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Friday, October 20, 2023

p _ p   22/02/2020   Patrol Squadron 65 History with the Neptune. Patrol Squadron 65, the “Tridents” was established 33 years ago at NAS Los Alamitos, CA, on November 16, 1970.   9/10/2023   The P-38 National Association is a non-profit  organization whose purpose is to preserve and perpetuate the memory of this classic WWII aircraft, the P-38 “Lockheed Lightning,” and those who designed, built, maintained and flew it.   20/11/2019   Our P-38 Museum is well over   20 years old, and it is time for a facelift. But, actually, we are doing much more than that.   16/02/2020   Millville Army Air Field Museum. Millville Airshow. The Millville Airport was dedicated “America’s First Defense Airport” on August 2, 1941 by local, state, and federal officials.   08/12/2019   Physics & Astronomy. College of Arts & Sciences. University of Kentucky.   6/27/2023   Department of Physics & Astronomy at Michigan State University. The department offers diverse courses in physics and astronomy.   28/02/2017   Pablo para los cinco.   13/12/2021   Pacific NW Portal. 2020 Regional & National Elections Coverage. Your indispensable elections resource! Browse results in a unique, easy-to-view grid format, and use our Balance of Power calculator to see which party is likely to have legislative majorities in 2021.   4/17/2023   The Pacific Coast Air Museum (PCAM) is a family-friendly, easily accessible open-air museum. We have display over 35 historic aircraft on display, a gift shop and indoor exhibits as well.   30/09/2021   Pacific Publishing Company’s community newspapers serve Seattle’s most affluent neighborhoods with quality, award-winning journalism.   30/09/2021   Pacific Science Association. Science of the Pacific. Founded in 1920 and based in Honolulu, Hawaii, the Pacific Science Association (PSA) is a regional, non-governmental, scholarly organization that seeks to advance science and technology in support of sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific.   5/18/2022   The Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) is a society of professional seabird researchers and managers dedicated to the study and conservation of seabirds and their environment.   01/03/2017   Hablemos de mí. El Blog de Paco Alcázar.   10/4/2023   IPD-PACU. Institucion Pública Desconcentrada de Pesca y Acuicultura.   18/01/2020   Padulcofrade. Al servicio del mundo cofrade desde 2001. Padul Cofrade es el Portal de Internet dedicado a la Semana Santa Paduleña y de todo el mundo.   14/07/2019   The Unison Index Page is a selection of Classical & Early Music links presented by teacher and tenor Paul Elliott.   07/05/2018   Nahuatl is a language spoken in south-central Mexico. It was the administrative language of the Aztec empire, and accordingly was of great interest to the Spanish immigrants who later inherited the administration of Mexico.   11/17/2022   Editorial Páginas de Espuma es una editorial independiente fundada en 1999 y especializada en el género del cuento donde es referencia en el ámbito del español. Asimismo, posee una colección dedicada al ensayo de humanidades.   04/08/2021   Methodos. Revista de didàctica dels estudis clàssics.   8/6/2023   The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The premier fraternal organization in PA for nearly more than 250 years.   08/03/2020   Palabra Virtual es un portal mexicano realizado por Blanca Orozco de Mateos. Aquí encontrarás una colección de poemas en la voz de sus autores o de algunos de sus intérpretes, y una amplia selección de poemas en video.   14/07/2017   palaDeOinDeleite ___________ literatura _arte _crítica _notas. Blog de Lizabel Mónica.   04/04/2020   Ajuntament de Palafrugell. Tota la informació d'aquest municipi de la Costa Brava, del qual també en formen part els nuclis de Calella de Palafrugell, Llafranc, Tamariu i Llofriu.   5/25/2023   Palau Robert. Generalitat de Catalunya.   09/12/2020   The Paleoanthropology Society was founded in 1992. It recognizes that paleoanthropology is multidisciplinary in nature and the organization's central goal is to bring together physical anthropologists, archaeologists, paleontologists, geologists.   20/04/2020   Blog sobre paleoantropología, evolución humana y hominización.   27/03/2020   Geoscience e-Journals. Online publications grouped under the aegis Geoscience e-Journals incorporate those peer-reviewed electronic journals dedicated to open access publishing in the field of Earth Sciences.   11/03/2022   The Paleontology Portal. This site is a resource for anyone interested in paleontology, from the professional in the lab to the interested amateur scouting for fossils to the student in any classroom.   02/06/2020   Pallant House Gallery is a leading UK museum that stimulates new ways of thinking about Modern British art from 1900 to now.   22/03/2021   PALMM Digital Collections. Publication of Archival, Library, & Museum Materials (PALMM) is a cooperative initiative of the public universities and colleges of Florida to provide digital access to important source materials for research and scholarship.   29/03/2020   The Palm Springs Air Museum is a living history museum dedicated to educating the public about the role Air Power played in preserving American liberties and way of life.   11/08/2020   Pam a Pam. El teu mapa d’Economia Solidària. Pam a Pam és una eina col·lectiva que mostra que existeix una economia al servei de les persones a Catalunya i et convida a participar-hi.   04/03/2022   Pamplin Historical Park. The National Museum of the Civil War Soldier. Dinwiddie County VA. Pamplin Historical Park is a Civil War campus with four museums, three historic homes and the Breakthrough battlefield of April 2, 1865 near Petersburg VA.   21/06/2020   Florida State University Panama is a branch campus of Florida State University located in Panama, Republic of Panama, and is dependent on the continued accreditation of the parent campus located in Tallahassee, Florida.   10/20/2023   Panelinha. Receitas que funcionam. Site da Rita Lobo com receitas que funcionam e informações sobre como ter uma alimentação saudável de verdade, com embasamento científico.   11/08/2020   Pangea. Som una organització privada, independent i sense ànim de lucre, creada el 1993, per posar internet i les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació (TIC) al servei de les organitzacions, els moviments i les persones que treballen per la justícia social.   10/16/2023   Paniko. Cultura Pop.   15/06/2018   Panoplia de libros. Distribuidora.   17/06/2021   Panorama Cultural. El periódico cultural de la Costa Caribe. El portal web que divulga en Colombia y Latinoamérica noticias, crónicas y reportajes sobre el folclor vallenato, cine, literatura, arte, música, historia, educación, turismo y sociedad.   09/05/2018   Augusto Ilian. Fotografo. Ingeniero de Sistemas de la Universidad de Los Andes Bogota, Colombia, 1978. Director General del grupo de Fotógrafos Latinoamericanos (81.000+ miembros) desde 2008.   03/09/2020   The Encyclopedia Mythica is an online encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legends. Established in 1995, the Encyclopedia Mythica is dedicated to become the single largest resource on mythology and folklore on the internet.   17/05/2018   Panzerworld.   30/12/2020   Papel en Blanco. Nadando en libros, cómics y todo el mundo de las letras.   31/12/2020   Princeton Architectural Press is a world leader in architecture and design publishing. Browse books, paper + goods, and children's books on architecture, design, photography, landscape, and visual culture.   17/02/2022   Papulankutja x Mantamaru Artists. Purchase authentic Ngaanyatjarra artwork by Papulankutja and Mantamaru artists supporting their families, the running of their art centre and continuation of sharing Aboriginal stories.   3/7/2023   Papyri aggregates material from the Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS), Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri (DDbDP), Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens (HGV), Bibliographie Papyrologique (BP), and depends on close collaboration with Trismegistos, for rigorous maintenance of relationship mapping and unique identifiers.   31/12/2020   Paquito D'Rivera, Grammy award winning Clarinetist and Saxophonist. Official Website of Paquito D'Rivera.   26/04/2020   As Minhas Receitas.   02/03/2022   Paradoxa is a peer-reviewed, scholarly periodical that publishes articles on genre literature: science fiction, horror, mysteries, children’s literature, romance, comic studies, the fantastic, the occult, westerns, oral literature, and more.   25/11/2020   Sobre Extraterrestres.   11/03/2020   Paranormalidades. Crítica de artículos y otros textos paranormales.   10/20/2023   Österreichische Gesellschaft für Parapsychologie. Darstellung der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fuer Parapsychologie und Grenzbereiche der Wissenschaften, Basisinformation ueber Parapsychologie, Aspekte der Psychohygiene, Vortragsprogramm, Archiv frueherer Vortraege, Links.   25/11/2020   American Institute of Parapsychology. Pursuing Knowledge in Consciousness. The AIP is a non-profit research and educational organization.   31/12/2020   Parasol unit foundation for contemporary art is a not-for-profit art institution and educational charity that operates purely for the public benefit.   09/02/2020   Parcela Digital fue creado en el año 2016 en Vitoria-Gasteiz (País Vasco) por Manuel Llaca, un asturiano que buscó compartir diferentes inquietudes en torno a la informática clásica (o retro informática), principalmente.   8/30/2023   Parcs naturals de Catalunya. La xarxa d’espais naturals protegits de Catalunya consta de 165 espais d’especial valor ecològic protegits pel Pla d’espais d’interès natural (PEIN), amb una superfície equivalent al 30% del territori català.   8/30/2023   Paratge Natural d'Interès Nacional de Poblet. Al Paratge Natural de Poblet, d'entre d'altres valors naturals, s'hi localitza l'única comunitat de roure reboll (Quercus pyrenaica) de Catalunya.   10/20/2023   Archivo Fotográfico de la Delegación de Propaganda de Madrid durante la Guerra Civil. Este valioso conjunto fotográfico, fue creado por la Junta de Defensa de Madrid como Fondo propagandístico para denunciar los desastres de la Guerra Civil.   8/28/2022   La Guerra de la Independencia a través de los fondos del Archivo Histórico Nacional.   6/26/2022   Librerías París Valencia. Un verdadero mundo del libro, actual, antiguo y de ocasión.   02/02/2022   Parker Marine Enterprises. Boatbuilding plans for cruising sailboats and powerboats specializing in shoal-draft--comfortable, safe, fast and pragmatic designs for cold-molded wood construction.   05/05/2021   Kentucky State Parks. Ky Parks. Wherever you travel in Kentucky, you are never far from one of our 45 Kentucky State Parks.   10/20/2023   Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service. The PWS manages 49 per cent of the land area of Tasmania which includes in excess of 2.9 million hectares of land and water.   27/03/2020   Parnaseo, un ciber paseo por la Literatura. Parnaseo es un servidor Web sobre Literatura Española y Bibliografia, estructurado en diferentes secciones: Lemir; Ars Theatrica; Stichomythia; Textos Facsimilares; Informacion General; Enlaces; Bases de Datos y Catalogos.   19/07/2020   Tirant és una revista d'informació, investigació i comunicació científiques, que es proposa el manteniment des dels camps de la filologia, la història, l’art i altres disciplines acadèmiques d’un diàleg rigorós i fructífer al voltant de la novel·la de cavalleries valenciana i de la tradició prosística d'història i ficció catalana, hispànica, romànica i universal.   27/07/2017   Llegir Tirant lo Blanc. Rafael Beltran (Universitat de València). La següent presentació correspón al text publicat, amb el mateix títol, a la revista El Temps, dins el col.leccionable El món del Tirant, fasc. XXIV i XXV, 1991.   14/07/2017   El blog de Odette Alonso. Parque del Ajedrez es un lugar donde charlar entre amigos, sin protocolos ni solemnidades, con la confianza y el desenfado con que hablábamos de mil y un temas en el Parque del Ajedrez de Santiago de Cuba allá por los finales de los ochenta.   19/04/2020   Industria en Burgos. El Parque Industrial Villalonquéjar es un auténtico núcleo de expansión. Desde que se iniciaron las actividades no ha dejado de crecer ni un solo momento.   18/02/2017   Parties, Sarees and Melodies. Welcome to my first blog, I have a small collection of Bollywood records, and I would like to share them with all the music lovers out there.   06/12/2020   Partyka.   17/08/2018   Pascal Campion.   05/02/2020   Pasen y lean. Blog sobre lecturas de Javier Cercas Rueda.   8/26/2023   Avenida Paseo del Prado en la Habana, Cuba. El corazón de la Habana. Una de las mas notables avenidas de la Habana.   3/19/2023   Performing Arts Studio West (PASW) is a state-funded, one of a kind non-profit affiliated professional training facility for adults with developmental disabilities.   8/30/2023   Pat Feldman. Aprenda a preparar comida de verdade! Pat Feldman é uma culinarista, criadora do Projeto Crianças na Cozinha, que visa difundir para o grande público receitas saudáveis, saborosas e livres de industrializados.   8/29/2023   Zoopat. Todo cabe en esta pequeña hoz.   5/25/2023   Patrimoni Cultural. Generalitat de Catalunya. El patrimoni cultural de Catalunya com mai l’has vist.   05/02/2020   Patrimonio Cultural de Defensa. El patrimonio cultural del Ministerio de Defensa, entendido patrimonio en un sentido amplio como el conjunto de bienes tangibles e intangibles propios de esta institución.   15/07/2018   Institutul Național al Patrimoniului [INP] este o instituție publică de importanță națională, cu personalitate juridică, aflată în subordinea Ministerului Culturii.   1/26/2023   Patti Gibbons ART. Enter the Fantasy World of Patti Gibbons Fine Art, Greeting Cards, Journals and more with a contemporary Victorian Flair.   18/06/2019   Honoring General George S. Patton, Jr. The Men Who Served With Him And The Units He Commanded.   01/12/2019   Pau Alabajos. Lloc oficial del cantautor del País Valencià.   6/12/2022   The Paul McGehee Collection of Fine Art Prints and Originals. Whether painting wildlife, Americana, landscapes, or highly acclaimed historical scenes, he captures a moment in time on the canvas.   03/04/2020   Paulo Coelho Writer Official Site.   5/15/2022   Pavek Museum. Preserves and presents the history of electronic communication and provides a learning environment for those interested in the science of electromagnetism and sound.   8/21/2023   Nordic Birds Photo Gallery by oedegaard at pbase.   05/02/2020   Podlaska Biblioteka Cyfrowa jest projektem realizowanym przez Konsorcjum Bibliotek Naukowych Miasta Białegostoku. Od 2007 koordynatorem projektu jest Biblioteka Uniwersytecka im. Jerzego Giedroycia w Białymstoku.   16/09/2018   Podlaska Biblioteka Cyfrowa. To jest główna kolekcja naszej biblioteki cyfrowej. Liczba publikacji w kolekcji: 51338.   10/20/2023   Strona gł&ówna. Pedagogiczna Biblioteka Cyfrowa.   3/18/2022   Providence Business News is solely dedicated to serving the Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts business community.   10/20/2023   Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne. Założone w 1922 roku Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne (PTB) promuje badania, nauczanie i popularyzację wiedzy o roślinach oraz organizmach uznawanych w przeszłości za rośliny, takich jak grzyby, porosty i niektóre glony.   15/02/2022   The Pueblo City-County Library District Department Digital Collections Program seeks to provide exemplary universal access to the rare and unique archival collection materials through digitization efforts and online access.   2/28/2023   The Penn Center for Innovation (PCI) helps to translate University of Pennsylvania discoveries and ideas into new products and businesses for the benefit of society.   10/6/2023   Political Communication Lab. Analyzing news and elite rhetoric, conducting experimental studies of political polarization, and investigating public opposition to immigration.   10/10/2019   Partido Comunista de Madrid.   02/09/2020   PC Perspective provides news, reviews and commentary on the world of computers, technology and gaming for our readers, listeners and viewers.   10/21/2022   Breaking News from your Local News Source Leader in Wheatland, Wyoming. Platte County Record-Times. The best source for breaking and local news serving Wheatland, Platte County, and Southwestern Wyoming.   3/20/2022   Progressive Democrats of America was founded in 2004 to transform the Democratic Party and our country. We seek to build a party and government controlled by citizens, not corporate elites-with policies that serve the broad public interest, not just private interests.   10/20/2023   Political Database of the Americas. Georgetown University. Comprehensive database of political information concerning all 35 independent nations of the Western Hemisphere.   04/03/2020   The Cartography and Imaging Sciences Discipline Node (aka "Imaging Node") of the Planetary Data System is the curator of NASA's primary digital image collections from past, present and future planetary missions.   09/02/2020   Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History. The mission of the Peabody Museum is to serve Yale University by advancing our understanding of earth’s history through geological, biological, and anthropological research.   10/4/2022   The Peace Farm. Working for the abolition of all nuclear weapons by moral and political persuasion together with like-minded groups throughout the world, from the final assembly point for all U.S. nuclear weapons (the Pantex Plant).   11/26/2022   Peace Works Kansas City. Working for a world of peace without war and its weapons. A healthy world of justice and peace without war and its weapons.   10/11/2019   Pecado da gula. Blog de receitas culinárias com fotos.   8/31/2023   Pecan Pie música i cultura, associació cultural. Tot just començava el segle quan jo no era és que un afeccionat a la música que es gastava els diners anat a veure concerts dels meus ídols ja fos a la península, ja fos al continent europeu.   16/01/2020   The Works of Sculptor Pekka Jylhä.   05/02/2020   Виктор Пелевин. Сайт Творчества. Романы, повести, рассказы, фотографии, иллюстрации, критика, голосование, аудио-книги, интервью, общение, чат.   4/30/2022   Pelican Publishing Company. Since 1926, Pelican Publishing Company has been committed to publishing books of quality and permanence with a special emphasis on books that cover every aspect of life in New Orleans and the surrounding regions.   03/09/2020   Jane Austen Electronic Texts.   4/6/2023   Pembroke Center. Brown University. At the Pembroke Center, real-world questions and commitments are integral to our scholarly and research mission.   03/03/2018   Pena e Espada.   06/04/2017   Biblio-Polis. Un blog de bibliotecarios del Campus de Somosaguas de la UCM.   18/09/2020   Pendle Hill is a Quaker, Philadelphia-area retreat and conference center which seeks to transform lives and foster peace with justice in the world.   17/02/2019   PENEIRAR. Filtrar ideias que as águas deste mundo arrastam não seria má descrição mas tal magnitude semântica não ocorreu.   05/02/2020   Texts of the works of Sir Thomas Browne.   22/10/2019   Bill Thayer's Web Site. American history. Roman history, architecture, archaeology, medieval churches, central Italy in 14,000+ webpages, about 3500 large photos.   23/05/2020   Welcome to Penguin Random House Higher Education. Designed to help you discover books for your Higher Education courses, this site features a curated list of titles from across Penguin Random House’s publishing divisions.   30/05/2017   Pen & Mallet. Recordings from my life - DIY music and art.   02/02/2022   Penobscot Bay Press Community News. Penobscot Bay Press. Local news and information covering Blue Hill, Brooksville, Brooklin, Castine, Deer Isle, Isle au Haut, Penobscot, Sedgwick, Stonington and Surry, Maine.   17/10/2020   La Comunidad de Pensamiento Complejo (CPC) es una comunidad de conocimiento en red sobre pensamiento complejo y sistemas complejos.   10/7/2023   Pensar, revista iberoamericana para la ciencia y la razón, es una invitación al librepensamiento y al pensamiento crítico.   3/5/2023   Blog de la Penya Bogarde. La penya que sap el que vol i que mai falla.   26/05/2020   Campbell R. Harvey. Duke University. Fuqua School of Business. Durham, North Carolina.   26/05/2020   Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary. Over 8,000 Entries and 18,000 Hyperlinks. The largest financial glossary on the Internet.   14/05/2020   Dr. J's Illustrated Guide to Sites of Greece. I have put together an ever-growing series of illustrated tours of Greek archaeological sites and other places of interest from my several visits.   02/04/2021   16/02/2022   People's Place. Providing programs and services to families, adults, and children of Southern Delaware that are focused on counseling, education, prevention, intervention, supportive services, and advocacy.   31/03/2020   La Guarida del Eremita. Relatos, historia, cine y otras malas artes.   8/31/2023   Pep Montserrat. Illustration.   3/5/2023   Pep Roig. Pintura i escultura.   23/06/2020   Melancholia. Pel Blog Gros: blog d’en Pep Valsalobre, el llibridinós, el llibrertí.   01/09/2018   Bloc de Pere Aragonès.   17/02/2022   Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art & Architecture. Topics of research include: medieval art and architectural history, as well as medieval history and religion that pertain to medieval visual culture.   10/20/2023   The Peregrine Fund. We estimate that more than half of all raptor species are in decline, and 18% are threatened with extinction.   06/11/2019   Explore raptors. The Peregrine Fund.   30/05/2021   Explore raptors page. The Peregrine Fund. With new tools like genetic analysis, even centuries-old ideas are challenged. Certain physical traits are common to many raptors, however: keen vision, curved beaks, and sharp talons.   29/06/2018   Taita Falcon. Scientific Name: Falco fasciinucha. Population Status: Near Threatened. Body Length: 10-11 in (25-28 cm). Wingspan: 1.5-2 ft (0.3 -0.45 m). Weight: 7-11 oz (198-311 g).   8/27/2022   Transport Públic. Em dic Pere Pascual. Visc a Mataró.   23/05/2020   The Photographic Periodic Table of the Elements. The definitive online periodic table reference site including technical data, and photographs and descriptions of thousands of samples of the chemical elements.   15/11/2019   Instituto Internacional de Periodismo José Martí. Institución de enseñanza posgraduada, para la superación y el intercambio de experiencias con colegas de todo el orbe.   05/02/2020   Association à but non lucratif, Permanences de la littérature a été fondée en 2000 par Marie-Laure Picot, critique littéraire et directrice de la structure depuis sa création.   02/04/2020   Permeso. Somos una pequeña distribuidora de libros que pretende ofrecer al cliente una selección de las obras más relevantes escritas en español con la calidad como objetivo más allá de meras modas del presente.   19/06/2018   Per-Olof skriver...2. Om politik, kultur, digte, nye aktiviteter, Allerød.   05/05/2018   The Perceptual Science Group of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT does research in human vision, machine vision, human-computer interaction, and touch sensing for robotics.   05/05/2018   Edward H. Adelson. John and Dorothy Wilson Professor of Vision Science. Edward Adelson is the John and Dorothy Professor of Vision Science at MIT, in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).   28/10/2016   Perseus under PhiloLogic. Perseus Project Texts Loaded under PhiloLogic. Greek and Latin Morphology Release, July 2009.   09/03/2020   Noticias del Perú y del Mundo en Peru. Actualidad, Fútbol, Espectáculos, Tecnología y Tendencias de Internet.   26/07/2017   Noticias de Fútbol Peruano, James Rodríguez, Bayern Munich, Copa Libertadores, Copa Oro, Paolo Guerrero, Torneo Apertura, Copa Sudamericana, Alianza Lima, Universitario de Deportes, Eliminatorias Rusia 2018.   10/7/2023   ILV. Históricamente, el ILV en el Perú se ha dedicado a la investigación de los idiomas ágrafos. Los grupos que hablan esos idiomas a menudo viven en aislamiento geográfico, social y económico.   05/04/2020   Herman’s Hermits. Starring Peter Noone. British Invasion.   06/02/2020   Peter Sloterdijk. Philosoph und Schriftsteller. Offizielle Internetpräsenz des Philosophen und Schriftsteller, welche Werke, Vita, Dokumente, Videos und Interviews umfasst.   22/10/2016   The British Paragliding Competitions Panel is run under the auspices of the British Hang-gliding and Paragliding Association (BHPA) and its purpose is to: Organise the British Paragliding Championships.   1/26/2023   The UC James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy enables students to become pharmacy leaders through collaborative research opportunities and real-world experience.   17/02/2022   PHAROS is an international consortium of fourteen European and North American art historical photo archives committed to creating a digital research platform allowing for comprehensive consolidated access to photo archive images and their associated scholarly documentation.   30/07/2017   According to retailers and enthusiastic consumers, “Digital is better!” Personally I don’t buy into that load of dung.   10/28/2022   Army Public Health Center. Our mission is to enhance Army readiness by identifying and assessing current and emerging health threats, developing and communicating public health solutions, and assuring the quality and effectiveness of the Army's Public Health Enterprise.   21/02/2018   Phenomena. A SCIENCE SALON. Carl Zimmer is a columnist for the New York Times. His award-winning articles also appear frequently in National Geographic and other publications.   15/08/2020   Philbrook Museum of Art. The Philbrook Museum of Art is set in the historic home of Waite and Genevieve Phillips with expansive formal gardens located in Tulsa, Oklahoma.   04/10/2019   Die Philosophie-Seiten. Ein Verzeichnis für Philosophie im Internet.   8/30/2023   Philobiblon. Una base de dades biobibliogràfica sobre textos antics escrits en diverses llengües romàniques en la península Ibèrica en l'edat mitjana i inicis del Renaixement, informació accessible lliurement a través d'Internet.   3/18/2022   The Philosophy Department at Brown University offers programs leading to the full range of graduate and undergraduate degrees.   2/6/2023   Philosophy. The CSU Department of Philosophy offers a well-rounded education in philosophy with unique specialties in applied ethics and global philosophies.   18/06/2019   The Department of Philosophy at Florida State University was organized in September 1965, following the dissolution of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies into two distinct academic programs, the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Religion.   1/26/2023   Philosophy Landing page. CSUF. The Philosophy Department knows that going to an enormous state university can feel impersonal. So, we give you the opposite experience—the experience of going to a small liberal arts college.   30/08/2021   MIT Philosophy. We are one half of the Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, established in 1976. The Department briefly changed its name on April 1, 2020.   4/19/2022   Department of Philosophy. Northwestern University. It has special strengths in Ancient Philosophy, Epistemology and Metaphysics, Ethics and Political Philosophy, European Philosophy, and Philosophy of Mind and Language.   12/11/2021   Philosophy Programs. Ole Miss. Start your journey and find your course of study in the University of Mississippi’s Philosophy Programs.   7/22/2023   The Rutgers Philosophy Department is one of the top philosophy departments in the world.   12/05/2020   The Department of Philosophy. University of British Columbia (UBC). The Department of Philosophy at UBC provides undergraduate and graduate students with theory, skills, and methods that transfer beyond academic disciplines.   06/11/2021   The Department of Philosophy at the University of Chicago is distinctive in combining a humanistic orientation with a commitment to philosophical rigor.   15/09/2019   The UCLA Department of Philosophy has been among the top ranked doctoral programs for decades, with strengths across the discipline, including philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, philosophy of science, logic, philosophy of mathematics, ethics, social and political philosophy, philosophy of law, and the history of philosophy, from antiquity to the present.   4/17/2023   UNC Department of Philosophy. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.   3/10/2023   The University of Wisconsin at Madison Department of Philosophy is a collegial group of a dozen and a half faculty members, over fifty graduate students, and nearly two hundred undergraduate majors.   11/05/2018   Malcolm R. Forster. Articles Online. Last updated on 01/31/07.   11/05/2018   Daniel M. Hausman. Herbert A. Simon and Hilldale Professor. Department of Philosophy. University of Wisconsin-Madison.   11/05/2018   Rationality and Knavery. Daniel M. Hausman. University of Wisconsin-Madison. This paper makes a modest point.   11/05/2018   Trust in Game Theory. Daniel M. Hausman. University of Wisconsin-Madison. People are not always motivated by material self-interest.   11/05/2018   Paul A. Gregory, Ph.D. I am an Associate Professor of Philosophy and Head of the Department of Philosophy at Washington and Lee University. The links below will take you to more information about me, my work, and the classes I teach.   19/08/2021   The Department of Philosophy. Washington University in St. Louis. The Department of Philosophy gives students and faculty the space to explore fundamental questions.   3/10/2023   Department of Philosophy. Yale University. Our graduate program welcomes students from various backgrounds, and our placement record is excellent.   1/1/2023   Philosophy News. Papers and columns written by authors in the philosophical community across a range of topics.   12/8/2022   PhilPapers: Online Research in Philosophy. We monitor all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics.   25/02/2017   Daniel Cohnitz. Utrecht University. I am a philosopher at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Officially I am Professor of Theoretical Philosophy.   3/11/2023   The Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation (PHLF), was founded in 1964 by a group of citizens who passionately believed that historic preservation, rather than massive demolition, could be a tool for renewing communities.   09/04/2020   Phoenician Encyclopedia: A Bequest Unearthed, Phoenicia and the Phoenicians, Punic, Canaanites. The largest, comprehensive comilation of studies about the Phoenicians, Punic, Canaanites.   06/11/2021   The University of Chicago Photographic Archive. Digitized photographs from the University of Chicago Archives. Over 20,000 images of campus buildings, events, student activities and Yerkes Observatory are currently available.   12/03/2020   Bibliothek zur Geschichte der Photographie.   22/10/2019   PhotoBook Journal, the contemporary photobook magazine, provides commentaries and reviews for contemporary photobooks projects, monographs, and artist books.   23/12/2020   Photo Contest 2020. The 18th Annual Photo Contest is now closed. Look for our finalist announcement in spring 2021 and enjoy our archives in the meantime! Thank you for being part of our photo community.   25/06/2020   Photography-Now is the leading international online portal for photography and video art, founded in 1998 and based in Berlin.   27/03/2017   Photography-now is the leading international online portal for photography and video art, founded in 1998 and based in Berlin.   04/03/2020   Photojournal: NASA's Image Access Home Page. Publicly released images from various Solar System exploration programs.   08/03/2022   Photothèque du CNES. Centre National d'Études Spatiales.   08/05/2017   Photozone. DSLR lens reviews and beyond!.   21/06/2018   Válogatott PHP linkek, ajánlók, leírások - PHP témában minden! Megbízható, ellenőrzött tartalom profi szerkesztőktől - Neked!   29/01/2020   Il giardino di Archimede. Un Museo per la Matematica.   21/06/2018   PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world.   14/07/2019   Biomes are the major regional groupings of plants and animals discernible at a global scale. Their distribution patterns are strongly correlated with regional climate patterns and identified according to the climax vegetation type.   04/04/2020   Официальный сайт физического факультета МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова. За плечами физического факультета почти два с половиной века. И это не просто годы и даты.   03/04/2020   Phys. News and Articles on Science and Technology. Phys internet news portal provides the latest news on science including: Physics, Space Science, Earth Science, Health and Medicine.   5/10/2023   The Department of Physics at East Carolina University aims to serve the people of the State of North Carolina by educating its students through first-rate programs at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral level.   4/16/2022  Physics. The Grainger College of Engineering. $7.5M DOD MURI award to explore creation of qubits based on Majorana zero modes.   4/16/2022   In Memoriam. Physics. UIUC. This incomplete list recognizes those scholars whose insight, creativity, collegiality, and standards of excellence so enriched our department and our lives.   4/16/2022   Nobel Laureates. Physics. UIUC. Thirteen Nobel laureates have enriched our department through their contributions as students, postdocs, or faculty members.   03/03/2018   Welcome to the NIST Reference on Constants, Units, and Uncertainty, one of the technical activities of the Fundamental Constants Data Center of the NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory.   1/26/2023   The Department of Physics at the Ohio State University is one of the university's largest and most diverse departments.   12/11/2021   Department of Physics and Astronomy. Rice University. Physics and Astronomy are disciplines that examine the fundamental laws and organizing principles underlying the structure of the natural world.   16/02/2020   Welcome to the Department of Physics and Astronomy. The quarks confined within protons, the gluons that hold them together, the nuclei created in stars, the materials that make life convenient, the cosmos in its earliest minutes, the universe as it exists today.   10/2/2022   Department of Physics & Astronomy. College of Science and Engineering. We are an inclusive department where all are welcome to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos!   12/09/2021   The Department of Physics at Southern Illinois University Carbondale offers four separate undergraduate applied physics degree specializations in addition to Masters and Doctorates in Physics.   9/5/2023   The Department of Physics and Astronomy provides academic programs, through formal coursework and research opportunities, that prepare students to contribute to advances in science and technology.   12/05/2021   Department of Physics and Astronomy. The UNH Department of Physics has about 22 teaching faculty, 25 research faculty and research scientists, 60 undergraduate students and 60 graduate students.   14/07/2021   Physics Department. College of Science. USU. News stories, student resources and program information for the Utah State University Department of Physics.   5/18/2022   Physics and Astronomy. Western University. The Department of Physics and Astronomy passionately pursues knowledge about the fundamental laws that govern the Universe and all that it contains.   01/11/2016   The Physics Department at The University of Queensland traces its origin back to the very beginning of the University with the appointment in 1911 of Thomas Parnell, M.A. (Cantab.), as lecturer.   01/11/2016   Multimedia Gallery. Tools of Science is a seminar series hosted by The Physics Museum, at The University of Queensland.   21/07/2021   Physics Today, the flagship publication of the American Institute of Physics, is the most influential and closely followed physics magazine in the world.   04/06/2018   Physics World represents a key part of IOP Publishing's mission to communicate world-class research and innovation to the widest possible audience.   04/06/2018   The physics of football. 01.Jun.1998. Bill Shankly, the former manager of Liverpool football club, once said: "Football is not about life or death.   25/04/2019   Blog Archives & Physics World.   03/04/2020   Phytochemical Society of Europe. The Society originated as the Plant Phenolics Group which was inaugurated in Cambridge, U.K. in 1957 as an informal group of chemists and biologists interested in the phenolic constituents of plants.   14/07/2017   Pia McHabana´s Lonely Heads Club Band.   23/06/2020   Online Picasso Project, most comprehensive, authoritative resource, high quality Picasso artwork images.   17/02/2020   Picturing America was an project of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) that brought masterpieces of American art into classrooms and libraries nationwide.   20/09/2020   Piedmont Blues Preservation Society. Building Blues Futures Since 1985.   18/04/2019   Piélago de Lecturas. Lugar de encuentro literario.   2/11/2023   Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC). The Conference historically unites more than 3,000 activists, attorneys, students, scientists, and concerned citizens from over 50 countries around the globe to share their experience and expertise.   19/10/2020   Piezas Azules. Editorial independiente. Somos una editorial que quiere dar la oportunidad a autores noveles o inéditos de publicar sus obras en papel.   5/29/2022   名古屋のレコードショップ。のオンラインショッピングサイト   18/05/2020   Новини от ПИК Информационна Агенция. Новини от България, новините от света, новини на всички теми. Информационна агенция ПИК.   22/02/2020   Pilot’s Station est né un 1er Octobre 1991 d’une passion aéronautique pratiquée mais inassouvie. En effet, une fois quitté le cockpit et ses effluves de glycol, le tarmac saturé de 100LL ou le hangar avec ses senteurs de Duraluminium.   10/19/2022   Schwarzwälder Pilze entdecken! Pilzschule Dennis Regul in Freiburg. Seit 2016 biete ich in Freiburg Pilzberatungen und Pilzwanderungen an und konnte dabei zahlreiche angehende Pilzsammler für Pilze begeistern.   03/03/2018   Primate Info Net (PIN) is maintained by Lawrence Jacobsen Library staff at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center (WNPRC), University of Wisconsin-Madison.   26/04/2020   Pinch My Salt. Food, Recipes, and Photography. My name is Nicole, welcome to my kitchen. Over the last few years, I have come to realize that creating a meal in my own kitchen is not only healthier and more economical than eating out, it’s also a lot more fun!   6/18/2023   Pinetop Perkins Foundation. The primary mission of The Pinetop Perkins Foundation is to provide encouragement and support for youth and young people at the beginning of their musical career; and help provide care and safety for elderly musicians at the twilight of their career.   3/5/2023   Colección de paisajistas españoles del siglo XX y XIX y sus obras de arte.   3/5/2023   Arte sacro. Pintura medieval.   10/7/2023   Grupo Pio Décimo fundado em 1954, onde encontrará informações educacionais de todas nossas instituições.   10/7/2023   Pio Deportes TV. Radio. Medio de comunicación / noticias.   26/06/2020   Piscina un petit oceà és un projecte editorial especialitzat en contes il·lustrats per a tots públics on busquem històries, paraules, dibuixos... i els convertim en llibres: -taaatxan!!-. La nostra piscina és de mar salada i s’hi poden viure aventures extraordinàries.   09/01/2020   Pjorge. Cosas que probablemente sólo me interesan a mí.   6/22/2023   The Daily Plainsman. The best source for breaking and local news serving Huron, Beadle County, South Dakota. Covering top stories, classifieds, entertainment, school sports, event calendar, real estate, vacation rentals and public announcement.   8/18/2022   Planes of Fame. Air Museum. The story of the Planes of Fame Air Museum is the story of one man’s vision. Ed Maloney knew that protecting our aviation history was important.   03/10/2021   Planetarium. Le Planétarium de Bruxelles vous propose plusieurs films 360° à différentes heures, adaptés à tous les âges. Le Planétarium est situé au Heysel.   25/09/2016   Le but de PlaneteAfrique est de fournir une grande diversité de services à nos clients du continent africain. Pour cela, nous développons une gamme variée de logiciels et d'applications, spontanément ou sur commande, spécialement adaptés au contexte local qui est le sien.   09/04/2017   The Orangutan is one of the species of apes in the Planet of the Apes franchise. The two species of orangutan are the only great apes native to Asia and live on the islands of Borneo (Pongo pygmaeus) and Sumatra (Pongo abelii).   13/07/2019   The Department of Plant & Microbial Biology is committed to the University of California’s mission of dedicated research and to providing a superior education in plant biology, microbiology and related life sciences.   02/07/2018   PBFA is the only organization taking a public health approach to getting people to eat more plant-based foods.   17/02/2022   Planteurs Volontaires. On plante ensemble? Nous militons en faveur de l’arbre, par la réalisation de projets de plantation, de chantiers participatifs, d’animations et de formations autour de la thématique de l’arbre.   30/10/2020   The home page for the United States Department of Agriculture PLANTS Database.   17/02/2022   USDA Plants Database. Plant List of Accepted Nomenclature, Taxonomy, and Symbols. The Plants Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.   03/03/2018   The PLANTS Database provides standardized information about the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens of the U.S. and its territories.   13/01/2022   The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) organizes scholars from around the world in philosophy and related disciplines to create and maintain an up-to-date reference work.   19/07/2020   Table of Contents. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.   3/23/2023   Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. From its inception, the SEP was designed so that each entry is maintained and kept up-to-date by an expert or group of experts in the field.   08/07/2020   What's New. Updates for the Last Three Months Listed in Reverse Chronological Order. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP).   08/07/2020   Projected Table of Contents. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP).   8/26/2023   Playa Varadero. Fotos de la ciudad mas visitada en Cuba. Hoteles frente a la playa donde puede hospedarse.   20/11/2020   Playco Editores. Libros para niños y jóvenes. Libros para regalar. Fundada en 1991, Playco Editores, C.A. es una empresa venezolana dedicada a la publicación de obras de excelente factura editorial destinada a niños y jóvenes.   20/08/2021   Brand Building, Graphic Design, Narrative Strategy. Portland + Bend, OR. Founded in Portland, Ore., in 1991 with the launch of Plazm magazine. Together with our clients, we solve design problems, tell stories, and seek out truth.   12/07/2020   Plekos ist eine Internet-Fachzeitschrift (ISSN: 1435-9626) für Rezensionen und Berichte zur Erforschung der Spätantike.   25/11/2020   PLS (Poculi Ludique Societas) sponsors productions of early plays, from the beginnings of medieval drama to as late as the middle of the seventeenth century.   04/04/2020   Plus is an online magazine which aims to introduce readers to the beauty and the practical applications of mathematics.   29/01/2018   Emmy Noether: Against the odds. By Danielle Stretch. Emmy Amalie Noether was born on 23rd March 1882 to a middle class Jewish family in the small Bavarian town of Erlangen.   15/09/2018   Postmodern Culture. Founded in 1990 as an experiment in scholarly publishing on the Internet, Postmodern Culture has become the leading electronic journal of interdisciplinary thought on contemporary cultures.   15/09/2018   Postmodern Culture. Back Issues (Text-Only Versions). Listed below are links to the tables of contents for text-only versions of all back issues of Postmodern Culture.   3/11/2023   PMC Ammunition. Creating a legend... one shooter at a time.   2/11/2023   Pacific Northwest College of Art is the leading professional arts and design school in the Northwest; we are the heartbeat of learning and experimentation in Portland’s vibrant cultural ecosystem.   17/03/2019   Welcome to the home pages of the Philosophy-Neurosciences-Psychology (PNP) Program at Washington University.   10/5/2023   Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology. Washington University in St. Louis. Key elements of such an interdisciplinary approach include knowledge of cognitive neuroscience, philosophy, psychology and artificial intelligence.   30/08/2021   Podcast Scientia Futura. Un podcast racionalista, ilustrado, progresista y ateo.   10/7/2023   Poder Judicial, República Dominicana. El Poder Judicial es uno de los tres poderes del Estado que conforman el gobierno de la nación.   12/16/2022   PoeMAS UNED. Poesía para más gente. Relación entre poesía y música. Descubre las relaciones de la poesía con la música española en español desde 1975.   06/08/2023   Poemeleon. Founded in 2005, Poemeleon is an ever-changing journal of contemporary poetry and poetics, pausing to explore the shifting boundaries between of poetry, and highlighting poetry bears more exploration and excavation.   31/07/2020   Poetry Daily. Our editors read journals and books of poems first published from the widest range of sources we can find, from across the US and the world—and we continually seek to expand that reading.   01/08/2020   PoemTalk (episodios 1-41). For each episode of PoemTalk four friends and colleagues in the world of poetry and poetics convene to collaborate on a close (but not too close) reading of a single poem.   08/03/2020   Poésie Française. Poésie Française est à la fois une anthologie de la poésie classique, du moyen-âge au début du XXème siècle, et également un espace de visibilité pour l'internaute, amateur éclairé ou professionnel qui désire y publier ses oeuvres à titre gratuit.   16/07/2018   Tous les auteurs. Tous les auteurs. Vos poèmes. Poésie française. Tous les poèmes. Tous les poètes. Créé par la société Webnet en 1996, Poésie Française est aujourd'hui le 1er site de poésie francophone.   10/07/2018   The mission of Poetry Slam, Inc. (PSi) is to promote the creation and performance of poetry that engages communities and provides a platform for voices to be heard beyond social, cultural, political, and economic barriers.   31/07/2021   Poetry Society of America. The PSA transforms public spaces into sites for imaginative encounters with poems, engages diverse and often underserved communities, amplifies the voices of poets around issues of common concern, and honors their aesthetic contributions to our lives.   19/07/2020   The Poetry Society. Connecting you to the transformative power of poetry. The Poetry Society was founded in 1909 to promote “a more general recognition and appreciation of poetry”.   02/08/2020   The Poetry Society of Virginia. Celebrating the past, present, and future of Virginia Poetry.   22/03/2020   The Poetry Zone. Children’s poetry and poetry teaching resources. Publishing children’s poems online since 1998.   22/03/2020   League of Canadian Poets. Supporting poets & poetry in Canada. The League of Canadian Poets is the professional organization for established and emerging Canadian poets.   20/05/2021   The Academy of American Poets is the largest membership-based nonprofit organization fostering an appreciation for contemporary poetry and supporting American poets.   3/29/2022   American Poets Magazine. The Academy of American Poets is the largest membership-based nonprofit organization fostering an appreciation for contemporary poetry and supporting American poets.   18/05/2020   Поглед Инфо. Новини от България и света, анализи на български и международни анализатори, авторски предавания и интервюта. Следете всичко, случващо се по света и у нас в Pogled.   09/10/2016   Pohanginapete. Pete lives in the Pohangina Valley, Aotearoa/New Zealand and writes about travelling and people, mountains and other wild places, photography, Aotearoa-NZ, natural history, strangeness and possibility, wondering, life in general and a swag of other stuff.   3/10/2023   National Survivor Study. Polaris works to reshape the systems that allow for sex and labor trafficking in North America and operates the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.   03/11/2020   Welcome to the Polegroup Store on Bandcamp.   01/11/2020   Proust au croisement des disciplines. Le Pôle Proust fait partie des activités du Centre de recherches sur les arts et le langage (École des hautes études en sciences sociales/Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris).   01/11/2019   La Police Grand-Ducale alimente ce site en vue de promouvoir l'accès du public aux informations relatives aux activités de la Police.   5/15/2022   The UC Davis Police Department proudly serves the UC Davis community in Davis and Sacramento. Our approach is to involve students, faculty and staff in our activities and operations to provide the highest level of service.   5/15/2022   The University of California, Santa Cruz Police Department is committed to cultivating a transparent, accountable, and collaborative environment embracing the broad diversity of our stakeholders to protect the life and property of our community.   09/11/2020   Ediciones Polígrafa. Libros de arte, arquitectura y fotografía. Creada a mediados de los años sesenta por Manuel de Muga, uno de los más exigentes impresores del pasado siglo.   27/03/2020   PoliPapers es el portal de la Universitat Politècnica de València para impulsar la edición en abierto de revistas científicas digitales. Se enmarca dentro del compromiso de la Universitat Politècnica de València con el acceso abierto.   11/21/2022   Department of Political Science. University of California, San Diego.   13/07/2019   Polish American Cultural Center. This site contains information about Polish Heritage, Culture, Pride, and the History of the Polish people.   04/12/2019   Polis México publica artículos de investigación científica en las áreas de Sociología, Psicología Social, Ciencia Política y Geografía Humana; se encuentra abierta a investigaciones que abonen al campo de la reflexión teórica.   8/6/2023   Political Dictionary. An essential guide to the language of power.   12/11/2021   Department of Political Science. Ole Miss. Start your journey and find your course of study in the University of Mississippi’s Department of Political Science.   17/01/2020   The UNC Department of Political Science was established as an independent department in 1935. Its principal architects were Whatley Pierson, a Latin Americanist, and Charles B. Robson, a Europeanist.   8/6/2023   Political Wire. All the political news in one place.   5/25/2023   Polítiques Digitals. Departament d'Empresa i Treball. Generalitat de Catalunya.   10/12/2020   Ministarstvo poljoprivrede.   26/06/2020   Pol·len Edicions (sccl) som una editorial independent, cooperativa, jove, formada per tres sòcies, el Jordi, l’Aida i la Mar.   5/11/2023   El Recinto de Ponce de la Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico es una institución de educación superior, privada sin fines de lucro y de orientación cristiana ecuménica.   10/30/2022   Pont del Petroli Poesia. Badalona, juny de l’any 2000. En els mateixos dies Joan Puche i Paco Fanés vam concebre una editorial de Poesia: l’Associació Cultural de Poesia Pont del Petroli - edicions Pont del Petroli.   11/11/2019   Poolbeg Press was founded in 1976 and is one of Ireland's leading book publishers.   07/05/2020   Poolga. Art for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch created by the finest illustrators.   4/22/2022   Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. The Center values research-based decisions and offers programs, funding, consultations, observations, support, and digital resources designed for faculty at Yale.   3/10/2023   POPPA (Police Organization Providing Peer Assistance) is a volunteer police peer support network committed exclusively to providing a confidential, safe, and supportive environment for New York City police officers and NYPD retirees.   8/29/2023   Rare Chinese Coin Database. Chinese Coins. Silver and Gold coins from the Qing Dynasty to Early Republic.   14/07/2017   Por Cuba y para Cuba. La verdad es la idea, decia Platón. Aristotele afirmaba que era la forma que se halla oculta tras el velo de la apariencia.   14/07/2017   Por el ojo de la aguja. Cuba: arte. sociedad y costumbres.   01/11/2019   Ce site est édité par l'ILNAS (Institut luxembourgeois de la normalisation, de l'accréditation, de la sécurité et qualité des produits et services) Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.   10/19/2023   Arkansas. Whether you’re visiting Arkansas for the first time or a long-time resident, you can experience all the Natural State has to offer. Discover things to do, places to stay, unique eats, events, and more!   8/21/2022   Connecticut’s Official State Website. Within its compact borders, Connecticut has forested hills, new urban skylines, shoreline beaches, white-steeple colonial churches, and historic village greens.   8/21/2022   Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. The agency is also committed to playing a positive role in rebuilding Connecticut’s economy and creating jobs – and to fostering a sustainable and prosperous economic future for the state.   05/05/2018   O Instituto Politécnico de Tomar (IPT) é uma instituição de ensino superior politécnico, no espaço europeu do ensino superior, dotada de valências nas áreas das ciências, tecnologias, artes e humanidades que, desde a sua génese, concorrem complementarmente para a superior formação dos seus estudantes.   31/08/2021   El Portal Alba es una página de difusión sobre los principios y avances de la Alianza Bolivariana de los Pueblos de Nuestra América – Tratado de Comercio de los pueblos (ALBA-TCP), desarrollada por la Fundación Emancipación desde septiembre de 2004.   8/31/2023   Portal Jurídic de Catalunya. Cerca la normativa a tots els àmbits. Dret de Catalunya i una selecció de dret estatal, dret de la Unió Europea i internacional.   8/28/2022   Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Research Portal. The purpose of this new tool is to expand to the fullest the research being done in our University and to make visible the work of our researchers.   3/21/2023   William Neill, a resident of the Yosemite National Park area since 1977, is a landscape photographer concerned with conveying the deep, spiritual beauty he sees and feels in Nature.   2/11/2023   The Portland Art Museum’s mission is to engage and enrich diverse communities through the presentation, interpretation, and conservation of art and film.   10/20/2023   Port-na-Storm.   08/11/2015   Lisboa, Portugal, Tempo. Weather Underground. Obtenha os mais recentes informes e mapas de previsão do tempo do Weather Underground, com detalhes sobre clima, temperatura, umidade, vento e precipitação pluviométrica.   07/06/2020   Por um Punhado de Euros.   02/09/2020   The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology. POST, is a bicameral body that bridges research and policy.   13/01/2022   The Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum is dedicated to the preservation, study and presentation of postal history and philately.   4/7/2023   Plants of the World Online. Kew Science. Browse 1,419,000 global plant names, 199,100 detailed descriptions, and 371,200 images.   20/04/2019   Periodica Polytechnica Secretariat. Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Periodica Polytechnica is the "umbrella" name of all scientific journals of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.   20/07/2020   Pacific Pilotage Authority. The principal mandate of the Authority is to provide safe, reliable and efficient marine pilotage and related services in the coastal waters of British Columbia including the Fraser River.   10/08/2019   Partido Popular de Aragón.   25/04/2019   The mission of the Positive Psychology Center is to promote research, training, education, and the dissemination of Positive Psychology.   31/05/2017   Museo per la Storia dell'Università di Pavia. L’idea di un Museo universitario a carattere storico-medico nasce con le riforme teresiano-giuseppine.   04/04/2020   Museo per la Storia dell'Università di Pavia. L’idea di un Museo universitario a carattere storico-medico nasce con le riforme teresiano-giuseppine.   3/18/2022   The School of Planning, Public Policy and Management (PPPM) has been offering training in rigorous, professional programs for more than 30 years.   10/04/2021   Praha 10. Městská část Praha 10. Praha 10 je situována v jihovýchodní části hlavního města a zahrnuje území o rozloze přibližně 1.900 hektarů.   13/07/2021   The Prairie Research Institute benefits the people, economy, and environment of Illinois, delivering impact to every corner of the state.   23/06/2020   El Partido Regionalista de Cantabria (PRC) es un partido que en el ámbito regional de Cantabria pretende servir de cauce a la aspiración ciudadana de participar del modo más directo posible en el gobierno de los intereses comunes.   30/04/2020   The Palestinian Return Centre is an independent consultancy focusing on the historical, political and legal aspects of the Palestinian Refugees.   07/06/2020   Pre-Code. Celebrating Pre-Code Hollywood Cinema, 1930-1934.   18/02/2017   Prehistoric Sounds. Australian Punk Record cover art, music newspaper articles. Magazine clippings I used to cut out of newspapers and the music press back in my youth.   6/6/2023   Premi de Novel·la Curta Just M. Casero.   3/5/2023   VilaWeb. Diari Electrònic Independent.   8/31/2023   Sala de premsa d'Onada Edicions.   10/20/2023   Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica. Esta hemeroteca, tanto por su volumen como por la calidad de sus fondos constituye uno de los principales proyectos de digitalización de prensa que se han realizado en España y tiene a nivel internacional un peso considerable.   25/11/2020   Agencia Prensa Rural, desde Colombia con las comunidades campesinas en resistencia.   8/18/2022   Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Prescott, Arizona campus is respected worldwide for cutting-edge instruction and training for tomorrow’s aviation, aerospace, security and intelligence leaders.   6/18/2022   President. Web del president de la Generalitat de Catalunya.   11/02/2022   Princeton University Press. The Press brings influential voices and ideas to the world stage through their academic scholarship, advancing the frontiers of scholarly knowledge and promoting the human conversation.   07/01/2021   Syracuse University Press. Over a casual conversation between Chancellor William Tolley and Thomas Watson, the Press was established to publish what would be its first title, IBM’s Precision Measurement in the Metal Working Industry in 1943.   11/03/2020   University of Ottawa Press. Bilingual French English university press. Canada's oldest French language university press and the only bilingual university press in North America.   07/11/2021   Minden Press-Herald Online. Your local news, sports, opinion and community headlines from Minden and Webster Parish.   19/12/2020   Primarily Primates was founded in 1978, making it the first primate sanctuary in North America and the first to rescue chimpanzees requiring lifetime care following medical research.   11/20/2022   Wisconsin National Primate Research Center. The WNPRC’s mission is to increase our understanding of basic primate biology and to improve human and animal health and quality of life through research.   22/07/2021   Primate Info Net (PIN) is designed to cover the broad field of primatology, providing original content and links to resources about non-human primates in research, education and conservation.   16/06/2018   Máster en Primatología. Espacio dedicado al Postgrado y Máster en Primatología.   05/12/2020   PrimePages: prime number research records and results. Access to hundreds of pages of award-winning information on prime numbers--with links to thousands of pages elsewhere. We host the searchable database of the 5000 largest known primes.   31/10/2019   La Universidad Rafael Landívar busca la excelencia académica, que significa una calidad superior de ideas, principios y actuaciones de quienes, como profesionales, administrativos y alumnos, puedan situarse por encima del simple cumplimiento y rutinario de su deber.   8/28/2022   Print Council of America.   3/21/2022   Pristine Classics.   21/07/2021   The Potomac River Jazz Club is a nonprofit society whose purpose is to preserve, encourage and promote the playing and appreciation of traditional jazz.   5/15/2022   Magnum Photos is a photographic co-operative of great diversity and distinction owned by its photographer-members. With powerful individual vision, Magnum photographers chronicle the world and interpret its peoples, events, issues and personalities.   29/01/2022   Fundación ProAves. Por las aves y su hábitat en Colombia. Estamos comprometidos con la protección de cientos de especies y sus hábitats en Colombia. ¡Conoce nuestras acciones de conservación!   3/5/2023   Consell Català de la Producció Integrada. Vetllem per un model productiu de qualitat mitjançant mètodes respectuosos amb la salut humana i el medi ambient.   3/5/2023   Productes de la Terra. Marxandatge i productes dels Països Catalans.   21/04/2020   Microsoft Office. Productivity Tools for Home & Office. From desktop to web for Macs and PCs, Office delivers the tools to get work done. View product information or sign in to Office 365.   17/01/2018   La Asociación Española de Profesionales en Holanda es una asociación legalmente registrada en la cámara de comercio de Amsterdam, cuyo objetivo es promover e impulsar los contactos profesionales “networking”, entre personas y empresas que trabajan en Holanda y que tienen lazos con el mundo de lengua española.   5/13/2022   16/04/2021   Progreso Semanal, fundado por Francisco G. Aruca, es una publicación independiente con carácter progresista.   02/02/2021   Progress Illinois. With the goal of adding a progressive voice to the Illinois political media sphere, Progress Illinois launched in March 2008 thanks to a founding sponsorship from the SEIU Illinois State Council. The timing was ideal: Barack Obama’s White House bid sparked widespread political interest and elevated Chicago’s political scene.   3/5/2023   Projecte TRACES. Base de dades de llengua i literatura catalanes.   01/05/2020   Apache Projects Directory. This site is a catalog of Apache Software Foundation projects. It is designed to help you find specific projects that meet your interests and to gain a broader understanding of the wide variety of work currently underway in the Apache community.   01/05/2020   Apache Projects List.   5/10/2023   The China Biographical Database Project (CBDB) is a freely accessible relational database with biographical information about approximately 521,442 individuals as of August 2022, primarily from the 7th through 19th centuries.   3/10/2023   Hollywood Star Walk. A guide to the thousands of stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The Times’ virtual tour puts readers on the streets of Hollywood to visit the nearly 2,400 stars on the Walk of Fame.   26/01/2018   Lauren Bacall. Actress. Born Betty Joan Perske on Sept. 16, 1924 in New York, NY. Died Aug. 12, 2014 in New York, NY.   3/10/2023   Hollywood Star Walk. Los Angeles Times. Select a star.   10/6/2023   Seattle Times Interactive Graphics. Here's a list of Seattle Times projects with visually lead storytelling presentations covering local news to data investigations from our visual journalists.   26/04/2021   Project South was founded as the Institute to Eliminate Poverty & Genocide in 1986. Our work is rooted in the legacy of the Southern Freedom Movement, and our mission of cultivating strong social movements in the South powerful enough to contend with some of the most pressing and complicated social, economic, and political problems we face today.   16/03/2020   История пропаганды. Наш сайт о том, какой пропаганда была раньше – на протяжении всего двадцатого и предыдущих веков. Ведь принципы, по которым она работает, не меняются.   09/02/2020   Undernews. Online report of the Progressive Review. Since 1964, the news while there's still time to do something about it.   26/12/2020   Proscritos Asesoria Literaria.   26/12/2020   Proscritos es una librería pequeña y selecta para lectores gourmet, por eso nos tomamos muy en serio nuestra selección de títulos. En nuestras estanterías encontrarás libros de Nórdica, Acantilado, Impedimenta, Galaxia Gutenberg, Libros del Asteroide, Pepitas de Calabaza, Periférica, Malpaso, Alba, Dirty Works, Círculo de Tiza, Rayo Verde, Ediciones Marbot, Sexto Piso.   09/02/2020   Prosofos. Associação Nacional para a Promoção da Filosofia. Em 2011, um aluno da Escola Secundária Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho, José Gusmão Rodrigues, solicita ao Comité Internacional das IPO a possibilidade de participar na XIX International Philosophy Olympiad, apoiado pelo seu professor Domingos Correia.   21/06/2020   The American Prospect is devoted to promoting informed discussion on public policy from a progressive perspective. In print and online, the Prospect brings a narrative, journalistic approach to complex issues, addressing the policy alternatives and the politics necessary to create good legislation.   01/11/2020   Édition numérique de la correspondance de Marcel Proust. L’édition des lettres de Proust a été l’objet, depuis plus de huit décennies, de recherches intenses qui convergent aujourd’hui dans le projet Corr-Proust, mené dans le cadre de la collaboration franco-américaine du Consortium "Proust21".   20/12/2020   Proustonomics. Cent ans avec Marcel Proust.   3/18/2022   Providence Children’s Film Festival. PCFF presents the best of independent and international children’s cinema to inspire, delight, educate, and connect a diverse community of children and families from Rhode Island and throughout New England.   18/07/2018   PROVIDUS ir nevalstiska, bezpartejiska un bezpeļņas organizācija, juridiski – biedrība „Sabiedriskās politikas centrs PROVIDUS”, kas dibināta 2002.gadā un kopš 2006.gada bauda sabiedriskā labuma organizācijas statusu.   12/6/2022   Providence Public Library Digital Collections.   21/04/2020   El Proyecto Gran Simio NO pretende que se considere a chimpancés, gorilas, orangutanes y bonobos como HUMANOS, que NO son, si no como HOMÍNIDOS que SI son.   16/10/2020   The European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) is the Europe-wide register that provides easily accessible key environmental data from industrial facilities in European Union Member States and in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia and Switzerland.   26/07/2017   Князі, гетьмани, миторополити президенти та науковцi.   30/01/2017   Baza PSJD (Polish Scientific Journals Database) rejestruje artykuły z polskich czasopism naukowych z dziedziny nauk fizycznych i chemicznych oraz obszaru nauk medycznych, farmaceutycznych, nauk o zdrowiu i nauk o kulturze fizycznej.   4/4/2022   Flower and Gardening Articles. Perry's Perennial Pages. The following articles include those on perennials, flowers, and many other gardening topics.   27/02/2019   For the Home Gardener... Perry's Perennial Pages.   02/03/2019   Psychological Tutorials and Demonstrations. John H. Krantz, Ph.D.   2/9/2023   Psyche. On the human condition. Psyche is a digital magazine from Aeon that illuminates the human condition through psychology, philosophy and the arts.   3/11/2023   Psychiatry Online. American Psychiatric Association Publishing is the world’s premier publisher of books, journals, and multimedia on psychiatry, mental health and behavioral science.   16/06/2018   eBook Collections. These yearly institutional eBook subscriptions offer access to a curated collection of titles to a specific topic area—all within a single search and navigation interface that integrates journals and books.   16/06/2018   American Psychiatric Association (APA) practice guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for the assessment and treatment of psychiatric disorders.   25/11/2020   Psychic Science is developed and maintained by parapsychologist, transpersonal psychologist, and magician Michael Daniels PhD.   25/04/2019   Psychology is the science of mind, brain, and behavior. The Department of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania is the oldest continuously functioning psychology department in North America.   1/26/2023   Psychology Department. UC Santa Cruz. Our department administers the undergraduate Psychology major, the undergraduate Cognitive Science major, and three graduate programs in psychology.   23/06/2020   Polskie Towarzystwo Nauk Ogrodniczych. Ogrodnictwo jest od dawna ważną dziedziną produkcji roślinnej w Polsce. Duży wpływ na rozwój nowoczesnej produkcji ogrodniczej wywarła wysoka aktywność naukowa ośrodków badawczych skupionych w uczelniach rolniczych i instytutach branżowych: sadownictwa, kwiaciarstwa oraz warzywnictwa.   03/04/2020   RPUC. Registre de planejament urbanístic de Catalunya.   19/07/2020   IBM Redbooks index.   10/19/2022   Les Coprins d'Abord. Mycology, photography, macro, books, movies, concerts, journeys, nature.   7/17/2022   National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Revealing the Hidden Universe. Founded in 1956, the NRAO provides state-of-the-art radio telescope facilities for use by the international scientific community.   18/06/2019   American Authors. Donna M. Campbell.   18/06/2019   Donna M. Campbell. I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century American literature, women writers, naturalism, regionalism, modernism, and realism.   8/30/2023   Portal de Publicacions. Aquest portal conté una potent base de dades que inclou la fitxa catalogràfica, elaborada pel Servei de Documentació i Arxiu de l´IEC, les opcions de compra i la reproducció de la coberta de cadascuna de les obres.   4/16/2022   American Academy of Pediatrics. Dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents and young adults.   27/10/2017   The Publications Office of the European Union (Publications Office), based in Luxembourg, is an interinstitutional office whose task is to publish the publications of the institutions of the European Union (Decision 2009/496/EC, Euratom).   4/17/2023   The School of Public Health (SPH) at San Diego State University (SDSU) is one of four nationally accredited schools of public health in California, and located in one of the most vibrant and culturally diverse areas in the country.   26/12/2020   Public Seminar is, above all things, dedicated to the intellectual and cultural work of democracy, and is open to a range of perspectives.   18/08/2016   Dr. Louis C. Charland. I came to the University of Western Ontario in the summer of 1998. My previous job was at the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University in Montreal, where I was a member of the Biomedical Ethics Unit and the Clinical Trials Research Group.   8/28/2022   UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982-2004, includes almost 2,000 books from academic presses on a range of topics, including art, science, history, music, religion, and fiction.   02/09/2017   Chinese History in Economic Perspective. Edited By Thomas G. Rawski and Lillian M. Li. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS. Berkeley. Los Angeles. Oxford. © 1992 The Regents of the University of California. UC Press E-Books Collection, 1982-2004 formerly eScholarship Editions.   02/09/2017   War, Institutions, and Social Change in the Middle East. Steven Heydemann. University of California Press. Berkeley. Los Angeles. London.   7/5/2022   Tor Publishing. An imprint for science fiction and fantasy novellas and novels, a line that provides a home for emerging and established writers to tell focused, engaging stories in exactly the number of words they choose.   07/10/2021   ACS Publications: Chemistry journals, books, and references published by the American Chemical Society. ACS Publications' commitment to publishing high-quality research continues to attract impactful publications from top authors around the globe.   18/08/2016   Accounts of Chemical Research presents short, concise and critical articles offering easy-to-read overviews of basic research and applications in all areas of chemistry and biochemistry.   10/07/2021   The Pubs Warehouse provides access to over 160,000 publications written by USGS scientists over the century-plus history of the bureau. United States Geological Survey.   11/21/2022   GeoScienceWorld. Our vision is to be the essential resource and partner to independent society publishers and the larger Earth Science research community, advancing knowledge and insights for the benefit of people and the planet.   12/03/2022   Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Geo Science World.   8/24/2022   University of Iowa Libraries' Publications is supported by the University of Iowa Libraries. The titles on this site are all freely available. However, the licensing on them varies.   10/20/2023   RSC Publishing Home. Chemical Science Journals, Books and Databases. This platform provides access to journals, books and databases from RSC Publishing, linking over 1 million chemical science articles and chapters.   5/28/2022   Pueblo Nuevo, sello online y netlabel independiente con base en Santiago de Chile fundado en julio del 2005 por Mika Martini y Daniel Jeffs, cuyo quehacer es, a la vez global y local.   09/04/2020   Librería La Puerta de Tannhäuser. Libros maravillosos de editoriales independientes elegidos uno a uno. La Puerta de Tannhäuser. Librería para replicantes.   08/09/2018   Puerto Plata Habla.   09/11/2020   Pulpture. Una pequeña editorial independiente dedicada a la literatura de ficción establecida en Madrid (España). Publicamos autores contemporáneos, y también traducciones de clásicos o contemporáneos extranjeros.   8/29/2023   Pulso Diario de San Luis. Últimas noticias en San Luis Potosí, México y el mundo, sigue la información las 24 horas desde San Luis Potosí, Pulso San Luis es noticia.   17/02/2022   Les presses de l'Université de Montréal. Les PUM éditent et diffusent quatre revues savantes qui appliquent les règles de l'arbitrage par les pairs et dont la grande qualité a été régulièrement reconnue par les comités spécialisés des organismes subventionnaires.   9/2/2022   Punctum Books. An independent, open-access para-academic publisher.   04/04/2020   Xarxa Punt TIC. Xarxa de telecentres de Catalunya, integrada per diferents centres, espais i punts que posen a disposició de la ciutadania equipament i personal per accedir a les TIC i dinamitzar el seu entorn.   7/5/2022   Punxsutawney Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber shall promote and market the Punxsutawney Area, be an advocate and catalyst for community and economic growth, and provide the leadership and collaboration to achieve community prosperity.   11/03/2017   Puolustusvoimat. Puolustusvoimat vastaa Suomen sotilaallisesta puolustuksesta.   5/4/2023   Purdue University is a world-renowned, public research university that advances discoveries in science, technology, engineering and math.   09/02/2020   A Biblioteca Nacional Digital (BND) disponibiliza em linha e de forma gratuita cerca de 25.000 documentos, a que correspondem mais de um milhão e meio de imagens.   23/12/2020   Purple Heart Foundation Online. For over 60 years the Purple Heart Foundation has helped fund programs and services to help ease the transition from the battlefield to the homefront for veterans nationwide.   20/03/2020   Purple Martin Conservation Association. Founded in 1987 by James R. Hill, III, the Purple Martin Conservation Association (PMCA) is the world leader in research, education and conservation of Purple Martins, North America’s largest swallow.   4/16/2022   Пушкинский музей. Официальный сайт Пушкинского музея (Государственного музея изобразительных искусств им. А.С. Пушкина), обладающего одним из крупнейших в России художественных собраний зарубежного искусства.   28/09/2020   Putnam Fish and Game Club. Club History. In 1939 about 15 men renovated the top floor of a barn on Church Street in Putnam and the Putnam Fish and Game Club was born.   3/17/2023    Center for Astrophysics. Founded in 1973, the Center for Astrophysics - Harvard & Smithsonian is an ongoing collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and Harvard College Observatory designed to foster innovation and propel discovery.