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Saturday, August 5, 2023

d _ d   30/06/2021   Danske ordsprog. Gamle danske ordsprog om forskellige emner, inddelt alfabetisk.   09/04/2020   Bird pictures: Gulls in Amsterdam. Bird pictures has photos of gulls and peregrines in Amsterdam, gulls in Poland and illustrated trip reports from Poland and Tunisia.   13/04/2020   DaboBlog. Por David Hernández (Dabo), Hacktivismo, Cibercultura, GNU, Linux, Hacking – Seguridad, SysAdmin.   01/06/2020   Le Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines de Daremberg et Saglio. Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès.   22/02/2016   Das Deutsche Auswandererhaus steht an einem historischen Standort. Es liegt direkt am Neuen Hafen in Bremerhaven, der 1852 eröffnet wurde und von dem bis 1890 knapp 1,2 Millionen Menschen in die Neue Welt aufbrachen.   22/02/2016   DAI Heidelberg. Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut. Das Haus der Kultur. Veranstaltungen. Jugendprogramm. Internationale Kindergärten. Öffentliche englischsprachige Bibliothek. Sprachschule.   24/06/2021   Daily Inter Lake. Kalispell, Montana.   14/02/2016   Welcome to the WWW home page for the object-oriented BETA programming language. The home page contains information on the BETA language and its environments.   20/06/2018   25/11/2021   Dakota Cub Aircraft. Your Full Service Fabric Piper Specialists. Dakota Cub Aircraft of Sioux Falls, SD specializes in direct-replacement parts for fabric-winged Piper aircraft and has been a leading Super Cub and Piper aircraft parts supplier since 1993.   30/06/2020   The Dakota Student is the student-run newspaper publication of the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, North Dakota.   30/06/2020   Dakota Territory Air Museum. Founded in 1986, the Dakota Territory Air Museum has proudly evolved into a significant historical depository honoring the men, women and machines that have impacted the rich history of aviation.   10/04/2019   Da Literatura. Desde 2005 o blogue de Eduardo Pitta.   12/13/2022   DanceSafe. While we’re known for testing your drugs at festivals and events, we’re all about supporting whole-person fulfillment from the top down and inside out.   25/02/2017   Welcome to the website of Daniel Cohnitz. I am a philosopher at Utrecht University. Officially I am Professor of Theoretical Philosophy.   03/07/2021   Daniel Reed. I have been drawing and taking photographs for as long as I can remember. A lot has changed over the years but the satisfaction I gain from creating a pleasing rendering of a compelling subject has remained the same.   09/04/2020   The Wildlife and Nature Photography of Terry Danks and Jo Sanzalone. Hummingbird photography. Also photography of other wild birds and animals, of Alaska, The Yukon and Atlantic Canada.   15/07/2018   Birds... Bugs too!   4/23/2022   Dan Russell-Pinson. I’m the President of Freecloud Design, Inc. and the creator of several top 10 educational and entertainment apps including Stack the States, Tipping Point, Stack the Countries, Mathmateer, Presidents vs. Aliens and Monster Physics.   07/12/2019   Danske Magazin er blevet udgivet siden 1745 hæftevis med kilder til Danmarks historie i form af breve, rejse­beretninger, aktstykker mv.   11/02/2022   Stockton City Blog. Stockton is a city in the United States that was founded in 1849 and today is the center of the San Joaquin County, located in the sunny state of California.   29/06/2018   La Società Dantesca Italiana nacque ufficialmente in Firenze il 31 luglio 1888, nella Sala di Leone X in Palazzo Vecchio dove fu approvato lo statuto e fu eletto a Presidente provvisorio (e in seguito onorario) Pietro Torrigiani, sindaco di Firenze.   03/03/2016   DAP es un consorcio de empresas con sede en Punta Arenas. Con 35 años de trayectoria y mediante una flota de aviones y helicópteros en permanente crecimiento, hoy somos capaces de conectar por vía aérea las distintas provincias.   18/05/2020   Новини от България и света. Darik News ви предоствя актуални новини от България и света, бизнес новини, спортни новини, прогнози за времето, видео репортажи, анализи и коментари.   07/12/2020   DarkDeep. You might be an artist who would like to introduce yourself and your work here or maybe you’re a business with a mission to describe.   07/12/2020   DarkWeb_Today. DarkDeep. Premium domain names related to cryptocurrencies are for sale!   16/10/2017   Caffeine Nights. Publishing.   21/02/2016   DARRERA EL MIRALL. “Darrera del mirall hi ha el somni; tots voldríem atènyer el somni, que és la nostra més profunda realitat, sense trencar el mirall”. MERCÈ RODOREDA.   16/10/2017   Darryl Wattenberg's PhotoBlog.   13/08/2016   DARSI FERRER. Centro de Salud y Derechos Humanos Juan Bruno Zayas. La Habana, Cuba.   16/10/2017   The Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma is a resource center and global network of journalists, journalism educators and health professionals dedicated to improving media coverage of trauma, conflict and tragedy.   02/03/2016   Darths & Droids.   19/10/2016   Dartman's World Of Wonder.   04/06/2017   Otros 'fungi'. Organismos heterotróficos con una ecología similar a los hongos son usualmente estudiados por los micólogos.   04/06/2017   Hongos verdaderos. Los hongos son un gran grupo de organismos heterotróficos, es decir, que se alimentan de material orgánico como los animales y no tienen capacidad de fotosíntesis.   13/01/2020   Darwin ever published. It is probably the most extensive scholarly website devoted to any historical figure.   02/09/2019   Rahvusraamatukogu avalikud teenused on seadusest tulenevalt üldkättesaadavad infoteenused, mida osutatakse lugemissaalides, võrguteenustena ja teiste raamatukogude vahendusel.   07/12/2021   ESS-DIVE Data Archive. Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE).   07/02/2022   The official portal for European data.   16/07/2018   Lambertus <de Monte Domini>: Copulata omnium tractatuum Petri Hispani etiam syncategorematum et parvorum logicalium ac trium modernorum secundum doctrinam Thomae Aquinatis cum textu.   11/02/2018   Portal de Datos Abiertos del Gobierno de la República. Estados Unidos Mexicanos.   17/02/2022   Disabled American Veterans Portland Chapter #1. Empowering Veterans to Lead High Quality Lives with Respect & Dignity. DAV was created by veterans of the 1st World War and chartered by Congress in 1932.   28/02/2016   The Eisenthal Report. Commentary and analysis on politics, public policy, and culture, with particular emphasis on western and central Massachusetts.   28/02/2016   DavidEsi. No sé para qué sirve, pero quiero uno (diario de un comprador compulsivo).   28/12/2016   My name is David Lucking and since 2001 I have been Full Professor of English at the University of Salento, where my recent teaching responsibilities have included courses in Shakespeare, English Literature, Canadian Literature in English, and English Language.   15/08/2019   David Maisel (b. 1961, New York) is an artist working in photography and video, and the recipient of a 2018 Guggenheim Fellowship in the Creative Arts.   10/01/2020   David O’Keefe Pop Culture Gallery. David O’Keefe Studios.   14/03/2020   David Palacín.   13/07/2020   Jackson Davis Elementary School. Henrico County Public Schools. Jackson Davis Elementary School, located in the Three Chopt District, was named after Dr. Jackson Davis, former Superintendent of Henrico County Public Schools.   04/09/2019   Steve Davis Photography.   22/02/2016   Die DAVO wurde 1993 als gemeinnütziger Zusammenschluss von   Personen gegründet, die sich für die gegenwartsbezogene Forschung zum Vorderen Orient und zu dessen Beziehungen mit anderen Regionen interessieren.   06/12/2020   Davy Crockett's Almanack of Mystery. Adventure and The Wild West.   11/1/2022   Dawson County Economic Development Council. Working with businesses, individuals & government to make a strong viable community to live, work & play.   22/12/2021   Dayton Castleman is a conceptual artist based in northwest Arkansas, with a multi-modal practice spanning sculpture, painting, photography, and performance.   28/02/2016   Welcome to DB Design Bureau. Select from the row of links at the top of the page to view the contents of this website.   29/05/2015   An incomplete list of aircraft which were designed In Australia. In an attempt to document all the aircraft which were designed in Australia, I present the following incomplete list.   24/07/2021   dblp: computer science bibliography. The dblp computer science bibliography provides open bibliographic information on major computer science journals and proceedings.   4/22/2022   Washington, DC.   7/16/2022   Oklahoma State University Library Digital Collections. Collections include photography, maps, audio, and video files related to Oklahoma State University along with a diverse range of topics that are intertwined with the rich history of Oklahoma.   20/09/2018   Oklahoma State University Library Digital Collections at the Edmon Low Library are a collaborative project-based effort between Archives, Government Documents, Oral History, Maps & Spatial Data Services, and Digital Library Services.   23/02/2022   Oklahoma Today Magazine Archives. Oklahoma Today is proud to present over half a century of your favorite state magazine in a searchable online archive.   15/07/2018   Oklahoma Today Archives.   3/20/2022   DCA. Tufts Digital Collections & Archives. Digital Collections and Archives (DCA) is the archives and manuscript repository of Tufts University and is open to the public.   16/02/2022   The Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence envisions a First State where safe, healthy, equitable relationships, families and communities thrive.   02/02/2020   Velkommen til DCE - Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi. Centret er indgangen for myndigheder, erhverv, interesseorganisationer og offentligheden til Aarhus Universitets faglige miljøer inden for natur, miljø og energi.   5/13/2022   The El Defensor Chieftain is a locally owned and operated community newspaper, dedicated to serving Socorro County and surrounding areas through the highest professional business and journalistic standards.   24/04/2021   The Digital Content Library (DCL) consists of around 300,000 items from teaching and research collections across the University of Minnesota.   03/03/2016   The Digital Production Group (DPG) is responsible for the creation and preservation of the University Library’s rare and unique digital holdings.   04/12/2019   División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. Unidad Iztapalapa.   25/08/2020   Diccionari català-valencià-balear. Aquesta edició electrònica del Diccionari català-valencià-balear (DCVB) d’A. M. Alcover i F. de B. Moll és el resultat del projecte d’informatització del DCVB que es va dur a terme a l’IEC durant el bienni 2001-2002.   26/10/2019   The Roger Lehecka. Double Discovery Center. Today, DDC persists in its commitment to help underserved community youth get into and graduate from college so that they can live fulfilling lives.   8/28/2022   Dipòsit Digital de Documents de la UAB.   06/06/2020   Enrahonar és una revista acadèmica de filosofia que publica articles d'investigació i crítiques de llibres en castellà, català i anglés.   12/04/2021   Willkommen bei Hortipedia, die Pflanzendatenbank in der Sie Pflanzen nach den verschiedendsten Kriterien suchen und finden können, wie zum Beispiel Lebensform, Blütenfarbe, Blütezeit, Wuchshöhe und viele mehr.   11/11/2019   Willkommen bei hortipedia. In unserer Datenbank können Sie Pflanzen nach Blütenfarbe, Blütezeit, Wuchshöhe und vielen weiteren Kriterien suchen. Aktuell enthält die Datenbank Einträge über 32149 Pflanzen.   02/11/2019   Die Leica Camera AG ist ein international tätiger Premium-Hersteller von Kameras und Sportoptikprodukten.   01/09/2018   Mapy. Nejpoužívanější mapový portál v ČR s celou řadou tématických map - základní, turistickou, cyklistickou, dopravní a plno dalších.   10/06/2020   DIGAR Eesti artiklid.   07/06/2020   Deadline is always the first to break up-to-the-minute entertainment, Hollywood and media news, with an unfiltered, no-holds-barred analysis of events.   13/04/2020   Debian Hackers es nuestro pequeño homenaje a todos aquellos que hacen posible el proyecto Debian GNU-Linux y, de paso, es nuestra pequeña contribución al mismo.   12/7/2022   Department of Environmental Conservation, DEC.   25/02/2020   De cine21 es una web de cine con miles de críticas de películas, DVD y series de TV. Incluye estrenos, noticias, entrevistas, perfiles de actores y directores, filmografías, listas de películas, tráilers. Se actualiza diariamente.   05/05/2018   Decisive Gestures.   29/04/2019   DEC Network. Connecting Education & Career. You are about to embark on an important journey. No matter what your direction, interests or talents, there are a number of outstanding opportunities just.   20/10/2021   Deer Harbor Charters. Orcas Island. For 3+ decades we have worked hard to keep a responsible and educational focus on our Orcas Island Whale Watch & Wildlife Tours.   20/10/2021   Deer Park Monastery was established by Thich Nhat Hanh, this 400-acre sanctuary rests peacefully in the chaparral mountains of southern California.   02/11/2019   Welcome to Defence-in-Depth, the research blog of the Defence Studies Department, King’s College London, offering in-depth contemporary and historical analysis of the issues behind defence.   31/10/2019   Fundacion Defensores de la Naturaleza. Defensores de la Naturaleza. Representando el 5% del territorio nacional, Defensores administra 4 áreas protegidas en Guatemala.   09/02/2022   Defiance Marine is Western Washington’s Premier Fishing and Boating Outfitter. At Defiance Marine we specialize in selling and outfitting new Defiance Boats, Arima Boats, Allied Boats, RH Boats, and Sorenson Boats.   03/04/2017   De Gamonal al mundo. Una mirada más allá del barrio. Este blog sólo representa a su autor.   29/04/2020   Dehai News. Eritrea OnLine. News and information on Eritrea and Eritreans around the world.   16/02/2022   Delaware Historical Society. Giving Life to History. The Delaware Historical Society holds the nation’s largest privately held collection of material relating to Delaware history.   25/10/2020   This is a blog about the books, film and world of British thriller and spy novel author Len Deighton, writer of The Ipcress File, Funeral in Berlin, SS-GB, Bomber, Berlin Game and many other books.   01/08/2021   The official website of the State of Delaware. Find information about state government, programs, and services. The First State is located in the Northeast U.S.   08/05/2016   Deldesitx.   25/10/2020   De lector a escriptor. Recull de vídeos realitzats per l'escriptor Jesús M. Tibau, especialment dedicats a la lectura de fragments seleccionats.   23/04/2020   Delegació del Govern de la Generalitat a Madrid.   10/05/2020   Delicias Burgos quiere ser un lugar de encuentro entre quienes sienten y gustan de los sabores de nuestras tierras, las burgalesas.   05/09/2021   Delícies del rebost. Un lloc on trobar temptacions culinàries, receptes senzilles, meves i dels meus amics que me les han enviat, trobades arreu, catalanes, del món, inventades i familiars.   05/09/2021   Deliciosa Martha.   5/14/2022   Blog de Cristina Riera (gestión cultural y otros delirios sin importancia).   10/04/2019   Delito de Opinião.   13/01/2021   Delitos Informáticos. Delitos en Internet. Informáte, consulta y resuelve problemas sobre delitos informáticos.   01/04/2020   Demarcations: A Journal of Communist Theory and Polemic.   07/08/2021   Albany Democrat Herald. Your source for news in Albany, Oregon.   02/02/2021   Democrats is the original online news and community site for progressive activists, with over 6 million supporters. We stand for jobs, justice, healthcare, education, the environment, and peace.   02/02/2021   We are the Democratic Party. Democrats are fighting for a better, fairer, and brighter future for every American: rolling up our sleeves, empowering grassroots voters, and organizing everywhere to take our country back.   16/01/2020   Denarius es una revista del Departamento de Economía de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Unidad Iztapalapa, que se publica semestralmente y tiene como propósito difundir artículos inéditos.   29/01/2022   Dendroica. Blog about birding, wildlife, and the environment.   26/11/2021   Denison University is a leader among the nation's liberal arts colleges, offering some 60 academic programs to 2,200 students in Granville, Ohio.   26/10/2019   Dennis Calero Art. The home of all things writer artist Dennis Calero.   12/06/2020   The Denver Art Museum’s collection includes more than 70,000 works of art. Known internationally for the way we help our visitors explore art and their own creativity.   11/07/2016   The African collection consists of approximately 1,000 objects—older works and new ones by contemporary artists.   16/09/2021   16/09/2021   10/08/2020   Derecho de la Red. Ciberseguridad, Privacidad, Derecho de las TIC, Redes Sociales y mucho más. Todo con un toque jurista.   02/10/2019   Derecho Internacional Público. Costa Rica.   25/03/2017   De Re Militari. The Society for Medieval Military History. De Re Militari, begun in 1992, is the Society for the Study of Medieval Military History. Here we host many primary sources, articles, dissertations, and resources for the study.   03/01/2021   Dergi Park. Tübitak Ulakbim çatısı altında, Türkiye'de yayınlanan akademik hakemli dergiler için elektronik ortamda barındırma ve editoryal süreç yönetimi hizmeti sunar.   03/01/2021   Türk Coğrafya Dergisi 1943 yılında Türk Coğrafyacıların bilimsel çalışmalarını uluslararası bilim dünyasına duyurmak üzere çıkarılmaya başlanmıştır.   24/06/2020   Dérive. Zeitschrift für Stadtforschung.   08/05/2019   Der Standard. Nachrichten in Echtzeit: Lesen Sie jetzt Nachrichten aktuell aus dem online News-Room der führenden Qualitätszeitung in Österreich.   28/12/2016   Descans: el blog d'un home que descansa. Un blog ple de ciència, tecnologia, religió i glumcida. Endavant les atxes! (encara que siguin mudes).   16/02/2019   Glossaire informatique des termes de la Commission ministérielle de terminologie informatique.   30/07/2016   La Asociación Descubrir la Historia (ADLH) es una organización sin ánimo de lucro dedicada a difundir y promover el estudio y el conocimiento de la historia fundada el 28 de diciembre de 2015.   13/01/2021   Desde el Exilio es el blog escrito por mentes libres para mentes libres.   26/06/2020   Latvijas Dizaineru savienība. Biedrība „Latvijas Dizaineru savienība” (LDS) ir profesionāla radoša dizaina nozares organizācija, kurā jau kopš 1987. gada apvienojušies dažādu dizaina jomu pārstāvji.   27/04/2021   College of Design. NC State University. At the College of Design, we aspire to a diverse design community that enhances the educational experience of all students.   13/09/2017   Steve Boerner Typography & Design, Inc. A lifetime spent as a photographer, newspaper editor and graphic designer has just added a few extra layers to a foundation that I had the good fortune to acquire as a teenager.   11/5/2022   College of Design. We offer undergraduate and graduate accredited degrees in Eugene, nestled in the lush Willamette Valley, and at the historic White Stag Block, University of Oregon’s hub of activity, discussion, and engagement in Portland.   15/12/2019   Design Museum. Building the world’s leading museum devoted to contemporary design in every form from architecture and fashion to graphics, product and industrial design.   23/03/2021   Design Observer: Writings on Design + Visual Culture: Design Observer.   01/09/2021   Des Moines Art Center. Modern & Contemporary Art Museum. The Des Moines Art Center is a modern and contemporary art museum with an extensive collection of paintings, sculpture and mixed media, and studio art classes.   12/17/2022   Breve Diccionario Etimológico de la Lengua Castellana. Joan Corominas.   27/12/2021   Missoula, Montana. Destination Missoula. Missoula is at the confluence of three rivers, in the heart of Western Montana. Missoula is also situated between Montana's crown jewels, Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks.   10/31/2022   Destination Yellowstone. Whether you want to explore the area on foot, bike, or something wilder, cast your line and see what you catch, or experience wildlife up close, an adventure is waiting for you.   03/10/2016   Destino Cuba. El blog de Katia, hijo y amigos.   03/04/2020   De Suïssa estant.   11/06/2020   Mis detectives favoritos. Me encantan las novelas policíacas, clásicas o actuales, de Christie a Larsson, pasando por Grafton, Camilleri y Mankell.   07/03/2020   Air Power 2011, Zeltweg, Austria.   07/03/2020   CIAF 2005. Airshow, Letisko Brno-Tuřany, CZ.   07/03/2020   CIAF 2006. Czech International Air Fest 2006. Brno-Tuřany, CZ.   07/03/2020   CIAF 2007. Czech International Air Fest 2007. Brno-Tuřany, CZ.   07/03/2020   Kecskemet Airshow 2010. Kecskemet, Hungary.   07/03/2020   48th International Paris Air Show, Le Bourget, FR.   07/03/2020   Cvičenie MACE XIII 2012, Sliač AFB, Slovensko.   07/03/2020   Slávnostné odovzdavanie modernizovaných Mig-29AS. Sliač. Slovensko.   07/03/2020   NLD 2007. Letisko Piešťany. Slovensko.   07/03/2020   Pardubice airshow 2010. Czech republic.   07/03/2020   RADOM Airshow 2005, Radom, POL.   07/03/2020   RADOM Airshow 2005, Radom, POL.   07/03/2020   RADOM Airshow 2005, Radom, POL.   07/03/2020   RADOM Airshow 2005, Radom, POL.   07/03/2020   RADOM Airshow 2005, Radom, POL.   07/03/2020   SIAF 2011. Slovak International Air Fest. Sliač, Slovak Republic.   07/03/2020   Polish Airforce Presstour 2011., Swidwin, Polska.   10/10/2020   Deuda Pública de España. Los valores en tiempo real han sido estimados a partir de regresiones lineales por método de mínimos cuadrados sobre los datos oficiales de los últimos cuatro trimestres publicados por el Banco de España.   25/02/2016   欢迎光临德意志交易所集团中文网.   25/02/2016   Willkommen bei der Gruppe Deutsche Börse. Als global agierendes Unternehmen mit zahlreichen Standorten und Mitarbeitern weltweit haben wir uns entschlossen, Mission und Werte ausschließlich in englischer Sprache zu kommunizieren.   23/03/2020   Gruppe Deutsche Börse. Als international tätige Börsenorganisation und innovativer Marktinfrastrukturanbieter deckt die Gruppe Deutsche Börse mit ihren Produkten, Dienstleistungen und Technologien die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette im Finanzgeschäft ab.   08/03/2020   DevBlogs. Microsoft Developer Blogs. Get the latest information, insights, announcements, and news from Microsoft.   24/05/2019   The Old New Thing.   10/06/2021   Build Smart. Build Secure. IBM Developer. Access more than 100 open source projects, a library of developer resources, and developer advocates ready to help. Build Smart. Build Secure.   4/22/2022   Microsoft Developer. Any platform. Your languages. Your tools. Develop solutions, on your terms, using Microsoft products and services.   30/10/2020   Microsoft Developer. Microsoft Docs. Any platform. Your languages. Your tools.   12/16/2022   Microsoft Edge Developer. Information, tools, documentation and resources you need about Microsoft Edge and our team.   04/05/2020   Web at Microsoft. Open Source at Microsoft. Thousands of Microsoft engineers use, contribute to and release open source every day. Popular projects include Visual Studio Code, TypeScript, .NET, and ChakraCore.   12/17/2022   Windows Dev Center. Content, samples, downloads, design inspiration, and other resources you need to complete your app or game development project for Windows.   12/16/2022   Windows Hardware Dev Center. Get the latest Windows Hardware Development Kit for Windows 10 and start developing Universal Windows drivers, and testing and deploying Windows 10.   13/04/2020   UNIX Socket FAQ. A forum for questions and answers about network programming on Linux and all other Unix-like systems.   13/01/2021   Diario De Verdad Digital. Periódico, prensa independiente.   03/05/2018   Device Partner Center. Explore licensing, technical, sales, and marketing resources to help you build, sell, and market Microsoft devices and solutions.   14/07/2016   The Vanderbilt Television News Archive is the world's most extensive and complete archive of television news.   17/05/2021   Filosofia e Comunicazione. FILCOM. Il Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione (FILCOM) dell’Università di Bologna nasce nel 2012 dall'unione dei due precedenti Dipartimenti di Filosofia e Scienze della Comunicazione.   28/06/2021   Danmarks Grundforskningsfond. Danish National Research Foundation. Danmarks Grundforskningsfond er en uafhængig fond oprettet af Folketinget i 1991.   21/09/2020   The digital humanities community at NC State works on next-generation digital research and teaching practices, extending humanities scholarship into new domains of critical discovery and public outreach.   05/06/2020   La Federació de Diables i Dimonis de Catalunya està formada per més de 300 colles, distribuïdes en 41 comarques del Principat, les Illes Balears i la Catalunya Nord.   26/03/2016   Deutsch-israelischer Arbeitskreis für Frieden im Nahen Osten e.V.   25/02/2020   Diálogos Cinéfilos.   08/06/2017   Dialogue is published quarterly by Cambridge University Press for the Canadian Philosophical Association with grant support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.   05/03/2019   Serve It Forth! is a hardcopy newsletter about pre-17th century cooking, culinary sources, culinary history, ingredients, food, and foodways.   06/01/2021   Diandé Africa. Education is for all. L'éducation est pour tous. Diandé Africa apuesta por el liderazgo de los proyectos por parte de la población local.   03/04/2020   Diari Civic. Dietari personal de Joan-Ramon Colomines-Companys.   02/05/2021   Diario del Huila. Últimas noticias de Neiva y el Huila, fotos, videos, últimas noticias de Neiva, Huila y región sur colombiana.   19/05/2020   Diario del Istmo. Últimas noticias en Veracruz y en México, sigue la información las 24 horas.   03/04/2017   DV es un medio de comunicación libre y horizontal, que desde una perspectiva antiautoritaria, pretende subvertir los engranajes de una ciudad llamada Burgos.   14/05/2016   Diário do Nordeste. Últimas notícias de futebol, esportes, política, economia, concursos, classificados, empregos, cinema, trânsito em Fortaleza e no Ceará é no Diário do Nordeste.   20/12/2020   Diario Epoca. Versión digital del periódico de mayor circulación en la provincia de Corrientes. Últimas noticias, titulares, suplementos y encuestas.   10/05/2018   Periodico Final. El periodico de las Provincias y de los Dominicanos en el Exterior.   17/10/2020   Diario Hoy. En la noticia. Diario Hoy En la noticia, de La Plata para toda la provincia. La realidad tal cual es.   02/05/2017   Manuel Díaz Martínez. Blog del autor.   28/02/2016   Portal Web Pueblos Originarios de Chile. Ser Indigena tiene como objetivo contibuir a la visibilización de los pueblos indígenas y a la difusión de sus culturas.   25/02/2016   Dichtung und Wahrheit.   13/11/2019   Voyage linguistique, autour de l'Ile Rouge. Il est une île dans l'océan Indien, une île rouge – Madagascar.   28/04/2021   DICTER 2.0: Diccionario de la Ciencia y de la Técnica del Renacimiento. El proyecto se sustenta sobre una metodología rigurosa, desde los puntos de vista lingüístico, lexicográfico y filológico.   28/04/2021   Словарь терминологии тартуско-московской семиотической школы. Составитель Ян Левченко.   16/03/2016   Teach Yourself Romanian. Teach Yourself English. Dictionare is a software developement and web design company. We are located in Montreal, Canada, but we can serve you wherever you are in the world.   16/03/2016   Dictionar englez roman online. Dictionar roman-englez. Cauta in toate dictionare ro-en intr-un singur loc, cu translator automat!.   01/06/2020   On Music Dictionary. Created by Connect For Education, Inc. Award-winning, pioneering designers, developers, publishers and distributors of world-class, accredited courses, training programs and services used in-classroom.   07/11/2020   Dies de fúria. Dies de glòria!   25/05/2019   Diffuser.   05/09/2020   Bibliotheca Palatina: Virtuelle Rekonstruktion der einst berühmtesten Büchersammlung Deutschlands.   02/11/2019   DigiVatlib è un servizio per la biblioteca digitale. Fornisce libero accesso alle collezioni digitalizzate della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana: manoscritti, incunaboli, materiali archivistici e inventariali nonché materiali grafici, monete e medaglie, materiali a stampa (progetti speciali).   02/11/2019   Manuscripts List. DigiVatlib è un servizio per la biblioteca digitale.   02/09/2018   Andrea Quattrini. Black and White Photography.   15/07/2018   Dream Wings, ideato nel 2000 da Paolo Pesaresi, è dedicato all'arte del modellismo e al mondo dell'aviazione, con particolare riferimento all'aviazione miliatre della 2 Guerra Mondiale.   12/12/2019   Letteratura italiana by Luigi De Bellis.   08/05/2016   The University of Southern Mississippi Libraries’ Digital Collections was established in November 1999 to create research quality digital collections of texts, images, and audio materials and make these collections available to scholars throughout the world.   7/12/2022   Alabama Department of Archives and History Digital Archives.   28/11/2021   Digital Bodleian first launched in 2015 with the aim of bringing together digitized content from the Bodleian Libraries’ extraordinary and rich collections into a single portal.   16/12/2021   The Digital Scholarship & Initiatives Department supports research, teaching, and learning by collaborating with staff, students, and faculty on digital scholarly research from inception to preservation.   05/09/2021   7/7/2022   Cornell University Library Digital Collections. Launched in December 2015, the Cornell University Library (CUL) Digital Collections portal aggregates CUL’s rich digital collections content into a single interface.   03/09/2021   Indiana Memory is a collaborative effort to provide access to the wealth of primary sources in Indiana libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions.   20/10/2021   ULS Digital Collections. The University of Pittsburgh Library System (ULS) is an academic community dedicated to facilitating intellectual activity and to the creation, dissemination, preservation, and celebration of knowledge and creative expression.   8/26/2022   Digital Collections. University of South Carolina Libraries. We work with six special collections units on campus and have created nearly 300 digital collections for you to discover.   19/12/2021   SC Digital Academy. Primary Documents and K-12 Lessons. The South Carolina Digital Academy is an initiative of the University of South Carolina Libraries.   19/03/2019   23/10/2020   Authors. The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the benefit and edification of all.   28/02/2016   The Online Books Page. Book Listings. Our local index includes more than 2 million works in various formats that meet these criteria.   29/05/2021   A Celebration of Women Writers. Editado por Mary Mark Ockerbloom.   12/16/2022   Three Visits to America. By Emily Faithfull, 1835-1895. New York: Fowler & Wells Co., Publishers, 1884.   05/05/2018   A Celebration of Women Writers. The Narrative of Sojourner Truth. Dictated by Sojourner Truth (ca.1797-1883); edited by Olive Gilbert; Appendix by Theodore D. Weld. Boston: The Author, 1850.   15/12/2016   Local Editions: Celebration of Women Writers. A Celebration of Women Writers is to comprehensively list online editions of works by women writers, and resources about women writers, which are freely readable online.   08/12/2019   This collection includes photographs of agricultural activities in Cannon County, TN that were taken by W.L. Clement, District Conservationist for the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, and his assistants between the mid-1940s and mid-1970s.   23/03/2019   Discovering American Women's History Online. Last update: December 4, 2018. This database provides access to digital collections of primary sources that document the history of women in the United States.   08/05/2018   Digital Collections. All Collections. All fields: 1940-1949. James E. Walker Library. Middle Tennessee State University.   08/05/2018   Digital Collections. All Collections. All fields: 1950-1959. James E. Walker Library. Middle Tennessee State University.   08/05/2018   Digital Collections. All Collections. All fields: 1960-1969. James E. Walker Library. Middle Tennessee State University.   08/05/2018   Digital Collections. All Collections. All fields: 1970-1979. James E. Walker Library. Middle Tennessee State University.   12/16/2022   Farms of Cannon County, Tennessee. This collection includes photographs of agricultural activities in Cannon County, TN that were taken by W.L. Clement, District Conservationist for the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, and his assistants between the mid-1940s and mid-1970s.   12/16/2022   The Tennesseans and World War II digital collection contains a curated set of documents, photographs, ephemera and objects related to the Tennessee maneuvers, home front, and wartime activity overseas.   12/16/2022   Discovering American Women's History. This database provides access to digital collections of primary sources (photos, letters, diaries, artifacts, etc.) that document the history of women in the United States.   12/16/2022   Digital gallery. National Library of Scotland. View digitised items from our world-class collections.   15/07/2018   Lest We Forget. The Triumph Over Slavery. The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. The New York Public Library.   26/08/2017   Images of African Americans in the 19th Century. The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture of The New York Public Library is pleased to offer this selection of images of 19th-century African Americans.   26/02/2022   Science History Institute Digital Collections. Search 12,156 of our digitized items: artifacts, photographs, advertisements, letters, rare books, oral histories, and more.   12/17/2022   UCD Digital Library refers to the digital collections and online services made available by the Library of University College Dublin.   13/12/2020   Digitale Landesbibliothek Berlin. Zentral und Landesbibliothek Berlin. Die Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin (ZLB) möchte Ihnen ihre retrodigitalisierten Werke und elektronischen Publikationen mit möglichst geringen technischen und rechtlichen Barrieren zur Verfügung stellen.   31/01/2020   UCLA Library. Digital Collections.   24/05/2021   The Digital Atlas of Idaho Project (DAI) delivers natural history information to a variety of audiences, including K-12 educators, college students, agency personnel, businesses, non-governmental organizations, and the public at large.   22/05/2019   Digital Atlas of Idaho. Bird Section.   08/05/2021   Digital Collections. The New York State Archives preserves and makes accessible over 250 million records of New York’s State and colonial governments dating from 1630 to the present.   25/09/2021   Digital Collections. A growing collection of digitized posters, photographs, manuscripts, moving images, sound recordings, and other historical materials from the Hoover Institution Library & Archives   12/16/2022   Carnegie Mellon University Libraries’ Digital Collections. Since the HELIOS project, the Libraries have digitized over 2 million pages and 390,000 unique and rare items from our collections – providing comprehensive research access to researchers around the world.   11/20/2022   The University of Miami Libraries Digital Collections provide online access to primary source materials to support teaching, learning, and research at the University and worldwide.   18/09/2021   NYPL Digital Collections. Explore 911,344 items digitized from The New York Public Library's collections.   12/17/2022   Collections. NYPL Digital Collections. New York Public Library.   12/17/2022   Cigarette cards. NYPL Digital Collections.   12/17/2022   Dinanda Nooney Brooklyn photograph collection. NYPL Digital Collections.   12/17/2022   Samuel Putnam Avery Collection. NYPL Digital Collections.   12/17/2022   The Pageant of America Collection. NYPL Digital Collections.   02/11/2019   Margaret Herrick Library Digital Collections.   25/11/2019   Margaret Herrick Library Digital Collections. All Collections. Beverly Hills, California.   03/09/2019   The University of Southern Mississippi Libraries’ Digital Collections was established in November 1999 to create research quality digital collections of texts, images, and audio materials and make these collections available to scholars throughout the world.   04/09/2021   Digital Exhibits. Online Exhibits from Hesburgh Libraries. Explore curated digital content and learn about the collections and resources found throughout the libraries.   25/04/2021   NOBLE Digital Heritage, a project of the North of Boston Library Exchange, Inc. (NOBLE) and our member libraries, is a collection of resources documenting the rich social and cultural history of our member communities.   15/04/2017   Welcome to the Digital Meltd0wn Music Blog. The aim of this blog is to introduce the readers to music that is out of print, commercially unavailable, released under a creative commons license, or with approval by the featured artist.   01/12/2020   The Emory Center for Digital Scholarship works with Emory University faculty, students, and staff to incorporate digital tools and methods into research, teaching, and publishing.   21/01/2020   Digital Scriptorium is a growing consortium of American libraries and museums committed to free online access to their collections of pre-modern manuscripts.   09/06/2020   Digithum aplica una perspectiva relacional en l’anàlisi de les nostres experiències subjectives, els nostres vincles socials i el nostre patrimoni cultural.   19/12/2016   DIGITHUM is an electronic journal produced by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the UOC and by the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Universidad de Antioquia which publishes contributions.   02/03/2016   Digup est une série de portraits d'explorateurs de la création numérique: entretiens, décryptages, découvertes…   02/05/2017   El Palenque de Dihigo. Surge por una necesidad de libre expresión de este negro cimarrón, rebelde a las cadenas de los medios de prensa tradicionales y a los hipócritas convencionalismos de la sociedad.   4/24/2022   Diccionari Català Invers. Diccionari que llista les paraules pel seu ordre invers.   24/06/2020   Dilema veche.   28/12/2016   Dima domain. Eladó domain nevek. Oldalunkat azzal a céllal hoztuk létre, hogy a cégünk tulajdonában lévő domain neveket értékesítsük.   4/24/2022   Repositorio Digital de  Áudio y Vídeo de la Universitat de Girona.   19/02/2020   Pedanio Dioscórides Anazarbeo. Tratado de las Plantas Medicinales. Dioscórides Interactivo. Dioscórides de Salamanca. Proyecto de Investigación de Antonio López Eire.   30/06/2021   Diplomatarium Danicum. Diplomatarium Danicum udgiver kilderne til Danmarks historie i middelalderen i tekstkritisk udgave og i nudansk oversættelse.   4/24/2022   La Directa és un mitjà de comunicació en català d’actualitat, investigació, debat i anàlisi. Amb vocació de contribuir a la transformació social, vol exercir la funció de denunciar els abusos i les injustícies i potenciar les alternatives.   02/08/2019   Directorio de Afrocubanas. Mujeres imprescindibles para la historia y cultura cubanas.   28/01/2020   Direito de Opinar. É um espaço onde, como o próprio título do Blogue indica, se pretende emitir opiniões válidas sobre todas as questões relevantes da vida portuguesa e do mundo em geral.   01/02/2020   Department of Intelligent Systems. Jožef Stefan Institute. The principal goals of the Department of Intelligent Systems are to develop new methods and techniques for intelligent computer systems.   16/02/2022   The Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) is committed to assuring that students with disabilities receive equal, effective, and meaningful access to all campus programs, resources, and services. Southern Illinois University.   04/03/2020   GES DISC. We are the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC).   12/01/2022   Palm Beach County. To drive a continuous improvement culture of excellence that achieves a measurably high level of public satisfaction.   28/12/2021   Discover Kalispell. Kalispell, the Soul of Montana. This is Kalispell, Montana, a vibrant mountain town that believes in boundless adventures and venturing boldly.   12/04/2021   Discovery. The National Archives. The official archive of the UK government. Discovery holds more than 32 million descriptions of records held by The National Archives and more than 2,500 archives across the country.   30/09/2021   The Dispatch is a weekly Legal Paper of Record paper serving a broad area of South Pierce County. The Eatonville Dispatch has been published since 1893 and is delivered via direct mail to the homes as well as rack and inside retail locations to an avid readership in South Pierce County Area.   22/08/2017   Disqueria de vinilos. Vinyls rip. El verdadero sonido de la música. Sitio de vinilos de todas las épocas ripeados de sus originales!   19/10/2020   Distinta Tinta. Editorial independiente de autoras distintas, de protagonistas distintas. Novelas, cómics, ensayo.   31/07/2020   Diversos Afins. Revista de Literatura e Arte. Ensaios sobre literatura brasileira, entrevistas com autores, músicos, fotógrafos, artistas plásticos, poetas, contistas, poesia, prosa, cinema, música.   30/06/2020   Divide County is a dynamic community in northwest North Dakota. Our northern border is Saskatchewan, Canada, our western border is Montana, and we are bordered on the east and south by Burke and Williams Counties.   16/02/2016   Ces quelques modestes pages n'ont qu'un but: montrer quelques exemples de procédures Visual Basic Edition Applications pour Excel en anglais.   21/01/2020   The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing: The Full-Text Collection of all ACM publications. A collection of curated and hosted full-text publications from select publishers.   30/08/2021   The Tufts Digital Library is a place to explore and discover Tufts' research, teaching, and unique collections online.   10/11/2020   Penn in Hand: Selected Manuscripts. The site offers bibliographic information and digital facsimiles for selected collections of manuscript codices, texts, documents, papers.   5/11/2022   Columbia's digital library collection websites are a gateway to digital reproductions and descriptions of photographs, posters, drawings, objects, ephemera, and manuscripts as well as other archival material from Columbia's rare and special collections.   12/15/2019   Bienvenue, visiteur, sur ce site des passionnés par les insignes militaires français. Le collectionneur d'insignes militaires est avant tout quelqu'un qui aime les insignes, mais qui va bien au-delà, en les étudiant.   15/07/2018   Barnard's Photographic Views of the Sherman Campaign, ca. 1866. Author: Barnard, George N., 1819-1902. Publisher: New York. Press of Wynkoop & Hallenbeck, 1866.   12/17/2022   Digital Library of Georgia. This primary mission is accomplished through the ongoing development, maintenance, and preservation of digital collections and online digital library resources.   12/17/2022   Cornelius C. Platter Civil War Diary, 1864-1865 Collection Items. Digital Library of Georgia.   02/11/2019   The Ancient World Digital Library (AWDL) is an initiative of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (ISAW) at New York University.   02/11/2019   The Ancient World Digital Library (AWDL) is an initiative of the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at New York University. AWDL will identify, collect, curate, and provide access to the broadest possible range of scholarly materials.   15/08/2020     Author List. Archimedes Project. DMD. Database Machine Drawings.   15/08/2020   Archimedes Project. Database Machine Drawings. The database DMD is part of the research project The Relation of Practical Experience and Conceptual Structures in the Emergence of Science.   5/14/2022   Die Digitale Mozart-Edition (DME) zielt darauf ab, das gesamte Schaffen Wolfgang Amadé Mozarts (1756–1791) in digitaler Form aufzubereiten und weltweit für jedermann über das Internet für wissenschaftliche.   4/22/2022   The Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (LACDMH), with a budget of approaching $3 billion, is the largest county-operated mental health department in the United States, directly operating programs in more than 85 sites.   15/10/2016   Benvinguts al Departament de Ciències Matemàtiques i Informàtica de la Universitat de les Illes Balears. El grup humà del departament està format per pràcticament 100 persones entre professors, investigadors i personal d'administració i serveis.   13/11/2021   The Digital Media Repository, a project of the Ball State University Libraries, provides a centralized, coordinated, and user-focused resource to serve the teaching, learning, and research needs of students, faculty, and researchers at Ball State and beyond.   3/22/2022   The Digital Media Repository, a project of the Ball State University Libraries, provides a centralized, coordinated, and user-focused resource to serve the teaching, learning, and research needs of students, faculty, and researchers at Ball State and beyond.   13/11/2021   The Sheet Music digital collection provides online access to historic sheet music predominantly from the United States dating from the 1840s to 1922. Most of the music is for piano and voice.   11/05/2016   Dnevnik, družba medijskih vsebin, d. d., se lahko pohvali z več kot petdesetletno tradicijo in vedno boljšimi poslovnimi rezultati, ki so posledica hitrega prilaganja poslovanja spremembam na slovenskem in evropskem trgu.   06/12/2021   Moscow-Pullman Daily News. News of the Palouse since 1911. The Daily News has had several different names over the years.   19/02/2016   AI - What is this. A Definition of Artificial Intelligence. November'2000, this paper is a part from AI-Project. Dimiter Dimitrov Dobrev.   22/12/2020   HAL Documentation. Documentation utilisateur de l'archive ouverte HAL.   25/06/2018   This site serves as a knowledge-base and on-line educational material for desktop grid related software tools developed by the SZTAKI desktop grid team.   16/02/2016   WebDoc IEP: Bienvenue sur notre serveur (Bibliothèque de Sciences Po Lyon). Service de Documentation Nouvelles Technologies Educatives de SciencesPo de Lyon.   04/10/2020   Docendo on yleiskustantamo, joka julkaisee vuosittain lähes 100 kirjaa. Perinteistä erikoisosaamistamme ovat valokuvaus, IT ja liikunta.   3/25/2022   Developer tools, technical documentation and coding examples. The home for Microsoft documentation and learning for developers and technology professionals.   21/04/2020   Archived MSDN and TechNet Blogs.   11/05/2021   Jose Barreto's Blog. Microsoft Docs.   11/05/2021   Mark's Blog. Microsoft Docs.   30/10/2020   Azure documentation. Learn how to build and manage powerful applications using Microsoft Azure cloud services. Get documentation, example code, tutorials, and more.   30/10/2020   Microsoft BizTalk Server documentation. Explore documentation for Microsoft BizTalk Server.   01/04/2020   Microsoft Dynamics 365 documentation. Learn how to deploy, customize, manage and use Microsoft Dynamics 365 services and applications. Get documentation, sample code, tutorials, and more.   15/06/2021   Microsoft Learn. Now there’s a more rewarding approach to hands-on learning that helps you achieve your goals faster. Earn points, levels, and achieve more!   15/06/2021   Microsoft Certifications. Earn certifications that show you are keeping pace with today’s technical roles and requirements. Select a job role to discover certification paths.   01/04/2020   PowerShell Documentation. PowerShell. Official product documentation for PowerShell.   01/04/2020   Windows Sysinternals. Library, learning resources, downloads, support, and community. Evaluate and find out how to install, deploy, and maintain Windows with Sysinternals utilities.   01/04/2020   System Center Documentation. System Center documentation for versions 2016 and above. The documentation covers the LTSC and SAC versions of System Center.   13/06/2021   Microsoft Typography documentation. Typography. Develop fonts, find existing fonts, and license fonts from registered vendors.   01/04/2020   Font library. Typography.   01/04/2020   Typography. TrueType is a digital font technology designed by Apple Computer, and now used by both Apple and Microsoft in their operating systems.   30/10/2020   Reference for Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps. The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) introduces a common API that you can use to deliver unique and personal app experiences on all devices that run Windows 10.   02/06/2017   Design Windows 10 devices. Building a great Windows 10 device starts with selecting the right components.   11/06/2021   Windows Server Documentation. Microsoft Docs. Windows Server is the platform for building an infrastructure of connected applications, networks, and web services, from the workgroup to the data center.   08/03/2020   Archived MSDN and TechNet Blogs. MSDN and TechNet blog sites have been retired, and blog content has been migrated and archived here.   17/04/2019   The Microsoft Edge (EdgeHTML) DevTools are built with TypeScript, powered by open source, optimized for modern front-end workflows, and now available as a standalone Windows 10 app in the Microsoft Store!   08/03/2020   Windows Sysinternals. Library, learning resources, downloads, support, and community. Evaluate and find out how to install, deploy, and maintain Windows with Sysinternals utilities.   01/04/2020   Microsoft Typography documentation. Typography. Develop fonts, find existing fonts, and license fonts from registered vendors.   05/03/2018   Oracle Documentation Library, Release 8.1.7.   8/27/2022   DocsBarcelona és un projecte global al voltant del món documental amb festival, mercat professional, distribució, xarxa de sales d'exhibició i formació.   19/07/2018   Documenting the American South: Author Index.   University Library, The University of North Carolina.   22/02/2019   Documenting the American South (DocSouth) includes sixteen thematic collections of primary sources for the study of southern history, literature, and culture.   19/07/2018   Documenting the American South: Title Index. University Library, The University of North Carolina.   19/07/2018   The Church in the Southern Black Community: An Introduction to the Church in the Southern Black Community. Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp. Associate Professor of Religious Studies. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May 2001.   19/07/2018   The Church in the Southern Black Community. Emanuel King Love, 1850-1900. History of the First African Baptist Church, from its Organization, January 20th, 1788, to July 1st, 1888.   19/07/2018   "First-Person Narratives of the American South" is a collection of diaries, autobiographies, memoirs, travel accounts, and ex-slave narratives written by Southerners.   22/02/2019   William Wells Brown, 1814?-1884. Narrative of William W. Brown, an American Slave. Written by Himself. London: C. Gilpin, 1849.   22/02/2019   William James Edwards, b. 1869. Twenty-Five Years in the Black Belt. Boston: The Cornhill Company, c1918.   22/02/2019   Robert Russa Moton, 1867-1940. Finding a Way Out: An Autobiography. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1921, c1920.   22/02/2019   William Pickens, 1881-1954. The Heir of Slaves: An Autobiography. Boston: The Pilgrim Press, 1911.   01/06/2021   Documenting the American South (DocSouth) is a digital publishing initiative that provides Internet access to texts, images, and audio files related to southern history, literature, and culture.   4/24/2022   Máster universitario online en documentación digital. Diseña, crea, gestiona, evalúa, comparte y promociona recursos digitales.   21/10/2021   Documenting Pitt: Historic Records of the University of Pittsburgh. The University Archives documents the history and traditions of the University of Pittsburgh community, from its founding as the Pittsburgh Academy in 1787.   07/01/2021   Docupedia. Zeitgeschichte ist ein Nachschlagewerk zu zentralen Begriffen, Konzepten, Forschungsrichtungen und Methoden der zeithistorischen Forschung.   22/03/2021   Chief Information Officer. U.S. Department of Defense. The DoD CIO is the principal staff assistant and senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense for information technology (IT), information resources management (IRM), and efficiencies.   23/05/2021   Dodd Human Rights Impact fosters a culture of human rights at UConn, in Connecticut, and around the world.   12/17/2022   The Dictionary of Old English (DOE) defines the vocabulary of the first six centuries (C.E. 600-1150) of the English language, using twenty-first century technology.   01/05/2021   Diario Oficial de Extremadura.   23/05/2021   South Dakota Department of Education.   12/04/2021   The Dictionary of Old English (DOE) defines the vocabulary of the first six centuries (C.E. 600-1150) of the English language, using twenty-first century technology.   4/24/2022   Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya.   25/10/2016   McMaster Cepheid Photometry and Radial Velocity Data Archive. This site contains tables of published photometric data for galactic and extragalactic Cepheid variables.   26/04/2021   Doing Fine. My name is Eleanor Davis. I’m a cartoonist and illustrator.   01/09/2019   ドキッときのこ. 『きのこ』は菌類の「花」・・・ドキッとするほど美しい瞬間があります。「妖しい美しさ」こそがきのこ写真の魅力だと思います。---竹しんじ.   30/03/2017   Na oficjalnej stronie polskich dominikanów, chcemy podejmować misję św. Dominika: pragnienie odważnego głoszenia Boga, budowanie życia we wspólnocie oraz poszukiwania prawdy w świecie.   29/05/2015   De bat a bat. No pensis en un elefant. 22 DE MAIG 2007. Verd contra ciment.   4/24/2022   Institut Català de les Dones.   7/6/2022   Don Getty Wildlife Photography. Don was raised in southeast Wyoming and earned a business degree from the University of Wyoming. After 36 years living in Colorado he returned to Wyoming, now residing in Wapiti with Joan, his significant other.   03/03/2019   Birds. This section is best used if you have an interest in photos of specific species of birds. Wildlife Photography. Don Getty.   21/10/2021   Donna Ball. Best selling author Donna Ball has written close to one hundred works of commercial fiction under pseudonyms that include Rebecca Flanders, Donna Carlisle, Leigh Bristol, Taylor Brady, and Donna Boyd.   18/06/2019   I’m Professor and Vice Chair of English at Washington State University. I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in nineteenth- and early twentieth-century American literature, women writers, naturalism, regionalism, modernism, and realism.   01/11/2020   Don Yorty. Explorations.   09/01/2017   Do Portugal profundo.   27/11/2020   Washington Department of Revenue. Achieve the highest level of voluntary compliance. Fairly and efficiently collect revenues to fund public services.   4/22/2022   USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. The largest and oldest of the USC schools, USC Dornsife functions as the academic core of the university, offering courses and advancing knowledge across the humanities, social sciences and sciences.   3/17/2022   Florida Department of State. We collect Florida's important public records and preserve its rich historical and cultural heritage for the benefit of generations to come.   27/10/2020   Editorial Dos Bigotes. Literatura contra el silencio. El consumo de nuestros libros potencia la curiosidad lectora. Sin receta médica. Tratamiento con efectos secundarios.   4/24/2022   Dos Poals de Sabó. Assaigs i de tant en tant reflexions del meu afer poètic.   16/03/2020   Dossier d’Artur Tallada. Dossier i Entorn Personal d’Aprenentatge.   26/12/2021   Wyoming Department of Transportation.   23/10/2019   Interactive Map of Gibraltar. The map was almost impossible to keep up to date so I've decided to go open source for the map data and I think that you will find it a much more useful and user-friendly experience.   10/04/2019   DOTeCOMe...o Blog.   03/12/2021   Dothan Eagle. Read breaking news for the city of Dothan, Houston County, Dale County, and Henry County of Alabama. The latest weather, crime, politics, and more from the Dothan Eagle!   13/06/2021   .NET Free. Cross-platform. Open Source. .NET is a developer platform with tools and libraries for building any type of app, including web, mobile, desktop, games, IoT, cloud, and microservices.   10/05/2020   ASP.NET. Open-source web framework for .NET. Build web apps and services that run on Windows, Linux, and macOS using using C#, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Get started for free on Windows, Linux, or macOS.   10/05/2020   ASP.NET Web APIs. Rest API's with .NET and C#. Build secure REST APIs with C# that reach a broad range of clients, including browsers and mobile devices. Build and deploy on Linux, macOS, and Windows.   10/05/2020   .NET developer community. Connect with like-minded developers. Get involved in the .NET community.   15/03/2020   DotNetKicks is a community based news site edited by our members specializing in .NET development techniques, technologies and tools.   16/10/2017   The PRABI-Doua is one of the six sites that are members of the PRABI bioinformatics regional center.   18/08/2016   HOGENOM is a database of homologous genes from fully sequenced organisms (bacteria, archeaea and eukarya), structured under ACNUC sequence database management system.   01/05/2020   Apache Software Foundation. Distribution Directory. The directories linked below contain current software releases from the Apache Software Foundation projects. Older non-recommended releases can be found on our archive site.   30/01/2021   The Down Survey Project. The Down Survey of Ireland. Ireland in the 1650s lay in ruins. Twelve years of calamitous warfare had destroyed the country's infrastructure and resulted in the death of over 20% of the Irish population.   9/17/2022   The Digital Public Library of America brings together the riches of America’s libraries, archives, and museums, and makes them freely available to the world. Discover 46,665,749 images, texts, videos, and sounds from across the United States.   22/09/2021   Aero-Werkes. Laser-Cut Scale Flying Balsa Model kits.   13/02/2016   Oxford Forestry Institute. As a consequence of major changes in structures and financing within the University the Oxford Forestry Institute has been fully incorporated into the Department of Plant Sciences.   16/12/2021   The Iowa State University Digital Repository supports Iowa State's mission to create, apply and share knowledge by providing free and open access to the research and scholarship of Iowa State's faculty, students and staff.   03/10/2019   Dominican Republic News & Travel Information Service. The Dominican Republic's best and most up to date source for news and travel information.   19/10/2016   The alpha (transparency) channels in these PNG files are released under the attribution share-alike Creative Commons license.   08/04/2020   Bird Sounds from the Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics. The Borror Laboratory houses one of the largest collections of recorded animal sounds in the world.   12/17/2022   O Diário da República Eletrónico mantém-se em permanente desenvolvimento, procurando oferecer um serviço público de qualidade, que vá ao encontro das necessidades daqueles que são o seu foco principal: os cidadãos.   19/03/2017   Dreams And Voices.   4/24/2022   Departament de Drets Socials.   10/09/2021   Departament de Drets Socials. Generalitat de Catalunya.   26/05/2021   Drew Nelson. Official website of Canadian recording artist Drew Nelson. Listen to music, view our photo gallery, keep up to date with news stories and concert listings.   01/12/2021   Drexel University. Drexel is a comprehensive global research university with a unique model of experiential learning that combines academic rigor with one of the nation’s premier cooperative education programs.   10/11/2022   The Legacy Center Archives and Special Collections at Drexel University College of Medicine.   10/11/2022   Blog - The Legacy Center Archives and Special Collections at Drexel University College of Medicine.   16/10/2017   Doctor Grumpy in the House. A Blog detailing the insanity of my medical practice and the stupidity of everyday life.   4/24/2022   Drogues.   23/07/2021   National Drought Mitigation Center. The National Drought Mitigation Center’s mission is to reduce the effects of drought on people, the environment and the economy by researching the science of drought monitoring and the practice of drought planning.   23/07/2021   The Drought Monitor has been a team effort since its inception in 1999, produced jointly by the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).   09/02/2020   Data. U.S. Drought Monitor.   02/01/2021   Modern Drunkard Magazine. Standing Up for Your Right to Get Falling Down Drunk Since 1996.   12/17/2022   The International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB) provides access to the NSDP, the SDDS Plus, the SDDS, the e-GDDS, and the DQRS sites.   06/10/2017   The Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS) was established by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to guide members that have, or might seek, access to international capital markets in the provision of their economic and financial data to the public.   20/02/2020   Das Dschungelbuch soll helfen, dass Studierende an der Uni und darüber hinaus sich zurechtfinden. Wem der Heidelberger Uni-Dschungel zu klein wird, kann sich auch in den bundesweiten Uni-Dschungel wagen.   29/05/2021   Digital Scholarship Initiatives, MTSU. Is scholarship that is enhanced by the design of digital projects, incorporation of digital tools, collaboration among digital partners, and dissemination through digital platforms.   12/17/2022   Digital Collections. DSI. As a method, it emphasizes the use of interactive technologies to expand the participation, modes of access, diversity of analysis, and the dissemination, and preservation of scholarship.   11/11/2017   Donostia. San Sebastián 2016 Europako Kultur Hiriburua - Hasiera 2017. Donostia 2016 Europako Kultur Hiriburuaren webgune ofiziala.   6/18/2022   RPUC. Registre de planejament urbanístic de Catalunya. Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat. Generalitat de Catalunya.   10/04/2019   Duas ou três coisas. Notas pouco diárias de Francisco Seixas da Costa.   15/07/2018   Corpus Literari Ciutat de Barcelona. L'objectiu d'aquesta web és establir un corpus literari que tingui com a tòpic literari la ciutat de Barcelona.   06/06/2021   Dudley Observatory. The Capital District's astronomy resource. The Dudley Observatory provides education and outreach programs designed to bring the wonders of science, particularly astronomy, to people of all ages.   4/24/2022   DUGi: Repositori Digital de la UdG. UdG's Digital Repository. Repositorio Digital de la UdG.   4/24/2022   El DUGiDocs és el repositori institucional de la Universitat de Girona. L'accés al DUGiDocs és lliure, els registres són públics i oberts a tothom.   4/24/2022   DUGi Fons Especials és el Repositori Digital de manuscrits, correspondència i documents dels Fons Especials de la Biblioteca de la Universitat de Girona.   15/04/2017   Black Acid.   22/02/2022   duPont-Columbia Awards. Founded by Jessie Ball duPont in honor of her late husband Alfred I. duPont, for nearly 80 years the duPont awards have set the standard for audio and video reporting, in broadcast, documentary and online.   12/15/2019   Το Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης υπήρξε, από την ίδρυσή του, το πρώτο ελληνικό περιφερειακό πολυεδρικό πανεπιστήμιο, η αναγκαιότητα του οποίου δεν αφορούσε αποκλειστικά εκπαιδευτικούς στόχους.   14/02/2016   DVD Demystified, the best-selling book about DVD technology. Home of the official DVD FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions about DVD) of the Internet DVD newsgroups. The most comprehensive source of DVD technical information in the galaxy. By Jim Taylor.   14/02/2016   The official DVD FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions about DVD) of the Internet DVD newsgroups. The most comprehensive source of DVD technical information in the galaxy. By Jim Taylor.   05/02/2020   Le Dictionnaire Vivant de la Langue Française, un dictionnaire historique et communautaire.   17/07/2020   Digi- ja väestötietovirasto edistää yhteiskunnan digitalisaatiota, turvaa tietojen saatavuutta ja tarjoaa palveluja asiakkaiden elämäntapahtumiin.   17/08/2020   Anarchy Archives. Dana Ward. My goals are eventually to provide at one site the collected works of the major anarchists and an online history of anarchists and anarchist movements worldwide, including a graphics archive.   28/12/2016   Anarchy Archives. The Cynosure.   08/05/2017   Afghanistan 1976-79. All pictures are copyrighted by Dana Ward and Julia Karet -- captions and narrative will be added shortly.   31/08/2018   Dana Ward and Julia Karet. China.   02/09/2018   Maine House. Dana Ward.   21/04/2019   Vietnam slide show.   11/04/2016   Dem Deutschen Wörterbuch wird in der deutschen Wissenschaftsgeschichte zu Recht eine Sonderstellung eingeräumt, handelt es sich doch um das deutschsprachige Wörterbuch mit der längsten Bearbeitungszeit und der bei weitem umfangreichsten Erfassung der deutschen Sprache.   5/11/2022   Dying for Chocolate. Chocolate News, Reviews, Recipes, and more! Janet Rudolph, Chocoholic.   24/06/2020   Дзеяслоў.   28/12/2020   DziennikElblaski. Dziennik Elbląski. Największy Elbląski portal internetowy. Zawsze świeże informacje i wiadomości. Wszystko o Elblągu i okolicach.   19/03/2016   Dzirkstele. Par aktuālo Gulbenē un tās apkārtnē!.