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Saturday, August 5, 2023

www.g _ www.g - (309 links).   11/11/2019   Die gemeinnützige GAB Bielefeld - engagiert gegen Arbeitslosigkeit und Armut. Mit Beratung, Beschäftigung und Ausbildung. Die gemeinnützige GAB Bielefeld versucht mit ihren Projekten arbeitslosen oder in Not geratenen Menschen zu helfen.   23/11/2019   Gabriela Mistral. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad de Chile.   07/02/2020   Gärtnerplatztheater. Nach ersten Bestrebungen für ein volksnahes Musiktheaterhaus in München in den 1830er Jahren und zahlreichen öffentlichen Debatten wurde 1864 in der Münchner Isarvorstadt der Grundstein für das Gärtnerplatztheater gelegt. Finanziert hatte das Projekt eine private Aktiengesellschaft.   11/11/2020   Galco Gunleather: Leather Gun Holsters, Belts, Slings & More. Galco is the highest quality provider of leather gun holsters on the market. When it comes to holsters, ammo carriers, belts or slings we have you covered.   11/05/2019   Cengage and McGraw-Hill are creating a new global learning company to deliver superior learning experiences and greater value. Gale is a global leader in education, learning, and research resources online. We have a vast digital archive of research databases, reference books (both eBook and print), and more!   10/09/2020   Galerie Zwickau. Die Galerie am Domhof gilt im Sinne von „Kunst erleben und machen“ als Anlauf- und Begegnungsstätte für Künstler und Kunstinteressierte. Sie präsentiert wechselnde Ausstellungen aus verschiedenen Genres der zeitgenössischen Kunst. Zudem finden in den Räumen der Galerie Lesungen, Vorträge, Kleinkunstveranstaltungen sowie Konzerte statt.   23/11/2019   Universidad Galileo es una entidad educativa superior, producto de 40 años de labor y esfuerzo constante de un selecto grupo de profesionales encabezado por el Doctor Eduardo Suger Cofiño, Ph.D., fundador y Rector, quien ha logrado conformar una propuesta educativa completamente diferente a la tradicional y que es impulsadora por un lema muy claro: “Educar es cambiar visiones y transformar vidas.”   17/01/2020   Galileo, GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online, is an initiative of the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. Participating institutions may access more than 100 databases indexing thousands of periodicals and scholarly journals. Over 10,000 journal titles are provided in full-text. Other resources include encyclopedias, business directories, and government publications.   07/04/2021   Amethyst Galleries' Mineral Gallery describes more than 600 minerals, with thousands of images and specimens. The descriptions include searchable mineralogical data, plus other information of interest to students and rock hounds!   07/04/2021   Amethyst Galleries: Minerals by Name. An alphabetic listing of 600+ minerals, gemstones, and rocks.   24/05/2019   When the National Gallery of Canada was established in 1880, its collection consisted of a single 19th-century landscape. Nearly 140 years later, the Gallery is home to more than 75,000 works of art, along with extensive library and archival holdings.   12/01/2017   M.C.ESCHER. Mindscapes. This website invites you to see the world from Escher’s unique perspective. It offers insights into the kind of person he was, what his sources of inspiration were, how he created his paradoxical and poetic works, and why his images are so popular. National Gallery of Canada.   29/08/2019    Gallery 41. Interviews, Photos, Music, Art. Welcome To Gallery 41. A collection of rare, historical, and uniquely personal conversations with the greatest Jazz artists of our generation. Highlighted with photos and media clips from the Gallery 41 archives.   08/05/2017   Bird Photographs and Bird Photography by Paul Gale, with a few paintings as well.   30/07/2020   Le site des Éditions Gallimard : catalogue, agenda des auteurs, actualités de la maison d'édition, vidéos et documents, recherche de citations.   03/04/2016   A Game Channel a gaming élet híreiről, a videójátékokról, fejlesztésekről és egyéb érdekességekről számol be Neked nap mint nap.   24/12/2020   Gamefishin is a community dedicated to fishing in the state of Washington. Our site has volunteer experts, guides and professional fishermen/anglers with a goal of helping and sharing with others.   03/04/2016   Gamekapocs. A számítógépes és konzolos játékvilág legfrissebb hírein és cikkein kívül egy mindig aktív, szuper közösséget találhatsz itt.   03/04/2016   GameStar PC és konzol játék magazin. Legújabb PC-s és konzolos hírek, előzetesek, játék tesztek, a GameStar TV jóvoltából pedig exkluzív videók.   27/05/2016   Ricette di Cucina presenta le ricette della cucina italiana, ricette di cucina etnica e di tutto il mondo.   24/06/2020   Librerías Gandhi se fundó en junio de 1971. El local original medía unos 150 m2 y estaba ubicado en Miguel Ángel de Quevedo 128, al sur de la ciudad de México. Aunque era pequeña, la librería tenía su cafetería en el mezanine, donde también se desarrollaron las primeras actividades culturales que fueron una característica de Gandhi en los años posteriores.   28/12/2017   The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the "congressional watchdog," GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars. The head of GAO, the Comptroller General of the United States, is appointed to a 15-year term by the President from a slate of candidates Congress proposes.   30/01/2021   Gaois. Is grúpa taighde é Gaois in Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge i nDámh na nDaonnachtaí agus na nEolaíochtaí Sóisialta, DCU, a bhfuil léachtóirí, taighdeoirí agus mic léinn iarchéime páirteach ann. Tá sé de mhisean againn acmhainní iontaofa nuálaíocha a fhorbairt chun teanga agus saíocht na Gaeilge a chothú agus a chlaochlú.   26/06/2020   Gara d'Edizions ye una editorial d'Aragón espezializada en a publicazión y traduczión ta l'aragonés de libros d'autors clasicos y clasicos mudernos con a intinzión de que a luenga aragonesa, minoritaria y minorizada, pueda estar emplegada en a leutura d'obras literarias universals.   23/04/2016   Dias de Garage.   07/11/2020   Garbuix és una revista indepentdent de les Franqueses del Vallès. S’ha estructurat durant anys com a secció de l’Associació Cívica i Cultural de Corró d’Avall, però actualment és una entitat independent. S’edita des del 1989. La revista compta amb una pàgina web des del 1997.   26/04/2020   Bird Watching Forum. Garden Web. This forum is meant as a place for bird watchers to share their knowledge, their sightings and their favorite spots.   04/12/2020   Garrison Keillor. The official website of Garrison Keillor, author and host of A Prairie Home Companion and The Writer's Almanac.   28/01/2017   Gastro Festa. Peio García Amiano & Oraitz García Recondo. Porque la gastronomía, además de arte, también es una fiesta.   03/06/2020   Gastronomía activa: El centro de ocio gastronómico de Barcelona, pionero en el desarrollo del concepto de espacio global de divertimento y formación a través de la gastronomía.   13/09/2018   Revista Digital de Gastronomía y Enología.   25/12/2019   Gastronomia de Portugal. Receitas doces vinhos queijos enchidos. Cozinha tradicional portuguesa!   15/09/2019   Leioako Ostalaritza Eskola 1981ean sortu zen Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Merkataritza eta Turismo Sailak ostalaritza-sektorearen hazkundeari buruz egindako azterketa baten ondorioz. Plentzian jarri zen abian, 1981-1982 ikasturtean, II. mailako Lanbide Heziketa irakatsiz, Ostalaritza eta Turismoko adarrean, Ostalaritza espezialitatean.   10/08/2019   Conocidos popularmente como “La Gastronómica”, desde el corazón de la Parte Vieja Donostiarra, al pié del monte Urgull, y a la sombra del Castillo de la Mota, estamos comprometidos con la defensa de nuestras costumbres y tradiciones culinarias y gastronómicas, así como de los productos que en ella se emplean.   23/01/2016 est un moteur de recherche de produits du terroir. Site indépendant référence des produits proposés par des petits producteurs, en cliquant sur un produit vous êtes redirigés directement vers le site du producteur où vous pouvez l'acheter sans intermédiaires ni commissions.   15/05/2020   The Georgia Institute of Technology is a leading research university committed to improving the human condition through advanced science and technology. Georgia Tech provides a technologically focused education to more than 25,000 undergraduate and graduate students in fields ranging from engineering, computing, and sciences, to business, design, and liberal arts.   09/02/2021   Gatestone Institute conducts national and international conferences, briefings and events for its members and others, with world leaders, journalists and experts -- analyzing, strategizing, and keeping them informed on current issues, and where possible recommending solutions.   24/02/2019   In the past 35 years, the Gathering of Nations Powwow and Miss Indian World Pageant has grown from an early, simple dream to one of the world’s most recognized annual festivals.   04/10/2020   Sueños del Gatipedro es un sello editorial especializado en libros con música. Nuestro lema es Libros que Suenan para Niños que Sueñan.   07/11/2020   Gaudi Designer. Pedro Uhart, considerado uno de los mas importantes coleccionistas privados de obras de Gaudi, nació en 1938 en Concepción (Chile). Antoni Gaudi 1852-1926. Arquitecto y diseñador, Antoni Gaudí es internacionalmente la figura más prestigiosa de la arquitectura española.   29/04/2020   Victor Hugo Central. Victor Hugo, his novels and his poetry.   25/01/2016   Gay Lifestyle. Top News Stories, Gay Marriage, Travel. The latest news on gay marriage, gay rights, travel, politics, music, movies, televisions, celebrities, actors, & issues of community interest.   28/04/2020   Gazelle Book Services are book distributors in the UK and Worldwide providing academic and non-academic books to the trade. Gazelle Book Services Ltd is based in historic Lancaster, Lancashire.   12/05/2020   Gazzetta filosofica. “Gazzetta filosofica” è un nome e un progetto che vuole essere inclusivo. Il gruppo di ricerca AM si propone l'approfondimento di tematiche culturali, sociali e politiche, affrontate in una prospettiva che cerchi di superare il settorialismo e la parcellizzazione dei saperi.   31/03/2021   Great Basin College, offering acclaimed programs leading to real world jobs in technology and nursing via cutting-edge distance technologies.   05/05/2018   The GBIF-D node for fungi and lichens aims to open a broad spectrum of scientifically, sociopolitically and economically relevant data in the field of mycological biodiversity to the public. These data are accessible through the GBIF Portal and include valuable records from museums, herbaria, culture collections and monitoring projects with observation data in Germany.   28/03/2020   Great Bend Tribune. Great Bend Tribune providing news, information and promotion for Barton and Pawnee Counties, cities of Great Bend, Hoisington, Ellinwood, Claflin, Albert, Beaver, Galatia, Odin, Olmitz, Pawnee Rock, Susank, Burdett, Garfield, Larned, Rosel, Holyrood, St. John and Hudson.   29/10/2017   Google Earth Hacks provides links to interesting content found or created by users like you and gives you quick access to check things out in Google Earth. Google Earth is a free product made available by Google that lets you view the entire earth in 3D, but has enough detail that you can zoom in and view your own house! If you don't have it yet, you can download it for free here.   05/05/2018   GE Aviation is a world-leading provider of commercial, military and business and general aviation jet and turboprop engines and components as well as avionics, electrical power and mechanical systems for aircraft. GE has a global service network to support these offerings.   05/05/2018   Military Solutions. GE Aviation is a world-leading provider of military aircraft engines, systems, services and components. Since developing the first turbosupercharger for U.S. military aircraft during WWI, GE Aviation has continued to expand mission capabilities with innovations that allow pilots to fly farther, faster and more efficiently than ever before.   15/04/2019   Die Gedenkbibliothek zu Ehren der Opfer des Kommunismus in Berlin. Die 1990 unter der Idee „Sammlung ehemals verbotener Bücher“ gegründete Gedenkbibliothek ist eine Spezialsammlung von Sach- und erzählender Literatur zur Aufklärung über die Ursachen und Folgen des Sowjetkommunismus als universeller Bedrohung der freiheitlich-demokratischen Welt.   26/06/2020   Editorial Gedisa. Libros de ensayo de antropología, comunicación, ciencias sociales, filosofía, historia, psicología. Emprendimos nuestra andadura en 1977, una época de eclosión cultural propiciada por las primeras elecciones democráticas y la Transición.   11/03/2020   El G.E.I.M.M.E. es una asociación informal que tiene por vocación reunir a los buscadores interesados en la corriente tradicional occidental conocida como Martinismo, cuyo origen se haya en la Orden de los Caballeros Masones Élus Cohen del Universo fundada en 1754-58 por Martinez de Pasqually.   30/07/2019   Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru yw unig eiriadur Cymraeg hanesyddol safonol yr iaith Gymraeg. Mae’n cyflwyno geirfa’r iaith Gymraeg o’r testunau Hen Gymraeg cynharaf, drwy lenyddiaeth doreithiog y cyfnodau Canol a Modern, hyd at y cynnydd aruthrol yn yr eirfa sy’n deillio o’r defnydd ehangach o’r iaith ym mhob agwedd ar fywyd yr hanner canrif diwethaf.   08/03/2016   Benvinguts a Noves SL, Revista de Sociolingüística, la publicació en format electrònic de la Direcció General de Política Lingüística dedicada a la sociolingüística i matèries afins, adreçada primordialment als especialistes i als responsables de les agències relacionades amb aquesta matèria, amb la voluntat de difondre coneixements, potenciar la realització de treballs i facilitar la comunicació entre els seus lectors i lectores.   22/12/2020   GeneaBank. Le système GeneaBank permet de mutualiser l'accès aux dépouillements d'état-civil entre associations. Le système permet à un adhérent d'une quelconque association participante de consulter les relevés de son association et de toutes les autres associations participantes.   23/08/2020   Suomen Sukututkimusseura on kaikille avoin kansalaisjärjestö, jonka toiminnan tavoitteena on jo vuodesta 1917 lähtien ollut laadukkaan sukututkimuksen edistäminen. Seura pyrkii yhdistämään sukututkijoita, turvaamaan sukututkimuksen toimintaedellytykset Suomessa ja kehittämään sukututkijoiden tieto-taitoa.   06/12/2019   Araldica Genealogia. Biblioteca Storico Araldica Genealogica Guelfi Camaiani. Genealogia Araldica. E’ la più antica struttura archivistica e di servizi per le consulenze e per le ricerche araldiche, genealogiche, onomastiche, familiari, patrimoniali, storiche e nobiliari delle famiglie italiane.   16/09/2018   Biopharmaceutical Glossaries & Taxonomies and guide to 21st century therapeutics, technologies and trends.   12/07/2019   Geoblox. When I began teaching earth science in 1984, I noticed that there were very few hands-on activities to use with my geology unit.   Having grown up in Europe, I remembered that cardstock modeling was a popular hobby there. I also remembered that some of the European cardstock models were very complex but others were pretty simple.   05/02/2020   Alaska Geobotany Center, Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks. The Alaska Geobotany Center (AGC) is dedicated to understanding northern ecosystems through the use of geographic information systems, remote sensing, field experiments, and cooperative team research projects.   31/03/2018   Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping Project. The Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM) project is an international effort to map the vegetation and associated characteristics of the circumpolar region, using a common base map. The base map is a false color infrared image created from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite data.   31/03/2018   Alaska Geobotany Center Library.   26/05/2018   Geowissenschaftlicher Dienst. Dr.rer.nat. Olaf Otto Dillmann, Diplom-Geologe. Beratender Geologe (Consulting Geologist). GeoDienst ist ein unabhängiger Dienstleister für die Natursteinwirtschaft und Ansprechpartner für Architekten, Baustoffhändler, GaLaBauer, Natursteinhändler und -verarbeiter, Planer, Steinmetze u. a.   23/02/2016   South Africa is located, as one might expect, on the southern tip of Africa. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the west, the Indian Ocean on the south and east.   23/02/2016   Tanzania is bordered on the south by Mozambique, Malawi, and Zambia; on the west by Zaire, Burundi, and Rwanda; on the north by Uganda and Kenya; and on the east by the Indian Ocean. Tanzania is the largest of the East African nations, and it possesses a geography as mythic as it is spectacular.   23/02/2016   Zimbabwe, like Botswana, is a landlocked country at the base of the African continent. Its neighbours are Mozambique (to the east), South Africa and Botswana (to the south and west), and Zambia (to the north). Zimbabwe lies on a high plateau, and its terrain consists primarily of grasslands bordered on the east by mountains.   25/01/2016   Departamento de Geología. Universidad de Oviedo. En este sitio web se ofrece toda la información relativa a la oferta formativa (grados, másteres, doctorado, etc.) y actividad investigadora (proyectos, contratos, grupos, etc.) del Departamento de Geología, así como toda la actualidad generada por el mismo.   16/06/2018   O Departamento de Geologia é a unidade que oferta e administra as disciplinas, os recursos humanos e coordena as ações necessárias para o desempenho das atividades de ensino, pesquisa e de extensão na Geologia da UFPR.   18/05/2020   Geologica Balcanica. Founded 1934 by Prof. Dr Stefan Bončev. A Geo-Sciences Journal of the Geological Institute “Strashimir Dimitrov”, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Official Journal of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association.   03/07/2018   George Harrison. Official site with news, image gallery, links, discography of entire Harrison catalog, audio, video, and other media downloads.   24/02/2019   George RR Martin nació el 20 de septiembre de 1948 en Bayonne, Nueva Jersey. Su padre era Raymond Collins Martin, un estibador, y su madre, Margaret Brady Martin. Tiene dos hermanas, Darleen Martin Lapinski y Janet Martin Patten. Martin asistió a la escuela Mary Jane Donohoe y a la escuela secundaria marista.   05/06/2020   Wissenswertes über die Schweizer Militäraviatik. Wissenswertes über die Schweizer Luftwaffe. Nostalgisches und aktuelles für Modellbauer.   14/11/2020   The New Georgia Encyclopedia is a web-based encyclopedia containing over 2,000 articles about the state of Georgia.   15/12/2020   Geological Society of America. GSA is an international scientific society with a mission to advance geoscience research and discovery, service to society, stewardship of Earth, and the geosciences profession.   05/02/2017   Gérald Buthaud - Reportages photographiques du monde entier et photos de chevaux. Reportages photographiques effectués par Gérald Buthaud dans le monde entier.   25/01/2016   German Films Service + Marketing GmbH is the national information and advisory center for the promotion of German films worldwide.   31/03/2018   Der Deutsche Germanistenverband gliedert sich in zwei Fachgruppen mit dem Status von Teilverbänden: Die Gesellschaft für Hochschulgermanistik (mit derzeit etwa 1000 Mitgliedern) und den Fachverband Deutsch (Verband der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer).   01/04/2018   Internationales Germanistenverzeichnis. Germanistenverzeichnis. Onlineverzeichnis der Hochschulgermanistik. Deutscher Germanistenverband und DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst.   02/09/2020   Universität Düsseldorf: Germanistik. Das Studium der Germanistik in Düsseldorf bietet Ihnen ein Studium der deutschen Literatur- und Sprachwissenschaft in seiner ganzen Breite.   31/03/2018   Germanistik im Netz - Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Germanistik (GiN). Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main.   13/08/2016   GiNFix - Blättern nach Themen. Germanistik im Netz. Virtuellen Fachbibliothek Germanistik.   12/08/2019   GiN ist das Online-Portal des Fachinformationsdiensts (FID) Germanistik. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) fördert den FID Germanistik von 2018 an über einen Zeitraum von 3 Jahren.   30/01/2017   Historia germanistyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim (1917-2004). Józef Wiktorowicz. Germanistyka jako kierunek studiów i przedmiot badań istnieje na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim dopiero od odzyskania niepodległości przez Polskę, kiedy to Uniwersytet Warszawski otwarty został ponownie jako uniwersytet polski.   30/01/2017   Teoria literatury żywa. Seria monografii wydawana od roku 2003 w Zakładzie Literatur Niemieckiego Obszaru Językowego przez Kamillę Najdek i Krzysztof Tkaczyka.   03/09/2018   Welcome to The Gesneriad Society and our website. I hope that you will enjoy your visit! The site is always being improved so, if you find a link that doesn’t work, or a page that doesn’t load, let me know.   25/12/2019   Getariako Txakolina. Getariako txakolina jatorri deitura duen ardo zuria da Getariako Txakolina. Bertan txakolina upategi ugari biltzen dira, txakolina bisitatzeko, dastatzeko eta zuzenean saltzeko aukera eskaintzen dutenak. Upategiak Guetarian, Zarautzen eta Gipuzkoa osoan daude (Euskal Herria).   05/05/2020   Getmapping Plc is a leading provider of aerial photography, mobile mapping, LiDAR, digital mapping and geospatial solutions across Europe and Africa. Getmapping has offices in Fleet, UK, Cape Town and Centurion in South Africa.   14/08/2020   Getty: Resources for Visual Art and Cultural Heritage. Getty is a cultural and philanthropic institution dedicated to the presentation, conservation, and interpretation of the world’s artistic legacy.   14/08/2020   Explore Art. Online Exhibitions, Books, and Videos. Read, watch, listen. Browse our virtual art offerings while the Getty Center and Villa are closed.   14/08/2020   The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) works internationally to advance conservation practice in the visual arts—broadly interpreted to include objects, collections, architecture, and sites.   14/08/2020   Visit our Los Angeles museums and library, interact with art, and access free research tools."   14/08/2020   Getty Publications produces award-winning titles that result from or complement the work of the J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the Getty Research Institute. This wide variety of books covers the fields of art, photography, archaeology, architecture, conservation, and the humanities for both the general public and specialists.   14/08/2020   Virtual Library (Publications Getty). Books in the fields of art, photography, archaeology, architecture, conservation, and the humanities for both general and specialized audiences.   16/05/2016   GExperts is a free set of tools built to increase the productivity of Delphi and C++Builder programmers by adding several features to the IDE. GExperts is developed as Open Source software and we encourage user contributions to the project.   20/04/2020   Gesellschaft für Primatologie - GfP e.V. Die GfP ist eine Vereinigung von Personen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum (Deutschland, Östereich, Schweiz) und den Niederlanden, die sich für nicht-menschliche Primaten interessieren. Die Gesellschaft wurde 1988 gegründet.   11/07/2016   Ghana Children's Fund (GCF) is a tax exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of orphans and needy children in Odupong-Ofaakor, Bentum, and other small villages in southwest Ghana. GCF​ was started by the Tuttle family of New Canaan, CT, USA, in 2010.   23/03/2020   The Ghana news Agency (GNA) was established on March 5, 1957, i.e. on the eve of Ghana's independence and charged with the "dissemination of truthful unbiased news". It was the first news agency to be established in Sub-Saharan Africa.   25/05/2018   The Ghosts of Ohio. Founded in 1999 by James A. Willis, The Ghosts of Ohio is a nationally recognized paranormal-research organization that uses scientific and historic methods to investigate and document reported hauntings in the state of Ohio.   08/04/2017   The Ghost Squadron Aircraft Team was formed in 1980 to promote the public awareness of large scale model aircraft, and to demonstrate these models to both fellow modellers and the general public. Since 1980 the Ghost Squadron has varied in complement depending on the types of models being operated and the team has operated with up to seven members.   05/06/2020   The Ghost Squadron Aircraft Team was formed in 1980 to promote the public awareness of large scale model aircraft, and to demonstrate these models to both fellow modellers and the general public. Since 1980 the Ghost Squadron has varied in complement depending on the types of models being operated and the team has, at times had up to 8 members.   26/04/2019   Gianluca Costantini is an activist and artist who for years fought his battles through the drawing. Censored on the web by the Turkish government, he angered many French readers for a short comic about Charlie Hebdo's terrorist story.   05/01/2021   Giardini Pensili directed by Roberto Paci Dalò.   10/10/2019   The Gibbon Rehabilitation Project (GRP) is a research devision of The Wild Animal Rescue Foundation of Thailand (WARF).   02/05/2020   Walter Belgers' collection of computers.   02/05/2020   Walter Belgers' collection of hacker/cracker media.   15/02/2017   Wir sind ein kleiner Verein (Gründung Mai 1998) der sich mit einem Forschungsspektrum, das einerseits am Konsumentenende der Computer- und Telekommunikations-Technologie, andererseits (in Zusammenarbeit mit Universitäten) am Entwicklerende angesiedelt ist, beschäftigt.   15/02/2017   Gigablast. A powerful, new search engine that does real-time indexing.   20/06/2016   Welcome to the Gilbert and Sullivan Archive, which is devoted to the operas and other works of   W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. We also have some pages relating to other light operas of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.   02/03/2017   Gilberto Tadday, 38, was born in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. Studied at the International Center of Photography in New York, was a staff photographer for Zero Hora, which is one of the major newspapers in Brazil, and taught photojournalism at Pontificia Universidade Católica in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.   11/11/2019   Gil Cardoso nasceu em 1972, na região de Aveiro. Reconhecido pelo seu percurso na fotografia aeronáutica, desenvolve também interesse noutras áreas como a paisagem rural e urbana, e a fotorreportagem.   30/09/2020   Gillette News Record. Watching out for you since 1904. Gillette, Wyoming.   05/08/2016   GiMiZu. Weltweit und werbefrei.   05/08/2016   Smithsonian Gem & Mineral Collection. Smithsonian photos by Dane A. Penland.   17/10/2020   El Club de Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata fue fundado el 3 de junio de 1887 en la ciudad de La Plata. Desde su nacimiento ha tenido una relación estrecha con la comunidad, brindando espacios tanto deportivos como sociales y culturales.   11/11/2019   Archivio Giorgio Colli. Firenze.   25/12/2017   Giornale del Cilento. Notizie dal Cilento e Vallo di Diano. Primo giornale online del Cilento.   24/07/2020   Giornale di Brescia. Tutte le notizie e i video di Brescia e provincia. Il primo numero del Giornale di Brescia esce il 27 aprile 1945 come organo del Comitato di liberazione nazionale. Conta due sole pagine, costa due lire e viene distribuito mentre ancora nelle strade si spara.   22/01/2016   Fundación Girasol. Centro de tratamiento de adicciones, drogodependencias, desintoxicación, rehabilitación de todos los problemas con drogas y alcohol. Disponemos de Comunidad Terapéutica y más de 28 años de experiencia, usando una metodología específica de atención integral.   01/05/2017   GİRESUN IŞIK GAZETESİ. Giresun'un Dünyaya açılan penceresi.   01/05/2017   GirlGeeks was founded in 1998 by Kristine Hanna and Peter Crosby as a documentary film project about women's past, present and future impact on computing.   01/05/2017   Women Who Inspire Us. Education. Anita Borg was a member of the research staff at Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center. She was also the president and founding director of the Institute for Women and Technology, a nonprofit organization focused on increasing women's impact on technology and increasing the positive impact of technology on women worldwide.   17/08/2018   Girl Genius is written by Professors Phil & Kaja Foglio of TPU, with drawings by Prof. P. Foglio. Volume One was inked by Brian Snoddy. Volumes Two and Three were colored by Mark McNabb. Volume Four was colored by Laurie E. Smith. Cheyenne Wright is our current colorist. His work begins with Volume Five.   01/05/2017   Girl Groups. Songs, styles and history of the pop music girl groups of the early 1960s.   01/05/2017   Girl Hacker's Random Log.

My name is Lilly Tao and I started GirlHacker’s Random Log in November 1999. It’s not really a journal and not merely a list of must-see links, but more of a place to stick those random thoughts that pop into my head.   25/05/2018   Megan Kelso (born 1968 in Seattle, Washington) is an American comic book artist and writer. Kelso started working in the 1990s, with the minicomic Girlhero, which won her a Xeric Foundation grant in 1993. She has since published several other projects including Queen of the Black Black and The Squirrel Mother.   20/02/2018   Girls Gotta Run Foundation (GGRF) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that invests in girls who use running and education to empower themselves and their communities.   26/05/2018   Girls Write Now. A television writer and a high school student unpack laptops at a coffee shop and debate narrative structure. A Pulitzer Prize winning journalist breaks down her technique in a loft crowded with young women.   19/12/2017   L'Arxiu Municipal de Girona és el servei especialitzat de l'Ajuntament en la gestió, el tractament i la preservació de la documentació, amb independència de la seva data, tipologia i suport.   19/12/2017   Arxiu Administratiu de l'Ajuntament de Girona. Premsa digitalitzada.   19/12/2017   Arxiu Administratiu de l'Ajuntament de Girona. Recursos sobre la ciutat.   19/12/2017   Festival de Cinema de Girona és un congrés internacional de talent que genera el camí de totes les arts cap al seu públic i el seu mercat, amb una repercussió a tot el món. Amb una llarga tradició cultural en el seu entorn, destacant celebritats com Salvador Dalí, Xavier Cugat, Josep Pla, Bonastruc ça Porta, etc.   10/06/2017   Les services de l'Etat en Gironde.   10/06/2017   Le site officiel du FC Girondins de Bordeaux. Retrouvez toutes les informations sur le club, les résultats, les vidéos et lives des matches, la billetterie et la boutique en ligne.   07/04/2017   Herzlich willkommen auf den Internetseiten der Informationszentrale gegen Vergiftungen Bonn. Unsere Notrufnummer lautet: 0228 / 19240 Einen Informationszettel mit Angabe unserer Telefonnummer und weiteren nützlichen Hinweisen zu unseren Fragen beim Telefonat finden Sie hier: Infozettel.   28/10/2017   The University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.   03/06/2020   Library. University of Glasgow.   19/02/2016   A history of changing the world: 1451. The University of Glasgow is established, making it the fourth oldest university in the UK. Over the last five centuries and more, we’ve constantly worked to push the boundaries of what’s possible.   28/10/2017   University of Glasgow - Schools - School of Interdisciplinary Studies.   18/04/2020   GLAS a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides a unique platform for independent animation. We champion diverse and underrepresented voices, and emphasize exceptional directors and artists that push visual, conceptual, and narrative boundaries within the cinematic artform.   16/08/2019   Swahili Language and Culture.   12/05/2019   Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, Vierte Internationale (SGP).   26/05/2018   Glenn Beck is a leading American media personality, political commentator, author, and founder of TheBlaze, a multiplatform news and entertainment network available on television, radio, and the internet. Glenn's wit, candor, and commanding on-air presence have earned him the loyal support of a large, enthusiastic audience, as well as top ratings on network television and talk radio.   19/04/2019   Glen Rock Public Library. Bergen County New Jersey. The Glen Rock Public Library offers free book loaning services as well as digital eLibrary access for Library Card Holders that are a part of the Bergen County Cooperative Library System.   16/02/2016   Radi vás privítame v Martine na letisku v Tomčanoch a umožníme vám to!. Ak vás oslovuje motorové lietadlo, náš Dynamic WT9 pilotovaný skúsenými pilotmi je pripravený urobiť vám z obyčajného dňa životný zážitok.   27/06/2020   Global Citizen is a movement of engaged citizens who are using their collective voice to end extreme poverty by 2030. On our platform, Global Citizens learn about the systemic causes of extreme poverty, take action on those issues, and earn rewards for their actions — as part of a global community committed to lasting change.   25/03/2016   Global Groove. Preserving grooves from around the globe.   10/28/2019   Global Security NO está afiliado o conectado a la compañía privada de seguridad / militar conocida como Global o Global Security, o sus variantes. Global Security NO está afiliado ni conectado de ninguna otra manera con el ejército de los Estados Unidos ni con ninguna otra agencia del gobierno de los Estados Unidos ni de ningún otro gobierno.   24/02/2019   Fort Rucker Stagefields. Basefields and stagefields were added to Fort Rucker holdings as the years passed to support aviation training practices. The addition of new stagefields and changes to existing stagefields have been made to include additional acreage, update facilities and handle new equipment or other requirements.   24/02/2019   Roebing's Amphibian. The Origin of the Assault Amphibian. Richard W. Roan, Major USMC. Command and Staff College Education Center. Marine Corps Development and Education Command. Quantico, Virginia 22134.   09/04/2019   History of Freemasonry in Georgia. A band of English colonists under the leadership of General James Edward Oglethorpe, British soldier, statesman and humanitarian, arrived on the west bank of the Savannah River on February 12, 1733. This was the birth of the English Province of Georgia, the last of the Thirteen Colonies.   06/09/2019   GlosarioIT es un sitio dedicado exclusivamente a la búsqueda de términos informáticos y en donde se trabaja asiduamente para actualizar, como así también agregar, nuevos términos con sus definiciones.   25/12/2019   Welcome to the home of the glycemic index – the official website for the glycemic index and international GI database based in the Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition, Exercise and Eating Disorders and Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney.   03/10/2020   The Encyclopedia of Arda is a personal project - a tribute to and a celebration of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. The site is evolving into an illustrated hypertext encyclopedia of Tolkien's realms and peoples. It already contains about four thousand entries, and we're constantly adding new entries and expanding existing ones.   24/07/2020   Welcome to eSky, a site dedicated to the entire universe. Here you'll find a whole range of articles covering cosmic phenomena of all kinds, ranging from minor craters on the Moon to entire galaxies.   11/04/2019   Naturhistoriska museet är Göteborgs äldsta museum. Det bildades 1833 med Kungliga Vetenskaps- och Vitterhetssamhällets naturaliesamlingar som grund. Museet flyttade 1923 från Ostindiska huset till en egen nyuppförd byggnad i Slottsskogen och fick 1981 en tillbyggnad med utställningslokaler och verkstäder.   20/07/2020   El portal único del gobierno. Gob es la plataforma que conecta a la gente con el gobierno, impulsa la eficiencia, y transforma los procesos para proveer de información y  trámites.   03/03/2018   Procuraduría Agraria. Gobierno. La Procuraduría Agraria es una institución de servicio social de la Administración Pública Federal, dedicada a la defensa de los derechos de los sujetos agrarios, brinda servicios de asesoría jurídica, arbitraje agrario y representación legal, promueve la conciliación de intereses, la regularización de la propiedad rural y el fortalecimiento de la seguridad jurídica en el campo.   05/04/2020   Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor. Gobierno de México.   19/09/2019   Secretaría de Gobernación. Gobierno. México. Es la plataforma que promueve la innovación en el gobierno, impulsa la eficiencia, y transforma los procesos para proveer de información, trámites y una plataforma de participación a la población. Es el replanteamiento de la relación ciudadano-gobierno.   20/07/2020   Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales.   09/03/2020   Gobierno del Perú. Plataforma digital única del Estado peruano para orientación a la ciudadanía. Encuentra cómo sacar DNI, obtener pasaporte, brevete, becas, servicios de salud, pensiones y otros trámites y servicios del Estado.   09/03/2020   Ministerio del Ambiente, MINAM. Gobierno del Perú.   10/05/2018   Gobarsko društvo Lisička Maribor je neprofitno društvo, ki temelji na prostovoljnem delu članov. Delujemo na področju spoznavanja gob, prav tako pa se člani tudi rekreativno in kulturno udejstvujejo na izletih in drugih gobarskih srečanjih. Velika pozornost je posvečena strokovnemu delu.   10/05/2018   Recepti za pripravo gob.   27/10/2019   Ministerio de Gobernación y Desarrollo Territorial. Gobierno de El Salvador.   10/05/2018   Leta 2004 se je Zveza gobarskih družin Slovenije preimenovala v Mikološko zvezo Slovenije. Leta 2017 je sedež prestavila iz Ljubljane v Podsredo, v Kozjanski park. Podatki o užitnih gobah, ki rastejo na ozemlju današnje Slovenije, segajo v zgodnjo drugo polovico našega tisočletja.   10/05/2018   Literatura in publikacije. Literatura, ki je izšla pri Mikološki Zvezi Slovenije.   09/02/2018   El Grup Balear d'Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa (GOB) és una associació ecologista fundada l'any 1973. La nostra missió és la millora i conservació de les condicions mediambientals de les Illes Balears per tal d’aconseguir un entorn de sostenibilitat ecològica i social.   09/02/2018   Butlletins informatius. GOB - Grup Balear d'Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa.   09/02/2018   El GOB (Grup Balear d'Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa) és una associació ecologista sense ànim de lucre que treballa a les Illes Balears des de l'any 1973. La secció insular de Menorca es va crear el 1977 i actualment té més de 1.200 socis.   22/06/2020   The origins of Civil Air Patrol date to 1936, when Gill Robb Wilson, World War I aviator and New Jersey director of aeronautics, returned from Germany convinced of impending war. Wilson envisioned mobilizing America’s civilian aviators for national defense, an idea shared by others.   06/12/2020   Go Comics, from Andrews McMeel Universal, is home to many of the most popular comics and cartoons in the world. GoComics is the web's largest catalog of syndicated newspaper strips, political cartoons and webcomics, offering free new content every day.   22/06/2020   Goethe-Institut. Das weltweit tätige Kulturinstitut der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Deutschkurse. Interkulturelle Begegnungen. Informationen über Deutschland.   27/01/2017   Aish HaTorah is an apolitical, international network of Jewish educational centers, providing opportunities for Jews of all backgrounds to discover the wisdom and beauty of their heritage in an atmosphere of open inquiry and mutual respect.   31/03/2021   Goldwell Open Air Museum. Just outside of Rhyolite, Nevada, a spectacular ghost town off the road leading to Death Valley, California, a group of prominent Belgian artists, led by the late Albert Szukalski, created a self-described art situation consisting of seven outdoor sculptures that are colossal not only in their scale but in their placement within the vast upper Mojave desert.   12/05/2017   Spanish Food Dictionary & Glossary. Learn Spanish with this Spanish dictionary for Spanish food terms not normally included in Spanish dictionaries. We have tried to include both individual words and also complete phrases, corresponding to typical Spanish dishes you might find in Spanish restaurants.   14/05/2016   Rezepte, Ernährung & Gesundheit. Gomeal.   02/05/2019   Gonzaga University is an exemplary learning community that educates students for lives of leadership and service for the common good.   02/05/2019   Gonzaga University has three libraries, each serving a distinctly different facet of our student body. These three facilities feature state-of-the art research resources, as well as extensive collections and archives.   24/02/2019   The beautifully-situated Jundt Art Museum houses the University's growing permanent collection of almost 5,000 objects, and presents special, temporary art exhibitions. During the year, the Museum exhibits works by local, regional, national, and international figures in many different media.   29/10/2017   поваренная книга простых кулинарных рецептов домашней русской кухни с фотографиями и советами по приготовлению блюд. Ирина Кутовая   31/08/2020   Recipes, Restaurant Reviews & Food Guides from Good Food. Good Food is your essential companion to eating out, eating in and everything in between.   24/12/2020   Good Nature Publishing creates beautiful natural history fine art to help you connect to flora and fauna. Get news here about my teaching: upcoming workshop, retreats and coaching you to be your true nature. Timothy Colman.   07/04/2019   The Good Old Boat. The idea occurred to us way back in 1997 where our best ideas always originate: on the boat while cruising. "Let's create a magazine to unite the owners of cruising sailboats like ours: older boats, wonderful boats, well-loved, and frequently sailed boats."   30/11/2020   Goodreads. Meet your next favorite book. Find and read more books you’ll love, and keep track of the books you want to read. Be part of the world’s largest community of book lovers on Goodreads. Discover and share books you love on Goodreads, the world's largest site for readers and book recommendations!   25/02/2016   View Moon with Google Earth. After over three decades, we're finally getting ready to go back to the Moon. To help you prepare, and to whet your appetite for exploration, we teamed up with scientists at the NASA Ames Research Center to bring you this collection of lunar maps and charts.   20/04/2020   Gorilla Doctors. Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project & UC Davis Wildlife Health Center. The Gorilla Doctors began as the realization of a dream of American gorilla researcher Dian Fossey. Fossey dedicated her life to studying and protecting mountain gorillas in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park.   15/03/2020   Gorilla Facts and Information. Gorilla information, anatomy, feeding, reproduction, distribution, evolution, predators, social structure and Gorilla conservation. Facts about Gorillas, Eastern Gorillas and Western Gorillas.   25/05/2016   Outdoor South Africa. Through all the murkiness of South Africa's tumultuous history, one thing is clear: South Africa is a land that its peoples—all of its peoples—care passionately about. And like its peoples, South Africa is a land of dramatic diversity.   25/05/2016   Birding in Kenya. Kenya has a vast variety of species, over 1000, in a vast variety of habitats. From montane forest to tropical coast, in every conceivable altitude range: deserts, open savannah grassland, lowland forest, bush and scrub, lakes and mudflats.   25/05/2016   Zambia's South Luangwa National Park. The Kingdom of the Elephant. The Luangwa River rolls out of Tanzania, drifting slowly through Zambia on its way toward the Zambezi. As it winds southwest, it meanders through open woodlands, its waters curving into oxbow lakes and silty lagoons.   25/05/2016   Zimbabwe National Park. To begin with, the Victoria Falls are legendary - a ferocious curtain of water seventeen hundred metres wide that plunges deep into ghe gorge of the Zambezi. Upstream from the falls the river is placid. Zambezi National Park preserves 56,000 acres along the river.   16/04/2020   Gothenburg Times. Gothenburg, Nebraska.   29/10/2017   КУЛИНАРИЯ, кулинарные рецепты. На сайте кулинарные рецепты как широко известных, так и редких блюд из мяса, рыбы, овощей, грибов и других продуктов. Есть специальные разделы кулинарии, посвященные особенностям национальной кухни, рекомендациям по приготовлению блюд, кулинарный словарь.   29/10/2017   Portail Québec est votre porte d'entrée pour tous les programmes et services offerts par le gouvernement du Québec.   25/11/2020   Gobierno de Colombia. GOV_CO es el Portal Único del Estado Colombiano que ofrece en un solo lugar toda la oferta de trámites, servicios, ejercicios de participación e información del país.   21/03/2016   Online information and public services for the Island of Jersey.   21/03/2016   Weather forecast for today and the next 5 days for Jersey, Channel Islands from the Jersey Met Office.   10/07/2018   Welcome to the Manitoba government website. It is my great honour to serve as your premier. I accept this responsibility with humility and look forward to working closely with you to build a better tomorrow for our province, filled with opportunity, unity and hope.   10/07/2018   Sport, Culture and Heritage. We contribute to a vibrant and prosperous Manitoba by celebrating, developing, supporting and promoting the identity, creativity and well-being of Manitobans, their communities and their province.   10/07/2018   Archives of Manitoba. Manitoba's rich documentary past is accessible to you at the Archives of Manitoba. You will discover a treasure of information about Manitobans and their history.   10/07/2018   Hudson’s Bay Company Archives (HBCA), home to the archival records of Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC), is part of the Archives of Manitoba operating under The Archives and Recordkeeping Act (2003) and 1994 gift agreement between HBC and the Government of Manitoba.   10/07/2018   Hudson’s Bay Company Archives - Biographical Sheets. Search for employee biographical sheets for individuals who worked for Hudson’s Bay Company and/or the North West Company.   10/07/2018   Microfilm Program. To make its holdings more easily accessible to people living outside the Winnipeg area, the Archives of Manitoba, including the Hudson's Bay Company Archives, has a microfilm loan and purchase program.   14/02/2018   Government of Montserrat Official Website.   24/03/2019   News. Government of Montserrat.   18/02/2016   President of Malta. Upon taking up the position, the President takes an oath to ‘preserve, protect and defend’ the Constitution.   18/02/2016   Il-President ta’ Malta. Mal-ħatra tiegħu, il-President il-ġdid jieħu ġurament li “jikkonserva, iħares u jiddefendi” l-Kostituzzjoni.   14/04/2020   Gvern ta'​ Malta. Servizzi u informazzjoni tal-gvern. Għal ħajja aktar faċli.   15/12/2019   Minister Edukacji Narodowej jest naczelnym organem administracji publicznej, któremu obsługę zapewnia Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej będące jednostką budżetową.   15/12/2019   W Ministerstwie Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego zajmujemy się sprawami studentów, uczelni i naukowców. Prowadzimy politykę państwa w obszarze nauki oraz szkolnictwa wyższego. Przygotowujemy strategiczne rozwiązania, dbamy o wdrażanie programów i funduszy unijnych. Wspieramy rozwój polskich uczelni, instytutów badawczych i instytutów naukowych PAN.   10/03/2020   Pagina web oficială a Guvernului României.   01/02/2020   GOV je osrednje spletno mesto državne uprave, na katerem so predstavitvene vsebine vlade, ministrstev, organov v sestavi, vladnih služb in upravnih enot. Namen spletnega mesta je uporabniku na enoten, razumljiv in jasen način podati čim bolj celostne informacije o delovanju državne uprave na različnih vsebinskih področjih.   29/02/2020   The Government Of the Kingdom Of Eswatini.   26/08/2020   GOV.UK - The place to find government services and information. - Simpler, clearer, faster.   21/11/2020   Browse: Business and self-employed. GOV_UK. Information about starting up and running a business in the UK, including help if you're self employed or a sole trader.   10/08/2019   Use the Child Maintenance Service or Child Support Agency (CSA). Child maintenance is financial support towards your child’s everyday living costs when you’ve separated from the other parent. You and your ex-partner can arrange child maintenance yourself if you can agree.   21/11/2020   Departments, agencies and public bodies. GOV_UK.   15/05/2016   The Department of Health (DH) helps people to live better for longer. We lead, shape and fund health and care in England, making sure people have the support, care and treatment they need, with the compassion, respect and dignity they deserve. DH is a ministerial department, supported by 28 agencies and public bodies.   01/12/2016   The Deputy Prime Minister's Office. Deputy Prime Minister's Office has closed. The current administration does not have a Deputy Prime Minister.   07/12/2020   Northern Ireland Office. GOV_UK. We ensure the smooth working of the devolution settlement in Northern Ireland. NIO is a ministerial department, supported by 3 agencies and public bodies.   11/04/2019   The Government governs Sweden and is the driving force in the process of legislative change, thereby influencing the development of our society. The Government consists of a prime minister and 22 ministers.   08/12/2016   The Government governs Sweden and is the driving force in the process of legislative change, thereby influencing the development of our society. The Government consists of a prime minister and 23 ministers.   11/04/2019   The Ministry of Education and Research is responsible for the Government’s education and research. The Ministry works on issues including school performance, conditions for teachers and study financing.   08/12/2016   The Ministry of Finance is responsible for issues concerning central government finances, including coordination of the central government budget, forecasts and analyses, tax issues, and management and administration of central government activities.   11/04/2019   The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs is responsible for issues concerning the welfare of society. This is about promoting people’s health, but also making sure that sick people get the treatment that they need.   08/12/2016   The Ministry of Justice is responsible for legislation concerning the constitution and general administrative law, civil law, procedural law and criminal law. The Ministry also handles matters relating to migration and asylum policy.   08/12/2016   Sweden in the EU. Being a member of the EU means that Sweden has a direct influence on and is directly affected by EU decisions. The Government’s main role in the EU context is to represent Sweden in the European Council and in the Council of the European Union.   22/10/2020   Govinfo is free U.S. Government information for all. Govinfo is a service of the United States Government Publishing Office (GPO), which is a Federal agency in the legislative branch. Govinfo provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.   22/03/2019   Govtech is the online portal to Government Technology, a division of e.Republic, Inc. Government Technology and its sister publications are an award-winning family of magazines covering information technology's role in state and local governments.   22/03/2019   Center for Digital Government.   13/07/2020   GovTrack tracks the United States Congress and helps Americans participate in their national legislature. We publish the status of federal legislation, information about your representative and senators in Congress including voting records, and original research on legislation.   08/12/2016   Senaste nytt från Nyheter.   27/10/2019   Sitio Web de la Fracción Legislativa del FMLN. El origen del Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) es reflejo de su ideario, principios y práctica política, en definitiva, de su militancia, pues el FMLN es fruto de valores como la inclusión, la unidad, el colectivismo y la organización, en función de los intereses y anhelos de las grandes mayorías de nuestro país.   22/10/2020   U.S. Government Publishing Office. An informed nation that has convenient and reliable access to their government’s information through GPO’s products and services. Created by Congress in June 1860, the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) began operation on March 4, 1861 with 350 employees.   28/02/2016   Biographical Directory of The United States Congress 1774–2005.   20/11/2020   Study Guides & Essay Editing. GradeSaver was founded in April 1999 by Nick and Olivia. After spending years helping each other edit class essays, they realized that students all around the world would benefit from having someone edit, revise and offer suggestions on their essays before submitting them to the intense scrutiny of their professors and teachers.   28/12/2019   Sample Literature Essays for Books, Movies, Poetry & Plays. GradeSaver. Essays and term papers are carefully selected by GradeSaver for academic research and citation. These highest quality papers are primarily written by students and provide critical analysis. Essays on novels, plays, poems and films ranging from 12 Angry Men to Young Goodman Brown require membership.   07/04/2021   La Réunion des musées nationaux - Grand Palais (Rmn-GP) est un établissement culturel public, placé sous la tutelle du ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. La Rmn – Grand Palais est le premier opérateur culturel européen.   21/03/2017   EMIL NOLDE. L’expressionnisme allemand reste un sujet neuf en France. Emil Nolde (1867-1956), l’un des représentants majeurs de ce courant, n’a à ce jour bénéficié d’aucune rétrospective.   02/06/2020   Órgano Oficial del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Fundado el 3 de octubre de 1965. Actualización de noticias 24 horas.   22/01/2018   Miami 5. Libertad para los cinco prisioneros politicos del imperio.   22/01/2018   En Consulta Médica, sección que aparece regularmente en el diario Granma desde 1984, se abordan problemas de salud, del comportamiento biológico, psicológico y social del hombre y avances de la Medicina.   22/01/2018   Granma, Órgano Oficial del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Principal Periódico cubano.   22/08/2018   Fidel en 1959. Granma.   22/01/2018   Reflexiones del compañero Fidel.   22/01/2018   Terroristas contra Cuba.   22/01/2018   Dudoso proceso jurídico y presiones de la mafia terrorista anticubana de   22/01/2018   XXX Aniversario de la victoria de Viet Nam.   10/03/2020   Les chercheurs du Gran Paititi. Thierry Jamin. Thierry Jamin explore depuis plus de 10 ans l'Amazonie péruvienne à la recherche de la mythique cité de Païtiti. Ses campagnes d'exploration des pyramides du Paratoari au pétroglyphes de Pusharo, lui ont permis de prouver la présence permanente des Incas en Amazonie.   25/05/2020   La librería Ciudadano Grant nace en mayo de 2014, junto a Swinton Gallery, como un nuevo espacio de cultura independiente en Madrid.   07/04/2021   Gran Valparaiso. Periodismo Ciudadano e Independiente. El primer diario electrónico escrito por los ciudadanos. Brindamos tribuna a los distintos puntos de vista.   13/04/2020   Graphic Witness: visual arts & social commentary. Visual arts and social commentary in prints and illustrations.   14/11/2019   Gravitaciones es una editorial independiente orientada a la literatura de creación, en particular, la poesía y los textos con un trasfondo poético. Nuestros títulos se ordenan actualmente en tres colecciones: Poesía, Narrativa y Gráfica.   24/07/2020   Graywolf Press is a leading independent publisher committed to the discovery and energetic publication of twenty-first century American and international literature. We champion outstanding writers at all stages of their careers to ensure that adventurous readers can find underrepresented and diverse voices in a crowded marketplace.   13/09/2018   Clubs of America is a family business, built the way many other great American companies were built: on a dream and a lot of hard work. In 1994, Doug and Dirk Doretti had an idea, based on two things that were happening at the time. Book and music clubs were popular; the brothers felt it was a unique way to run a business.   08/06/2020   Great Lakes Theater (GLT), northeast Ohio's professional classic theater since 1962, is one of the nation's pre-eminent regional theater companies. GLT, which features a resident company of artists, brings the world's greatest plays to life each season from September through May in its revolutionary home at the re-imagined Hanna Theatre, PlayhouseSquare.   16/06/2019   Welcome to Great Oakley Airfield. This delightful airfield is situated in picturesque farmland on the East Coast of England close to Harwich in Essex, an excellent base from which to explore East Anglia. It has two well-kept grass runways (09/27 and 04/22) plus extensive secure modern hangarage, making it the ideal location for owners to base their aircraft or simply to visit.   11/01/2017   The Second Battle of Ypres, 1915. The Second Battle of Ypres, as it is known in British military history, encompassed four battles in the northern sector of the Ypres Salient. The first of these began on 22nd April 1915 as a surprise attack by the German 4th Army on the French sector of the Allied Front Line.   25/02/2017   Greenpeace is a global environmental organisation, consisting of Greenpeace International (Stichting Greenpeace Council) in Amsterdam, and 26 independent national and regional offices across the world covering operations in more than 55 countries.   12/12/2020   The Green River Star has been serving the City of Green River and southwestern Wyoming for more than 100 years with local news, features and entertainment. It is an award-winning newspaper, having received recognition from the Wyoming Press Association and the National Newspaper Association.   18/09/2020   The City of Greensboro works with the community to improve the quality of life for residents through inclusion, diversity, and trust. The City has a professional staff of more than 3,000 employees who maintain the values of honesty, integrity, stewardship, and respect. Greensboro is governed by a council-manager form of government with a mayor and eight council members.   07/04/2021   El Gremi d’Editors de Catalunya és l’associació empresarial que agrupa els editors de Catalunya. Representem i defensem els interessos del nostre col·lectiu i oferim serveis de representació i consultoria per a les empreses agremiades.   19/04/2020   Grenzenlos Kultur vol. 21 - Internationales Theaterfestival in Mainz. Deutschlands ältestes Festival für inklusive Kunst: Theater, Musik und Tanz von Künstler*innen mit und ohne Behinderung aus ganz Europa.   03/04/2020   Gretel. Grup de Recerca de literatura infantil i juvenil i educació literària de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.   11/03/2018   GRID-Arendal was established in 1989 to support environmentally sustainable development by working with UN Environment and other partners. We communicate environmental knowledge that strengthens management capacity and motivates decision-makers to act.   07/06/2018   Grioo est le site de référence consacrée la communauté noire francophone. Société, culture, politique, histoire, biographie, il traite de toutes les thématiques concernant directement ou indirectement cette communauté.   27/05/2016   Find. Good. Recipes. Group Recipes ia a new way to discover recipes you'll love.   01/08/2016   Great Books and Classics. Your gateway to the Great Books online.   15/11/2020   Grup 62. Llibres en català. Troba el teu proper llibre per llegir. Recomanacions, ressenyes, bestsellers, llibres electrònics, concursos. Si t'agraden els Llibres aquesta és la teva web.   12/07/2019   Columna Edicions. Grup62. Tot sobre l’editorial Columna Edicions. Llibres, autores i colecciones de Columna Edicions.   12/07/2019   Editorial Empúries. Grup62. Tot sobre l’editorial Editorial Empúries. Llibres, autores i colecciones de Editorial Empúries.   25/11/2020   Grupo Éxito es parte de la plataforma del retail de alimentos líderes en Suramérica. Presentes en Colombia con Grupo Éxito, en Uruguay con los Grupos Disco y Devoto y en Argentina con Libertad.   03/10/2019    Grupo Jaragua. Por la Biodiversidad.   19/12/2017   Miguel Ángel Alonso Pardo. Departamento de Computación. Facultad de Informática. Universidade da Coruña. Campus de Elviña s/n.   28/02/2016   Ala Littoria: the images, by Andreu Carles López Seguí. Out of all the airlines carrying air mail during the Spanish Civil War, the Rome – Pollença – Melilla – Cadiz line is probably the most studied one.   14/11/2019   Il Gruppo Editoriale Macro è una realtà editoriale consolidata del panorama culturale italiano. Dal 1987 contribuisce con le proprie opere e iniziative alla crescita di una comunità attenta, consapevole e responsabile e oggi è tra i leader europei del settore della conoscenza e del benessere del corpo, della mente e dello spirito.   31/07/2019   Free Flight Fantasies. Thanks for stopping by to visit my hangar. When not working, I spend much of my free time designing, building and flying miniature aircraft. They are usually either Radio Control, or smaller and lighter Free Flight models that are on their own once released to the winds.   31/07/2019   Free Flight Tips. I thought this would be a good place to pass along some of the tricks learned by more experienced builders and fliers.   12/01/2017   Free Flight Fantasies. Thanks for stopping by to visit my hangar. When not working, I spend much of my free time designing, building and flying miniature aircraft. They are usually either Radio Control, or smaller and lighter Free Flight models that are on their own once released to the winds.   29/03/2017   GRY Online gry dla każdego i wszystko o grach. Tu znajdziesz darmowe gry do grania i obszerne wiadomości o grach. Encyklopedia gier zawiera opisy 32606 gier na PC, konsole Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox360, PS3 i inne. Znajdziecie u nas 1175 poradniki do gier, 24344 filmy video z gier, w dziale czytaj o grach są przygotowane dla Ciebie 2666 recenzje do gier i 2617 zapowiedzi gier.   10/01/2017   Kees Uljé Coprinus site index. Studies in Coprinus - keys to subsections and species in Coprinus. Atlas grzybów Polski.   24/04/2020   Atlas grzybów Polski. Mushrooms and Fungi of Poland. Atlas grzybów Polski (Fungi and Mushrooms of Poland, keys, photographs, descriptions) - klucze, opisy i fotografie. Przewodnik po grzybach, nauka rozpoznawania gatunków. Jak zbierać i przyrządzać, co i jak można znaleźć w przeciągu roku podczas spacerow i grzybobrań.   24/07/2020   Göteborgs universitet är ett av de stora i Europa med drygt 50.000 studenter och 5.200 anställda. Verksamheten bedrivs av åtta fakulteter, till allra största del i centrala Göteborg. Utbildning och forskning har stor bredd och hög kvalitet, det vittnar sökandetryck och nobelpris om.   25/12/2019   Cuina Catalana. Receptes catalanes. Collection of Catalan recipes.   15/02/2016   Local news, sport, leisure, jobs, homes, cars, public notices and events from Epping Forest, Waltham Forest, Wanstead & Woodford.   10/07/2018   The Guelph Turfgrass Institute is dedicated to conducting quality research and providing accurate and timely information and education services in turfgrass science with a special emphasis on environmental sustainability and enhancement.   14/11/2019   The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation was founded in 1937, and its first New York–based venue for the display of art, the Museum of Non-Objective Painting, opened in 1939.   22/01/2016   The core mission of the museum is to present the personal collection of Peggy Guggenheim. The collection holds major works of Cubism, Futurism, Metaphysical painting, European abstraction, avant-garde sculpture, Surrealism, and American Abstract Expressionism, by some of the greatest artists of the 20th century.   13/04/2020   La Collezione Peggy Guggenheim è uno dei più importanti musei d’arte europea ed americana del XX secolo in Italia.   25/12/2019   En Guia de Recetas encontrarás una gran variedad, más de 2.900 recetas de cocina que podrás preparar muy fácilmente, puedes utilizar nuestro buscador para encontrar lo que deseas o simplemente navegar a través de nuestras categorias para que puedas decidir que preparar día a día.   15/05/2018   Historia, lengua y cultura de Honduras.   27/05/2016   Somos una empresa ubicada en Almadén (Ciudad Real - España) que iniciamos nuestra actividad empresarial en el año 2000. Contamos con una oficina o estudio situado en la calle Waldo Ferrer, número 38, donde estaremos encantados de atenderte personalmente.   16/04/2020   Gulf Times. Qatar’s top-selling English daily newspaper published in Qatar and provide the latest information on weather, currency rates, Prayer in addition to the latest developments in the political events, economic, sporting, cultural and artistic locally and internationally, and much much more.   17/10/2017   Gull Research Organisation. This website deals with the identification and moult of gulls in the WP. Comparison of plumage month by month.   17/10/2017   Identification of 2cy Heuglin's Gulls in W Europe. Heuglin's Gull Larus heuglini is one of the most enigmatic large gulls occurring in Europe. It was not until the late 1990s that several papers were published on its identification.   21/11/2017   Gure Liburuak. Euskal Herriko Irakurle Kluba.   11/06/2018   Gustoblog è il magazine dove trovare tutte le ricette più buone e golose per ogni tipo di piatto anche per vegetariani e celiaci, ma anche novità sulla gastronomia e sull'enologia, recensioni di ristoranti in giro per il mondo e tante altre novita'.   08/12/2017   Le Groupe francophone des Utilisateurs de TEX (GUT) a pour but de promouvoir l’utilisation de TEX et LATEX en offrant à ses adhérents un ensemble de services autour de ces logiciels, aidant à leur découverte et à leur utilisation. GUTenberg est une association loi 1901, fondée en 1988 par la communauté des utilisateurs.   22/10/2020   Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired.   15/05/2018   Browse By Author: A - Project Gutenberg. Project Gutenberg offers over 57,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.   11/03/2020   Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for enjoyment and education.   15/08/2019   Trafficking Materials and Gendered Experimental Practices: Radium Research in Early 20th Century Vienna. Maria Rentetzi. This is a book about the materials and experimental practices of radioactivity research. It is neither an overview of the emergence of the field in the early twentieth century nor a collection of institutional histories of different research centers.   17/07/2018   Gazet van Antwerpen (GVA). Op de website van Gazet van Antwerpen leest u op elk moment het laatste nieuws uit Antwerpen en de regio's. Ook binnen- en buitenlands nieuws, economie, media & cultuur en sport komen aan bod.   14/11/2019   The George Washington University. Washington, D.C. No matter what subjects we pursue, we’ve all come here to change the course of history.   19/02/2016   Gwybodiadur (pronounced ‘gwib-odd-ee-ADD-ir’, an invented Welsh word equivalent to ‘informationary’) came into being in the autumn of 1999, in response to the fact that there was then almost no up-to-date, accurate information on the Web about publications for Welsh learners.   10/12/2020   Garancija Za Mlade. Garancija za mlade je novi pristup u rješavanju pitanja nezaposlenosti mladih osoba, kojim se sve osobe mlađe od 25 godina (u RH mlađe od 30 godina!) nastoji što brže aktivirati na tržištu rada.   01/02/2020   GZS je največja, najmočnejša in najvplivnejša povezava gospodarstva v Sloveniji. Njeno temeljno poslanstvo je izboljševanje poslovnega okolja, kar posledično omogoča večjo gospodarsko rast. GZS je mrežno organizirana in pokriva tako vse regije Slovenije kot tudi panoge dejavnosti.