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Saturday, August 5, 2023

www.c _ www.c - (963 links).   25/06/2018   Center for Culture and Communication. The aims of the C³: Center for Culture & Communication Foundation are the cultural application and creative employment of new scientific and technological discoveries, the research, development and support of innovative artistic potentials, and the initiation and realisation of art, science, communications, educational and cultural programmes.   25/06/2018   Kulturális és Kommunikációs Központ. A C³ Kulturális és Kommunikációs Központ Alapítvány célja az új tudományos – technológiai eredmények, felfedezések kulturális alkalmazásának, kreatív használatának, innovatív művészeti lehetőségeinek kutatása, fejlesztése, támogatása; új projektek létrehozása, művészeti, tudományos, kommunikációs, oktatási és kulturális programok kezdeményezése, megvalósítása és támogatása.   16/06/2019   Civil Aviation Authority. The UK's specialist aviation regulator.   07/08/2016   El Col·legi d’Aparelladors i Aparelladores, Arquitectes Tècnics i Arquitectes Tècniques, Enginyers i Enginyeres d’Edificació de Lleida, amb domicili social a la ciutat de Lleida, al c/ Enric Granados, núm. cinc, és una corporació de dret públic, amb personalitat jurídica pròpia i amb capacitat plena per al compliment dels seus fins públics i privats, segons els Estatuts.   26/02/2014   A group artists and emerging writers offer some of their work; with links to selected web resources and an on-line bookstore (huge discounts). Escritores emergentes y artistas. Incluye librerías. Jorge A. Brana.   22/06/2020   Editorial Cabaret Voltaire.   10/05/2020   CABI is an international, inter-governmental, not-for-profit organization that improves people’s lives worldwide by providing information and applying scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment.   10/09/2019   Film productions in Prague & the Czech Republic & Eastern Europe. Filming In Prague. Cabiria Films Ltd. Czech Film and TV Production company. Featuring: Locations scouting, Line producing, and Production management in Czeck.   02/07/2017   Cable Broadband, TV, Phone & Mobile Price Comparison. Compare broadband deals including TV, home phone and SIM using our price comparison. Switch and save up to £420 per year.   02/07/2017   Since 1990, Cablecraft have been supplying cable marking systems, cable accessories and cable management products not only within the UK, but throughout the world, servicing industries from control panel building, electrical contracting, rail and signalling engineering to offshore oil and gas and petrochemical industries.   12/07/2016   Conservation de l' environnement. Un cœur chaud pour l' environnement. L’implication d’organisations non gouvernementales s’appuyant sur des aides humanitaires et l’aide de bénévoles est particulièrement indispensable pour mener à leur terme des projets de conservation de la faune et de la flore ainsi que l’éducation environnementale et de la santé auprès des habitants de l’Équateur.   05/12/2017   The California Arts Council’s (CAC) Strategic Plan is crafted to further the CAC’s mission of advancing California through the arts and creativity. It is intended to provide a road map for the CAC over the next three to five years. Advancing California through the arts and creativity. Californians thrive from public belief in, and support for creativity and the arts.   05/12/2017   La Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències de València és un conjunt únic dedicat a la divulgació científica i cultural, que està integrat per sis grans elements: l'Hemisfèric, cine IMAX, 3D i projeccions digitals; l'Umbracle, mirador enjardinat i aparcament; el Museu de les Ciències, innovador centre de ciència interactiva; l'Oceanogràfic, el major aquari d'Europa; el Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia, dedicat la programació operística, i l'Àgora, que dota al complex d'un espai multifuncional.   24/05/2019   The Connecticut State Museum of Natural History is an important part of the University's broad educational vision--a vision focused not only on passing knowledge to future generations, but on applying this knowledge to solve problems and improve the quality of people's lives.   21/03/2020   La Commission d’accès aux documents administratifs est une autorité administrative indépendante chargée de veiller à la liberté d’accès aux documents administratifs et aux archives publiques ainsi qu’à la réutilisation des informations publiques.   06/04/2017   The Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) was established in 1986 by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), through a grant provided by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), as one of three world-wide distribution centres for astronomical data obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST).   06/06/2017   Le CADTM Belgique et son réseau international sont incontournables dans la réalisation d’audits de la dette et dans les campagnes contre la dette illégitime dans les pays où le réseau CADTM est implanté.   02/09/2018   Éditions çà et là.   02/09/2018   國父孫中山先生於民國年初,鑒於航空對國防之重要,因此,在討袁受挫後,東渡日本積極籌劃發展我國航空,並洽借日本陸軍教練所,籌組「中華革命黨」航空學校。旅日、美、加等地愛國僑胞及留學生,聞訊紛紛踴躍參加報名,以響應「航空救國」的偉大號召,開學時 國父對學生們特別強調:「將來的戰爭,飛機是決定最後勝利的武器。」並手書「志在沖天」及「航空救國」兩件墨寶期勉國人,使有志「航空救國」的青年,產生莫大的振奮與鼓舞。   02/09/2018   The B-29/B-24 Squadron of the Commemorative Air Force brings together the aircraft, pilots and crews from over 70 CAF units across the country to create the AirPower Squadron – an ever changing assortment of military aircraft touring together to bring the sights, sounds and smells of World War II aviation history to audiences across the United States.   15/08/2019   Java, formerly known as oak, is an object-oriented programming language developed by Sun.   23/08/2017   Café del Mar Music. This is the official website of the record label behind the world renown Café del Mar compilation series.   20/02/2018   InterCafé Burundi is the coffee interprofessional association of Burundi. It is an association of all coffee stakeholders that operate in Burundi. These are: coffee producers, wet and dry millers, roasters and exporters.   17/10/2020   CaféFuerte nació como publicación digital el 5 de julio de 2010, fundada por los periodistas Ivette Leyva y Wilfredo Cancio Isla, con la colaboración inicial de los comentaristas deportivos Alberto Águila y Raúl Arce, todos residentes en Miami. Poco después se incorporó como reportero desde Cuba el periodista Daniel Palacios, quien reside actualmente en Estados Unidos.   15/03/2020   Cafe Gijón. El Gran Café de Gijón fue fundado en la primavera de 1888 por el emprendedor y nostálgico gijonés Don Gumersindo García, que bautizó a su negocio, ubicado entre la Cibeles y Colón en el Paseo de Recoletos número 21 de la llamada Villa y Corte de los Milagros, Madrid, con el nombre de la ciudad que le vio nacer.   13/01/2015   Patriotic George W. Bush, White House, and Republican party gear -for Real Americans and Satan-worshipping Liberals alike!.   18/04/2020   The California Film Institute, CFI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts organization celebrating film as art and education. Your continued support during this unprecedented time will help ensure that the California Film Institute remains a beacon for film culture in our community in the years ahead   26/10/2019   The Cagle Post.   16/03/2020   Dolph Briscoe Center for American History. The Briscoe Center has five divisions, located in four different regions of Texas and each serving a unique purpose.   15/07/2020   El Observatorio Astronómico Hispano-Alemán de Calar Alto está situado en la Sierra de Los Filabres, norte de Almería (Andalucía, España). Es operado conjuntamente por la Junta de Andalucía y el Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (CSIC) en Granada, España. Calar Alto proporciona tres telescopios con aperturas de 1.23m, 2.2m y 3.5m.   22/08/2018   Cairn est né de la volonté de quatre maisons d'édition (Belin, De Boeck, La Découverte et Erès) ayant en charge la publication et la diffusion de revues de sciences humaines et sociales, d’unir leurs efforts pour améliorer leur présence sur l’Internet, et de proposer à d’autres acteurs souhaitant développer une version électronique de leurs publications, les outils techniques et commerciaux développés à cet effet.   19/04/2020   Fundación Caja de Burgos. Fundación centrada en el desarrollo social y económico, principalmente de la provincia de Burgos.   30/10/2020   The Cajun Prairie Preservation Society is an organization which is dedicated to the study, preservation, restoration and education in regard to the Cajun Prairie Habitat, associated habitats and projects. The society was officially founded on May 22, 1989 by a group of prairie enthusiasts. The main purpose of the society was to restore prairie habitat located in Eunice, LA.   05/06/2020   La Coordinadora d’Associacions per la Llengua Catalana (CAL) va néixer el 23 d’abril de 1996, diada de Sant Jordi, impulsada per la societat civil amb la ferma voluntat d’articular una organització autocentrada i arrelada al territori amb un objectiu clar: el treball per l’assoliment de la plena normalització lingüística, cultural i nacional.   23/02/2015   Ca la Dona és un espai de trobada i relació entre dones i grups de dones, obert a la participació i a les propostes de les dones que ho desitgin. És un espai físic, però, sobretot, simbòlic, un lloc d’experiències polítiques, de reflexió i producció de pensament.   01/09/2020   Librería Cálamo es una librería independiente de fuerte compromiso cultural fundada en 1983. Su labor ha sido reconocida con diversas distinciones dentro y fuera de su país. Cálamo es también una empresa de gestión cultural que elabora y realiza proyectos relacionados con el mundo del libro en los ámbitos local, nacional e internacional.   22/03/2019   The California Bach Society was founded by Edwin Flath in 1971. He began with choruses in Berkeley and Palo Alto, eventually expanding to San Francisco as well. Under his leadership, the Society produced many performances of Bach's Passions, motets, cantatas, the B Minor Mass, and works by other composers.   29/03/2020   The State Bar's mission is to protect the public and includes the primary functions of licensing, regulation and discipline of attorneys; the advancement of the ethical and competent practice of law; and support of efforts for greater access to, and inclusion in, the legal system.   22/03/2019   Protecting the public & enhancing the administration of justice. Attorney Resources for members of The State Bar of California.   22/03/2019   Find information for consumers from the State Bar of California. Find out how to file a complaint against an attorney, how to find the right attorney and how to get a reimbursement if a lawyer stole your money. Some legal information is offered in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese and Russian.   22/03/2019   The California Bar Journal. Official Publication of the State Bar of California. Archived Issues.   28/04/2020   Calflora is a website you can use to learn about plants that grow wild in California (both native plants and weeds); and a nonprofit organization responsible for providing this service. Calflora is run by the team described below. Information in Calflora comes from many sources: public agencies, non-profits, scientists, private donors, and you!   14/04/2015   Calisphere is the University of California's free public gateway to a world of primary sources.   09/04/2017   En aquest bloc hi trobareu el fruit de la recerca genealògica que des de fa més de vint anys està menant el meu germà Pep Planes. Pretén ésser el mitjà pel que vegi la llum una tasca meticulosa, rigorosa: ”de formiga”. O tal vegada s’escauria més de “rata d’arxiu”.   22/10/2020   President Calvin Coolidge. 30th President of the United States under the Constitution of 1787: August 2, 1923 – March 4, 1929.   25/05/2020   The University of Cambridge is rich in history – its famous Colleges and University buildings attract visitors from all over the world. The University is one of the world's oldest universities and leading academic centres, and a self-governed community of scholars.   30/06/2014   South-East Asian Birds by Christian Artuso.   08/04/2020    This website contains information on birding in 203 countries, 10 provinces and 3 territories of Canada, and all 50 US states plus Washington, D.C. 330 photographers and organizations have provided permission to showcase their work on this site. The site contains images of 4,432 bird species.   15/01/2020   Portal da Câmara dos Deputados.   28/03/2019   La Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Servicios es una corporación de derecho público que tiene como misión: Representar, promocionar y defender los intereses generales del comercio y la industria. Prestar servicios a las empresas. Realizar cuantas actividades sean necesarias para el impulso de la economía burgalesa.   22/11/2020   Cambridge University Press advances learning, knowledge and research worldwide. Cambridge originated from Letters Patent (similar to a royal charter) granted to the University by Henry VIII in 1534, and we have been producing books continuously since the first University Press book was printed in 1584.   21/04/2015   Cambridge publishes Bibles and prayer books in several Bible versions or translations, in a variety of styles and bindings, from practical hardback to top-quality calfskin and goatskin.   29/06/2018   Experimental Agriculture. With a focus on the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world, Experimental Agriculture publishes the results of original research on field, plantation and herbage crops grown for food or feed, or for industrial purposes, and on farming systems, including livestock and people.   21/05/2019   Cambridge University Press publishes a wide range of high-quality and innovative digital collections, offering an invaluable resource for researchers around the globe.   02/02/2017   Weak Scale Supersymmetry. From Superfields to Scattering Events. Howard Baer, University of Oklahoma. Xerxes Tata, University of Hawaii, Manoa. Date Published: March 2012.   06/02/2015   An Introduction to Language and Linguistics. Ralph Fasold Georgetown University, Washington DC. Jeffrey Connor-Linton Georgetown University, Washington DC.   03/03/2019   Cambridge University Press textbooks deliver high quality teaching and learning resources across a wide range of disciplines. Our world class list of authors and wide range of subject areas make Cambridge University Press the clear choice for your textbook needs.   31/10/2020   The Cambridge Bird Club promotes the study, recording and conservation of birds in Cambridgeshire and encourages a wider interest in natural history and the protection of county wildlife habitats. The Club was founded in 1925 in memory of Professor Alfred Newton F.R.S. (1829–1907). Newton was the first Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy at the University of Cambridge.   04/11/2020   The Cambridge Corn Exchange is one of the UK's popular music and arts venue, hosting some of the worlds best known artists.   17/08/2020   Camden News. Camden News is the premier digital source for news in Camden, Arkansas.   23/08/2019   Through the Eyes of Children is a nonprofit organization that teaches photography to vulnerable children and helps them to share their perspective within their communities and across the globe. Photography is taught in workshops designed to expand the children’s vision and knowledge of photography and art.   15/03/2020   Camino del Cid. Un viaje por la Edad Media. Web oficial del Camino del Cid: una ruta turístico-cultural que atraviesa las provincias de Burgos, Soria, Guadalajara, Zaragoza, Teruel, Castellón, Valencia y Alicante.   11/11/2020   Central Arizona Modelers is a non-profit club with members from all walks of life who enjoy the fun, challenge and satisfaction of building and flying radio-controlled aircraft. We fly all forms of aircraft including electric, gasoline and alcohol/nitro powered plus unpowered gliders. Our flying field is located between Sedona and Cottonwood, Arizona.   16/02/2016   Răsfirat de-a lungul văii Moldovei, întins pe pâraiele ce-i străbat curajos munţii din preajmă, acest oraş poartă un farmec greu de descris.   16/02/2016   Înfiinţat ca Muzeu de etnografie şi ştiinţele naturii, a fost reprofilat în 1967 ca Muzeu al lemnului, este unic în ţară prin denumire şi printre puţinele din Europa, ca tematică şi pentru valoarea exponatelor.   21/03/2020   Canada. Get quick, easy access to all Government of Canada services and information.   21/03/2020   Food and Nutrition. Canada. Information about nutrition, healthy eating, food labelling, safety of Canada's food supply, legislation and regulation, surveillance, consultations, research, and the roles and responsibilities of Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.   21/03/2020   Canada's International Gateway.   05/02/2017   Les bibliothèques, musées, centres d’archives et organismes gouvernementaux du Canada possèdent des collections numériques d’une grande richesse, lesquelles constituent le patrimoine documentaire de notre nation.   19/12/2020   Canal 54 Burgos. Noticias y Actualidad de Burgos. La televisión local de Burgos.   26/02/2014   Noticias, ideas y planes sobre solidaridad, derechos humanos, cooperación y acción social. ¡Entra, participa, publica!.   05/12/2017   En Caso De Que El Mundo Se Desintegre - Podcast. EL Podcast en español que une a los hispanoparlantes del mundo. México, Argentina, Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, Colombia, Venezuela, Perú, Bolivia, Chile, España.   02/10/2016   Apartaments i cases de turisme rural a Queralbs, Vall de Ribes, Vall de Núria. Ripollès. Masia Can Constans es troba en un antic camí ramader que porta directament a l'estació de Queralbs del tren Cremallera, que fa el trajecte Ribes de Freser - Queralbs - Vall de Núria.   01/12/2020   Editorial Candaya. Editorial independiente y periférica que apuesta por la literatura de calidad. Candaya tiene cuatro colecciones: narrativa, poesía, ensayo y abierta. Amamos los libros, apostamos por escritores jóvenes talentosos y la literatura latinoamericana y japonesa.   19/09/2016   Canisius College is located between the historic Hamlin Park neighborhood and Delaware Park in the city of Buffalo, N.Y. More than 1.5 million people live in and around the Western New York city, which boasts two major league sports teams and a host of businesses, employers, arts and culture.   22/08/2018   Depuis déjà 80 ans, nous mettons à la disposition de nos clients, particuliers et professionnels du monde entier, des systèmes et des solutions de pointe en lien avec l’image et le document.   23/11/2019   Canon Italia è leader nella fornitura di fotocamere digitali e stampanti professionali per aziende. Canon Italia è leader nella fornitura di fotocamere digitali, fotocamere reflex digitali, stampanti inkjet e stampanti professionali per aziende e uso domestico.   05/12/2017   Portal Institucional del Gobierno de Cantabria.   28/09/2016   Canterbury Film Society is a non-profit incorporated society and a registered charitable organisation. CFS is a member of the New Zealand Federation of Film Societies, which has been screening films throughout the country for over 60 years.   09/11/2019   Cantinho Vegetariano.   14/04/2016   The Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP) write and maintain the UK Advertising Codes, which are administered by the Advertising Standards Authority. We also offer the industry authoritative advice and guidance on how to create campaigns that comply with the rules.   16/06/2018   A Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes), fundação do Ministério da Educação (MEC), desempenha papel fundamental na expansão e consolidação da pós-graduação stricto sensu (mestrado e doutorado) em todos os estados da Federação.   01/09/2018   Capgròs. El diari digital de Mataró i el Maresme. Si vols estar informat de les notícies d'última hora de Mataró i Maresme entra a Capgros.   01/09/2018   Ramon Bassas. Tècnic en protocol i Relacions Institucionals.   13/07/2020   Ειδήσεις για oικονομία, πολιτική, χρηματιστήριο τις αγορές και. Όλες οι οικονομικές και πολιτικές ειδήσεις με την εγκυρότητα του Capital. Τελευταίες εξελίξεις στην αγορά και το χρηματιστήριο.   23/08/2019   Capitalism Magazine. News and Opinion from a Pro-Capitalist Perspective. Editorials, News Analysis and Opinion from a Pro-Capitalism Individual Rights Perspective.   02/12/2020   La Editorial Capitán San Luis se fundó el 5 de enero de 1989 con el objetivo de publicar los premios, menciones y recomendaciones del Concurso de Literatura Policial “Aniversario del Triunfo de la Revolución”.   25/06/2020   The official website of Capitol Records.   04/04/2014   Welcome! to the online portfolio of photographer Lon J. Overacker. Please feel free to explore the website and enjoy the many wonderful and inspiring images found in the Galleries. You're invited to share in Lon's passion for photographing nature and the great outdoors.   06/12/2019   Ciao! Benvenuti a Caramel à la fleur de sel. Questo blog è una sorta di quaderno virtuale in cui annoto le mie ricette: quelle semplici della mia infanzia rivedute e corrette con pochi tocchi di creatività e quelle nate dalla mia fantasia, ma anche spunti di cucina attinti da viaggi, incontri, storie e racconti.   06/08/2019   CARARE aims to advance professional practice and foster appreciation of the digital archaeological and architectural heritage through the promotion for public benefit of digitisation, connection. enhancement, and use of digital content nationally and internationally.   13/03/2020   Revista Cultural Centroamericana. Carátula. Publicación de referencia latina e hispanoamericana, Carátula, revista cultural centroamericana dirigida por Sergio Ramírez, es una publicación electrónica bimestral inaugurada en agosto de 2004, que para febrero de 2020 cumple 16 años llegando a 94 ediciones de forma ininterrumpida.   12/03/2019   Carbon County News.   29/12/2014   Caribbean University. Bayamon. Puerto Rico.   06/09/2020   Carisch Online. Production and distribution of music on all types of media: on the site the story and all the scores and methods in the catalog.   06/11/2019   Bienvenidos al Sitio Oficial del Club Atlético River Plate. Toda la información del fútbol profesional y todas las actividades del club. Información para los socios, nuestra historia, multimedia y mucho más.   30/12/2019   Blog personal de Carles Campuzano.   31/03/2020   Carlos Giménez.   03/06/2020   Carlton-cum-Willingham Green lies within the eastern boundary of Cambridgeshire, although its postal address is Newmarket, Suffolk. It lies in the triangle between Cambridge, Newmarket, and Haverhill, with the nearest neighbouring village being Brinkley. Carlton itself consists of three main parts, Carlton Green, Carlton, and Carlton Hill.   11/04/2020   Carlton Wiki. Carlton-cum-Willingham Green lies within the eastern boundary of Cambridgeshire, although its postal address is Newmarket, Suffolk. It lies in the triangle between Cambridge, Newmarket, and Haverhill, with the nearest neighbouring village being Brinkley.   21/02/2018   Carl Zimmer writes books, articles, essays, and blog posts in which he reports from the frontiers of biology, where scientists are expanding our understanding of life. Since 2013 he has been a columnist at the New York Times, where his column “Matter” appears each week.   06/09/2020   Carnegie Hall's mission is to present extraordinary music and musicians on the three stages of this legendary hall, to bring the transformative power of music to the widest possible audience, to provide visionary education programs, and to foster the future of music through the cultivation of new works, artists, and audiences.   03/09/2018   Carnet Jove. Generalitat de Catalunya.   29/09/2020   The CARON Collection is a manufacturer of threads for needlepoint, cross stitch, crochet, embroidery, knitting, hardangar, crazy quilting, lacemaking, crafts, and other forms of needlework. We offer hand-dyed variegated threads in two weights of cotton, in silk, and in a 50% wool, 50% silk blend.   10/05/2020   Carro de Combate es un colectivo dedicado al periodismo independiente, que investiga el origen de los productos que consumimos. Creemos que consumir es un acto político, ya que con nuestras compras cotidianas estamos apoyando las empresas que hay detrás.   06/09/2016   Fort Carson prepares trained and ready expeditionary forces for deployment in support of Combatant Commander requirements, provides first class support to Soldiers and families, and enables unified action with community, state, and interagency partners for the greater good of our Soldiers and their mission.   18/02/2015   Situada en el norte de Colombia, Cartagena es la ciudad que te sorprenderá, su amable gente, siglos de historia, museos, edificaciones centenarias, playas e islas hermosas, restaurantes y una activa vida nocturna.   12/10/2020   Editura Cartea Romanească. Editura Cartea Românească publică ficţiune pentru cititori exigenţi, texte fundamentale de ştiinţe socio-umane, eseuri provocatoare, cărţi ilustrate şi romane grafice.   01/04/2020   Cartelera Arandina. La publicación líder de la comarca.   08/01/2014   Carteles de peliculas.   09/12/2020   The Carter Center. Waging Peace, Fighting Disease & Building Hope. The Carter Center is a nongovernmental organization that helps to improve lives by resolving conflicts; advancing democracy and preventing diseases.   17/04/2019   Carter Center Experts. The Carter Center is proud to be home to distinguished experts in international affairs, peacemaking, promoting democracy, and international health and disease eradication.   17/04/2019   News & Events. The Carter Center is a 501(c)(3) charity (tax ID# 58-1454716).   17/04/2019   Peace Programs. The Carter Center is recognized as a pioneer and leader in the field of election observation. It has monitored 107 elections in 39 countries, helping to ensure democratic elections that reflect the will of the people.   17/04/2019   The Amon Carter Museum of American Art was established through the generosity of Amon G. Carter Sr. (1879–1955) to house his collection of paintings and sculpture by Frederic Remington and Charles M. Russell; to collect, preserve, and exhibit the finest examples of American art; and to serve an educational role through exhibitions, publications, and programs devoted to the study of American art.   18/02/2017   Erwin E. Smith (1886–1947) always wanted to be a cowboy and an artist. When he was a boy growing up in Bonham, a town in Fannin County in North Texas, the era of the great trail drives was over, and he feared that the old ways of the cowboy were disappearing.   07/01/2018   這裡是蘊藏豐富線上漫畫的動漫狂,來自各地的網友都在動漫狂分享自己. 的珍藏。當你不知道看什麼漫畫的時候,到動漫狂一定能滿足你的需求!   10/06/2018   Casa da Música. Em 1998, as cidades do Porto e de Roterdão são escolhidas como Capitais Europeias da Cultura para 2001. Feito o anúncio, põe-se em marcha um processo longo e complexo de gestão de meios, criação de programas artísticos, sociais e educativos sob a responsabilidade da recém-criada Porto 2001, S.A.   18/11/2020   Casa del Libro. Todos los libros, eBooks e eReaders están en Casa del Libro, tu tienda de libros online. Fundada en 1923, Casa del Libro es hoy la cadena de librerías líder en el sector.   02/02/2016   La actividad de Casa África forma parte de la acción exterior del Estado como herramienta de diplomacia pública y económica.   28/09/2019   El Casal Català de Brussel·les està registrat com a A.S.B.L. al registre d’associacions sense ànim de lucre de Bèlgica. El Casal Català de Brussel·les va ser fundat l’any 1930 amb l’impulsió de Francesc Macià i Ventura Gassol. Aquests dos catalans il·lustres havien aterrat a Brussel·les en el transcurs del seu exili posterior als “Fets de Prats de Molló” de 1926.   15/03/2020   José María Casanova. Escultor. Escultura, Obra Gráfica, Obra Pública.   07/09/2019   We are the biggest and oldest RC Helicopter Club in the Northwest. If you’re looking for a nice field with great light, open spaces and nice people that share your passion for this hobby you’ve arrived to the right club. We offer the best RC-Heli-Only field with the best and friendliest atmosphere.   29/11/2013   The SCE is North America's oldest scholarly organization devoted to theory. Our various interdisciplinary projects, conferences and symposia serve to advance the role of theory in academic and intellectual arenas.   12/12/2020   Casper College is one of the largest and most comprehensive community colleges in the region. Casper College has more than 140 academic transfer and technical and career programs. Located in Casper, Wyoming, the campus consists of 28 buildings on more than 200 acres. Casper provides students with a big city feel without the big city hassles.   15/09/2020   Casper Aviation Platoon was the only separate aviation platoon in the United States Army during the Vietnam War. Casper was organized with the 173d Airborne Brigade on Okinawa in 1963 and arrived in country with the Brigade on May 5, 1965 becoming the first United States Army ground unit committed to the Vietnam War.   28/04/2020   Castalia.   27/03/2017   Crédit Agricole (Suisse) SA a changé de raison sociale et se nomme maintenant CA Indosuez (Switzerland) SA en cohérence avec le changement de marque de son activité principale la gestion de fortune ‎qui adopte la marque mondiale Indosuez Wealth Management.   28/09/2019   El Centre Català de Lausana i Ginebra, CCLG, és una associació que busca ser un referent a la Suïssa francòfona en els àmbits social, cultural i professional de Catalunya, facilitant ponts d’integració entre el nostre país d’origen i el nostre país d’acollida.   02/11/2016   Catalonian Airlines neix amb la voluntat de recrear virtualment l’existència d’una línia aèria que cobreixi l’àmbit territorial dels Països Catalans -en l’accepció cultural i lingüística del mot- i altres llocs del planeta on es consideri que la cultura o la llengua catalana poden tenir-hi algun vincle.   02/11/2016   Catalonia Today.   28/09/2019   Catalunya.   28/05/2014   CATALUNYA. FFW. Apunts d'economia, societat i política.   05/04/2014   La Fundació Catalunya Oberta, fundada a l’any 2001, té com a objectius defensar, analitzar i promoure els valors de la societat oberta, la llibertat, la democràcia i l’economia de mercat. És, doncs, una fundació privada emmarcada en la ideologia liberal sense vinculació a cap formació política, el propòsit de la qual és incidir directament en els estats d’opinió pública de la societat civil.   02/11/2016   Diari digital CatalunyaPress, notícies d'actualitat sobre política, economia, societat, esports, cultura, RSC, comunicació, municipis i també les últimes opinions, entrevistes i editorials.   29/05/2020   Catarata. Desde 1990 ha publicado más de mil quinientos títulos que forman parte de un proyecto editorial independiente que pretende contribuir a la difusión de formas de pensamiento crítico.   06/03/2016   The Jargon File (version 4.4.7). This is the Jargon File, a comprehensive compendium of hacker slang illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore, and humor. This document (the Jargon File) is in the public domain, to be freely used, shared, and modified.   13/05/2020   Catchpenny Mysteries of Ancient Egypt. A critical and skeptical look at fringe theories of ancient Egypt including the Great Sphinx and the pyramids at Giza.   03/03/2017   Pharaoh's Helicopter? There are some very strange hieroglyphics in the Temple of Osiris at Abydos. According to many UFO enthusiasts and Atlantis proponents, these glyphs depict highly developed crafts, specifically a helicopter, a submarine, some form of flying saucer, and a jet plane. What are these inscriptions all about?   03/03/2017   The continuing chronicles of Colonel Fawcett. Factual & Fabulous. Letters, manuscripts, and other records written by Colonel Percy Harrison Fawcett were compiled by his son, Brian, in Lost Trails, Lost Cities (Funk & Wagnalls, 1953; also titled Exploration Fawcett).   03/03/2017   What Race Were the Ancient Egyptians? Four peoples of the world: Syrian, Nubian, Libyan, and Egyptian. Race is a notoriously nebulous concept. Before a physical property can be scientifically examined, it must be objectively defined so that accurate measurements of variables can be made.   03/03/2017   Aquesta és la web de la Catedral Basílica Metropolitana de Barcelona. Hi trobareu els temes més significatius del primer temple de l’arxidiòcesi barcelonina. La consulta us donarà a conèixer com és aquesta església i quines són les coses que us poden interessar més.   03/03/2017   Santa Maria Katedrala Fundazioa Gasteizko tenplurik enblematikoena eta balio historikorik handiena duena Osorik Zaharberritzeko Plan Gidaitzailaren proposamenak kudeatzeko eta garatzeko sortutako erakundea da.   14/11/2019   El sitio web de la Cátedra interinstitucional Arturo Warman pone a disposición del usuario una serie de materiales que remiten a la vida y obra del antropólogo e investigador.   16/04/2017   Museum Catharijneconvent belicht – in samenspraak met partners en publiek – de esthetische, culturele en historische waarden van het christelijk erfgoed, met het doel meer inzicht te krijgen in onze huidige leefwereld. Sinds de middeleeuwen is de christelijke cultuur niet weg te denken uit onze samenleving.   19/03/2019   The Mission of the Cathedral of Hope is to reclaim Christianity as a faith of extravagant grace, radical inclusion and relentless compassion. At the Cathedral of Hope, every member is a minister of the church. We believe we are here to serve, not to be served.   26/03/2020   Catholica est une revue internationale  de culture dont les thèmes de réflexion touchent à la fois le politique et le religieux, soutenue par le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication en France (via le Centre National du Livre).   17/03/2020   CatholiCity. The Catholic Church Simplified. Free Catholic Books, CDs, Booklets, and online resources.   11/03/2020   Catholics for Choice. At CFC, we strive to be an expression of Catholicism as it is lived by ordinary people. We are part of the great majority of the faithful in the Catholic church who disagrees with the dictates of the Vatican on matters related to sex, marriage, family life and motherhood.   26/03/2020   Diocèse Guadeloupe. Un peu d’histoire. C’est par des religieux de l’Ordre Saint Dominique qu’a commencé la prédication de l’Evangile du Christ en terre de Guadeloupe. Ils étaient quatre à débarquer sur la plage de la Pointe Allègre, à l’extrême nord de la Basse-Terre, sur la commune actuelle de Sainte-Rose, le 29 juin 1635. Une croix marque toujours le lieu, point de départ.   28/04/2020   EFBC’s Feline Conservation Center. EFBC's Feline Conservation Center is part of a  worldwide network of zoos and facilities dedicated to the preservation of endangered cats. We are involved in cooperative breeding projects with other zoos and facilities throughout the world.   19/04/2020   The Cinema and Theatre Historical Society of Australia Inc. was formed in Melbourne, Australia in 1989.   22/03/2016   Cattery Frukthave. Frukthave is de oude Noorse spelling voor boomgaard. Wij wonen in een dorp aan de Belgische kust. De wijk is gelegen in een oude boomgaard, waar mijn grootvader na de oorlog fruit kwam plukken om te verkopen in zijn winkel. In onze tuin staan nog 3 van deze oude fruitbomen, ze dragen een heel kleine variëteit peren nl kriekperen.   07/08/2016   El desembre de 1961 naixia la revista Cavall Fort. Des de llavors, Cavall Fort ha fet un llarg camí, sense perdre mai de vista els seus objectius essencials: ser una revista adreçada al públic infantil i juvenil, feta en català, divertida i interessant.   15/09/2016   CAVNET was established in 1995 to foster scientific discourse concerning cavity-nesting birds. This list has been created for researchers, academics, and others with a common interest in discussing the scientific aspects of cavity-nesting species. The list is moderated by Eric L. Walters to ensure that topics remain focused and to prevent spam from being sent to the list.   12/07/2016   The CBC Archives team has been a unique collaboration of creative teams in Toronto working together with archivists and educational writers across Canada. Sincere thanks to the many past and present contributors in all locations, as well as our many partner organizations.   28/12/2014   The Central Bank of The Gambia (CBG) was established in 1971 when it took over the assets of the then Gambia Currency Board which was formed on 01 October 1964. In 2005, the Central Bank law was reviewed to make it conform to current best practice in mordern centrl banking law.   08/01/2020   Cambridge BrickHouse, Inc., a U.S. publishing company located north of Boston, Massachusetts, gives you the possibility of publishing your book in any genre or language. Our team consist of writers, editors, translators, designers, and illustrators with extensive experience in the publishing world, winners and/or recognized in the field of arts, education, and literature.   23/03/2015   Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System.   02/03/2020   Cape Business News.   07/01/2018   CBR. The World's Top Destination For Comic, Movie & TV news. Covering comics, movies, tv like no other in the world. CBR is all you need!   30/01/2017   Centralna Biblioteka Rolnicza im. Michała Oczapowskiego. Gmach CBR przy Krakowskim Przedmieściu 66 ma bogatą i ciekawą historię. Położony w samym sercu stolicy dzielił z nią złożone i burzliwe dzieje. Najpierw był tu klasztor założony w 1454 r. przez oo. Bernardynów z inspiracji wdowy po księciu mazowieckim Bolesławie III - Anny z Holszańskich, kniaziówny kijowskiej.   15/11/2020   Consortium Book Sales & Distribution is home to a community of over 125 award-winning independent publishers who believe in the power of independent voices.   01/12/2013   El Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC) té per missió la de millorar els serveis bibliotecaris a través de la cooperació.   25/04/2020   De Centrale Bank van Suriname is binnen de Surinaamse economie enig in haar soort en kan niet zonder meer vergeleken worden met op commerciële leest geschoeide banken.   12/11/2020   Chambre de Commerce. Luxembourg.   15/08/2019   City Colleges of Chicago. Wilbur Wright. Wright College is a learning-centered, multi-campus institution of higher education, offering students of diverse backgrounds, talents, and abilities a quality education leading to baccalaureate transfer, career advancement, and/or personal development.   29/08/2018   The Connecticut Citizens Defense League is a non-partisan, grassroots organization devoted to advocating rights affirmed by the Constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Connecticut. We are especially dedicated to protecting the unalienable right of all citizens to keep and bear arms, for the defense of both self and state, through public enlightenment and legislative action. Formed in 2009 and headquartered in Groton, CT the CCDL boasts almost 30,000 members statewide as of April 2018.   21/08/2020   Le Centre collégial de développement de matériel didactique (CCDMD), géré par le collège de Maisonneuve, est un centre de production de ressources numériques et de documents imprimés conçus à l'intention du personnel enseignant et des étudiants de l'ensemble du réseau collégial du Québec.   22/11/2020   The Christian Classics Ethereal Library is a digital library of hundreds of classic Christian books selected for edification and education. The online CCEL server reaches several million different users each year.   10/06/2016   Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin. Published first in 1536, the Institutes of the Christian Religion is John Calvin's magnum opus. Extremely important for the Protestant Reformation, the Institutes has remained important for Protestant theology for almost five centuries.   14/01/2018   Augustine of Hippo (Latin: Aurelius Augustinus Hipponensis; November 13, 354 – August 28, 430), also known as Augustine, St. Augustine, St. Austin, St. Augoustinos, Blessed Augustine, or St. Augustine the Blessed, was Bishop of Hippo Regius.   14/01/2018   Handbook on Faith, Hope, and Love by St. Augustine. Written after 420 C.E. to a man named Laurence, this wonderful book by St. Augustine is a short treatise on the proper mode of worshipping God. Following 1 Corinthians 13, St. Augustine describes true worship of God through faith, hope, and love.   14/01/2018   Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius, commonly called Boethius (ca. 480–524 or 525 AD) was a philosopher of the early 6th century. He was born in Rome to an ancient and prominent family which included emperors Petronius Maximus and Olybrius and many consuls.   25/05/2018   Institutes of the Christian Religion.   30/11/2020   Fyodor Dostoevsky.   25/05/2018   The Autobiography of George Fox is a great Christian autobiography similar to Augustine's Confessions. George Fox, the founder of the Religious Society of Friends, or Quakerism, tells of the key events in his life, focusing on his own religious beliefs and the struggles he faced for them in this lightly edited Autobiography.   25/05/2018   Autobiography of Madame Guyon. Madam Guyon is a heretic to some, but a saint to others. Living at a time when being charged as heretic was a matter of civil law, Madam Guyon was imprisoned and persecuted for her unyielding stance against the religious authorities in France.   25/05/2018   Spirit of Prayer by William Law. Influenced by the writings of German mystic, Jacob Boehme, William Law wrote two related works of mysticism: The Spirit of Love and The Spirit of Prayer.   Written by Law in the 1750’s, these books emphasize Law’s own creative interpretation of mysticism, which relies heavily on the indwelling of Christ in the believer’s soul.   25/05/2018   The Grounds and Reasons of Christian Regeneration, or, the New-Birth, offered to the consideration of Christians and Deists. By William Law, M.A.   25/05/2018   Philip Schaff. German-American theologian and church historian. Schaff was born in Chur, Switzerland and was educated at the gymnasium of Stuttgartt, and at the universities of Tubingen, Halle and Berlin, where he was successively influenced by Baur and Schmid, by Tholiuck and Julius Muller and, above all, Neander.   10/06/2016   New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, Vol. III: Chamier - Draendorf by Philip Schaff. The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge is a well-known reference work for Christianity. This encyclopedia was originally an English adaptation of German theologian Johann Jakob Herzog's "Realencyklopadie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche".   10/01/2016   The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge is a well-known reference work for Christianity. This encyclopedia was originally an English adaptation of German theologian Johann Jakob Herzog's "Realencyklopadie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche."   10/06/2016   Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis. For five hundred years, this gentle book, filled with the spirit of the love of God, has brought understanding and comfort to millions of readers in over fifty languages, and provided them with a source of heart-felt personal prayer.   19/11/2015   DIAPSALMATA.   28/06/2018   World Wide Study Bible. The Study Bible developed and located around the world!   27/09/2020   Clay Center Dispatch On-Line. Clay Center, Kansas.   13/05/2020   El Cercle Català d'Història és una associació. Va ser constituïda el 20 d'octubre de 2008 a Barcelona i registrada a l'oficina de fundacions i associacions de la Generalitat de Catalunya. La finalitat de la nostra entitat és promoure la recuperació de la memòria històrica mitjançant el coneixement de la història de Catalunya, via anàlisi, recerca, debat i divulgació de la nostra història.   21/12/2019   Cámara de Comercio e Industria de Tegucigalpa.   09/03/2020   Cámara de Comercio y Producción de Lambayeque. A finales del siglo XX Lambayeque se encontraba en pleno proceso de recuperación de la crisis económica, producto de la post guerra con Chile. La resquebrajada economía de la gran hacienda se reactiva con nuevas perspectivas de gestión que buscaban extender con eficiencia la producción de arroz y azúcar por nuestros valles.   06/06/2020   La Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals és l'ens públic que gestiona els mitjans de comunicació audiovisual de la Generalitat de Catalunya, els canals de Televisió de Catalunya i el grup d'emissores de Catalunya Ràdio, a més dels continguts digitals generats per aquests mitjans.   13/07/2018   Notícies i última hora al 324 - TV3 i Catalunya Ràdio - CCMA.   07/08/2016   Catalunya Informació en directe.   07/08/2016   L'ofici de viure. L'estiu pot ser una gran època per aprendre, amb Gaspar Hernàndez. Aquest estiu, cada dia, de dilluns a divendres, a les deu del vespre, les millors eines per al benestar emocional de la temporada de "L'ofici de viure".   11/07/2019   TV3. Televisió de Catalunya. CCMA.   03/04/2019   The Cochabamba Cooperative School serves students from a wide range of backgrounds and beliefs. The school was founded in 1954 by a group of U.S. citizens using the Calvert Correspondence Method, and has provided over 60 years of uninterrupted quality educational service.   19/05/2020   Centro Científico Tropical (CCT), una organización pionera que tiene 54 años de investigar y hacer propuestas que facilitan la convivencia entre el ser humano y los bosques tropicales. Así lideramos el enfoque conservacionista que hoy distingue a Costa Rica.   27/09/2020   Clay County Times-Democrat. Piggott and Rector, Arkansas.   06/11/2019   The Coeur d'Alene Press.   08/05/2016   As a part of its overall public health mission, CDC provides leadership in helping control the HIV/AIDS epidemic by working with community, state, national, and international partners in surveillance, research, and prevention and evaluation activities.   09/04/2019   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC twenty four seven. Saving Lives, Protecting People. Guidelines Library.   09/04/2019   Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC). Los CDC son uno de los componentes operativos más importantes del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos. Los CDC trabajan a toda hora para proteger a los Estados Unidos contra amenazas a la salud y seguridad, provenientes del exterior o dentro del país.   10/03/2020   Camera Deputatilor.   01/06/2020  CD Universe. Your Online Music and Movie Store. Established in 1996, CD Universe is a leading Internet retailer specializing in the sale of domestic and imported music CDs and Imports, movies and video games to customers all over the world.   10/10/2020   Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía. CEA. España.   15/08/2016   Información general sobre la Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía (CEA).   02/04/2017   Le Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) est un organisme public de recherche à caractère scientifique, technique et industriel (EPIC).   02/04/2017   El Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB) és un centre d’investigació del Consell Superior d’Investigacions Científiques (CSIC), que depèn del Ministeri d’Economia i Competitivitat.   01/09/2018   The Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA) is an individual-based, open membership organization dedicated to the development of the field of international studies in Central and Eastern Europe. Established in 1996, the CEEISA now represents a stable network of researchers coming from and/or interested in the region.   22/03/2016   Un CEFA (Centre d'Education et de Formation en Alternance) est une structure commune à plusieurs établissements d'enseignement secondaire ordinaire de plein exercice qui organisent, au 2e et au 3e degrés, l'enseignement technique de qualification ou l'enseignement professionnel.   15/08/2018   Desde a sua fundação, em 1966, a Finisterra foi dirigida por prestigiados académicos. A sua dedicação e os padrões científicos exigidos contribuíram para uma publicação ininterrupta, a manutenção de elevadas normas de qualidade científica e tornaram possível que esta se tornasse a revista Portuguesa de Geografia de referência.   10/11/2020   CEGAL es la Confederación Española de Gremios y Asociaciones de Libreros, y reúne a 1.600 librerías en toda España. CEGAL fue creada en 1978, en el auge del asociacionismo que surgió con la llegada de la democracia. Entre sus fines preferentes se encuentra, desde entonces, la defensa de los intereses de los libreros y libreras y la ordenación del comercio del libro.   21/08/2020   Le Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup est né d'un mouvement solidaire et de la volonté de sa population. Le Rapport Parent recommande en 1964 la création des cégeps. À cette époque, Rivière-du-Loup est portée par le succès du Foyer-Patro, prélude à l'établissement de la Cité des jeunes.   15/02/2016   Molecular Plant is a Cell Press partnership journal (Press Release).   27/01/2016   CELTICA. Journal of the School of Celtic Studies.   23/07/2014   The Census Bureau Web Site provides on-line access to our data,publications, products, and programs.   25/03/2018   The U.S. population clock is based on a series of short-term projections for the resident population of the United States. This includes people whose usual residence is in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.   07/03/2016   BuildaGate is an incredibly easy-to-use tool that lets you build your own e-commerce site, business portal, or product catalogue - a GATE.   12/03/2019   Centerfire Systems Inc. has been in business since 1992. We are located in the heart of the Bluegrass in Woodford County, Ky. Surrounded by rolling hills and world class thoroughbreds, we are mere minutes from Keeneland Race Track, where some of our county's very own horses have raced for their shot at the Kentucky Derby.   04/05/2018   The Center for Agroforestry at the University of Missouri, established in 1998, is one of the world’s leading centers contributing to the science underlying agroforestry practices. Agroforestry practices involve intensive land-use management combining trees and/or shrubs with crops and/or livestock.   17/03/2019   The Gateway Center for Giving strengthens philanthropy and promotes community impact by providing programming, research, technical assistance, networking and professional development opportunities to grantmaking organizations in Missouri.   29/03/2018   Center for Home Movies. Our mission is to transform the way people think about home movies by providing the means to discover, celebrate, and preserve them as cultural heritage. Our vision is for a society where all families and communities value and properly care for their home movies and pass them on to future generations to learn from and enjoy.   12/05/2017   Film Forever. The Home Film Preservation Guide sponsored by AMIA. The objective of this web site is to provide simple guidelines for preserving motion picture film materials outside of specialized archives, with a focus on storage at home.   13/06/2018   Founded in 1853, Central College of Pella, Iowa, is a private, residential four-year liberal arts college known for its academic rigor and strength in global experiential learning, STEM (science, technology, engineering and math), sustainability education, athletics success and tradition, and leadership and service.   14/04/2020   Il‑Bank Ċentrali ta' Malta twaqqaf bl‑Att tal‑Bank Ċentrali ta' Malta fis‑17 ta' April 1968. Fl‑1 ta' Mejju 2004 l‑Bank issieħeb fis‑Sistema Ewropea ta' Banek Ċentrali (SEBĊ) u fl‑1 ta' Jannar 2008 sar parti mill‑Eurosistema. L‑għan ewlieni tal‑Eurosistema u tal‑Bank Ċentrali ta' Malta hu li tinżamm l‑istabbiltà tal‑prezzijiet.   06/02/2015   Ecological Concerns Incorporated, founded in 1992 as Central Coast Wilds, is an ecological consulting firm and native plant nursery.   07/02/2020   The Central Eurasian Studies Society is proud to host a curated communication channel for the latest in scholarship relating to the Central Eurasian region: The CESS Blog. We feature regular posts about Central Eurasian scholarship, field research reports, conference summaries, and photo essays. Our columns consider trending ideas in the study of the region.   25/05/2020   Central Librera. Somos una librería familiar, situada en la ciudad gallega de Ferrol. Desde 1950, el año de su fundación, apostamos por un servicio excelente y por la especialización. Nuestra actividad principal es la venta de libro nuevo, con las siguientes especialidades: náutica, libros técnicos, literatura en gallego y español, libros de texto y papelería.   25/05/2020   Central Librera Real y Librería Rosetta. Librerías de Ferrol. Librerías Central Librera Real en Ferrol. Librería General y especializada. Libros técnicos, libros de texto, turismo, cocina, libros infantiles, los mas vendidos, novela historica, libros colegíos.   27/03/2019   Central Maine news, sports & weather from Augusta to Waterville. The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME and Kennebec Journal, Augusta, ME. Features news from the Kennebec Journal of Augusta, Maine and Morning Sentinel of Waterville, Maine. Serves Augusta, Hallowell, Manchester, Waterville and the Northern Kennebec Valley of central Maine.   28/09/2019   L’any 1971 en Joan Camprubí i en Fermí Küng van aconseguir agrupar uns quants catalans i simpatitzants. El 8 de setembre de 1971 va tenir lloc l’Assemblea Constitutiva de la Delegació de Basilea de Casa Nostra, entitat dependent de Casa Nostra de Suïssa amb seu a Wallisellen.   13/02/2020   Le Centre National du Livre. Établissement public du ministère de la Culture, le Centre national du livre a pour mission de soutenir, grâce à différents dispositifs et commissions, tous les acteurs de la chaîne du livre : auteurs, éditeurs, libraires, bibliothécaires, organisateurs de manifestations littéraires.   17/05/2020   Centre Pompidou. La 1ère collection d’art moderne et contemporain d’Europe, des expositions, spectacles, débats, activités pour enfants... dans une architecture mythique, dotée de la plus belle vue de Paris du quartier Marais-Beaubourg.   21/11/2020   Centroamérica Cuenta. Festival anual de escritores. El Festival Centroamérica Cuenta se transforma en CAC Digital, una plataforma virtual para desafiar el aislamiento y allanar el camino hacia la edición presencial prevista del 8 al 13 de julio de 2021, siempre como invitado de honor en la Feria Internacional del Libro de Guatemala (FILGUA).   19/05/2020   CentroGeo es un Centro Público de Investigación integrado al sistema CONACYT. Su objeto predominante es realizar actividades de investigación científica, formación de recursos humanos de alto nivel, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación desde un enfoque de Ciencias de Información Geoespacial   25/05/2018   Centro Israelita Sionista de Costa Rica. El Centro Israelita es la principal institución comunitaria judía de Costa Rica y se encarga,entre otras cosas, de mantener y fomentar la actividad religiosa, la ayuda mutua, la beneficencia, la educación judía formal e informal y la atención de la tercera edad.   16/06/2018   El Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano (CEFPSVLT-SEP) surge formalmente en 1972, como entidad de la Secretaría de Educación Pública del gobierno federal, creado por Decreto Presidencial que entra en vigor el 19 de agosto de 1972.   16/06/2018   Primatología y antropología en el estudio de la evolución humana. Evolución y Cognición. Historia, Filosofía Y Ciencia. Publicados en 02/10/2014. Por Aura Ponce de León.   06/04/2017   Empresa de registro de dominios, hosting web y correo electrónico, que hunde sus raíces en el incipiente Internet del año 1994, momento en el que nuestro fundador & CEO comenzó su relación profesional con la red.   22/08/2018   CEPII. Programmes scientifiques.   21/03/2020   Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales. Le CEPII est le principal centre francais d'etude et de recherche en economie internationale. Cet organisme public s'attache a eclairer les questions strategiques pour l'avenir de l'economie mondiale grace a une trentaine de collaborateurs: economistes, statisticiens et conseillers scientifiques.   23/08/2019   Sitio oficial de Gustavo Cerati.   18/03/2017   Cerberus FTP Server v.8 Features. Transfer data securely and easily with Cerberus FTP Server, one of the most versatile and reliable secure FTP servers on the market. The list below is a small subset of the features available.   18/03/2017   Download Cerberus FTP Server v.8. You can evaluate Cerberus FTP Server Enterprise edition by downloading a 25-day fully functional trial version.   18/03/2017   Cerberus FTP Server FAQ.   04/04/2014   Diu un fragment de l’acta fundacional del Cercle Artístic de Ciutadella redactada dia 16 d’abril de 1.881, en la qual es transcriuen literalment les paraules del primer president D. Vicent Simó Bagur: ... Las conveniencias que reportaría una sociedad bien organizada a la juventud y a la población el general.   03/09/2018   El Cercle de Belles Arts de Lleida va néixer l'any 1947 amb la intenció de ser el catalitzador de la reactivació artística en la Lleida de postguerra. Actualment, i sota la presidència de Jaume Vilella i Motlló, el Cercle de Belles Arts intenta ressituar-se dins el panorama cultural lleidatà, tot recuperant una part del protagonisme perdut.   03/09/2018   Cercle d'Estudis Sobiranistes. Cultura, història y més sobre Catalunya.   24/04/2020   Le Cercle de Mycologie de Bruxelles a été fondé en 1946 par le Professeur Paul Heinemann et une poignée de mycologues enthousiastes. Il rassemble de nombreux mycophiles et mycologues du Brabant et n'a cessé de travailler à l'accroissement de nos connaissances sur les champignons de Belgique.   03/04/2020   Ajuntament de Cercs. El municipi de Cercs és d’arrels antigues, com ho són Sant Quirze de Pedret o l’abadia de Sant Salvador de la Vedella, els dos conjunts arquitectònics més històrics i emblemàtics d’aquest municipi de l’Alt Berguedà. Abans, però, era format per tot de cases disseminades.   29/03/2020   The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) is currently viewed as one of the world’s leading centers for research and education in areas of information security that are crucial to the protection of critical computing and communication infrastructure.   20/11/2020   Librería Cervantes cuenta con más de millón y medio de títulos en nuestras bases de datos, cien mil libros de nuestras estanterías, servicios de envíos nacionales e internacionales, tarjeta de cliente, servicios especializados para lectores, bibliotecas, empresas y organizaciones.   30/07/2020   La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, la primera en lengua castellana, es un fondo bibliográfico con obras de Literatura, Historia, Ciencias, etc., de libre acceso. Incluye trabajos de investigación, catálogo en otras lenguas y bibliotecas del mundo.   06/03/2016   La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, la primera en lengua castellana, es un fondo bibliográfico con obras de Literatura, Historia, Ciencias, etc., de libre acceso. Incluye trabajos de investigación, catálogo en otras lenguas y bibliotecas del mundo.   28/10/2015   La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes es un fondo bibliográfico digital formado por textos íntegros de obras clásicas de autores pertenecientes a las más diversas épocas.   04/04/2017   La Celestina sigue teniendo, tras quinientos años, esas y muchas más aristas o cantones nada definidos, como los de un cristal en bruto.   28/10/2015   La Biblioteca Pública de Buenos Aires -hoy Biblioteca Nacional-, nació con la independencia política del país. Fue creada por decreto de la Junta de Gobierno de la Revolución de Mayo el 7 de setiembre de 1810. La importancia y variedad de su caudal bibliográfico la coloca entre las más importantes de América.   19/12/2017   Historia y crítica del cine español. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   15/04/2019   La Fonoteca facilita el acceso a destacadas obras del patrimonio cultural del ámbito hispano en formato sonoro. Es un repositorio especialmente pensado para personas con discapacidades visuales. Presenta enlaces a las "voces" por autores y títulos, y permite la entrada a fichas catalográficas y webs a autores e intérpretes.   28/02/2015   Almanach dels noucentistes. Publicació: Alacant. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, 2000. Notes de reproducció original: Edició digital basada en l´edició de Barcelona, Joaquim Horta impressor, 1911. Edició facsímil: Barcelona, José J. de Olañeta, 1980.   23/04/2020   Almanach dels noucentistes. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. Contenido de Almanach dels noucentistes. Edició digital basada en l´edició de  Barcelona, Joaquim Horta impressor, 1911. Edició facsímil: Barcelona, José J. de Olañeta, 1980.   10/02/2020   Antología filosófica: la filosofía griega. José Gaos. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. Edición digital basada en la edición de  [México], La Casa de España en México, [1940].  Localización: Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla.   10/02/2020   Antología poética. José Manuel Caballero Bonald. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   30/10/2020   Arte de lengua mexicana / dispuesto por orden y mandato de ... Francisco Treviño ... por Augustin de Vetancurt... Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   30/10/2020   Breve diccionario de la literatura paraguaya. Teresa Méndez-Faith. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   30/10/2020   Colección de documentos para la historia de México. Tomo Primero. Publicada por Joaquín García Icazbalceta. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   07/05/2018   Colección de documentos para la historia de México. Joaquín García Icazbalceta. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   30/10/2020   Constitucion politica de la Monarquia Española: Promulgada en Cadiz á 19 de Marzo de 1812 (Precedida de un Discurso preliminar leido en las Cortes al presentar la Comisión de Constitucion el proyecto de ella). Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   30/10/2020   De la naturaleza de las cosas : poema en seis cantos / de Tito Lucrecio Caro; traducido por D. José Marchena. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   18/10/2020   Diccionario de la literatura cubana. Instituto de Literatura y Lingüística de la Academia de Ciencias de Cuba. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   20/06/2020   Discursos parlamentarios. Antonio Cánovas del Castillo. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. Contenido de Discursos parlamentarios. Edición digital basada en la edición de  Madrid, Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, 1987.   20/04/2017   Don Juan Tenorio. Drama religioso-fantástico en dos partes. José Zorrilla.   04/09/2017   El Libro de Buen Amor. Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita.   04/09/2017   El origen de las especies por medio de la selección natural. Charles Darwin; la traducción del inglés ha sido hecha por Antonio de Zulueta.   21/04/2017   Español del éxodo y del llanto. Doctrina, Elegías y Canciones. León-Felipe.   17/05/2020   Historia de la rebelión y castigo de los moriscos del reino de Granada. Luis del Mármol Carvajal.   07/05/2018   Historia natvral y moral de las Indias. En qve se tratan las cosas notables del cielo, y elementos, metales, plantas y animales dellas y los ritos y ceremonias, leyes y gouierno y guerras de los Indios. José de Acosta. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   04/09/2017   La melodía prohibida, (basada en el guión de Paul Perez, adaptado por Enrique Jardiel Poncela); prólogo de Juan B. Heinink y Robert G. Dickson.   21/04/2017   La Regenta. Leopoldo Alas "Clarín".   21/04/2017   Las dos doncellas. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.   21/04/2017   Las literaturas exiliadas en 1939. Edición de Manuel Aznar Soler.   21/04/2017   Lolita. Cantares y juegos de las niñas. Augusto C. de Santiago y Gadea.   17/05/2020   Modos de vivir que no dan de vivir. Oficios menudos. Mariano José de Larra.   17/05/2020   Museo de Historia Natural. Descripción y costumbres de los mamíferos, aves, reptiles, peces, insectos, etc. M. Boitard.   04/09/2017   Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia. Sacada de los Aforismos que se discurren en las obras de Lorenço Gracián.   21/04/2017   Pensamiento y poesía en la vida española. María Zambrano.   17/05/2020   Signa. Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica. Núm. 4, 1995.   17/05/2020   Tratado de la naturaleza humana : ensayo para introducir el método del razonamiento experimental en los asuntos morales. David Hume; la traducción del inglés ha sido hecha por Vicente Viqueira.   07/05/2018   Tratado de las supersticiones y costumbres gentilicias que hoy viven entre los indios naturales de esta Nueva España. Hernando Ruiz de Alarcón. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   25/02/2017   Anales de Literatura Española es una revista científica del Departamento de Filología Española cuyo primer número se publicó poco después de que la Universidad de Alicante fuera reconocida oficialmente como tal.   21/08/2018   Antonio Rodríguez Almodóvar (Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla, 1941), es autor de una treintena de libros, además de numerosos cuentos y relatos infantiles y juveniles. También es novelista, poeta, guionista de televisión y autor dramático.   11/09/2020   Biblioteca de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil. Web con las mejores obras y autores de la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil y los estudios de investigación elaborados por especialistas.   17/10/2020   El portal institucional Biblioteca Nacional de la República Argentina significa el afianzamiento de una de las bibliotecas con mayor tradición e importancia de América Latina.   15/05/2017   El Cantar de Mio Cid constituye la primera gran obra de la literatura española escrita en una lengua romance.   18/10/2020   Gonzalo de Berceo. La biblioteca de autor Gonzalo de Berceo, bajo la dirección científica de María Jesús Lacarra Ducay, pretende ser una guía para recorrer la obra del primer poeta conocido en lengua castellana.   11/09/2020   Historia y crítica del cine español. Espacio dedicado a la historia del cine español con la intención de incorporar  materiales bibliográficos y gráficos a disposición de los usuarios y especialistas de cine.   11/09/2020   Investigaciones Geográficas. La Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes ofrece la revista científica Investigaciones Geográficas que actualmente constituye un documento de referencia obligada en la investigación geográfica española.   13/06/2018   Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. Nuestra sección de Literatura presenta reunidas miles de obras digitalizadas en el ámbito de los diferentes géneros literarios y de la historia de la literatura.   18/02/2020   La literatura paraguaya es una de las grandes desconocidas en el panorama latinoamericano.   18/02/2020   Postales I de imágenes relacionadas con Paraguay. Imágenes y textos explicativos tomados de Jorge Rubiani, Postales de la Asunción de Antaño (vol. I y II), Asunción, Editora Intercontinental, 2002.   18/02/2020   Postales II de imágenes relacionadas con Paraguay. Imágenes y textos explicativos tomados de Jorge Rubiani, Postales de la Asunción de Antaño (vol. I y II), Asunción, Editora Intercontinental, 2002.   29/04/2020   Páxina dedicada ao trobador Martin Codax, autor da escola galego-portuguesa da Baixa Idade Media (século XIII) que, por moitos aspectos, está no centro da atención de lectores, antólogos e estudosos en xeral. Fundación Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   08/03/2020   Miguel de Cervantes. Web sobre la vida y obras de Miguel de Cervantes, escritor clásico español y universal del s. XVI, autor del «Quijote», primera novela de la historia.   19/12/2017   Miguel de Cervantes. Biografía. Por Jean Canavaggio. Reconstruir en sus etapas sucesivas la vida de Miguel de Cervantes, más allá de las estampas consagradas por la posteridad, no deja de plantear múltiples interrogantes.   21/08/2020   Portal Nacional Venezuela. Página web dedicada a reunir todos los materiales relacionados con la historia y literatura de Venezuela en la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.   18/10/2020   Reyes y Reinas de la España Contemporánea es una página web temática sobre los monarcas y regentes españoles desde 1788 hasta el actual rey, cuyo reinado empieza en 2014.   29/04/2020   Rosalía de Castro (1837-1885) é unha figura indispensábel na literatura do século XIX.   23/01/2020   Signa. Revista de la Asociación Española de Semiótica, publicada por el Centro de Investigación de Semiótica Literaria, Teatral y Nuevas Tecnologías (UNED).   11/09/2020   Universitat de Barcelona. Fons de Reserva. Portal de la Biblioteca de la Universitat de Barcelona creat amb la finalitat de difondre àmpliament tots aquells documents del patrimoni bibliogràfic de la Universitat de Barcelona que resulten de gran interès.   28/01/2020   O Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade de Coimbra é uma instituição científica dedicada à investigação e à formação avançada nas ciências sociais e nas humanidades, através de uma abordagem inter e transdisciplinar.   04/04/2014   El Centre de Seguretat de la Informació de Catalunya (CESICAT) és l’organisme executor del pla nacional d’impuls de la seguretat TIC aprovat pel govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya el 17 de març de 2009.   07/02/2020   El Centro de Estudios Superiores de San Ángel (CESSA Universidad) es una Institución Mexicana particular de educación superior fundada en 1976.   28/12/2013   Cessna Aircraft Company is the leading designer and manufacturer of light and midsize business jets, utility turboprops and single engine aircraft.   03/09/2018   El Col-legi d'Enginyers Graduats i Tècnics Industrials de Lleida Enginyers Lleida és una corporació de dret públic, amb personalitat jurídica pròpia.   25/06/2018   Üdvözöljük a Közép-európai Egyetem magyar nyelvű honlapján!   29/12/2015   The Center for Astrophysics combines the resources and research facilities of the Harvard College Observatory and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory under a single director to pursue studies of those basic physical processes that determine the nature and evolution of the universe.   17/02/2020   Dino's Panama Photos. Pictures of Panama and Canal Zone. Beautiful pictures of Panama and the Canal Zone at different times along with other Panama and Canal Zone related material. Over 3,000 pictures of Panama and the former Canal Zone.   11/04/2019   Vid institutionen för Elektroteknik bedrivs forskning och utbildning inom områdena kommunikations- och antennsystem, system- och reglerteknik, signalbehandling och medicinsk teknik samt elkraftteknik. Vi tar oss an utmaningar för en hållbar framtid exempelvis inom samhällets växande kommunikations- och elektrifieringsbehov.   24/07/2020   Institutioner vid Chalmers tekniska högskola.   11/04/2019   Chalmers tekniska högskola forskar och utbildar inom teknik, naturvetenskap, sjöfart och arkitektur, med en hållbar framtid som allomfattande vision. Chalmers är känt för sin effektiva innovationsmiljö och har 13 institutioner. Graphene Flagship, ett av EU-kommissionens första forskningsinitiativ inom Future Emerging Technologies, koordineras av Chalmers.   24/07/2020   Chalmers tekniska högskola i Göteborg forskar och utbildar inom teknik och naturvetenskap på hög internationell nivå. Universitetet har 3.100 anställda, 10.000 studenter och utbildar ingenjörer, arkitekter och sjöbefäl. Med vetenskaplig excellens som grund utvecklar Chalmers kompetens och tekniska lösningar för en hållbar värld.   26/06/2020   Latvijas Tirdzniecības un rūpniecības kamera (LTRK) ir Iielākā uzņēmēju biedrība Latvijā, kurā apvienojušies tuvu 6000 biedru (3000 individuālie uzņēmumi un 3000 no uzņēmēju biedrībām) – visu reģionu un nozaru mikro, mazie, vidējie un lielie uzņēmumi, asociācijas, pilsētu uzņēmēju klubi, un citas uzņēmēju apvienības.   08/07/2018   Pinhole Sténopé. Photos de Paris, Lomographie par Catherine Heyman et chants révolutionnaires. STENOPE Photographies et stenopes, pinhole, Paris, Berlin, Cantal et Pays de Caux (Normandie) par Catherine Heyman, texte de Monique Rival.   16/02/2017   Chami. Tools for developers. Developer of popular tools including full-featured HTML Kit editor, and first animated favicon generator.   16/02/2017   LiveCounter Plug and Play is a web page counting service based on the LiveCounter. LiveCounter originally made its mark as the first web page access counter with the ability to update its display as you watch. LiveCounter Plug and Play brings you more firsts, including live doorbells for web pages, geographical maps plotted on-the-fly, and multi-level log report generators.   16/02/2017   HTML Editor with Modern Comforts. HTML-Kit is a full-featured editor for markup and code, optimized for web development. It has received 95% thumbs up on You can find mentions of HTML-Kit in 300+ books. Hundreds of plugins are available for easily customizing HTML-Kit.   16/02/2017   Internet Tips.   16/02/2017   Reading web server response. Whether you're testing a CGI script or trying to install a program that requires you to know the type of the web server you're using, checking the web server response can be helpful. To check your web server's response, enter the URL you want to check (home page address, for example) and click "Get Response"   16/02/2017   WhoIsNot Lite is a program designed to help Internet users looking for an easy to use and programmable domain name / directory search utility. WhoIsNot Lite makes it easier to search multiple servers by providing a graphical web-browser-like user interface.   24/04/2020   Association Mycologique Buxéenne. La découverte ou l'approfondissement des connaissances relatives aux champignons dans une ambiance conviviale en parcourant les bois et forêts de la région. Le développement du goût des sciences naturelles et du respect de la nature.   19/04/2020   Film4. Great films you know, great films you don't.   11/09/2020   O Chaniño. Novas. Páxina da biblioteca do IES Chano Piñeiro.   23/10/2020   The Charles Dickens Page: His Work, Life, and Times. Learn about Charles Dickens’ life, his work, his characters, explore maps of the locations he described, and learn how he became the greatest writer of his age.   24/07/2020   Charles Fourier. L'Association d'études fouriéristes est une association loi 1901, qui a pour but de favoriser par différents moyens et actions, dont une revue, la connaissance de la pensée et des œuvres de Charles Fourier et des Fouriéristes. Elle publie les Cahiers Fourier.   21/08/2020   L’École nationale des chartes est membre composante de l’Université PSL (Paris Sciences & Lettres) et membre fondateur du Campus Condorcet. L’École des chartes est créée par Louis XVIII par l'ordonnance du 22 février 1821, sur la proposition du ministre de l'intérieur Joseph-Jérôme Siméon, lui-même convaincu par le projet du baron Joseph-Marie de Gérando.   03/10/2016   06/02/2015   Cheat Freak offers thousands of cheat codes, tips, secrets and game cheats for all your favorite games. And if you have some that aren’t here then you can share with gamers around the world.   08/07/2016   William Cullen, M.D. Lecturer in Chemistry, Glasgow University, 1747-55. Founder (1747) and first lecturer in Chemistry.   19/02/2016   The earliest periods of the development of a university chemistry school at Oxford are not easily unravelled from the simultaneous development of schools in physics and biochemistry. Chemistry was seen to be a truly separate discipline with the building of its own laboratory as an appendix to the Science Museum which opened in 1860.   19/02/2016   RSC Historical Group. The homepage for the Historical Group of the Royal Society of Chemistry.   19/02/2016   Biographies of Chemists. Prepared by Peter Morris.   01/12/2013   Research in Chemistry at Queen’s is focused in alternative, multidisciplinary areas rather than traditional organic/inorganic/physical divisions. Research is going on in Biological-Medicinal, Materials, Computational-Theoretical and Environmental-Analytical chemistry.   19/02/2016   Institut für Chemie der Universität Potsdam.   14/04/2020   Galeria de fotos de Chema Madoz.   06/03/2017   Chemical Heritage Foundation. We collect, preserve, and exhibit historical artifacts. We engage communities of scientists, engineers, and the curious public. We tell the stories of the people behind breakthroughs and innovations.   06/03/2017   CHF has a world-class collection of historical objects, artworks, photographs, books, and archives from chemistry’s origins through the 21st century.   08/07/2016   Chemical Heritage Foundation. The story of chemistry is a human adventure of both mind and action. From very early times, chemists have sought to expand our understanding of matter, from the atomic to the galactic.   06/03/2017   Have you ever wondered how plastics are made? Where crayons get their colors? Do you want to find out how the code of DNA was cracked? Or how we can measure oxygen on Mars? Explore with us! A visit to the Museum at CHF is a journey through the weird and wonderful world of matter and materials.   08/07/2016   The English chemist and physicist Henry Cavendish, b. Oct. 10, 1731, d. Feb. 24, 1810, was the first to recognize hydrogen gas as a distinct substance. He also described the composition of water and made the first accurate measurement of the density of the Earth.   04/04/2020   Chemistry news, research and opinions. Chemistry World. Chemistry, covered. Science news, research, reviews, features and opinions. Read Chemistry World to keep up with stories from across the chemical sciences.   23/07/2014   Umfangreiches Internetverzeichnis mit Informationsquellen zur Chemie und angrenzendender Fachgebiete sowie Chemie-Nachrichtenportal, Jobbörse, Datenbanken etc.   05/06/2019   The very name Cheyenne conjures up images of cowboys, rodeos and trains around the world. Today's Cheyenne is all of that and more. From the world's largest outdoor rodeo and Western celebration to world class mountain biking, climbing, and camping, a visit to Cheyenne offers great opportunities.   12/10/2020   Cheyne Éditeur, édition de poésie et livres contemporains. Depuis 1980, Cheyne publie de la littérature contemporaine avec le double souci de faire connaître de nouveaux écrivains et poètes, et d’accompagner l’œuvre de ceux qu’il a découverts.   21/03/2020   The Chicago Postcard Museum is a privately endowed, independent organization devoted to collecting and presenting Chicago history through picture postcard imagery and correspondence. The virtual Museum displays collections of rare, antique, vintage, contemporary and novelty Chicago postcards.   24/02/2019   The Chicago Reader is Chicago's largest free weekly newspaper, nationally recognized as a leader in the alternative press. Since 1971, the Reader has served as Chicago's political conscience, cultural guide, and music authority.   29/03/2018   Film Search. The Chicago Reader.   19/04/2020   Chicago Shakespeare Theater. Located on Navy Pier, Chicago’s largest and most versatile performing arts venue is known for vibrant productions reflecting Shakespeare’s genius for storytelling, musicality of language, and empathy for the human condition.   29/09/2020   Chicago Tribune. Your source for Chicago breaking news, sports, business, entertainment, weather and traffic.   01/11/2017   John Kass. Columnist. Chicago Tribune. The son of a Greek immigrant grocer, Kass was born June 23, 1956, on Chicago's South Side and grew up there and in Oak Lawn.   01/11/2017   Secret diplomacy with Cuba ends in breakthrough deal. Three Cuban agents who had jailed in Florida returned to Cuba on Wednesday. Cuban President Raul Castro greeted them in Havana. They were released as the US and Cuba announced a sudden thaw in relations. By Karen DeYoung. The Washington Post.   18/12/2020   Children's Authors Network (CAN!) is a group of award-winning children's authors and illustrators providing quality educational presentations, programs, and school visits.   28/05/2016   Chilebosque es un proyecto conformado por un grupo de amantes de la naturaleza con el interés común de conocer y ayudar a difundir las bellezas de la flora nativa de Chile.   28/05/2016   Chileflora is a project established in Central Chile in 2005, near the city of Talca, some 250 km south of the Chilean capital, Santiago.   21/12/2019   Buscador de Plantas, Base de datos de Chile Flora con índices de las plantas nativas chilenas con fotos y descripciones cortas, proporcionado por Chile Flora, proveedor de semillas de plantas chilenas nativas.   21/12/2019   Chile Flora es su ventana al mundo de las plantas nativas chilenas. Le brinda una oportunidad para aprender sobre las plantas chilenas, sus propiedades nutricionales y medicinales, identificarlas y adquirir las semillas y las plántulas. Aquí va encontrar una colección de artículos relacionados con la flora chilena.   28/05/2016   CHILEINFORMA es un medio independiente de información, disponible a los chilenos repartidos por el mundo, para publicar gratuitamente las actividades de las organizaciones o personas que operan en diferentes ámbitos socio-culturales. El diario electrónico de los chilenos del mundo, editado en Canadá.   18/12/2020   Chile Lindo. From San Francisco to Valparaíso, Chile Lindo links North and South American cultures.   28/05/2016   Angélica Bertin. Cocina chilena   07/01/2014   Chile Noticias tiene sus orígenes en la creación y funcionamiento del primer diario electrónico del país, denominado “Chile Hoy”, fundado el 13 de julio de 1993.   28/05/2016   El Programa Chile Sustentable es una iniciativa de organizaciones ecologistas, activistas, académicos, profesionales y ciudadanos comprometidos con cambiar el paradigma de desarrollo vigente en Chile.   28/05/2016   Tecnología Ciencia Telecomunicaciones e Investigaciones en Chile. Compilado sobre la actividad científica, tecnológica, de investigación y de desarrollo de telecomunicaciones en Chile.   10/12/2015   Chili Salsa Recipes. Chilli salsa, a bowl of corn chips and a nice cold beer, what more bliss could anyone want?.   15/03/2020   Chimpancepedia. Chimpancés. Enciclopedia Experta.   20/04/2020   Chimpanzee Facts, Habitat and Reproduction Info. At ChimpWorlds, we love chimpanzees! Our goal is to provide interesting and educational information about chimpanzees, whether you are a student, educator, or just someone looking to learn more about these beautiful creatures.   24/07/2020   An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History, Literature and Art. Ulrich Theobald. Dr. phil. Ulrich Theobald (MBA) 田宇利, Editor.   04/03/2019   Chipstone Publications. Chipstone Foundation publishes scholarly works devoted to the subject of American material culture with emphasis on the decorative arts, and encourages the dissemination of learned articles and information in the field.   17/08/2020   中国国家博物网站全面及中国国家博物概况,藏品,,,研究,交流等各内容,提供参观导览,预约,留言答等多   16/01/2016   Het team van Chocolaterie Winters staat voor u klaar. Chocolatiers die met hun creativiteit en vakmanschap zorgen voor een uniek stukje chocolade. Medewerkers die met de uiterste zorg ons product verpakken en ervoor zorgen dat het keurig bij u komt. Kortom, een team van enthousiaste en creatieve mensen met hart voor de zaak.   29/12/2015 was formed in 2006 when the Internet media company CNET Networks bought a San Francisco–based print magazine called CHOW and a long-standing New York–based discussion-forum website called Chowhound. CNET was acquired by CBS in 2008.   10/10/2019   Recipes. We all cook for different reasons. Whether you want to make an easy weeknight dinner for two, cook a healthy work lunch, bake a cake for a friend's birthday, or plan a menu for a dinner party, we've got the recipes for beginner cooks and experts alike.   31/07/2019   Chris Brunskill is an award-winning photographer who has spent over twenty years searching for big cats in some of the last remaining wilderness areas on earth. In two action packed decades of almost constant movement he has managed to capture iconic images of all of the big cats that roam the most untouched areas of our planet.   20/09/2020   Chris Stamey. Producer / Mixer. Music Mixing and Recording at Modern Recording. Chris Stamey is a record producer, mixer, and audio engineer at Modern Recording, a recording studio located in Chapel Hill, NC.   03/04/2020   Christianity Today. Theology, Church, Culture. Christianity Today provides thoughtful, biblical perspectives on theology, church, ministry, and culture on the official site of Christianity Today Magazine.   26/05/2018   Apologetics: C.S. Lewis. The atheist scholar who became an Anglican, an apologist, and a patron saint of Christians everywhere. Ted Olsen. Christianity Today.   30/05/2018   When Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of Christian Science, was asked if Christian Scientists had a religious creed, she responded: “They have not, if by that term is meant doctrinal beliefs” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, pp. 496–497).   11/03/2016   Wiener Adventzauber & Christkindlmarkt. News & Events.   16/01/2016   Christmas Cookie Recipes: Browse 500+ Cookie, Candy, Fudge and More Holiday Baking Recipes. Recipes and baking tips covering 585 christmas cookies, candy, and fudge recipes. Submit a new christmas cookie recipe or review one you've made.   16/12/2020   The Chronicle of Higher Education has the nation’s largest newsroom dedicated to covering colleges and universities. The Chronicle, a privately owned, independent news and information organization, was founded in 1966 and originally owned by a nonprofit, Editorial Projects in Education.   06/02/2015   Le Centre d'histoire des sciences et des philosophies arabes et médiévales est une Unité mixte de recherche du CNRS et de l'enseignement supérieur, associée à l'Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot et à la section Sciences Religieuses de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études (UMR 7062). Il a été fondé en 1972 par Jean Jolivet et Roshdi Rashed.   06/02/2018   The Official Website of General Chuck Yeager!   13/05/2019   CISMeF est un projet initié par le Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rouen – Hôpitaux de Rouen. Il a débuté dès l’existence du site Web du CHU en février 1995. Ce catalogue indexe les principaux sites et documents francophones. Il a dépassé les 43.000 ressources indexées en mai 2008 avec une moyenne de 55 nouvelles ressources par semaine.   13/05/2019   Intoxication par les champignons. Descripteur MeSH. CISMeF. Catalogue et Index des Sites Médicaux de langue Française.   28/01/2016   The United States has carried out intelligence activities since the days of George Washington, but only since World War II have they been coordinated on a government-wide basis.   21/06/2018   Cibersur. Diario digital especializado en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.   23/04/2020   Consell de l’Advocacia Catalana.   15/07/2018   Județul Ialomița este unitate administrativ - teritorială, reînființat prin Legea nr.2/1968 privind organizarea administrativă a teritoriului României.   07/08/2016   El Centre d’Investigació i Desenvolupament “Josep Pascual Vila” (CID) és un dels centres de serveis més grans del Consell Superior d’Investigacions Científiques (CSIC), i el més gran d’aquesta institució a Catalunya.   15/06/2018   La Fundación Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomía “Francisco J. Duarte” (CIDA) es el único ente especializado del país en las áreas de astronomía, astrofísica, las ciencias del espacio y afines. Está adscrito al Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria, Ciencia y Tecnología (MPPEUCT).   14/07/2017   El CIDE es un centro académico que realiza investigación y extensión, desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones educativas para Chile y América Latina. Actualmente está integrado a la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, donde forma parte de su Facultad de Educación.   13/12/2020   El CIDE es un centro de investigación y educación superior especializado en ciencias sociales, orientado por estándares internacionales de calidad y financiado con recursos públicos.   23/07/2020   El CIDOB és un centre de recerca en relacions internacionals que, basant-se en criteris d’excel·lència i rellevància, té com a objectiu l’anàlisi de les qüestions globals que afecten les dinàmiques polítiques, socials i la governança des de l’àmbit internacional al local.   03/10/2019   Ediciones Cielo Naranja. Pensamiento e imagen, dominicana y caribeña.   02/11/2019   El Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades es el departamento de la Administración General del Estado encargado de la ejecución de la política del Gobierno en materia de Universidades, investigación científica y técnica, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación en todos los sectores.   21/06/2018   Cientifica was founded as CMP Cientifica in Madrid in 1997 in order to meet the advanced analytical needs of the European Space Agency. The ESA awarded a contract to CMP Cientifica to run the advanced materials characterization program for the Astrophysics research division.   28/04/2020   The Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre (CIFFC) is a not-for-profit corporation owned and operated by the federal, provincial and territorial wildland fire management agencies to coordinate resource sharing, mutual aid, and information sharing.   28/04/2020   The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a non-profit, scientific institution that conducts research on the most pressing challenges of forest and landscape management around the world. Using a global, multidisciplinary approach, we aim to improve human well-being, protect the environment, and increase equity.   23/08/2019   El Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología de Cuba, es una institución de desarrollo dinámico que le ha permitido alcanzar un alto nivel en la investigación, desarrollo, producción y comercialización de productos biológicos obtenidos a través de los métodos de la biotecnología moderna.   28/11/2019   Poarta către patrimoniul cultural al României.   28/01/2016   ARTĂ ŞI MAGIE ÎN PREISTORIE. Expoziţie la Muzeul Dunării de Jos, Călăraşi, 1996. Organizatori: Muzeul Dunării de Jos din Călăraşi şi Muzeul de Arheologie din Olteniţa.   28/01/2016   CUCUTENI. The Last Great Chalcolithic Civilisation of Europe.   28/11/2019   The first Romanian electronic journal of archaeology, edited by the Institute for Cultural Memory.   06/08/2019   Living Past is the first electronic archaeological journal in Romania. It aims to improve communication in archaeology, inside Romania and abroad, to promote interesting, innovative contents, to encourage new ideas, methods and thoughts, to stimulate a better way of writing in archaeology.   28/01/2016   Living Past: a challenge for a better archaeology. Living Past - Here's a real challenge!. What for? For a new way of understanding, publishing and presenting archaeological finds. Why? Because although archaeology is a science dealing with the past, we believe that it can be a living science, using the most recent techniques and methods.   06/08/2019   Repertoriul Arheologic al Județului Botoșani ed. II (2016). Repertoriul Arheologic al Judeţului Botoşani, conceput şi realizat de Octavian Liviu Şovan, poate fi considerat fără drept de apel, o lucrare cu adevărat monumentală, reprezentând rodul strădaniilor personale, de peste un deceniu ale autorului.   06/08/2019   Cetăţi dacice din regiunea Sarmizegetusa de Ioan Glodariu. De-a lungul unei perioade de mai bine de 150 de ani (sec. I î. Hr. - sec I d. Hr.), Dacia a fost înzestrată cu un veritabil sistem de apărare, cuprinzând mai mult de 90 lucrări de fortificaţii, de diferite tipuri: aşezări întărite, cetăţi şi fortificaţii de pământ.   28/01/2016   Cetăţi dacice din regiunea Sarmizegetusa de Ioan GLODARIU.   06/08/2019   Vadastra 2000 Revitalizarea Traditiei Ceramice Românesti (7 iulie-19 august 2000). Vadastra, comuna Vadastra, Jud. Olt. Director de proiect conf. univ. dr. Dragos Gheorghiu.   06/08/2019   Biblioteca digitală pentru memoria culturală. O colecție de publicații românești științifice recente din domeniul științelor umanistice și sociale.   28/01/2016   Patrimoniul Cultural Mondial din România. UNESCO.

Cetăţile dacice din munţii Orăştiei.   28/01/2016   The Dacian Settlement of Brad. Beginning with the fourth exhibition hall, we display the main samples discovered in one of the largest Dacian settlements in Moldavia - the Dacian city of Brad, where our specialists have been working for almost four decades.   28/01/2016   The Museum of History in Roman was founded on the 1st of September 1957 when Mr. Vasile Ursachi, who had recently graduated from the Iassy University, Department of History, was named director of this institution that hardly had any heritage at that time.   06/08/2019   Bine ati venit pe pagina Mânãstirii Sfântului Antim, paraclis al Patriarhiei Bisericii Ortodoxe Române.   06/08/2019   Revista Forum cultural, editată de Direcţia Judeţeană pentru Cultură şi Patrimoniul Cultural Naţional Botoşani şi-a făcut apariţia, în mai 2001, în urma unificării fostului Inspectorat pentru Cultură şi al Oficiului Judeţean pentru Patrimoniul Cultural naţional, rezultând o instituţie activă având ca obiectiv cunoaşterea şi ocrotirea patrimoniului cultural de pe raza judeţului Botoşani.   28/01/2016   Glosar multilingv de termeni arheologici. Monumente din epoca bronzului. Proiect al Consiliului Europei.   28/01/2016   Catalog incunabule. Patrimoniul romanesc de incunabule.   12/08/2020   Cincinnati Enquirer. Cincinnati news, breaking news and sports. Breaking Cincinnati news, traffic, weather and local headlines from The Cincinnati Enquirer newspaper.   31/03/2020   Site entièrement gratuit et dédié essentiellement aux artistes du cinéma international. Cette petite encyclopédie comprend des biographies, des filmographies, des affiches et des documents photographiques, dont le seul but est de faire découvrir des vedettes, actrices, acteurs, réalisateurs, seconds rôles, d’un cinéma souvent ignoré ou parfois oublié.   21/11/2020   Círculo de Escritores Cinematográficos (CEC). El Círculo de Escritores Cinematográficos (CEC) es una asociación fundada en el año 1945 “para la defensa y divulgación del arte cinematográfico”.   02/04/2016   Películas cubanas, cortometrajes, documentales y entrevistas. Videos originales de antes de 1959.   09/10/2017   Informacion sobre estrenos y noticias de cine español y latinoamericano. Spanish and Latin American cinema.   09/10/2017   Cinedelic Records ... Grooves Made in Italy. Cinedelic S.R.L. is an independent record label & music publisher founded in 2001. Marco D'Ubaldo a.k.a. Duba uses his wide breadth of musical knowledge and has created a vision for Cinedelic Records of rediscovery and synthesis of old and new.   10/10/2017   Cinedelica.   10/10/2017   Programmkino in Leipzig-Plagwitz.   10/10/2017   The Cinefamily is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization of movie lovers devoted to finding and presenting interesting and unusual programs of exceptional, distinctive, weird and wonderful films. The Cinefamily's mission is to reinvigorate film culture ​​by fostering a spirit of community and a sense of discovery.   10/10/2017   Cinefania. Base de datos de cine de terror, ciencia-ficción y fantasía.   19/04/2020   Le cinéma sur Cinéfil : Sorties, horaires, bandes-annonces. Toute l'actualité du cinéma : les sorties cinéma de la semaine, les films à l'affiche, les horaires, les bandes annonces, le box-office et les stars de l'écran.   13/08/2020   Cine-File is a volunteer-run resource for Chicago cinephiles. We provide a weekly listing of the wide range of independent, underground, experimental, and repertory cinema screenings & events available in and around Chicago.   10/12/2020   UCLA Film & Television Archive is renowned for its pioneering efforts to rescue, preserve and showcase moving image media, and is dedicated to ensuring that the collective visual memory of our time is explored and enjoyed for generations to come.   17/12/2019   Cinema clar i catala.   17/12/2019   Cinema en curs és un programa de pedagogia del cinema i amb el cinema a escoles i instituts.   10/09/2019   CinemaNet es una Asociación sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a la promoción de los valores humanos, familiares, cívicos, sociales y educativos en el cine. En la asociación CinemaNet nos hemos juntado un grupo de enamorados del cine, apasionados por su capacidad para tocar almas.   28/01/2016   Filme, Filme noi, program cinema. CinemaRx. Filme noi, program cinema, trailere, filme 2016, filme 2015, box office, premiere cinema, filme, seriale tv - Radiografia cinematografiei.   14/09/2018   Cinemateca Uruguaya es una Asociación Civil, sin fines de lucro, cuyos objetivos son la conservación y la preservación de las obras cinematográficas de todo el mundo. Conserva todas las películas producidas en Uruguay desde el siglo XIX (unos 3.000 títulos).   05/08/2016   CineStory Foundation. National non-profit screenwriter's organization that helps emerging screenwriters hone their craft and find alternative access to the screen.   10/12/2019   The Butler Pennsylvania Poems. Cities have long been an object of poetic contemplation. This poetry about a small Western Pennsylvania town attempts to reawaken the past and infuse meaning and newness into seemingly trivial happenings one takes for granted.   17/10/2016   The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) is the professional and examining body for patent attorneys in the United Kingdom. The Institute was founded in 1882 and was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1891. It represents over 2000 chartered patent attorneys, whether they practise in industry or in private practice.   19/05/2020   CIPAV es un Centro de Investigación Autónomo de Colombia con más de 33 años de trabajo; tiene como misión el "contribuir al desarrollo sostenible del sector rural a través de la investigación, gestión, desarrollo y divulgación de alternativas productivas amigables con la naturaleza".   23/02/2019   Launched in 2003, CipherJournal aims to be something new in the domain of online literary journals. We believe in the place of translation to inspire stronger literature; without cross-fertilization, no growth can last.   12/11/2020   Cirad. La recherche agronomique pour le développement. L'organisme français de recherche agronomique et de coopération internationale pour le développement durable des régions tropicales et méditerranéennes.   07/02/2020   El Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid (CBA) es una entidad cultural privada sin ánimo de lucro declarada “Centro de Protección de las Bellas Artes y de Utilidad Pública”. Desde su creación, ha desarrollado una importante labor de alcance internacional en el campo de la creación y la difusión cultural.   13/01/2015   Descarga las publicaciones del Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid.   23/07/2014   Asociacion para la difusion del pensamiento crítico. Crítica a la pseudociencia, sucesos paranormales, medicinas alternativas, conspiraciones y misterios aparentemente inexplicables.   16/03/2016   The International Centre for the History of Universities and Science (CIS) is a research unit of the Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna. To promote research in the history of science and technology, and of institutions of higher learning.   23/07/2014   XTAG is an on-going project to develop a wide-coverage grammar for English using a lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (TAG) formalism. XTAG also serves as an system for the development of TAGs and consists of a parser, an X-windows grammar development interface and a morphological analyzer.   27/03/2020   The Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics is a nationally supported research center for studies in theoretical astrophysics including the origin and evolution of the universe, and the many other phenomena revealed by modern astronomy.   11/06/2020   Bienvenido a Citas y Refranes, esta web está dedicada exclusivamente al mundo de las frases, de las que destacamos cuatro tipos, citas famosas, refranes, proverbios y citas de nuestros visitantes, sin olvidarnos de los casi desaparecidos taglines.   02/04/2017   La banca dati del Fondo dei Citati della Biblioteca dell'Accademia della Crusca è stata realizzata all'interno del progetto Valorizzazione e conservazione del Fondo dei Citati, grazie ad un finanziamento dell'Ufficio centrale per i beni librari e gli istituti culturali del Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali.   17/10/2016   CITB or Construction Industry Training Board is the Industry Training Board and was established on 21 July 1964. The 1964 Industrial Training Act gave the then Minister of Labour statutory powers to create industrial training boards which would be responsible for training in a number of UK industries, setting standards and providing advice to firms.   17/10/2016   CITB NI. We represent the amalgamated operations of the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and the Sector Skills Council for construction, ConstructionSkills in Northern Ireland.   20/09/2016   Public Citizen serves as the people’s voice in the nation’s capital. Since our founding in 1971, we have delved into an array of areas, but our work on each issue shares an overarching goal: To ensure that all citizens are represented in the halls of power.   26/10/2016   我孫子市鳥の博物館:我孫子市公式ウェブサイト   01/05/2019   Alabama Bigger Cities (over 6000 residents). Real Estate, Housing, Schools, Residents, Crime, Pollution, Demographics and More.   19/08/2019   West Virginia Bigger Cities (over 6000 residents).   03/02/2016   Tree Mushroom Production for City Farmers.   03/06/2020   Welcome to the City of London Corporation. The City of London provides local government and policing services for the financial and commercial heart of Britain, the 'Square Mile'.   13/06/2018   Pella was founded in 1847 by 800 Dutch immigrants led by Henry Peter Scholte. Scholte and the other immigrants were fleeing famine and religious persecution at the hands of the state church of the Netherlands. Before leaving the Netherlands, the immigrants decided to name their new home Pella, or City of Refuge, in the prairieland of Iowa.   10/04/2016   Ciudad Seva es la casa digital oficial del escritor Luis López Nieves. Además, incluye la Biblioteca Digital Ciudad Seva y es la sede de múltiples talleres y foros literarios y culturales. Ciudad Seva contiene datos pormenorizados sobre la   obra de Luis López Nieves y una minuciosa Bibliografía Crítica, al igual que una selección de textos de López Nieves que se han publicado en Internet.   10/04/2016   Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias. [Crónica de Indias: Texto completo]. Fray Bartolomé de las Casas.   28/11/2019   Consiliul Judetean Alba. Județul Alba.   22/12/2019   The Central Kentucky News-Journal is your source for local news, sports, events, and information in Campbellsville, KY and the surrounding area.   05/12/2017   The Computer Laboratory is an academic department within the University of Cambridge that encompasses Computer Science, along with many aspects of Engineering, Technology and Mathematics. It consists of 44 academic staff, 30 support staff, 7 research fellows, 102 post-doctoral research workers and 121 PhD students.   05/12/2017   Ross Anderson's Home Page. I am Professor of Security Engineering at the Computer Laboratory. University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.   08/03/2018   Clackamas Education Service District is one of 19 Educational Service Districts in Oregon. We serve the educational needs of students and families in Clackamas County – a geographic area of 1,879 square miles.   23/05/2019   CLACSO. Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales. Conselho Latino-americano de Ciências Sociais. El Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO) es una institución internacional no-gubernamental con status asociativo en la UNESCO, creada en 1967.   17/10/2020   CLACSO. Librería Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Ciencias Sociales.   01/08/2019   Claire Bouilhac. Bd, Illustration, Cartoons, ...   11/03/2019   Clare County Library, Mill Road, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland. Clare is a maritime county in the province of Munster, bounded on the west by the Atlantic, on the north-west by Galway Bay and on the east and south by the river Shannon.   02/03/2020   Últimas noticias de Argentina y el Mundo. Clarín. Leé las Noticias de Hoy en Clarín. Conocé las Últimas noticias de Argentina y del mundo, información actualizada las 24 horas y en español.   31/08/2020   Revista Ñ. Clarín. Leé las Noticias de Hoy en Clarín. Conocé las Últimas noticias de Argentina y del mundo, información actualizada las 24 horas y en español.   19/03/2020   The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science offers undergraduate students a major or major in mathematics and in a major in computer science.   02/04/2020   Clases historia. Ayuda y complemento para el estudiante de Bachillerato y Secundaria en la superación de su currículum.   20/10/2015   El término socialismo utópico fue acuñado en 1839 por Louis Blanqui, aunque alcanzó notoriedad tras el empleo que de él hicieron Marx y Engels en su "Manifiesto Comunista". Éstos consideraban que los pensadores utópicos, aunque bienintencionados, pecaban de idealismo e ingenuidad.   15/12/2020   The Classical Net web site offers a comprehensive collection of information and news on classical music subjects including articles and CD/SACD/DVD reviews, composers and their music, the basic repertoire, recommended classical music recordings and a CD buying guide.   18/06/2019   Giuseppe Verdi. Otello. The Story That Started It All. William Shakespeare based his play on a story in Giraldi Cinthio's Hecatommithi, (111,7). This was a collection of a hundred tales that was printed in Italy in the Sixteenth Century.   18/06/2019   Reviews & Articles. Classical Net now has more than 7200 CD, SACD, DVD, Blu-ray, Book, and Concert reviews. If you would like to have your writings included here, or you would like to see your recordings reviewed here, please contact me.   05/06/2018   Prisloe classical guitars are custom made for each guitar player because each player is different. You can have a string length, fretboard width and neck shape that is customized to fit your hand and make playing easier.   12/04/2014   Welcome to the home of Classic Fighters “one of the world’s best and most innovative airshows!”   11/12/2019   Classic Movie Favorites is a website run exclusively to celebrate classic movies. The site wishes to celebrate classic actors, actresses, directors, films and much more from the classic era that we love.   29/01/2017   Katharine Hepburn is my all time favorite actress and a person I greatly admire. I’ve watched all of her films and seen her on the stage several times. I can’t say enough about her; I just love her. Even her weaker films (of which, there are very few) are easy for me to watch.   10/05/2018   classless Kulla. Пароль: Nothing is as easy as it looks, but nothing is as difficult as we make it.   09/10/2016   Claudio Dattolo Photography. Sito personale di Dattolo Claudio dedicato alla fotografia di viaggio.   02/03/2019   Claustrofobias (Promociones literarias), provee una plataforma de promoción y publicidad de la literatura hecha en Cuba y sus escritores en todo el mundo. También promueve eventos, concursos, peñas, y los diferentes espacios radiales y televisivos que se suceden en todo el archipiélago cubano.   27/09/2020   The Ball Clay Heritage Society. BCHS. The Society is assembling an important and unique collection of materials relating to Ball Clay. We have a significant collection of artefacts, a large store of archive material, and a range of photographs, films and videos. There is also much important archive material stored at the Devon Record Office.   27/09/2020   Unique Handmade Pottery & Stoneware. Explore our wide range of handmade and hand decorated unique pieces of pottery including handwarmer mug, backing dishes, handled mugs, kitchen & home and more. All pottery is microwave, dishwasher and oven safe with best quality. Clay in motion.   27/09/2020   Clay Mathematics Institute. The Clay Mathematics Institute is a tax-exempt Private Operating Foundation dedicated to increasing and disseminating mathematical knowledge. It supports the work of leading researchers at various stages of their careers and organizes conferences, workshops, and summer schools. Contemporary breakthroughs are recognized by its annual Research Award.   27/09/2020   Millennium Problems. Clay Mathematics Institute.   11/07/2018   The Clay Mathematics Institute publishes two book series in partnership with the American Mathematical Society: the Clay Mathematics Proceedings, which contain papers based on lectures at Summer Schools and other CMI events, and the Clay Mathematics Monographs. It also provides an online library, in which books and other documents can be read online.   27/09/2020   The Clay Mathematics Institute publishes two book series in partnership with the American Mathematical Society: the Clay Mathematics Proceedings, which contain papers based on lectures at Summer Schools and other CMI events, and the Clay Mathematics Monographs. It also provides an online library, in which books and other documents can be read online.   27/09/2020   Claymills Victorian Pumping Station. Claymills victorian steam pumping engines museum and archive. We have four beam engines by Gimson of Leicester 1885, Five boilers Thompson 1936-37, Steam driven workshop, Forge and a 1930's dynamo house with early (1890's) Crompton dynamo driven by a Buxton and Thornley steam engine.   27/09/2020   The Clay Minerals Society. CMS is an international organization devoted to the study of clays and clay minerals. We encourage exchange of research findings through the publication of Clays and Clay Minerals, sponsorship of an annual meeting, online access to the archived journals, special publications, the Source Clays Repository, and other network building activities.   28/09/2020   Clay Times is one of the world’s favorite ceramics magazines, serving studio potters and professional clay artists, teachers and students of the ceramic arts, art critics and ceramic researchers, museum curators and ceramic art collectors, clay hobbyists, and pottery enthusiasts of all kinds.   28/09/2020   Clayton State University. Discover how Clayton State University makes dreams real. Read alumni stories. See our viewbook. Keep up with news & events. Get information and apply. Does the id stay?   03/08/2016   CLDE. Explanations in various disciplines tend to refer directly or indirectly to causes, laws and dispositions. The explanatory practice thus gives rise to the question of how these issues are related. We will understand these questions at least partly as metaphysical questions. The project is thus part of what has been recently dubbed ‘Metaphysics of Science’.   13/08/2016   Markus Schrenk, DPhil MA. I am a Research Fellow within the DFG funded Project on Explanation, Causation, Dispositions and Laws undertaken by the Universities of Aachen, Düsseldorf, Münster, and Cologne.   13/08/2016   Markus Schrenk. Selected Publications.   13/08/2016   Markus Schrenk. Selected Publications Two.   12/05/2017   Clea cuisine. Recettes bio et veggie pour tous!   31/05/2017   The Cleveland Museum of Art was founded in 1913 “for the benefit of all the people forever.” We strive to help the broadest possible audience understand and engage with the world’s great art while honoring the highest aesthetic, intellectual, and professional standards.   21/09/2018   In brief, the Cleveland Memory Project, launched in 2002, is a freely searchable online collection of digital photos, texts, oral histories, videos and other local history resources, built by the Michael Schwartz Library at the Cleveland State University in collaboration with a host of community partners around Northeast Ohio.   21/09/2018   Cleveland Memory's eBooks are available as part of the Michael Schwartz Library eBook Collections on ProQuest Ebook Central and on Engaged Scholarship, Cleveland State University's digital repository. These links will take you out of the Cleveland Memory website.   16/04/2015   The term "cryosphere" describes those portions of the Earth's surface where water is in solid form. This includes all kinds of ice, snow, and frozen ground such as permafrost. The cryosphere is strongly influenced by temperature, solar radiation and precipitation, and, in turn, influences each of these properties.   26/11/2020   Climática es la revista especializada en calentamiento global de Nace con la ambición de convertirse en el primer medio independiente y profesional de España en cubrir la crisis del clima desde todos sus ángulos. Usando las herramientas a su disposición, Climática sigue principios de sostenibilidad ecológica, periodística y financiera.   29/10/2017   This website is aimed at aviation enthusiasts who simply want to view photos and images from various airshows and locations, both from the United Kingdom and from overseas. Most of the images on this site have been taken (with the exception of Henry Ross Alderson), by enthusiasts like yourselves,the photographers being Paul Drabot and Mark Preston.   28/01/2016   BIO Boutique Hotel. CLUB-AUSTRIA *****. Inaugurat in anul 2008, boutique hotelul este situat in Romania, pe Valea Prahovei, in cea mai insorita zona din Poiana Tapului, Zamora, la numai 4 km de Sinaia si 3 km de Busteni. Hotelul se afla chiar la marginea padurii, intr-un loc foarte linistit, ce ofera o perspectiva incantatoare asupra Muntilor Bucegi.   27/05/2017   Club Delphi.   11/09/2016   The Club of Rome is an organisation of individuals who share a common concern for the future of humanity and strive to make a difference. Our members are notable scientists, economists, businessmen, high level civil servants and former heads of state from around the world.   03/03/2019   Commander, Logistics Group Western Pacific (COMLOG WESTPAC) was established at Port of Singapore Authority (PSA), Sembawang Terminal, in July 1992, after the command’s relocation from Naval Station Subic Bay, Republic of the Philippines.   24/09/2019   Philosophy is the study of some of the deepest questions human beings have ever asked: What is the right ethical code to live by? What political policies should I support? How can I find true happiness? Does God exist? Are human beings immortal? Do human beings have free will? What are the limits of human knowledge? Philosophy Department. Claremont McKenna College.   10/10/2020   CMC Markets. CFDs, Spread Betting & Forex Trading. Online Trading. We aim to provide tight spreads regardless of market volatility, delivering competitive and reliable pricing. We offer attractive spreads right across our product range, from 0.7 points on EUR/USD, 1 point on key indices like the UK 100 and Germany 30, and 0.3 points on Gold.   16/01/2020   Futures & Options Trading for Risk Management, CME Group. As the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, CME Group is where the world comes to manage risk.   11/06/2018   Correio da Manhã: Portugal, Mundo, Sociedade, Cultura. Classificados. As últimas notícias sobre Portugal e o Mundo. Cm ao minuto, sociedade, insólitos, desporto. Entrevistas e opinião. Multimedia e videos em CMJornal.   18/12/2015   O Correio da Manhã é o seu jornal diário na Internet. Todas as notícias nacionais e internacionais com rigor e actualidade. Notícias de última hora, exclusivos e acompanhamento do que se passa em diversas áreas tais como Actualidade, Portugal, Economia, Politica, Europa, Mundo, Desporto, Cultura, TV, e outros.   22/04/2020   Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Carnegie Mellon University. Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences is no ordinary liberal arts school and home to the best interdisciplinary research and teaching in the world.   28/11/2019   Consiliul Naţional al Audiovizualului.   28/01/2016   The Centre for Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications (CNAA) was founded in 2000 (December 1), by the following mathematicians of the University of Craiova: Cezar Avramescu, Dumitru Buşneag, Dana Constanţa Constantinescu, Adrian Duma, Sorin Micu, Constantin P. Niculescu, Carmen Rocşoreanu and Nicolae Ţarfulea.   28/11/2019   Compania Nationala de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere.   06/03/2017   Le CNAM. Conservatoire national des arts et métiers. Le Cnam est le seul établissement d’enseignement supérieur français dédié à la formation des adultes. Doté du statut de grand établissement, il est placé sous la tutelle du ministère en charge de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.   02/03/2020   CNEWS. Actualités et Infos en direct vidéo et replay.   05/12/2020   Commander, Navy Installations Command. Official website of Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), the Navy's shore integrator responsible for worldwide U.S. Navy shore installation management.   05/12/2020   Commander, Navy Region Japan. Commander Naval Activities Japan (COMNAVACT JAPAN) was established on January 19, 1946 in Yokohama to control Naval Shore Activities in Japan. In February 1946 U.S. Fifth Fleet came under control of COMNAVACT Japan.   13/07/2018   CNIC. Commander, Joint Region Marianas. Joint Region Marianas' mission is to provide executive level installation management support to all Department of Defense components and tenants through assigned regional installations on Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.   10/05/2017   CNMV - Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores. Organismo encargado de supervisar e inspeccionar los mercados de valores españoles y la actividad de cuantos intervienen en los mismos.   22/05/2020   Business News. Latest Headlines on CNN Business. View the latest business news about the world’s top companies, and explore articles on global markets, finance, tech, and the innovations driving us forward.   27/01/2016   O Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), agência do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (MCTI), tem como principais atribuições fomentar a pesquisa científica e tecnológica e incentivar a formação de pesquisadores brasileiros.   28/04/2020   California Native Plant Society (CNPS). California has more native plants than any other state in the nation, making it one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. We’re working to protect California’s native plants and habitats for generations to come.   15/12/2019   Le Centre national de la recherche scientifique est un organisme public de recherche (Établissement public à caractère scientifique et technologique, placé sous la tutelle du Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche).   28/11/2019   Confederaţia Naţională a Sindicatelor Libere din România. Frăția. Confederaţia noastră este cea mai mare organizaţie naţională de profil sindical, independentă faţă de partidele politice, de organele de stat şi de patronat, constituită exclusiv prin voinţa membrilor săi şi cuprinde la ora actuală peste 800 de mii de sindicalişti.   11/11/2020   CO2 Science. A weekly review and repository of scientific research findings pertaining to carbon dioxide and global change.   21/03/2020   Cocina de Todo. Recetas de cocina fáciles paso a paso. Recetas de cocina sencillas paso a paso para principiantes. Cocina de todo, Prueba las recetas para Thermomix y prepara comidas al horno y totalmente caseras.   21/12/2019   Recetas, Comidas, Platos: Cocina Dominicana. Simple, by Clara: recetas típicas dominicanas, la historia de la cocina dominicana, ingredientes y comidas tradicionales.   21/03/2020   Cocina Para Solteros. La cocina fácil para quienes no se atreven con ella. Recetas de cocina fáciles y bien explicadas para solteros, estudiantes o quienes no se atrevan a cocinar.   06/09/2019   CodeGuru. Microsoft developers related ideas, articles, tips, tricks, comments, downloads, and so much more related to programming in areas including C++, Visual C++, C#, Visual Basic, .NET Framework, and more.   09/06/2017   The Enigma cipher machine. These pages give an introduction to substitution ciphers and then go on to explain exactly how the Enigma machine worked and how it was used.   05/02/2018   The Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings was adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 3 May 2005, following a series of other initiatives by the Council of Europe in the field of combating trafficking in human beings.   16/10/2020   Treaty Office. The text of all Council of Europe treaties, their explanatory reports, the status of signatures and ratifications, the declarations and reservations made by States, as well as the notifications issued by the Treaty Office since 2000, are available on this website.   16/10/2020   Council of Europe Programme Office in the Russian Federation. Official Council of Europe website page of the Programme Office in Moscow with short introduction of the field office, latest Council of Europe news and main news of the Programme Office in the Russian Federation.   16/10/2020   Council of Europe. The Council of Europe is the continent's leading human rights organisation. It includes 47 member states, 27 of which are members of the European Union.   05/04/2017   Bureau des Traités. Liste complète. Détails du traité n°148. Charte européenne des langues régionales ou minoritaires.   05/04/2017   Bureau des Traités. Accords Partiels. Liste des Accords partiels.   25/12/2017   Istituita nel 1987 per iniziativa di un gruppo di professionisti del settore informatico, COE INFORMATICA si è velocemente affermata sul comprensorio modenese come un sicuro punto di riferimento per l’erogazione di servizi informativi e consulenza tecnica alle aziende.   26/10/2019   Founded in 1975, the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA), a nonprofit, tax-exempt independent research and information organization, was established to promote the common interests of the hemisphere, raise the visibility of regional affairs and increase the importance of the inter-American relationship, as well as encourage the formulation of rational and constructive U.S. policies towards Latin America.   16/05/2018   El Consejo Hondureño de la Empresa Privada, COHEP es una institución sin fines de lucro fundada en 1967 con el objetivo de proporcionar las condiciones macroeconómicas, legales e institucionales más adecuadas para fomentar la creación de riqueza y el desarrollo socioeconómico de Honduras, sustentados en el sistema de libre empresa y responsabilidad social.   04/05/2019   Center odprte kode Slovenije (COKS) je nacionalni spodbujevalec razvoja, uporabe in znanja o odprtokodnih tehnologijah in rešitvah. Razvojno podporni Center Odprte Kode Slovenije nudi uporabnikom centraliziran sistem storitve pomoči in podpore ter zagotavlja rešitve za potrebe javnega in zasebnega sektorja.   27/03/2019   Founded in 1813, Colby is the 12th-oldest private liberal arts college in the country. Located in central Maine, our 714-acre Mayflower Hill campus overlooks downtown Waterville and the Kennebec River Valley.   16/01/2016   Founded in 1813, Colby is the 12th-oldest private liberal arts college in the country. Located in central Maine, our 714-acre Mayflower Hill campus overlooks downtown Waterville and the Kennebec River Valley.   27/01/2016   Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación. Colciencias. En Colombia, el proceso de consolidar el mecanismo que facilita el conocimiento tecno-científico corresponde al fortalecimiento del proyecto de Nación y de las instituciones propias de la modernidad.   29/03/2018   Welcome to the Cold War Museum. From the 1940s until the 1990s the rivalry between the democratic Free World and the nations of the Communist bloc affected Americans' daily lives and events throughout the world.   29/03/2018   Werner I. Juretzko was born in the city of Rydultau/Rydultowy in the region of Upper Silesia. In 1955, he was accused of and tried for anti communist activities. He was sentenced to 13 years of incarceration for so-called ”crimes against Article 6 of the Constitution” of the German Democratic Republic.   11/09/2018   La Editorial COLEX se fundó en el año 1981 por un prestigioso grupo de juristas, con el objetivo de ofrecer a los profesionales del Derecho los medios necesarios para facilitarles su trabajo.   21/06/2020   Columbia Helicopters was founded in the Pacific Northwest in 1957, and we’re proud of the reputation we’ve built over the last half-century as a global leader in heavy-lift helicopter operations, and a trusted expert in Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul services.   21/06/2018   Computational Linguistics and Phonetics. Universität des Saarlandes.   01/04/2018   Computational Linguistics and Phonetics. Wissenschaftler von internationalem Niveau und hoch motivierte Dozenten machen Saarbrücken zu einem der weltweit führenden Zentren für linguistische Forschung und Lehre.   21/06/2018   Publications. Computational Linguistics and Phonetics. Universität des Saarlandes.   31/05/2020   Museo Collazo. Raphael Collazo Foundation 2004.  Raphael Collazo, American (New York), born Puerto Rico, 1943-1990. Abstract Expressionist painter influenced by the Italian masters and the French 18th century painters, particularly Watteau.   29/07/2017   La collection d'appareils photo anciens et de photographies anciennes par Sylvain Halgand 1999-2017.   08/05/2017   ARCHIVED - Canada's UFOs: The Search for the Unknown. The Library and Archives Canada collection of government records on UFOs was acquired from the following four federal departments and agencies: Department of National Defence, Department of Transport, National Research Council, Royal Canadian Mounted Police.   08/05/2017   ARCHIVED - Framing Canada: A Photographic Memory. Library and Archives Canada (LAC) holds approximately 30 million photographs from various public and private sources in its collection.   25/10/2017   Le portail sur Internet des Ressources et services multiculturels donne accès aux ressources multiculturelles et multilingues de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada (BAC).   21/06/2018   The ties between Columbia University and New York City predate even Columbia College’s 1754 founding as King’s College.   10/06/2017   Le Collège de France est un établissement public d’enseignement supérieur, institution unique en France, sans équivalent à l’étranger. Depuis le XVIe siècle, le Collège de France répond à une double vocation : être à la fois le lieu de la recherche la plus audacieuse et celui de son enseignement.   06/11/2019   Founded in 1891, The College of Idaho is the state's first private liberal arts college. We're a close-knit community of 1,000 scholars, athletes, artists and critical thinkers who aim to push ourselves — and each other — to new heights. On October 7, 1891, The College of Idaho held its first class for two students inside a Presbyterian church.   02/10/2019   El Colegio de Michoácan, A.C. Gracias principalmente al genio creativo y a los empeños de Luis González y González, cristalizó la idea, el 15 de enero de 1979, de fundar el Colegio de Michoacán, consagrado a las ciencias sociales y a las humanidades.   20/06/2020   The University of Colorado Boulder is a bold, innovative community of scholars and learners who accelerate human potential to solve the humanitarian, social and technological challenges of our time.   19/09/2016   The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder is the intellectual core of the university, conducting research, scholarship, creative work and education in more than 60 fields.   Our research generates new knowledge, solving some of the world’s most critical problems.   14/07/2020   Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research. University of Colorado Boulder. The Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research (CCAR) is dedicated to the study of astrodynamics and the application of satellites to science, navigation, and remote sensing of the Earth and planets.   10/07/2018   Office of the Chancellor. University of Colorado Boulder.   10/07/2018   Art Museum. University of Colorado Boulder. Since the foundation of our collections in 1939, we have been a hub for exploration of art. It's our vision to create a university culture that inspires creativity, innovation and original research.   10/07/2018   Modern & Contemporary. Our globally diverse collection of modern and contemporary art encompasses drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, sculpture, photography, video and digital media.   10/07/2018   Geography. University of Colorado Boulder. We've been integrating the study of human activity and the natural environment since 1937, when Harold Hoffmeister was appointed CU's first Assistant Professor of Geography.   20/06/2020   CU Science Discovery is a K-12 STEM education outreach organization of CU Boulder that connects students and teachers to current CU science. Programs provide experiential learning experiences through summer camps and high school classes, school year programs, school and teacher programs and community events. University of Colorado Boulder.   20/06/2020   Located in beautiful Boulder, Colorado, the Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences offers a B.A. for undergraduate students, as well as a broad range of student training in clinical practice and research for graduate students. The SLHS Department offers two MA programs: MA-SLP and MA Research.   20/06/2020   Welcome to the web page of the department of Spanish and Portuguese! We are a vibrant, multicultural, diverse community of scholars and students deeply engaged in the study of the languages, cultures, societies, literatures and arts of Latin America, the Iberian Peninsula and the growing US Latino population.   17/02/2020   The Department of Women and Gender Studies (WGST) faculty aim to foster students’ critical thinking skills in a learning environment that is supportive and challenging. In the workplace, the media, popular culture, politics, and even academia, we are confronted with stereotypes and one-dimensional representations of gender, race, class, nationality and sexuality.   29/04/2019   Colt's Manufacturing Company - firearms, handguns, pistols, rifles, revolvers.   10/08/2019   The Official Website of the Indianapolis Colts. The official source of the latest Colts headlines, news, videos, photos, tickets, rosters, stats, schedule, and gameday information.   21/03/2020   Columbia University in the City of New York. Columbia University is one of the world's most important centers of research and at the same time a distinctive and distinguished learning environment for undergraduates and graduate students in many scholarly and professional fields.   13/03/2019   La Universidad Columbia del Paraguay es la primera universidad de carácter no confesional del Paraguay, creada en aplicación de la Ley 828 de Universidades el 8 de marzo de 1991. Quedó constituida sobre la estructura física y académica de la institución de enseñanza superior e intermedia Columbia – MOC.   19/09/2016   A-Z Index. Columbia University in the City of New York.   19/09/2016   What's the verdict on peer review? The judgment of colleagues plays a critical part in how grants are distributed, journal articles are selected, and careers are formed. Yet this system may raise ethical dilemmas. 21stC explores how peer review really works, and how it might work better. By TOM ABATE. Columbia University in the City of New York.   19/09/2016   The Dickensian Memex; or, the 19th-century roots of hypertext. The associative powers of hypertext, like any other feature of language, have a rich history. The editor of Feed explores how evolving verbal forms--in our century, the previous one, and the next--respond to the requirements of content. Steven Johnson. Columbia University in the City of New York.   19/09/2016   Acción Boricua was initially founded to foster awareness, promotion, and education of Puerto Rican culture, history, and current situations while simultaneously providing a support group for Latino/a issues at Columbia University in general and to collaborate with other non-Latino/a groups inside and outside the Columbia gates.   31/05/2017   The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) exists to preserve and protectthe liberties and privileges guaranteed to each individual by the Bill of Rights. These liberties include freedom of speech and expression, equal protection under the law, due process of law, and the right to personal privacy.   22/10/2016   The Apostolos Campus Ministry is an interdenominational ministry committed to spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth, testifying to the eternal love of the Lord. Working with various people and ministries, our goal is to spread the good news of Christ, reaching out to the ones who do not know the Way, the Truth, and the Life.   22/10/2016   The Columbia University American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) branch is committed to participating in the annual AIAA DBF competition.   31/05/2017   Chemical Engineering students of all ages, us members of Columbia University's AIChE student chapter urge you to take advantage of the numerous events we have to offer here on campus. Look out for emails and information that will circulate the department, and may be of interest to you and your future goals.   25/08/2015   Columbia magazine is published quarterly for alumni and friends of Columbia by the Office of University Development and Alumni Relations.   22/10/2016   Welcome to Columbia University Amnesty International. In 1961, a London Lawyer named Peter Benenson was going about his daily business of reading the Daily Telegraph.   22/10/2016   APAAM. Asian Pacific American Awareness Month is an annual celebration at Columbia University dedicated to promoting awareness of APA issues and history among the Columbia student body. Our theme for this year, "Resonance: Our Collective Voices," seeks to explore the evolution of the APA community, highlighting its past, present and future.   22/10/2016   The Columbia Center for Archaeology is an umbrella organization designed to bring together those scholars and students who are interested in the archaeological study of the past, materiality and the modern world, and heritage and museum studies, among other topics. We also arrange lectures and other events each semester, which are open to the public.   26/10/2017   To study the history of art at Columbia University is to join an enterprise that extends far beyond Morningside Heights. Perhaps more than any other undergraduate major, art history is tied to the cultural life of New York City, where more people are engaged in making, writing about, exhibiting, and collecting art than any place else in the world.   22/10/2016   The LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies was founded by a generous endowment from LeRoy and Janet Neiman in 1996 to promote printmaking through education, production and exhibition of prints.   15/12/2016   Bacchanal is an incredible club that works to put on a variety of events bringing popular musicians and artists to the school at no cost for students!   03/07/2016   The Columbia University Bach Society. The only student-run orchestra and choir ensemble on campus, the Bach Society is currently directed by Kevin Lee. Musically, we focus mainly on the Baroque and Classical periods. Socially, we are a warm community of musicians from a wide variety of backgrounds. We are community-oriented and friendly! Feel free to explore our site for info on what we do, how we do it, and how you can get involved.   15/12/2016   You don't know us yet? Well you should! We're Columbia University's Badminton Club, the only on campus badminton organization that caters to Columbia students, faculty, staff, alumni, and affiliates.   15/12/2016   The Baha'i Club is a student group whose membership is not confined to members of the Baha'i Faith. It organizes regular, diverse activities open to all.   15/12/2016   Club Bangla, recognized in Spring of 2002, is a cultural group where both Non-Bengalis and Bengalis from Bangladesh and the state of West Bengal in India can come together to celebrate the common rich Bengali culture, heritage and language.   25/10/2016   The Biotechnology MA program trains students in modern aspects of molecular biology with a particular emphasis on approaches used in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries.   15/12/2016   The Blue Key Society is Columbia University's oldest community service organization. The organization serves the University by linking Columbia's academic and social communities with local and national charitable organizations through fundraisers, campus-wide events, and philanthropic pursuits.   09/02/2017   Buddhism for Global Peace at Columbia University is a student organization based on Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism. We meet every week to chant, study and encourage one another, ultimately striving for global peace through individual happiness.   09/02/2017   You are using version 3 of the Columbia University Directory of Classes, released on May 21, 2001. The course pages have a new look which is frames based. Navigation buttons have been added and several new fields have been added.   09/02/2017   The aim of the Caribbean Students' Association (CSA) is to enable Caribbean students to generate and foster a sense of unity and understanding among themselves, their fellow students at Columbia University, and the surrounding community.   09/02/2017   Welcome to CASO!   09/02/2017   Compass Christian Koinonia at Columbia University. Experiencing more, together in Christ.   22/03/2017   Columbia Financial Investment Group (CFIG) is Columbia’s largest undergraduate finance club. Our mission is to assist Columbia students in acquiring a broad knowledge in finance while equipping all members with an understanding of the financial markets.   05/10/2014   The development of chemistry in the United States is tied closely to the development of chemistry at Columbia University. The figure at the right shows Charles Frederick Chandler, the founder of the modern Columbia chemistry department (4th from the left), and some of the first chemistry graduate students.   22/03/2017   Chicanx Caucus seeks to provide its members who self-identify as Chicanx, Mexican, or Mexican-American with an environment that will help them fulfill their educationalal goals, promote their cultural consciousness, and help them become active in serving the needs of their community.   22/03/2017   From time to time, people ask us how they can join Chowdah. This is typically stems from a traumatic childhood, medically induced dimensia, or confusion with another student group. In any case, for these people, we have set up a procedure for auditions so that all have a shot at joining the lustrious ranks of Chowdah.   22/03/2017   Getting Started-Choosing Your Cigar. When it comes to choosing your cigar, there are several things that you will want to keep in mind, all which play a part in your decision. First, the size and shape of the cigar. Second, the color of the cigar.   03/02/2018   A Chronology of Computing at Columbia University. At the dawn of the new Millenium, computers and the network are ubiquitous; we can't live without them.   01/11/2017   Founded in the spring of 1988 by Daniel Henkin, CC '91, the Clefhangers (also known as the "Clefs") began as the alternative co-ed a cappella group at Columbia University. Henkin wanted to create a group that was open to undergraduates of all backgrounds who were passionate about music and the performing arts.   17/10/2020   Mi Columna Deportiva. Sitio web sobre deportes, donde se combina la noticia con el debate, siempre desde una mirada personal. Mi nombre es Miguel Ernesto Gómez Masjuán, soy Periodista y Doctor en Ciencias de la Comunicación, pero por encima de todo soy un ferviente seguidor de los deportes.   05/12/2017   Department of Communication: University of Washington.   19/09/2019   Comisión Mexicana de Filmaciones. Mexican Film Commission. Ponemos al servicio de productores audiovisuales de México y el Mundo toda la información necesaria para rodar en nuestro país, contactos institucionales, guías especializadas para el productor y toda la información necesaria para Filmar en México y transformar sus sueños en imágenes para la pantalla.   30/03/2020   Rhapsody In Glue.   02/10/2019   Ministerio de Comercio Exterior. Costa Rica.   09/01/2020   Comic Art Fans is home to over 1 million pieces of original Comic and Illustration artworks within our Art Collector Galleries and Classifieds, or For Sale in our Comic Art Dealer and Auction House Search.   28/09/2019   11 anys seguint l'actualitat del còmic en català! Sigueu benvingudes i benviguts a ComiCat, un web sobre còmic en català realitzat per un grup d'amants del còmic.   07/05/2020   Comic Genesis. New Worlds. New Dreams.   06/12/2020   Comics Kingdom. The best comic strips, political cartoons and puzzles in all the land.   31/03/2020   Communication Arts. Print publication showcasing exceptional design, advertising, illustration, photography, interactive and typography.   10/10/2020   Commodity Online. Get live commodity market prices, metals predictions, commodity futures price, trading tips, MCX, NCDEX, NMCE, agri news, commodity spot prices, Live Stock Price, Stock Trading news, Commodity Market, personal finance, mutual funds,loans.   26/08/2020   Commonswift Worldwide. This webpage was created for everyone who is interested in this extraordinary bird. Beginners will find an easy-to-understand introduction to the species, while advanced researchers can get further information from the bibliography of the Commonswift.   01/07/2017   Les Amies et Amis de la Commune de Paris (1871). Créée en 1882 par les communards de retour d’exil, l’association des Amies et Amis de la Commune de Paris (1871) est la plus ancienne des organisations du mouvement ouvrier français.   21/12/2013   Portal digital de cine iberoamericano y europeo dedicado a los profesionales y estudiantes del mundo de las artes audiovisuales.   12/05/2019   Coordinamento Comasco per la PACE.   10/02/2020   Il compagno segreto. Un posto per chi legge. L'unico lunario mensile per feste letterarie. Una festa al mese per Conrad, Stendhal, Kafka, Stevenson...   03/11/2017   ICT nieuws, achtergrond, expert-opinies, cases en whitepapers. Computable is het platform voor ict-professionals, met ondermeer dagelijks ict-nieuws, tienduizenden ict-achtergrondartikelen en expert-opinies, loopbaan-informatie, whitepapers, productnieuws, discussies, topics, agenda en praktijkcases.   20/06/2018   DTU Compute er Danmarks største miljø for matematik og computer science. DTU Computes ledelse består af institutdirektør Per B. Brockhoff, vicedirektør Jan Madsen, samt 11 forskningssektionsledere. Instituttet består af 11 forskningssektioner, flere centre, og et ledelsessekretariat.   25/03/2020   The IEEE Computer Society is the premier source for information, inspiration, and collaboration in computer science and engineering. A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.   21/10/2016   From the analytical engine to the supercomputer, from Pascal to von Neumann, from punched cards to CD-ROMs — the IEEE Annals of the History of Computing covers the breadth of computer history.   21/10/2016   Computer Magazine. Flagship magazine of the IEEE Computer Society.   25/03/2020   CSDL. IEEE Computer Society. Browse more than 750k articles on advanced computing topics.   20/12/2016   Katie Hafner: The Origins of the Internet. Issue No. 07 - July (2013 vol. 46). ISSN: 0018-9162, pp: 6-7. Charles Severance, University of Michigan.   20/12/2016   Len Kleinrock: The Theory of Packets (Computing Conversations). Issue No. 08 - August (2013 vol. 46). ISSN: 0018-9162, pp: 6-8. Charles Severance, University of Michigan.   20/12/2016   The IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL) provides online access to 33 society magazines and transactions and more than 9,000 conference publications. All professional members get online access to Computer magazine FREE as a benefit of membership.   20/12/2016   IEEE Intelligent Systems, a bimonthly publication of the IEEE Computer Society, provides peer-reviewed, cutting-edge articles on the theory and applications of systems that perceive, reason, learn, and act intelligently.   21/10/2016   Latest Articles on Computer Technology. IEEE Computer Society - IEEECS.   18/03/2017   Silver Bullet Security Podcast. This series of in-depth interviews with prominent security experts features Gary McGraw as anchor. IEEE Security & Privacy magazine publishes excerpts of the 20-minute conversations in article format each issue.   16/02/2014   With nearly 100,000 members, the IEEE Computer Society is the world's leading organization of computer professionals. Founded in 1946, it is the largest of the 39 societies of the IEEE.   25/02/2020   Computer Society Press Room. IEEE Computer Society. Empowering the People who Drive Technology.   21/10/2016   IEEE Software’s mission: To build the community of leading software practitioners. This bimonthly magazine delivers reliable, useful, leading-edge software development information to keep engineers and managers abreast of rapid technology change.   20/12/2016   Technology professionals worldwide turn to Computing Now and the IEEE Computer Society for information they can trust about the technologies they need to know more about.   21/10/2016   BIG DATA – IEEECS.   21/10/2016   Art of Hacking. IEEE Computer Society. You and your staff can take courses, created by NotSoSecure and IEEE Computer Society, where you are and at your own pace, getting hands-on, real-world training that you can put to work immediately thanks to the Art of Hacking course.   21/10/2016   IEEECS Professional Education. IEEE Computer Society. The IEEE Computer Society annually sponsors a wide range of diverse computer conferences, symposiums & workshops dedicated to providing computing professionals with innovative forums to facilitate exchange of scientific & technological knowledge.   21/10/2016   IEEE Computer Society Online Books. IEEE Computer Society. Knowledge is Power - Your IEEE Computer Society membership comes with the online books you need to keep up with rapidly changing technology.   09/06/2017   The mission of the Computer History Museum is to preserve and present for posterity the artifacts and stories of the Information Age. The Computer History Museum is a nonprofit organization with a four-decade history as the world’s leading institution exploring the history of computing and its ongoing impact on society.   23/07/2014   A History of the Internet: 1962-1992.   25/02/2020   Internet History 1962 to 1992. This Internet Timeline begins in 1962, before the word 'Internet' is invented. The world’s 10,000 computers are primitive, although they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. They have only a few thousand words of magnetic core memory, and programming them is far from easy.   09/06/2017   Timeline of Computer History. Computer History Museum.   05/03/2018   Computerworld: The Voice of Business Technology. Computerworld focuses on empowering enterprise users and their managers, helping them create business advantage by skillfully exploiting today's abundantly powerful web, mobile, and desktop applications.   05/03/2018   Nyheder, analyser, viden, blogs og debat om it. Computerworld er dit medie om det digitale Danmark. Computerworld skriver om nye teknologier, hardware, software, informationssamfundet, internettet, it-branchen, telebranchen, it-ledelse, it-strategi, forretnings-it, it-job og meget mere.   05/03/2018   Computerworld Whitepaper. Står du og skal analysere, vurdere og implementere nyt it-udstyr eller –systemer, eller vil du bare vide mere om hvad, der bevæger sig på de globale it-markeder, så kan få klik rundt i Computerworlds omfattende white paper database give dig omfattende information hurtigt og ganske gratis.   21/06/2018   ComputerWorld. La voz de la Informática. Las claves tecnológicas que necesita conocer el CEO, el CIO, el CFO, el CSO y el CMO para asegurar el éxito de su compañía.   01/05/2020   The IEEE Communications Society is a global community of engineers, practitioners and academics working together to advance communications technology for the betterment of humanity.   25/12/2017   For more than 35 years, Comtrol Corporation has been a manufacturer and provider of quality networking and industrial data communication products, specializing in industrial Ethernet and device connectivity.   09/06/2020   Città di Firenze. Sito della Rete civica della Città di Firenze.   13/07/2018   Situada en el centro del segundo país más extenso de la Unión Europea, la Comunidad de Madrid alberga en su territorio 6 universidades públicas, 8 privadas, y la sede central de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).   13/09/2018   Recetas de cocina fáciles, sencillas, sanas y económicas. Si no sabes ni freír un huevo, aquí encontrarás recetas fáciles, recetas de cocina sencillas, y recetas económicas y sanas.   29/04/2020   Conan Doyle Info. The Life and Work of Arthur Conan Doyle. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was born in Scotland on May 22, 1859. He was an author and the creator of Sherlock Holmes. He’s also known for The Lost World.   19/07/2014   The Society for Conservation Biology (SCB) is an international professional organization dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity.   25/11/2020   Science Fact & Science Fiction Concatenation. The Science & Science Fiction News & Reviews of books, films & science.   27/03/2019   El Concejo de Medellín es una corporación administrativa de elección popular que cumple las funciones que señalan la Constitución Política y la ley garantizando mecanismos para el debate democrático y participativo, actuando como interlocutora, vocera y representante de la comunidad en el trámite de proyectos de acuerdo municipal y el ejercicio de control político.   22/08/2018   Concejo Municipal de Rosario. Abierto, Cercano y Transparente.   15/09/2020   Concello da Capela. A Capela é un concello situado ó norte da provincia da Coruña, culminado pola Serra do Forgoselo e lindeira co concello de San Sadurniño ó norte. O río Eume e o seu val constitúen un límite natural co concello de Monfero ó sur.   11/09/2020   Portal cidadán de Laxe. Laxe está situado no noroeste da provincia da Coruña, no corazón da costa da Morte, e no extremo sur da ría que leva o seu nome. Limita ao norte coa ría de Corme e Laxe, ao sur con Vimianzo, ao leste con Cabana de Bergantiños e Zas e ao oeste co océano Atlántico.   11/09/2020   Concello de Meira. O Concello de Meira pertence á provincia, ó partido xudicial e á diócese de Lugo. Limita co Concello de Riotorto ó norte, co de Pol ó sur, ó leste co Concello da Ribeira de Piquín e ó oeste co da Pastoriza.   22/02/2016   The John Molson School of Business provides an engaging learning and research environment that inspires us to go beyond the commonplace for the development of business and society. The John Molson School of Business Building was granted Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification status by the Canada Green Building Council.   12/08/2020   The Concord Monitor is a Pulitzer Prize winning daily newspaper and website located in the capital city of New Hampshire. The Concord Monitor is Central NH's dominant media with more than 70 percent household penetration. The Monitor is a key source of news and information for Concord, NH.   17/11/2017   The Concord Museum educates visitors of all ages about the history of Concord and its continuing influence on American political, literary and cultural life. The Museum’s nationally significant collection serves as a catalyst for changing exhibitions, extended classroom learning, dynamic programs and publications relevant to an ever-changing world.   03/07/2018   Concord Music is the independent, worldwide leader in the development, acquisition and management of recorded music, music publishing and theatrical performance rights.   16/08/2019   Burgos en la Alta Edad Media: fundación y capital del condado de Castilla.   19/04/2020   Biografía de Fernán González. Conde de Castilla y de Álava (931-970) conocido como el Buen Conde. Unificador del condado de Castilla y protagonista de un famoso cantar épico medieval.   14/06/2016   Godel's Proof and The Human Condition. What is 'the human condition'? Google it; what do you get? Ask someone -anyone; ask a scientist -makes no difference.   25/10/2016   ¿Porqué ConexiónCubana? En 1998 tuve la idea de crear Conexión Cubana por cariño hacía los cubanos, porque estaba cansado de no encontrar webs que hablasen de la gente cubana, sino de ideales políticos de una tendencia u otra, porque llevaba tiempo ayudando a un niño cubano y muy enfermo y pensé que era una buena idea utilizar Internet para ayudar a éste y a otros.   25/08/2015   Diccionario de argot cubano realizado por los colaboradores de Conexión Cubana.   20/04/2020   Goualougo Triangle Ape Project. The Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park was founded in 1993 as part of an initiative to maintain the pristine forests of the Ndoki region.   10/08/2017   Jeremie Capon Memorial Page. An Inspiring Friend to Great Apes: Jeremie Capon, Creator of the GTAP Facebook Cause. It is with deep sadness that we bid farewell to our friend Jeremie Capon. His contributions to the Goualougo Triangle Ape Project have been tremendous and inspiring. Jeremie showed us how passion for a cause can inspire others to action.   11/09/2020   Constitución política de la monarquía española. Promulgada en Cádiz a 19 de Marzo de 1812.   02/04/2020   Congreso de los Diputados. Reino de España.   09/03/2020   Portal Institucional e Información sobre la Actividad Parlamentaria y Legislativa del Estado Peruano.   16/02/2020   Congress. Library of Congress. U.S. Congress legislation, Congressional Record debates, Members of Congress, legislative process educational resources presented by the Library of Congress.   17/02/2020   The Federalist, commonly referred to as the Federalist Papers, is a series of 85 essays written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison between October 1787 and May 1788. The essays were published anonymously, under the pen name "Publius," in various New York state newspapers of the time.   17/03/2020   Conjunctions — The forum for innovative writing. Innovative, immaculate, provocative fiction, poetry, narrative nonfiction, and hybrid forms in two separate editions: a biannual e- and print issue and a weekly online magazine. Fearless writing for dangerous readers."   02/05/2020   Conny Lundström. Vildmarksfotograf. Conny Lundström har länge varit intresserad av fotografering och riktigt på allvar blev det i början på 1990-talet. Eftersom han alltid känt sig hemma i skog och mark, föll det sig naturligt för honom att ägna sig åt vildmarksfotografering. Så småningom blev kungsörn det stora fotoprojekt som han nu under ett antal år ägnat sig åt.   11/04/2016   Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Ce site est édité par le Conseil d'Etat. Ce portail est votre guide pour l'ensemble des travaux effectués par le Conseil d'Etat. L'objectif est de promouvoir l'accès du public aux informations relatives à ses activités. Il a été réalisé avec l'aide du Centre des technologies de l'information de l'Etat.   15/01/2016   The Cyprus Conservation Foundation was established in 1992 as a not-for-profit educational   organisation and is a sibling to the Laona Foundation for the Conservation and Regeneration of the Cypriot Countryside.   28/02/2019   At the Fund, we make conservation work for   America. By creating solutions that make environmental and economic sense, we are redefining conservation to demonstrate its essential role in our future prosperity. Top-ranked for efficiency and effectiveness, we have worked in all 50 states to protect over 8 million acres of land since 1985.   22/03/2019   The ESRI Conservation Program is now part of the new "Special Programs" non-profit support group at esri (aka Environmental Systems Research Institute).   18/10/2015   Americans for Constitutional Liberty (ACL) was founded in 1974 as The Conservative Caucus (TCC) in the belief that conservatives could win in Washington only by mobilizing conservative strength at the state and Congressional district level. The name was changed to ACL in 2014.   01/09/2020   Consonni es una editorial con un espacio cultural independiente en el barrio bilbaíno de San Francisco. Desde 1996 producimos cultura crítica y en la actualidad apostamos por la palabra escrita y también susurrada, oída, silenciada, declamada; la palabra hecha acción, hecha cuerpo.   25/11/2020   Construyendo País, Presidencia de la República. Gobernar con y para las regiones generando espacios de inclusión ciudadana en la construcción de las políticas públicas que adelanta el Gobierno Nacional.   21/10/2016   Consulta de Difusión Veterinaria trata exclusivamente sobre la medicina y cirugía en los animales de compañía. Se caracteriza por exponer de la forma más didáctica y clara artículos prácticos, revisados por el comité científico, incluyendo numerosas fotografías, ilustraciones y esquemas aclaratorios.   03/10/2016   31/10/2019   Contraloría General de Cuentas. La historia de la Contraloría General de Cuentas se remonta al segundo viaje de Cristóbal Colón, cuando los Reyes Católicos nombraron a un funcionario para supervisar el manejo del presupuesto destinado a la expedición.   30/01/2020   Contraloría General de la República de Panamá. La Contraloría General de la República, es un organismo estatal independiente, de carácter técnico, cuya misión institucional desde sus antecedentes constitucionales que conformaron la República, ha transitado por períodos profundos de transformación a través de la historia de nuestro país.   09/03/2020   La Contraloría General de la República es la máxima autoridad del Sistema Nacional de Control. Supervisa, vigila y verifica la correcta aplicación de las políticas públicas y el uso de los recursos y bienes del Estado.   21/12/2019   Portal de la Contraloría General de la República del Perú. La Contraloría General de la República es la máxima autoridad del Sistema Nacional de Control.   09/03/2020   El Sitio Contranatura es producido desde 2006 por Cravan Editores en la ciudad de Lima, territorio sojuzgado por el Estado del Perú. Carece de relación alguna con partidos políticos o empresas comerciales. Su objetivo es favorecer las resistencias contra la tiranía de la cultura autoritaria, y la recreación de culturas libres y comunitarias.   22/03/2016   Making systems of various kinds perform well is what automatic control is all about. We are some 40 people in the division that teach this subject to more than 1000 undergraduates per year. We also do research that aims at covering a broad spectrum from industrial applications to development of new theories.   22/03/2016   The Department of Automatic Control at Lund University was created in 1965 and has today grown to hosting about 60 people. We give courses within the regular engineering program to students from different areas of engineering.   12/03/2018   The Systems Control Group is one of eight research groups in the The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at the University of Toronto.   16/06/2019   This site is dedicated to the study of World War 2 airfields in Great Britain. Particular emphasis will be on the Control Tower, or Watch Office, as this is the heart of flying operations on every airfield.   18/08/2018   Lo scopo di Contusu, dall’ormai lontano 2004, anno della sua nascita, è quello di raccogliere e raccontare per quanto possibile i cosidetti “contus de forredda”, racconti fatti dai nostri Nonni attorno al focolare o, in estate, seduti per le strade.   25/11/2020   Conversations on Philanthropy: Emerging Questions on Liberality and Social Thought aim is to promote inquiry and reflection on the importance of liberality—in the dual sense of generosity and of the character befitting free individuals—for the flourishing of local communities, political societies, and humanity in general.   21/01/2018   El actual Centro de Estudios Convivencia (CEC) es heredero y continuador del extinto Centro de Formación Cívica y Religiosa (1993-2007) y su revista Vitral en la primera etapa (1994-2007). Por tanto tenemos una experiencia de más de 20 años.   08/11/2016   Cooking Light. Healthy Recipes, Nutrition Tips & Guides to Healthy Eating. Find quick and healthy recipes, nutrition tips, entertaining menus, and fitness guides to help you make smart choices for a healthy lifestyle from Cooking Light magazine.   09/02/2016   Det finns cirka 665 Coop-butiker runt om i vårt land. De ägs av 3,4 miljoner medlemmar i 32 konsumentföreningar. Medlemsägandet förpliktar och vi står på konsumenternas sida. Vi värnar om miljö och hälsa. Vår verksamhet ska alltid stå i samklang med vad medlemmarna prioriterar och efterfrågar.   28/04/2014   The Cooper Ornithological Society, a non-profit (501(c)3) organization of over 2,000 professional and amateur ornithologists, is one of the largest ornithological societies in the world. The Society was organized in 1893 by a small group of individuals in California who were interested in the study of birds.   21/11/2020   Copper Canyon Press is a nonprofit, independent poetry publisher based in Port Townsend, WA. We believe poetry is vital to language and living. Since 1972, Copper Canyon has published extraordinary poetry from around the world to engage the imaginations and intellects of readers.   23/11/2017   The Co-Prosperity Sphere (C-PS) is an experimental cultural center located in the neighborhood of Bridgeport. The space is used to showcase work by artists, performers and cultural workers of all stripes.   12/04/2019   Portal Catolico con enciclopedia, respuestas a lectores y amplia informacion. Siervas de los Corazones Traspasados de Jesus y Maria.   29/08/2020   Cordoba hoy. Actualidad en Córdoba. La actualidad en Córdoba a un solo click.   12/05/2019   Cornell is a privately endowed research university and a partner of the State University of New York.   04/12/2020   Corriere della Sera: news e ultime notizie oggi da Italia e Mondo. Notizie di cronaca, politica, economia e sport con foto e video. Meteo, salute, viaggi, musica e giochi online. Annunci di lavoro, immobiliari e auto.   04/12/2020  Cook. Racconti di Cucina.   20/06/2016   Amanita cruzii. O.K. Mill. & Lodge. This collection came from the trail head area at Anton Sape Bueno of the Parque Nacional Armando Bermudez, Santiago Province, Dominican Republic.   20/06/2016   Boletus subtomentosus. This is a taxon from the Dominican Rebublic.   20/06/2016   Camarophyllopsis microsporus (Smith & Hesler) Lodge & Cantrell, comb. nov. ined. This species is mainly found at Palo Colorado Forest (500-800 m).   20/06/2016   Auricularia polytricha (Mont.) Farl. A species found in Guajataca, Puerto Rico.   20/06/2016   Cantharellus cibarius. This is a taxon the Manabao region of the Dominican Republic.   13/09/2016   Chroogomplus jamaicensis. This is a taxon from the Valle Nuevo region of the Dominican Republic.   20/06/2016   Basidiomycetes of the Greater Antilles contains a catalogue of tropical fungi found in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and other islands of the Greater and Lesser Antilles.   20/06/2016   Species Illustrated. Alphabetical Listing of Taxa.   13/09/2016   Amylospora campbellii (Berk.) Ryv. This species was found on Guana Island which is part of the British Virgin Islands.   13/09/2016   Pseudohydnum sp. A collection from the Dominican Republic found on the trail from Ebano Verde to Arroyazo.   13/09/2016   Chalciporus persicinus Pegler. This collection came from Bordeaux Mountain in St. John, U. S. Virgin Islands.   06/04/2017   The Directorate of Science (D/SCI) is responsible for ESA's mandatory scientific programme. It also provides scientifc support to the Exploration and other programmes. The Directorate consists of several Departments and Offices.   18/02/2016   Imago Mundi est une encyclopédie généraliste et gratuite. Plusieurs dictionnaires lui sont annexés: biographies, oeuvres, pays, lieux d'histoire, villes et monuments, Etats et territoires, religions et mythologies, philosophie, mots du vivant, etc.   12/07/2019   Cossetània Edicions és una editorial amb seu a Valls creada l'any 1996. Aquesta editorial neix en el sí de l'empresa Imatge-9, SL, que es dedicava a treballs de comunicació però també tenia una divisió de treball de serveis editorials, de manera que es van començar a editar llibres sota el segell de Cossetània Edicions.   15/02/2020   Council for Economic Education: You’re never too young to learn about money. The Council for Economic Education’s (CEE’s) mission is to equip K-12 students with the tools and knowledge of personal finance and economics so that they can make better decisions for themselves, their families, and their communities.   28/09/2020   Hartford Courant. Your source for Connecticut breaking news, UConn sports, business, entertainment, weather and traffic.   30/11/2020   Covadlo, Lázaro (n.1937). Escritor argentino, residente en Sitges (España) desde fines de la década de 1970, cuando optó por abandonar su país por motivos políticos.   28/10/2019   JWA has been a comedian for 3 decades & it shows in his side-splitting & sometimes outrageous stand-up. His observational humor captivates audiences everywhere! He shoots off 1-liners about real life topics & his analytical, down-home approach delivers with a unique, hilarious perspective. He plays guitar & sings parodies of popular country songs & some hysterical originals, too!   06/05/2018   Welcome the purchasing of Southwest, Western and Country Furniture, Art and Accessories.   20/08/2019   The primary objective of the National Multicultural Western Heritage Museum and Hall of Fame is to offer the visitor a true and complete historical perspective of the people and activities that built the unique culture of the American West.   17/08/2018   The Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians upholds Tribal Government, protects and preserves Tribal sovereignty, history, culture and the general welfare of the Tribal membership, and serves to provide for the long-term economic needs of the Tribe and its members through the economic development of Tribal lands.   29/04/2014   The National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame is the only museum in the world dedicated to honoring women of the American West who have displayed extraordinary courage and pioneer spirit in their trail blazing efforts.   04/03/2017   Restaurante Japonês Ten Kai - Rio de Janeiro. Restaurante japonês em Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro. Saboreie o melhor do sushi e da cozinha japonesa em um ambiente sofisticado com salas reservadas, sushi bar, sashimi e outros pratos da comida japonesa.   03/04/2020   Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística. CPNL.   26/02/2016   Nakladatelství CPress pružně reaguje na vzrůstající popularitu oborů v oblasti odborné a populárně-naučné literatury. Systematicky tak rozšiřuje svou knižní nabídku zejména v oblastech knížek pro nejmenší, cestování, historie a military, hobby, auto-moto, zdraví a životní styl, příroda a zahrada, umění a kultura a technika a věda.   15/12/2020   The Columbia Political Review is a multi-partisan undergraduate-run publication at Columbia University. The magazine hosts writers and accepts pitches from all over the ideological spectrum; our mission is to provide an open forum for long-form political thought on campus. We cover both international and domestic issues.   21/12/2019   O Serviço Geológico do Brasil, CPRM é uma empresa pública, vinculada ao Ministério de Minas e Energia. Sua missão é: gerar e disseminar conhecimento geocientífico com excelência, contribuindo para melhoria da qualidade de vida e desenvolvimento sustentável do Brasil.   23/04/2020   L'Associació Professional de Conservadors-Restauradors de Catalunya (CRAC), és una associació sense ànim de lucre formada per professionals del món de la conservació-restauració de béns culturals i patrimoni artístic i històric.   17/05/2019   Lucas Cranach, Künstler der Reformation.   20/03/2020   Official site for The Cranberries. Features biography, pictures, discography, contacts and tour news.   11/04/2020   Cranfield University. The forerunner of Cranfield University was the College of Aeronautics, created in 1946 and based at the RAF station in Cranfield, Bedfordshire. Through the 1950s and 1960s, the development of many aspects of aircraft research and design led to considerable growth and diversification into other areas such as manufacturing and management.   07/09/2019   CRASH Luchtoorlog & Verzetsmuseum ’40-’45. Leren niet te vergeten en niet vergeten te leren.   11/06/2018   This site is dedicated to CRASH, the ZX Spectrum magazine which was published from 1984 to 1991 by Newsfield (and from 1991 to 1992 by Europress), providing an archive of material for those who missed it the first time round. Comments are welcome via e-mail; I would be especially interested to hear from any of the original authors.   07/09/2019   Crashpads® - Relocation Service for Flight Crews Since 1997. The Internet's First and Largest Crashpad® viewing and listing service for beds, rooms or homes for Flight Crews. Have you completed flight attendant training and you have just received your paperwork to work at another domicile?   12/05/2017   Crazy For Cinema. You may be wondering why I don't review all of the current releases. Well, for 3 very good reasons: There are plenty of sites on the web that already provide that service; I'm concentrating on classic films because I love them and there just isn't much written about many of them; and I'm getting too old to waste my dwindling years on movies I have a gut feeling will suck.   11/07/2015   WASHINGTON SQUARE (1997) is the story of Catherine Sloper (Leigh), a simple woman whose world revolves around her father, since her mother died giving birth to her. She's not pretty, smart or charming, though she is wealthy.   11/07/2015   WINGS OF THE DOVE (1997) is a sumptious adaption of another Henry James story about repression, illicit love and ultimate betrayal. The main character is Kate (Helena Bonham Carter), a young woman who is dependant on the whims of a rich aunt for her survival.   11/07/2015   Crazy for Cinema. Reviews. All Reviews List.   21/04/2019   Creative Many is a statewide organization that develops creative people, creative places and the creative economy for a competitive Michigan through research, advocacy, professional practice and communications.   21/03/2020   CRÉDOC. Centre de Recherche pour l'Étude et l'Observation des Conditions de vie. 50 ans d'expertises auprès des consommateurs, entreprises et administrations. Le CRÉDOC est spécialisé dans les études statistiques, économiques et sociologiques.   28/11/2019   Portal Crestin Ortodox, ofera informatii despre sarbatori, sfinti, biserici, manastiri, obiceiuri, acatiste, rugaciuni, predici, calendar ortodox, pasti, colinde, paste.   07/02/2018   Airline Crew Links. Excellent free travel site for all fliers. Shows accurate UCT Zulu & your local time. Includes links to NWS weather, flight tracker, airlines sites, delay info, airline stock quotes & Mobile Page!   07/02/2018   Free Pilot Logbook - CrewLogbook.   28/04/2020   CRHoy Noticias 24/7. Las noticias de Costa Rica y el mundo. Lo que pasa, cuando pasa.   05/09/2018   Le CRIE de Mouscron est membre du réseau des CRIE wallon. Coordonné par l'asbl Maison Nature vellerie - CRIE, il poursuit plusieurs objectifs. Pour ce faire, il s'appuie sur une équipe pluridisciplinaire composée de 5 personnes. Le CRIE de Mouscron s'est installé sur le site de la grande Vellerie à Mouscron où il gère un jardin au naturel.   14/11/2019   El Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias es un centro de investigación adscrito a la Coordinación de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) ubicado en el campus Morelos, en la ciudad de Cuernavaca, Morelos.   08/11/2017   Proyecto Thoth. Píldoras formativas en seguridad de la información. Thoth, el dios de la sabiduría y de la escritura en la mitología egipcia, es un proyecto educativo de Criptored, que cuenta con el patrocinio de Talentum Startups y que publicará píldoras formativas en seguridad de la información con una duración en torno a los 5 minutos.   18/08/2020   The Criterion Collection. Discover important classic and contemporary cinema from around the world. Browse our continuing series of Blu-ray and DVD editions, featuring award-winning supplemental features.   24/10/2019   This website is created by Veterans of the Southern Freedom Movement (1951-1968). It is where we tell it like it was, the way we lived it, the way we saw it, the way we still see it.   06/11/2019   Whatever your affinity with Croatia, be it a holiday, a business trip, you live in Croatia or are one of the millions of Croatians that live abroad, our aim at Croatia Week is to keep you connected with Croatia.   05/06/2017   Cronachedigusto giornale on line di enogastronomia.   11/09/2018   Xornal dixital da costa de Lugo, A Mariña lucense. Cronica 3. A Mariña: información e noticias da costa de Lugo e A Mariña lucense, O Vicedo, Viveiro, Ourol, Xove, Cervo, Burela, Foz, Alfoz, Valadouro, Ferreira, Foz, Lourenzá, Mondoñedo, A Pontenova, Riotorto, Ribadeo, Barreiros, Lugo, Galicia.   08/08/2016   En Crónica Global ejercemos el periodismo independiente, sin ataduras ni corsés. No recibimos ninguna subvención pública y sólo el mercado publicitario y nuestros lectores son los responsables de nuestra financiación. Creemos en el periodismo periférico y, desde Barcelona, queremos proyectar un medio digital de alcance español e interés general en el mundo.   21/11/2020   Crónica literaria nació como el suplemento cultural de Diario Crónica de Comodoro Rivadavia. Desde 2001 pasó también a difundirse a través de internet con su propio dominio y desde entonces ha difundido las letras patagónicas a todo el mundo y también ha recibido aportes de diferentes y variadas partes de nuestro planeta.   23/05/2019   AcadiaParishToday. Crowley Post-Signal, Rayne Acadian-Tribune, Church Point News. Acadia Parish, La. Your news, sports and entertainment leader in Acadia Parish, La.   24/10/2019   The Association of Old Crows is an organization for individuals who have common interests in Electronic Warfare (EW), Electromagnetic Spectrum Management Operations (EMSO), Cyber Electromagnetic Activities (CEMA), Information Operations (IO), and other information related capabilities.   13/07/2020   The Louisiana Department of Culture, Recreation & Tourism ensure Louisiana’s cultural & natural assets are promoted to its citizens & potential visitors.   29/08/2018   Division of Archaeology. Louisiana Office of Cultural Development.   23/05/2019   Office Of Cultural Development. Division Of Archaeology. Discover Archaeology.   13/07/2020   Division of Archaeology. Louisiana Office of Cultural Development.   10/01/2016   12/07/2019   Cruïlla és una editorial dedicada a la publicació de llibres de literatura infantil i juvenil i materials educatius per a les escoles. El Vaixell de Vapor i Gran Angular són les col·leccions més conegudes i emblemàtiques de l'editorial. Cruïlla pertany al grup editorial SM, present en diversos països d'Amèrica Llatina.   12/03/2020   The Official Crumb Site.   04/03/2020   Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and secret governance -- open, secret and classified documents -- but not limited to those.   10/15/2019   Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science.   21/03/2020   Recipe Archive Index. Carnegie Mellon's School of Computer Science (SCS) graciously hosts the Recipe Archive. We invite you to learn about SCS educational programs and research.   12/09/2016   Greek Dishes.   18/08/2019   Antique Roman Dishes. Collection. The following recipes are taken from an old Roman cookbook: Marcus Gavius Apicius: De Re Coquinaria. The book I have is edited and translated from Latin by Robert Maier. My humble person only translated the German translations into English. I hope the recipes are still rather near to the originals ...   21/03/2020   Department of Computer Science. Cornell's Computer Science department is one of the first of its kind, founded in 1965. Today, more than a half-century later, CS is part of Computing and Information Science (CIS), which was established as an academic unit in 1999 and celebrated its twentieth anniversary in October 2019.   16/02/2020   Computer Science Department at Princeton University. Princeton has been at the forefront of computing since Alan Turing, Alonzo Church and John von Neumann were among its residents.   15/12/2015   Tervetuloa tietosivustooni. Se sisältää sekä englannin- että suomenkielisiä sivuja (ja varsin vähän muilla kielillä). Englanninkielinen osuus sisältää runsaasti sellaista aineistoa, jota vastaavia suomenkielisiä sivuja ei (ainakaan vielä) ole. Tämän takia kunkin osuuden suomenkielisessä hakemistossa on linkki vastaavaan englannin­kielisten sivujen hakemistoon.   05/02/2016   A tutorial on character code issues. Date of last revision: 2001-09-06. Date of last update: 2012-02-27. This page belongs to section Characters and encodings of the free information site IT and communication by Jukka "Yucca" Korpela.   05/02/2016   Accessibility issues of checkboxes and radio buttons. Date of creation: 2001-03-11. Last revision: 2002-03-19. Last update: 2006-11-23. This page belongs to division Web authoring and surfing, subdivision Forms in the free information site IT and communication by Jukka "Yucca" Korpela.   05/02/2016   META, meta info. Date of last update: 2010-12-16. This page belongs to the free information site IT and communication, section Web authoring and surfing, by Jukka "Yucca" Korpela.   05/02/2016   Latina linguarum regina.   15/12/2015   15/12/2015   15/12/2015   15/12/2015   15/12/2015   Warning, this is an abandoned Web project. Unfortunately I don't have time any more to update these pages. However, they are retained for the time being as a historical relic to show how the Web looked like in mid 1990's. Tour of Old Tampere.   01/05/2020   BABEL: A Glossary of Computer Related Abbreviations and Acronyms. Tampereen yliopisto. Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu.   15/08/2019   Department of Computer Science. The University of Chicago.   23/03/2015   In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) evaluation UCL was ranked in first place for Computer Science, out of 89 Universities assessed, and considerably ahead of other Institutions. 61% of its research work is rated as world-leading (the highest possible category) and 96% of its research work is rated as internationally excellent.   23/07/2014   Flask: Flux Advanced Security Kernel - Flask is an operating system security architecture that provides flexible support for security policies. The architecture was prototyped in the Fluke research operating system. Several of the Flask interfaces and components were then ported from the Fluke prototype to the OSKit.   18/09/2016   Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace (1815-1852). Contributed by Dr. Betty Toole. Yale University.   18/03/2017   Grace Murray Hopper. Rear Admiral Dr. Grace Murray Hopper was a remarkable woman who grandly rose to the challenges of programming the first computers. During her lifetime as a leader in the field of software development concepts, she contributed to the transition from primitive programming techniques to the use of sophisticated compilers.   13/03/2015   Consorci Sanitari de l’Anoia. Hospital d’Igualada.   20/09/2018   The Center for Spatial Analysis (CSA) at the University of Oklahoma is a multidisciplinary university research center specializing in the study and application of geospatial science and technology. CSA is composed of three working units that focus on research and development, outreach and training, and applications and services.   26/10/2019   Confederate Bonds. Collect Confederate Bonds. The Gift of History. We buy and sell old Confederate Bond Certificates.   26/10/2019   Constitution of the Confederate States.   31/07/2020   Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents. Based in the Faculty of Classics CSAD is one of the world’s foremost centres for the study of the documentary evidence for the ancient world. It hosts projects of national and international significance in the fields of Greek and Roman epigraphy.   20/02/2018   CSAG is one of the leading climate research groups in Africa.   We are uniquely positioned to target critical knowledge needs and contribute to a broad spectrum of climate change activities.   26/10/2019   MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab. CSAIL is committed to pioneering new approaches to computing that will bring about positive changes in the way people around the globe live, play, and work.   26/10/2019   Research. MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab.   08/01/2014   The Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS) is a national non-profit organization of persons engaged in extension, production, research, teaching or with a related interest in the Livestock or Poultry Industries in Canada. The property and business of the Society is managed by an elected board composed of 12 members and designated the Executive Committee.   26/06/2020   Centrālā statistikas pārvalde. Informācija par CSP, tās struktūru, budžetu un starptautisko sadarbību.   23/07/2014   NOAA Coastal Services Center.   26/06/2020   CSDD. Ceļu Satiksmes Drošības Direkcija.   16/04/2017   The York University Computer Museum (YUCoM) is a historical collection and a research center for the history of computing in Canada located in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, York University. Visit YUCoM at York University.   21/06/2018   The Cyber Security and Information Systems Information Analysis Center (CSIAC) is a Department of Defense (DoD) Information Analysis Center (IAC) sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC).   19/05/2016   27/01/2016   La Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) es la mayor institución pública dedicada a la investigación en España y la tercera de Europa.   16/04/2020   Colorado Springs Independent newspaper is the local authority for news, politics, marijuana news, food and drink, arts and entertainment, events, music, film, and sustainability in Colorado Springs.   10/07/2018   Food / Drink. Colorado Springs Independent.   10/07/2018   The Ballad of Johnny Smith. With a tribute show coming up, Colorado Springs' most famous jazzman looks back on a life well-lived. By Bill Forman. In many ways, jazz guitar was still in its infancy back when Johnny Smith first started making a name for himself.   21/09/2019   Le Centre Spatial de Liège est un centre de recherches appliquées de l’Université de Liège axé sur la conception d’instruments d’observation spatiaux Le CSL dispose, en outre, d’un centre d’essais environnementaux de pointe au service de l’Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA), de l’industrie spatiale et des entreprises régionales.   05/10/2020   CSL. Centre Spatial de Liège. Since 1964, the Centre Spatial de Liège has been an applied research centre focused on the design of space observation instruments. In addition, the CSL has a state-of-the-art environmental test centre serving the European Space Agency (ESA), the space industry and regional companies.   15/10/2020   Confederate States Navy. This site is dedicated to the memory of the gallant and too often unknown sailors and marines of the CS NAVY.   11/03/2019   Databases. Central Statistics Office (CSO).   11/03/2019   The Central Statistics Office (CSO) is Ireland's national statistical office and our purpose is to impartially collect, analyse and make available statistics about Ireland’s people, society and economy.   12/11/2020   CSSF. La Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier est un établissement public qui assure la surveillance des professionnels et des produits du secteur financier luxembourgeois.   04/05/2018   Lois, règlements et autres textes: Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).   04/05/2018   La Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier est un établissement public qui assure la surveillance des professionnels et des produits du secteur financier luxembourgeois. Elle supervise, règlemente, autorise, informe et, le cas échéant, effectue des contrôles sur place et sanctionne.   04/05/2018   La CSSF représente le Luxembourg au niveau européen et international dans le secteur financier. Dans ce contexte, elle coopère avec les autorités de surveillance européennes et les organisations et institutions européennes et internationales en vue de participer à l’évolution de l’architecture de surveillance et d’assurer la stabilité financière.   04/07/2014   El CSUC neix el primer dia del 2014 com a conjunció de les trajectòries del CESCA, que al llarg de 22 anys ha prestat serveis relacionats amb les infraestructures TIC, i del CBUC, que ho ha fet al llarg de 18 anys en l’àmbit de les biblioteques.   28/09/2020   The Connecticut State Colleges & Universities (CSCU) provide affordable, innovative and rigorous programs for students to achieve their personal and career goals as well as contribute to the economic growth of Connecticut. 17 Connecticut State Colleges & Universities (CSCU) across Connecticut providing over 1300 affordable and innovative programs.   27/01/2016   The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) is charged with conserving, improving and protecting the natural resources and the environment of the state of Connecticut as well as making cheaper, cleaner and more reliable energy available for the people and businesses of the state.   27/01/2016   Cooling Technology Institute. Encouraging the wise use of our water resources.   11/03/2017   HARGRAVE. Aviation and Aeromodelling - Interdependent Evolutions and Histories. This site celebrates the history and future of Australian and international Aviation. Australians Lawrence Hargrave, John and Reginald Duigan and their contemporaries through to the 21st century UAV Aerosonde.   11/03/2017   Lt.j.g. Korina Saltz, from San Juan Capistrano, Calif., watches as the crew finishes work on the plane she will fly on a combat mission supporting military operations in Afghanistan, late Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2002. She is based on the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt that is sailing the Arabian Sea.   11/03/2017   Svetlana Yevgenyevna Savitskaya. Born August 8, 1948, USSR. On August 19, 1982, she lifted off in the Soyuz #7 and landed in the Soyuz #5 on August 27, 1982 for a duration of 7 days, 21 hours, 52 minutes.   23/11/2017   Melitta Schiller (1903-1945). Melitta Gräfin Schenk von Stauffenberg. Melitta Gräfin Stauffenberg: Das Leben einer Fliegerin.   23/11/2017   Louis Schreck, (1874-1941). Louis Schreck est né le 8 mars 1874 à Aubigné, petite commune de la Sarthe où son père, Jean Schreck, 22 ans, d'origine alsacienne, est employé à la construction des chemins de fer ; sa mère, Louise Poisson, 22 ans, née à Aubigné, est sans profession.   23/11/2017   1st Lt. Keri Lynn Schubert. Pilot: F/A-18 Hornet. First female Marine to be selected as a weapons systems officer for the F/A-18D Hornet. Feb. 28, 1997, 1st Lt. Keri Lynn Schubert received her wings of gold and made history by becoming the first woman Marine Corps Naval Flight Officer (NFO) to be selected for the F/A-18D Hornet.   06/02/2018   Blanche Stuart 'Betty' Scott (1889-1970). Blanche Stuart Scott was the first American woman to take a solo hop into the air, although her flight is not regarded as official. Always interested in a challenge, Scott became the first woman to drive an automobile coast to coast in 1910.   06/02/2018   Sheila Scott (1927-1988). First pilot, male or female, to fly directly over true North Pole in a light aircraft. British woman, Sheila Scott (b: Apr. 27, 1927 d: Oct. 20, 1988), alone in her twin-engine Piper Aztec, became the first pilot, male or female, to fly directly over true North Pole in a light aircraft.   06/02/2018   Violette Selfridge. Start of world's flight in a tiny Moth. A tiny Moth aeroplane started on its way around the world from Stag Lane Aerodrome, London, piloted by the Vicomte Jacques de Sibour, and his wife, who was formerly Miss Violette Selfridge, the second daughter of Mr Gordon Selfridge.   09/02/2020   Evelyn Genevieve Sharp (1919-1944). Evelyn Genevieve Sharp was Nebraska's best-known aviatrix during her eight-year career. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sharp and was born October 1, 1919, in Melstone, Montana.   06/02/2018   'Dolly' Shepherd (1887-1983). Though women had been going up in hot-air balloons since 1784, parachuting to earth from 2,000 or more feet was still a spectacular feat in 1904 when Dolly Shepherd (married name Elizabeth Sedgwick) made her first jump at age 17.   10/01/2016   Santeria Holds Cuba in Thrall. January 12, 1998.   07/10/2016   Still Wrestling with the Devil. A visit with Jimmy Swaggart ten years after his fall. Randall Balmer. March 2, 1998. Christianity Today.   07/10/2016   Still Surprised by Lewis. Why this nonevangelical Oxford don has become our patron saint. J.I. Packer. September 7, 1998. Christianity Today.   14/07/2017   CTNOW: Connecticut Events, Concerts, Attractions, Family Fun and More. Connecticut's place to go for things to do around Hartford and New Haven, including best restaurants, family events, live music, museums and more. The Hartford Courant seeks to provide the news Connecticut needs, reported faithfully and fully, with respect for all and favor to none.   14/07/2017   News. CT Now.   31/01/2016   The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences. CTNS is an international non-profit organization dedicated to research, teaching and public service. The central scientific focus of CTNS is on developments in physics, cosmology, evolutionary biology, and genetics, with additional topics in the neurosciences, the environmental sciences, and mathematics.   31/01/2016   The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) is an international organisation, subject to a Headquarters Agreement with the UK Government, with its offices situated in Hammersmith, just to the west of central London.   28/09/2020   The Connecticut Council for Philanthropy is an association of grantmakers committed to promoting and supporting effective philanthropy for the public good. CCP is dedicated to providing its members with the highest quality programs, resources and services, networking opportunities, and insight and news about grantmaking and philanthropy.   31/01/2016   Residents of Connecticut who wish to purchase, possess and transport pistols and revolvers outside their homes within the state of Connecticut or who wish to carry a loaded handgun on their person for personal protection in the event of a self defense situation must first obtain a CT Permit to Carry Pistol and Revolvers.   28/09/2020   CTPost: Local News & Information, Updated Weather, Traffic, Entertainment, Celebrity News, Sports Scores and more.   14/07/2017   The Center for Process Studies (CPS) is a research center of Claremont School of Theology, in affiliation with Claremont Graduate University. CPS seeks to promote the common good by means of the relational approach found in process thought.   10/09/2018   Center for Transportation Research and Education at Iowa State University. The Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) conducts research related to the 'soft' side of transportation.   31/01/2016   El Departamento de Control Automático (DCA) está conformado por 19 investigadores, personal de apoyo y estudiantes de tiempo completo dedicados tanto a investigación básica como aplicada en Control Automático. De los 19 investigadores, todos con grado de doctor, 17 pertenecen al Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.   29/05/2016   Dept. of Control Engineering, predecessor organization of our course of study, were established in 1960 for the purpose of educating undergraduate students who study Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, and studying all field of Engineering. Dept. of Control Engineering was the earliest course of study specialized in "Control Engineering" in Japan.   29/05/2016   本学科の前身である制御工学科は、電気工学と機械工学の両方の素養を 持つ学生を教育するとともに、全分野にまたがる学際的研究を行うことを目的に1960年に創設された。我国で最初の制御工学関連の学科である   29/05/2016   CTRL. ALT. COUNTRY. Met op regelmatige basis nieuwe recensies, nieuwtjes, concertinfo en verse releasedatums!!!.   03/04/2020   Centre for Catholic Studies Inc. (incorporating Centre for Thomistic Studies, Sydney, Australia).   14/08/2019   The Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture’s mission is to support aquaculture research, development, demonstration and extension education to enhance viable and profitable U. S. aquaculture.   03/04/2020   CTSFW. Concordia Theological Seminary. Christ-Centered Worship. Confessional Theology. Lutheran Community.   10/08/2019   Kroemer Library. Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne (CTSFW).   05/01/2014   The Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) is a technology center in telecommunications, performing research and engineering on physical, access and network layers of communications systems.   13/11/2019   Cuaderno de Cuba. Análisis y Provocaciones.   01/12/2020   Editorial Cuarto Propio. A lo largo de los más de 35 años de trayectoria, nuestras publicaciones responden a pensar Chile desde la construcción y circulación de un acervo cultural diverso -nacional y de otras fronteras-, que propicien el desarrollo de la imaginación y el pensamiento crítico.   20/06/2018   Discursos e intervenciones del Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz, Presidente del Consejo de Estado de la República de Cuba.   03/07/2015   Cuba Cinco. Weblog sobre los antiterroristas cubanos prisioneros en EE.UU.   14/12/2020   El ICAIC es el Instituto de todo el cine cubano, con una trayectoria histórica de prestigio, reconocida nacional e internacionalmente. Centro de pensamiento en materia de cine, con un permanente carácter renovador que potencia el buen gusto cinematográfico en el espectador. Comprometido con la historia y la cultura cubanas y con la Política Cultural de la Revolución.   22/12/2019   Cubadebate, Contra el Terrorismo Mediático. Medio de información alternativa que alerta sobre campañas de difamación contra Cuba. Publica en exclusiva las Reflexiones de Fidel, también noticias y análisis.   22/08/2018   Artículos de Militar e Inteligencia. Cubadebate.   21/03/2020   Cuba Democracia y Vida. La voz en Suecia de los cubanos cívicos de intramuros y del exílio.   05/04/2018   La voz en Suecia de los cubanos cívicos de intramuros y del exilio.   11/09/2020   Cuba Encuentro. Análisis y reflexión de la comunidad transnacional cubana. Servicios, noticias y artículos de opinión. Madrid, España.   05/04/2018   Cuba Inglesa de Armando Añel. El Reducto que los ingleses se negaron a canjear por la Florida. Armando Añel. Escritor, periodista y editor. Reside en Miami, Florida.   05/04/2018   Portal de la comunidad cubana con servicios, noticias y artículos de opinión.   22/12/2013   Cuba Enlace. Foro Cubano.   21/12/2015   Cubafoto, a photographic journey into Havana, Cuba. Photographs, art and impressions that capture the spirit of Havana and her people. James English, photography. Havana. Mi canto está contigo ...   18/01/2016   Desde Dentro de Cuba. Distribuido por Cuba Free Press, Inc. 25 de febrero de 1999. NOTICIERO CULTURAL por Tania Quintero.   18/01/2016   Desde Dentro de Cuba. Distribuido por Cuba Free Press, Inc. 31 de Octubre del 2001. "MOSCU NO CREE EN LAGRIMAS" Carlos Ríos Otero.   18/01/2016   Articles. Artículos. (Español). Desde dentro de Cuba.   18/01/2016   Breaking News. Últimas Noticias. (Español). Desde dentro de Cuba.   18/01/2016   Culture. Cultura. Desde dentro de Cuba.   18/01/2016   Economy. Economía. Desde dentro de Cuba.   02/03/2017   Environment - Ecología. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) determined on January 23, 1998 that Cuba Free Press, Inc. is a public supported organization and tax exempt as described in section 501(c)(3).   06/03/2016   Human Rights. Derechos Humanos. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) determined on January 23, 1998 that Cuba Free Press, Inc. is a public supported organization and tax exempt as described in section 501(c)(3). Adopt a Cuban Independent Journalist. Adopte a un Periodista Independiente.   06/03/2016   Bienvenidos a la pagina de Cuba Free Press en Español. Desde dentro de Cuba. El Proyecto Cuba Prensa Libre. Literatura. Literature.   06/03/2016   Religion. Religión. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) determined on January 23, 1998 that Cuba Free Press, Inc. is a public supported organization and tax exempt as described in section 501(c)(3).   06/03/2016   Reports. Reportajes. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) determined on January 23, 1998 that Cuba Free Press, Inc. is a public supported organization and tax exempt as described in section 501(c)(3).   06/03/2016   El Proyecto Cuba Prensa Libre. The Cuba Free Press Project. Sports. Deportes. (Español - Inglés).   16/05/2019   Cubahora, primera revista digital de Cuba - Cuba en Noticias. Cubahora, revista digital con artículos de opinión de carácter cultural, económico, deportivo, político y científico desde la visión de Cuba, coberturas especiales y otros servicios de valor agregado. Constituye además la primera revista cubana exclusivamente digital. Editada por el Centro de Información para la Prensa.   13/08/2016   Cuba Información es un proyecto de información alternativa sobre Cuba en idioma español*, basado en cuatro soportes: televisión por Internet, radio, revista en papel y web de noticias.   05/04/2020   Cuba et musique cubaine. Cuba latina. Destination Cuba, Salsa, Cubaton, Reggaeton, Rhum, Cigares, voitures americaines, découverte de La Havane et de la musique cubaine.   21/12/2019   La Editorial Electrónica Cuba Literaria, Portal del Instituto Cubano del Libro, es la ventana al mundo sobre el acontecer de la literatura cubana dentro y fuera de la Isla. Promotora indiscutible, proyecta su voz más allá de los límites geográficos de Cuba, y se hace eco de las más relevantes noticias del ámbito literario internacional.   02/03/2017   Mi guía de Cuba, con todo lo necesario para organizar tu viaje. Esta guía de Cuba te aporta algunas recomendaciones importantes a la hora de preparar tu viaje a la más grande de las Antillas, sobre todo para aquellos que prefieren realizar un turismo alternativo distinto a los paquetes que ofrecen las agencias.   01/05/2017   The Cuban Center will provide a home base for all those from responsible branches of Cuban thought who seek to help restore the Cuban family to its place of authority and responsibility and to educate and develop basic morality in its children and to rebuild the economic and social institutions of the Republic of Cuba.   01/07/2017   Index of uploads.   Cuban Center for Cultural, Social & Strategic Studies, Inc.   01/05/2017   40 AÑOS DE REVOLUCIÓN – El legado de Castro. Estos 15 trabajos forman parte del libro 40 Años de la Revolución - El legado de Castro. Editor: Efrén Córdoba, publicado en 1999 por Ediciones Universal, Miami, Florida, USA.   01/05/2017   La Religión en Cuba. Por Marcos Antonio Ramos. Las creencias religiosas antes de 1959.   01/05/2017   Cigars, Humidors, Cigar Gifts & more at Cuban Crafters Cigars.   27/05/2019   Fundada en 1994, Cubanet es un medio de prensa digital sin fines de lucro, dedicado a promover la prensa alternativa en Cuba e informar sobre la realidad de la isla.   01/05/2017   TECNOLOGÍA.   01/05/2017   VENEZUELA.   25/12/2013   Mayo 21, 1997. Acto en México con motivo del 102 aniversario de la muerte de José Martí.   25/12/2013   Cubanet archivo.   25/12/2013   The Center for Cuban Studies is a non-profit, tax-exempt educational institution in New York City with a national membership base. Founded in 1972, it is dedicated to providing information about contemporary Cuba and contributing to a normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States.   06/03/2016   #Cuba VS Bloqueo.... el sitio del pueblo cubano.   06/03/2016   Weather in Cuba with forecast for today. Climate in Cuba.   06/03/2016   Normativas jurídicas que tienen relación con el decreto no. 314 Reglamento de las Marinas Turísticas.   08/11/2015   Founded in 2001, Columbia Classical Performers seeks to support the community of classical musicians on campus who wish to perform in an intimate, stress-free environment for their peers. CCP works to give musicians performance opportunities by providing venues all over campus, coordinating recital logistics, publicizing events, and planning post-concert receptions.   10/10/2019   Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos. International Storytelling Network. Red Internacional de Cuentacuentos (RIC) International Storytelling Network, directorio de más de 1300 cuentacuentos de 57 países - Over 1,300 storytellers from 57 countries. Red de cuentacuentos para adultos y niños, animación a la lectura y escritura, talleres y cursos de formación.   21/08/2020   Cuentos del Arañero. Cuentos del Arañero es un viaje contado en primera persona que inicia en las propias raíces del presidente Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, en Sabaneta de Barinas.   26/04/2017   Hostaleria i Turisme del Berguedà. El qui amb el deler de caçar bolets, té el goig de trobar el rovelló "flor d'aram entre la molsa" com deia poèticament en Graugés. Aquest potser ni tasta el bolet a la brasa, en té prou de ficar-se bosc endins, sentint-hi l'olor humida i fer un bon cistell.   24/09/2015   The Cuisinart Story. Turning the Art of Great Cooking Into an American Lifestyle. Julia Child let people in on the Cuisinart secret and so did James Beard. They were among the first culinary experts to hail the food processor as a revolutionary kitchen appliance when it was introduced to America in 1973 by the late Cuisinart founder, Carl Sontheimer.   24/09/2015   CUISINE&VINS. La revista de la buena vida, entretiene, inspira y educa desde hace 27 años a una nueva generación de lectores amantes de la buena vida. Escrita de modo accesible, la mirada editorial hip y sofisticada de CUISINE&VINS es una poderosa conjunción de servicio inteligente, conceptos modernos y periodismo provocativo.   24/09/2015   Cuisine AZ, Recettes de cuisine de A à Z. Découvrez des milliers d’idées recettes et astuces pour ravir vos invités ou simplement pour égayer votre quotidien.   24/09/2015   La Référence de la Gastronomie Algérienne. Recettes Faciles de la Cuisine Algérienne avec images et vidéos.   02/03/2016   Cuisinorama est un site dédié à la cuisine!. Créé en 2000 (oui, ça ne date pas d’hier), le site a rapidement trouvé son public et a permis à des millions de personnes de cuisiner facilement de nombreuses recettes (plus de 44.000!).   24/09/2015   Entrecôte Bercy: recette de cuisine. L'Entrecôte Bercy, (article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre), est une spécialité parisienne et, plus particulièrement, comme son nom l'indique, du Quartier de Bercy.   23/03/2015   Cultural Anthropology publishes articles that represent anthropological research, critical analysis, and academic writing of the very highest order. Under the stewardship of its former editors, CA has become one of the flagship journals of the discipline, serving as both lens and cutting edge of the “cultural” tradition of anthropology.   28/01/2017   De Kookstudio. Dé kookstudio in Eindhoven omgeving is de toonaangevende kookstudio Culinair Centrum in Aarle-Rixtel, die volgend jaar haar 25 jarig bestaan viert! De kookstudio van de regio Eindhoven en Helmond waar u op een professionele manier samen kunt koken en dineren.   09/10/2017   Welkom op het culinaire kookboek met meer dan 2000 culinaire recepten! Om recepten te zoeken kun je links uit het menu een onderdeel kiezen, of gebruik maken van de handige zoekbox, bovenaan deze site. Alle recepten zijn, tenzij anders vermeld, voor 4 personen.   09/10/2017   Retete culinare in imagini si diete. Culinar. Retete culinare in imagini si diete. Afla secretele bucatariei si cum sa prepari usor mancaruri gustoase din cea mai mare carte de bucate online.   24/09/2015   European Network of Regional Culinary Heritage. The Guide To Regional Food & Culinary Traditions. 33 Regions. 1372 Members. 575 Recipes. The concept for Regional Culinary Heritage was developed and introduced in Southeast Skåne of Sweden and on the Danish Island of Bornholm in 1995.   24/09/2015   Find Culinary Schools!. If you've been swept up by the recent culinary craze and are looking to earn your degree in the industry, then you've come to the right place. Search by state, city, school, or career to find the culinary program that best suits you.   24/09/2015   Plenty of recipes exist on the Web. What’s our niche? Simple, straightforward recipes using fresh, seasonal ingredients. Our recipes come from a variety of sources: contributors, cookbooks, and the Culinate Kitchen — the food we cook at home.   16/06/2016   Based in Lubbock, Texas, Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc) is the most-accomplished and longest-running group in the computer underground.   10/03/2020   Ministerul Culturii este autoritatea publică centrală responsabilă de elaborarea și aplicarea strategiei și politicilor în domeniul culturii.   25/06/2020   The Association for Cultural Equity (ACE) was founded by Alan Lomax to explore and preserve the world’s expressive traditions with humanistic commitment and scientific engagement. ACE was registered as a charitable organization in the State of New York in 1983, and is housed at New York City’s Hunter College.   22/05/2020   El Museo Nacional de Antropología fue el primer museo dedicado a esta ciencia que se creó en España. Su fundación se debió a la iniciativa personal del médico segoviano Pedro González Velasco. Lo inauguró en 1875 el rey Alfonso XII como Museo Anatómico o Antropológico.   24/05/2019   Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias "González Martí". Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte.   11/09/2020   Web del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Incluye información sobre funciones, áreas, organismos, noticias de actualidad, agenda, becas y ayudas, etc.   13/01/2020   Site officiel du ministère de la Culture. Suivez en direct les actualités du ministère, accédez à l'ensemble des publications et services en ligne du ministère.   02/04/2017   Département des recherches archéologiques subaquatiques et sous-marines de la sous-direction de l'archéologie. Ministère de la culture et de la communication.   02/04/2017   The Cosquer Cave is located at Cape Morgiou, in the Calanques, near Marseilles. It can be accessed through a tunnel 175 metres in length, which is 37 metres under the sea level. The unique feature of this cave is that it contains several dozen works painted and engraved between 27,000 and 19,000 years ago.   02/04/2017   Roger Agache, pioneer of aerial archaeology in France, reveals the methods to seeing and interpreting the terrain from above. The remarkable discoveries, coming from aerial photography in Picardy, are introduced through amazing photographs and splendid watercolors.   02/04/2017   Le ministère de la Culture et de la Communication conduit la politique de sauvegarde, de protection et de mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel, favorise la création des œuvres de l'art et de l'esprit et le développement des pratiques et des enseignements artistiques.   20/11/2020   Cúspide Libros. Novelas, cuentos, literatura, infantiles y mucho más.   15/04/2020   National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville. The NRAO Technology Center (NTC) includes the Central Development Laboratory (CDL) and the ALMA Electronics Division. The CDL develops and builds key components for ALMA, the VLA, VLBA, GBT, EVLA, as well as other projects and activities.   26/07/2018   L’intégration du CVCE à l’Université du Luxembourg fait suite à la décision du Gouvernement, réuni en conseil le 5 juin 2015, de réorganiser le paysage de la recherche en sciences humaines notamment par la création d’un Institut d’histoire du temps présent qui aura le statut de centre interdisciplinaire au sein de l’Université.   26/02/2016   České vysoké učení technické v Praze. České vysoké učení technické v Praze patří k největším a nejstarším technickým vysokým školám v Evropě.   12/04/2019   Cyberbasilica de Guadalupe. Este es un lugar de oracion construido para que puedas rezar desde tu casa, tu escuela o tu trabajo Tiene el misal diario, los salmos, el rosario y la posibilidad de hacer oracion comunitaria.   25/02/2020   India’s consumer technology news site for laptops, mobile phones, tablet pcs, portable audio/video, cameras, computer hardware, and software. Cyberindian is dedicated to providing news of consumer technology products, gadgets and gizmos.   26/08/2020   Cybird is a non-commercial site for bird lovers that was created in 2004 by Johan Levan, Johan Berg and Mikael Granberg of Sprawl Communication AB, from an idea by Johan Levan. The aim of Cybird is to contribute to and expand interest in birds, nature and environmental issues in general.   16/12/2017   The Cybernetics Society is the UK national learned society and professional body promoting pure and applied cybernetics. It holds scientifc meetings, conferences, and social events, and engages in other activities to encourage public understanding of science and to extend and disseminate knowledge of cybernetics and its associated disciplines.   27/01/2016   Το Μουσείο Κυκλαδικής Τέχνης είναι αφιερωμένο στη μελέτη και προβολή των αρχαίων πολιτισμών του Αιγαίου και της Κύπρου, με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στην Κυκλαδική τέχνη της 3ης π.Χ. χιλιετίας. Ιδρύθηκε το 1986, αρχικά για να στεγάσει την ιδιωτική συλλογή του Νικολάου και της Ντόλλης Γουλανδρή και σταδιακά επεκτάθηκε για να φιλοξενήσει και άλλες σημαντικές συλλογές-δωρεές.   18/10/2016   Cycladic.   16/09/2018   Akademickie Centrum Komputerowe CYFRONET AGH powstało ponad 40 lat temu. Podwaliny Centrum dało Kolegium Rektorów Szkół Wyższych Krakowa, które wystąpiło w roku 1971 z wnioskiem do władz państwowych o zakupienie nowoczesnego, dużego i wielodostępowego komputera dla potrzeb krakowskiego środowiska naukowego i utworzenie międzyuczelnianego centrum komputerowego.   18/02/2016   Botanika i Farmakognozja. Zielnik ojców Bonifratrów. Jedynym obecnym na tę chwilę serwisem w języku polskim o powyższej tematyce jest witryna Zielnik Ojców Bonifratrów.   18/02/2016   Roman Czejarek dziennikarz, radiowiec, pisarz, fotograf, konferansjer.   18/02/2016   Czerwone Gitary. 3 stycznia 1965 roku   w kawiarni „Crystal” w Gdańsku – Wrzeszczu, między godz. 11.00 a 14.30 powołana została do życia grupa muzyczna o nazwie „CZERWONE GITARY”. Pierwszy skład zespołu stanowili Bernard Dornowski, Krzysztof Klenczon, Jerzy Kossela, Jerzy Skrzypczyk i Henryk Zomerski.