia. Europa Laica es una asociación estatal fundada en 2001.   6/26/2022   Laie Pau Claris Llibreria Cafè. Desde nuestra fundación, en 1980, en Barcelona, ​​nos hemos posicionado como una empresa cultural de librerías-tiendas instituciones culturales y museos más prestigiosos de España.   04/11/2020   La Isla de Siltolá. Editorial literaria. Literatura en su sentido más vivo. Apostamos por la poesía escrita por jóvenes autores.   05/09/2021   Alicia Keys. Official Site. Alicia Keys is a 15-time Grammy Award-winning singer/songwriter/producer, an accomplished actress, a NY Times best-selling author and an entrepreneur.   24/09/2019   La Linea del Horizonte Ediciones es un sello editorial enfocado al viaje y sus culturas.   27/01/2021    La Llama Store. Tienda ubicada en Barcelona especializada en humor: libros, ilustraciones, arte, objetos de diseño y artículos clásicos de broma.   02/08/2019   Malaletra, un blog hecho en Cuba. Difícil de hacer, fácil de leer.   16/07/2020   La Milana Bonita es un programa radiofónico de fomento de la lectura en el que cada semana se analiza de manera monográfica un clásico de la literatura universal.   21/03/2019   La Mula es una plataforma de periodismo fundada en junio de 2009 con el fin de que los ciudadanos tengan la oportunidad de publicar de una manera simple las noticias, columnas, reportajes, entrevistas, crónicas y reseñas que les interesa compartir al mundo.   16/10/2020   Copernicus is a European programme for monitoring the Earth, in which data is collected by Earth observation satellites and combined with observation data from sensor networks on the earth’s surface.   11/04/2020   Ministry of Lands & Physical Planning. The Ministry is headquartered at Ardhi House in community. This is where all National Lands matters and other concerns are handled.   28/08/2020   De Leiestreek. Tussen Zulte en Gent ligt, aan de oevers van de Leie, één van de fraaiste stukjes van Oost-Vlaanderen: de Leiestreek!   1/22/2023   UC Santa Cruz. Languages and Applied Linguistics. Language learning provides students with the means to access information in a wide range of areas of intellectual inquiry and interpersonal communication.   13/03/2019   The Department of Languages and Literatures provides instruction in the language, literature and cultures of French, German, Spanish speaking lands to students, faculty and staff and the community at large.   08/06/2018   The Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC) is part of the Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS) and the Benson Latin American Collection at the University of Texas at Austin. Since 2011, LANIC has also been a part of the University of Texas Libraries as one of the initiatives that is under the LLILAS Benson Collaboration.   08/06/2018   Novedades en LANIC: Esta página contiene una lista de las actualizaciones efectuadas por LANIC. También puede consultar otras páginas de novedades, por ejemplo Lo Nuevo en la Red.   08/06/2018   Electoral Observatory. Archives. NOTE: While some of the links on the pages below are no longer working, in many cases users can still access the content by copying and pasting the URL into the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.   24/06/2020   The Latin American Open Archives Portal is a project of the Latin Americanist Research Resources Project - LARRP, in collaboration with the Latin American Network Information Center - LANIC, to improve access to social sciences grey literature produced in Latin America.   09/09/2019   Rechercher un service public, une administration, un contact. Le site officiel de l’administration française: connaître vos droits, effectuer vos démarches.   1/22/2023   La Opinión. Últimas Noticias en Español de Los Ángeles, USA, y El Mundo. El diario en español más leído de Estados Unidos con las noticias locales y nacionales que afectan a los hispanos en este país.   10/06/2020   L'Opinió de Torrent. Valencia.   06/11/2019   La Página Millonaria es un sitio no oficial, creado por socios e hinchas de River y no tiene afiliación alguna con el club Atlético River Plate.   15/11/2020   La Panoplia Export. Distribuímos y exportamos libros a todo el mundo.   2/2/2023   La Festa dels Sentits i dels Sentiments. La Patum és la festa més important de Berga, amb més de 600 anys d’història.   29/11/2020   La Periférica es una tienda online donde podés ver, leer y comprar cualquiera de las publicaciones que figuran en nuestro catálogo en distribución, más los libros de algunas otras editoriales y proyectos amigos.   27/10/2020   La Pollera Ediciones. Editorial, literatura, narrativa, novela, ensayo, libros. Todos los libros de literatura publicados por la editorial La Pollera en oferta y con despacho a domicilio.   13/02/2020   La Puebla de Alfindén, lugar de la provincia de Zaragoza, está situado en la depresión del Ebro, sobre depósitos cuaternarios. Cercana al río Ebro, en la margen izquierda, y cercana así mismo a la desembocadura del Gallego, se encuentra a 12 Km de la capital.   6/3/2023   La pupila insomne. Oh, la pupila insomne y el párpado cerrado. Rubén Martínez Villena.   24/06/2020   Diario, TV, Radio tradicional, Radio Online, Transmisiones deportivas, Portal de noticias, Redes sociales. LA Región es lo que pasa en el sur de Entre Ríos.   24/06/2020   La Régulière. Un lieu culturel autour du livre et de l’image imprimée en plein cœur de La Goutte d’Or.   6/26/2022   La Repartidora. Llibreria especialitzada en pensament crític al barri de Benimaclet (València). Llibres, revistes, fanzines, roba ètica, material gràfic, cursos i tallers.   24/06/2020   La Réplica. Periodismo incómodo. Analizamos la actualidad sociopolítica desde un prisma crítico, comprometido, plural y honesto. Crónica, opinión, crítica y sociedad.   24/06/2020   La République des livres, de Pierre Assouline.   30/10/2021   Los Angeles Review of Books. Ten Years of Cultural Vitality.   09/04/2020   Las Calles de Venecia. Librería Muga.   4/21/2023   The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences is large and diverse, offering an incredible depth across the physical and mathematical sciences, humanities, and social and behavioral sciences.   11/17/2022   Editorial Las Afueras. Nuestra intención es fomentar una edición plural y crítica. Para ello pondremos a disposición de los lectores relatos que encontrarían difícil acomodo en el panorama actual, regido por la lógica del beneficio.   13/12/2020   La Santa Mambisa. Promoviendo la FE de nuestra cubanísima Revolución.   06/12/2020   Las cajas de Kubrick.   14/01/2020   The Laser Laboratory, Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Málaga, Spain, is the research group of Prof. Javier Laserna.   20/03/2020   Vientos Nuevos. Análisis de la realidad social y económica.   14/01/2020   La Serp Blanca. Notes de lectura i altres històries d'Enric Iborra.   02/11/2021   La Sierra University. Change Your World. An institution nationally acclaimed for its diverse campus and its service to others, offers a transformational experience that lasts a lifetime.   25/12/2020   La Silla Rota. Noticias esenciales de México. Noticias, análisis y periodismo digital independiente sobre política, esfera pública, nación y mundo.   08/11/2020   La Soga. Revista Cultural. La Soga es una revista digital guiada por el libre albedrío cultural.   27/08/2020   The Last Bookstore. The Last Bookstore is California’s largest used and new book and record store. Currently in our third incarnation, we began in 2005 in a downtown Los Angeles loft.   26/06/2020   Lastura es una editorial nacida en la primavera de 2013 con la intención de ser una casa para la poesía contemporánea.   01/04/2021   Las Vegas Sun Newspaper. Southern Nevada News, Sports, Politics, Entertainment & Opinions.   08/11/2020   Lata Peinada. Literatura Latinoamericana. Nuestro catálogo incluye obras clásicas y otras que sólo vas a encontrar en Lata Peinada: editoriales independientes o títulos que elegimos especialmente y que, en muchos casos, llegarán por primera vez a España.   06/11/2020   La Tienda de Libros es especialista en literatura, manuales, guías y todo tipo de libros.   19/10/2020   La Traviesa Ediciones nace con la vocación de ayudar a reconectar con la naturaleza a niños y niñas, y también a personas adultas, para equilibrar nuestro actual ritmo de vida, cada vez más alejado del mundo natural.   5/25/2023   La Universal. Plataforma que va néixer amb la intenció de donar veu a articulistes i autors de còmic principalment en català.   31/03/2020   Lauro António Apresenta. Comentários, críticas a obras actuais, anotações, referências, lembretes, notícias, e tudo o mais que valer a pena referir. Ao sabor do tempo e do local.   25/12/2020   La viga en mi ojo. Blog de Javi de Rios. Cultura, literatura, reseñas, e-books e Internet.   31/03/2020   La viña de los Lumière. Este es un sitio dedicado a la crítica y a textos de opinión en general sobre el cine.   27/01/2021   La Voragine. Sabemos que espacios como La Vorágine son necesarios y estamos segurxs de que tu también le apuestas a las alternativas. Por eso te animamos a que formes parte del proyecto.   12/04/2019   Laus Deo.   12/04/2019   Laus Deo. Diario digital católico desde Santander. España. Unam sanctam catholicam et apostolicam ecclesiam. One holy catholic and apostolic church.   3/25/2022   Bepress Legal Repository. Search the bepress Legal Repository: law-related scholarly research from law schools, research centers, institutes, think tanks, and law reviews. Content may be downloaded freely by interested readers.   12/14/2022   Brigham Young University J. Reuben Clark Law School. Become a lawyer with purpose. We create leaders by attracting top talent, excellent training, and ongoing connections. Apply to BYU Law School today!   15/09/2018   Law Library. Through creative services and strategic partnerships, Cornell University Law Library advances excellence in legal scholarship, research, and teaching.   04/09/2021   The Law School. University of Notre Dame. At Notre Dame Law School, we see the law as more than just a profession.   7/8/2022   University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law. Our faculty consists of practitioners experienced in their fields of interest. The small student/faculty ratio promotes collaboration and collegiality.   7/8/2022   University of New Hampshire Franklin Pierce School of Law Library. Our students prepare for their legal careers with access to a world-class Intellectual Property Library existing within a larger Law Library.   15/09/2018   Law Collections. Special collections from Cornell University Law Library. Digitized collections.   12/14/2022   The BYU Law Digital Library site is a repository for content created by and for members of the law school community.   5/11/2022   Attorneys. LII Attorney Directory. Compare and research attorneys on LII. The LII is an independently-funded project of the Cornell Law School.   30/01/2021   Le blog de Layla. Des p'tits dessins, des p'tits moments de vie, des p'tits travaux...vous trouverez donc sur ce blog plein de p'tits trucs sur moi.   4/30/2022   Louisiana Baptist University and Seminary. For over 40 years, LBU has been a proven leader in non-traditional education for passionate followers of Christ all over the world. Join us and experience the LBU difference.   01/04/2021   Lincoln County Record. Lincoln County Nevada's News Source.   13/11/2020   Lackawanna County Library System. Scranton, Pennsylvania.   4/25/2023   Louisiana Children's Museum (LCM). Discover 8.5 acres of in-and-outdoor activities at our new location in New Orleans City Park. Come play with us today!   1/22/2023   The African-American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship, showcases the Library's incomparable African American collections.   1/22/2023   A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates, 1774-1873.   19/11/2021   It Rains... You Get Wet.   2/17/2023   Lake County Leader. News from Lake County, Mont., and the Flathead Indian Reservation.   10/09/2019   Le LEAD est un laboratoire de psychologie cognitive qui étudie les modifications des processus de traitement de l’information consécutives aux apprentissages (implicites, didactiques et professionnels) et au développement.   12/15/2022   The Leakey Foundation’s mission is to increase scientific knowledge, education, and public understanding of human origins, evolution, behavior and survival. The Leakey Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization.   4/16/2023   Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career. Gain technical skills through documentation and training, earn certifications and connect with the community.   30/06/2020   Learn about film. Filmmaking for Everyone. Free online film school for everyone. Learn filmmaking, film storytelling, how to plan, shoot and edit a movie. Training provider. Education downloads.   26/06/2021   Learning Path. A guide to earning a high school diploma or GED, the college admissions process, and earning your bachelor's degree or master's degree.   20/12/2020   Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies is an online, open access, peer-reviewed journal devoted to disseminating original research on migration from, to, and within the Middle East and North Africa.   31/08/2020   Magazine psychologie Le Cercle Psy, le magazine de toutes les psychologies. Ressources documentaires dans tous les domaines et les champs de la psychologie, psychiatrie et psychanalyse.   22/06/2020   Lecturafilia. “Leer es vivir dos veces”. Detrás de este mundo que es Lecturafilia, se encuentra Tensi Gesteira, graduada en periodismo, pero ante todo una “loca” de la literatura, de esos libros que hacen la existencia un poco menos insufrible, un poco más llevadera.   5/28/2023   Seattle Arts & Lectures cultivates transformative experiences through story and language with readers and writers of all generations.   11/09/2018   Lectures del Retorn. Geococcyx.   12/01/2021   Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection. UTexas Library Online.   10/4/2022   Legacy of Texas. The official store of the Texas State Historical Association and your window to Texas history! We offer museum quality reproductions of important Texas maps, art, and documents.   25/04/2019   FindLaw's Legal Blogs bring you access to the latest legal news and information.   07/09/2021   Legends of Kansas. History, Tales, and Destinations in the Land of Ahs.   08/01/2022   The Legion of Honor, San Francisco's most beautiful museum, displays an impressive collection of 4,000 years of ancient and European art in an unforgettable setting overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge.   2/8/2023   Delaware General Assembly. Today’s Delaware General Assembly carries on the proud tradition of constituent service and easy accessibility to the people which has sustained us for more than three centuries.   14/01/2020   Legislación. vLex. Información jurídica inteligente. Contenidos en vLex España.   14/01/2020   Movimento Legitimista Português. Servir a tradição sem aguardar paga temporal.   14/01/2020   As Minhas Leituras. Blogue sobre livros, discos, revistas e tudo o mais de que me apeteça escrever...   07/03/2019   L'Égouttoir, association de micro-édition de bandes dessinées.   4/25/2023   The Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities (LEH) promotes access and engagement with the humanities throughout Louisiana through grants, programming, and more.   1/22/2023   The Lehrman Institute. Founded by Lewis E Lehrman in 1972 dedicated to public policy, educational and historic research.   3/4/2023   My name is Wm Leler. My first name is pronounced whim and yes, it is short for William. I live in Portland, OR, and spend time in Olympia, WA.   06/06/2020   Le matin. Premier journal quotidien au Maroc.   02/08/2019   Lente cubano.   09/03/2020   Lentopaikat. Suomessa on noin 60 virallista valvomatonta lentopaikkaa eli kansankielellä korpikenttää tai pienlentokenttää. Tämän lisäksi monia peltokenttiä je kevytlentopaikkoja.   02/08/2019   Leo Cuba.   07/03/2019   Leo Matsuda.   07/01/2020   Annuaire du jardinage de qualité. Tous les sites de jardinage pour mieux créer et gérer votre jardin. Pour les jardiniers amoureux du jardinage. Annuaire jardin avec liens en dur.   07/01/2020   Le Quotidien Algerie. Tribune de l’Algérie Libre.   07/01/2020   Le Quotidien d'Oran: Quotidien national d'information.   20/11/2020   LER. Livros. Notícias. Rumores. Apontamentos.   09/01/2022   Biblioteca Digital. Faculdade de Letras. Universidade do Porto.   04/07/2021   Lera Lynn. Nashville, TN.   23/08/2019   Laboratoire d’Études du Rayonnement et de la Matière en Astrophysique et Atmosphères. LERMA UMR8112. Le LERMA est une unité mixte de recherche commune au CNRS et à 3 établissements d’enseignement supérieur: l’Observatoire de Paris (OP),Sorbonne Université (SU) et l’Université de Cergy-Pontoise (UCP).   09/09/2019   Les 28 de Morlaix.   5/25/2023   Associació Veïnal de Les Pungoles. Un paradís al peu del Montseny.   11/05/2018   "E pur si muove!": "Any yet it does move!" It was said to have been muttered by Galileo Galilei after the Roman Inquisition forced him to deny that the Earth moves around the Sun.   10/02/2020   Lester Hunt’s Web Page. I recently retired from teaching philosophy at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. My work is almost entirely in the areas of moral, political, and legal philosophy. Usually, research that is nominally in other areas barely constitutes an exception.   23/10/2020   Trois Ourses. Livres d'artistes et artistiques pour enfants. Depuis 1988, Les Trois Ourses aiment arpenter l’histoire de l’art et de l’illustration des XXème et XIème siècles pour mettre en lumière ce que les grands artistes ont pensé et imaginez pour les enfants.   23/10/2020   Librairie. Les Trois Ourses. Suivez toute l'actualité des Trois Ourses.   27/01/2021   Librería Letras Corsarias. Una librería de lectores para lectores. En Salamanca y online. Sección infantil y juvenil. Blog, newsletter , recomendaciones personalizadas.   24/06/2020   Letras en Línea es una revista electrónica de extensión perteneciente al Departamento de Literatura de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Su objetivo es promover el diálogo entre la universidad y el campo cultural a través de cuatro flancos.   23/01/2020   Letters 1916-1923 is Ireland’s first participatory digital humanities project. Begun in September 2013 as Letters 1916, in 2017 it expanded its collection period to the end of the Civil War through a generous grant from the Irish Research Council.   20/12/2021   UC Davis College of Letters and Science. Making a better world: Studying liberal arts at UC Davis. The College of Letters and Science puts liberal arts education at the heart of the comprehensive excellence that defines UC Davis.   08/01/2022   Sorbonne Université. Fondé au 13e siècle, à une époque où les étudiants commençaient à affluer à Paris, le collège créé par Robert de Sorbon en 1257 devait bientôt acquérir une brillante réputation.   11/04/2021   Levicový klub žen. Levicově smýšlející ženy,prosazující rovnoprávné postavení žen ve společnosti,bojující za mír a proti válkám,vystupující proti chudobě, pomáhající potřebným!!   19/07/2018   The BAM Hamm Archives tell the story of the 150+ year history of BAM, and of the communities—civic and artistic—that built the institution.   10/08/2019   Leya no Pátio. A História como lembrança. A Cultura como companhia.   06/03/2022   The Original LeZot's Complete Camera Center. LeZot's Camera Repair in Vermont. Repairing, Servicing, Buying and Selling Cameras and Equipment for over 40 years!   24/05/2018   Livermore Falls Advertiser. Livermore Falls, Jay, Livermore and Surrounding Communities.   14/01/2020   Literaturforum im Brecht-Haus. Die aktuellen Lesungen, Buchvorstellungen und -premieren, Filme und Ausstellungen auf einen Blick.   10/06/2020   Die Liberalen Hochschulgruppen Baden-Württemberg (LHG-BW) verstehen sich als Interessenvertretung der Studenten an den Hochschulen und in der Gesellschaft. Basis der Arbeit der Liberalen Hochschulgruppen ist die Autonomie der Mitgliedsgruppen an den Hochschulen.   10/02/2019   12/14/2022   The Harold B. Lee Library began as a small collection of books kept in the office of Karl G. Maeser during his time as Principal of Brigham Young Academy.   14/07/2021   Audio. Harold B. Lee Library. HBLL.   5/3/2023   Digital Collections. BYU Harold B. Lee Library. The general collections include items in a variety of formats (books, audio/video, maps, databases, journals, etc.) and languages.   4/8/2023   Digital Collections. BYU Harold B. Lee Library (HBLL). Scanned images of books, documents, photographs, and other materials, primarily from Special Collections, as well as research published by BYU faculty and students.   15/05/2018   Letters of Philip II, King of Spain, 1592–1597. These letters from Philip II, King of Spain, mainly to Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves, Royal Governor of Spain’s northern coast, date from the time of naval war against England and France, 1592–1597.   12/14/2022   Mormon Publications: 19th and 20th Centuries. Digital Collections. Harold B. Lee Library.   13/11/2020   Colorado State University: Libraries. Fort Collins, Colorado.   23/08/2021   Kathryn A. Martin Library. The University of Minnesota Duluth and the Kathryn A Martin Library comprise a community of learners and scholars that promotes student success, provides an enriching experience, and is committed to core values that shape the university and its purpose.   13/11/2020   Research Guides at University of Maryland Libraries. University of Maryland.   22/01/2022   O'Malley Library at Manhattan College. Riverdale, NY.   4/23/2022   UConn Library. University of Connecticut.   4/23/2022   Connecticut Digital Archive. The CTDA is dedicated to the preservation of a wide-range of digital resources for educational and cultural institutions and state agencies in the State of Connecticut.   17/02/2020   Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent.   4/8/2023   Discover the Indiana University School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI. The IU School of Liberal Arts at IUPUI was founded in 1972, as the only public liberal arts higher education institution in the Indianapolis area.   23/10/2020   Anthropology. College of Liberal Arts. College of Liberal Arts at Texas A&M University.   16/02/2021   School of Liberal Arts, School of Liberal Arts at Tulane University. The School of Liberal Arts encompasses the arts, humanities, and social sciences through sixteen departments and nineteen interdisciplinary programs.   10/4/2022   College of Liberal Arts. The University of Texas at Austin. Liberal Arts at UT offers over 40 majors and many top-ranked graduate programs in the social sciences and humanities taught by 750 faculty.   19/03/2019   In the College of Liberal Arts, we teach students to think critically and independently so they can thrive in the world beyond campus. We are dedicated to promoting cutting-edge research that helps people better understand human history, society, and culture.   24/03/2021   The Linguistics Research Center (LRC) was founded by Prof. Winfred P. Lehmann in 1961. In the early days, research efforts at the LRC concentrated on Machine Translation (MT) -- the translation of texts from one human language to another with the aid of computers. College of Liberal Arts. The University of Texas at Austin.   18/09/2021   Liberal Studies at NYU provides a dynamic, creative, and intersectional approach to the liberal arts, preparing students to address contemporary challenges and embrace 21st century opportunities.   10/11/2019   Todas las noticias de actualidad deportiva: fútbol peruano, fútbol internacional y partidos en vivo en Libero - Resultados de Fútbol, Voley, F1, Box, Tenis, Atletismo y más del Perú y el Mundo en Libero.   14/01/2020   Café Libertad 8.   14/07/2021   Libertas Institute of Utah. Individual Liberty, Private Property, Free Enterprise. Libertas exists to advance the cause of liberty within the State of Utah.   05/05/2019   Research: Find Articles, Ebooks, Videos, and helpful links. Arizona Western College.   19/01/2022   Walter M. Bortz III Library. Bortz Library’s mission is to support Hampden-Sydney’s efforts “to form good men and good citizens in an atmosphere of sound learning” by providing students and faculty with quality information resources and services as efficiently as possible.   27/05/2021   MKA Libraries at The Montclair Kimberley Academy.   26/11/2021   LibGuides: New Pontifical College Josephinum Library Page.   19/03/2020   Les Champignons : description, biologie, systématique et photos. Choisissez parmi les noms suivants et cliquer dessus pour voir la photo et quelques notes concernant la biologie de l'espèce.   09/01/2022   Librairie Studyrama. Vente en ligne et téléchargement de livres numériques (ebooks) et livres imprimés.   10/05/2021   AUB (American University of Beirut) Libraries Digital Collections is a gateway to our digitized and preserved collections featuring manuscripts, maps, photos, posters, books, multimedia and other resources.   5/23/2023   Emory Libraries.   15/01/2021   Indiana University Libraries. Research help, resources, and information from the Indiana University Bloomington Libraries.   15/01/2021   Digital Collections at Indiana University. IU Libraries' mission is to support and strengthen teaching, learning, and research by providing the collections, services, and environments that lead to intellectual discovery.   15/01/2021   Lilly Library. The Lilly Library is the principal rare books, manuscripts, and special collections library of Indiana University. Lilly Library holdings include about 460,000 books, more than 120,000 pieces of sheet music, and more than 8.5 million manuscripts.   22/01/2022   The Missouri State University Libraries, a singular entity, provides information resources, services, and spaces to advance the University’s purpose to develop educated persons.   01/03/2022   The Oberlin College Libraries consists of the Mary Church Terrell Main Library, Terrell Special Collections, The Oberlin College Archives, The Clarence Ward Art Library, The Conservatory Library, and The Science Library.   01/05/2021   The University of Mississippi Libraries includes the John Davis Williams Library (191,261 sq ft), the Science Library (10,890 sq ft) which is housed in the Thad Cochran Natural Products Center, and an Annex building (15,200 sq ft), housing the Modern Political Archives and low use materials, which is located across the street from the Science Library.   2/23/2023   University of Oklahoma Libraries. University Libraries serves, connects, and empowers the University communities in their discovery, creation, and sharing of knowledge.   12/07/2021   Libraries. University Of Cincinnati. UC Libraries includes the Walter C. Langsam Library, the Archives and Rare Books Library, the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, and eight college and departmental libraries serving constituents in applied science, architecture, art, biology, chemistry, classics, design, education, engineering, geology, mathematics, music, physics and planning.   08/01/2022   University of Southern California Libraries. The USC Libraries actively support the discovery, creation, and preservation of knowledge at the University of Southern California and beyond.   3/11/2023   Department of Libraries. Commissioner and State Librarian Catherine Delneo.   07/09/2021   Library Website. LibGuides at Wichita State University. The mission of the University Libraries is to be an essential force in teaching and research.   23/01/2021   WSU Libraries. Washington State University. Washington State University Libraries have more than two million books and over 30,000 journal and magazine subscriptions.   21/11/2020   Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC) is a unit in Washington State University’s Terrell Library that is primarily responsible for acquiring, administering, and preserving millions of non-circulating items, many of which are rare and unique.   2/6/2023   Emmanuel d'Alzon Library. Assumption University Library, Worcester, MA.   11/18/2022   Boston College Libraries. We support academic inquiry and intellectual freedom by providing equitable access to the highest quality scholarly resources and services whenever and wherever users need them.   23/07/2021   Freeman/Lozier Library. Bellevue University. Bellevue, Nebraska.   12/27/2020   Bentley Library. The library was one of the first buildings to open on the Waltham campus in 1968 when Bentley moved from its downtown Boston location.   06/11/2019   Albertsons Library. Boise State University.   12/20/2022   Bowdoin Library. Bowdoin College library staff, services, and information resources advance the pursuit of knowledge and self-enrichment by providing access to the world of information and ideas.   4/6/2023   Brown University Library.   23/11/2020   Cultural Correspondence. A digital edition of Cultural Correspondence, a critical review of popular culture, born from the collapse of the New Left and hopes for a new beginning of a social movement, intermittently published in Providence from 1975 to 1985.   12/03/2020   African American Sheet Music. The sheet music in this digital collection has been selected from the Sheet Music Collection at the John Hay Library at Brown University.   12/03/2020   World War I Sheet Music. The World War I digital sheet music collection is drawn from the Sheet Music Collection at the John Hay Library.   23/11/2020   Brown University Library Collections.   4/6/2023   Center for Digital Scholarship. Brown University Library.   4/6/2023   Krupp Library. The mission of the Douglas and Judith Krupp Library is to collect, organize, and provide access to information resources and library services that are central to the University's academic mission.   23/11/2020   Archives and Special Collections. Douglas and Judith Krupp Library. Bryant University.   4/10/2023   The Andrew L. Bouwhuis, S.J. Library is a dynamic space for innovation and collaboration that inspires lifelong learners.   13/12/2020   Carleton University MacOdrum Library. The Library’s collection includes over 1,069,744 printed monographs and 872,396 e-books, and licensed access to 78,408 electronic journals.   5/11/2022   Columbia University Libraries are the heart of the intellectual life at Columbia, and inspire inquiry, advance knowledge, catalyze discovery, and shape an inclusive and vibrant discourse all enabled by the work of the dedicated staff who are the heart of the Libraries.   5/11/2022   Digital Collections & Online Exhibitions. Columbia University Libraries.   21/06/2020   The Michael Schwartz Library. Cleveland State University. We encourage you to visit the Michael Schwartz Library and learn about the many services that we offer.   5/3/2023   The Donald & Beverly Gerth Special Collections & University Archives (SCUA) serves as the principal location for manuscript collections, rare books, fine press, and archives at California State University, Sacramento.   22/01/2022   Duke University Libraries. Find articles, books, journals, databases, and more. Reserve rooms or get help with research questions.   24/06/2020   The David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library builds distinctive collections of original materials and preserves them for use on campus and around the world.   20/09/2018   Linscheid Library. Consistent with the mission of the university, and in the spirit of intellectual freedom, equal access, and cooperative stewardship, the Linscheid Library provides an information-rich environment that fosters independent learning throughout the community.   19/01/2022   Escondido Public Library. Serving the Escondido community in North San Diego County. Find books, music, movies. Use online research tools. Research local history. Find family events.   7/9/2022   FAMU Libraries. LibGuides at Florida A&M University Libraries.   11/02/2022   The Henry Madden Library supports the University mission of education, research and service.   13/11/2020   The Grand Canyon University Library is proactive in empowering students, faculty and staff with the knowledge they need to be successful in their research endeavors. Phoenix, Arizona.   22/01/2022   Georgetown University Library. Washington, D.C.   23/02/2019   The Harrison Libraries consist of the general collection in the Mortensen Library and the music and dance collection in the Allen Library; both are located in the Harry Jack Gray Center.   3/10/2023   Harvard Library. The largest academic library in the world. Supporting research and discovery at Harvard since 1638.   31/01/2020   Harvard Digital Collections. Harvard Library.   17/01/2020   Paul V. Galvin Library. The Illinois Institute of Technology Libraries are an integral component of the university, buttressing all core activities.   05/12/2021   Isothermal Community College Library offers facilities and resources to Isothermal students to use in completing their assignments, and is open to the public as well.   4/4/2022   Billington Library. To serve JCCC students, faculty, staff and Johnson County residents by providing access to a variety of services and resources that support and strengthen the instructional programs of the college and the higher educational needs of the community.   11/19/2022   The Maloney Library. Fordham University School of Law. The Maloney Library is a center for service in support of the scholarship of Fordham Law School’s faculty and the education of its students.   3/4/2023   The William H. Hannon Library fosters academic excellence and provides information resources for students, faculty, and staff at Loyola Marymount University.   6/3/2023   Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library. Located at The University of Utah, the mission of the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library is to advance education, research, and health care through information access, service and innovation.   22/01/2022   McNairy Library and Learning Forum. We are a learner-centered hub for the university community, dedicated to educating, inspiring, and connecting people with ideas, information, and each other.   2/6/2023   Colorado School of Mines. Arthur Lakes Library. Collaborative partner and intellectual nexus that bridges disciplines and communities across the Colorado School of Mines campus.   08/07/2021   Montgomery College Library. The library facilitates student success by collaborating with the College community in the creation and delivery of innovative services in a culture of excellence and accountability.   6/3/2023   SUNY New Paltz Library. The Sojourner Truth Library fosters learning and supports scholarship at SUNY New Paltz by providing an extensive array of information resources and services.   11/02/2022   The Robert W. Van Houten Library, NJIT’s university library, houses a core collection of print books, group study rooms and has an Information Commons computer lab with more than 100+ computer workstations and wireless access throughout the building.   2/23/2023    New York University Division of Libraries. From the time of its founding in 1831 until 1973, New York University housed its library collections in various campus locations.   11/12/2020   2/23/2023   Oklahoma State University Library. We exist as a resource to expand the learning potential of students and citizens of our state and to enhance the teaching and research capabilities of our faculty.   6/3/2023   Parkland College Library. The Library is dedicated to providing the highest quality service, resources, and environment for the students, faculty, and staff of the College, and for community members of District 505.   1/22/2023   Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Library. To be a leader in health sciences libraries by providing welcoming spaces and services that promote interprofessional excellence, discovery, diversity, collaboration, and innovation.   03/05/2021   Mary Helen Cochran Library. The library encourages the pursuit of knowledge and academic excellence by providing collections that support information needs and scholarly pursuits; spaces conducive to inquiry and learning; and services that enhance the learning and campus life experience of Sweet Briar College.   23/05/2021   The South Dakota State Library provides leadership for innovation and excellence in libraries and services to state government.   19/01/2022   J. Paul Leonard Library. The mission of the J. Paul Leonard Library is to empower its University constituency with lifelong learning skills to identify, find, evaluate, use and communicate information in promotion of excellence in scholarship, knowledge and understanding.   31/05/2021   Shoreline College Library. Ray W. Howard Library at Shoreline Community College.   10/05/2018   Newton Gresham Library. Sam Houston State University.   02/03/2022   Smithsonian Libraries. The world's largest museum library system – serving the Smithsonian Institution, the American people, and the world.   02/03/2022   Trade Literature Collection. Trade literature includes printed or handwritten lists, often illustrate, of items offered for sale, ranging in size from small pamphlets to oversized folios of several hundred pages.   4/8/2023   Stanford Libraries. Today, we rely on a combination of endowments, gifts of collections, and cash gifts to supplement and build upon the operational support of the university.   3/19/2022   Robin Li and Melissa Ma Science Library. Stanford Libraries. The Robin Li and Melissa Ma Science Library supports research and teaching for the departments of Biology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Statistics.   07/01/2020   The Library at St. Vladimir’s Seminary began in a non-functional bathtub of a tenement apartment in upper Manhattan.   07/01/2020   Syracuse University Libraries Home.   07/08/2021   Timeless Truths Free Online Library. Timeless Truths is a free online library with resources including the Bible, magazines and books, sheet music, midi, and recorded audio.   11/18/2022   Trocaire College Library services will be the first choice of Trocaire College students, faculty, staff and Sisters of Mercy to meet their information and research needs.   16/01/2022   Pickler Memorial Library. Truman State University. Encouraging discovery through our resources, services, and space.   4/25/2023   Tulane University Libraries. Through welcoming spaces, expert staff, and a broad array of services and resources, Tulane University Libraries support and enrich the teaching, research, and outreach missions of Tulane University.   15/08/2019   Libraries & Departments. Howard-Tilton Memorial Library.   4/25/2023   Resources. Tulane University Libraries.   13/02/2021   Tulane Digital Repository. Howard-Tilton Memorial Library.   15/08/2019   Tulane Digital Repository. Howard-Tilton Memorial Library.   4/30/2022   Tulane University Special Collections.   2/23/2023   The Library is a college-wide academic resource supporting learning and teaching at Tulsa Community College.   02/04/2021   02/04/2021   4/23/2022   UC Merced Library. Not what other research libraries are, what they will be. The UC Merced Library opened its doors to the inaugural class of University of California, Merced students in August 2005.   4/23/2022   University of California, Riverside. UCR Library. The UCR Library serves as an information commons and intellectual center for the campus and is the nexus for research and study at UCR.   4/23/2022   Collections. UCR Library. Our collections include more than 4 million print volumes, more than 1 million e-books, and 143,000 serials, and thousands of multimedia materials.   4/23/2022   Special Collections & University Archives houses archives and manuscript collections, photographs, maps, books, and other rare or unique research material that document a wide range of subject areas.   24/08/2021   The UC San Diego Library, ranked among the nation's top 25 public academic libraries, plays a critical role in advancing and supporting the university's research, teaching, patient care, and public service missions.   2/10/2023   University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press. The Library, Museums and Press is a hub for activity, collaboration and concentration. The main library, Morris Library, sits in the heart of campus on the Green.   06/03/2020   UMKC Libraries Website. University of Missouri, Kansas City.   05/09/2021   3/4/2023   Ramsey Library at UNC Asheville. Today, the library holds approximately 360,000 volumes with access to more than 400,000 titles electronically.   31/03/2021   University Libraries. The library system for the University of Nevada, Reno, a top research university serving the needs of students, faculty, researchers and staff as well as the northern Nevada community and beyond.   31/03/2021   Basque Library. The Jon Bilbao Basque Library is the leading academic library on the Basque Diaspora. It collects, preserves, and provides access to the Basque Diaspora's heritage and resources about the Basque Country, serving researchers and memory institutions as a portal to the research done in English about Basque topics.   16/06/2020   The University of Toronto Libraries system is the largest academic library in Canada and consists of 44 libraries located on three university campuses: St. George, Mississauga and Scarborough.   06/02/2022   McIntyre Library. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. The McIntyre Library is home to many services and resources at UW-Eau Claire. Students can use this space as a place to study, research, read, and so much more.   17/02/2022   The Warner Pacific University Library is the hub of student research and exploration. Whether you need access to books, journal articles, in person lectures, or a place to study, WPU Library has you covered!   13/07/2020   Welcome to West Linn-Wilsonville School District 3J.   11/14/2022   The Library Network is a group of libraries and resource centers supporting the work of the World Bank Group (WBG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF).   18/03/2021   Libraries at West Virginia University. Morgantown, WV.   30/08/2021   Yale Library. Our collections contain fifteen million print and electronic volumes in more than a dozen libraries and locations. Our resources for teaching and research range from thousands of licensed e-resources to special collections in forms as varied as ancient papyri, early printed books, rare film and music recordings, photographs, and a growing body of born-digital materials.   5/6/2023   The Library Company of Philadelphia. Free and open to the public, the Library Company houses an extensive non-circulating collection of rare books, manuscripts, broadsides, ephemera, prints, photographs, and works of art.   06/05/2021   The Monroe County Library System (MCLS) is an association of independent public libraries working together to improve library services for residents of Monroe County. The MCLS was chartered by the New York State Board of Regents in 1954 and is directed by a board of trustees appointed by the Monroe County Legislature.   25/10/2020   Libreria Amez. En el año 2003 inicia su andadura Librería Amez de la mano de su fundadora Mar Ámez. No sólo tenemos libros de los grandes grupos editoriales, sino que también tratamos de conocer los pequeños proyectos, especialmente de los escritores noveles e ilustradores de nuestra tierra y darles visibilidad en nuestras estanterías físicas y virtuales.   01/09/2020   Áurea Clásicos. Madrid.   01/09/2020   Librería Bosch fue fundada en 1889 por Agustín Bosch en la parte vieja de la ciudad como un humilde taller de encuadernaciones y de compra-venta de libros de ocasión.   14/02/2019   La Librería Cajón Desastre comenzó su andadura en Ponferrada (El Bierzo) en el año 1992, poniendo a disposición del público un amplio abanico de títulos y referencias de libros raros y curiosos muy seleccionados.   25/10/2020   Librería Cerezo. 90 años leyendo juntos. Logroño.   25/10/2020   Librería Cervantes de Segovia. Fue fundada en el año 1906 por Cándido Herrero Bernal, un emprendedor de espíritu ecologista, que consiguió en poco tiempo convertir su humilde establecimiento en lugar de obligada visita para los intelectuales segovianos, entre ellos Antonio Machado, quien durante su estancia en Segovia, de 1919 a 1932, hizo de ella uno de sus rincones predilectos.   13/12/2020   Librería CIDE. El CIDE es un centro de investigación y educación superior especializado en ciencias sociales, orientado por estándares internacionales de calidad y financiado con recursos públicos.   01/09/2020   Libreria Compas. Su compra de libros con envío urgente. Alicante.   20/09/2019   El Astillero inicia su trayectoria en 1994. En la actualidad nos hemos especializado en Documentos de Arte Contemporáneo, fundamentalmente de España y Latinoamérica, centrándonos sobre todo en los nuevos comportamientos artísticos que se desarrollan a partir de los años 60.   25/10/2020   Fabre, fundada en 1860, tiene el orgullo de ser la librería más antigua de Barcelona y la segunda de Cataluña. Cuando fue fundada por J.M. Fabre en 1860, la librería se especializó tanto en publicaciones técnicas como en ámbitos más generales como la cultura, la decoración, la historia, etc.   01/09/2020   Librería Ícaro. Difundiendo el placer de la lectura desde 1981. Somos la primera librería-café de Castilla y León.Nacimos en 1981 en La Granja de San Ildefonso, en un pequeño local del que nos mudamos poco después.   20/09/2019   Librería Intercontinental.   25/05/2020   Libreria La Pecera. Librería especializada en buena literatura.   20/11/2020   Librería Lolita. ¿Ya saben que no podemos vivir sin libros, verdad?   12/23/2022   Ménades Librería. Somos Manu y Pilar. Tan solo pasen y vean: estamos en San Gregorio 3, Pamplona.   01/07/2020   Web oficial de Librería Moisés de Barbastro, fundada en el 1936. Moisés Suministros, S.L.   25/10/2020   Librería Nemo es un nuevo concepto en librerías, contamos con dos zonas diferenciadas: la librería generalista con cómics y libros y una zona infantil con libro y cómic para niños así como una gran oferta en juguetería de madera y cartón.   6/26/2022   Librería Noviembre, Benicàssim. Libros que hacen nuestro mundo poéticamente habitable. Librería que selecciona las mejores obras de narrativa, humanidades y literatura infantil y juvenil.   01/09/2020   Librería Pérgamo dispone de una gran selección de libros: narrativa, infantil, idiomas, comic, guías, etc. Disponemos de libros en inglés, alemán, francés, italiano y ruso.   6/26/2022   Librería Plácido Gómez. Castellón.   16/07/2020   Librería Quiñones. Ponferrada.   25/01/2021   Libreria Siglo. Editorial Colombiana. Libreria Siglo es un portal Web gestionado por Siglo del Hombre Editores S.A, especializado en la venta de libros y eBooks de perfil académico publicados por importantes universidades e instituciones colombianas, así como editoriales españolas, mexicanas, chilenas y argentinas.   09/04/2020   Libreria Teseo.   08/01/2022   Librerío de la Plata. Compartiendo lecturas desde 2013. Librería en Sabadell, un lugar donde pasan cosas. Literatura latinoamericana, ediciones especiales, recomendaciones de librera y clubes de lectura.   09/09/2019   eBooks: Libri Gratis Online. Più di mille libri gratuiti liberamente consultabili on line.   02/03/2019   La revista Librínsula, publicación mensual de la Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba José Martí, aborda temas relacionados con la información y la cultura en Cuba, especialmente en el ámbito del libro y las bibliotecas.   09/01/2022   LibriVox. Free Public Domain Audiobooks. LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain, and then we release the audio files back onto the net for free.   30/10/2020   Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur. Maurice LEBLANC (1864 - 1941). Arsène Lupin, gentleman-cambrioleur est un recueil de nouvelles écrites par Maurice Leblanc et contant les aventures d'Arsène Lupin.   24/06/2020   Author Catalog, The Library of Iberian Resources Online.   11/09/2018   The Library of Iberian Resources Online. Lawsuits and Litigants in Castile 1500-1700. Richard L. Kagan. Part One. The Legal Revolution.   11/09/2018   The Library of Iberian Resources Online. Lawsuits and Litigants in Castile 1500-1700. Richard L. Kagan. Chapter 4. Causes and Catalysts.   11/09/2018   The Library of Iberian Resources Online. A History of the Inquisition of Spain. Volume 1. Henry Charles Lea. Document 12.   6/6/2022   The Development of Southern French and Catalan Society 718-1050. Archibald Ross Lewis.   01/10/2019   The Library of Iberian Resources Online. A Medieval Catalan Noble Family: the Montcadas, 1000-1230. John C. Shideler.   26/08/2018   Penal Servitude in Early Modern Spain. Ruth Pike. The Library Of Iberian Resources Online.   24/06/2020   Title Catalog, The Library of Iberian Resources Online.   01/11/2020   Editorial Libros. Somos una editorial que apuesta por un modelo más democrático en la industria del libro. Utilizamos el crowdfunding para desarrollar nuestros proyectos editoriales, y establecemos una relación más justa y transparente con nuestros colaboradores.   09/04/2020   Blog sobre Libros 28. Librería de San Vicente del Raspeig.   11/19/2022   Libros de Cíbola. RESEÑAS, relato fantástico, minificción, ciencia ficción, misceláneas, viajes, clásicos, ensayo, biografías, mitología, historia, religión, filosofía, libros ilustrados, NOTICIAS.   10/23/2022   Libros del SUR es una plataforma de venta on line de libros de papel y tinta, una herramienta gestionada por pequeños editores y escritores independientes.   07/04/2020   Libros de Piedra Infinita. Editorial fundada en 2002 por Hernán Schillagi y Fernando G. Toledo.   27/10/2020   Libros Vobiscum. Libros Antiguos, Raros, Agotados y de Ocasión. Empezamos nuestra andadura en el verano de 1997.   10/11/2019   Liceo Universidad Pedro de Gante.   03/05/2021   The JPL TMF Atmospheric Lidar Group, part of JPL's Laboratory Studies And Atmospheric Observations Group (329H), has been designing, building and operating several lidar instruments dedicated to the long term monitoring of atmospheric composition and satellite validation for over two decades.   27/10/2020   Liesbet Slegers. Kinderboeken. Lezingen & workshops. Nieuws. Kleurplaten.   12/16/2022   The Lifeboat. Poetry publisher based in Belfast.   6/3/2023   Die Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften ist an der Universität Wien eine der größten Fakultäten – mit acht Departments aus den Bereichen Biowissenschaften, Pharmazie und Ernährungswissenschaften.   3/28/2023   Light Bytes: Blogging for Science. Updates from DOE's Energy Sciences Network.   24/07/2021   The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies. This is a collection of bibliographies of scientific literature in computer science from various sources, covering most aspects of computer science.   24/04/2021   The Lindbergh Foundation continues the legacy of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s lifetime of service by spearheading bold solutions and inspiring talent to help balance technology and the environment.   10/21/2022   Breaking News from your Local News Source Leader in Lingle, Wyoming. Lingle Guide. The best source for breaking and local news serving Goshen County, Lingle, Wyoming (WY).   02/08/2019   Lingmex: Bibliografía lingüística de México desde 1970 es una base de datos cuyo objetivo es reunir de forma, lo más representativa posible, la producción emanada de la investigación lingüística realizada en México por lingüistas mexicanos o extranjeros.   23/01/2020   Lingoes Translator.   11/01/2022   Department of Linguistics. UCLA. The UCLA Linguistics Department focuses on the scientific study of language in all aspects.   03/01/2021   Springer. Providing researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings.   16/12/2019   Books beginning with A. Springer Link.   16/12/2019   Journals beginning with A. Springer Link.   30/01/2021   Tartu Linnamuuseum on 1955. aastal asutatud muuseum, mille eesmärgiks on koguda, säilitada, uurida ja tutvustada Tartu linna ajalugu.   25/10/2020   Linternas y bosques. Expediciones a la literatura infantil y juvenil. Blog de lectura crítica y periodismo especializado en literatura infantil y juvenil.   4/17/2022   The AOCS (The American Oil Chemists' Society) Lipid Library is one of the leading online sources of information related to lipid science and technology today.   6/3/2023   Liptov. Zakladateľ slovenskej turistiky a autor prvých slovenských turistických sprievodcov Miloš Janoška tento kraj, čo sa týka prírodných krás, označil za najkrajší na Slovensku vo svojej knihe Krásy Liptova už v roku 1947.   07/06/2020   Signs and Sirens. A former labor organizer and child actress, Lisa Rosman has reviewed film for such publications as Marie Claire, Salon, Vulture,, Time Out New York, Premiere, indieWire, LA Weekly, iVillage, and Us Weekly.   13/01/2022   Lista Oficial de las Aves de Costa Rica. Comité de Especies Raras y Registros Ornitológicos de Costa Rica.   10/05/2018   Con la salida del primer ejemplar de LISTIN DIARIO el 1ero. de agosto, de 1889, la República Dominicana inauguraba una página ejemplar en la historia de la libertad de expresión del continente americano. Con sus 128 años de fundado, LISTIN DIARIO es una institución que ha dado lecciones ejemplares a la historia de la democracia contemporánea.   10/05/2018   Slovenska književnost. Slovenska literarna veda. Slovene literary studies.   22/06/2020   Literariedad es una revista electrónica e impresa fundada en Pereira, Colombia, en mayo de 2013 por el poeta y ensayista colombiano Albeiro Montoya Guiral. Asume la literatura, la poesía, el cine y el teatro como calles, lugares de encuentro y desencuentro.   15/01/2020   Literato, Tienda de Libros.   10/10/2019   "Literaturvermittlung in den Medien" (LVM) heißt ein Studienschwerpunkt im Fach Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, der seit dem Wintersemester 1999/2000 an der Philipps-Universität Marburg vom Institut für Neuere deutsche Literatur angeboten wird.   10/10/2019   In dem Verlag erscheinen die Online-, Druck- und E-Book-Fassungen des Rezensionsforums, literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Bücher, neue Editionen älterer literarischer Texte und belletristische Literatur zum Thema Wissenschaft.   24/04/2020   Literatura fantástica. Un espacio informativo, crítico e independiente especializado en literatura fantástica y ciencia ficción, con una atención especial a la producción original en castellano.   19/07/2020   Лиterraтура. Электронный литературный журнал. Избранная современная литература в текстах, лицах и событиях.   10/03/2020   Literary Hub is an organizing principle in the service of literary culture, a single, trusted, daily source for all the news, ideas and richness of contemporary literary life.   20/11/2019   Litrefs Articles. Literary articles by Tim Love.   20/11/2019   Litrefs Quotes. Tim Love.   29/08/2018   L’ÎLE, l’Infocentre littéraire des écrivains, est un centre de documentation virtuel qui a pour mission de promouvoir la littérature québécoise.   15/05/2021   Little Corner of the Earth.   24/07/2020   Linköpings universitet (LiU) är känt för innovativa utbildningar, gränsöverskridande forskning och nära samarbete med näringsliv och samhälle.   24/07/2020   Biblioteket. Linköpings universitet.   11/19/2022   Council for a Livable World. A nonpartisan nonprofit promoting policies to reduce and eventually eliminate nuclear weapons, and to minimize the risk of war through lobbying and by helping elect and support Members of Congress who share our goals.   08/12/2021   Center for Digital Antiquity. Digital Antiquity extends our knowledge of the human past and improves the management of our cultural heritage by permanently preserving digital archaeological data and supporting their discovery, access, and reuse.   01/11/2020   Frédéric Lipzyc photographe professionnel à Paris réalise pour vous sur place ou en studio vos plus belles photos. Matériel de pointe.   27/03/2020   Liviaaugustae.   27/12/2019   Livraria SolMar.   23/07/2021   Lietuvių kalbos institutas yra valstybės mokslo institutas. Pagrindinė Instituto veikla yra moksliniai ir taikomieji tyrimai bei jų sklaida.   03/09/2018   Llum de dona. Live is short,eat dessert first! (Viure és curt,menja les postres primer!).   04/04/2020   Llefi@net Xarxa Ciutadana. Fem barri, fem xarxa!   6/26/2022   Llegim...? Llibreria. Una llibreria de caràcter general a Igualada, amb seccions que tenen un pes específic i tracte singular com la música, la secció d’il·lustrats infantil i el llibre en català.   6/11/2022   Llegir en Català. Associació d’Editorials Independents. Som editorials independents de Catalunya, el País Valencià i les Illes Balears que treballem per fer-te arribar els millors llibres en català.   5/25/2023   Llengua catalana. Secretaria de Política Lingüística. Departament de Cultura. Generalitat de Catalunya.   5/25/2023   Publicacions. Llengua catalana.   04/04/2020   Llengua i Ús. Revista Tècnica de Política Lingüística és una publicació semestral de la Direcció General de Política Lingüística que té com a objectiu principal oferir als tècnics i tècniques de planificació lingüística articles amb contingut útil per a la tasca que duen a terme.   5/9/2023   Llengua i Societat als Territoris de Parla Catalana a l’inici del Segle XXI. L’Alguer, Andorra, Catalunya, Catalunya Nord, la Franja, Illes Balears i Comunitat Valenciana.   5/25/2023   Criteris de traducció de noms, denominacions i topònims. Direcció General de Política Lingüística. Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura. Barcelona 1999.   6/1/2022   L’Associació Llengua Nacional va ser fundada el 1991 per a contribuir a la normalització del català, defensar la unitat de la llengua i la seva riquesa dialectal, vetllar per l’ús d’un llenguatge ric i genuí, i lluitar perquè esdevingués el mitjà de comunicació habitual dels Països Catalans.   22/11/2020   lletrA. La literatura catalana a internet. L'any 2001 es va posar en marxa la pàgina web LletrA, que oferia informació i documentació especialitzada en la literatura catalana, adreçada als lectors, professors, estudiants, professionals i, en general, a totes les persones interessades pel llibre i la lectura en català.   29/04/2020   Mercè Rodoreda. Autores a lletrA. La literatura catalana a internet.   08/01/2020   + Projectes web. lletrA. La literatura catalana a internet.   25/12/2020   Obres. LletrA.   25/12/2020   Selecció de Poesia Catalana. Aquesta pàgina és gentilesa de LletrA (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), d'Editorial Empúries, d'Edicions 62 i d'Edicions Proa.   11/21/2022   Llibreria de la Diputació. Temaris d’oposicions, llibres tècnics per a la gestió pública, de dret, de benestar, de territori, de parcs naturals, de cultura, de teatre, de museus, d'història, dels pobles de Catalunya.   5/25/2023   Llibreria de la Generalitat de Catalunya.   6/26/2022   Llibreria 22. La 22 ha volgut ser, i més d’una vegada ho ha aconseguit, un espai de llibertat, de creació i d’opinió no només pels veïns de la Llibreria, sinó també per les seves contrades.   10/21/2022   Llibreria Edison. Llibreria generalista a Figueres. La llibreria Edison va obrir les seves portes l'abril de 2016 al cor de la ciutat de Figueres de la mà del llibreter Eloi Salvat.   3/5/2023   Llibreria INDEX. Des del seu inici, l'any 1998, la llibreria està situada en ple centre del poble de Vilassar de Mar (Maresme), oferint una àmplia gamma de serveis als clients.   12/23/2022   Isop Llibreria. Isop és una llibreria generalista que aposta per la narrativa, el còmic i la novel·la gràfica, la literatura infantil i juvenil, la crítica i els clàssics de sempre.   6/26/2022   Llibreria L'Estudi. Som una organització fundada el 2010, que ofereix serveis i productes a tota la regió. Estem capacitats per oferir l'atenció que necessita de manera oportuna i professional.   16/05/2021   Lletra de batalla. El bloc de Llorenç Capdevila.   5/25/2023   Lluís Feliu. Periodista.   1/22/2023   LMCC. Founded in 1973 as Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, LMCC serves, connects and makes space for artists and community.   18/06/2019   News. LMCC. The 2019 River To River Festival program focuses on themes of slowing down, reflecting, and imagining.   1/22/2023   Resources For Artists. Lower Manhattan Cultural Council is deeply committed to sustaining the creative lives of artists and small arts groups.   02/06/2020   Le Matricule Des Anges est un magazine d’informations littéraires, libre et indépendant, qui paraît chaque mois. Il est diffusé en france, en belgique, en suisse et au québec (librairies, maisons de presse, abonnements).   06/12/2021   The Lewiston Tribune. A family-owned newspaper that has been published since 1892. The Lewiston Tribune serves readers and advertisers in eight counties in north central Idaho and southeastern Washington and around the world through Tribune Online.   10/03/2020   Library of America, a nonprofit organization, champions our nation’s cultural heritage by publishing America’s greatest writing in authoritative new editions and providing resources for readers to explore this rich, living legacy.   6/3/2023   Locals d'Esquerra. Articles de totes les Locals d'ERC.   9/10/2022   Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania, commonly abbreviated LHU, is a state university in central Pennsylvania. Student body: 2,920 total students, 2,466 undergraduates, 454 graduate students.   09/03/2020   Flyin' Lo Racing Team. On September 16, 2007, Cris Ferguson piloted "Miss Gianna", race #13 to victory at the National Championship Air Races in Reno, NV.   3/16/2023   LOFAR Surveys. Over the past 60 years, the depth, fidelity, and resolution of radio surveys has continuously improved. However, new, upgraded and planned instruments are capable of revolutionising this area of research.   5/12/2023   LOFAR Surveys. The International Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) is one such instrument. LOFAR offers a transformational increase in radio survey speed compared to existing radio telescopes.   04/06/2018   Das Lehr- und Forschungsgebiet für Mathematische Grundlagen der Informatik ist Teil der Fachgruppe Mathematik.   11/03/2020   Logica Teista. Los argumentos lógicos mas importantes acerca de la existencia de Dios los encontraras aqui. Presentaremos defensa hacia la racionalidad y a la vez haremos un analisis critico al ateismo y sus incongruencias.   6/3/2023   Logo Ligi. Under the creative direction of master drummer and dancer Maputo Mensah, Logo Ligi is a Colorado-based West African drum and dance troupe dedicated to celebrating the style and spirit of traditional West African performance art.   23/12/2019   The images of Lois Pierris, a Seattle based fine art photographer, represent several decades of work from Cuba, Africa, Europe Asia and the Middle East. Her passion for photography developed as a young student attending Parsons School of Design in New York.   28/06/2020   LOM Ediciones es una editorial chilena, con sede en la ciudad de Santiago, fundada en 1990. Ha publicado más de 1400 libros de distintos géneros literarios, que incluyen sobre todo obras chilenas y latinoamericanas.   09/08/2021   The Long Now Foundation was established in 01996* to develop the Clock and Library projects, as well as to become the seed of a very long-term cultural institution.   09/08/2021   10,000 Year Clock. The Long Now. The full scale 10,000 Year Clock is now under construction. While there is no completion date scheduled, we do plan to open it to the public once it is ready. The essay below by Long Now board member Kevin Kelly discusses what we hope the Clock will be once complete.   24/04/2020   LookLex. Travel guides. Encyclopaedia. Language course.   18/04/2020    El blog de Joaquín López Cruces, ilustrador y dibujante de cómics.   10/05/2020   Los Bizcochos de Carol.   6/3/2023   Los de la sierra. Dictionnaire des guérilleros et résistants antifranquistes.   1/4/2023   Blog literario de la Librería Benedetti, en Las Rozas de Madrid. Recomendaciones y reseñas de libros. Óscar Sancho e Isabel Sancho.   25/06/2020   Lotz Of Music. Mark Alban Lotz. Flutist. Composer.Improviser.   12/04/2019   4th Angels Message.   25/05/2020   Louise Michel liburuak izaera soziala duen liburudenda eta topagune bat da. Proiektuak jendarte feministago eta bidezkoagoak bultzatzeko helburua du, horretarako jardu-erak antolatzen eta babesten ditu, hain zuzen ere, euskarri kulturala eta eraldatzailea duten liburuetan oinarria dutenak.   03/03/2019   The official website of the State of Louisiana.   16/02/2021   The Louisiana Digital Library (LDL) is an online library of more than 400,000 digital items from Louisiana archives, libraries, museums, and other repositories, making unique historical treasures accessible to students, researchers, and the general public in Louisiana and across the globe.   16/02/2021   Louisiana Historical Society. Founded in 1835, the Louisiana Historical Society is the oldest historical organization in the state. The State of Louisiana first chartered it in 1836, and has rechartered it several times since then.   16/02/2021   Louisiana State Museum.   28/02/2022   The University of Louisville is a public university in Louisville, Kentucky. It is a member of the Kentucky state university system.   11/11/2019   This site is dedicated to Ireland and the rich Irish history, and it is intended to provide visitors of the site with a wealth of information about various different aspects related with the Irish culture and Ireland in general. Ireland boasts of a unique culture that is apparent through its music, cuisine, historical buildings and theatrical performances.   25/06/2020   Love Lambeth. Keep a check on Love Lambeth to find out about volunteering projects, how we’re improving the borough, how Lambeth residents are making a difference, how you can be involved in the community plus everything else in between.   2/4/2023   The Home of Pluto. Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, AZ. Enjoy daytime tours and nighttime telescope at Lowell Observatory, a 2 minute drive to historic downtown Flagstaff, and 1-hour drive from the Grand Canyon.   25/06/2020   Low End Mac: Make the most of your Apple gear.   14/05/2020   Santutegia. Urola ibaiaren bailaran kokaturik, Loiolatarren familiako dorretxearen inguruan eraiki zen multzo arkitektonikoa da. Bi gertakarik bilakatu dute Loiola etengabeko erromesaldi-gune:1491n, Iñigo López de Loyolaren jaiotzak; eta, 1521ean, bere konbertsioak.   11/01/2022   Language and Popular Culture in Africa. The main aim of LPCA is to document and further the study of expressions of popular language and culture in Africa.   15/11/2021   LP Cover Lover. The World's Greatest LP Album Covers, 45's too. Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of record covers from the golden age of LPs.   6/30/2022   LP DAAC. Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center. Sioux Falls, SD. The LP DAAC processes, archives, and distributes land data products to hundreds of thousands of users in the earth science community.   3/11/2023   Vermont Libertarian Party. Small Government, Low Taxes, More Freedom %. Founded in 1971, the Libertarian Party is the third-largest and fastest-growing party in the United States, and the only party that respects people as unique and responsible individuals.   03/04/2019   La Universidad Católica Boliviana “San Pablo” se distinguirá por una clara identidad católica en su manera de ser y de actuar, inspirando así, la construcción de una cultura basada en el humanismo cristiano.   4/17/2022   The League of Revolutionaries for a New America is made up of people from all walks of life. The League joins other revolutionaries who challenge the ruling class on the immorality of its ruthless devastation of the earth and life.   3/21/2023   Letters & Science is the largest college in the #1 public university: the great, big heart of UC Berkeley. We offer a transformative academic experience that is both broad and deep, bridging arts and humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.   2/24/2023   College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA). Today, with more than 100 degree programs in over 75 academic departments and programs, LSA is the largest of U-M’s 19 schools and colleges and is still at the heart of the University.   2/24/2023   The Center for the Study of Complex Systems (CSCS) is a multi- and interdisciplinary program at the University of Michigan designed to encourage and facilitate research and education in the general area of nonlinear, dynamical and adaptive systems.   13/12/2019   The University of Michigan Herbarium is home to some of the finest botanical collections in the world.   The 1.7 million specimens of vascular plants, algae, bryophytes, fungi, and lichens combined with the expertise of the faculty-curators, students, and staff provide a world-class facility for teaching and research in systematic biology and biodiversity studies.   12/14/2022   Utah Lieutenant Governor. Deidre Henderson. As lieutenant governor, she is Utah’s chief election officer and serves as secretary of state. She has prioritized election reforms; Return Utah, a state return-to-work program; and tribal relations.   17/02/2019   Luciano César.   6/3/2023   Lucien van der Walt. This page collects and archives my writings and talks since the 1990s. I currently teach at Rhodes University, the Eastern Cape. I’m 10th generation South African.   20/11/2019   Lucilla DS goes back a long way, all the way to 1920, when a group of friends presented The Merchant of Venice, and called themselves the Lucilla Amateur Dramatic Society, after their founder's wife, Lucille Bond.   12/19/2022   Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering: Indiana University Bloomington. We see what tomorrow can be, and we shape it every day.   26/08/2018   Kontoret vårt er i Bodø. Totalt 181 ansatte sikrer at Luftfartstilsynet har høy kompetanse på alle fagfelt innen luftfarten. Vi er et selvstendig og uavhengig forvaltningsorgan med myndighetsansvar innen norsk sivil luftfart, men er direkte underlagt og rapporterer til Samferdselsdepartementet.   01/12/2020   Página personal de Luis Antonio de Villena. Escritor, poeta, narrador, novelista y periodista en activo desde 1973.   16/05/2019   Soy Luis Sexto. El título de mi bitácora resume cuanto me he propuesto en esta pantalla, desde el punto de vista temático. Lo demás, que es mi actitud predominante, lo digo ahora al que entre: busco el equilibrio entre lo emotivo y lo racional.   02/08/2019   Gente, hechos, cosas.   31/03/2020   The Lumière Reader. The Lumière Reader publishes film criticism, arts journalism, and digital documentaries by leading New Zealand writers and filmmakers.   15/08/2019   Michael Reichmann comenzó The Luminous Landscape en 1999 después de que su amigo Chris Sanderson le sugiriera que tomara algunos de los artículos de la revista que había escrito a lo largo de los años y los reutilizara para la web.   04/05/2020   The Continental Luscombe Association,a 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit, was formed to bring together Luscombe Owners. We are proud to sponsor the Annual Gathering of Luscombes in Columbia, California the third weekend of May.   10/21/2022   Breaking News from your Local News Source Leader in Lusk, Wyoming. Lusk Herald. The best source for breaking and local news serving Niobrara County, Lusk, Wyoming (WY).   12/24/2022   Lutheran Services in America leads one of the nation's largest and most respected health and human services networks to empower people in America to lead their best lives—so all communities can thrive.   09/01/2022   Luuletõlgendus.   26/06/2020   „Latvijas Vēstnesis” ir Latvijas Republikas oficiālais izdevējs, kas veic valsts funkciju – nodrošina oficiālo publikāciju un sistematizē tiesību aktus. Tā darbība ir cieši saistīta ar Latvijas Republikas Satversmes 90. panta „Ikvienam ir tiesības zināt savas tiesības” īstenošanu.   4/10/2022   The Submillimeter Array (SMA) is an 8-element radio interferometer located near the summit of Maunakea in Hawaii. The SMA is a type of multiple-antenna observatory known as an interferometer, in this case consisting of eight radio dishes, each 6 meters in diameter.   6/3/2023   LWN is a reader-supported news site dedicated to producing the best coverage from within the Linux and free software development communities.   10/08/2019   Criada em 2007, LyraCompoetics é uma rede de pesquisa internacional dedicada ao estudo da Poesia Moderna e Contemporânea.