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Saturday, August 5, 2023

c _ c   17/03/2019   Children's Series Books: Online Bookshelf. Reading an e-text is a poor substitute for the sensory pleasure of actually handling and reading an old book, but it's a good way to check.   28/04/2021   Centre international d'étude du XVIII. Le site c18 est consacré essentiellement aux projets et publications du Centre international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle de Ferney-Voltaire.   13/06/2018   The Nineteenth Century is a thirty-year publishing programme which reproduces on microfiche a significant proportion of English-language works first published between 1801-1900.   13/04/2020   The hosting center of Commodore 64 maniacs.   09/06/2016   The place for Canadians who want stock quotes, market tools, breaking news, investment advice, commentary and analysis. Yahoo Finance Canada understands your needs.   25/08/2020   Lèxic Obert Flexionat de Català. El LOCF és un conjunt de recursos lingüístics orientat al gran públic, però també a la comunitat científica.   20/01/2021   WORdER. Buscador de paraules i trucs per Apalabrados. Aquest cercador es pot utilitzar per buscar paraules en jocs com els mots encreuats, el penjat o els tipus Scrabble (com Apalabrados, Wordfeud, Words With Friends...).   24/07/2020   Asociación Pura Raza Cabalo Galego. Caballo de Pura Raza Gallega. La Asociación Pura Raza Cabalo Galego es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro que se constituyó formalmente en el año 1997.   24/07/2020   Salvem el Cabanyal. Érem Poble Nou de la Mar. Municipi independent de la ciutat de València fins a 1897, en aquest any ens obligaren a ser el barri del Cabanyal-Canyamelar.   19/07/2020   Cabinet. Founded as a non-profit in 2000, Cabinet is an award-winning quarterly magazine of art and culture based in New York that confounds expectations of what is typically meant by the words “art,” “culture,” and sometimes even “magazine.”   02/05/2020   Cabin Porn. Inspiration for your quiet place somewhere.   22/05/2021   CACECAM. Consejo de Armonización Contable del Estado de Campeche, órgano de coordinación que busca, establecer criterios generales para regular la Contabilidad Gubernamental con la finalidad de aplicar las normas.   7/12/2022   College of Architecture, Design and Construction. More than 1,600 students from around the world are enrolled in the CADC. Our rigorous and nationally-ranked programs are firmly rooted in Auburn University’s land grant mission.   22/06/2020   Caderno da crítica. Literatura galega. Blog de Ramón Nicolás.   6/26/2022   Cafe Central Poesia: Poesia des de 1989. Cafè Central va ser creat al 1989 per Antoni Clapés (al qual s’hi va afegir un any després Víctor Sunyol) com una iniciativa editorial independent, tant econòmica com d’actuació i de propòsits.   16/01/2016   Cahiers2Cinéma.   12/9/2022   CAIN: Northern Ireland Conflict, Politics, and Society. Information on 'the troubles'. This site contains information and source material on the Troubles in Northern Ireland from 1968 to the present.   03/06/2020   The CAIN (Conflict Archive on the INternet) Web site contains information and source material on 'the Troubles' and politics in Northern Ireland from 1968 to the present.   09/02/2016   There is no shortage of things to do and see in the park. From exploring the nature and wildlife found in the mountainous trails of Tolmount or relaxing on the beach of Loch Morlich – it’s simply breathtaking. The Cairngorms is a natural playground.   6/1/2022   Ca la Dona, un espai de dones i per a dones. És un espai que volem que sigui el teu, que sigui el de totes les dones, lesbianes i trans que ens belluguem per tal de fer trontollar el sistema patriarcal i tot allò que ens oprimeix.   6/23/2022   Calaix és el dipòsit digital dissenyat per emmagatzemar, preservar i facilitar l’accés a materials digitals del Departament de Cultura i està obert a la incorporació d’altres col·leccions digitals d’interès de l’administració de la Generalitat.   22/03/2019   California Baptist University (CBU) is one of the top private Christian colleges and universities in Southern California.   22/03/2019   The Annie Gabriel Library is named in honor of Miss Annie Gabriel, whose generous gift enabled the initial significant development of the collection.   01/11/2020   Calenda. Le calendrier des lettres et sciences humaines et sociales.   17/02/2017   The birds of America from drawings made in the United States and their territories (1840). Volume I. John James Audubon. Publisher: J.J. Audubon, J.B. Chevalier. Year: 1840. Town: New York, Philadelphia.   29/10/2019   Ernst Haeckel: Kunstformen der Natur 1899-1904. HTML-Version herausgegeben von Kurt Stüber, 1999. Vollständige elektronische Faksimile-Ausgabe. Index aller 100 Tafeln. Dieses Buch ist ein Teil von Kurt Stübers online-Library.   02/05/2020   Rudy's Birding Page. This site is an information-page about everything that is linked to my favourite hobby: birdwatching! Surprisingly, even for me, that "everything" turned out to be mostly gulls!!   12/9/2022   Rudy's Birding Page. This site is an information-page about everything that is linked to my favourite hobby: birdwatching!    24/06/2021   The California Science Center aspires to stimulate curiosity and inspire science learning in everyone by creating fun, memorable experiences, because we value science as an indispensable tool for understanding our world.   4/8/2022   Calisphere: The deeper you look, the more you discover. Discover over two million photographs, documents, letters, artwork, diaries, oral histories, films, advertisements, musical recordings, and more.   09/09/2020   The Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER) was established in 2002 at The Pennsylvania State University and is one of 16 Title VI Language Resource Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education.   01/09/2019   CalPhotos: Fungi. This form accesses 11,233 images of fungi. A variety of organizations and individuals have contributed photographs to CalPhotos.   27/04/2021   College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The University of Arizona. With an education and research portfolio that stretches from soil sciences, to resource management, to retailing, and from beneath the soil to outer space.   26/04/2017   General Mycology 427.   9/9/2022   The Central Arkansas Library System is recognized as a leading community institution improving literacy, the exchange of ideas, workforce development, and social engagement.   02/05/2020   Calumet 412. A pictorial love letter to the city and people of Chicago.   21/10/2020   La Cámara Chilena del Libro es una asociación gremial de personas jurídicas y naturales, fundada el 17 de julio de 1950, que reúne empresas editoriales, distribuidoras de libros, librerías y organizaciones de venta directa.   09/04/2017   El bloc de la Camats. No et garanteixo ser-hi sempre que vinguis, però quan hi sigui, estaré per tu.   03/10/2016   Cambios en Cuba. Noticias y opiniones.   7/9/2022   Rutgers University-Camden. Rutgers University is one of the oldest, most respected institutions of higher learning in the country; Camden is a city known for its determination and resilience.   5/14/2022   Camilayelarte es un blog independiente cuya finalidad es aproximar y divulgar el arte contemporáneo entre un público no especializado.   23/12/2019   Blog sobre la obra del reconocido fotógrafo español José Demaría Vázquez "Campúa". En esta página iremos recogiendo sus mejores fotografías para ir configurando un banco de imágenes en alta resolución.   17/08/2020   Index of Early Christian and Byzantine Image Pages.   05/01/2017   Belmont is a private university enrolling more than 3,000 students in Nashville, Tennessee.   29/04/2020   Miguel Delibes: Biografía, Obra, Galería Fotográfica, Semblanza del escritor, Facetas, Noticias Relacionadas. Vídeo - Presentación de Miguel Delibes. Canal Miguel Delibes. Versión en Inglés.   12/05/2020   HISTORIA emite las series documentales más prestigiosas y apasionantes de la televisión y apuesta por la mejor producción propia.   6/18/2022   Canal Salut. Continguts informatius i per tenir cura de la salut basats en l’evidència científica i avalats pel Departament de Salut i els professionals del sistema públic de salut.   02/09/2019   CANARI. Caribbean Natural Resources Institute. Since our earliest days, we have been dedicated to linking natural resource management with development and livelihoods.   05/06/2020   Blog del Programa Treball als Barris de Sant Feliu de Llobregat.   11/11/2017   Càncer. Generalitat de Catalunya.   23/02/2016   The Belgian Canoe & Kayak Forum is a place where information meets players, referees, organizers and enthusiasts. The forum is not affiliated with any official federations or clubs.   09/02/2016   CAN. Growing Social Business. Supporting social enterprises and charities to scale up their businesses and maximise their impact.   4/30/2022   The Capital Area Native Plant Society works in the Greater Baton Rouge Area to provide a variety of opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to learn about the value of native plants in landscaping and natural communities.   13/07/2016   Cantigueiras da Terra. Hermandad Gallega de Venezuela.   04/04/2020   Canvi climàtic. Generalitat de Catalunya.   11/06/2020   Caótica es un espacio vivo y cambiante: una librería, un café y un espacio cultural. Así ha sido concebido y así queda plasmado en el proyecto del arquitecto y diseñador Carlos Pedraza, que ha sabido captar su espíritu frugal.   18/02/2021   Contemporary American Poetry Archive (CAPA).   02/02/2021   Capitol Fax. Your Illinois News Radar.   10/04/2019   Cap'n Bob & the Damsel. Our unique perspectives on life and politics.   17/12/2019   Kevin Smith completed his M.A. (1990) and Ph.D. (1992) in Anthropology at Vanderbilt University in Nashville.   08/05/2018   Tennessee Archaeology Net. Bibliographies for Anthropological Research.   6/26/2022   Ethics Demonstrated in Geometric Order and divided into five parts, which treat. Baruch Spinoza.   25/05/2018   Medieval Philosophy Online - Société Internationale pour l'Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale. Medieval Philosophy Digital Resources. Jean-Luc Solère.   16/02/2022   The Center for Asian and Pacific Studies is a research and outreach center devoted to promoting understanding of the Asia-Pacific region.   21/02/2022   Cardozo School of Law, a leader in law and business, intellectual property, public interest, and clinical legal education, has innovative programs that prepare you to succeed in your legal career.   21/02/2022   Cardozo Law Review is one of the nation&'s top ranked journals currently publishing its fortieth volume, focusing on cutting-edge legal scholarship.   9/9/2022   Central Arkansas Library System.   13/12/2020   Canada's Capital University, Carleton University is a dynamic research and teaching institution dedicated to achieving the highest standards of scholarship. Situated on unceded Algonquin territory beside the historic Rideau Canal.   12/12/2016   The Centre for Trade Policy and Law (CTPL) is Canada’s premier trade policy capacity building institution. We help governments around the world in the design, negotiation and implementation of their respective international trade strategies.   6/5/2022   Michael C. Carlos Museum. Through our permanent collection galleries, engaging special exhibitions, and innovative programs for audiences of all ages, the Carlos Museum connects the past with the present and the campus with the community.   18/02/2019   Carl Palmer Official Web Site. Emerson, Lake & Palmer drummer, Carl Palmer's, official web site. Features news, info, a history of Carl's career with Asia, ELP, a photo gallery, merchandise and more!.   21/02/2018   The City of Carlyle, Illinois. Carlyle Lake, Illinois.   29/09/2020   Carl Zimmer. Carl Zimmer is an award-winner New York Times columnist and the author of 13 books about science. His newest book is She Has Her Mother's Laugh.   22/02/2016   Theateraufführungen, Nachlassarbeit und Literaturpflege als Aufgaben der Carl-Zuckmayer-Gesellschaft. Aufgabe der am 10. März 1972 in Nackenheim gegründeten und heute knapp 400 Mitglieder zählenden Gesellschaft.   27/10/2019   The Carmelites of the Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary, in allegiance to Jesus Christ, live in a prophetic and contemplative stance of prayer, common life, and service.   25/04/2019   Carmen Cru, la vieille carne de la bande dessinée de Lelong, a son site web. Entre 1982 et 1988, Jean-Marc LELONG nous a offert dans Fluide Glacial, un personnage de bande-dessinée hors du commun.   30/01/2022   The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace offers decisionmakers global, independent, and strategic insight and innovative ideas that advance international peace.   28/06/2020   Caro Raggio; Editor sigue siendo la casa de tres hombres sin los cuales no se podría llegar a entender la literatura, el arte, la cultura y la historia de este país: Pío Baroja, Ricardo Baroja y Julio Caro Baroja.   06/07/2021   The National Cartoonists Society Foundation is the charitable arm of the National Cartoonists Society, the world’s largest and most prestigious organization of professional cartoonists.   22/05/2021   The Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum houses the world’s largest collection of materials related to cartoons and comics, including original art, books, magazines, journals, comic books, archival materials.   26/12/2020   Cartularios Medievales. Medieval Cartularies.   09/05/2020   The Ultimate Cary Grant Pages. A comprehensive Cary Grant fan site containing reviews, photos, sound bytes, DVD sources, magazine articles, trivia and more!   12/8/2022   College of Arts and Sciences. At Loyola, you can prepare to become a certified secondary teacher in Classical Studies, English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, or Social Studies.   22/04/2020   Department of Philosophy. College of Arts and Sciences. Loyola University. New Orleans.   18/09/2021   College of Arts and Science. Located in the heart of one of the world's great cities, the College offers its students a unique environment for intellectual, cultural, service, and work experiences.   11/12/2020   10/12/2021   The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of St. Thomas, Minnesota, offers a broad range of majors, minors and graduate programs.   08/02/2022   College of Arts and Sciences. Our research and teaching engage multiple disciplines, foster many different ways of perceiving our surroundings, and pursue multiple paths for exploring the world.   5/18/2022   CASA, the Common Astronomy Software Applications package, is the primary data processing software for the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array and NSF's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, and is frequently used also for other radio telescopes.   22/07/2020   Casa Anita és una llibreria especialitzada en literatura infantil i juvenil i àlbums il·lustrats per a infants i adults.   6/26/2022   Cascade Mycological Society (CMS). We are an educational non-profit located in the Eugene/ Springfield area of Oregon dedicated to the study and enjoyment of fungi. Please enjoy the video below to see the types of activities that we do.   07/09/2019   The Cascade Paragliding Club is dedicated to the advancement of paragliding and hang gliding in this region through the education of its members in safety and general knowledge of the sport.   7/5/2022   Case Western Reserve University. As a leading national research university located in the nation's #1 arts district and within walking distance of three major hospitals, we offer ample opportunities for you to excel.   7/5/2022   School of Law. Case Western Reserve University. Nationally ranked and internationally regarded, the School of Law at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, offers JD, LLM, SJD and master’s degree programs.   06/07/2021   College of Arts, Sciences & Education. Florida International University. Our experts work across disciplines and with communities to address the challenges and needs we face as a society.   22/12/2021   The Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST) is a multi-disciplinary center for spatial research and technology housed within the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas.   23/11/2020   Cambridge Astronomy Survey Unit. The Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU) is part of the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University.   12/8/2022   Catalan Films. L’objectiu de Catalan Films és augmentar la participació de la indústria audiovisual catalana a mercats internacionals i incentivar la coproducció i la distribució.   28/09/2019   Casal Català de Frankfurt. Ens dirigim a tots vosaltres per a anunciar-vos el naixement del Centre Cultural Català de Frankfurt am Main.   12/05/2019   Xarxa, biblioteques socials. La societat és insuportable per qui la comprèn i qui la suporta és perquè no la comprèn.   22/04/2020   Biblioteques especialitzades (BEG).   25/05/2021   The Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) is a NASA funded project supported by the Near Earth Object Observation Program (NEOO) under the Planetary Defense Coordination Office (PDCO).   6/3/2022   Catalog. UMN Duluth. The catalog is an academic planning tool and it is the responsibility of every student to be familiar with the information in the catalog.   24/07/2020   FlatWorld. Bringing Textbook Prices Back Down to Earth. Made for you. Priced for your students. Join professors at over 1,500 institutions who have switched to our textbooks.   04/06/2017   A family man, in three acts, by John Galsworthyn, 1867-1933.   17/08/2020   The Henry Moore Foundation is embarking on an exciting new project to publish Henry Moore’s entire artistic output in one comprehensive and illustrated online catalogue.   06/01/2021   Catarsi. Revista de pensament crític en català. Innovar per transformar. Catarsi neix per reforçar i fer avançar les idees de l'esquerra. Publiquem entrevistes, anàlisis i reflexions anb perspectiva materialista.   16/08/2019   La Catedral de Burgos es uno de los más bellos monumentos del arte gótico. Este templo, que ahora te acoge y que vas a conocer desde dentro, no es la primera catedral que se levantó en este lugar.   31/01/2018   La Catedral de Burgos, Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Fotografías, vídeos, información, horarios, entradas, cómo llegar.   03/03/2017   El conjunto catedralicio de Salamanca ofrece al visitante el singular tesoro de nueve siglos de historia y arte religioso, que puede ser contemplado en línea de perfecta continuidad.   30/07/2020   Cátedra Miguel Delibes. Dedicada al estudio de la Literatura Española contemporánea.   05/06/2020   Catalunya Emprèn és un programa de la Generalitat de Catalunya que impulsa i promou actuacions públiques i privades de valor per a l’emprenedor/a, a les que dóna suport directe.   4/23/2022   Caterina. Entrepreneur, investor at Yes VC, Host of Should This Exist?, a podcast about technology's effect on humanity. Writer, artist and reader. Homeschooling mother, thinker.   24/08/2021   CATH – VT. The Center for Applied Technologies in the Humanities. CATH attracts individuals engaged in humanities-based research, teaching, and/or outreach projects that require intensive applications of cutting-edge technology and robust infrastructural support.   17/03/2020   Cathedral of Hope, United Church of Christ - a vibrant, inclusive & progressive congregation in Dallas TX. Largest predominately LGBTQ church in the world.   05/02/2016   The home of the RISKS Mailing List web pages, the Zircon IRC client, the Virtual Memorial Garden and Bifurcated Rivets.   05/02/2016   Bifurcated Rivets: A compendium of eclectica for epopts.   07/02/2016   The Homepage of Lindsay Marshall. I'm a senior lecturer in the School of Computing Science at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne where I give a whole bunch of courses.   07/02/2016   Bifurcated Rivets. Eclectica for epopts.   13/04/2020   The RISKS Digest. Forum on Risks to the Public in Computers and Related Systems. ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator.   01/11/2020   Catro Ventos Editora é unha cooperativa de traballo asociado sen ánimo de lucro fundada en Vigo en 2016 e constituída por cinco persoas socias, todas procedentes e especializadas en diferentes eidos, pero cuns valores e preocupacións comúns.   5/14/2022   CatSalut. Servei Català de la Salut.   4/22/2022   Weber State University. Founded in 1889 in Ogden, Utah, Weber State University prides itself on providing access to educational opportunity, its strong community connections, and excellent teaching in more than 220 degree programs.   06/04/2017   Benvingut al CAU de la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló. Des d'aquestes pàgines podeu accedir a tota la informació relacionada amb els serveis que oferix el Centre d'Atenció a Usuaris (CAU) del Servei d'Informàtica de la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló.   28/04/2021   Ithaka, CyberTribute to C.P.Cavafy. A Tribute to one of Greece's most prominent poets, Konstantinos Kavafis. Includes poems, in english and greek, biography, photos, articles, more.   30/03/2016   Κωνσταντίνος Π. Καβάφης. Ποιήματα. Ακολουθεί η πλήρης λίστα των ποιημάτων του Κ.Π. Καβάφη στα ελληνικά (154 αναγνωρισμένα, 75 ανέκδοτα, 27 αποκηρυγμένα).   23/04/2020   Cavall Fort. Editora de les revistes infantils en català Cavall Fort i El Tatano.   7/12/2022   National Speleological Society. For over 70 years, the National Speleological Society has promoted safe and responsible caving practices, effective cave and karst management, speleology, and conservation.   27/02/2019   Journal of Cave and Karst Studies. ISSN 1090-6924. A publication of the National Speleological Society. Formerly the Bulletin of the National Speleological Society.   25/12/2020   Caves Branch Jungle Lodge has one primary theme – Adventure! For over 20 years of our existence, Caves Branch has been the catalyst for the most unique and thrilling adventures in the country of Belize.   28/08/2019   The Cavanaugh Flight Museum is a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization devoted to promoting aviation studies and to perpetuating America's aviation heritage.   02/07/2017   Classic British Flight Sim has been around since 2001, evolving from the forum that Tom Matthews had originally set up for David Maltby's website.   09/04/2021   Het CBG Centrum voor familiegeschiedenis is opgericht om het stamboomonderzoek en daarmee verbonden wetenschappen te bevorderen.   27/04/2020   The Holden Arboretum has a wide variety of activities and tours to help you discover all that nature has to offer.   4/2/2022   The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum is dedicated to preserving and exploring the history, environment and culture of the entire Chesapeake Bay region, and making this resource available to all.   16/01/2020   Центральный Банк Российской Федерации.   07/12/2019   Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur. Aarhus Universitet.   21/12/2016   Embarcadero Developer Network (EDN). CodeCentral. Snippet counts by product and category.   31/10/2019   Corte de Constitucionalidad. República de Guatemala.   04/02/2022   Connecticut Citizens Defense League. Our Mission The Connecticut Citizens Defense League is a non-partisan, grassroots organization devoted to advocating rights affirmed by the Constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Connecticut.   4/10/2022   City & County of Honolulu GIS.   05/12/2017   Camara de Comercio y Produccion de Lambayeque. CCLAM. A inicios del siglo XX Lambayeque se encontraba en pleno proceso de recuperación de la crisis económica, producto de la post guerra con Chile.   13/04/2020   The Stanford Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) is a multi-disciplinary facility where composers and researchers work together using computer-based technology both as an artistic medium and as a research tool.   08/05/2021   The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a nonpartisan, nationwide, nonprofit organization of public officials who head departments of elementary and secondary education in the states.   6/6/2022   Catàleg Col·lectiu de les Universitats de Catalunya. La nova interfície del CCUC permet accedir a més de 12 milions de recursos. Inclou tot tipus de recursos (llibres, revistes, vídeos, partitures, material sonor, manuscrits...).   06/12/2021   The Coeur d'Alene Press is a community newspaper, full-service media and publishing company in North Idaho.   03/05/2020   SPDF. Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb). The Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) hosts the S3C Active Archive, which consists of web services for survey and high resolution data, trajectories, and scientific models.   01/09/2019   14/07/2021   CD HotList. New Releases for Libraries. New Releases for Libraries is usually published on the first Monday of each month.   06/03/2022   Digital Collections. The University of Vermont (UVM) Libraries’ Center for Digital Initiatives (CDI) makes unique digital collections available for researchers at UVM and beyond.   15/02/2020   Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center. Oak Ridge National Laboratory.   04/06/2021   The California Digital Library exists to support the University of California community’s pursuit of scholarship and to extend the University’s public service mission.   11/06/2018   Collections Hosted by the Indiana State Library. The collections presented here have been created as part of the Indiana Memory program by the Indiana State Library and other contributing organizations.   31/03/2020   Centro Dramático Nacional. Ministerio de Cultura. Página oficial de la primera unidad de producción teatral creada por el Instituto Nacional de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música (INAEM).   28/04/2021   The Higher Intellect CDN now distributes mirrored copies of the massive texts archive at much faster speeds! There are over 750,000 text files available for free access.   26/02/2016   CD reissue wish list. A listing of prog/psych lp's that need a legit cd reissue.   23/11/2020   What did you do in the war, Grandma? An Oral History of Rhode Island Women during World War II. Written by students in the Honors English Program at South Kingstown High School.   02/03/2019   What did you do in the war, Grandma? An Oral History of Rhode Island Women during World War II. Written by students in the Honors English Program at South Kingstown High School.   15/04/2020   CDS. Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg. The Strasbourg astronomical Data Center (CDS) is a data center dedicated to the collection and worldwide distribution of astronomical data and related information.   31/01/2020   CDS Portal to access Simbad, Aladin and VizieR.   24/11/2021   CDS. Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg. The Strasbourg astronomical Data Center (CDS) is a data center dedicated to the collection and worldwide distribution of astronomical data and related information.   15/04/2020   CDS. Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg. Le Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) a pour mission la collecte, la valorisation et la distribution à l'échelle mondiale de données astronomiques.   11/06/2021   Center for Democracy and Technology. We are a team of experts with deep knowledge of issues pertaining to the internet, privacy, security, technology, and intellectual property.   27/05/2019   Blog Posts Archive. Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT).   01/06/2020   CD Tex-Texas Country & Red-Dirt Music Source.   18/12/2020   The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at UC Berkeley is a worldwide leader in developing engineering solutions to societal-scale challenges.   04/08/2021   CU Continuing Education. University of Colorado Boulder. For more than a century, Continuing Education at CU Boulder has connected people with university resources and innovative, lifelong learning opportunities.   29/03/2021   Civil and Environmental Engineering. Washington State University. Our graduates have a long-standing reputation as being equipped to be successful in engineering practice.   10/01/2017   CEA/ISCTE-IUL - Centro de Estudos Africanos do ISCTE/IUL. O CEA-IUL é um centro de investigação universitário do Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL).   03/04/2019   Centro Boliviano de Estudios Multidisciplinarios (Cebem) es una asociación sin fines de lucro con sede en La Paz (Bolivia) que se dedica a la investigación y a la docencia a nivel de postgrado en el campo de las ciencias sociales.   22/05/2021   Comisión Estatal de los Derechos Humanos Jalisco. Es la entidad defensora del pueblo frente a los actos administrativos o las omisiones de las autoridades que no respetan la dignidad elemental de todas las mujeres y los hombres.   11/04/2021   Český egyptologický ústav. Egyptologie je v České republice představována dvěma pracovišti: Českým egyptologickým ústavem Filozofické fakulty Univerzity Karlovy v Praze a Káhiře a Oddělením pravěkého.   23/03/2021   The College of Education and Human Sciences has the people, the programs and a proven track record that stretches across three centuries.   08/09/2018   Centro de Economía Internacional. La responsabilidad primaria de la Dirección Nacional Centro De Economía Internacional es intervenir en la elaboración de análisis económicos y comerciales internacionales y estudios e investigaciones.   30/01/2022   Competitive Enterprise Institute. Founded in 1984, the Competitive Enterprise Institute is widely recognized as a leading and effective advocate for freedom on a wide range of critical economic and regulatory policy issues.   01/05/2021   Le Centre d'Études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud (CEIAS) est le plus grand laboratoire français de recherche en sciences sociales sur le sous-continent indien et l'un des plus importants d'Europe.   6/26/2022   Centro de Espiritualidad Ignaciana. Nuestra misión consiste, en que el Centro de Espiritualidad Ignaciana sea un centro de oración, formación, espiritualidad y liderazgo para servir a aquellos que más necesitan de Dios.   18/05/2021   Celebrate Urban Birds. We're All Close To Birds! Founded in 2007, Celebrate Urban Birds is a year-round project developed and launched by The Cornell Lab of Ornithology.   4/22/2022   CelesTrak. T.S. Kelso. Operator of CelesTrak, the world's first source for orbital element sets and related software and educational materials.   07/06/2021   Le CELLF (Centre d’étude de la langue et des littératures françaises) est une unité mixte de recherche de Sorbonne Université et du CNRS (UMR 8599).   02/12/2020   The Free Digital Humanities Resource for Irish history, literature and politics. CELT, the Corpus of Electronic Texts, is Ireland's longest running Humanities Computing project.   25/03/2018   The U.S. Census Bureau has been headquartered in Suitland, Md. since 1942, and currently employs about 4,285 staff members.   02/07/2017   UK Data Service Census. UK Data Service Census Support is funded by the ESRC to provide access to, and support for, a range of census data and resources.   11/01/2017   El CENT, Centre d'Educació i Noves Tecnologies, és una unitat creada pel Consell Social de la Universitat Jaume I, el 23 de setembre de 2000, amb l'encàrrec de promoure la innovació i la millora en els processos d'ensenyament-aprenentatge.   16/01/2022   The Center for Agroforestry at the University of Missouri, established in 1998, is a preeminent global center contributing to the science and practice underlying agroforestry, which combines trees and shrubs with crops or livestock.   27/02/2021   Center for Book Arts promotes active explorations of artistic practices related to the book as an art object.   10/02/2017   The Center for Cuban Studies (CCS) is a non-profit, tax-exempt educational institution with a national membership base organized by a group of scholars, writers, artists and other professionals with a purpose to counter the effects of U.S.   17/03/2020   CFI: Center for Inquiry. The Center for Inquiry (CFI) is a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization dedicated to defending science and critical thinking in examining religion.   02/10/2016   Centpeus. Mira. Un lloc on comentar coses que em sorprenen. Com un centpeus xafarder del qual em van parlar quan era xic.   27/05/2021   Central College in Pella, Iowa, is a private, four-year liberal arts college. Central is known for its academic rigor, leadership and character formation, global experiential learning, STEM and sustainability education, athletics and service.   22/08/2017   Central do prog.   03/11/2020   Central Hall is Southampton’s premier community-focused events venue based in the heart of the city. It's the perfect setting for a whole host of events.   23/04/2020   Katalanisches Kulturzentrum Köln. Centre Cultural Català de Colònia e.V.   20/11/2020   CNL. Centre National du Livre. Établissement public administratif du ministère de la Culture, le CNL est au service du livre et de la lecture depuis 1946.   23/04/2020   Centre Picasso – Horta. asso d’Horta vol ser un homenatge permanent a Picasso i pretén aplegar la reproducció, el més fidel possible de totes les obres que l’artista va crear a Horta i amb les quals va immortalitzar aquest poble.   12/09/2021   Centro de Descargas del CNIG (IGN). Organismo Autónomo Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica.   12/03/2020   Ceolas celtic music archive. The home of celtic music on the net, with reviews, biographies, guides, audio samples, hundreds of links to real-world and internet resources, tunes, schedules, instrument guides and much much more.   08/09/2018   The CEP is an interdisciplinary research centre at the LSE Research Laboratory. It was established by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in 1990 and is now one of the leading economic research groups in Europe.   09/02/2016   Publications. Centre for Economic Performance, CEP.   8/28/2022   CEPAP-UAB. Centre d'Estudis del Patrimoni Arqueològic de la Prehistòria.   03/09/2019   CEPIC stands for the Coordination of European Picture Agencies Stock, Press and Heritage. As the Center of the Picture Industry, CEPIC federates 600   picture agencies and photo libraries in 20 countries across Europe, both within and outside the European Union.   13/07/2020   Centre for Economic Policy Research. A network of over 1300 economists based across Europe. The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) was founded in 1983 to enhance the quality of economic policy-making within Europe and beyond.   06/06/2016   Research by CEPR Research Fellows and Affiliates appears initially in the CEPR Discussion Paper series.   7/9/2022   The College of Engineering and Physical Sciences is dedicated to supplying the STEM pipeline in New Hampshire and the surrounding region by partnering with industry and K-12 schools throughout the state.   5/14/2022   CERCA. Centres de Recerca de Catalunya.   11/07/2019   Le Cercle de Mycologie de Bruxelles a été fondé en 1946 par le Professeur Paul Heinemann et une poignée de mycologues enthousiastes.   05/03/2018   CERCOPAN is a conservation charity operating in Cross River State, South-eastern Nigeria, the location of the oldest and most biodiverse rainforests in Africa.   7/5/2022   FEDAC Cerdanyola. Escola educació infantil, primària i ESO a Cerdanyola. FEDAC Cerdanyola és una escola concertada oberta a l’entorn, acollidora i compromesa amb la qualitat educativa i la innovació pedagògica.   15/08/2019   CERES is a dynamic community of over sixty researchers focused on the realizing the vision of Unstoppable Computing.   16/02/2022   The Cervantes Project, housed at Texas A&M University, is a joint collaboration of the following organizations: TAMU Department of Hispanic Studies.   12/04/2021   Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Este web está dedicado por entero a la figura de Cervantes. Aquí encontrará distintos aspectos de la vida y obra de este insigne escritor español.   27/08/2020   Cervantes y Compañía. Queremos ser una librería cargada de futuro: una librería como las de antes.   03/08/2021   I un be negre... amb potes rosses! Cèsar Sànchez. Llicenciat en història, aficionat a la divulgació històrica, tècnic de formació i moltes coses més.   11/05/2017   El Bloc d'en Francesc Amat. Nascut a Mataró, ara visc a Barcelona. Llicenciat en Economia per la UPF, master per la LSE i el CEACS i doctor en Ciència Política per la Universitat d'Oxford.   03/08/2021   Cesk Freixas. Cançó d’autor i poesia.   20/10/2021   Center for English as a Second Language. Southern Illinois University. Learn English as your second language from a program that is not only certified but also affordable.   4/4/2022   Cessna Aircraft. Jet, Turboprop and Piston Models. Cessna’s line of Citation jets, Caravan turboprops and classic pistons dominate the sky. From learning to fly to flying your business, you’ll find your aircraft solution.   20/04/2019   Welcome to the Policy Documentation Center (PDC), an archive of public policy material from central and eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.   29/10/2021   College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences. In the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Sciences (CFANS) we look at the bigger picture.   10/05/2017   中国财经信息网,24时提供全面及时的财经新闻、数据、统计图表,财经分析软件等.   20/12/2015   The Center for Iranian Studies is the foremost academic research center in Iranian studies in the United States with an active publication program.   05/04/2016   Surf Your Watershed. Find your watershed using the form below. Once you locate your watershed, simply click on the first link, “citizen-based groups at work in this watershed.”   12/15/2019   Center for Subjectivity Research. Since 2002 the Center for Subjectivity Research (CFS) has carried out research on the self and its relations to others and the world from an interdisciplinary perspective.   12/15/2019   Selected Publications. Center for Subjectivity Research (CFS).   17/08/2020   CGAC. O Centro Galego de Arte Contemporánea é un espazo de difusión cultural cuxa función é dinamizar o panorama artístico actual e reflexionar sobre a diversidade das conformacións culturais na sociedade contemporánea.   10/03/2021   The Full Fat Free Recipe Collection by Category.   23/05/2021   The Center for Gender & Refugee Studies protects the fundamental human rights of refugee women, children, LGBTQ individuals, and others who flee persecution in their home countries.   07/07/2018   神奈川県立歴史博物館は、自然科学系・人文科学系の総合博物館であった県立博物館(1967(昭和42)年3月開館)の人文系部門を母体に、1995(平成7)年3月に開館しました。   14/02/2022   Colorado Hospital Association (CHA) is the leading voice of the Colorado hospital and health system community.   20/11/2020   Chai es una editorial argentina que fundamos en el 2019 en San Javier, Córdoba. Nos dedicamos al descubrimiento y a la traducción de narrativa contemporánea de todo el mundo.   05/06/2020   Centre d'Estudis Joan Bardina. El nom del Centre és deutor del pedagog i mestre de mestres Joan Bardina i Castarà que a més de revolucionar la pedagogia catalana de principis del segle XX, va ser un cercador i suggeridor de nous camins socials, econòmics i polítics.   09/08/2018   Ce site est dédié au secteur du front de Champagne pendant la guerre de 1914 à 1918.   24/04/2020   Portail et Forum de mycologie (étude des champignons).   12/8/2022   Chandra X-ray Observatory - NASA's flagship X-ray telescope. NASA's sophisticated telescope is specially designed to detect X-ray emission from very hot regions of the Universe.   14/09/2016   Channel 9: Videos for developers from the people building Microsoft Products & Services.   12/03/2020   Petit dictionnaire intime de la chanson francaise. La chanson francaise et ses auteurs : biographie, discographie, liens Internet, le tout agrémenté de nombreuses photos.   10/06/2018   A Associação de Aviação Experimental   (Chapter 1297 - Lusitanos) é a delegação Portuguesa da "E.A.A. - Experimental Aircraft Association".   12/27/2020   The Charitable Irish Society, founded in the town of Boston, A.D. 1737.   12/8/2022   Charles Darwin. Free Classic Literature Books Charles Darwin.   22/08/2019   The Charles Dickens Page. Dedicated to bringing the genius of Dickens to a new generation of readers ... since 1997.   26/09/2021   Of two minds. Charles Hugh Smith.   09/01/2017   Charlie Hebdo. Journal satirique, laïque, politique et joyeux, toutes les semaines en kiosque et tous les jours sur internet.   21/09/2020   College of Humanities and Social Sciences. NC State University. We study human thought and action to learn, to create new knowledge and to solve complex problems.   13/04/2020   Chatsubo [(in)Security] Labs. Blog about Information, computer, cyber security, programming, code, OSINT, hacking, exploits, reverse engineering, conferences and cyberwar.   28/10/2019   The Chapel Hill Bird Club is for everyone who loves wild birds. Whether you watch birds in your yard or travel to ends of the earth for rarities, our club offers something for you: access to like-minded people including experts.   05/07/2021   Zora Neale Hurston Digital Archive. Launched in 2006 by Anna Lillios, Mark L. Kamrath, and J.D. Applen, the Zora Neale Hurston Digital Archive has two goals.   22/10/2019   An on-line archive of Peter Roberts's famous 1970s British SF/fan newsletter Checkpoint, including the issues edited by Darroll Pardoe (#47 to #62) and Ian Maule (#63 to #73).   24/12/2020   Hard-to-Find Ingredients at ChefShop. In this ever increasing mechanized world of food, it is our mission to find and bring you a little closer to the artisans who dedicate their lives to preserving food traditions.   09/10/2017   ChefShop has been supporting family owned artisan food producers and growers who both preserve old and create new food traditions, and create and preserve flavorful foods, since 1997.   09/10/2017   Le plaisir de cuisiner. Cuisine, cours, techniques, partage de recettes, photos, vidéos. Tout pour apprendre à cuisiner: recettes et techniques de cuisine en photos et vidéos, culture culinaire, partages de recettes.   09/10/2017   Diary of a Cook's wife. The life and times of being a Cook's wife.   09/10/2017   Chef Tami. Based in Seattle, Chef Tami is a food writer, providing recipes, inspirational cooking and baking ideas, gastronomic delights, cuisine, restaurant, television shows and product reviews, essays, food photography.   09/10/2017   I am Thomas Andrew, aka “Chef Tom” of New York. As far back as I can remember I have always enjoyed cooking and I loved the internet.   28/02/2017   Все о Че Геваре. Все подробности жизни Эрнесто Че Гевары, его деятельности, его сражений.   29/01/2016   Cheiro a Pólvora. Blog de Luís Castro.   03/07/2021   Chemistry. Department of Chemistry at UK. The department provides a friendly, yet rigorous instructional environment in the forefront areas of chemistry at the undergraduate (B.A. and B.S.) and graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.) levels.   01/09/2021   The Department of Chemistry at Columbia University, one of the premier institutions for academic chemical research. Our Department is home to internationally renowned faculty, a top-ranked graduate program, and state-of-the-art research facilities.   26/10/2017   The Chandler Society for Undergraduate Chemistry is a club run by undergraduates for the purpose of promoting enjoyment and knowledge of science, particularly chemistry.   24/10/2019   ChemCases is a web-based resource of curriculum supplements for teaching the second semester general chemistry course.   09/05/2021   David Clark is a media artist, filmmaker, and visual artist.   24/02/2022   Local & Michigan Food Distributor. Cherry Capital Foods is a unique food distributor based in Traverse City, Michigan. Officially classified as a food hub, we work with farmers, growers and producers both locally and regionally.   03/03/2022   Cheshire Academy. Boarding and Day School. Making a private school education more affordable, makes the experience more accessible. Tuition cuts for boarding and day for 2022-2023.   22/08/2017   Welcome to AfriClassical from William J. Zick, Webmaster! The Web site was launched in 2000 as a nonprofit educational venture promoting awareness of African Heritage in Classical Music.   04/06/2017   Welcome to Chez Us, a food blog that we cooked up in 2007 to document what we were cooking in a tiny 20 sq. ft kitchen in San Francisco.   08/12/2017   Chhuy-ing! Random / stupid / unfinished stuff by Chhuy-!ng.   02/02/2021   Chicago Sun-Times: Chicago news, sports, politics, entertainment. The Hardest-Working Paper in America.   06/01/2021   Chicago Afrobeat Project. The innovative Chicago Afrobeat Project interprets afrobeat through American urban sounds.   20/12/2015   Chile Lindo is your Chile and San Francisco link through. Empanadas. Deli & Coffee Shop. Network. Immigrant groups in the United States have initially introduced their culture through their food and built a network from there.   02/09/2018   Chip Forelli Photography. Assignment photography, image licensing, landscape photography, industrial photography, architectural photography, photographic instruction and workshops, fine art print sales, archival printing.   06/02/2022   The Chipstone Foundation. The mission of The Chipstone Foundation is to promote and enhance appreciation and knowledge of American material culture (emphasizing the decorative arts) by scholars, students and the general public.   21/05/2016   Roy Rosenzweig. Center for History and New Media. We use digital media and computer technology to democratize history: to incorporate multiple voices, reach diverse audiences, and encourage popular participation in presenting and preserving the past.   12/8/2022   Making the History of 1989. The Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe.   12/09/2019   Hypertext Scholarship in American Studies. How will hypertext and new media change the nature of scholarly argument, communication, and publication?   18/06/2018   From Hogan's Alley to Coconino County: Four Narratives of the Early Comic Strip. Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, George Mason University.   17/10/2017   History 409: Between the Wars.   18/06/2018   The Early Cinema. These films from the Paperprint Collection, Motion Picture and Recorded Sound Division, Library of Congress.   15/03/2022   Interpreting the Declaration of Independence by Translation. The Journal of American History's round table on translations of the Declaration of Independence seemed like a natural candidate for on-line publication.   15/03/2022   Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web.   15/03/2022   Dime Novels for Women, 1870-1920. The American Women's Dime Novel Project features women's romantic dime novel fiction from 1890 to 1920 with cover art, publisher overviews, author bios, and digitized primary materials.   10/11/2017   Thank you for visiting the American Women’s Dime Novel Project. This web site grew out my research for my dissertation entitled “All For Love”.   10/11/2017   Every Picture Tells A Story. Documentary Photography and the Great Depression. From 1935 to 1943, photographers working for the federal government produced the most enduring images of the Great Depression.   13/03/2018   Building the Washington Metro. This site tells the story of the Washington Metro, a 103-mile rapid transit system serving Washington, D.C., and the surrounding areas of Maryland and Virginia.   10/11/2017   Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring The French Revoution provides an accessible and lively introduction to the French Revolution as well as an extraordinary archive of some of the most important documentary.   18/06/2018   H-BOT: I'm ready to assist you. Please keep in mind that I don't know everything and currently can only answer certain types of questions.   18/06/2018   Scribe is a free cross-platform note-taking program designed especially with historians in mind. Think of it as the next step in the evolution of traditional 3x5 note cards.   03/02/2018   The Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation to create World History Sources.   03/02/2018   Women's Travel Writing, 1830-1930: Women's Studies Digitization Project. This website presents a collection of travel writings by more than 25 female travelers who wrote between 1830 and 1930.   03/02/2018   African Posters. This site contains images of 366 posters, the majority of which come from South Africa and concern the struggle against apartheid.   08/05/2016   Maps. Joni Seager is professor of Geography at University of Vermont.   03/02/2018   The Center for History and New Media (CHNM) at George Mason University received funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities to create Women in World History.   16/01/2016   はじめまして!管理人のchococoです。 数あるサイトの中から*chococoを見つけていただきありがとうございます。 このサイトは、私(chococo)の趣味であるお菓子作りを中心に、イラストや、手作りのものを紹介しています。   16/01/2016   Grupo Chocolate Ibarra. Es una empresa 100% mexicana fundada desde 1925 y exportando a partir de 1946, dedicada a la producción, comercialización y distribución de Chocolate para Mesa, Chocolate en Polvo y Golosina con la marca Ibarra.   16/01/2016   Chocolate and gold coins are two of my favorite commodities. And naming a blog that deals with economic issues after commodities makes sense, especially commodities that symbolize consumption and income.   16/01/2016   A propos de Chocolate & Zucchini. Je suis Clotilde Dusoulier, une parisienne trentenaire qui vit à Montmartre, et j’ai créé ce blog pour savourer les petits bonheurs de la table et remettre de la magie dans la cuisine du quotidien.   01/12/2019   Chorus is a curated music destination for those looking for something outside of the mainstream. News, reviews, forums, articles, and commentary. Founded by Jason Tate.   02/03/2016   Christiane's Collection of Cooking Recipes of Chemists and Physicists. Apart from making scientific studies, every chemist or physicist in our Institut likes good drinking (Did you know that alcohol is good for preventing radiation sickness?) and eating.   07/05/2020   Chris Achilleos is a British illustrator, painter and conceptual artist. Over the past 40 years, he has created some of the best loved fantasy and glamour art and is acknowledged as one of the top fantasy artists in the world.   14/05/2020   Christos military and intelligence corner. Military and intelligence history mostly dealing with World War II.   21/10/2017   So you've just moved into Tripod, eager to create your first web page... now what? Well, very simple. You start learning HTML.   11/12/2020   14/02/2022   Chris' Minature Wargaming. A site concerned with what I am doing in the miniature wargaming field at this time.   21/10/2017   Chris Moreno. DeviantArt.   27/10/2019   Christa Faust grew up in New York City, in the Bronx and Hell’s Kitchen. She’s been making stuff up her whole life, and spent most of her teen years on endless subway rides, cutting school and scribbling stories.   05/06/2021   Benedictine Abbey of Christ in the Desert. Our Roman Catholic Benedictine monastery on the banks of the Chama river in New Mexico welcomes guests for day visits or self-directed personal retreats.  15/01/2021   Christel House is a holistic model designed to transform the lives of impoverished children. We do this by focusing on the “whole child.”   13/05/2020   Christian Answers Network. Multilingual answers, reviews, ministry resources, and more! Home page of one of the largest Christian Web sites—providing answers to important questions about life, faith, religion, creation, worldviews.   27/03/2017   The Creation SuperLibrary™ is a non-profit, educational, cooperative ministry—part of the highly popular Christian Answers Network.   27/03/2017   Did Nostradamus predict the bombing of the Twin Towers in New York? Shortly after the ghastly terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York City September 11th, 2001 a supposed prophecy of Nostradamus.   12/11/2019   Christine Jones, Photography, Art, Design, Drawing, Illustration.   16/01/2016   Holiday Goose Recipes - from Spike & Jamie. A collection of recipes for cooking a goose. What something different for your Holiday Meal? Try a roast goose for a change!!.   16/01/2016   Holiday Recipes from Spike's and Jamie's Recipe Collection. A Thanksgiving web site - information about the holiday, with recipes, information, songs and party ideas.   23/04/2020   Christ Roi. Blog d'informations royaliste, légitimiste, pour une France libre, indépendante et souveraine.   30/01/2016   Anna Chromy has been showered with honors and distinctions over the course of her long career, such as the Michelangelo Award in Tuscany and the Dali and Kafka Prizes in Prague.   11/05/2019   In Remembrance. Without memory there can be no community. And for more than two hundred years, Dickinson College has been a community bound together by such memory.   19/12/2021   Chronicling America. Library of Congress. Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1777-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.   11/03/2021   Center for Hellenic Studies. The CHS is dedicated to the reassertion of the humanism of the ancient world, centering on Hellenic civilization in its widest sense.   24/10/2019   Harvard University's Center for Hellenic Studies was founded in 1960. It was made possible by a grant of the Old Dominion Foundation, the predecessor of the Mellon Foundation.   05/01/2017   Fernanda Guimarães Rosa, a tal de avental. Depois de mais de dez anos escrevendo nesse blog, cinco anos na minha cozinha vintage que me faz sentir uma Julia Child moderna, estou atualizando este espaço, deixando ele mais eficiente e moderno.   19/10/2016   L’Ostia.   21/01/2016   A CIB Bank meghatározó anyabanki háttérrel és 35 éves tapasztalattal a szolgáltatások teljes körét nyújtja közel 450 ezer ügyfelének a hazai pénzpiacon, miközben folyamatosan keresi az innovatív, ügyfeleire szabott megoldásokat.   19/01/2021   Cibernauta Joan.   25/02/2017   Cibernous: mapa y territorio de la filosofía. Proyecto educativo premiado por el CNICE (2000). Filosofia. Proyecto Cibernous, filosofia en la red. Portal de filosofia en lengua castellana. Lógica en la red.   03/09/2018   El CESICAT és l'organisme encarregat de garantir la protecció, prevenció i governança en matèria de ciberseguretat de la Generalitat de Catalunya i el seu Govern.   6/5/2022   Cló Iar-Chonnacht. Bunaíodh Cló Iar-Chonnacht (CIC) i 1985, agus ó shin i leith tá os cionn 300 albam ceoil foilsithe againn, agus suas le 500 leabhar.   12/12/2020   13/08/2018   The Center for International Development and Conflict Management (CIDCM) is an interdisciplinary research center at the University of Maryland.   13/08/2018   Publications. CIDCM. Center for International Development and Conflict Management. College of Behavioral & Social Sciences. University of Maryland.   13/08/2018   Research. CIDCM. Center for International Development and Conflict Management. College of Behavioral & Social Sciences. University of Maryland.   25/05/2021   Current Issues in Education (CIE; ISSN 1099-839X) is an open access, peer-reviewed academic education journal produced by doctoral students at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College of Arizona State University.   22/05/2021   El Centro de Investigación y Extensión Forestal Andino Patagónico (CIEFAP) es un organismo autárquico interjurisdiccional de investigación, innovación y desarrollo tecnológico, cuyo objetivo es contribuir al desarrollo sostenible.   22/05/2021   Compagnie Jolie Môme. Qui joue beaucoup, ses propres pièces ou un répertoire hérité de Brecht, Prévert... Qui chante souvent, sur les scènes comme dans la rue ou en dîners-spectacles.   02/10/2016   Centpeus. Un lloc on comentar coses que em sorprenen. Daniel Closa. Sóc doctor en biologia i investigador del CSIC a l’Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques de Barcelona.   5/18/2022   Ciencia de la NASA.   29/12/2015   Instituto de Matemáticas. Universidad de Antioquia. Medellín. Colombia.   25/10/2020   Cierta Distancia. Vida y Literatura.   09/04/2021   J.A. Cifuentes. Aviación: perfiles, fotografías, láminas.   31/10/2019   Cámara de Industria de Guatemala es una organización históricamente ligada al desarrollo económico del país, que existe y trabaja por los guatemaltecos.   23/08/2019   CIGB Por la Vida. El Centro de Ingeniería Genética y Biotecnología tiene un papel integrador en la esfera de la Biotecnología Cubana, con alta capacidad científico técnica.   08/12/2017 Center for International History. Department of History, Columbia University, New York. The Center for International History is housed within the Department of History at Columbia University.   08/12/2017   Agenda du Ciham. Histoire, Archéologie, Littératures des mondes chrétiens et musulmans médiévaux. CNRS – Université Lyon 2 – EHESS – ENS de Lyon – Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse – Université Lyon 3.   08/12/2017   La filosofía del Centro de Investigaciones Históricas y Sociales (CIHS) de la Universidad Autónoma de Campeche (UAC) desde su inicio, ha sido formular proyectos holísticos e interdisciplinarios en el Estado de Campeche para beneficio de los campechanos en una forma directa o indirecta.   08/12/2017   My name is Chhuy-ing (pronounce like in Wayne's World). Fun and simple as this! I was born in Ho Chi Minh City and grew up in Paris where I still live today.   3/17/2022   Center for Immunology & Infectious Diseases. Our mission is to advance the understanding of immunology and infectious diseases through excellence in research and mentorship of scientists and educators.   27/12/2021   The Chemical Injury Information Network (CIIN) is a support and advocacy organization run by the chemically injured for the benefit of the chemically injured.   09/12/2017   Computational Intelligence - Information Processing Systems. School of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering.   09/12/2017   The Center for Intelligent Information Retrieval (CIIR) was formed in September 1992 with W. Bruce Croft as Director.   09/12/2017   El Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas es una instancia reconocida a nivel regional y nacional de generación, difusión, aplicación y enseñanza de conocimientos jurídicos.   09/12/2017   Community Informatics (CI) is the study and the practice of enabling communities with Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs).   08/05/2016   NEGROS CUBANOS CON ACENTO. Cultura e identidad negra cubana para no perder la paciencia.   21/03/2020   Poarta către patrimoniul cultural al României.   22/08/2019   Cinco de maio.   01/10/2021   Cinco Días: economía y mercados. Noticias de última hora sobre economía, mercados, pymes y emprendedores, empresas, finanzas y tecnología en Cinco Días y EL PAÍS Economía.   16/12/2020   Bolsas. Cinco Días. Sigue la cotización y precios del Mercado en Cinco Días.   30/03/2016   Κινηματογραφικά νέα.   04/12/2019   Cine3. Las mejores películas, las mejores series. Últimas opiniones sobre las mejores películas, las mejores series; acción, comedia, terror, cine mexicano, niños, cartelera y estrenos de cine.   24/10/2019   Cinebeats. Kimberly Lindbergs is a freelance writer & member of the Alliance of Women Film Journalists.   28/09/2016   Novo SESC Cineclube Silenzio Cascavel-PR Criado com a intenção de difundir o cinema-arte, a partir da projeção de filmes nunca lançados no Brasil e daqueles que foram esquecidos por aqui.   8/27/2022   Cineclub Manresa.   09/10/2017   Cine cutre.   10/10/2017   Un cerebro infrahumano, deforme y maloliente, escaso en neuronas e inmensamente ocioso, que se dedica a ver y gozar a concho películas de bajo presupuesto, trama pobre y abundantes excentricidades.   8/27/2022   Cine Historia. Cine e Historia en el aula.   30/07/2019   Dictionnaire du cinéma anglo-saxon. Le Dictionnaire critique du Cinéma Anglo-Saxon propose d’enrichir le champ d’investigation du Commentateur.   8/27/2022   Cinema catala. Actualitat cinematogràfica en català.   6/22/2022   Cinema Lliure és un conjunt de propostes de lliure accés que sumen forces per impulsar el cinema independent i el nou talent durant tot l’any.   27/01/2021   Cinema Scope. Expanding the Frame on International Cinema.   15/01/2020   Cinemateca Nacional de Nicaragua. El 5 de diciembre de 1979 fue fundado el Instituto Nicaragüense de Cine (INCINE), órgano estatal creado para la producción y distribución de la naciente industria fílmica nacional.   6/22/2022   El Cinema Truffaut és un equipament de l'Ajuntament de Girona, gestionat pel Col·lectiu de Crítics de Cinema de Girona. Actualment es troba situat dins de l'equipament cultural El Modern.   22/05/2021   Cine Montage Magazine is the Journal of the Motion Picture Editors Guild, IATSE Local 700, for members in the crafts of the post-production industry.   19/04/2020   Cine players. Saiba tudo sobre cinema em um portal completo com notícias, críticas e matérias exclusivas. Crie listas personalizadas, escreva comentários e dê notas para seus filmes favoritos.   18/12/2020   The CineStory Foundation. Founded in 1995, the CineStory Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit mentoring organization dedicated to mentoring talented emerging screenwriters and television writers regarding the craft.   6/22/2022   CineXic és un programa d’impuls del cinema infantil en català a través d’un circuit de sales arreu del territori. Una programació estable de pel·lícules infantils en català per a tota la família.   05/06/2020   Quadern d'en Cinto Amat.   08/09/2019   Center for Integrative Planetary Science (CIPS).   12/11/2020   The Computer Incident Response Center Luxembourg (CIRCL) is a government-driven initiative designed to provide a systematic response facility to computer security threats and incidents.   28/11/2020   Circulo de Tiza. Editorial de libros en español. Comunicación editorial. Circulo de Tiza es una editorial para los amantes de los buenos libros, a la gente que selecciona y tiene criterio, a quienes buscan tesoros.   10/05/2020   El Círculo Escéptico es una asociación cultural que tiene como finalidad principal fomentar la práctica del escepticismo, entendiendo por éste al pensamiento crítico y racional, como herramienta indispensable para la comprensión del mundo y la toma de decisiones en la vida diaria.   29/11/2020   Somos la Editorial del Círculo Militar y llevamos 131 años editando revistas y libros que incorporan los más diversos temas, las publicaciones son distribuidas a más de 10.000 suscriptores que posee la institución.   02/01/2021   CIRES. At CIRES, the Cooperative Institute for Research In Environmental Sciences, more than 800 environmental scientists work to understand the dynamic Earth system, including people’s relationship with the planet.   20/04/2019   Citatum. Idézetek. Adj hozzá te is, és gyűjtsd a kedvenceidet!.   11/10/2022   The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) is a hub of innovation and hands-on support for those who want to discuss and work with higher education trends, models, projects, and resources.   28/01/2021   Citron. Info Israel: l’informations en direct d’Israël 24h/24 et 6j/7.   30/09/2021   City Living is your connection to homes, property related issues and aspects that affect living in Seattle. City Living Seattle is published monthly in print and widely distributed throughout North Seattle and coupled with this online version you are viewing.   4/8/2022   The City of Groton is a subdivision of the Town of Groton and is located along the Thames River in southeastern Connecticut. It is a thriving and diverse community whose schools, businesses, parks and shoreline make everyday life feel like a day at the beach.   27/10/2020   The City of Literature Trust is an independent company and charity based in Edinburgh and we run reading and writing projects. We believe that literature in its broadest sense enriches the soul and brings joy, and that it is a true way to understand and celebrate ourselves, our city and our nation.   11/1/2022   Sidney, Montana.   18/03/2021   City of South Charleston. The city of South Charleston was incorporated in 1917. From a 1920 census of 3,650 the population has expanded rapidly.   03/08/2021   Ciudad Seva. Luis López Nieves. Ciudad Seva es la casa digital oficial del escritor Luis López Nieves. Además, incluye la Biblioteca Digital Ciudad Seva y es la sede de múltiples talleres y foros literarios y culturales.   11/02/2018   California's part in the Civil War circa 1861-1867. When the war commenced (April 12, 1861) the United States forces on the Pacific Coast were under the command of Brevet Brigadier-General Albert Sidney Johnston. It was supposed that there was some doubt as to General Johnston's loyalty, as he was a Southern man, and General E.V. Sumner was sent to relieve him of command.   25/05/2019   The California Jazz Conservatory (F/K/A Jazzschool, Inc.) is an innovative nonprofit organization dedicated to the study and performance of jazz — America’s national art form — and related styles of music from around the world.   01/11/2017   Center for Korean Research. Since its establishment in 1988 within the East Asian Institute (now the Weatherhead East Asian Institute), the Center for Korean Research has played a leading role in the study of Korea within Columbia University, the New York City area, and beyond.   02/12/2021   The College of Liberal Arts at Auburn University cultivates thinkers, creators, innovators and global leaders. We prepare our students to think beyond known solutions and solve real-world issues affecting our society today and into the future.   01/05/2019   College of Liberal Arts. As a part of Auburn University, a land-grant institution, the College of Liberal Arts encourages civic engagement, emphasizes global perspectives, promotes diversity, and prioritizes public outreach. Students' learning isn't limited to a classroom but developed through international programs, community projects, and other excellent CLA initiatives.   01/05/2019   Women's Studies Program.   24/04/2021   The College of Liberal Arts is committed to intellectual freedom, the pursuit of new knowledge, and the belief that the liberal arts are the foundation of academic learning. Established in 1868, the College of Liberal Arts supports the University of Minnesota's land-grant mission as home to disciplines in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.   24/04/2021   College of Liberal Arts. Students in the University of Minnesota's Department of Art benefit from the resources of a world-renowned institution dedicated to research, education, and outreach in the context of an interdisciplinary and critically rigorous studio environment.   24/04/2021   The Institute for Global Studies at UMN offers an undergraduate degree, research, and collaboratives. The Institute for Global Studies connects students, scholars, and communities dedicated to social justice, understanding, and transforming our globalized world.   31/07/2021   Center for Latin American and Latinx Studies. CLALS is an interdisciplinary research and teaching Center for the study of Latin America and Latinx populations.   18/04/2020   Clarion Performing Arts Center. Music, theater, poetry, art.   23/10/2020   Bases de datos CLARISEL. Bases de Datos Bibliográficas. Universidad de Zaragoza. Departamento de Filología Española.   03/07/2021   Clark Paterson music.   03/07/2021   The Clarksville Civil War Roundtable. Located in Clarksville, Tennessee.   24/05/2021   The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), established in 1900, is the largest of the 11 colleges that comprise the University of Iowa, with 39 departments spanning the visual, performing, and cinematic arts; humanities.   27/01/2016   Departamento de Filología Clásica e Indoeuropeo. Universidad de Salamanca.   11/11/2022   Society for Classical Studies. The purpose of the SCS (in the SCS By-laws) is to “advance knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the ancient Greek and Roman world and its enduring value."   12/09/2019   Founded in 1996, The American Classical Music Hall of Fame seeks to build and sustain enthusiasm for classical music in America by celebrating diverse facets of classical music excellence.   05/12/2019   Classic Literature. Read some of the best classic literature books ever published completely free. From Shakespeare's Sonnets to to Jane Austen's classic romance novels, all for free.   10/09/2019   Clássicos, não antigos.   01/11/2017   The Department of Classics at Columbia University is one of the most dynamic centers for the study of Classical Antiquity in the United States. It offers a full range of undergraduate, graduate.   20/09/2019   Publications. Columbia University Department of Classics. Selected books authored or edited by faculty.   3/20/2022   Department of the Classics. The site for the Harvard University Department of the Classics, featuring information about the department’s undergraduate and graduate programs, faculty, students, publications, and events.   12/27/2020   The Internet Classics Archive. Select from a list of 441 works of classical literature by 59 different authors, including user-driven commentary and "reader's choice" Web sites.   02/12/2020   Metaphysics By Aristotle. Written 350 B.C.E. Translated by W. D. Ross.   02/12/2020   Politics By Aristotle. Written 350 B.C.E. Translated by Benjamin Jowett.   02/12/2020   The History of Herodotus By Herodotus. Written 440 B.C.E. Translated by George Rawlinson.   12/27/2020   The Annals. By Tacitus. Written 109 A.C.E. Translated by Alfred John Church and William Jackson Brodribb. The Internet Classics Archive.   23/05/2021   Department of Classics. Ole Miss. Start your journey and find your course of study in the University of Mississippi’s Department of Classics.   14/08/2019   27/09/2020   Claystation is a streaming television service and online community for people who love clay. Now featuring, Claystation Live, broadcasting from the ceramic studio of Andy Clift.   25/02/2020   Cléo is a journal of film and film culture, informed by intersectional feminist perspectives. The journal takes its name from the protagonist of Agnès Varda’s Cléo de cinq à sept (1962), who comes to self-realization through the observation and mastering of her space.   01/09/2019   Clicamanites. Cle de determination de la famille des amanitaceae: amanites et limacelles. Toxicite des amanites: syndrome phalloidien et syndrome pantherinien.   01/11/2017   ClicNet publie des ressources virtuelles en français pour les étudiants, les enseignants de français langue étrangère (FLE) ou langue seconde (FLS), et tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux cultures, aux arts et aux littératures francophones.   11/07/2021   Alaska Climate Research Center. The primary mission of this center is to respond to inquiries concerning the meteorology and climatology of Alaska from public, private, and government agencies, and from researchers around the world.   14/03/2019   Instrumental Climate History for Alaska. These are the stations in Alaska with the best historical climate information.   31/05/2017   Map of Nome Area. Nome area, from USGS Nome map sheet, 1950 with minor revisions 1985. Squares are townships, 6 miles on a side; elevation contours are labeled in feet.   16/10/2020   The European Climate Adaptation Platform Climate-ADAPT is a partnership between the European Commission and the European Environment Agency (EEA).   29/10/2019   The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC) is an international panel of nongovernment scientists and scholars who have come together to present a comprehensive, authoritative.   11/11/2022   MA in Climate and Society. Through classes and research, students gain knowledge in both climate and social sciences as they relate to climate.   03/07/2021   Clinton County News. Founded by A.B. and Nell Gibson who were operating a commercial job printing operation at the time, the Clinton County News first hit the streets on November 3, 1949 and has been continually published on a weekly basis.   13/03/2019   Founded by A.B. and Nell Gibson who were operating a commercial job printing operation   at the time, the Clinton County News first hit the streets on November 3, 1949 and has been continually published on a weekly basis as a newspaper.   22/04/2020   Proyecto Clio. History and History teaching. Revista de Historia y didáctica de la Historia y las Ciencias Sociales.   19/10/2016   A Closet of Curiosities.   26/11/2021   Mr. Fish. Home of Mr. Fish & Clowncrack Productions. Mr. Fish lives in Philadelphia, PA. Occasionally, he laughs his head off. His mother has no idea what he’s up to. She cries easily. For more information, date him.   17/02/2021   Center for Louisiana Studies. College of Liberal Arts. The Center for Louisiana Studies is dedicated to researching, publicizing, promoting, and preserving Louisiana’s cultures and history.   22/10/2020   The Chinese Language Teachers Association, USA, Inc. (CLTA) is a professional organization devoted exclusively to the study of Chinese language, culture and pedagogy.   19/09/2017   Club de Fotografia. En nuestro blog de fotografía encontraras la mejor selección de consejos, trucos, novedades y noticias sobre fotografía.   19/09/2017   Walker Evans, El Fotógrafo documental americano. Walker Evans es uno de los artistas más influyentes del siglo XX. Se lo conoce como el progenitor de la tradicional fotografía documental americana.   17/10/2020   El Club de Traductores Literarios de Buenos Aires tiene por objeto informar y presentar temas de discusión, tanto técnicos como administrativos, ligados a la profesión.   09/12/2020   Club of Rome. The Club of Rome was created to address the multiple crises facing humanity and the planet. Drawing on the unique, collective know-how of our 100 members – notable scientists, economists, business leaders and former politicians.   30/03/2016   Δημιουργήστε το δικό σας club, οργανώστε τη δικιά σας online κοινότητα εύκολα στα Pathfinder Clubs! Φτιάξτε μια κοινότητα για την αγαπημένη σας ομάδα, τους φίλους σας, το παιχνίδι που σας αρέσει. Οι δυνατότητες είναι απεριόριστες!.   30/03/2016   Καλώς ήρθατε στο Club των συλλεκτών ελληνικών και ξένων αεροπορικών σημάτων (patches). Ελάτε να ανταλλάξουμε απόψεις, γνώσεις και σήματα, γύρω από το αγαπημένο μας hobby.   30/03/2016   Welcome to the BULLETS world!. Pure Rock'n'Roll, booze 'n fun is the law here.... So, let's have a good time!!!.   08/12/2017   The Center for Molecular Recognition was founded in 1989 to provide a focus for research on the structure and function of membrane receptors and transport proteins.   30/10/2020   The Botanical Society of America. The BSA is the professional home for botanists and plant scientists. We support the breadth and diversity of botanical research and education.   08/03/2020   George A. Smathers Libraries. The libraries of the University of Florida form the largest information resource system in the state of Florida and serve every college and center in the university.   29/10/2019   The Center for Media & Social Impact (CMSI) at American University’s School of Communication in Washington, D.C., is an innovation lab and research center that creates, studies and showcases media for social impact.   27/03/2020   Conseil National des Astronomes et Physiciens (CNAP), section Astronomie. Le Conseil National des Astronomes et Physiciens (CNAP) est un corps d'Etat dont les missions se répartissent entre recherche scientifique, services d'observation, et enseignement.   02/11/2021   The College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) is home to world-renowned scholars pursuing research that deepens our knowledge of the universe we live in and improves the quality of life for inhabitants of the state, the nation, and the world.   26/09/2021   College of Natural Resources & Sciences. Humboldt State is the perfect place to study and experience science. We’re surrounded by ancient redwoods and the Pacific Ocean, which provide an amazing living laboratory.   21/01/2016   Mert Magyarországon az ELTE-n működik leghosszabb ideje a néderlandisztika szak, így oktatóink nagy tapasztalattal rendelkeznek mind az oktatás, mind a kutatás területén.   14/05/2021   College of Natural Sciences. University of Texas at Austin. The College of Natural Sciences seeks to be a welcoming place for science to all its students, scientists and staff.   22/11/2020   Conservatoire Numérique des Arts et Métiers. Le Cnum est né d’un projet commun de la Bibliothèque centrale, du Centre d’histoire des techniques et de l’environnement et du Centre d’étude et de recherche en informatique et communications du Cnam.   30/12/2021   The Chicago & North Western Historical Society was founded in 1973 by Joe Follmar and a group of Midwestern railfans interested in the C&NW, along with its predecessor and successor roads.   19/03/2019   OpenStax believes that everyone has something to learn, and everyone has something to teach. Frustrated by the limitations of traditional textbooks and courses, Dr. Richard Baraniuk founded OpenStax in 1999 at Rice University.   13/02/2020   Chocolate & Zucchini. Recettes simples et astucieuses au fil des saisons. Un blog de cuisine tenu par une parisienne trentenaire, qui propose des recettes fraîches, simples et colorées.   01/05/2019   Coalbed Methane Association of Alabama. The coalbed methane industry in Alabama began as part of an effort to improve underground coal mine safety.   5/19/2022   The Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries (The Alliance) increases, enhances, and facilitates cooperation among libraries.   8/26/2022   Coastal Observer. Pawleys Island, South Carolina 29585   08/08/2016   Desde sus orígenes, la cocina cubana ha sido el resultado de la confluencia de los propios factores que permitieron la formación de la nacionalidad en el siglo XIX.   14/05/2016   Cocinitas. Cuinar menjar i gaudir. Salut!.   20/11/2020   Coco Books. Editorial infantil para inspirar la creatividad. Libros editados con mimo, una cuidada selección de ilustración, diseño, actividades y lectura muy personal.   23/05/2020   Inventaire du code de l'humanité. À l’âge d’or des dictionnaires et de l’esprit émancipateur des Lumières, au siècle de l’Encyclopédie de Diderot et D’Alembert et de l’affirmation européenne du langage des droits naturels de l’homme.   03/01/2016   CoderDojo Luxembourg is for 12 to 18 year old people who want to discover the wonderous world of coding.   08/03/2020   CodeS-SourceS. CCM. Le réseau CodeS-SourceS est une communauté de développeurs francophones de tout bord et de toute culture informatique.   07/05/2020   Codex 99 is a blog about art and design and history. Codex 99 is an occasionally updated website about art, design and history, except when it’s about something else altogether.   04/08/2021   College of Charleston. Charleston, South Carolina. The College of Charleston is a state-supported comprehensive university providing a high-quality education in the arts and sciences, education and business.   28/05/2018   Cofradia del Cocido Vitoriano. En esta Bitácora se iran reseñando los trabajos de la Cofradia del Cocido Vitoriano en la recuperación de platos alaveses y eventos relacionados con este plato Vitoriano.   15/09/2019   La Cofradía del Vino de Rioja es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro que se constituyó el día 30 de junio de 1984 en la localidad de San Millán de la Cogolla (La Rioja) y, más concretamente, en el Salón de la Hispanidad.   21/12/2019   El Consejo Hondureño de la Empresa Privada, COHEP es una institución sin fines de lucro fundada en 1967 con el objetivo de proporcionar las condiciones macroeconómicas, legales e institucionales más adecuadas para fomentar la creación de riqueza.   19/05/2021   CoinMarketCap. Cryptocurrency Prices, Charts And Market Capitalizations. Top cryptocurrency prices and charts, listed by market capitalization. Free access to current and historic data for Bitcoin and thousands of altcoins.   04/09/2021   Coin and Currency Collections at Notre Dame. This page presents brief descriptions and links to numismatic sites based on materials housed in the Department of Special Collections at the University of Notre Dame.   4/16/2022   SIU. The College of Liberal Arts offer more majors, minors and programs than any other, with the ability to collaborate across academic fields and across the world.   7/8/2022   College of Liberal Arts. Bring your imagination to life at the College of Liberal Arts (COLA) at the University of New Hampshire.   11/07/2018   Welcome to the UNH Department of History! One question that we often hear is why study history? It's a deceptively simple question with a potentially long answer.   29/10/2019   Collage/Assemblage Centennial, 1912-2012. An Exhibition from the International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction commemorating 100 years of Collage Art.   05/06/2016   Collage Cubano. Artículos de fondo y opinión sobre temas cubanos, internacionales y de actualidad.   09/03/2019   Col·leccions especials de les biblioteques de Catalunya. El concepte de col·leccions especials, en l'àmbit de biblioteques, fa referència a aquelles col·leccions de materials únics valuosos i irrepetibles com poden ser manuscrits.   22/05/2021   Barnes Collection Online. The Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia is home to one of the world's greatest collections of impressionist, post-impressionist and early modern paintings.   5/28/2022   CNN. Our diverse team includes licensing veterans, research and archive professionals, media producers, filmmakers, and career creatives with a background in television broadcast, non-fiction and documentary production, and narrative filmmaking.   18/02/2017   CNN Collection. Our diverse team includes licensing veterans, research and archive professionals, media producers, filmmakers, and career creatives with a background in television broadcast, non-fiction.   15/05/2020   Farnsworth Art Museum. The museum's collection of approximately 15,000 works focuses on American art from the 18th century to the present, with a special emphasis on artists who have lived or worked in Maine.   02/02/2022   The museum's collection of approximately 15,000 works focuses on American art from the 18th century to the present, with a special emphasis on artists who have lived or worked in Maine.   23/05/2017   Science Museum Group Collection.   03/07/2016   The Yale University Collection of Musical Instruments is committed to fostering an understanding and appreciation of musical instruments from all cultures and periods.   29/06/2018   Web Archive EU Institutions. This web archive contains the websites of, mainly, EU institutions and agencies. Most of these sites are hosted on the domain.   15/01/2021   The War of 1812 in the Collections of the Lilly Library. This web site provides an overview of the War of 1812, outlining the major military conflicts as well as the principle causes and outcomes of the war.   4/29/2022   Cornell Library Digital Collections.   11/07/2018   Making of America (MOA) represented a major collaborative endeavor to preserve and make accessible through digital technology a significant body of primary sources related to development of the U.S. infrastructure.   16/07/2018   Making of America (MOA) represented a major collaborative endeavor to preserve and make accessible through digital technology a significant body of primary sources related to development of the U.S. infrastructure.   29/10/2019   Digital Exhibits and Collections. University of Notre Dame.   20/03/2020   Digital image, manuscripts, journal and papers collections developed at the University of Toronto.   19/05/2019   Collections. Museums Sheffield.   21/10/2020   The University of Reading's Special Collections are diverse and surprising. We share these collections for research, learning, inspiration and enjoyment.   08/09/2019   The Lick Observatory Collections Project. Scientifc Objects, Publications and Manuscripts, and Photographic Plates.   03/08/2021   Col·lectiu Praga. El Col·lectiu Praga es constitueix amb l’objectiu de contribuir amb arguments jurídicament fonamentats al debat sobre l’exercici del dret a decidir dels ciutadans i ciutadanes de Catalunya sobre el seu estatus polític col·lectiu.   12/9/2022   El Col·lectiu de Teatre EPMA.   06/11/2021   Harvard College. Teaching and research are integral to Harvard College—students learn from faculty of the highest caliber, conduct their own investigations, and contribute to research in labs and libraries   01/09/2019   Libraries. Located at the heart of the undergraduate campus, Lewis & Clark’s Watzek Library is an ideal setting for research, study and collaboration.   10/2/2022   College of Letters & Science. Serving more than 20,000 undergraduates  and some 2,000 graduates, the college provides exciting opportunities for faculty and students at the cutting edge of interdisciplinary inquiry.   26/05/2021   Le Collegium est un ensemble de jeunes pratiquant la musique ancienne.   24/02/2017   Zespół Muzyki Dawnej. Collegium Vocale Bydgoszcz działa od 1992 roku. Repertuar obejmuje msze, motety, pieśni religijne, kolędy oraz madrygały i pieśni świeckie kompozytorów europejskich (XIII-XVII w.).   07/05/2020   Richard Collingridge. Illustration.   30/08/2021   Colonial North America at Harvard Library provides access to remarkable and wide-ranging materials digitized as part of an ongoing, multi-year project.   29/12/2015   Coloquio de Matemática. Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Central de Venezuela.   3/29/2022   Columbia University Bach Society. The only student-run orchestra and choir ensemble on campus, the Bach Society is currently directed by Andre Chan. Musically, we focus mainly on the Baroque and Classical periods.   5/21/2022   The Columbian College of Arts and Sciences is GW’s intellectual and creative backbone—a place where research thrives, critical thinking is encouraged, collaboration is constant and real-world training goes hand-in-hand with learning.   28/12/2016   Departments & Programs. Columbian College of Arts & Sciences. The George Washington University.   08/02/2022   The Columbus Telegram is a daily newspaper of news and sports. Breaking News, Sports, Events and Information from Columbus, Schuyler, Duncan, Platte Center, Humphrey, Lindsay, Polk, Shelby, David City, Bellwood and Silver Creek, Nebraska.   31/12/2020   Comanegra és una editorial independent fundada l’any 2007 a Barcelona per un conjunt d’amics que provenien majoritàriament del món del llibre i també de la gestió empresarial i la recerca acadèmica.   10/05/2020   Coordinadora Estatal de Comercio Justo. Una plataforma española que agrupa a 27 organizaciones vinculadas al Comercio Justo.   25/10/2020   Librería Alba. Librería, Papelería y Copias. Abiertos desde 1980, disponemos de un amplio stock y alta cualificación para ofrecerte un servicio ágil y especializado.   02/09/2019   Town is a literary magazine appearing at irregular intervals, based in Port of Spain, Trinidad. We publish poems and very short prose in two formats: on paper, in broadside editions posted in public locations; and online.   30/12/2019   Comarques Gironines. Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya.   20/03/2020   Comhaltas Globally Promotes Traditional Irish Music Dance Culture for Students, Educators, Visitors, Musicians & Journalists. Comhaltas promotes traditional Irish music and culture around the world.   09/01/2020   Comic Art Community. Comic Book News and Image Gallery.   11/10/2019   Comic Book Cartography. A Collection of Maps and Diagrams.   31/12/2020   Panini Comics España. En 1986 los fundadores y Panini crearon la filial Panini España siendo su director general desde entonces Lluís Torrent.   7/5/2022   Comics Alliance. Comic book culture, news, humor and commentary.   07/03/2019   Welcome to ComicStripFan. It’s a humble attempt by me to share with all of you the beautiful world of art known as comic strips. Well, there is actually a little more art than that, but that’s the focus of my collection.   07/05/2017   Sonny South, by Al Sonders. ComicStripFan.   20/12/2015   The University of Arizona. College of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Communication.   20/10/2021   School of Communication. College of Communication & Information. The School of Communication has several affiliated centers and programs that both support and enhance the educational programs of the School.   19/11/2019   The Commemorative Air Force (CAF) is a 501 (c) 3 Texas non-profit organization dedicated to flying and restoring World War II aircraft. The organization's headquarters officed are based in Dallas, Texas, at Dallas Executive Airport.   11/05/2019   The School Of Communication And Information. Communication and information are at the forefront of every industry and interaction today.   02/09/2020   Committees consider policy issues, scrutinise government work, expenditure, and examine proposals for primary and secondary legislation.   16/02/2022   Commodity. Oil, Gold & All Commodities Explained. Learn about commodities and what ways you can trade commodities online. We cover commodities like metals, energy, and agricultural products.   16/02/2022   United States' National Debt: What Affect Does ‘Hiding’ $5 Trillion From The Books Have On The US Debt Clock?   26/05/2020   Real-Time World Debt Clock With Country Comparisons: Who Owes The Most? - Commodity. National debt is the amount of money owed by a national government.   26/05/2020   The United Kingdom Debt Clock Shows British National Debt Grow By The Second. Source: UK Government Data, The May 2018 release (releases on the 21st of June 2018) shows the government borrowed 5 Billion in May 2018.   26/05/2020   The United States is one of the world's most eager consumers of national debt. Due to the high volume of new US national debt being added on an irregular basis, this clock is regularly updated.   4/3/2022   Commonplace. A bit less formal than a scholarly journal, a bit more scholarly than a popular magazine, Commonplace speaks—and listens—to scholars, museum curators, teachers, hobbyists, and just about anyone interested in American history before 1900.   4/3/2022   Common Practice Los Angeles is an advocacy group that fosters research, discussions, and events that examine the current role and histories of small and mid-scale arts organizations in Los Angeles.   4/3/2022   Common Practice New York is an advocacy group that fosters research and discussions about the role of small-scale arts organizations in New York City.   4/3/2022   Common Purpose: Cross-Boundary Leadership. Common Purpose runs leadership development programmes all over the world that inspire and equip people to work together across boundaries. This enables them to solve complex societal and organisational problems.   02/07/2017   Common Purpose runs leadership development programmes across the UK that inspire and equip people to work together across boundaries.   4/3/2022   The Allard Research Commons (ARC) is the institutional repository of scholarship for the Peter A. Allard School of Law at UBC.   4/3/2022   Спільне: журнал социальной критики. Спільне. Левое украинское издание об экономике, политике, истории и культуре.   4/3/2022   Scholarly Commons. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Research. An institutional repository (IR) is a set of digital collections that capture and preserve the intellectual output of a university or other organization.   20/11/2020   Commune Editions. Purveyor of poetry & other antagonisms. Commune Editions began with Bay Area friendships formed in struggle: the occupations in resistance to UC tuition hikes in 2009-11; the anti-police uprisings after the shooting of Oscar Grant.   15/02/2022   Communication Studies. Colorado State University. We are a caring and supportive community of teachers, scholars and students who are passionate about communication’s centrality to our lives.   17/03/2021   Department of Communication Studies. West Virginia University. Rooted in the social science perspective, the Department of Communication Studies is committed to preparing students to be competent communicators.   12/8/2022   Microsoft Dynamics 365 Community. Engage with experts and peers in our forums; discover blogs, webinars, videos, events, and more.   30/10/2020   Microsoft Dynamics AX. Forums, Blogs, Support.   27/01/2016   The Community is now the new home of the Micro Focus Knowledge Base. Each product group now provides you with a large amount of information from forum posts to knowledge base articles.   08/12/2019   Tom Beyer. I have been a professor of Russian at Middlebury College for the past thirty years.   07/01/2020   The official SAP Community. Search the Questions and Answers, read the latest blog posts and review the curated content on the topic pages.   26/05/2017   SharpDevelop Community. Get your problems solved! Welcome to the SharpDevelop Community Site! Ask your questions in the forum, hear from the team members in the blogs, read articles on SharpDevelop.   01/03/2016   Community Impact is an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to serving disadvantaged people in the Morningside Heights, Harlem, and Washington Heights communities.   01/03/2016   Columbia Community Service. Morningside Retirement and Health Services Inc. Founded in 1966, CCS-funded Morningside Retirement and Health Services is led by professionals and residents of Morningside Gardens, a naturally occurring retirement community.   27/01/2016   Sitio oficial del investigador Rafael Figueroa Hernandez, un espacio dedicado a la difusión de la música afroantillana y el son jarocho.   11/13/2022   Compass Records is a truly independent label specializing in roots, bluegrass, Celtic, Americana, and alternative music for over 20 years. Nashville, TN.   04/08/2021   Computer Science. College of Charleston. We have a rich history (13th oldest institution in the US) with a strong liberal arts and sciences foundation.   25/02/2020   Computer History Museum decodes technology through experiences that span its efforts in preservation, exploration, connection, and conversation to shape a better future.   02/04/2020   Comunicació 21, El portal català del sector de la comunicació.   15/10/2019   La Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador, CONAIE es una organización que aglutina en su seno a las Nacionalidades, Pueblos, comunidades, Centros y Asociaciones indígenas del Ecuador.   28/04/2020   The Society for Conservation Biology is global community of conservation professionals dedicated to advancing the science and practice of conserving Earth's biological diversity.   01/09/2020   Librería Concentra. Libros y revistas de arquitectura, diseño gráfico, decoración y arte. Suscripciones a revistas nacionales e importadas.   13/02/2019   Concorso, per titoli, per l'accesso al Centro Sportivo dell'Aeronautica Militare di volontari in ferma prefissata quadriennale (VFP 4) in qualità di atleta - Unica immissione. Ministero della Difesa.   13/02/2019   21/11/2020   Concreto Azul. Revista. Concreto Azul es un espacio de investigación sobre las relaciones entre arte y política, cultura y sociedad.   12/11/2020   Le Conseil de la Concurrence est une autorité administrative indépendante dont le rôle est de garantir la libre concurrence et de veiller au bon fonctionnement des marchés.   5/14/2022   Nomenclàtor. Llista alfabètica dels noms de totes les vies urbanes i espais públics de Sabadell.   03/08/2021   Conèixer Catalunya. Aquí trobareu : histories, relats de sortides, propostes d’excursions, ... que fan referència únicament i exclusiva a Catalunya i/o als territoris de parla catalana.   03/07/2016   Somos un grupo de escritoras que a partir de 2003 pusimos en marcha algo que veníamos gestando. Un sitio, acciones y canales que puedan dar cuerpo y voz a la escritura realizada por mujeres en América.   06/01/2021   Congo Research Group. Group d’Etude sur le Congo (GEC) est un projet indépendant, à but non lucratif de recherche dédié à la compréhension de la violence qui affecte des millions de Congolais.   29/10/2019   Congo Synthese. Actualité du congo, information du Congo, RDC news, synthese de l’actualité du congo, musique congolaise, culture, lubumbashi.   21/12/2019   Congreso Nacional de Honduras.   02/03/2017   O Congresso em Foco é um site jornalístico que faz uma cobertura apartidária do Congresso Nacional e dos principais fatos políticos da capital federal com o objetivo de auxiliar o (e)leitor a acompanhar o desempenho dos representantes eleitos.   08/06/2017   The man of tomorrow. El Blog de Paco Hernández.   09/05/2018   Universidad de los Andes. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Ciencia Política. Programa de Investigación sobre Conflicto Armado y Construcción de Paz - Conpaz.   24/06/2021   Consorcio de Tratamientos de Residuos Sólidos de la Provincia de Burgos.   11/03/2020   Conscience Magazine. The Newsjournal of Catholic Opinion.   12/11/2020   Le Conseil d'État émet un avis sur tous les projets et propositions de loi, sur les amendements y afférents, ainsi que sur toutes autres questions qui lui sont déférées par le Gouvernement ou par les lois.   26/07/2018   Le Conseil d' État émet un avis sur tous les projets et propositions de loi, sur les amendements y afférents, ainsi que sur toutes autres questions qui lui sont déférées par le Gouvernement ou par les lois.   02/05/2021   The University Digital Conservancy holds 87,032 open access articles, university documents, dissertations, data sets & more. As the institutional repository of the University of Minnesota.   28/02/2019   Conservation Birding is a project of American Bird Conservancy (ABC), a non-profit organization whose mission is to conserve birds and their habitats throughout the Americas.   26/05/2020   Free Advice. The personal blog of economist Robert P. Murphy. Research Assistant Professor. Free Market Institute at Texas Tech University.   27/01/2016   Free Advice. The personal blog of economist Robert P. Murphy.   3/18/2022   Contemporary Aesthetics. An international, interdisciplinary, peer- and blind-reviewed open-access online journal of contemporary theory, research, and application in aesthetics.   27/03/2020   IOS Press is an independent, international STM publishing house established in 1987 in Amsterdam. One of our guiding principles is to embrace the benefits a lean organization offers.   30/05/2021   University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections. This site features materials such as photographs, maps, newspapers, posters, reports and other media from the University of Washington Libraries.   10/06/2018   Cities and Buildings Database. The Cities and Buildings Database is a collection of digitized images of buildings and cities drawn from across time and throughout the world, available to students, researchers and educators on the web.   05/09/2021   24/07/2021   J. Willis Sayre Collection of Theatrical Photographs. The Sayre Collection consists of more than 24,000 photographs of theatrical and vaudeville performers, musicians, and entertainers who played in Seattle between about 1900 and 1955.   24/07/2021   Washington State University Libraries Digital Collections. WSU Libraries Digital Collections provide access to the academic and cultural heritage of Washington State and the Palouse Region.   08/12/2019   Washington State University Libraries Digital Collections. WSU Libraries Digital Collections provide access to the academic and cultural heritage of Washington State and the Palouse Region.   04/03/2019   This site includes various collections from colleges, historical societies, libraries, and museums around the State of Wisconsin. At left, are all the digitial collections that are currently hosted at the Milwaukee Public Library.   17/12/2020   Archives & Special Collections at Santa Clara University. We have scanned nearly 45,000 images and documents from our collections for you to access online.   22/07/2021   Wisconsin Historical Society's Online Collections.   12/8/2022   Collections of the Wisconsin Historical Society.   27/01/2016   El bloc dels contes "divers". Un bloc per somiar despert ...   17/03/2020   El bloc de Viatge a l’Orient. Contes, llegendes, viatges, informacions, notícies i tradicions d’Àsia.   14/09/2016   The image in the header shows choreographer Joseph Nadj, from his film Dernier Paysage, or Last Landscape, shot in his native Vojvodina in 2005.   20/11/2020   Contrabandos. Librería especializada en libro político. Contrabandos, hoy, es una librería animada por el equipo de la editorial La Oveja Roja, situada en el centro de Madrid y articulada como espacio de reflexión.   07/11/2020   Contractació pública. Generalitat de Catalunya.   10/23/2022   Contraluz Editorial. Contraluz nace con la vocación de dar protagonismo a los autores de habla hispana. Por ello, comenzamos nuestra andadura con dos figuras consolidadas del panorama nacional, como Inma Chacón y Pablo Carbonell.   11/01/2022   Contropiano. Giornale Comunista Online.   07/02/2016   Welcome to my unit conversion tool. Convert one unit to another fast and effectively. Just type in the number you want to convert and select the unit type you want to convert from.   18/08/2019   Danielo en los fogones... cocina para inútiles con ganas de comer bien!.   12/06/2020   Cooking with Amy: A Food Blog. I'm Amy Sherman, a San Francisco–based cookbook author, food writer and recipe developer.   15/09/2019   Cook Street School of Culinary Arts was founded in 1999 as a contemporary culinary center devoted to providing a professional and recreational experience not found anywhere else in the country.   05/09/2021   Conservation OnLine (CoOL) is a freely accessible platform to generate and disseminate vital resources for those working to preserve cultural heritage worldwide.   24/10/2017   Lloyd J. Jassin provides counseling to book publishing, television, theater, new media, arts and entertainment clients on contract, licensing, copyright, trademark, unfair competition, libel, right of privacy and general corporate law matters.   24/07/2018   The United States Copyright Office, and the position of Register of Copyrights, were created by Congress in 1897. The Register directs the Copyright Office as a separate federal department within the Library of Congress, under the general oversight of the Librarian, pursuant to specific statutory authorities set forth in the United States Copyright Act.   27/06/2021   European Committee of the Regions. An EU advisory body enabling elected representatives from all EU countries to share their opinion on EU legislation that directly impacts regions and cities.   28/06/2018   CORDIS is the Community Research and Development Information Service. It is the European Commission's primary public repository and portal to disseminate information on all EU-funded research projects and their results in the broadest sense.   3/18/2022   Corinth Computer Project. Known as the Corinth Computer Project, the fieldwork has been carried out under the auspices of the Corinth Excavations of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Dr. Charles K. Williams II, Director.   30/01/2021   The Cork Folklore Project (CFP) was founded in 1996 and is a non-profit community based organisation, who partners with the Department of Folklore and Ethnology, UCC and the Northside Community Enterprises.   30/01/2021   Journal. Cork Folklore Project.   20/05/2018   Naturfotografien von Cornelia Wermke. Meine große Leidenschaft ist die Naturfotografie. Ich lebe hier im schönen Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und bin in jeder freien Minute in der Natur unterwegs.   20/05/2018   Galerie Welt der Pilze. Bilder aus der Welt der Pilze. Naturfotografien von Cornelia Wermke.   16/02/2022   The Cornell Hurd Band. Est 1976.   02/12/2020   The Canterbury Corpus is a benchmark to enable researchers to evaluate lossless compression methods. These pages report results from the new Canterbury Corpus, a replacement for the Calgary Corpus.   20/12/2020   Tu Corrientes. Corrientes. Noticias, Sociales, Deportes, Agenda de Eventos, Actualidad.   27/01/2016   El bloc canvia, muta, s'adapta... no sé si perquè s'esforça en ser un bon reflex de mi o si és perquè jo sóc una persona capritxosa que es cansa ràpid de les coses.   06/07/2021   College of Social Sciences & Public Policy. Through stimulating coursework and opportunities for educational enhancement beyond the classroom, our students are engaged, inspired and transformed into tomorrow’s leaders and brightest thinkers.   23/02/2021   The Askew School of Public Administration and Policy at Florida State University is one of the nation's leading schools for public administration.   18/04/2020   Co3points @ Télérama.   07/12/2019   Couleur Café er Københavns største årligt tilbagevendende kulturbegivenhed med fokus på afrikansk musik, kunst og kultur.   19/04/2019   About Us On Jan. 28, 1875, “Your Messenger for the Arkansas River Valley” was born. The newspaper that is known today as The Courier began with B.F. Jobe and James E. Battenfield serving as the paper’s inaugural business manager and editor, respectively.   17/02/2022   The Courtauld Institute of Art. Explore The Courtauld's range of events, talks, exhibitions, lectures and courses. We welcome everyone with an interest in art and art history, from young people and families to academics and researchers.   25/05/2019   カポラレ&オチャンドは良質の弦楽器を提供することはもちろん、弾き手の性格や勘所により適した楽器をご紹介することをモットーとしています。オールド&モダン・イタリアン・ヴァイオリン、ヴィオラ、チェロ、フレンチ・ヴァイオリン弓をお探しの方は カポラレ&オチャンド弦楽器専門店にお任せください。   25/05/2021   Cowboy Blob's Saloon and Shootin Gallery. I'm not a real Cowboy, but I play one in the movies.   04/04/2020   Centre de la Propietat Forestal. Generalitat de Catalunya.   28/12/2020   Centrum Polsko-Francuskie w Olsztynie. Działalność Centrum Polsko-Francuskiego Côtes d'Armor Warmia i Mazury w Olsztynie jest wyrazem partnerskich stosunków i oficjalnej współpracy pomiędzy województwem warmińsko-mazurskim w Polsce.   14/04/2019   Københavns Museum ønsker at skabe nysgerrighed, videbegærlighed og diskussionslyst omkring hovedstaden. Københavns Museums kerneopgave er at indsamle, formidle og forske i alle perioder af Københavns historie.   03/08/2021   The Caribbean Primate Research Center’s mission is to increase our scientific understanding of primate biology and behavior and undertake humane research that improves human health and welfare.   23/02/2021   Computer Science. The Department of Computer Science was founded by people who had a vision. This vision was how computer science would fit into the unique spirit of Yale University.   4/22/2022   Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Colorado is world renowned for its wide array of outdoor recreation. Colorado Parks and Wildlife strives to make sure that everyone can access our special places and activities.   01/09/2019   CQ Roll Call is made up of two of the most respected companies in Washington. Our award-winning journalism and state-of-the-art software are relied on by associations, nonprofits, law and lobbying firms, media companies.   11/01/2017   The Cradleboard Teaching Project turns on the lights in public education about Native American culture - past, present, and most important for the children - the Future.   4/12/2022   Centre de Recursos per a l'Aprenentatge i la Investigació (CRAI UB). Integra els serveis de biblioteca, suport a la docència i a la recerca, i està format pels CRAI biblioteques i les unitats tècniques i pel CeDocBiV i el CEDI.   15/04/2020   Le Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL) est une Unité Mixte de Recherche (UMR5574) avec comme tutelles l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, l’ENS de Lyon et le CNRS.   21/10/2021   Cranbrook Academy of Art is a top ranking art school that specializes in graduate education on the subjects of art, architecture, craft, and design.   30/12/2021   Cranbrook Art Museum maintains thousands of works of art, artifacts, design, architecture, and craft. Explore our diverse collections of 20th and 21st-century art.   9/21/2022   CRANC és un cicle de projeccions de cinema i vídeo experimental que tenen lloc a la impremta L'Automàtica del barri de Gràcia (Barcelona) des del maig del 2017.   18/05/2021   Birding the Crane Creek. Magee Region of Northwest Ohio. Birders all over North America have heard of the boardwalk at Crane Creek as a fabulous place to see migrants, while locals more often refer to the Magee boardwalk.   11/12/2022   Edicions del Cràter és un projecte independent que neix per publicar llibres en català, ja siguin traduccions com autors del país, d’autors que han deixat una empremta en la història de les lletres i que segueixen dialogant amb el nostre present.   07/12/2019   Crawfurd Media is a professional photography and video production company established and managed by Jacob Crawfurd.   07/12/2019   Womex Photos. Contact photographer Jacob Crawfurd if you need photos from WOMEX in Tampere 2019. Check out a sleection of the photos below, will also find photos from the previous 10 editions.   25/02/2020   Welcome to Cray-Cyber. Home of Cray Research and CDC computer.   25/07/2021   Crazywise. What if a psychological crisis was seen as a positive transformative experience?   02/04/2021   17/08/2020   Welcome to the Civil Rights Digital Library. The struggle for racial equality in the 1950s and 1960s is among the most far-reaching social movements in the nation's history, and it represents a crucial step in the evolution of American democracy.   15/05/2018   A web page by Don Roberson. I was born in 1952 in Lakeport, Lake Co., California, of middle class parents. My father, B.B. Roberson, met my mother Eleanor in 1948, just after World War II. My dad was just starting his medical practice and my mom was a singer in Hollywood.   21/03/2020   Bird Families of the World. The purpose of Bird Families of the World is as an aid to world birders who want to maximize their enjoyment of avian diversity by observing examples of as many bird families.   26/02/2022   Creative Writing Program. The undergraduate Creative Writing Program is part of the Center for Programs in Contemporary Writing, which is home to Penn’s writing programs, platforms, and projects.   23/03/2021   Campus Recreation. University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Campus Recreation is committed to enhancing the educational experience and promoting lifelong wellness through excellent recreation programs, services and facilities.   06/06/2017   CREDO Action organizes for progressive change. We mobilize our 5 million activists to speak out and pressure decision-makers from the local to the national level.   07/02/2016   Ernie Noble (28-1-1924 to 2-6-2004). 2665446 GDSMN G.E.NOBLE, 2 COY., 3BN. Coldstream Guards, C.M.F.   22/05/2020   Criatures. Notícies sobre educació i criança infantil. Diari ARA. Últimes notícies i blogs sobre educació i criança. El punt de trobada per a pares, mares, mestres i educadors. Tot això i més al Diari ARA.   26/11/2021   Crime Reads is a culture website for people who believe suspense is the essence of storytelling, questions are as important as answers, and nothing beats the thrill of a good book.   30/05/2017   Crispy Nuggets.   02/05/2021   Crítica, Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía, es una publicación del Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.   3/18/2022   The Critical Flame. Founded in late 2008, the mission of The Critical Flame is simple: to encourage intelligent public discussion about literature and culture by publishing long-form literary and critical essays as well as conversations and translated nonfiction.   3/18/2022   Critical Inquiry. A journal of Art, Culture and Politics, Published by the University of Chicago.   3/18/2022   Critical Resistance seeks to build an international movement to end the Prison Industrial Complex by challenging the belief that caging and controlling people makes us safe.   12/05/2020   Critica marxista online. Analisi e contributi per ripensare la sinistra.   12/05/2020   A Crítica é uma publicação dedicada à filosofia, fundada em 1997 por Desidério Murcho. Recebe cerca de 100 mil leitores por mês.   24/12/2021   Crockett County Public Library serves patrons in over 3,000 square miles of rural West Texas. The Library was founded in 1965, moved to its present location in 1985, and completed an expansion and re-modeling of the building in 1999.   07/02/2016   Croner will deliver tangible improvements and clear benefits to your organisation, we can work with you by supporting the HR department or as a fully outsourced model for HR and line managers.   02/05/2021   Cronica Mundo completo de noticias. Encuentra toda la información nacional e internacional.   27/05/2021   Integrated Crop Management. Iowa State University of Science and Technology.   5/19/2022   Crop & Soil Sciences. Originally, the department focused on issues of agronomic crop production. However, by the 1990s, the department allocated more resources to environmental science programs.   12/11/2021   Crosby Arboretum. With increasing value being placed on our natural heritage, The Crosby Arboretum is the premier native plant conservatory in the Southeast.   25/03/2021   The Crow Museum of Asian Art inspires and promotes learning and dialogue about the arts and cultures of Asia through our exhibitions, the research and preservation of our collections, artistic and educational programming, and visitor experience and engagement.   29/10/2019   Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies. Victoria University in the University of Toronto.   11/02/2022   Center for Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis (CRSSA). Our mission is to advance the development and application of geospatial information science and technology to address issues in the built and natural environment both locally and globally.   12/05/2019   Cruce de Cables. El mundo del crimen. Genero negro y policiaco. La dimensión del cómic. El cine clásico y su magia. Cables en la cabeza.   15/12/2020   Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and secret governance -- open, secret and classified documents -- but not limited to those.   31/03/2020   In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood. Celebrating the golden age of Hollywood.   20/06/2018   Faget Datalogi blev oprettet på Aarhus Universitet i 1971 som en del af Matematisk Institut. I perioden 1993-1998 gennemgik Datalogi en periode med kraftig vækst, hvor antallet af medarbejdere steg fra 80 til 160 personer – primært på grund af en stor stigning i den eksterne finansiering.   20/06/2018   Institut for Datalogi er internationalt anerkendt for dets forskningsindsats indenfor teoretisk og eksperimentel datalogi. Det er vores mål at fastholde vores position som en af Europas førende forskningscentre indenfor teoretisk og eksperimentel datalogi.   3/22/2022   Department of Computer Science: Indiana University Bloomington. The Department of Computer Science prepares students to imagine, design, and create the technology of tomorrow, with computing as its core.   18/12/2020   UC Davis Computer Science. The University of California, Davis, is first and foremost an institution of learning and teaching, committed to serving the needs of society. The Department of Computer Science contributes to the mission of the University in three ways.   11/04/2021   Český svaz bojovníků za svobodu je dobrovolný, nestranický a nezávislý spolek, které sdružuje účastníky národního boje za osvobození ve druhé světové válce, jakož i jejich rodinné příslušníky a pozůstalé po nich počínaje 15.   23/03/2021   The Center for Social and Demographic Analysis (CSDA) was established in 1981 with the objective of providing a strong research infrastructure for scholarship in population-based social sciences at the University at Albany.   12/11/2020   CSDD. Site du Conseil Supérieur pour un Développement Durable au Luxembourg! Le Conseil Supérieur est composé de 15 personnalités issues des divers secteurs de la société luxembourgeoise choisies en référence de leurs connaissances, de leur compétence et de leur engagement dans la société.   01/02/2021   Department of Computer Science and Engineering. The Ohio State University.   23/06/2021   The California Science & Engineering Fair is the final science fair of the academic year for students throughout the State of California in grades 6 - 12, serving California's future scientists and engineers since 1952.   11/1/2022   Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Nation. The Flathead Indian Reservation is home to three tribes, the Bitterroot Salish, Upper Pend d’Oreille, and the Kootenai.   02/09/2019   An Official Website of the Government of Trinidad & Tobago.   22/03/2021   Center for Science in the Public Interest. Since 1971, the Center for Science in the Public Interest has been a strong advocate for nutrition and health, food safety, alcohol policy, and sound science.   30/01/2022   The University of Michigan’s Center for Sustainable Systems at the School for Environment and Sustainability creates systems analysis methods, models, and metrics for advancing sustainable futures.   23/03/2020   African Legacy. Recording Africas Visible Archaeology. Dr. Patrick Darling. School of Conservation Sciences. Bournemouth University, UK.   08/05/2019   The CTE is committed to the values of diversity, inclusion, social justice, and education. Established in 1990, the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) is dedicated to building collegial community, enhancing teaching and learning, and fostering teaching innovation at all levels and in all academic disciplines.   15/09/2017   A Coordinadora de Traballadores/as de Normalización da Lingua (CTNL) é unha asociación de carácter non lucrativo de ámbito galego que foi creada en 1996 co obxectivo xeral de procurar paliar as principais eivas no traballo de normalización lingüística en Galiza.   31/01/2016   La Communauté de Travail des Pyrénées est née en 1983 sous l’impulsion du Conseil de l’Europe dont la volonté était de créer sur les Pyrénées une structure de coopération transfrontalière similaire à celles existant au niveau des autres frontières européennes.   13/12/2021   Center for Transportation Research and Education. CTRE performs transportation-related research, outreach, and educational activities in four major areas: safety, asset management, operations, and planning.   29/09/2020   The Connecticut Science & Engineering Fair is a yearly, statewide science and engineering fair open to all 7th through 12th grade students residing, or enrolled, in Connecticut schools and several New York towns.   24/02/2019   Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen. Dedicated to the protection, promotion and preservation of hunting, fishing, trapping and the scientific wildlife management programs which support them.   08/05/2021   Catholic Theological Union. Fifty years ago, a bold and unique model of Catholic theological education was born. In September 1968, embracing the urban and university setting of Hyde Park, Chicago, and driven by a collaborative and ecumenical spirit.   24/08/2020   Ctxt. Revista Contexto, análisis, contexto político, económico y cultural.   5/14/2022   La Cua de Palla. Col·lecció de novel·la policíaca, d'Edicions 62, la primera publicada en català. Dirigida per Manuel de Pedrolo, aparegué regularment del 1963 al 1969 i, després de la publicació d'una setantena de títols fou tancada l'any següent.   24/10/2019   Cuaderno estelar.   15/11/2019   Cuadro de mando: Control de Gestión y Sistemas de información contables. Prof. Dr. Alfonso López Viñegla.   20/11/2020   Cuarto de Mala Música. Se agradecen comentarios. Alexis Díaz-Pimienta (La Habana, 1966). Escritor y repentista.   27/01/2016   Bitácora Cubana. Blog de sucesos y asuntos sobre Cuba desde Cuba.   05/04/2018   Cuba Cinco. Weblog sobre los antiterroristas cubanos prisioneros en EE.UU.   20/06/2018   CUBA en la memoria por Derubín Jácome. “Cuba en la Memoria” es una página sobre historias, anécdotas, recuerdos y curiosidades sobre Cuba en como artículos breves. Un mirada con amor a la isla.   27/01/2016   Cuba Futuro, página electrónica desarrollada por The Development Research Center. tiene como objetivo la libre divulgación de ideas sobre el futuro de la economía y la sociedad cubanas.   01/03/2016   The Columbia University Black Theater Ensemble (BTE, originally Black Theater Ensemble of Harlem at Columbia University) produces quality theater each fall and spring with and for the black community at Columbia and New York City at large.   24/10/2019   La cuina d'en Camil.   24/10/2019   Cuina d'arreu del món.   5/14/2022   Cuina generosa. Cuina amb històries, receptes per llegir.   24/10/2019   Cuinar és senzill. Com el seu nom indica, aquest bloc es basa en fer receptes senzilles, fàcils, bones de fer... on tothom pugui experimentar a la cuina des dels més petits fins a persones que la cuina no és el seu fort, però que poc a poc van aprenent.   24/10/2019   Cuinar per fer feliç.   15/09/2019   Cuinateràpia.   17/02/2017   Cultural Anthropology (print ISSN 0886-7356; online ISSN 1548-1360) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Cultural Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association.   3/29/2022   cDc communications. Cult of The Dead Cow. Hacktivismo. Ninja Strike Force. Based in Lubbock, Texas, CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc) is the most -accomplished and longest- running group in the computer underground.   21/05/2021   Deputación de Lugo.   04/04/2020   Lletres Catalanes. Departament de Cultura. Benvinguts a la pàgina de la Institució de les Lletres Catalanes, la plataforma web de la ILC que incorpora tots els seus programes i línies d'actuació actuals i que recull també la seva dimensió històrica.   11/09/2020   Departament de Cultura. Generalitat de Catalunya.   22/03/2017   Agenda Cultural és una base de dades que s'actualitza constantment i que dóna informació d´activitats que se celebren arreu de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació.   03/08/2021   Commemoracions. Departament de Cultura. En el marc de la política commemorativa del Govern de la Generalitat, la Comissió de Commemoracions és l’òrgan que impulsa i proposa els esdeveniments i les personalitats susceptibles de ser commemorats anualment.   12/8/2022   Inscripció de drets de propietat intel·lectual. Autoria i demostració dels drets d'explotació. Departament de Cultura.   12/8/2022   Cursos de català per a adults del Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística (CPNL). Departament de Cultura   12/8/2022   Norma de Descripción Archivística de Cataluña (NODAC) 2007. Biblioteca de Catalunya. Dades CIP.   10/12/2019   El Cuaderno de Cultura Científica (CCC) es una publicación de la Cátedra de Cultura Científica de la UPV/EHU.   15/05/2018   Honduras y su Cultura. Nuestra gente, es gentil y Bella.   01/05/2021   Cultura Inquieta. El objetivo principal de Cultura Inquieta es democratizar y popularizar la cultura y las artes haciéndolas accesibles a todo el mundo independientemente de su pasaporte, cuenta bancaria, edad o creencias.   16/02/2020   The Cumberland County Cultural & Heritage Commission is pleased to present its new web presence. This website includes information on the numerous programs and events hosted or funded through the Commission.   01/05/2021   Univerzita Karlova je přední výzkumnou univerzitou, která propojuje vysokou kvalitu vědy, výzkumu a vzdělávání v mezinárodním i českém měřítku.   30/12/2019   La CUP és una organització política assambleària d'abast nacional, que s'estèn arreu dels Països Catalans i que treballa per un país independent, socialista, ecològicament sostenible, territorialment equilibrat i deslligat de les formes de dominació patriarcals.   15/08/2019   Columbia University Press seeks to enhance Columbia University’s educational and research mission by publishing outstanding original works by scholars and other intellectuals that contribute to an understanding of global human concerns.   03/07/2021   Cup Of Joe Powell.   01/05/2021   Court of Justice of the European Union.   27/01/2016   The Free Digital Humanities Resource for Irish history, literature and politics. CELT, the Corpus of Electronic Texts, is Ireland's longest running Humanities Computing project.   26/02/2020   Curl. Command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs.   10/01/2021   Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian. Digital reproduction of the North American Indian, published by Edward Sheriff Curtis between 1907 and 1930 with the intent to record traditional Indian cultures.   19/02/2020   This site presents the complete contents of The North American Indian originally published by Edward S. Curtis between 1907-1930.   02/02/2022   Curtis Memorial Library. The Brunswick Public Library Association, founded in 1883, is a 501(c)(3) organization that operates the Curtis Memorial Library in Brunswick, Maine.   03/04/2020   Campus virtual de la UAB. El Campus Virtual és una plataforma informàtica d'ús docent, que proporciona un Entorn Virtual d'Aprenentatge per donar suport als estudis presencials i vehicular els estudis no presencials.   22/05/2021   Sede en Internet del Instituto Cervantes creada para difundir la lengua españolay la cultura en español: exposiciones, monográficos, obras de referencia, materiales didácticos para la clase de español, foros, debates, y un buscador especializado.   17/10/2020   Gabriel García Márquez, premio Nobel de Literatura en 1982, nació en Aracataca, una aldea perdida en el Caribe colombiano que renace una y mil veces bajo el nombre de Macondo gracias a la extraordinaria capacidad fabuladora de su creador.   07/01/2018   Exposición del Centro Virtual Cervantes dedicada a la ilustración infantil española del siglo XX: más de doscientas obras catalogadas atendiendo a su autor, su época y su técnica.   17/10/2020   Augusto Monterroso (1921-2003) es la máxima figura hispánica del género más breve de la literatura, el microrrelato, y una de las personalidades más entrañables, no sólo por su modestia y sencillez, sino también por su excepcional inteligencia y su exquisita ironía.   17/10/2020   Augusto Roa Bastos (1917-2005) es uno de los narradores hispanoamericanos de mayor relieve internacional. Premio Cervantes en 1989, su obra proyecta hacia el futuro la literatura paraguaya, gracias al peso que adquiere en ella la cultura hispana guaraní.   17/10/2020   Alfonsina Storni (1892-1938) es considerada una de las voces femeninas más potentes de la poesía en lengua española de las primeras décadas del siglo XX.   4/27/2022   Jacinto Verdaguer (Folgueroles, 1845 - Barcelona, 1902): Un monográfico del Centro Virtual Cervantes dedicado al escritor catalán: la vida y la obra del poeta, así como una serie de artículos de especialistas que permiten constatar su grandeza.   30/07/2017   Con motivo de la celebración del Festival Internacional de Fotografía PhotoEspaña, Madrid se convierte cada año en una gigantesca exposición fotográfica.   01/06/2020   Santiago Ramón y Cajal. Los escritos de Santiago Ramón y Cajal constituyen una significativa parte del acervo literario hispánico.   26/02/2016   El Centro Virtual Cervantes (CVC) es un sitio de Internet creado y mantenido por el Instituto Cervantes de España en 1997 para contribuir a la difusión de la lengua española y las culturas hispánicas.   27/10/2019   CVC. Miguel Delibes. Monográfico del Centro Virtual Cervantes dedicado al escritor Miguel Delibes (Valladolid, 1920).   17/10/2020   Monográfico del Centro Virtual Cervantes dedicado al escritor uruguayo Felisberto Hernández (Montevideo, 1902-1964). Fundador de una singular epistemología literaria, este narrador fantástico exploró la subjetividad en busca de extrañas realidades.   17/10/2020   Gabriela Mistral (Chile, 1889 - Nueva York, 1957). Con esta exposición el Centro Virtual Cervantes quiere rendir un homenaje a una de las más grandes poetas de la lengua española, Gabriela Mistral, premio Nobel de Literatura en 1945 y una de las figuras hispanoamericanas de mayor prestigio internacional.   17/10/2020   Álvaro Mutis, premio Cervantes en 2001, es uno de los autores más influyentes de la lengua española. Poeta y narrador, nació en Bogotá en 1923 y pasó su infancia entre una finca cafetera, en la Tierra Caliente colombiana, y la ciudad europea de Bruselas, donde la familia se trasladó.   17/10/2020   Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) es sin lugar a dudas uno de los poetas en lengua española que más ha influido en la poesía del siglo xx. Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1971, su obra sintetiza de forma magistral ese viaje de ida y vuelta del vate americano que, tras sumergirse en las referencias culturales occidentales, llega a los orígenes de Hispanoamérica.   17/10/2020   Juan Carlos Onetti (Montevideo, 1909 - Madrid, 1994), premio Cervantes 1980, es uno de los escritores de mayor reconocimiento en el ámbito de la lengua española y tal vez de más prestigio en la actualidad, pese a que su mundo narrativo no fue muy bien comprendido por la crítica.   17/10/2020   Nicanor Parra (San Fabián de Alico, 1914 - Las Cruces, 2018) poeta chileno que se siente antipoeta, virtuoso del folclore de su país, artista visual, traductor circunstancial, creador de antidiscursos, profesor de física y de matemáticas, convencido ecologista y otras tantas cosas más.   17/10/2020   Sergio Pitol, escritor, ensayista, traductor y diplomático, nació en Puebla (México) el 18 de marzo de 1933 en una familia de ascendencia italiana. Huérfano a la edad de cuatro años, transcurre su infancia en casa de su abuela en la provincia de Veracruz.   17/10/2020   Monográfico del Centro Virtual Cervantes dedicado al poeta chileno Gonzalo Rojas. El chileno Gonzalo Rojas (Lebu, 1916) funda su quehacer en la búsqueda del enigma que esconde la realidad, alumbrado fugazmente por el resplandor del relámpago.   27/10/2019   CVC. María Zambrano: los años de Roma (1953-1964). Actas del congreso Internacional «María Zambrano: los años de Roma», organizado en diciembre de 2004 por el Instituto Cervantes de Roma.   08/03/2020   CVC. Centro Virtual Cervantes. Sede en Internet del Instituto Cervantes creada para difundir la lengua española y la cultura en español: exposiciones, monográficos, obras de referencia, materiales didácticos para la clase de español, foros, debates, y un buscador especializado.   01/05/2021   El Trujamán es una publicación periódica del Centro Virtual Cervantes, publicada en colaboración con ACE-Traductores y su revista Vasos Comunicantes y dedicada en exclusiva a la traducción en todos sus aspectos.   01/09/2019   Connecticut Valley Mycological Society (CVMS) was founded in 1975. It is a "Mushroom Club"... A club for those interested in mushrooms as food, a club for those interested in mushrooms and fungi for study, and a club for those who are interested in mushrooms as an art form.   21/12/2019   Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics: Historical archive of profiles of 20th century women who have made original and important contributions to physics.   11/27/2022   Campus Writing Program. Writing Intensive courses help prepare future alumni to succeed in their continued studies, future careers, and community roles as they pursue writing tasks with greater confidence and understand the power of language for effective communication.   21/12/2019   The Crimean War Research Society (2014) was set up at the AGM in York on 26th April 2014 as successor to the original, but now dissolved CWRS (a registered charity).   30/08/2021   CIAO: X-ray Data Analysis Software. CIAO 4.13. The CIAO software - for analysis of astronomy data.   30/08/2021   Chandra X-ray Center. SAO High Energy Astrophysics Division. The Chandra X-ray Observatory is the U.S. follow-on to the Einstein Observatory.   12/8/2022   The Berkman Klein Center's mission is to explore and understand cyberspace; to study its development, dynamics, norms, and standards; and to assess the need or lack thereof for laws and sanctions.   08/05/2017   MUSEO ARQUEOLOGICO COLEGIO NUEVA GRANADA. Esta institución nace en el año de 1985 por generosidad de la Asociación de Padres y profesores, donantes de 30 piezas de la Cultura Nariño.   10/11/2019   Cyber Humanitatis. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad de Chile.   23/05/2021   The Center for Internet and Society is a leader in the study of the law & policy around the Internet & emerging technologies.   10/01/2017   The EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy is a collection of open source tools and services which together cover all aspects of the taxonomic workflow.   25/04/2019   Cynthia DeFelice. When kids ask, I tell them that if you want to be a writer, you need to pay attention.   29/08/2020   Cyprus Mail. Keep up to date with Cyprus, world and sports news.   29/12/2020   Gmina Czarny Dunajec.   24/06/2020   Czas Kultury. Kwartalnik społeczno-kulturalny. Czasopismo kulturalne; czasopismo naukowe, polska nauka w języku angielskim, recenzje, omówienia, aktualności kulturalne.   29/12/2020   Czerwone Gitary. Oficjalna strona zespołu.