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Saturday, August 5, 2023

www.d _ www.d - (337 links).   23/05/2017   D4t4 Solutions is All About The Data. We are energetically focused on solutions that enable you to get the most from your data – from collection through to management and analytics, D4t4 Solutions provides comprehensive products and services that drive value from your information assets.   31/03/2018   Der DAAD in Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft. Schon ein kurzer Blick auf die Geschichte zeigt: Der DAAD verbindet Menschen und Wissenschaft. Gegründet 1925 in Heidelberg auf Initiative eines einzelnen Studenten, gehört er heute zu den bedeutendsten Förderorganisationen für den internationalen Austausch von Studierenden und Wissenschaftlern.   11/10/2016   Dabadaba Revival Project. Un paseo por la cara divertida de la España de los sesenta. Toneladas de kitsch español para tu disfrute personal. Con bandas sonoras imposibles, como Sor Citroen u El Turismo es un Gran Invento. Spain is Dabadaba. Enjoy dabadaba way of life.   26/08/2017   In het DAF Museum valt men van de ene verbazing in de andere. De vindingrijkheid die DAF voertuigen kenmerkt, vanaf 1928 tot heden, zal ook de niet- deskundige bezoeker boeien. Op de benedenverdieping is een fraai dorpsplein ingericht, met winkeltjes uit de dertiger jaren, een gezellig café en niet te vergeten een replica van het kantoor van de van Doorne´s, alsmede een garage uit die tijd.   25/01/2016   DaFu - Datenfunk in Deutschland (Datenfunk-Glossar). Die folgende Stichwortsammlung geht quer durch alle Bereiche des Datenfunks. Bitte beachten Sie, dass für die nachfolgenden Definitionen wie auch für alle anderen Informationen auf Dafu keine Gewähr übernommen werden kann, auch wenn sie nach beste Wissen erstellt wurden.   18/02/2016   PMP IT Consulting. Przeszło 20-letnie doświadczenie w branży informatycznej (r.z. 1991) pozwala nam zaoferować Państwu szeroki zakres usług przy przygotowywaniu i wdrażaniu systemów informatycznych, głównie internetowych, wspierających pracę przedsiębiorstwa.   13/01/2021   The Daguerreian Society. As the premier historic photographic collecting organization, the Daguerreian Society brings together a community united by a common interest in and passion for all types of early photography.   29/08/2019   The Daily Corinthian.   24/08/2020   The Daily Gamecock at University of South Carolina. The editorially independent student newspaper at the University of South Carolina in Columbia and your source for Gamecock sports, news, opinion and arts and culture. Founded in 1908, The Daily Gamecock is the editorially independent student newspaper at the University of South Carolina.   12/03/2019   Daily Inter Lake.   29/09/2020   Daily Press. Online resource for Hampton Roads news and Virginia news, including coverage of Newport News, Hampton and beyond from Daily Press.   07/06/2020   Welcome to the Daily Script, a collection of movie scripts and screenplays to serve as a resource for writers and actors and those who simply enjoy reading movie scripts. The movie scripts are presented in proper script format (for the most part) and where possible, multiple drafts are presented.   13/01/2021   Daily Telegraph. We're for Sydney. Breaking Sydney’s biggest news stories first, Daily Telegraph is one of Australia’s fastest updating news platforms. Live streaming delivers the most up-to-the minute global, national and local news to a highly-engaged digital audience.   20/06/2018   Department of Computer Science. University of Aarhus. It is our goal to maintain our position as one of the top research centres in Europe within theoretical as well as experimental computer science. It is quite rare that a department is leading within both fields, and we want to take advantage of this position by increasing the number of cross-disciplinary activities.   20/06/2018   Welcome to the hypertextualized Tolkien FAQ.   20/06/2018   Dissimulations by Andy Cameron.   13/01/2021   Canadian Dairy Research Portal. Canadian research produces a large volume of information that is essential to the growth and profitability of Canada's dairy industry. Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC), the Canadian Dairy Network (CDN) and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada have cooperated in order to bring this information together and make it available on this site.   30/06/2020   Dakota College at Bottineau provides students with a quality education in a caring environment. Dakota College at Bottineau has been around almost as long as North Dakota itself. The state constitution, ratified in 1889, provided for a forestry school to help promote the growth of trees on the prairies. We opened our doors in 1906 as the North Dakota School of Forestry.   02/10/2019   Dakota Matrix was founded in 1996 and has offered systematic and rare mineral specimens online since 1998. In 2012 we incorporated. All of our sales are generated exclusively through this website and operated from Rapid City, South Dakota by Tom and Vicki Loomis.   21/12/2019   Dalhousie's Physics and Atmospheric Science Department is world-class—in education and in research.   06/12/2019   Dal carcere alla libertà. Il progetto “Dal carcere alla libertà. Voci di donne” è stato ideato e realizzato da Sabrina Contini, Elisa Malvestito, Monica Schettino e Marta Nicolo, un gruppo di giovani ricercatrici dell’Istituto per la storia della Resistenza e della società contemporanea nel biellese.   17/01/2018   The Dallas Fed is located at 2200 N. Pearl Street on the northeast corner of Woodall Rodgers Freeway and Pearl Street in downtown Dallas. The building is located on eight acres of property adjacent to Dallas’ Arts District in the historic State–Thomas neighborhood.   20/12/2020   Dallas News. Breaking News for DFW, Texas, World.   13/08/2020   Dallas Observer. The Leading Independent News Source in Dallas, Texas. Original reporting and compelling writing on local news, restaurants, arts and culture have made the Dallas Observer a vital resource for readers who want to understand and engage with their community.   21/01/2018   Las Damas de Blanco surgieron espontáneamente en Abril del año 2003, cuando un grupo de valientes y dignas mujeres sufrieron la injusta encarcelación de sus familiares. Hoy el grupo junta a mujeres de diversos credos e ideologías, por toda Cuba, unidas por el dolor de estar separadas de sus seres más queridos y el firme propósito de lograr su liberación.   15/04/2020   DAMTP. Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. University of Cambridge.   01/09/2020   Dance Magazine.   24/12/2020   Dances of Universal Peace. From the beginning of time, sacred movement, song and story have brought people together - at times of seasonal ceremony and celebration, as part of everyday life and life passages, in daily renewal and meditation. The Dances of Universal Peace are part of this timeless tradition of Sacred Dance.   31/08/2018   Dan Heller's Stock Photography and Business Resources. Stock Photography for Photo Researchers and Business Resource for Photographers.   18/02/2017   Daniela Berkhout is an international award winning photographer located in the Niagara Region, specializing in maternity, newborn, children and family photography. Daniela Berkhout Photography is a Licensed Professional Photographer in Ontario and a proud member of the Professional Photographers of Canada.   30/07/2016   Soy Daniel García Sánchez, nací en Jaén el 26 de Noviembre de 1987. Desde siempre me ha llamado la atención la informática, me gustaba mucho buscar cosas por internet, y resolverlas por mí mismo... De ahí que entrara a estudiar informática en la Universidad de Jaén, en el año 2005... Luego, te vas dando cuenta de que no es cualquier tontería, y tiene todo un mundo detrás.   25/06/2018   Hi, I’m Gene Dannen. I live in Corvallis, Oregon, USA. I’ve spent decades researching the life of Leo Szilard.   25/06/2018   Welcome to the world of physicist, molecular biologist, and “scientist of conscience” Leo Szilard (1898-1964). Szilard conceived the nuclear chain reaction in 1933, and spent the rest of his life trying to protect the world from nuclear weapons.   18/03/2017   Danske Magazin er Danmarks ældste historiske tidsskrift! Magazinet er blevet udgivet siden 1745 hæftevis med kilder til Danmarks historie i form af breve, rejse­beretninger, aktstykker mv. Udgaverne er forsynede med en indledning og forklarende noter og hvert bind har et register over person- og stednavne.   16/03/2019   Dante Hall Theater. Stockton University.   19/06/2019   Dante On line.   27/10/2019   La Società Dantesca Italiana nacque ufficialmente in Firenze il 31 luglio 1888, nella Sala di Leone X in Palazzo Vecchio dove fu approvato lo statuto e fu eletto a Presidente provvisorio (e in seguito onorario) Pietro Torrigiani, sindaco di Firenze.   26/03/2017   Éditions Dargaud - Toutes nos BD - L'actu des bandes dessinées et leurs auteurs. Retrouvez toutes les infos en avant-première sur vos auteurs et vos séries BD : Lisez gratuitement en ligne des extraits, l’actualité, calendrier des sorties, vidéos, concours...   16/10/2017   Daron Hagen is a prolific composer of acoustic and electro-acoustic music for the concert hall and stage. He is also a stage director, conductor, librettist, essayist, clinician, and collaborative pianist.   03/03/2019   For sixty years, DARPA has held to a singular and enduring mission: to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security.   16/10/2017   Listen speeches of Mufti Taqi Usmani, Maulana Tariq Jamil, Tafseer-e-quran by Maulana Aslam Sheikhupuri, Hamd-o-Naat, Articles and Much more on Darsequran.   09/04/2020   Aegean Prehistoric Archaeology. This site contains information about the prehistoric archaeology of the Aegean.   03/03/2016   Los Centros de Educación Médica Superior adscriptos al Ministerio de Salud Pública, compuesta por todas las instituciones del Sistema Nacional de Salud y con primacía en las de Atención Primaria de Salud, correspondiendo a los objetivos estratégicos de la Universalización de la Universidad que desarrollamos en la actual Batalla de Ideas que libra nuestro pueblo.   11/09/2016   Darwin Awards. Chlorinating The Gene Pool. The Darwin Awards boldly track the Human Evolution Revolution. Humankind is a devolving species, Homo sapiens sapiens isn't so smart, and with the intelligence of the species MIA and presumed dead, the impending extinction of the human race seems assured.   04/06/2017   Ascomicetos: cenizos, mohos, morillas. Los ascomycetos son hongos que para reproducirse forman esporas dentro de una estructura en forma de saco, el asco.   04/06/2017   Basidiomicetos: setas, hongos con sombreros, hongos parecidos a corales, trufas, hongos gelatinosas, royas & carbones.   04/06/2017   Hongos liquenizados. Esta lista incluye todos los hongos liquenizados actualmente conocidos de las islas Galápagos.   11/09/2016   The Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands (CDF) is an international not-for-profit scientific organization. The CDF has been working in Galapagos since 1959 under an agreement with the Government of Ecuador and with a clear mission to work closely with Government Institutions, providing scientific knowledge and assistance to ensure the conservation of Galapagos.   15/10/2019   La Fundación Charles Darwin para las Islas Galápagos (FCD) es una organización científica internacional sin fines de lucro.   14/06/2018   Государственный Дарвиновский музей. Один из лучших музеев Москвы, где вы можете провести время со своей семьей в тишине и прохладе залов основной экспозиции или на многочисленных интересных и познавательных выставках. Интерактивные экспонаты и мультимедийные шоу не позволят вам заскучать во время изучения эволюционных теорий и познания растительного и животного мира.   01/05/2020   Database Journal & Daily Database Management & Administration News and Tutorials. Discover Database Journal for all of your database professional needs. Offers daily database news, articles, and tutorials for major databases including Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, and MS Access.   07/09/2019   Dauntless Aviation. Software for pilots (Private Pilot through ATP and beyond), aviation mechanics, flight simulator enthusiasts, ham radio operators and other FCC-licensees, including FAA Written Test Prep Software, Pilot Logbook Software, Checkride Oral Exam Prep software, FCC test prep software, and much more.   14/06/2018   L'Université Paris-Dauphine occupe un positionnement unique dans le secteur de l’enseignement supérieur français.   14/06/2018   DAV is a nonprofit charity that provides a lifetime of support for veterans of all generations and their families, helping more than 1 million veterans in positive, life-changing ways each year. The organization provides nearly 615,000 rides for veterans attending medical appointments and assists veterans with more than 250,000 benefit claims annually.   14/06/2018   This is the official Web Site for Disabled American Veterans Portland Chapter #1 in Portland, Oregon. This site serves as an information portal for chapter members, and those who might wish to be!   13/01/2021   This is the Home Page of Dave Grossman from the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area, California. (Originally from Evanston, Illinois).   15/07/2018   David Goode. Bronze Sculpture. Limited edition sculptures inspired by the imagery of folklore.   27/05/2016   Welcome to DavidGorman. There isn't a lot here, but the recipes are tasty and pictures are just us and where we live, but you probably didn't get here unless you were invited, you are interested, or you are very curious.... Either way, welcome....   27/05/2016   Collected recipes from: David Gorman and Eillen Sellam.   24/12/2020   David Gualtieri's Travel Pages. I live in Seattle.   10/01/2020   David Miller Fish & Wildlife Art. If you are looking for fish or fishing art, paintings of British wildlife or birds, a bespoke commission or wildlife art prints, we have one of the largest ranges in the UK.   14/04/2019   Davids Samling er centralt placeret i det historiske København, tæt på Kongens Have. Museet har til huse i den ejendom, som stifteren, højesteretssagfører C.L. David selv beboede, samt i en senere erhvervet naboejendom, begge fra det 19. århundredes begyndelse.   13/01/2021   13/01/2021   David Sanson. I am an associate professor of philosophy at Illinois State University. I work on time and change, essence and modality, nonexistents, fictional characters, medieval metaphysics, and medieval Arabic logic.   12/06/2016   DAWN. Checkout for the Latest and Top News from Pakistan and around the world.   13/07/2018   The Delaware Biotechnology Institute is a magnet for life science research and development.   07/02/2018   Aviation Art by: David Mueller printed on canvas, these beautiful original works of art look much like a hand painted oil. Aviation Art. Acrylic Paintings. Custom Commissions. Limited Edition Giclee Prints on Canvas. The first time you see a print done on canvas, using the method employed by David Mueller in reproducing his original works of art, you will be astonished.   31/05/2017   DB Museum - Die ganze Welt der Eisenbahn. Das 1882 gegründete DB Museum in Nürnberg mit seinen Außenstellen in Koblenz und Halle an der Saale ist das älteste Eisenbahnmuseum der Welt.   29/04/2020   Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren (The Digital Library of Dutch Literature is a collection of primary and secondary information on Dutch language and literature in its historical, societal and cultural context.   14/06/2018   Oude gedichten in nieuwe gedaante. De dbnl maakte in 2002 een begin met het aanbieden van geluids- en videofragmenten. Jean Pierre Rawie las Bredero, Dullaert, Hooft, Huygens, Revius en Van den Burg. De Dichters uit Epibreren vertolkten in hun eigen toonzetting het geuzenlied ‘Slaet op den Trommele’, en werk van Hein Boeken en Paul van Ostaijen.   14/06/2018   Dietrich Bonhoeffer, one of the most well-known Protestant theologians of XX century, an active anti-fascist, a man who had an extraordinary personal courage, who was executed in a German concentration camp for a few weeks before the German surrender.   25/04/2020   Dagblad Suriname. De stem van het volk.   19/12/2017   The Artificial Intelligence Lab. University of Corunna. Department of Computer Science. The Artificial Intelligence Lab. is affiliated to the Department of Computer Science of the University of Corunna. It is devoted to research in Artificial Intelligence from practical systems to theoretical foundations.   14/06/2018   DCComics: Welcome to the Official Site for DC. DC is home to the “World’s Greatest Super Heroes,” including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman and more.   24/07/2018   The Historical Society of Washington, D.C. The Historical Society of Washington D.C. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, community-supported educational and research organization. Today’s Historical Society collects educational materials that document D.C. history.   05/12/2020   Deputy Commandant for Mission Support. The official website for The Deputy Commandant for Mission Support.   05/12/2020   The Engineering and Logistics Directorate (CG-4) develops, deploys and maintains the resources necessary to sustain the capabilities to meet operational requirements that support the Coast Guard's five fundamental roles: Maritime Safety, Maritime Security, Maritime Mobility, National Defense, and Protection of Natural Resources.   12/27/2020   The DC Public Banking Center’s vision is a publicly owned, publicly accountable bank in D.C., in partnership with local financial institutions, that delivers quality, sound financial services that will help create an environmentally sustainable DC promote local jobs, sustainable local businesses and affordable housing in the city; and enhance the financial health of the city’s general fund.   05/09/2018   Welcome to the Live Ghost Hunting Webcams! Join me in a Paranormal journey including: LIVE Webcams / Ghost Cams. A Blog of actual detailed experiences, and Paranormal Vlog of corroborating evidence we have collected which includes Spirits, Ghost, Entities, Poltergeist, all things from the other side.   15/12/2020   Official Site Of The Grateful Dead.   11/11/2019   Dead drunk dublin & other imaginal spaces is a place without hierarchy or dogma; a polytheistic experiment where drunkenness leads to vision and the opening of other views of reality; a play zone for those who would question the pseudo solidity of known things.   09/04/2020   Photos from History. Deane Photographic Archives: Welcome to an archive of old Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark and Herm photographs along with some other interesting images as well!   02/10/2019   Dean Haspiel: Two-Fisted Aggro-Moxie and Purple Stacatto for the 21st Century. Dean Haspiel is the author of super-psychedelic romances and semi-auto-bio comix who occasionally mangles franchise characters.   26/03/2020   Decitre. Livres, Ebooks, romans, BD, polars et mangas en ligne. Achetez vos livres neufs en ligne aux meilleurs prix garantis parmi 1 million de titres : Romans, polars, BD, mangas, manuels scolaires, ebooks. Librairie Decitre.   21/03/2020   Blog sobre cuina, gastronomia, cultura i ciencia de fogons. Blog sobre cocina, gastronomía, cultura y ciéncia en los fogones.   13/01/2021   The first web site dedicated to Dedee Pfeiffer.   25/06/2018   A Sopronból indult Deep* mára az egyik legnagyobb független zenei terjesztő Magyarországon, és a legszélesebb kínálattal rendelkező lemezbolt Budapesten. Fővárosi tevékenységünket Katona Gábor (Negro) vezetésével a Tompa utcában kezdtük meg 1999-ben; amilyen szűk volt a néhány négyzetméteres helyiség, annál több stílust igyekeztünk bezsúfolni és képviselni.   18/12/2020   Welcome to the UCSB Experimental Cosmology Group! We are an experimental astrophysics group primarily focused on studies of the early universe and astrophysical applications of directed energy. Department of Physics. University of California. Santa Barbara, CA.   18/12/2020   Papers. Legend A&A. Astronomy & Astrophysics ApJ. The Astrophysical Journal ApJS. The Astrophysical Journal Supplemental Series EC. Education and Computing SD. Science Direct PASP. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Latest Publications ResearchGate.   08/01/2021   The Village of Deerfield was incorporated in 1891. Conveniently located near several major highways, the area has easy access to Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago. Located on State Highway 73 between Interstate 94 and State Highways 12 and 18, Deerfield is 10 minutes east of Madison and 5 minutes west of the Cambridge/Lake Ripley and Lake Mills/Rock Lake areas.   11/05/2019   Defenders of Animals Inc., began a 36-year journey of caring for and defending the rights of animals in April of 1978, and was founded by Dennis Tabella and Patricia A. Tabella.   23/11/2017   On behalf of the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense, we welcome you to, the official web site for the Department of Defense and the starting point for finding U.S. military information online. The Secretary of Defense is the principal defense policy advisor to the President.   29/08/2018   Marco Institucional - Defensoría del Consumidor. Proteger y promover efectivamente los derechos de las personas consumidoras, facilitando la solución de controversias de consumo con altos estándares de calidad, calidez e innovación, acercando los servicios a la población, fomentando el conocimiento y pleno ejercicio de sus derechos de consumo.   30/01/2020   Defensoria del Pueblo De Panama. Promover, proteger y defender el respeto a los derechos humanos, investigando, supervisando y denunciando actos, hechos u omisiones por parte de la administración pública o de concesionarios de servicios públicos.   30/01/2017   The Journal of Plant Protection publishes original papers and reviews covering all scientific aspects of modern plant protection. Subjects include phythopathological virology, bacteriology, mycology and applied nematology and entomology as well as topics on protecting crop plants and stocks of crop products against diseases, viruses, weeds etc.   13/04/2019   Find virksomheder, produkter, varemærker, brancheforeninger på DeGuleSider. Vi giver dig telefon- og mobilnumre, adresser, kort og meget mere.   09/07/2018   Uitgeverij De Harmonie.   29/04/2020   The de Havilland Aircraft Association of South Africa, a non-profit volunteer organisation based in Johannesburg, is dedicated to all de Havilland aircraft that have seen service in South Africa and carried South African registrations, both Civil and Military.   25/10/2020   The Deighton Dossier. The online resource about writer Len Deighton. You are on the best and most comprehensive resource online presenting and celebrating the life and work of one of the UK's top contemporary novelists, Len Deighton, who celebrated his ninety-first birthday on 18 February 2020.   10/05/2018   Jean-Luc de Laguarigue, photographe de la Caraïbe.   25/10/2020   Librería Del Burgo. Librería del Burgo desde el año 2000. Tu librería, librerías, libros, lectura en Palencia.   10/06/2020   DELFI. Värsked uudised Eestist ja välismaalt. Eesti suurim uudisteportaal, mis koondab endas Eesti ja välisuudised, krimiuudised, arvamuslood, ilmainfo ning palju muud.   18/07/2018   Latvijas populārākais ziņu portāls. Aktuālās ziņas katru dienu, kā arī daudz citu jaunumu un izklaides. Lasi DELFI.   06/11/2020   Editorial De los Cuatro Vientos inició sus actividades en mayo del año 2000. Su principal actividad es la edición de libros de autores e instituciones y la organización de certámenes anuales con sus respectivas antologías, que reúnen a escritores de distintas edades y géneros, tanto a nivel local, nacional como internacional.   16/06/2019   This site is designed to list the locations of all the British military aircraft which are no longer in active service. We aim to provide details of their locations and status, and currently have images of many thousands of these aircraft.   13/01/2021   Democracy Now! is a 501(c)3 non-profit news organization. We do not accept funding from advertising, underwriting or government agencies. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. Please do your part today.   13/01/2021   Black Lives Matter. Democracy Now! Coverage of the #BlackLivesMatter movement from Ferguson to today.   13/01/2021   Supreme Court. Democracy Now! Stories, posts and pages that relate to Supreme Court.   27/05/2016   Since 1848, the Democratic National Committee has been the home of the Democratic Party, the oldest continuing party in the United States. Today we are millions of supporters strong, fighting for progress and helping elect Democrats across the country to state government, Congress, and the White House.   04/11/2020   De Montfort Hall. Nestled at the edge of the city's leafy Victoria Park, De Montfort Hall has acted as a cultural beacon for the people of Leicester, Leicestershire and beyond for nearly 110 years. Since its opening in 1913, the hall and gardens has held music concerts, royal visits, comedy shows, company dances, political meetings and election ballots.   07/12/2019   Historisk Tidsskrift udgives af Den danske historiske Forening (stiftet 1839). Tidsskriftet er politisk og institutionelt uafhængigt, non-profit og redigeres ulønnet. Historisk Tidsskrift er Danmarks førende faghistoriske tidsskrift og et af verdens ældste nationale historiske tidsskrifter.   27/08/2018   DePaul University is the largest Catholic university in the U.S. and private institution in Chicago, serving nearly 23,000 students. Teaching and learning are our priorities at DePaul. That might seem obvious, but we're the largest private university whose faculty members' priority is teaching.   12/07/2019   Through individualized service, the Texas Tech University Libraries connect users with resources that advance intellectual inquiry and discovery.   15/10/2019   For over fifty years, DER has been a leader at the intersection of documentary filmmaking and social science research, and is an internationally recognized center for documentary anthropology and ethnographic film.   14/10/2020   Equipo Nizkor est une organisation internationale qui travaille pour le respect et la promotion des droits de l'homme dans plusieurs pays et dans des domaines divers, notamment la lutte contre l’impunité.   30/01/2016   Der Graul bei Schwarzenberg - eines der interessantesten Bergbaureviere im Erzgebirge. EhemaligesHuthaus "Gottes Geschick". Der Graul ist für mich das interessanteste Erzrevier in der Umgebung von Schwarzenberg, da es eine sehr eindrucksvolle, sekundäre Arsenat- bzw.   27/12/2015   Desaparecer hoy.   01/04/2020   El Proyecto Desaparecidos es un proyecto de diversos organismos y activistas de derechos humano para mantener la memoria y alcanzar la justicia. Es un lugar donde poder conocer y recordar a las víctimas del terrorismo de estado en América Latina y el mundo.   12/06/2016   Desde Cuba. Un portal de periodismo ciudadano.   21/01/2018   El Blog de Dimas.   15/07/2018   Glossar: farben.   15/07/2018   Glossar: internet.   15/07/2018   Glossar: musik.   15/07/2018   Glossar: suchmaschinen.   15/07/2018   Glossar: typografie & layout.   15/07/2018   Glossar: werbung & marketing.   15/07/2018   Design is the international portal for everyone interested in Design from the Netherlands. Dutch design news and an international agenda, a weekly newsletter, top ten lists of Dutch product design, interviews with Dutch designers and more. Fashion design, new media, graphic design, communication design, product design and spatial design.   11/05/2017   The DIA is the organisation through which designers work for the future of the design professions in Australia. As Australia’s peak industry body for professional design, the DIA represents Australian design and designers both domestically and internationally.   27/12/2015   Marketplace for vintage modern design featuring the best shops. Large source of information on 20C furniture, lighting and objects.   13/07/2019   This page is for those of you who'd like to know just who is this guy who makes this Designation-Systems.Net site. Or you may ask why I'm going through the trouble of storing endless lists of military nomenclature on the web. If you're interested, read on ... if not, well, there's a "Back" button on every browser!   11/02/2017   Established for over 16 years, Design Lynx Limited based in Dorking, Surrey, excel in designing & producing solutions for web, mobile apps and print. Our experienced programming team are skilled in creating applications and dynamic content for web sites, mobile apps and other related media.   15/07/2018   Design made in Germany. Die besten Arbeiten deutscher Agenturen und Designer.   29/01/2020   Das Vitra Design Museum zählt zu den führenden Designmuseen weltweit. Es erforscht und vermittelt die Geschichte und Gegenwart des Designs und setzt diese in Beziehung zu Architektur, Kunst und Alltagskultur.   17/11/2015   Designophy is an online publication that contributes to the development of the design profession by providing genuine design knowledge. Designophy covers contemporary design and technology news, latest competitions, interviews, articles and topics related with all design professions.   13/08/2020   The Des Moines Register. The Des Moines Register is the number one source for Des Moines and Iowa breaking news, jobs, real estate, photos, videos and blogs.   28/03/2020   Desoto Explorer. Informasi Wisata dan Liburan Desoto di Kansas Amerika Serikat.   02/05/2020   De Stentor, het laatste nieuws uit de regio’s rond Apeldoorn, Deventer en Zwolle. Blijf altijd op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws via de snelste en leukste nieuwssite van Nederland, 24 uur per dag en 7 dagen in de week.   17/11/2015   Nieuwsoverzicht uit Lochem, altijd op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws uit Lochem.   17/11/2015   Nieuwsoverzicht uit Zwolle, altijd op de hoogte van het laatste nieuws uit Zwolle.   15/07/2018   Deșteptarea. Ziarul Bacăului. Deșteptarea este cotidianul Bacăului, unicul tipărit din județ. Din 22 decembrie 1989, Deșteptarea este o voce distinctă în media regională. Conținutul editorial cuprinde știri obiective și relevante din toate domenile de activitate dar și anunțuri de publicitate.   08/05/2017   Tikal Guatemala. Within the Tikal National Park of Guatemala's northern Petén region, rest the impressive Mayan ruins of Tikal. Tikal is the largest excavated site among all the ruined Mayan cities and arguably Guatemala's most prized cultural gem.   11/12/2019   Destination Hollywood. A Tribute to Tinseltown. Enjoy the web's premier Tribute to Tinseltown. Together we are creating the ultimate resource for fans of stars, movies and more. Explore our Tributes to your favorite celebrities and movies.   17/11/2017   A Tribute to Anthony Hopkins. What's our favorite Anthony Hopkins performance? (No, it's not THAT one!) With nearly 90 (and still counting) to choose from it's a more difficult decision than you think.   09/04/2020   48th International Paris Air Show, Le Bourget, FR.   15/09/2020   Universidad de Deusto. La Universidad de Deusto se caracteriza por la formación en competencias y valores, gracias a un modelo pedagógico socialmente reconocido.   11/09/2020   Deustuko Unibertsitatea. Deustuko Unibertsitateak 1886an ireki zituen ateak. Sorreran bi kezka edo asmo elkartu ziren: Euskal Herriak bere unibertsitatea eduki nahia, batetik, eta Jesusen Lagundiak estatuko lekuren batean goi mailako ikasketak ezartzeko asmoa, bestetik.   17/05/2019   Ziel der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek (DDB) ist es, jedem über das Internet freien Zugang zum kulturellen und wissenschaftlichen Erbe Deutschlands zu eröffnen, also zu Millionen von Büchern, Archivalien, Bildern, Skulpturen, Musikstücken und anderen Tondokumenten, Filmen und Noten.   17/05/2019   Kultur- und Wissenseinrichtungen zeigen ausgewählte Objekte aus ihren Sammlungen: Highlights, thematische Sammlungen oder aktuelle Objekte, die in der DDB zu finden sind. Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB).   17/05/2019   Journal. Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB).   30/06/2018   Der Deutsche Apotheker Verlag ist der größte pharmazeutische Fachverlag in Deutschland. Er versorgt Apothekerinnen, Apotheker und Pharmazeutisch-technische Assistenten in Ausbildung und Beruf umfassend mit wissenschaftlichen und Fachinformationen.   23/11/2017   Developer: Technical Information for Software Developers. Developer, the Flagship of the Developer Network, is the developer's source for in-depth programming tutorials and relevant development news across all major development platforms.   05/03/2018   Your Source for Java Information - Developer. Get the latest Java news, articles, whitepapers, analyst reports, and more. This is your one stop for information that will help you make decisions related to Java.   15/03/2020   DeVerdad TV. Canal de TV independiente.   02/10/2019   Check out hahatem’s art on DeviantArt.   29/03/2020   DeVry University. Build a more powerful you with our hybrid & online degree programs in Business, Tech & Health. Explore 80+ programs starting every 8 weeks at DeVry & Keller.   16/07/2017   DeVry University offers online & on campus degree programs for international students. Learn more about international student programs by visiting DeVry.   16/07/2017   Students at DeVry University may choose from an associate, bachelor's or master's degree program within our five colleges. Find the program right for you!   04/05/2018   Devry University Kansas City Campus. Conveniently located just south of downtown Kansas City, with easy access to local highways, DeVry University Kansas City Campus offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in some of today's growing career fields.   01/05/2020   DevX: Your Information Source for Enterprise Application Development. DevX is the leading provider of technical information, tools, and services for professionals developing corporate applications.   01/05/2020   DevX Archives.   09/07/2018   An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála. An misean atá againn, luachanna, suimeanna agus leas eacnamaíochta na hÉireann agus mhuintir na hÉireann a chur chun cinn agus a chosaint thar lear. Déanaimid seo faoi threoir polaitíochta na nAirí, trínár bhfoireann sa bhaile agus trí líonra na nAmbasáidí thar lear.   12/06/2016   The Armstrong Flight Research Center, NASA's premier installation for atmospheric flight research, is chartered to research, develop, verify and transfer advanced aeronautics, space and related technologies and conduct atmospheric Earth and space science flight operations.   13/03/2017   Dryden Historical Aircraft Photo Collection. This collection contains digitized photos of many of the unique research aircraft flown at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards, California. These images date from the 1940s. Recent photos are added only to the Image Gallery.   13/01/2015   NASA's B377SGT Super Guppy Turbine cargo aircraft touches down at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. on June 11, 2000 to deliver the latest version of the X-38 flight test vehicle to NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center.   11/08/2019   Dryden Historical Aircraft Photo Collection. The Photo Collection is no longer supported at this location. The photos have been relocated. This collection contains digitized photos of many of the unique research aircraft flown at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards, California. These images date from the 1940s.   10/04/2019   The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) conducts planning and prioritization exercises at the start of every biennium. After experiencing budget shortfalls for several biennia and reviewing a performance audit from the Secretary of State, we decided to take a more comprehensive approach to planning starting in 2015.   18/12/2020   The Directors Guild of America is a labor organization that represents the creative and economic rights of directors and members of the directorial team working in film, television, commercials, documentaries, news, sports and new media.   07/04/2017   Die DGfM versteht sich als Interessenvertreter aller Mykologen und Pilzfreunde Deutschlands und somit aller Berufs- und Freizeitmykologen.   17/11/2015   Mit der Zeitschrift für Mykologie, in der deutschsprachige Artikel publiziert werden, erstrebt die DGfM eine auf den deutschsprachigen Raum zentrierte Vermittlung mykologischen und pilzkundlichen Wissens. Das Journal Mycological Progress veröffentlicht wissenschaftliche Beiträge in Englisch und dient damit eher dem internationalen Wissenstransfer.De.   15/07/2018   DGSKA. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie. Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie ist eine Fachvereinigung von Ethnologinnen und Ethnologen und an der Ethnologie interessierten Personen und Institutionen.   15/07/2018   The Helicopter Area. Aviation Photography by Damiano Gualdoni. Italian site about helicopter Airliner photos, helicopters and aviation news.   15/07/2018   Designhögskolan har rankats som en av världens bästa designutbildningar av bl.a. Business Week, iF och red dot. Studenter och lärare kommer från hela världen, och gör Designhögskolan till en internationell och inspirerande mötesplats för kreativa människor.   07/09/2020   Don Farber Photography.   12/11/2020   Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart. DHBW Stuttgart. Theorie und Praxis = Erfolg: Das duale Studium der DHBW Stuttgart bietet optimale Voraussetzungen für den Berufseinstieg. Jetzt informieren!   13/01/2021   Homeland Security. The Department of Homeland Security has a vital mission: to secure the nation from the many threats we face. This requires the dedication of more than 230,000 employees in jobs that range from aviation and border security to emergency response, from cybersecurity analyst to chemical facility inspector. Our duties are wide-ranging, but our goal is clear: keeping America safe.   27/05/2016   Giuseppe Persiano, PhD. Professor of Computer Science.   03/03/2019   Defense Intelligence Agency.   11/05/2017   The DIA has been a beacon of culture for the Detroit area for well over a century. Founded in 1885, the museum was originally located on Jefferson Avenue, but, due to its rapidly expanding collection, moved to a larger site on Woodward Avenue in 1927. The new Beaux-Arts building, designed by Paul Cret, was immediately referred to as the "temple of art."   11/05/2017   Departamento de Informática y Automática. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática - UNED.   17/02/2020   Dia a Dia. Todo lo que debes saber sobre farándula, noticias nacionales y deportes de Panamá y el mundo.   11/05/2017   Diabetes Canada. Eleven million Canadians are living with diabetes or prediabetes. Chances are, diabetes affects you or someone you know.   11/05/2017   American Diabetes Association®. Our Mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.   11/05/2017   American Diabetes Association®. Nuestra misión: Prevenir y curar la diabetes y mejorar la vida de todas las personas afectadas por la enfermedad. Encabezamos la lucha contra las consecuencias mortales de la diabetes y luchamos por aquellos afectados por la diabetes.   09/11/2019   Diadema Jornal. É o jornal oficial da cidade e traz informações do noticiário local e publicações de órgãos oficiais do município. Além disso, é um mecanismo de consulta constante para estudantes e pesquisadores interessados em conhecer a história de Diadema.   19/03/2016   Periódico Diagonal. Periódico quincenal de actualidad crítica. Diagonal un medio de comunicación crítico e independiente, sin directores ni jefes, sustentado sobre la base de miles de suscripciones.   13/03/2020   Diamantes en Serie. El mejor cine se pasa a la televisión.   25/01/2016   Anton Chekhov: The Definitive Site. Anton Chekhov's plays in original Russian. Code page 1251. Seagull, Three Sisters, Uncle Vanya, Cherry Orchard.   30/01/2016   Diari d'Andorra. Premsa Andorrana S.A. - El diari del Principat d'Andorra, des de 1991. El periodico del Principado de Andorra desde 1991. The newspaper of Principality of Andorra, since 1991. Le Journal de l'Andorre depuis le 1991.   13/08/2020   Diari de Girona: últimes notícies de Girona, les comarques gironines i el món. Segueix les noticies d'última hora de Girona i tota la informació sobre esports, economia, cultura, política, tecnologia i demés actualitat nacional i internacional en català, a Diari de Girona.   10/12/2019   Diario de Burgos. Noticias de Burgos y provincia.   13/01/2021   Diario de Cádiz. Noticias, vídeos y fotos de Diario de Cádiz. Noticias de Cádiz y su provincia.   25/01/2016   Diario de Cuba. Noticias de última hora sobre Cuba y el mundo: política, economía, deportes, cultura, sociedad, tecnología, gente, opinión, derechos humanos, música, televisión, vídeos, fotos, audios, entrevistas, encuestas y literatura.   13/01/2021   Diario de Ibiza, la actualidad de Ibiza y Formentera. Las noticias de Ibiza y Formentera actualizadas al útimo minuto, infórmate de todo lo que ocurre en las islas Pitiusas y de todas las noticias con la máxima actualidad en Diario de Ibiza.   13/01/2021   Diario del Alto Aragón. Diario del Alto Aragón vio la luz por vez primera el 28 de septiembre de 1985, aunque sus predecesores se remontan a 1875, cuando salió publicado el Diario de Huesca. Posteriormente, y en estos casos en la misma sede física, se editaron Pueblo (1932-1936) y Nueva España (1936-1985).   12/08/2020   Diario del Istmo. Últimas noticias en Veracruz y en México, sigue la información las 24 horas.   19/05/2020   El Diario de Luján. Noticias de la ciudad de Luján, Buenos Aires.   12/08/2020   Diario de Mallorca, últimas noticias de Mallorca, España y el mundo. Encuentra todas las noticias de actualidad de Mallorca. Las últimas noticias, tráfico, ocio, deportes y fiestas en Mallorca.   12/08/2020   Diario de México. Portal informativo, especializado en el acontecer diario del país y del mundo. Somos un portal informativo, especializado en el acontecer diario de México y el mundo, apoyamos a nuestras audiencias con herramientas editoriales que los ayudan a mantenerse mejor informados, y por ende, mejorar su calidad de vida.   19/05/2020   Diario Democracia. Noticias de Argentina, Buenos Aires, Junín. Últimas noticias del día, noticias internacionales de hoy y noticias de último momento. El diario más importante del noroeste de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.   12/08/2020   Diario de Morelos. Últimas noticias de Morelos de hoy. Diario de Morelos es el medio más influyente en noticias del diario acontecer morelense. Las últimas noticias de Cuernavaca, Morelos.   19/05/2020   Diario de Morelos. Últimas noticias de Morelos de hoy.   19/05/2020   Diário de Natal. Seja bem vindo ao Diário de Natal, aqui você fica por dentro de notícias relacionadas ao governo, impostos, taxas e outros deveres do cidadão.   01/11/2017   Diario de Navarra - Noticias de Navarra, Pamplona, Osasuna, Deportes. El diario de referencia de noticias en Navarra.   20/12/2020   Diario El Libertador. Diario de todos. Edición Digital.   02/10/2019   Diario Extra. Costa Rica. Noticias de Costa Rica e internacionales. Diario Extra, el periódico de más venta en Costa Rica.   10/05/2018   Periódico líder de la República Dominicana. Noticias de última hora sobre la actualidad en República Dominicana y Latinoamérica: política, economía, deportes, cultura, ciencia y tecnología.   06/09/2018   The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) is a statutory corporation established in 1940 under the Institute for Advanced Studies Act of that year. It is a publicly-funded independent centre for research in basic disciplines.   06/09/2018   The School of Celtic Studies is dedicated to the study of Celtic languages throughout history, both written and spoken, as well as related history of cultural, social and legal issues. Employing both academic staff as well as scholars, we publish books and other online resources, our journal Celtica, and host events such as our annual conference Tionól.   11/03/2019   Corparáid reachtúil is ea Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Claith a bunaíodh i 1940 faoi Acht um Institiúid Ard-Leighinn na bliana céanna. Is é atá inti ná ionad neamhspleách, maoinithe ón Stát, chun taighde a dhéanamh i ndisciplíní bunúsacha. Tá trí chomhscoil san Institiúid: An Scoil an Léinn Cheiltigh.   27/01/2016   Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath. Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.   25/08/2020   El diccionari general més extens i complet de la llengua catalana.   23/04/2020   DIDAC. Un diccionari pensat per a l'aprenentatge del català a l'escola primària i al primer cicle de secundària. Les definicions, fàcilment comprensibles, estan escrites amb un llenguatge senzill i planer que evita qualsevol discriminació per motius de raça, religió, sexe o creença. Les il·lustracions s'integren al text i són molt útils per a la comprensió.   11/05/2019   In 1783, Benjamin Rush, a revolutionary in both spirit and life, established Dickinson College with the intent of providing a different kind of liberal-arts education. Here, students are encouraged to be actively engaged with the wider world and challenged to think differently and act boldly.   11/05/2019   Waidner-Spahr Library. Dickinson College.   01/12/2019   Dick Waterman Photography. Capturing Music Legends. Dick Waterman Photography. Dick Waterman has been capturing music legends for neearly 50 years.   23/11/2017   My Hebrew Dictionary. Free English to Hebrew On-Line Dictionary. No special fonts required. This dictionary is a sample of useful words. Some words are spelled slightly different without Nikud.   26/09/2016   Dictionary is the world's leading digital dictionary. We provide millions of English definitions, spellings, audio pronunciations, example sentences, and word origins.   29/02/2016   Dictionnaire du droit privé français par Serge Braudo. Conseiller honoraire à la Cour d'appel de Versailles.   25/05/2020   Librerías Diego Marín somos librerías en Murcia con más de 50 años creando y difundiendo la cultura a través de libros de todas las temáticas, novelas gráficas y cómics para todas las edades, libros de texto y material didáctico escolar para todas las etapas educativas, libros de oposiciones, libros universitarios así como material de papelería y juegos educativos y juegos de mesa para todas las edades.   18/07/2018   Diena. Lielākais nacionālais laikraksts. Kvalitatīvs ziņu portāls.   02/09/2019   DIGAR on Rahvusraamatukogu kasutajakeskkond, mis praegu pakub juurdepääsu digitaalarhiivis talletatud väljaannetele. Nende hulgas on e-raamatuid, ajalehti, ajakirju, kaarte, noote, fotosid, postkaarte, plakateid, illustratsioone, audioraamatuid ning muusikafaile.   15/05/2018   Diggers Realm: Immigration Reform, Illegal Aliens, Terrorism And Political Ridiculousness. Diggers Realm covers Illegal Immigration, immigration reform, illegal aliens, outsourcing, business, terrorism, hostages, sexual predators, outsourcing, technology and a little humor.   17/07/2017   Digibird: Digiscoping 'in the hand...' Digiscoping advice, information, and techniques for birders; galleries of digiscoped birds. Digibird is a gallery of high-magnification digital bird photography and a digiscoping resource for bird photographers. All of the photos are digital originals.   17/01/2020   Digital Antiquity. Digital Antiquity is a collaborative non-profit organization devoted to enhancing preservation of and access to irreplaceable archaeological records and data.   23/10/2020   The University  of Southern Mississippi Libraries’ Digital Collections was established  in November 1999 to create research quality digital collections of  texts, images, and audio materials and make these collections available  to scholars throughout the world.   10/11/2020  Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum. Digitale Bibliothek. Das Münchener DigitalisierungsZentrum bringt seit 1997 die reichhaltigen Bestände der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek (BSB) ins Internet.   26/12/2020   Digital Museums Canada is the largest funding program in Canada dedicated to online projects by the museum and heritage community.   15/09/2016   Digital Nature es un equipo multidisciplinar compuesto por profesionales del marketing, la ingeniería y el diseño de páginas web en Alicante, España.   01/04/2018   DigiZeitschriften ist ein Service für das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten. Über einen kontrollierten Nutzerzugang können Studierende und Wissenschaftler auf Kernzeitschriften der deutschen Forschung zugreifen. Der Zugang erfolgt über Bibliotheken und wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen, die DigiZeitschriften subskribiert haben.   06/09/2020   The Northwest Arkansas Jazz Society, NAJS, is a non-profit, 501©3 corporation incorporated in the state of Arkansas on June 2, 1992. Our mission is “to present, preserve, promote, and celebrate the great American art form known as jazz through education, concert presentation and artist promotion.”   06/09/2020   DIG Music boasts a high-quality catalog of archival and contemporary artists such as The Beau Brummels, Moby Grape, Chris Webster, Sal Valentino, Cold Blood, and Jackie Greene. DIG has also helped shape the careers of many of Northern California's top performers such as Jackie Greene, Bucho, and Chris Webster.   15/03/2020   Non Profit Organization for Elderly People in India. Dignity Foundation. We help senior citizens lead active lives through various productive ageing and social support services.   24/08/2020   The Dillon Herald. Classifieds, News, Business and Events in Dillon County, South Carolina. Established in 1894, The Dillon Herald is the oldest continuously operated business in Dillon County.   05/09/2018   Dios! es una revista on-line de actualización periódica que reúne material original producido por periodistas, científicos e investigadores apasionados por el estudio de aquellas experiencias, fenómenos y creencias contemporáneas que parecen constituir un desafío a los conocimientos establecidos.   23/02/2017   La Sociedad Micológica de Albacete surgió en el mes de diciembre de 2001, aunque se fue gestando desde unos meses antes. El embrión inicial partió de los cursos de micología de la Universidad Popular de Albacete, a los que se unieron posteriormente otras personas de procedencias diversas.   03/12/2016   La Diputación de Jaén, a través del Instituto de Estudios Gienneses, ha realizado este catálogo con el objetivo de reunir, preservar y difundir, a través de Internet, el Legado de Miguel Hernández.   27/12/2015   Directo al Paladar. Recetas de cocina y gastronomía. Las mejores recetas de cocinas, postres, vinos, turismo gastronómico, turismo enológico y noticias e información sobre cocineros famosos.   13/01/2021   Revista de cine Dirigido Por. Independiente, de autor. Revista de más de 40 años dedicad al cine independiente y de autor. Estudios de directores, películas, criticas, series de televisión y mucho más.   23/11/2017   Established 14 years ago, the Disaster Center site has gone through a number of evolutions. A big part of this work has provided coverage for disasters affecting the United States. Big stories were Hurricane Dennis, Rita, Katrina, Wilma, Floyd, Mitch, Bret and many others.   15/11/2020   Distribuciones Cimadevilla, distribuidora de libros, papelería, material escolar y regalos.   30/01/2016   Technology & Democracy Project. Discovery Institute's Technology Blog.,_Irven.html   16/06/2018   Irven DeVore (October 7, 1934 – September 23, 2014) was an anthropologist and evolutionary biologist, and Curator of Primatology at Harvard University's Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. He headed Harvard's Department of Anthropology from 1987 to 1992.   24/06/2020   Libreria Juridica Disjurex. Venta on-line de todo tipo de obras jurídicas. Asesoramiento en la elección de las publicaciones.   13/01/2021   Disorder Magazine. Clásica magazine electrónica.   17/02/2019   Tecnología e Internet.   04/11/2016   DivX Clásico es un un espacio de intercambio cultural centrado en el cine clásico, de autor, independiente, documental y de vanguardia.   23/08/2017   We are a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization composed of some 900 members dedicated to the preservation and perpetuation of our country's only original art form - Traditional Jazz.   Since 1979, America's Finest City Dixieland Jazz Society (AFCDJS) has promoted Traditional Jazz, Dixieland, Ragtime and Swing throughout the San Diego area.   27/05/2016   Benvenuti nel sito del Dizionario Italiano on line a cura di Enrico Olivetti. Dizionario Italiano consultabile gratis. Si tratta di un progetto in corso di realizzazione che punta alla creazione del più esteso dizionario italiano oggi esistente.   19/06/2018   DK Hostmaster er en not-for-profit virksomhed, som løser to opgaver for det danske samfund: Vi vedligeholder en del infrastrukturen (DNS) på den danske del af internettet. Vi administrerer en database (whois) med stamoplysninger på alle, der har registreret et .dk-domænenavn. Derudover arbejder vi for at styrke sikkerheden på internettet.   19/06/2018   Alletiders Kogebog er en interaktiv netkogebog, hvor det er brugerne, der indsender de fleste madopskrifter. Opskrifterne bliver så efterfølgende opdelt i funktionelle kategorier, så det er nemt at finde de opskrifter, du leder efter. Udover opskrifter forsøger vi at samle alle de øvrige oplysninger der bruges omkring madlavning.   01/04/2018   Das Deutsche Literaturarchiv Marbach (DLA) ist eine der bedeutendsten Literaturinstitutionen weltweit. In seinen Sammlungen vereinigt und bewahrt es eine Fülle kostbarster Quellen der Literatur- und Geistesgeschichte von 1750 bis zur Gegenwart.   14/01/2018   Portal powstał w 2003 roku, jako serwis skierowany do wrocławskich studentów, jednak szybko stał się stroną ogólnopolską. Dziś jest obecny w 22 ośrodkach akademickich w Polsce.   19/11/2019   Deutsche Lufthansa Berlin Stiftung. Das Berlin der zwanziger und dreißiger Jahre galt weltweit als eines der wichtigsten Zentren der zivilen Luftfahrt. Das Berlin der zwanziger und dreißiger Jahre galt weltweit als eines der wichtigsten Zentren der zivilen Luftfahrt.   04/11/2020   De La Warr Pavilion. Bexhill On Sea, East Sussex. Originally conceived as a ‘People’s Palace’, this experiment in democratic social enterprise is the prototype for the modern cultural centre and the blueprint for the Southbank. The Earl’s innovative  socialist thinking went on to inspire The Festival of Britain and the Arts Council.   19/06/2018   Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut er en institution under Energi-, Forsynings- og Klimaministeriet. Instituttet er organiseret i en funktionsbestemt struktur med et antal linjeafdelinger.   11/04/2020   De Montfort University. De Montfort University’s Heritage Centre showcases the rich history that surrounds our campus and tells the story of the university and its contribution to teaching, research and the lives of our students over 145 years.   12/07/2020   California DMV. Apply for REAL ID, register your vehicle, renew your driver’s license, schedule an appointment, and more at California Department of Motor Vehicles.   16/12/2020   Diário de Notícias. DN. O seu jornal diário online. Todas as notícias sobre a actualidade nacional, internacional, economia, desporto, artes, sociedade, última hora, pessoas, ciência, tecnologia, Portugal, mundo.   16/12/2020   Nyheter DN. Nyheter, fördjupning, sportnyheter, ekonominyheter, utrikesnyheter, debatt, ledare, kultur och webb-tv.   23/12/2020   DNA. Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace. Retrouvez toute l'actualité en direct, en continu et toutes les informations régionales: politiques, économie, santé.   25/04/2020   De Nationale Assemblée.   12/08/2019   Als Deutsche Nationalbibliothek sind wir die zentrale Archivbibliothek Deutschlands. Wir sammeln, dokumentieren und archivieren alle Werke in Schrift und Ton, die seit 1913 in und über Deutschland oder in deutscher Sprache veröffentlicht werden.   01/02/2020   Dnevnik. Spletno mesto sodi med najbolj obiskane slovenske informativne spletne portale, uporabnikom vsak dan prinaša sveže in ažurne novice iz sveta politike, gospodarstva, športa, kulture, zabave in prostega časa.   19/06/2018   DNV GL is a global quality assurance and risk management company. Driven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, we enable our customers to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification, technical assurance, software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil & gas, power and renewables industries.   12/08/2019   Welcome to the Do 24att World Tour. Since its kick-off in April 2004, the Do 24ATT has flown to over 90 destinations worldwide to generate support for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) programs on child education, protection and awareness, and promote the Philippines as an ideal tourist destination.   12/08/2019   Eine private Seite für Flugzeugfans und Piloten mit Technik und Geschichte, Reiseberichten und 220 Bildern auf 70 Seiten: Viel Spass!   12/08/2019   Die Dornier Do 31 V/STOL (Vertical/Short Take-Off and Landing) ist weltweit das einzige, je gebaute Transportflugzeug mit Strahlantrieb, das senkrecht starten und landen konnte. Der erste senkrechte Start dieser einzigartigen Maschine erfolgte am 22. November 1967.   12/08/2019   Die Technik. Die Dornier Do 31 V/STOL (Vertical/Short Take-Off and Landing).   09/04/2020   Dumbarton Oaks is a Harvard University research institute, library, museum, and garden located in Washington, DC. The institution is the legacy of Robert and Mildred Bliss, collectors of art and patrons of learning in the humanities.   19/02/2016   Artificial Intelligence - Project. Dimiter Dobrev.   10/01/2021   Monrovia Sound Studio. Ragtime. Blues. Hot Piano.   01/07/2017   Here's where you'll find very high quality images of famous screen stars, mostly from the 1940's and earlier. We've scanned 8 x 10 glossy movie stills and publicity photos, and the resulting full-size pictures are presented for your viewing and downloading pleasure—all free.   11/07/2018   Founded to save lives and speak out, MSF has treated tens of millions of people since 1971. In May 1968, a group of young doctors decided to go and help victims of wars and major disasters. This new brand of humanitarianism would reinvent the concept of emergency aid.   25/05/2020   L’any 1975, Documenta va obrir les seves portes disposada a ser una llibreria diferent, especialitzada en literatura, art i ciències humanes. Els llibres haurien de ser en català, castellà, anglès i francès. La qualitat havia de primar sobre altres criteris.   18/01/2020   The Dictionary of Old English (DOE) defines the vocabulary of the first six centuries (C.E. 600-1150) of the English language, using twenty-first century technology.   12/11/2020   Dogma. Revue de philosophie et de sciences humaines.   31/01/2020   Dogon. Images & Traditions.   24/12/2020   Washington State Department of Health. The Department of Health works with others to protect and improve the health of all people in Washington state. Our programs and services help prevent illness and injury, promote healthy places to live and work, provide information to help people make good health decisions and ensure our state is prepared for emergencies.   24/12/2020   The Washington State Department of Health has a wide variety of publications available on hundreds of topics.   23/11/2017   In 1789 Congress created three Executive Departments: Foreign Affairs (later in the same year renamed State), Treasury, and War. It also provided for an Attorney General and a Postmaster General. Domestic matters were apportioned by Congress among these departments.   28/10/2020   Digital Object Identifier System. This is the web site of the International DOI Foundation (IDF), a not-for-profit membership organization that is the governance and management body for the federation of Registration Agencies providing Digital Object Identifier (DOI) services and registration, and is the registration authority for the ISO standard (ISO 26324) for the DOI system.   23/03/2017   Wage and Hour Division (WHD) (April 2010). Fact Sheet #71: Internship Programs Under The Fair Labor Standards Act. This fact sheet provides general information to help determine whether interns must be paid the minimum wage and overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act for the services that they provide to “for-profit” private sector employers. Background   21/02/2019   The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) is responsible for enforcing some of the nation’s most comprehensive federal labor laws on topics including the minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, child labor.   12/07/2019   Web sobre Dominio Público y obras en ese estado legal.   30/03/2020   Dong Yang Innovative Technology Limited is established in 2007, occupying 10000 square meters, Now located in XIechang Industrial Park,Zhongkai High Tech Zone, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province.   27/12/2019   Welkom bij Donner. De meest veelzijdige boekhandel van Rotterdam en omstreken, voor al uw boeken & cadeaus.   11/09/2020   Donostia. Donostiako Udalaren web ofiziala. Gipuzkoako hiriburuaren informaziorik osatuena. Zure bisita edo egonaldia errazteko albisteak, berriak eta jarduerak.   26/12/2017   Donostia Kulturaren webgune-ataria. Donostiako kultur agenda. Donostiako Udalaren menpeko Enpresa Erakunde Publikoa den Donostia Kulturaren webgunea. Kultur jarduerak eta zerbitzuak.   14/06/2018   Vicente Dopico-Lerner.   14/06/2018   DORA (De Montfort Open Research Archive) is De Montfort University’s research repository. It forms the primary public and institutional record of DMU research outputs. DORA currently lists over 10,000 items, and the breadth of research at DMU means that these include articles, conference papers, books, book chapters, and other material available in a digital form.   04/11/2020   Dorking Halls. The venue was designed to host a range of community events. It comprised three Halls: the Masonic, the Martineau and the impressive Grand; all of which remain today. The Grand can seat 900 people, and its original stage could accommodate 300 singers and a full orchestra. The acoustics were exceptional and there was also a fully-sprung dance floor.   12/02/2016   Doschau Tv. Das Fenster zu   Österreichs schönsten Regionen. Mit Schwerpunkt Salzkammergut.   01/08/2019   Alberto Montt. Una al día. En dosis diarias. Mire sin compromiso y si le gusta, vuelva. Pase y vea sin compromiso, si le gusta el blog, invite a sus amigos.   30/06/2020   North Dakota Department of Transportation. Find information on public services, licensing policies, road and travel conditions, business services and more. Originally called the State Highway Department, the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) was established in 1917.   11/04/2020   Dow Jones. Business & Financial News, Analysis & Insight.   12/06/2016   Briz, A., Pons, S. y J. Portolés (coords.) (2008): Diccionario de partículas discursivas del español. Esta página electrónica solo funciona con IExplorer, Mozilla Firefox o Safari (para usuarios Mac).   14/06/2018   The aim of the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) is to drive investment, productivity and transformation in the department’s portfolio of State Owned Companies (SOCs), their customers and suppliers so as to unlock growth, drive industrialisation, create jobs and develop skills.   14/06/2018   El Centro de Estudios de Derecho Penal es una Unidad de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales de la Universidad de Talca.   06/03/2017   Die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, deren Tradition bis in das Jahr 1845 zurückreicht, ist die älteste nationale und mit mehr als 62.000 Mitgliedern auch die größte physikalische Fachgesellschaft weltweit. Sie versteht sich als offenes Forum der Physikerinnen und Physiker und verfolgt als gemeinnütziger Verein keine wirtschaftlichen Interessen.   24/05/2019   宫博物院, 北京故宫博物院建立于19251010日,位于北京故宫紫禁城内。是在明朝、清朝两代皇宫及其收藏的基础上建立起来的中国综合性博物馆,也是中国最大的古代文化艺术博物馆,其文物收藏主要来源于清代宫中旧藏,是第一批全国爱国主义教育示范基地。   07/06/2018   Erfindergeist und Kreativität brauchen wirksamen Schutz. Das Deutsche Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA) ist das Kompetenzzentrum für alle gewerblichen Schutzrechte des geistigen Eigentums – für Patente, Gebrauchsmuster, Marken und Designs.   07/06/2018   Glossar. Das Deutsche Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA) ist das Kompetenzzentrum für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz in Deutschland. Unser gesetzlicher Auftrag ist der Schutz des geistigen Eigentums.   13/08/2016   Die IPC wird ständig fortgeschrieben (revidiert), um die neuesten Entwicklungen von Wissenschaft und Technik in die Klassifikation aufzunehmen.   19/03/2016   TOP надежных авто.   10/08/2017   Aktuelles - Deutsches Primatenzentrum. Das Deutsche Primatenzentrum (DPZ) in Göttingen betreibt bio­logische und biomedizinische Grundlagenforschung mit und über Primaten auf den Gebieten der Infektionsforschung, der Neurowissenschaften und der Primatenbiologie.   12/01/2021   Deutsches Primatenzentrum. Die Deutsches Primatenzentrum GmbH (DPZ) - Leibniz-Institut für Primatenforschung betreibt biologische und biomedizinische Forschung auf allen Gebieten, in denen Studien an nichtmenschlichen Primaten eine zentrale Rolle spielen: vor allem der Infektionsforschung, den Neurowissenschaften und der organismischen Primatenbiologie.   10/08/2016   DragonJAR es una comunidad de investigadores, estudiantes, profesionales y entusiastas de la Seguridad Informática, nacida en Colombia pero que a través de los años se ha convertido en un referente de seguridad informática de habla hispana, propendiendo por mantener un enfoque práctico a la teoría, sin olvidar las bases esenciales de esta.   18/04/2020   Drawn & Quarterly. Over the course of several decades, Drawn & Quarterly has grown from a single-issue magazine to an internationally renowned publisher of the world's best cartoonists.   26/12/2020   The Dublin Review of Books has published essays chiefly in the fields of literature, history, arts, culture and the human sciences on a quarterly basis since Spring 2007. Since Autumn 2012 it publishes fortnightly with additional material added between issues.   08/01/2020   Dr. Dobb's. Good stuff for serious developers: Programming Tools, Code, C++, Java, HTML5, Cloud, Mobile, Testing. Software tools and techniques for global software development. Dr. Dobb's features articles, source code, blogs,forums,video tutorials, and audio podcasts, as well as articles from Dr. Dobb's Journal,, C/C++ Users Journal, and Software Development magazine.   16/02/2017   Design.   15/03/2020   Dr. Dobb's. Good stuff for serious developers: Programming Tools, Code, C++, Java, HTML5, Cloud, Mobile, Testing.   09/05/2020   The Drexel Theatre. Columbus, Ohio. Built during the heyday of neighborhood theaters, it is today one of the few existing examples of the once popular entertainment venue.   11/02/2020   Arnold Dreyblatt (b. New York City, 1953) is an American media artist and composer. He has been based in Berlin, Germany since 1984.   25/05/2018   World-renowned archaeologist Zahi Hawass is the former Egyptian Minister of Antiquities and Director of Excavations at Giza, Saqqara, Bahariya Oasis, and the Valley of the Kings. Dr Hawass received his PhD in 1987 from the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied as a Fulbright Fellow.   30/01/2016   Logithèque, l'info du shareware.   23/05/2020   Vokabular der mikroskopischen Anatomie. Das Vokabular der mikroskopischen Anatomie erklärt in Ergänzung zum elektronenmikroskopischen Atlas, zu dem viele Verknüpfungen eingefügt sind, einzelne Fachtermini in Deutsch und Englisch.   09/04/2020   DocMartin. Writer, Photographer and Videographer in Hong Kong.   07/05/2020   Eric Drooker's drawings and posters are a familiar sight in the global street art movement, and his paintings appear frequently on covers of the New Yorker. Born and raised in New York City, he began to slap his images on the streets as a teenager.   06/12/2019   Dipartimento di Scienze storiche e dei beni culturali. Università di Siena 1240.   03/12/2019   The Defense Threat Reduction Agency enables the Department of Defense, the United States Government and International partners to counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks. The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) can trace its roots back to the Manhattan Project in 1942.   18/05/2019   Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) is the youngest agency in the Department of Defense, but in a way it is also the oldest, pre-dating the Department itself.   15/07/2018   Bunaíodh an Roinn Iompair, Turasóireachta agus Spóirt in 2011. Tá ról lárnach aige maidir le gnéithe ríthábhachtacha de ghníomhaíocht eacnamaíoch na hÉireann a sheachadadh lena n-áirítear forbairt bhreise ar ár mbonneagar agus ar sheirbhísí iompair agus tacaíocht agus feabhsú ár n-earnálacha turasóireachta agus spóirt shuntasacha.   13/04/2019   DTU er et internationalt teknisk eliteuniversitet, der blev grundlagt i 1829 med det formål at ”udvikle og nyttiggøre naturvidenskab og teknisk videnskab til gavn for samfundet”. DTU’s uddannelser, forskningsbaserede rådgivning og innovation hviler på et solidt fundament af forskning i verdensklasse.   02/05/2020   dtv Verlag. Bücher, eBooks & Hörbücher. Das Spektrum des dtv-Programms umfasst internationale und deutschsprachige Unterhaltungstitel, Literatur, Sachbücher, Ratgeber sowie Kinder- und Jugendbücher.   10/01/2021   Reggae, Roots & Dub Shop. Reggae Records. Dub Vendor. Online reggae specialist: Dub Vendor. Based in London, we specialise in the best: reggae, roots & dub records.   18/09/2020   Duke University. Duke University in Durham, N.C., traces its origins to 1838, when Methodist and Quaker families in rural Randolph County employed Brantley York as a permanent teacher for their subscription school. Under his leadership, the infrequently-used Brown's Schoolhouse became Union Institute.   04/05/2017   Felix Sabroso y Dunia Ayaso han distribuido sus peliculas en mas de una treintena de paises y han sido seleccionadas en muchos festivales internacionales recibiendo apoyo de la critica y numerosos premios y reconocimientos.   27/03/2020   The Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Toronto is an endowed research institute with over 50 faculty, postdocs, students and staff, dedicated to innovative technology, groundbreaking research, world-class training, and public engagement.   06/03/2017   DuPont is a science company dedicated to solving challenging global problems, while creating measurable and meaningful value for its customers, employees and shareholders. Our dynamic portfolio of products, materials and services meets the ever-changing market needs of diverse industries in more than 90 countries.   24/04/2020   Department of Mathematical Sciences. Durham University.   02/07/2017   Welcome to Dutton Vocalion's website. Vocalion has trawled the vaults of Philips’s Japanese quadraphonic “4DX” series for three exciting new SACD titles in June 2017.   22/10/2020   The Deerfield Valley News. The Deerfield Valley News is an independent newspaper in southern Vermont that provides news coverage of the Mount Snow region including the Deerfield Valley towns of Dover, Wilmington, Halifax, Wardsboro, Whitingham, Searsburg, Marlboro, Readsboro, and Jacksonville.   09/09/2020   Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache.   25/04/2020   De Ware Tijd Online. DWTonline. Het laatste nieuws uit Suriname en meer.   11/12/2020   Librería Dykinson. Libros y ebook de Derecho, Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Manuales y textos UNED.   27/12/2015   Dynamic Drive DHTML(dynamic html) & JavaScript code library.   15/08/2019   Dzoom, Pasión por la Fotografía. Sabes que te gusta la fotografía y desde hace algún tiempo buscas la manera de aprender a hacer mejores fotos. De vez en cuando lees artículos en blogs especializados, pero no acabas de entender todo lo que dicen, porque te faltan algunos conceptos básicos.