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Sunday, December 3, 2023

r _ r   8/26/2023   Navegar por los elementos. R020 Bibiliotecología y ciencias de la información.   4/4/2022   House Rabbit Society is an international nonprofit rabbit education and rabbit rescue organization. We provide free house rabbit resources.   4/24/2022   La revista electrònica Digithum aplica una perspectiva relacional a l'anàlisi de les les experiències subjectives, els vincles socials i l'herència cultural.   8/31/2023   RACO (Revistes Catalanes amb Accés Obert) és un repositori cooperatiu des del qual es poden consultar, en accés obert, els articles a text complet de revistes científiques, culturals i erudites catalanes amb la principal finalitat d’augmentar-ne la visibilitat.   11/07/2019   Radio 1. Altijd benieuwd!.   14/08/2018   Radio 101 s emitiranjem je započeo početkom svibnja 1984. godine pod nazivom Omladinski radio. Kao službeni datum početka emitiranja odabran je 8.5.1984.   11/07/2019   Radio 2. We hebben onze website helemaal vernieuwd! Gemakkelijker te gebruiken, geschikt voor tablet en smartphone, dagelijks het nieuws uit jouw regio en nog simpeler artikels delen op Facebook of via mail. Veel plezier!.   27/08/2020   Radio Ambulante es un podcast narrativo que cuenta las historias de Latinoamérica en español. Trabajamos con una talentosa comunidad de productores de radio, periodistas e ilustradores a través de toda la región –incluyendo Estados Unidos– y es presentado por el escritor peruano, Daniel Alarcón.   13/02/2020   Radio en Ligne. Ecouter la Radio en direct. Ecouter radio en ligne gratuitement sur internet ✅ . Les plus grandes radios en France en direct sur ordinateur, tablette, smartphone.   4/10/2023   Radiolab: Podcasts. WNYC Studios, Podcasts. Radiolab is on a curiosity bender. We ask deep questions and use investigative journalism to get the answers.   4/17/2023   Radio-Locator, the most trusted AM and FM radio station search engine on the internet. We have links to over 17,600 radio stations' web pages and over 12,800 stations' audio streams from radio stations in the U.S. and around the world.   27/10/2019   Radio Maya Visión. El Salvador.   12/3/2023   Radio PLUS Radom. Swoim zasięgiem obejmujemy ponad pół miliona potencjalnych słuchaczy zamieszkałych w Radomiu i powiecie radomskim, w Kozienicach, Białobrzegach, Szydłowcu, Końskich, Opocznie, Przysusze, Szydłowcu, Pionkach i w Skarżysku Kamiennej.   13/07/2018   Radio Siegen - 100% von hier. Der lokale Radiosender, der Ihnen neben guter Unterhaltung und aktuellen Nachrichten viel Musik und Information bietet.   20/07/2020   La Red Radio Sol es un grupo de medios de comunicación que generan contenidos a nivel profesional dirigidos a satisfacer las necesidades de la audiencia.   10/05/2018   Radio Študent.   8/20/2023   Liberty Radio ZDK 97.1 FM. The Transformative Power Of Freedom.   8/31/2023   Rafael Argullol Murgadas (Barcelona, 1949), narrador, poeta y ensayista, es catedrático de Estética y Teoría de las Artes en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra.   15/11/2019   Rafael M. Calvo Gonzalez. Galería del artista de la plástica cubana del que dijo el Dr. Eusebio Leal Spengler: "He podido penetrar en el universo secreto y misterioso de su trabajo.   31/05/2020   Rafael Nazario. Pianist, Composer & Teacher.   08/04/2017   The Montrose Air Station Heritage Centre aims to show the human side of the Air Stations past with a collection of contemporary photographs, artefacts and memorabilia.   12/24/2022   Librería Railowsky desde su fundación en el año 1985, se ha caracterizado por la realización de un amplio abanico de actividades culturales, centradas fundamentalmente en la difusión de los libros especializados en imagen y comunicación.   5/1/2023   Rainbow Ryders, Inc. is the premier and largest hot air balloon business serving the Southwest since 1983, with offices in Albuquerque, Phoenix, and Colorado Springs and forty balloons in our fleet.   12/3/2023   Raingod. Personal website of writer and amateur photographer Angus McIntyre.   13/07/2019   Rains County Leader Homepage.   12/3/2023   Raising Children Network. At Raising Children, we provide free, reliable, up-to-date and independent information to help your family grow and thrive together.   4/4/2022   Rally, Comrades! Voice of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America. Examining, analyzing and drawing political conclusions about the most critical issues facing the revolutionary movement in the U.S. today   8/31/2023   El bloc d'en Ramon Bassas. Militància, sensacions i apunts de ruta.   29/07/2017   Rangefinder: Appareils photos à visee telemetrique: description et comparaison.   29/07/2017   Rangefinder: Glossaire photo.   01/12/2021   Rangemaster. Self-defense and firearms training for the real world. Rangemaster Firearms Training Services was   4/4/2022   Rapid City Journal. Rapid City, South Dakota. In Up-To-The Minute Local News. Western South Dakota's no. 1 source for news.   10/06/2018   Rap'ó Tacho. Deixei de lamentar a expulsão de Adão e Eva do Paraíso quando descobri que eles não tinham presunto nem ovos mexidos! (Dorothy Sayers).   29/03/2018   Rappamelo is just a blog where you can find some good music.   4/14/2023   Raptor Research Foundation. Founded in 1966 as a non-profit organization, our primary goal is the accumulation and dissemination of scientific information about raptors.   03/02/2022   Rare and Manuscript Collections. Our collections include more than 500,000 printed volumes, more than 80 million manuscripts, and another million photographs, paintings, prints, and other visual media.   04/09/2021   Rare Books & Special Collections. Hesburgh Libraries. University of Notre Dame. Our collections offer more than 132,000 volumes of printed books and periodicals and over 6,000 linear feet of non-book materials including manuscripts, printed ephemera, broadsides, prints, posters, numismatics, and philately.   16/04/2021   Robotics and Autonomous Systems Center. RASC is an interdisciplinary organized research unit in the USC Viterbi School of Engineering that focuses on the science and technology of robotic systems, with broad and far-reaching applications.   16/07/2020   La Maison Ratier.   30/03/2020   Musée Paulin Ratier.   16/07/2020   16/07/2020   16/07/2020   30/06/2021CBS   Open Journals er CBS Biblioteks tidsskriftsplatform, hvor CBS-tilknyttede forskningsmiljøer har mulighed for at udgive deres forskning. Tidsskrifterne på CBS Open Journals tilskyndes til Open Access-publicering.   16/07/2020   16/07/2020   16/07/2020   7/17/2022   EAPLS. Raven FAC. The Ravens were all volunteers who had previous experience as FACs in South Viet Nam. Due to international treaties, the Ravens were “divorced” from the USAF.   12/3/2023   Rayms Fotosite. Landschappen, macrofotografie, urbex en natuur. Foto`s van een bevlogen fotograaf.   22/04/2020   Razón Atea. Ateísmo esencial total.   3/7/2023   The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) of the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) plays a leading role in the local, national, and international special collections communities.   05/05/2021   Running Brushy Middle School.   30/03/2020   The Air Force Association of Canada is a national aerospace and community service organization established to: commemorate the noble achievements of the men and women who have served as members of Canada?s air forces since its inception; advocate for a proficient and well-equipped air force; and, support the Royal Canadian Air Cadet program.   27/08/2020   Российский фонд культуры. Официальный сайт ООГО Российский фонд культуры. Общероссийская общественно-государственная организация «Российский фонд культуры» - крупнейшая некоммерческая организация в сфере культуры и искусства в Российской Федерации с 33-летней историей.   07/06/2018   Official Newspaper Of Ransom County. Since 1881 we have served the communities of Ransom County, being the prime source for news that matters to our local citizens. Serving the communities of Lisbon, Enderlin, Sheldon, McLeod, Fort Ransom, & Englevale.   8/6/2023   Richard Menzies. Writer. Salt Lake City, Utah.   02/09/2018   Richard Menzies. Rdmenzies. Photography.   8/29/2023   RD Noticias. Noticias de la Republica Dominicana.   10/11/2019   Real Academia de la Gastronomía. La Real Academia de Gastronomía es una Corporación de Derecho Público cuyo objetivo principal es difundir y proteger la cultura gastronómica española.   11/20/2022   Reason Magazine. Free Minds and Free Markets. Reason is the leading libertarian magazine and video website covering news, politics, culture, and more with reporting and analysis.   24/10/2019   Cuinar cada dia amb la Rosa i la Carme.   8/15/2023   Receptes Maica. Receptes, gastronomia, consells i molt més.   21/03/2020   Recetas Mexicanas.   09/10/2017   Simples. Encyclopédie de recettes de cuisine faciles, simples et de bon goût! :-).   11/7/2023   Recipes. Recipe Goldmine. Since April 1999! We have thousands of slow cooker, air fryer, Instant Pot, American regional and international cuisine recipes.   06/10/2020   Recipe Land. Recipes and cooking tips with thousands of recipe photos. Looking for a recipe? You'll find it here. Over 50,000 recipes complete with ratings, reviews and tens of thousands of photos. Trusted since 1996.   3/11/2023   Food and Recipes. How Stuff Works. Here is a place for you to play with your food -- literally: enjoy, have fun with and celebrate food -- but don't worry, we'll still help you get dinner on the table every night.   8/30/2023   Reconciliacion Cubana. Analisis de la actualidad economica, politica y social de Cuba.   19/02/2019   KAIROS es un programa de apoyo al profesorado de Historia de Secundaria y Bachillerato.   15/03/2020   Orangutan Outreach. Richard Zimmerman is the Founding Director of Orangutan Outreach, a New York-based non-profit organization whose mission is to save the critically endangered orangutans and protect their rainforest home.   16/03/2020   Советские политические плакаты, агитационные плакаты. Магазин оригинальных плакатов: советские, агитационные, политические плакаты - коллекция плакатов Серго Григоряна.   23/02/2022   Redfish is a multi award-winning digital content creator which specializes in producing short and in-depth documentaries in collaboration with people involved in grassroots struggles worldwide to build an alternative to the ruling capitalist system.   8/29/2023   La Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa tiene como objetivo principal dar a conocer la investigación que se realiza a nivel regional, nacional e internacional en el campo de la educación, aprovechando las ventajas que ofrece el medio electrónico al quehacer académico.   11/11/2023   Records of Early English Drama (REED) is an international scholarly project that is establishing for the first time the context from which the drama of Shakespeare and his contemporaries grew.   07/06/2020   REEL SF. San Francisco movie locations from classic films. This is an all-consuming, ongoing project. For the past 17 years I have pursued a passion for movie location hunting in San Francisco.   06/11/2021  The UB Regional Institute (UBRI), a research center of Architecture and Planning, has worked in the region for over 30 years on public scholarship, public policy, urban planning, urban design, architecture, and real estate development.   10/03/2020   Gobierno Regional Cusco.   11/19/2023   Regiones Unidas Corp. es una Institución Contable con más de 25 años de experiencia en el ramo personal, profesional, corporativo e industrial, con altas calificaciones y certificaciones por todas las Instituciones que regulan el área tasable y contable.   09/03/2020   Portal Oficial del Gobierno Regional de Madre de Dios.   28/01/2021   Arhiepiscopia Ortodoxă Alba Iulia. Reîntregirea. Mitropolia Ardealului.   21/09/2019   Réjouisciences. La diffusion des sciences et des technologies à l'Université de Liège.   10/05/2020   Relatos en las Merindades. Blog de relatos de la más Vieja Castilla.   07/05/2021   The Center for the Study of Religion was established in 2007 to encourage and support scholarly research on religion(s) at The Ohio State University.   8/12/2023   Relix Magazine is a print and online publication that focuses on the live music scene. 2014 marked the 40th anniversary of Relix, and we’re excited to be flourishing alongside a renaissance of the live music experience.   11/11/2023   Remolacha. Noticias Republica Dominicana. El Blog #1 de los dominicanos.   19/07/2020   Remue. Littératures contemporaines. Revue de littérature. Ceux qui l’animent ont en commun l’idée de la littérature comme acte et capacité de dire et d’inventer, récit du réel de ce monde (...).   12/15/2019   De omnibus dubitandum. Renato Soeiro.   8/15/2023   Celler Rendé Masdeu. Vins ecològics des de 1994. Celler familiar DO Conca de Barberà. Vins de varietats autòctones i collita pròpia. Experiències enoturístiques, allotjament rural i molt més!   03/08/2021   Repeating Islands. News and commentary on Caribbean culture, literature, and the arts.   9/10/2023   Repertorio Español was founded in 1968 to introduce the best of Latinx, Spanish and Hispanic-American theatre in distinctive, quality productions, and to bring theatre to a broad audience in New York City and across the country, including seniors, students and Hispanics of all national backgrounds.   06/11/2020   Reporterre, le quotidien de l'écologie. Le « quotidien de l’écologie » veut proposer des informations claires et pertinentes sur l’écologie dans toutes ses dimensions, ainsi qu’un espace de tribunes pour réfléchir et débattre.   09/09/2019   Bemutatom Egészségügyi Központunkat, mely a hivatásos és privát pilóták, légiutas-kísérők, légiforgalmi irányítók, hajósok és tengerészek alkalmasságát vizsgáló, továbbképző és oktató repülő-orvosi bázis.   26/02/2022   Scholarly Commons is the University of Pennsylvania's openly accessible institutional repository of scholarly works created by Penn faculty, staff, and students.   4/14/2022   República Dominicana Live. Noticias del Turismo y Desarrollo de RD.   09/09/2019   Leendő pilótáknak. Gyakorlati pilótaképzés lépésről lépésre.   8/18/2022   The ASU Knowledge Enterprise advances research, innovation, strategic partnerships, entrepreneurship and international development at Arizona State University.   11/11/2020   Research and innovation at Arizona State University. The ASU Knowledge Enterprise advances research, innovation, strategic partnerships, entrepreneurship and international development at Arizona State University.   28/02/2019   A web forum for biology research at the University of Arizona. A site devoted to research resources by biology faculty, staff and students at the University of Arizona.   28/02/2019   The Mosquito Atlas at The University of Arizona. Images of Aedes aegypti adult mosquitoes. An Internet project on mosquito morphology and more on mosquitoes.   11/28/2023   Office for Research and Graduate Education. Research and graduate studies are inextricably linked, which is why our office has personnel monitoring the many pieces that keep our research engine going.   30/05/2021   The Cornell Research community—faculty, students, alumni, funders, and partners—produces innovative results in basic and applied research and scholarship. The results of Cornell Research address societal concerns, enrich lives, and advance the economy.   11/04/2019   Alan Lomax Archive. Association for Cultural Equity.   20/11/2019   At IBM Research, we invent things that matter to the world. Today, we are pioneering the most promising and disruptive technologies that will transform industries and society, including the future of AI, blockchain and quantum computing. We are driven to discover.   4/16/2023   Artificial Intelligence. We're inventing what's next in AI research. Explore our recent work, access unique toolkits, and discover the breadth of topics that matter to us.   06/05/2021   Research @ UM. University of Miami. We are over 250 professionals with expertise in guiding faculty, staff, and learners through the entire Research Lifecycle, from project conception and grant submission to sharing your results with the world and creating commercial opportunities.   10/5/2023   Economic Research. St. Louis Fed. Economists in the Research Division have a primary responsibility to conduct research. Our economists publish in numerous refereed journals and present at conferences all over the world.   10/07/2021   Office of Research. Syracuse University. Syracuse is a top-tier international research university, where academic inquiry spans and unites a full range of disciplines.   02/04/2021   15/11/2019   Arnold Bernhard founded Value Line in 1931 after spending several years on Wall Street as an employee of Moody’s Investors Service.   06/11/2021   Research Vanderbilt. Vanderbilt University. Improving the human condition through pathbreaking discovery and innovation.   09/02/2022   WSU Research. Washington State University. Washington State University researchers untangle complex problems to enrich quality of life for us all. Their work safeguards the health of humans and animals.   12/11/2021   The Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library. Learn more about the library at Bucknell University, including details about library services, borrowing privileges, equipment desk, research help, the library cafe, and more.   2/28/2023   Drexel Research Discovery provides access to research and scholarly outputs created by Drexel faculty, staff and students, including theses & dissertations, journal articles, conference papers and proceedings, posters and research data.   11/11/2020   Research Guides Librarians are specialists in finding and using information as well as experts in their fields.   12/3/2023   St Andrews Research Repository. The repository contains electronic theses and research publications including articles, conference proceedings, working papers and some research monographs.   04/04/2020   Agència de Residus de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya.   16/03/2022   Ressources Prostitution.   4/7/2023   Restaurant-ing through history. Exploring American restaurants over the centuries.   28/05/2018   Restaurants on he estat.   17/03/2022   Restoration Systems leads the environmental restoration and mitigation banking business and has more than 80 mitigation banks and restoration sites in nine states.   17/03/2022   Restos de Colecção. José Leite.   11/28/2023   Rethinking Schools is a nonprofit publisher and advocacy organization dedicated to sustaining and strengthening public education through social justice teaching and education activism.   10/01/2021   Featured Books. Rethinking Schools.   10/01/2021   Magazine. Rethinking Schools.   01/02/2020   Retroculturati is an online magazine for lovers of music, cinema, photography, social, political and military history. A cultural escape for those living in the present with a lingering look at the past.   9/22/2022   La Salle Reus és, des de la seva fundació, un referent del món educatiu de la ciutat de Reus. En aquest centre eduquem per tal que cada alumne surti de l’escola dotat de tot allò que li cal per a viure com a persona.   31/08/2020   The Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs was established as the Labor History Archives at Wayne State University in 1960, with the goal of collecting and preserving original source materials relating to the development of the American labor movement.   11/5/2023   Revela't, Festival Internacional de Fotografia Analògica Contemporània. Revela't és un festival referent internacional en fotografia analògica contemporània, amb seu a Vilassar de Dalt, Barcelona.   05/09/2021   The Palm Springs Photo Festival Portfolio Review: Fall 2021.   16/07/2020   Revista ¡¡Ábrete Libro!! Revista digital sobre libros y autores.   6/1/2022   Journal of Catalan Studies. Since 1998 the Journal of Catalan Studies has been the only academic journal dedicated entirely to the promotion of Catalan Language and Culture via a totally electronic mode of publication.   05/06/2018   La Revista de Pangea és un recull de notícies de diferents butlletins.   31/10/2019   La revista EntreMundos se publica desde 2001 con el objetivo de aumentar la conciencia guatemalteca y extranjera sobre temas sociales relevantes de Guatemala y Centroamérica.   05/12/2020   Escáner Cultural es una revista abierta, pluralista y participativa. Escáner Cultural es una comunidad en red, una red de artistas, críticos y teóricos del arte que junto a su directora Marcela Rosen, constituyen una comunidad virtual.   06/10/2020   Revista Cubana de Filosofía. La ausencia de una revista especializada en temas de filosofía, nos hace concebir este proyecto editorial.   02/10/2019   Aventurama. Una revista de CF clásica orientada hacia la aventura, dedicada íntegramente a relatos nuevos de escritores consagrados (de dentro y fuera de la CF) y autores noveles o recientes.   11/12/2023   Azogue. Revista electrónica dedicada al estudio histórico-crítico de la alquimia.   08/06/2020   Babar, revista de literatura infantil y juvenil. Revista online de literatura infantil y juvenil: reseñas de libros, noticias, artículos, entrevistas, premios y concursos, enlaces.   12/6/2022   Caràcters és una revista quadrimestral d’informació literària que fou fundada a iniciativa de Vicent Alonso.   20/05/2021   Cinética. Cinema e crítica.   21/07/2020   Revista Clarín. Revista de nueva literatura.   4/22/2023   Revista Contrapunto. Revista de Crítica e Información Literaria surgida en las aulas de la Universidad de Alcalá. Publicamos reseñas, artículos, entrevistas y otros contenidos desde la interdisciplinariedad.   11/11/2023   Revista de Cinema. A publicação tem uma marca de credibilidade em sua linha editorial, procura difundir os melhores filmes e melhores diretores, prospectar a cadeia produtiva do audiovisual e apontar tendências.   31/08/2020   Revista de Letras. La Revista de críticas de libros, entrevistas, reportajes, reseñas y noticias sobre el mundo literario.   01/09/2020   ERPH. Revista Electrónica de Patrimonio Histórico es una publicación científica semestral editada por el Grupo de Investigación HUM 220 del Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Granada y dirigida a todos los ciudadanos, investigadores y profesionales interesados en la protección del Patrimonio Cultural.   30/09/2020   Revista Diners. Revista Colombiana de Cultura y Estilo de Vida.   11/11/2023   “Revista do Samba” foi formado em 1999 como trio, com Beto Bianchi, Letícia Coura e Vitor da Trindade. O grupo segue com sucesso no Brasil e no exterior, tendo se apresentado em diversos países pelo mundo afora.   31/08/2020   Revista Emília. Leitura e livros para pequenos e grandes leitores.   01/09/2020   Revista Fábula (ARLEA). Revista literaria para escritores que leen, para lectores que escriben. Desde 1996.   14/03/2019   A revista Fábulas é um espaço dedicado aos livros para crianças e jovens, fundado em 2013, com o objetivo de colmatar uma certa lacuna que existe na atenção dada, principalmente, à literatura juvenil.   04/12/2019   Iztapalapa. Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades es una publicación de frecuencia semestral que inició en 1979, y se ha mantenido de manera ininterrumpida bajo distintos formatos. Actualmente es de acceso abierto.   11/9/2023   Revista Musical Chilena. Fundada en 1945, la Revista Musical Chilena ha identificado como su principal área de interés la música en Chile y en América Latina, sobre la base tanto de los aspectos musicales propiamente tales como del marco histórico y sociocultural, desde la perspectiva de la musicología y de otras disciplinas relacionadas.   06/11/2020   La revista Orsai Digital es la hermana ansiosa de la mítica revista Orsai en papel. Crónicas y cuentos que se pueden escuchar.   06/10/2020   Revistas electrónicas del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC): revistas en acceso abierto de Ciencia y Tecnología, Ciencias Sociales, Arte y Humanidades.   8/29/2023   Revistas hospedadas na Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas (UFMG).   8/20/2023   Revistas indexadas. Pontifica Universidad Javeriana. Más de 13.000 artículos de investigación disponibles en acceso abierto diamante (irrestricto), bajo un modelo editorial sin cobros por publicación o procesamiento de artículos (APC).   08/09/2018   El Grupo Wolters Kluwer opera en el mercado portugués y español a través de Wolters Kluwer España, organización constituida por más de 800 profesionales.   15/08/2018   O SARC – Serviço de Alojamento de Revistas Científicas foi criado para desenvolver a publicação online de revistas científicas em Portugal, facilitando a gestão de revistas científicas e apoiando nas melhores práticas.   15/08/2018   A Finisterra publica textos inéditos dedicados à investigação em diversas vertentes da Geografia física e humana, Recursos e Riscos ambientais, Planeamento regional e local, Ordenamento do território, Desenvolvimento regional e local, Sistemas de Informação Geográfica, entre outros temas.   11/4/2023   Revistas de la Universidad de Chile. Revistas académicas de la Universidad de Chile, publicaciones en acceso abierto y revisadas por pares, indizadas en Web of science, Scopus, Scielo, Doaj.   15/03/2020   Complutum es una revista de acceso abierto, lo que significa que todo el contenido está disponible de forma gratuita sin cargo para el usuario o su institución.   8/29/2023   Revistas Uniandes reúne 13 publicaciones seriadas de acceso abierto diamante que se acogen a criterios internacionales de calidad académica y editorial.   10/29/2023   Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología. Revista trimestral de acceso abierto. Publica experiencias y resultados de investigación social de las antropologías del mundo, especialmente latinoamericanas.   8/29/2023   Revista de Estudios Sociales. Revista trimestral de acceso abierto. Publica artículos con enfoques desde la sociología, la historia, la antropología, la filosofía, entre otras ciencias sociales.   06/10/2020   Revista de Ciberseguridad, Seguridad de la información y Privacidad. SIC Ciberseguridad, seguridad de la información y privacidad es desde 1992 la revista española especializada en seguridad de la información y en seguridad de los sistemas tecnológicos de información y de comunicaciones de uso en organizaciones.   30/06/2021   Publicación electrónica de las revistas del Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP).   04/02/2018   Revista Theomai es una publicación semestral de la Red de Estudios sobre Sociedad, Naturaleza y Desarrollo y el proyecto "Modos de Acumulación y Conflictos Sociales".   25/07/2020   Revista Treball. Revista de reflexió i crítica política d’esquerres, ecologista i feminista. Fundada pel PSUC el 1936.   06/06/2020   Revistes de l'Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya.   3/5/2023   Revista de Llengua i Dret.   5/22/2022   Directori oficial de revistes científiques de la UAB. ReDi.   11/12/2023   Enrahonar. An international journal of theoretical and practical reason.   8/28/2022   Revistes científiques de la Universitat de Barcelona (RCUB) és el portal que recull les revistes científiques, especialitzades en diversos àmbits temàtics, editades o coeditades per la Universitat de Barcelona.   06/06/2020   Revistes científiques de la Universitat de Barcelona (RCUB) és el portal que recull les revistes científiques especialitzades en diversos àmbits temàtics, editades o coeditades per la Universitat de Barcelona.   25/11/2020   Geologica Acta. An international general Earth Science Journal providing an innovative and high-quality means of scientific dissemination.   3/6/2023   Revistes científiques de la Universitat de Barcelona (RCUB) és el portal que recull les revistes científiques, especialitzades en diversos àmbits temàtics, editades o coeditades per la Universitat de Barcelona.   15/03/2022   Exploring the French Revoution. This exhibit provides an accessible and lively introduction to the French Revolution as well as an extraordinary archive of some of the most important documentary evidence from the Revolution, including 338 texts, 245 images, and a number of maps and songs.   02/06/2020   Revue Les libraires. Depuis sa création en 1998, la revue Les libraires est devenue un objet de référence unique dans le milieu littéraire québécois en rejoignant plus de 50.000 lecteurs par numéro.   30/06/2021   24 images. Revue de cinéma. 24 images est une revue de cinéma québécoise qui propose quatre numéros thématiques par an ainsi qu'un site web, des balados et une boutique numérique.   15/08/2019   ReVue-Photographie... le blog du site photo ReVue.   01/08/2019   Todos reyes, todos poetas. El blog de Juan Díaz Canales.   09/05/2018   Los Aviones Hundidos. Cómics sobre películas inacabadas.   09/05/2018   Sunken Planes. Comics about unfinished films-   22/12/2020   Samuel Tardieu. Soy profesor asociado en el departamento de Redes e Informática de Télécom Paris, y miembro del LTCI (Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information).   03/04/2020   Revolution und Gegenrevolution.   03/02/2021   Rguns. Manufacturer. Dealer, DoD Contractor, Member, Fair Trade Group, (Importers).   06/10/2020   SP Rheden. De SP is een actieve partij. Samen kunnen we meer.   4/6/2023   Rhody Beat.   11/11/2023   Escola de Relações Internacionais da Fundação Getulio Vargas. Acima de tudo, nossos alunos vivenciam a internacionalização de suas carreiras desde o início da graduação.   24/11/2020   Rialta Magazine. Revista de Cultura y Sociedad.   24/11/2020   Rialta, Alianza Iberoamericana para la Literatura, las Artes y el Pensamiento es una asociación civil con sede en Querétaro, México, de carácter no lucrativo, que tiene por objeto principal la promoción y fomento educativo, cultural, artístico, científico y tecnológico.   11/1/2022   Richland County, Montana.   12/24/2022   Claus Richter Verlag. 50735 Köln.   5/26/2022   Ride Music. Thank you so much for visiting Ride Music, your source of music, information and merchandise about the music band Ride.   05/05/2021   Custom Made Rifle Barrels. Lilja Barrels. We produce high-quality, custom rifle barrels and accessories. We furnish our rifle barrels for competitive shooting sports, hunting and varmint rifles.   06/06/2020   The Rift Valley Institute (RVI) is an independent, non-profit organization, founded in Sudan in 2001, currently working in eastern and central Africa.   10/5/2023   Right Question Institute. RQI’s innovative methods are delivered through educational institutions and organizations, health care organizations, social service organizations, community-based organizations, and public agencies all over the country and beyond.   29/03/2020   Ham Radio Equipment. RigReference. Ham Radio Equipment database: specifications, pictures, prices and manuals.   22/06/2020   Rincón de Libros. Libros digitales. PDF, MOBI, EPUB.   4/6/2023   The Reminder. Coventry, RI.   29/07/2021   Rita Allen Foundation. Investing in transformative ideas in their earliest stages to promote breakthrough solutions to significant problems. We invest in big ideas in science and civil society.   3/25/2023   Rita Mae Brown. The official site for Rita Mae Brown, the New York Times bestselling author of the Mrs. Murphy mystery series (which she writes with her tiger cat, Sneaky Pie) and the Sister Jane novels.   04/02/2018   The Ritterorden Group was a team of virtual flight enthusiasts. We flew squadron type missions online using the Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator I.   20/07/2020   La RIU (Red de Interconexión Universitaria) surge en Noviembre de 1994 mediante un convenio entre las universidades nacionales y la Secretaría de Políticas Universitarias (SPU) del Ministerio de Educación de la Nación para el desarrollo de una red académica.   19/12/2020   El Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Burgos está compuesto por las colecciones digitales que recogen los documentos generados por los miembros de la comunidad universitaria en su actividad académica, siendo accesibles a través de Internet, en consonancia con la Política Institucional de Acceso Abierto de la Universidad.   09/04/2020   Riutori. Tu rincón friki de comics y merchandising.   06/10/2020   The Riva Society Great Britain was established in 2002 by enthusiasts of the classic range of powerboats made by world-famous boat builders, Cantieri Riva.   25/06/2020   Rivermont Records was founded in 2004 by pianist and musicologist Bryan S. Wright, PhD, to preserve and promote ragtime, jazz, and "hot dance" music.   05/12/2020   Whitewater Rafting. Monitor, WA. River recreation. The professionals at River Recreation offer whitewater rafting experiences of all kinds on five rivers in Washington.   31/07/2021   The River Reporter. Narrowsburg, NY.   23/06/2021   RiversEdge West was founded in 1999. RiversEdge West focuses on riparian forest and floodplain health in the American West to address impacts from invasive riparian plants such as Russian olive and tamarisk, challenges associated with climate change and habitat fragmentation, and stressors that may result in diminished biodiversity and ecosystem services.   17/02/2022   RKD (Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie). Nederlands Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis. Het RKD beheert, behoudt, onderzoekt en ontsluit kunsthistorische kennis en informatie  voor musea, wetenschap en publiek.   10/07/2021   The Republican Liberty Caucus is a 527c voluntary grassroots membership organization dedicated to working within the Republican Party to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government and free markets.   11/04/2021   R.M.Buquoi Photographics, images by Richard and Gail Buquoi specializing in Nature Photography.   12/3/2023   Charles Darwin: After the Origin. “Charles Darwin: After the Origin” focuses on a significant period in Darwin’s life that has thus far received little attention—the twenty-two years following the publication of Origin of the Species in 1859.   26/12/2021   RM Herbarium Specimen Database. Rocky Mountain Herbarium specimen database search page providing access to nearly 700,000 specimen records, primarily from the Rocky Mountain Region of North America.   14/02/2022   Rocky Mountain Institute. RMI transforms the global energy system to secure a clean, prosperous, zero-carbon future for all.   13/07/2020   Railroad Museum of Long Island. Preserving Long Island’s Rich Railroading Heritage. The Museum maintains facilities at Greenport, L.I., N.Y. and Riverhead, L.I., N.Y. and is officially recognized by the New York State Education Department.   02/03/2022   Railroad Museum of New England. Our mission is to tell the story of the region’s railroad heritage through our educational exhibits and historical train rides on the Naugatuck Railroad.   02/09/2018   Pixelismofotografico por Roberto Giusti.   15/11/2019   Cuba en Fotos. Imágenes que hablan por sí mismas.   24/07/2018   Welcome to Science Robotics! Whether fully autonomous or in close collaboration with humans, robots are becoming ubiquitous.   17/08/2018   Harold Foster, (1892-1982). Dessinateur canadien. Hal Foster naît à Halifax, au Canada. Il débute comme trappeur, puis boxeur, guide touristique, chercheur d'or.   17/08/2018   Harold Foster, (1892-1982). Dessinateur canadien. Prince Valiant. En 1937, contacté par William Randolph Hearst, le magnat de la presse, il crée "Prince Valiant" pour le King Features Syndicate.   17/08/2018   Rocbo: Culture ... Productique. L'Art sans technique n'est qu'Žélucubration intellectuelle et jeu d'esprit.   17/08/2018   llustrateurs & auteurs de bandes dessinées.   17/08/2018   Harold Foster, (1892-1982). Dessinateur canadien. Prince Valiant. En 1937, contacté par William Randolph Hearst, le magnat de la presse, il crée "Prince Valiant" pour le King Features Syndicate.   23/05/2021   University of Rochester, With just over 4,500 undergraduates, Rochester is one of the smallest and most collegiate in character among the nation's top research universities.   9/15/2023   The Rochester IMC is a non-commercial, democratic collective of Rochester area independent media makers and media outlets, and serves as the local organizing unit of the global Indymedia network.   20/05/2018   Rockgoster Photography Photos, Rock'n'Roll and more.   01/06/2020   Rock Magic. Guitar & bass tabs and chords.   7/25/2022   Rochester Area Mycological Association. Join RAMA of Rochester, NY a mushroom club which provides a forum for all who are interested in any aspect of mycology.   11/12/2023   RodaMots. Cada dia un mot.   8/31/2023   Arxiu per autors. RodaMots.   13/04/2019   Project list. DTU Wind Energy. Department of Wind Energy 2016.   8/31/2023   Roger Tallada Portfolio. After some years working as a programmer and software architect on business oriented applications I quit my engineering job and started a career as an illustrator and comic artist.   29/01/2020   Röhsska museet. Museum of Design and Craft. Röhsska museet är Sveriges museum för design och konsthantverk. Museets utställningar, samlingar och publika möten visar och diskuterar historiska och samtida uttryck inom design och konsthantverk.   10/05/2020   Románico burgalés. Blog del románico de Burgos y otros lugares.   11/11/2023   Ronaldo Bressane. Escritor. Comecei a publicar em 1996 na Revista A – um dos sites pioneiros dedicados à literatura no Brasil.   8/18/2023   Aviation & Aircraft Relic Art. Airplane Paintings & Automotive Art. Cole’s Aircraft Aviation Art specializes in historic aviation art and relic displays from different time periods in history.   09/07/2018   ROI. Nieuws, foto's en links uit Roosendaal.   12/24/2022   ROOTofTWO. Formed in 1998 by Cézanne Charles and John Marshall, ROOTofTWO uses participatory design methods to create innovative and tangible experiences, events, artifacts, spaces, methods, and strategies.   20/08/2021   Roper Center for Public Opinion Research.   18/09/2020   Rosa Parks Facts. The Mother of Civil Rights.   8/27/2022   Rosa Regàs. Libros, artículos y agenda de la autora Rosa Regàs.   28/10/2019   The Rose Library is located in the Robert W. Woodruff Library in the heart of Emory University's main Atlanta campus.   5/26/2022   Rosenkeller e.V. Studierendenklub im Herzen Jenas. Zu den touristischen Sehenswürdigkeiten im Stadtzentrum Jenas gehört zweifellos das in unmittelbarer Nähe des Johannistores gelegene Gasthaus "Zur Rosen".   27/08/2020   Государственный музейно-выставочный центр РОСФОТО основан в 2002 году Министерством культуры Российской Федерации.   27/08/2020   Ростех. В конце 2007 года руководством страны было принято решение о создании Государственной корпорации «Ростех» («Ростехнологии»), которой была передана значительная часть промышленных активов страны.   30/04/2021   Rosyfinch Ramblings ... finding birds and beauty close to home.   25/04/2020   Rounder Records is one of the world’s most historic Americana and bluegrass record labels.   21/09/2019   The new museum will be located on the Winnipeg Airports Authority’s campus on Wellington Avenue and within minutes of the James Armstrong Richardson International Airport.   1/26/2023   Royal Society. The world's oldest independent scientific academy, dedicated to promoting excellence in science.   03/01/2021   Journals. Our international, peer reviewed journals publish high quality science and provide an excellent service to our authors and readers. The Royal Society.   16/06/2018   Rozenberg Publishers – Independent Academic Publishers. The history of Rozenberg Publishing Services (former Thela Thesis). Thela Thesis has been a reliable and recognizable corporate name for many years.   09/09/2019   Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). With 7,900 students and more than 100,000 living alumni, Rensselaer is addressing the global challenges facing the 21st century—to change lives, to advance society, and to change the world.   11/11/2023   Representative Poetry Online is a web anthology of 4,800 poems in English and French by over 700 poets spanning 1400 years.   12/3/2023   Representative Poetry Online is a web anthology of 4,800 poems in English and French by over 700 poets spanning 1400 years.   03/05/2017   Glossary. Representative Poetry Online. The RPO Owl.   03/05/2017   Poems. Representative Poetry Online. The RPO Owl.   03/05/2017   Aaron, Rafi (1959 - ). Aaron Rafi is a Canadian poet, now living in Toronto, best known for his Surviving the Censor: The Unspoken Words of Osip Mandelstam (2006).   21/03/2019   RPP Noticias tiene las últimas noticias sobre política, fútbol y farándula nacional e internacional. Ediciones regionales y de todo el Perú. Ediciones regionales y de todo el Perú.   24/12/2020   Brain Info is a portal to neuroanatomical information on the Web. It helps you identify structures in the brain and provides a variety of information about each structure by porting you to the best of 1500 web pages at 50 other neuroscience sites.   24/12/2021   Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences. We provide opportunities that prepare you to become leaders in the field of recreation, parks and tourism and significant contributors to the quality of community life.   8/16/2023   Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. Democratizing history through digital media.   11/27/2023   ¡Verdades de Cuba! Informaciones, comentarios, reportajes, entrevistas, análisis acerca de Cuba y el mundo.   5/13/2022   The Rio Rancho Observer is a locally owned and operated community newspaper, dedicated to serving the city of Rio Rancho and Southern Sandoval County through the highest professional business and journalistic standards.   05/12/2020   American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database. This site is an interface to a crystal structure database that includes every structure published in the American Mineralogist, The Canadian Mineralogist, European Journal of Mineralogy and Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, as well as selected datasets from other journals.   5/27/2023   Database of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and chemistry of minerals. The RRUFF Project is creating a complete set of high quality spectral data from well characterized minerals and is developing the technology to share this information with the world.   27.08.2020   Россотрудничестве. Федеральное агентство по делам Содружества Независимых Государств, соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом, и по международному гуманитарному сотрудничеству было создано в сентябре 2008 года в соответствии с Указом Президента Российской Федерации от 6 сентября 2008 года № 1315.   4/21/2023   ANU Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics. Mount Stromlo Observatory is the headquarters of the ANU Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, a world-respected community of researchers exploring the heavens.   14/04/2020   The Royal Society of Literature was founded not by a writer but by a bishop, Thomas Burgess, who managed, in 1820, to acquire the patronage of George IV for a society designed to ‘reward literary merit and excite literary talent’.   21/10/2020   Regelungssystemtechnik. Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik. Studium, Forschung, Neuigkeiten – die Webseiten der Regelungssystemtechnik halten für Studierende, Forschende und Interessierte verschiedene Informationen bereit.   03/09/2021   Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) is an independent Quaker not-for-profit organization sharing the abundance of God’s love by working for equity through partnerships around the world.   19/09/2019   Dirección General de Radio, Televisión y Cinematografía. México, Ciudad de México. Creada el 6 de julio de 1977, es la unidad administrativa encargada de ejercer las atribuciones que las leyes y reglamentos le confieren a la Secretaría de Gobernación en materia de radio, televisión y cinematografía.   16/05/2021   Welcome to ArtServe: Art & Architecture mainly from the Mediterranean Basin, Japan, India & Cambodia.   13/01/2022   The Rubin Museum of Art is a dynamic environment that stimulates learning, promotes understanding, and inspires personal connections to the ideas, cultures, and art of Himalayan Asia.   29/06/2021   Roskilde Universitet. Roskilde Universitets fornemmeste opgave er eksperimenterende, nyskabende former for læring, forskning og problemløsning, som flytter samfundet fremad.   09/06/2020   Rue Morgue. Horror in Culture & Entertainment.   24/05/2018   Rumford Falls Times. Your Community, Your News.   06/10/2020   Projekt Runeberg arbetar på frivillig grund med att skapa fria elektroniska utgåvor av klassisk nordisk litteratur och göra dem öppet tillgängliga över Internet.   11/03/2017   RUOTUVÄKI.   09/05/2018   Petroglifos en la isla Gorgona (Pacífico colombiano). Pedro M. Arguello. G. Gorgona es una pequeña isla colombiana ubicada en el oceano pacífico, aproximadamente a 50 kilómetros del continente.   10/12/2020   Uprava za potpore poljoprivredi i ruralnom razvoju. Program ruralnog razvoja RH za razdoblje 2014. – 2020. vrijedan oko 2.4 milijarde EUR-a, dosada je doživio sedam izmjena.   19/07/2020   Welcome to Jeffrey's Japanese<->English Dictionary Server! This server provides simple access to the English/Japanese Japanese/English dictionary edict (and several other related dictionaries).   29/01/2020   Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights. We combine evidence-based human rights research with direct engagement in close collaboration with our partners to bring about human rights change for all.   5/15/2022   The Religious Zionists of America. Mizrachi was founded in 1902 by Rabbi Reines in Lithuania. Mizrachi stands for Merkaz Ruchani, expressing the Religious Zionism belief that the Jewish state represented a spiritual as well as a political goal.   29/03/2020   Rzjets is user updated online database (census) of civilian jet and turbojet aircraft as well as few military and piston engine powered types that can be seen at civilian airports around the world.