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Monday, January 1, 2024

t _ t   26/01/2018   The Minute Philosopher est le site personnel de Christophe Salaün. Il propose depuis (déjà!) dix-huit ans une bibliothèque virtuelle composée de plus de mille liens actifs conduisant à des œuvres de grands philosophes, historiens, sociologues.   05/06/2021   Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology : T-2 : LANL. Our vision is to provide frontier science for laboratory missions.   5/4/2023   PrimePages: prime number research records and results. We host the searchable database of the 5000 largest known primes (updated hourly).   27/01/2018   My name is Thedo André. I live in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. I have a general interest in aviation and modeling, but took up airshow photography a bit more seriously after a visit to the Flying Legends Airshow in 2008.   27/01/2018   Suomen taajuuslista 2000 on taajuustietokanta suomalaisille radioharrastajille. Listalle on kerätty Suomessa kuultujen radiolähetteiden taajuuksia.   8/21/2022   Florian Schiertz. Born in 1973 in Germany Florian Schiertz postgraduated in performance at the Rotterdam Conservatoire in the fields of tabla and North Indian classical music.   08/04/2020   Table Matters. Learn cooking skills, pick up some new recipes, read about food and read our kitchen appliance and cookware reviews to find out the latest and greatest.   08/09/2019   The Theoretical Astrophysics Center (TAC). The Theoretical Astrophysics Center includes faculty, research scientists, postdoctoral researchers, and students working on a wide variety of problems in theoretical astrophysics.   26/01/2021   TAI Centro Universitario de Artes en Madrid. Grados oficiales, Masters y Diplomaturas, Cine, Fotografía, Artes Escénicas, Bellas Artes y Diseño, Escenografía y Música, Centro Universitario de artes Madrid, Escuela de Artes en Madrid.   28/03/2019   Kasibahagua Taino Cultural Society. Established in 1993, the Kasibahagua Taino Cultural Society is an inter-Tribal, inter-generational community-based organization of indigenous Caribbean singers, musicians, speakers, and artists dedicated to transmitting their ancestral heritage to their present and future generations with dignity and honor.   8/21/2022   Take That.   03/01/2021   Tal Cual es un periódico con posiciones. Un periódico informativo, de análisis y opinión. Está inspirado en el ejemplo ciudadano, el compromiso con Venezuela y el legado civil de Teodoro Petkoff, su fundador.   04/07/2016   El blog de Tania Quintero. Fundado el domingo 25 de marzo de 2007.   04/07/2016   Informa't es el bloc informatiu de les activitats que es van realitzant al Municipi de Capdepera.   31/03/2018   Tanignak is the web home of the Wilson McKinley Jesus Rock band, the Stone Table String Band, and web articles and photo essays by Timothy Smith.   25/06/2020   Taos Photo & Piezography, ConeColor, Impression, Papiers Fine Art, Photographie. Spécialiste de l’impression Piézography. Distributeur ConeColor. Importe et distribue les matériels dédiés à la photographie en grand format.   08/04/2020   Tapitas con amigos. Blog sobre tapas, pintxos y aperitivos.   29/06/2020   Marines and Corpsmen at Tarawa and Guadalcanal. In Honor Of My Uncle, PhM1c John Kenneth Hildebrand, Hq Company, 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, Fmf, A Navy Corpsman, One Of Tarawa's Unrecovered Dead.   06/05/2020   Tarmac Photos by William Derrickson.   29/01/2022   La Brea Tar Pits. A gateway back to the Ice Age, right in the heart of L.A. Witness science in action at La Brea Tar Pits.   6/28/2023   Tarragona Digital. Notícies de Tarragona. El teu diari digital amb l'última hora i les últimes notícies del Camp de Tarragona i Reus.   19/09/2019   TASC. Triangle Association for the Science of Creation. TASC's mission is to rebuild and strengthen the foundation of the Christian faith by increasing awareness of the scientific evidence supporting the literal Biblical account of creation and refuting evolution.   27/08/2020   TASS Russian News Agency.   17/02/2021   Taylor & Francis Group. International academic publisher with offices worldwide. Publishing more than 2,100 journals, over 4,000 new books each year, with a books backlist in excess of 60,000 specialist titles.   10/31/2022   Tampa Bay Estuary Program. A Catalyst for Restoration. The Tampa Bay Estuary Program is 1 of 28 National Estuary Programs designated by Congress to restore & protect “estuaries of national significance.   14/07/2016   El blog de Tarragona Cultura. Ajuntament de Tarragona.   21/12/2020   Thierry Crouzet. Je suis un archéo-geek. Un archi-vieux-geek. Un dino-geek. Un geek fossile.   07/09/2018   Theoretical Computer Science. RWTHAachen University. TCS RWTH. Welcome to the Theory Group. We specialize in exact and parameterized algorithms for NP-hard problems.   24/07/2020   Türk Dil Kurumu. Dilimiz Kimliğimizdir.   24/12/2020   Longview Daily News. Serving the Lower Columbia Area from Longview, WA.   5/20/2023   Transforming Data with Intelligence (TSWI). For over 20 years, TDWI has been helping data leaders and their teams gain the information and skills they need to build effective analytics and data management programs.   3/14/2023   TDX (Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa).   22/04/2020   Teaching History is designed to help K–12 history teachers access resources and materials to improve U.S. history education in the classroom.   9/23/2023   Te Ara Encyclopedia of New Zealand. ‘Te ara’ in Māori means ‘the pathway’. It is a comprehensive guide to the country’s peoples, natural environment, history, culture, economy, institutions and society.   12/1/2022   TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, promovido por el Cabildo de Tenerife, es una superficie cultural inaugurada en octubre de 2008 que alberga diversas salas de exposiciones, una gran biblioteca y el Centro de Fotografía Isla de Tenerife.   17/11/2021   Teatr im. Aleksandra Sewruka w Elblągu. Teatr im. Aleksandra Sewruka przygotował i wystawił ponad 300 spektakli premierowych. Gościł największe sceny teatralne Polski oraz plejadę gwiazd teatru, opery i operetki, filmu i estrady.   17/11/2021   Teatr Jaracza Olsztyn. Poza działalnością stricte repertuarową, Teatr im. Stefana Jaracza organizuje w sezonie artystycznym dwa festiwale teatralne: Olsztyńskie Spotkania Teatralne i Międzynarodowy Festiwal Teatralny DEMOLUDY-Nowa Europa.   11/10/2023   Teatralnet. Escena Audiovisual de Catalunya. Centre de documentació de les Arts Escèniques.   17/11/2021   Ośrodek „Brama Grodzka - Teatr NN” w Lublinie jest samorządową instytucją kultury działającą na rzecz ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego i edukacji.   31/03/2020   Centro de Documentación de las Artes Escénicas y de la Música.   23/05/2020   Teatro Anatómico.   31/03/2020   La Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico es una unidad de producción del INAEM (Instituto Nacional de la Artes Escénicas y de la Música) que depende del Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte.   31/03/2020   Teatro de la Zarzuela. Desde su creación el Teatro de la Zarzuela es el punto de encuentro de distintas generaciones de público y de todos aquellos que se acercan a la cultura española.   1/1/2024   Tecnológico de Monterrey. En el Tecnológico de Monterrey desarrollamos tu potencial profesional y humano ofreciéndote un alto nivel académico, recursos y programas de excelencia.   28/01/2017   Lehrstuhl für Agrarsystemtechnik: Die Verantwortung für offizielle Inhalte liegt beim Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan für Ernährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt sowie den zuständigen Abteilungen und Einrichtungen der Technischen Universität.   28/01/2017   IKB-Dürnast. A Glossary of Terms for Agriculture, agricultural Econimics and Precision Farming. 1.- German to English. 2.- English to German.   21/03/2016   The Tech. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT's oldest and largest newspaper & the first newspaper published on the web.   09/02/2016   UBM Tech. Bringing Together The World’s Technology Communities. A Global Media Business Serving the Technology Industry.   1/1/2024   Microsoft Community Hub.   08/03/2020   Blogs. Microsoft Tech Community.   1/1/2024   System Center Blog. Microsoft Community Hub.   1/1/2024   Virtualization. Microsoft Community Hub.   1/1/2024   Windows Server Essentials and Small Business Server. Microsoft Community Hub.   1/1/2024   Windows Server Community. Developers.   07/11/2015   TechCrunch is a leading technology media property, dedicated to obsessively profiling startups, reviewing new Internet products, and breaking tech news.   11/06/2021   TechGenix. Latest Technology News & Articles. Online Magazine. Stay up to date with the latest in tech updates and information from TechGenix. We provide you with current technology right to your inbox.   05/03/2018   TechGenix Ltd is an online media company which sets the standard for providing free high quality technical content to IT professionals empowering them with the answers and tools that are needed to set up, configure, maintain, and enhance their networks.   21/10/2020   Das Technikum29 ist ein privates Technikmuseum im Rhein-Main-Gebiet mit Schwerpunkt auf der Computergeschichte zwischen den 1920er und 1980er Jahren.   7/7/2022   UC Berkeley’s Information Technology (bIT) department is powered by problem solvers who deliver the technology services and support that enable students, faculty, and staff to do their best work.   18/05/2018   Tecnicolor, un mundo iluminado.   18/05/2018   Acuarelas.   26/02/2020   Tecno Gaming. Somos una red especializada lider en noticias y analisis de Hardware, Software y Videojuegos en plataformas PC, Xbox One y Playstation 4 para todo el público de habla hispana.   2/13/2023   Tecnun. Escuela de Ingeniería. Universidad de Navarra. Desde su creación, en la primavera de 1961, mantiene un equilibrio entre la docencia, la investigación y el servicio a la sociedad, haciendo que estas actividades se complementen entre sí.   28/03/2019   Tenders Electronic Daily (TED). Es la versión online del Suplemento del Diario Oficial de la Unión Europea dedicado a la contratación pública europea.   22/12/2020   Le serveur TEL (thèses-en-ligne) a pour objectif de promouvoir l'auto-archivage en ligne des thèses de doctorat et habilitations à diriger des recherches (HDR), qui sont des documents importants pour la communication scientifique entre chercheurs.   03/01/2021   Telefe Noticias. Noticias de Argentina, videos de actualidad y noticieros en vivo. Periodismo.   14/07/2016   Кабinet – провайдер услуг доступа в интернет и цифрового телевидения в Екатеринбурге, Свердловской области и Кургане.   25/11/2020   Telepacífico. La ventana del Pacífico Colombiano. Somos el Canal Regional de Televisión Pública del Pacífico Colombiano, comprometido con el desarrollo social y cultural de la región.   08/06/2020   MicroMega. 1986/2016, da 30 anni insieme per una sinistra illuminista.   8/18/2022   Tempesta di Mare. Philadelphia Baroque Orchestra. Baroque composers imbued their chamber and orchestral music with the powers of language, letting every listener experience as full a range of human emotion as from a play or poem.   1/27/2023   Tendencias21. Ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y cultura.   30/03/2017   Profesor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien około 60 loa 14 yén Siódmej Ery (czyli w latach 30 XX wieku według ludzkiej rachuby czasu) odnalazł, „odszyfrował” i przetłumaczył „Czerwoną Księgę Marchii Zachodniej”, jeden z czterech tomów prastarego manuskryptu o tytule „Kroniki Shire'u” spisanego głównie przez Bilba i Froda Bagginsów pod koniec Trzeciej Ery.   30/03/2017   Online Tengwar Transcriber.   30/06/2021   Tennessee Encyclopedia. The on-line edition of the Tennessee Encyclopedia of History and Culture is a joint project of the Tennessee Historical Society and the University of Tennessee Press.   30/06/2020   Alex Hamilton and his company Ten-Ring Precision, Inc. build and customize pistols for competitive shooters, including, NRA bullseye, action pistol, police combat, Texas Rangers, Federal Marshals Service, Olympic champions, cowboy action shooters, and any other shooter who needs a handgun built to the highest standards of function and accuracy.   02/02/2021   Illinois Tenth Congressional District Democrats. We're volunteers who help elect Democrats to all levels of government.   18/08/2019   Archivos. ¿Te quedas a   03/02/2016   Universal Digital Library: Million Book Collection, hosted by Carnegie Mellon University. The mission is to create a Universal Library which will foster creativity and free access to all human knowledge.   07/07/2016   Tercer dietari londinenc.   19/11/2020   Librería Tercios Viejos. En la librería Tercios Viejos podrás encontrar no solo aquellos libros del tema histórico que te interesen, sino también figuras de modelismo históricas, juegos de mesa, merchandaising  relacionado con guerreros y batallas.   3/14/2023   El blog del TERMCAT.   05/04/2020   Terminal Escape.   27/03/2020   The Official Web Site of the Center for Archaeoastronomy and ISAAC. This is the official website of the Center for Archaeoastronomy, a professional research organization founded at the University of Maryland in 1978.   28/01/2020   Terras de Azurara. O mundo visto das Terras de Azurara.   5/25/2023   Infraestructures i mobilitat. Departament de Territori. Generalitat de Catalunya.   11/5/2023   Departament de Territori. Generalitat de Catalunya.   22/12/2020   Campus de Teruel. Universidad de Zaragoza.   15/05/2021   Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) launched from Cape Canaveral Air Station on 7 November 1996 and was successfully put into orbit around Mars on 12 September 1997.   11/11/2020   Ilustración infantil. Tesa González.   17/05/2021   Padua@thesis è il portale del Centro di Ateneo per le Biblioteche per il deposito delle tesi di laurea dell'Università degli Studi di Padova.   03/08/2021   Tesoro lexicográfico del español de Puerto Rico. Tesoro es un diccionario de diccionarios, de base electrónica, en continuo crecimiento.   10/20/2023   El fet casteller vist pel TETE. Visió del món casteller, i particularment, dels Castellers de Barcelona.   24/03/2021   TexAgs. Texas A&M Football, Recruiting, News & Forums. Texas A&M Aggies football, athletics and recruiting news, insider videos, analysis, and forums on TexAgs.   12/07/2019   The Official Website of the State of Texas. Access official, secure online government services and information for the State of Texas. Take it online, Texas!   24/12/2021   Texas Department of Agriculture. Commissioner Sid Miller. The agency's key objectives are to promote production agriculture, consumer protection, economic development and healthy living.   07/01/2022   Texas Ornithological Society. Promoting the discovery, knowledge, observation and conservation of birds in Texas since 1953.   07/01/2022   The Texas Civil Rights Review. Looking to the Lone Star of Conscience. Editorial Philosophy. In the abolitionist tradition of Frederick Douglass we favor nonviolent means to Constitutional ends as set forth in The Preamble.   19/03/2019   07/01/2022   Texas Guns For Sale Classifieds Firearms and Ammo. Free firearm Classifieds Site Serving Texas. Guns for sale, Guns for trade.   30/06/2021   Texas Highways. The Official Travel Magazine of Texas Since 1974. Curated guides to the state’s cities, small towns, hidden gems, and natural wonders. Plan your trip to Texas’ scenic, recreational, historical, cultural, and ethnic treasures.   5/17/2022   The Portal to Texas History. Created and maintained by the University of North Texas Libraries, the Portal leverages the power of hundreds of content partners across the state to provide a vibrant, growing collection of resources.   25/03/2021   Texas non-native and invasive plants. About 6000 species of vascular plants grow outside of cultivation in Texas. Of these, more than 800 are not native to the state.   24/12/2021   Pecos Trail Region. Participant in the Texas Historical Commission's Texas Heritage Trails Program. Experience the legendary Wild West of classic books and movies, and the real-life landscape of the Texas Pecos Trail Region.   04/11/2017   My name is Jason Scott. Since I was 9 years old, I have had a fervent love of computers and technology, bounded only by realities of economics and time.   21/09/2020   The Textile Heritage Museum located in northern Alamance County, North Carolina is currently the only museum in North Carolina solely dedicated to the preservation of the textile industry of the Old North State.   04/11/2017   Textos Marxistas de Marx, Engels, Lenine, Estaline, Mao Tsé-tung e outros autores.   30/06/2017   Theater, Film und elektronische Medien sind die ökonomisch, politisch und ästhetisch richtungsweisenden Medien des 20. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhunderts.   07/01/2022   Texas A&M Forest Service. Conserving Texas’ trees and forests, the state agency helps property owners maintain land and natural resources to ensure forestlands remain productive and healthy not only for the environment, but for generations of Texans to come.   3/14/2023   El blog de l'Ajuntament de Tarragona.   5/20/2023   TGR Foundation. Tiger Woods, TGR. Through our award-winning STEM curricula and college-access programs, we offer underserved students the tools needed to thrive in school and beyond.   4/25/2023   The Toulouse Graduate School provides the resources and a supportive environment needed to launch a successful career in pursuit of your dreams.   1/1/2024   Sociedad Andaluza de Educación Matemática Thales.   11/08/2019   Historia de la Astronomía.   31/03/2020   The Hitchcock Zone is a collection of web sites and blogs relating to the life and career of director Alfred Hitchcock (1899–1980).   14/03/2015   "1000 Frames of Hitchcock" is an attempt to reduce each of the 52 available major Hitchcock films down to just 1000 frames.   1/28/2023   AquA. The Art Quilt Association. Our mission is to explore textile manipulation and the diversity of mixed media as an art form.   1/7/2023   Thomas Stuart Hall. Photographer and Designer. I am an artist and explorer. I have taken photos across America and back, and I feel like I’m only getting started.   08/06/2020   School of Theatre. Founded in 1973 under the vision and leadership of then-Dean Richard G. Fallon, the School of Theatre enjoys a national reputation, in large part, because of the excellence of its undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as a gifted faculty of nationally recognized professional artists/educators.   14/12/2020   The Bahamas Guide is your independent portal to Bahamas travel, vacation and business in the Islands of the Bahamas, with restaurant reviews, hotel information, breaking news, exclusive discounts and promotions, and so much more.   4/20/2022   The Bass. Miami Beach’s contemporary art museum. The Bass Museum of Art is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization accredited by the American Alliance of Museums.   26/11/2020   The Birder's Report. Bird Sightings, Birds In The News, Bird Photos, Birdhouses and Feeders, Bird Conservation, Egg and Nest Identification.   4/5/2022   Specialty Grain Mill. Custom milling buckwheat, wheat flour, and more specialty grains since 1797!   17/02/2021   The Book Binder's Daughter. Book Review Blog. My reading choices are rather eclectic and all over the place. I enjoy reading a wide range of books including literature in translation, classics, poetry, history and travel writing.   23/04/2019   The Bramall. With a seating capacity of 450 and world class acoustics, the main auditorium in the Bramall provides an intimate environment for both performers and the audience – the perfect setting for enjoying entertaining comedy nights and classical music evenings.   10/21/2022   Breaking News from your Local News Source Leader in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. The Business Farmer. The best source for breaking and local news serving Scottsbluff County, Scottsbluff, Nebraska (NE).   03/06/2021   The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is a national organization dedicated to training and educating U. S. citizens in responsible uses of firearms and airguns through gun safety training, marksmanship training and competitions.   12/24/2023   The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Students of all ages and backgrounds graduate as socially and globally aware citizens with critical writing and thinking skills that enable them to succeed in a wide range of careers.   3/25/2023   The Conservative Caucus. Founded in 1974, The Conservative Caucus is the face of Grassroots America. Our adversaries are the power-mad, corrupt, anti-American Left aka the “Woke” whose only mission is to erode our freedoms with the far-left, extreme agenda.   5/18/2022   The Courier. For Findlay community and local news, trust The Courier. You can trust The Courier for the most up to date local and community news, sports, and more.   24/03/2020   The Centre for Performance Research (CPR) was established in Cardiff in 1988. It is the successor to Cardiff Laboratory Theatre, formed in 1974. CPR is a multi-faceted arts organization, working nationally and internationally.   23/01/2022   The Creative Coalition. America Needs the Arts. In 1989, a group of writers, actors, producers, directors, agents, designers and lawyers from the entertainment world and founded The Creative Coalition.   2/19/2023   Crosby, North Dakota. Welcome to scenic NW North Dakota where Crosby is the largest community in Divide County. Our hospitable small town hosts a variety of annual events.   7/5/2022   Maryland Daily Record. Business news, legal news, government news and real estate news.   3/18/2023   Salvador Dalí Museum. Visit an unparalleled collection of works by renowned artist Salvador Dalí, from iconic melting clocks to imaginative visual illusions and avant-garde symbols.   5/23/2023   The Democratic Strategist. Political Strategy for a Permanent Democratic Majority. As The Democratic Strategists’ editorial philosophy states, the publication will be “proudly partisan, firmly and insistently based on facts and data and emphatically open to all sectors and currents of opinion within the Democratic community”.   8/21/2022   Cody Canada & The Departed.   21/01/2021   The DFIR Report. Real Intrusions by Real Attackers, The Truth Behind the Intrusion.   07/06/2020   The Dissolve, the home for movie lovers.   6/19/2022   The Daily Mississippian. The University of Mississippi's independent, student-run newspaper since 1911.   17/08/2020   Thomas J. Dodd Research Center. Devoted to the theme of human rights, the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center honors Thomas Dodd’s service as Executive Trial Counsel in the International Military Tribunal, the first of the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials.   11/07/2015   The Evening Class. "Cinema is the evening class for discriminating adults". Ousmane Sembene.   10/09/2019   The Film Experience has been recognized as "a pretty hip blog" (The New York Times), "always worthwhile" (In Contention), and "exuberant, optimistic and quick-witted" (Vanity Fair).   28/02/2017   The Flying Monkey Squad.   09/04/2020   The Food Pornographer.   13/05/2019   Great Gift Ideas for Mushroom Lovers!. Theforagerpress is our original web site, which started out as a labor of love by company founder, Roy Reehil.   09/04/2020   The Forager's Virtual Wild Food Field Guide. Wild Food Field Guide to Leeks, Morels, Brook Trout, Chanterelles, Black Trumpets, Porchini and Hen of the Woods.   24/05/2018   The Franklin Journal. Your Community, Your News.   13/02/2016   The Free Directory UK. The Free Directory UK offers British orientated web sites a free direct text link to your website with No reciprocal link required.   13/10/2014   TheFreeSite is the best place to find freebies, freeware, free stuff, samples, downloads, email, games, free software, fonts, Webmaster freebies, MP3s, sweepstakes, contests, coupons, catalogs, free food.   26/02/2020   The Golden Ear. Pete Boyd’s website. A complete, unified, organisation-wide, computing system. Roaming Computing System.   25/10/2020   The Good Reader. For the love of reading. My thoughts on fiction and poetry, mainly, but not exclusively, from the earlier part of the twentieth century. With some films and audiobooks as the mood takes me.   10/13/2023   The Great Crusades. Like the bands they admire, such as Camper Van Beethoven, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and Kaiser Chiefs, the Great Crusades seem to be in it for the long haul—still writing outstanding tunes and playing mind-blowing live shows.   8/20/2023   The Guatemalan Tomorrow Fund. Supporting Guatemalan Employment, Education & Healthcare.   24/03/2020   Gulbenkian is the University of Kent’s Arts Centre offering innovative, engaging and high quality arts activity for the public, staff and students.   24/10/2019   The Gutsy Gourmet. International Recipe Source. International recipes from around the world, world recipes, Barbecue and Grilling recipes, Dungeness crab recipes, Seafood, Cookbooks, Soul Food.   21/01/2021   The Hacker News (THN) is a leading, trusted, widely-acknowledged dedicated cybersecurity news platform, attracting over 8 million monthly readers including IT professionals, researchers, hackers, technologists, and enthusiasts.   1/1/2024   Seguridad en Sistemas y Técnicas de Hacking. TheHackerWay (THW).   24/03/2020   The Happy Foodie site, supported by Penguin Random House, will bring you inspiring recipes from renowned cooks and chefs, including Nigella Lawson, Mary Berry, Yotam Ottolenghi and Rick Stein.   5/18/2023   The Hill. Covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill.   02/12/2021   The Historians Manifesto. Book reviews and a discussion of history's place in modern society.   30/05/2018   Iconista. Darlings! So glad you came. Make yourself at home while I fix my face. Feel free to pry and poke about, and mix me a martini for heaven's sake.   15/08/2021   Institute for Humane Studies. A Home for Classical Liberal Ideas. IHS supports & partners with professors teaching & researching of classical liberal ideas, and advancing higher ed’s core purpose.   08/02/2022   The Grand Island Independent. Read breaking news for Grand Island, Nebraska, weather, traffic, crime, sports, entertainment, politics, and more from The Grand Island Independent.   19/11/2020   The Inspire Project, Inc is a non-profit scientific educational corporation that provides engaging opportunities for students to observe naturally occurred Very Low Frequency (VLF) waves generated by lightning and in the process gain hands-on, real world experience in science and electronics.   05/09/2021   The Intercept. Fearless, adversarial journalism that holds the powerful accountable.   10/12/2023   The Kojo Nnamdi Show. Connecting your neighborhood with the world. The live magazine program highlighted news, political issues and social trends of the day and includes listener’s calls, emails and tweets.   04/12/2021   The Madison Record. Madison, Newspapers, Schools, Breaking News, Sports, Weather, Churches.   31/03/2020   Film critiques, biographies, image galleries, multimedia from dozens of Classic Hollywood's greatest stars.   28/09/2016   Ronald Colman was the personification of the gentleman hero, a type that was perhaps already 'Olde World' when Colman reigned as a star over fifty years ago. His idealism, integrity, and graciousness belong to a time that has since disappeared altogether.   4/15/2023   The Mercury. The Manhattan Mercury is the daily newspaper in Manhattan, Kansas. The Mercury has a long and distinguished history. It has operated as a daily newspaper since 1909. It was founded as a weekly publication in 1884.   26/02/2022   The Michigan Star Newspaper. MI Star is an online Newspaper that covers Local News, Latest Business, Political News & News Headlines in and around Michigan.   5/17/2022   The Morning News (TMN). We strive to bring you the very best of what’s interesting on the web, from breaking news to slow-tempo analysis, personal essays and restaurant trivia, investigative reporting, weird headlines, and videos from every era of David Bowie’s career.   14/07/2016   This website is dedicated to providing users with an extensive collections of web-links to the most popular movie trailers, film clips, TV spots or movie-related videos offered on the web.   3/21/2022   The Music Parlour.   14/12/2020   The Nassau Guardian. News and views that matter. Since 1844.   17/02/2021   The New Press amplifies progressive voices for a more inclusive, just, and equitable world. As a nonprofit public-interest publisher, we leverage books, diverse voices, and media engagement to facilitate social change, enrich public discourse, and defend democratic values.   24/08/2020   The Official Website of The Murray State News. Murray, Kentucky. The Murray State News helps advertisers direct their message to the University community and beyond. Murray State University is a prime example of one of those widened demographics.   12/16/2023   The History Education Network. Our goal is to create more research-informed practice (from kindergarten to graduate school) and more practice-informed research through dialogue among these various communities.   10/31/2023   The History Education Network/Histoire et éducation en réseau (THEN/HiER) is a collaborative network across the diverse fields of history, history education and school history teaching in Canada.   17/02/2021   Saptamanal de informatie si analiza culturala. The Observer Translation Project is an international magazine of Romanian writing in translation. Launched in September 2008, OTP showcases previously untranslated fiction.   8/18/2022   Theology Library. Spring Hill College.   4/5/2022   14th Century Oxford Theology. Fourteenth-century English philosopher and theologian John Wyclif has long been recognized as a figure of pivotal importance for understanding later medieval Europe.   5/20/2023   Theory Group. University of Chicago Computer Science. In the intellectual environment of the University of Chicago, a university dedicated to fundamental research in all areas, our Theory group graduated a number of outstanding doctoral students.   13/02/2016   Theory is a website of materials about the mass media and its relationship to people's identities, gender, sexuality and behaviour. Resources include info, essays, reviews, links and more. Theorists include Giddens, Foucault, Butler.   09/02/2016   THEORY NOW.   11/27/2022   The Other McCain. One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up. Arthur Koestler.   17/02/2021   Poets' Corner. Introduction, Overview, and Index Summary. A large and comprehensive collection of Poetry indexed by author, title and subject.   08/06/2020   The Paper of Montgomery County. Crawfordsville, Indiana.   02/02/2022   The Penobscot Times. Your Community, Your News. Serving the Old Town-Orono area, including Milford, Bradley, Greenbush, Greenfield, Alton, Argyle, Veazie, and Indian Islans.   1/29/2023   The People's Cube. Political Satire. Political humor and satire from the original Party Organ of Record.   13/07/2021   Boston Phoenix. Local News, Events, Music, Restaurants, Reviews, Arts and Entertainment. The Phoenix - award-winning, incisive journalism and the most comprehensive arts-and-entertainment listings in New England.   24/03/2020   Play Scrabble and Super Scrabble on-line, supports two, three, and four player regular 15 x 15 games and five and six player 21 x 21 Super Scrabble games.   17/02/2021   The Psychologist is the only publication of its kind in the UK. If you are interested in human behaviour and what makes us tick, The Psychologist is the magazine for you.   24/05/2018   The Rangeley Highlander. Your Community, Your News.   04/01/2021   The Rap Sheet.   24/04/2020   Traditional Irish music on The Session. An online community dedicated to traditional Irish music. Find tunes, recordings, sessions and events.   05/06/2019   The Sheridan Press has served Sheridan County, Wyoming, since 1887. The award-winning independent newspaper offers print and online news delivery platforms to the thriving community, which boasts a college; a lively arts, culture, and music scene; a bustling downtown; and many other amenities, including unlimited outdoor recreational opportunities.   24/03/2020   The Sixteen is one of the world’s most renowned choirs. Join us on a journey through 400 years of music with our 2020 season.   24/03/2020   Miklos Kiss. The Sixth Land of Miklos Kiss, artist, painter and photographer living in London.   28/10/2021   The Society Pages (TSP) is an open-access social science project headquartered in the Department of Sociology at the University of Minnesota and supported by individual donors.   11/16/2023   The Star Phoenix. Read latest breaking news, updates, and headlines. The Star Phoenix offers information on latest national and international events & more.   4/15/2023   The Sunflower. Wichita State's independent, student-run news source. The Sunflower was founded in 1896, and has been serving as the primary news source for Wichita State and the surrounding community ever since.   03/02/2016   Sun Ship. Welcome! A blog for the consideration of vinyl only rarities, and unheralded artists on predominately jazz labels.   12/16/2022   The Tangerine Magazine. The Tangerine is a Belfast-based magazine of new writing. It will cover culture and politics, and will be published three times a year.   4/5/2022   The Tech. Weekly student newspaper of the Massachusetts Institute Technology in Cambridge. Covering MIT news, opinion, arts, sports, and campus life.   23/05/2019   The Tech Talk. The student voice of Louisiana Tech.   28/09/2021   The Roving Van Gelders. Chronicling the adventures of an elite experiential marketing team. From the nine years on the road to new adventures in Portland, OR. We are the Roving Van Gelders and we can’t wait to see you down the road.   01/03/2020   The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall Page. Database of the 58,195 Names on The Wall in Wash,D.C. This is the most accurate database online. Military Reunions, Screensavers, Rubbings, Personal Guestbook for all Names.   9/2/2023   The Walrus. Canada's Conversation. The Walrus provokes new thinking and sparks conversation on matters vital to Canadians including politics, the environment, business, and society.   22/06/2016   Game Theories. Online fantasy games have booming economies and citizens who love their political systems. Are these virtual worlds the best place to study the real one? By Clive Thompson. September 12, 2012.   11/1/2022   Western News. Serving south Lincoln County since 1902.   14/04/2015   The Wicked Thing. Louie Louie WipeOut The Sufrin Bird.   23/02/2022   The Wild West. This site is dedicated to my grandfather Willian Keith of the Cherokee Nation, born in Caddo, OK.   13/09/2015   Dear readers (or should i say listeners) of this blog, I started “The World’s Jukebox” last year in parralel with my other blogs “Times ain’t like they used to be” and “The Old, Weird America” to present some tracks of ethnic and regional music from all around the world that i enjoyed.   13/09/2015   Things & Stuff & Music.   08/09/2018   전문가들이 제공하는 증권정보 :: 씽크풀   17/02/2020   Think Progress.   9/23/2023   Third Coast Review. Chicago Arts and Culture, Curated. We’ve been bringing you previews, reviews, features, interviews and more about theater, movies, music, museums, visual arts, video games, books and food since January 2016.   4/30/2023   Biblical Education. For the World. Our goal is to make seminary-level education available to Evangelical Christians in their own lands, in their own languages, for free.   15/02/2016   Third Way magazine is a monthly magazine dedicated to Christian thinking on culture, society, economics and politics.   19/02/2022   Thistledown Press is a 45-year-old publishing company embarking on a new phase of its existence with a change of ownership in fall 2020.   15/11/2021   The Hits Just Keep On Comin'. Our Top 40 Past . . . in the Present.   17/08/2020   Times Herald. Forrest City, Arkansas.   5/18/2022   Thomas Paine National Historical Association. Our mission is designed to ensure Paine's rightful place in history as a preeminent founder of the United States of America, and the key political theorist in the age of democratic revolutions around the world.   10/01/2021   Thomas P.M. Barnett. A blog about globalization's evolution and America's role in enabling its worldwide spread.   15/02/2016   Auf diesen Seiten finden sie Informationen über die „erste“ Crew der B-24J „Ark Angel“ und über die Angriffe auf Misburg.   11/7/2023   Thunderbird School of Global Management. The vanguard of global leadership, management, and business education for the digital age.   02/02/2021   The Intelligent Systems Division (Ames Code TI) provides leadership in information technology for NASA by conducting mission-driven, user-centered computational sciences research, developing and demonstrating innovative technologies.   24/03/2020   Tianjin under Nine Flags. Virtual Tianjin. Projet Director: Robert Bickers. University of Bristol.   03/11/2016   The Irish Ancestral Research Association. TIARA is a non-profit organization established to develop and promote the growth, study and exchange of ideas among people and organizations interested in Irish genealogical and historical research and education.   24/03/2020   The Tibet Album: British Photography in Central Tibet 1920-1950. The Tibet Album presents more than 6000 photographs spanning 30 years of Tibet's history.   4/25/2023   NOAA's Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) is the authoritative source for accurate, reliable, and timely tides, water levels, currents, and other coastal oceanographic and meteorological information.   15/04/2020   Tiempo. La Noticia Digital. Periódico digital en tiempo real con información preferentemente del estado de Chihuahua y diversas secciones. En línea desde el 10 de marzo de 1998, pionero en su tipo en el mundo.   23/08/2020   Tiempo. Noticias de última hora y sucesos de Honduras. Deportes, Ciencia y Entretenimiento en general.   11/16/2023   Tiempo del Este. Portal de noticias de la Zona Este de Mendoza, Argentina.   1/1/2024   Tiempo Habitual Online. Ana Gómez. Periodista dominicana.   11/16/2022   Librería Cyberdark. Tu librería de de ciencia ficción, fantasía, terror y misterio en Internet.   1/1/2024   Edad de Plata. Publicaciones de la Residencia de Estudiantes. Catálogo y tienda en línea.   22/07/2020   Guggenheim Bilbao tienda online de diseño y arte. Compre libros Guggenheim. Encuentre en la tienda online del Museo Guggenheim libros del museo y libros para analizar las obras de Guggeneim Bilbao.   8/29/2022   Catálogos, guías y otras publicaciones del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza. Encuentra en nuestra Tienda Online publicaciones propias de nuestras exclusivas exposiciones realizadas en el Museo Nacional Thyssen Bornemisza o las guías oficiales.   13/03/2017   TIERRA: Red Temática de Ciencias de la Tierra. Iniciativa científica y de comunicación interdisciplinar relacionada con las Ciencias de la Tierra que integra transversalmente, y de manera multidisciplinar, expertos y recursos de distintas instituciones.   11/07/2015   Tierra de Cinéfagos.   12/11/2020   Tierras de Burgos. Rincones, Costumbres, Senderismo, Patrimonio, Iniciativas... de la provincia de Burgos; especialmente si son semidesconocidos o minusvalorados.   1/1/2024   Toronto International Film Festival. TIFF is a charitable cultural organization with a mission to transform the way people see the world, through film.   1/1/2024   TIGERweb. The applications allow users to select features and view their attributes, to search for features by name or geocode, and to identify features by selecting them from a map.   13/10/2014   Richard Jensen is a scholar with many books and articles; he was professor of history for over 35 years at several schools, including the University of Illinois, Harvard, Michigan, West Point, and Moscow State University.   07/09/2018   Le Centre Interlangues réunit des chercheurs issus de l'UFR Langues et Communication: anglicistes, hispanistes, italianistes, germanistes et des collègues littéraires.   12/12/2020   The Texas International Law Journal is a student-run organization that delivers leading scholarship related to international legal, theoretical, and policy analysis.   10/20/2023   Timbalers i Lluert de Castellvell del Camp.   2/6/2023   Timber. Twice a year Timber publishes a selection of prose, poetry, and visual text-work, along with rolling interviews and reviews with contemporary writers and artists.   11/22/2023   TIME. Created in 1923, TIME began as the first weekly news magazine: a digest of world events, for busy people to read.   4/25/2023   TIME Magazines. News and current events from around the globe. Since 1923.   20/02/2018   Lightbox. TIME.   11/04/2019   History. Time. Read the latest stories about History on Time.   11/04/2019   Motto. Time. Read the latest stories about Motto on Time.   11/04/2019   Tech. Time. Read the latest stories about Tech on Time.   20/02/2018   The TIME Magazine Vault.   25/04/2019   Time After Time Book. What are the limits of imagination? Of language? And of reality? In their new book Kaisa & Christoffer take upon themselves to explore the world of mythology and how age old myths can still today enrich the lives of those who take the time to study them with care.   25/04/2019   Welcome to the Chronology of World War II presented by Florida State University's Institute on World War II and the Human Experience. This timeline is designed to showcase many photographs and great collections that the Institute holds and protects.   07/07/2016   Times are changing, but not me.   15/04/2020   The Times of India. News Today: Read Today's Live News on Sports, Business, Entertainment, Blogs and Opinions from leading columnists. Times of India brings the Breaking News and Latest News Headlines from India and around the World.   23/12/2019   Tim Klimowicz is an award-winning interactive designer & developer based in New York City. After studying Graphic Design at the School of Visual Arts, Tim went on to spend a decade at MediaStorm.   01/09/2020   Tinta da China. A Tinta da china é uma editora de livros independente que foi criada em Agosto de 2005.   10/20/2023   Tinta xinesa. Cada setmana del món una poesia o les impressions d'un llibre.   05/04/2020   Der Tintling enthält Pilze. Pilzkundliche Fachzeitschrift in deutscher Sprache, Format DIN-A-5, mit dichten Informationen über Pilze und frei von Werbung.   31/07/2019   Fabrication maison de jouets en tôle, tin toys mécaniques, sténopés.   01/03/2020   Indice de temas Tipografia: origens, formas e uso das letras. Um guia para tipografia histórica e contemporânea, de Paulo Heitlinger. Tipografia, a apresentaçáo de todos os temas relacionados com a história e actualidade dos tipos.   10/08/2019   Tirant al cap.Tirant al cap. El món del llibre i l'edició (entre d'altres...).   24/10/2019   Tiritinyam.   26/03/2020   Tirol.ORF. Alle Nachrichten des ORF aus Tirol, aktuelle News zu Sport, Politik, Chronik, Kultur, Breaking News, Rezepte, Frequenzen, und Inhalte von Radio Tirol und Tirol heute sowie zum ORF Landesstudio Tirol.   7/17/2022   NYU Tisch School of the Arts. Founded in 1965, the Tisch School of the Arts is one of the nation’s leading centers for professional training and scholarship and research in the performing and media arts.   12/27/2020   Tisch Library and its branches - the Lilly Music Library and the W. Van Alan Clark, Jr. Library at the SMFA -- embrace Tufts University's mission wholeheartedly.   20/02/2020   Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien. TITUS.   1/1/2024   TITUS. Author: Wolfram von Eschenbach. Book: Parzival. On the basis of the edition by Albert Leitzmann, Wolfram von Eschenbach, 1.-3. Heft: Parzival, 7. / 5. Auflage, Tübingen 1959-1961 (Altdeutsche Textbibliothek, 12.-14.).   09/02/2016   TITUS Unicode Font Download Page.   07/09/2018   TITUS. Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text- und Sprachmaterialien.   11/11/2019   Thesaurus Indogermanischer Text - und Sprachmaterialien.   05/01/2021   Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini. Il primo dizionario storico dell'italiano antico che nasce direttamente in rete fondato da Pietro G. Beltrami.   01/03/2020   TLIon. Tradizione della letteratura italiana online. TLIon DB è la banca dati di TLIon. Offre agli utenti della Rete, in consultazione libera e gratuita, un repertorio a schede, per autore e per opera, della tradizione dei testi della letteratura italiana.   3/8/2023   Theory and Method in Biosciences group applies the philosophy of science to contemporary biological and biomedical research.   12/13/2022   The TNGenWeb Project is part of the national USGenWeb Project and is the home of a network of volunteers working to provide you with genealogical & historical content for each of Tennessee's 95 counties.   1/29/2023   Le Théâtre du Nouveau Monde produit et diffuse les œuvres majeures des répertoires international et national en accordant une grande place à la création.   2/22/2023   Tennessee State Museum. Nashville Attractions. Visit the Tennessee State Museum to learn more about the history of the state of Tennessee and to view historic artifacts from our nation's history.   1/29/2023   TN Petróleo. Neste cenário, a Benício Biz Editores lança a TN Petróleo, a primeira revista especializada em tecnologia e negócios dos setores de petróleo e gás do Brasil.   25/01/2020   Toby Handfield is a Professor of Philosophy in the School of Philosophical, Historical, and International Studies at Monash University.   31/03/2020   Toccata y fuga. El blog de Torpedo 1972.   07/11/2015   AgriLife Today. News and updates about Texas A&M AgriLife.   19/09/2018   Hi. My name is Omar. I'm an Iraqi American born and raised in Baghdad and living in Washington DC. Middle East analyst, beer brewer, freethinker, student of history, science nerd, and former dentist.   23/04/2020   Estudio de diseño gráfico y comunicación con sede en Barcelona fundado en 2007.   07/11/2015   TodoPalencia nace como portal web con la intención de dar cabida a todos los contenidos que se pueden encontrar en Internet y estén relacionados con Palencia.   10/20/2023   Todoreh.   11/16/2023   Noticias Deportivas del Perú el Mundo. Todo Sport.   11/16/2023   Compañeros Unidos para la Descolonización de Puerto Rico (PR).   07/11/2015   El portal del ferrocarril en castellano. Todo Trenes es el portal del ferrocarril y la mejor guía de viajes en tren por Europa. Encuentra billetes de tren, pases de tren, rail pass, Eurail pass y más.   07/09/2018   Groningen is een bruisende studentenstad. De jongste stad van Nederland kent een lange, roerige geschiedenis en dat is te zien aan de historische pakhuizen, hofjes en gebouwen.   5/16/2022   Transitions. Our network of local and international contributors examine the news and trends shaping the region. We serve as a platform for the region’s independent journalists to cover topics often underreported in their home countries.   24/07/2020   Welcome to Tolkien Gateway, the J.R.R. Tolkien encyclopedia that anyone can edit. 11,835 articles, 49,519 pages and 11,167 images.   21/01/2018   El equipo de Tomar la Palabra está integrado por cubanos que residimos en la diáspora. Todos nos hemos conocido interactuando en los diferentes foros de los llamados blog oficialistas cubanos.   03/02/2016   La Vilaplana del segle XXI.   10/20/2023   Tomba que gira...  (que gira que tomba). Ramon Fontdevila i Subirana.   03/08/2020   The Apache Tomcat software is an open source implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies.   04/08/2020   "The Rant" by Tom Degan. Welcome to The Rant! Your very own electronic cesspool of naughty, left wing propaganda. Made in America!!!   7/5/2022   Tom Polger. Department of Philosophy. University of Cincinnati.   20/11/2020   Tønsberg og Færder Bibliotek.   25/02/2020   The Tor Project. Privacy & Freedom Online. Defend yourself against tracking and surveillance. Circumvent censorship.   17/07/2020   TUHH Open Research (TORE). Publications with fulltext. Technische Universität Hamburg.   10/30/2023   Toronto Field Naturalists. We connect people with nature in the Toronto area, helping them to understand, enjoy, and protect Toronto’s green spaces and the species that inhabit them.   10/21/2022   Breaking News from your Local News Source Leader in Torrington, Wyoming. The Torrington Telegram. The best source for breaking and local news serving Torrington, Goshen County, Wyoming.   13/02/2016   Totalcar.   3/14/2023   Tot Barcelona. Si quieres ascender, piensa claro y habla oscuro (Dicho jesuita).   16/03/2020   Tot ben marinat! Al blog petit hi ha la bona confitura!   09/09/2019   Légifotók Magyarországról. Légifelvételek Magyarországról. Légifotó gyűjtemény sok érdekes adattal és képpel azoknak akik ismerik Magyarországot és azoknak, akik még nem!.   07/09/2018   La Tour du Valat, institut de recherche pour la conservation des zones humides méditerranéennes, mène de nombreuses activités avec des partenaires au Nord et au Sud du bassin méditerranéen.   13/09/2015   Tour of Italy. Images. Destination - Pompeii. A tour of over half of the ruins of Pompeii.   3/21/2022   Townes Van Zandt.   3/21/2023   Townhall. Conservative News, Cartoons, Top Stories & Commentary. Townhall is the leading source for conservative news, political cartoons, breaking stories, election analysis and commentary on politics and the media culture.   07/07/2018   Karl Svozil. Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technische Universität Wien.   07/07/2018   Set theory and physics. K. Svozil. Institut für Theoretische Physik. University of Technology Vienna.   1/1/2024   Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is the place to find information about Texas state parks, hunting, fishing, licenses, wildlife, Game Wardens, boat registration and more.   10/4/2022   Wildlife Fact Sheets. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.   10/4/2022   Kids. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. Ideas, activities, and fun facts about the Outdoors for Kids and Educators.   10/4/2022   Land & Water. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department.   10/4/2022   Texas State Parks. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. A system of parks, historic sites & natural areas.   17/07/2020   Os trabalhos e os dias.   3/14/2023   Traces és un projecte del Departament de Filologia Catalana de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, nascut el 1987 per iniciativa de Jordi Castellanos i Vila i del Grup d'Estudis de Literatura Catalana Contemporània (GELCC).   3/11/2023   Tracey Campbell Pearson is the author and illustrator of many children’s books, including Bob, which Booklist called “a visual treat,” and a series of board books including Diddle, Diddle, Dumpling, a Parenting Magazine Best Book of the Year.   11/04/2020   トレーダーズ・ウェブは、株式・情報を配信する総合投資情報サイトです。株式ニュース、ニュース、中国株ニュース、株価、チャート、経済指標はもちろん、レーティング、話題の銘柄、先物手口、情報といった人気の株式情報も無料で提供しています。   5/20/2023   Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine is the savvy trader's guide to profiting in any market. Every month, we provide serious traders with information on how to apply charting, numerical, and computer trading methods to trade stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, forex and futures.   23/08/2020   Traders World Magazine. Traders World magazine is the official magazine of technical analysis. Covers both classical and modern technical analysis. Published since 1986.   8/21/2022   Temple Bar TradFest 2023 has always embraced change. With our annual Dublin music festival TradFest present a joyful celebration of Irish identity.   11/04/2020   Trading Charts. Free Market Quotes, Charts and News. The source for free market quotes, charts and news - - over 30,000 forex, commodity futures and stock price charts and quotations following a wide array of North American and international forex currencies, futures contracts, and stocks.   01/06/2020   Trad Ireland traditional Irish and country musiclabel contains many rare recordings which include legends such as Micho Russell, Tulla Céilí Band, Richard Fitzgerald, Kilfenora Ceili Band, Shaskeen, PJ Hernon and Tommy Peoples to name a few.   02/03/2016   Les traditions et activités culturelles. Car on aime bien célébrer des fêtes en France, chaque région a ses danses, plats, costumes, légendes, animaux, et jeux caractéristiques.   13/04/2019   A Blog for the study of Traditionalism and the Traditionalists moderated by Mark Sedgwick, a professor in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Aarhus, previously an associate professor at the American University in Cairo, and author of Against the Modern World.   17/02/2021   Editorial Traficantes de Sueños. Especializada en ensayo político bajo licencias Creative Commons.   17/02/2021   Traficantes de Sueños. Libreria. Amplio fondo, con más de 8.000 títulos especializado en pensamiento crítico, movimientos sociales y narrativa de otros mundos.   11/03/2022   History and Heritage Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum. Located in Weston, WV this National Historic Landmark offers walk in Historic and Ghost tours March - November and Ghost Hunts year round.   17/07/2020   Willkommen bei Transenergy! Diese Webseite informiert über ein zentraleuropäisches Projekt, das im Zeitraum April 2010 bis September 2013 durchgeführt worden ist.   10/20/2023   Servei Català de Trànsit. Generalitat de Catalunya.   08/09/2019   Transitsearch. Hundreds of extrasolar planets have been detected in orbit around nearby stars. The discovery that some of these planets can be observed in transit has added an additional element of excitement to the quest for alien solar systems.   02/03/2016   The Observer Translation Project is an international magazine of Romanian writing in translation. Launched in September 2008, OTP showcases previously untranslated fiction. We highlight a “pilot” author each month.   24/01/2016   Greek Translation services and portal, multilingual online dictionaries and resources. is the first Greek Translation Vortal.   12/9/2023   Unidad de Acceso a la Información Pública. Asamblea Legislativa.   08/03/2016   El Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya es va anticipar a l’aprovació la Llei 19/2014, del 29 de desembre, de transparència, accés a la informació pública i bon govern creant el portal de la transparència el juny de 2013.   2/17/2023   Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC). To provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound and fiscally responsible transportation system that delivers economic opportunity and enhances the quality of life in Kentucky.   21/02/2022   ND Roads. North Dakota Travel Map.   07/01/2022   Travel State. U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Consular Affairs is the public face of the Department of State for millions of people around the world.   09/04/2020   Recipes. The Traveler’s Lunchbox.   29/09/2020   The Traveling Scriptorium is a teaching kit, created by Yale University Library conservators and curators, to support the study of the medieval and early modern book as material artifact.   29/03/2016   Travels with a Sketchbook in.... When I travel, I sketch. When I sketch on my travels I record it here. Plus information about the history and facilities of places I visit and lots of related links for those who want to know more.   18/01/2016   TRAVIAN. мултиплейър стратегическа игра. TRAVIAN е една от най-популярните браузър игри в света. Като играч в TRAVIAN, Вие ще построите своя собствена империя, ще тренирате армия и ще се биете със своите съюзници, за да завладеете света.   06/06/2020   Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies. Generalitat de Catalunya.   06/06/2020   Transparència. Govern obert. El nou país que estem construint reclama un govern de portes obertes, de ciutadans actius i de polítiques compartides en què els ciutadans puguin confiar en les institucions.   26/04/2017   Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies.   12/12/2015   Tregua infecunda. Tiempo de pensar sin miedos.   16/03/2020   Ramon Tremosa. Eurodiputat.   1/1/2024   Trent Radio, 92.7FM in Peterborough, is a Producer-Oriented broadcast facility, that started as a TrentU student club in 1968.   5/14/2022   Tres Hermanas. El sello Tres Hermanas Ediciones nace en 2015 con el objetivo de hacerse un hueco en el campo de la literatura de calidad.   10/21/2022   The Casper Star-Tribune is Wyoming’s premiere source for news and information. Casper, Wyoming.   24/06/2021   The Office of Indian Affairs was established in 1951 by the Montana legislature to facilitate effective tribal-state communications with special attention to the discussion and resolution of issues that Indian peoples face regarding their unique political status and as full citizens of the state of Montana.   25/11/2021   The Tribune-Review is a multi-platform news organization, covering the Steelers, Pirates, Penguins and Western Pennsylvania.   20/12/2016   Steelers. TribLIVE.   20/09/2016   Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.   03/02/2016   LÍNEAS PERSONALES. Política e historias de Rodrigo Murillo Bianchi.   01/02/2021   Trinity College of Arts & Sciences is the heart of Duke University, second in faculty size only to Duke's top ranked School of Medicine.   2/8/2023   Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research. When native birds have been found injured, orphaned, or ill, the community turns to Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research.   30/07/2021   Tri-State Jazz Society, formed in 1988, is dedicated to the preservation and live performance of early jazz, including traditional New Orleans, Dixieland, swing, ragtime, stride piano and boogie-woogie.   3/14/2023   Corpus des Troubadours. Institut d'Estudis Catalans. La cultura trobadoresca (i no només la seva lírica) és una peça fonamental i fundacional del tarannà europeu, i que s’ha d’analitzar sempre amb una perspectiva rigorosa, universal i actual.   02/02/2020   Trovacinema. I film, le sale, i cinema di tutta Italia. Programmazione completa delle uscite nelle sale cinematografiche.Oltre 4500 schermi in tutte le città e comuni d'Italia. Orari, film, cast, critica, trailer, locandina e durata.   10/20/2023   Trove. Australia’s free online research portal. Trove is a collaboration between the National Library of Australia and hundreds of Partner organisations around Australia.   11/11/2019   Trowel is a student run journal and is a great opportunity for undergraduates, graduates, and post-graduates to gain experience with the editing and publishing processes while also adding to their personal bibliography and CV.   13/09/2015   MARX MADERA - Los Hermanos Marx.   10/04/2018   In-Class Exercises. These exercises can be conducted in one class period - one hour or less. I've divided the exercises into the categories below, although the categories overlap. Respect the wishes of students who feel uncomfortable about participating in an experiential teaching exercise.   10/04/2018   Teaching Clinical Psychology. John Suler, Ph.D - Rider University. This site is devoted to sharing ideas and resources for teaching courses that cover topics related to clinical psychology, especially at the undergraduate level. My orientation is a mix of psychodynamic, humanistic, and eastern perspectives, and strongly emphasizes experiential "hands-on" learning.   22/12/2021   True Riches Radio. Welcome to the official online home of True Riches Radio, a unique Bible teaching podcast and the True Riches Academy, an online Bible teaching center that educates, equips, and empowers believers.   12/19/2022   The Traditional Small Craft Association, Inc., is a nonprofit educational organization working to preserve and continue the living traditions, skills, lore, and legends surrounding working and pleasure watercraft whose origins predate the marine gasoline engine.   12/4/2022   Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library. Sparking curiosity and connecting our community through literacy and learning. Public library serving Topeka and Shawnee County, Kansas.   26/05/2020   TSETMC.  شرکت مدیریت فناوری بورس تهران   12/16/2023   Poder Judicial del Estado de Tabasco, México.   12/13/2022   Tribal Town of Oklahoma is a Federally -recognized Native American tribe with over 1,000 members. Presently, the Town owns 2,330 acres of land in Okfuskee and Hughes Counties Oklahoma, consisting of trust and fee simple lands.   5/18/2023   Texas Tech University DSpace Repository. DSpace is a digital service that collects, preserves, and distributes digital material. Repositories are important tools for preserving an organization's legacy; they facilitate digital preservation and scholarly communication.   12/07/2019   Digital Collections. We have made the best effort to adhere to all known copyright and rights of privacy, publicity, or trademark of material, but due to the nature of archival and digital academic collections, we are not always able to identify this information.   03/02/2016   Dies ist das Open Access Repository der TUHH. Hier finden Sie frei verfügbare Veröffentlichungen von Angehörigen der TUHH im Volltext. Das Spektrum umfasst einzelne Zeitschriftenartikel, die TUHH-Zeitschrift Spektrum genauso wie an der TUHH verfasste Dissertationen.   3/25/2022   Tucson. Breaking News. Arizona Daily Star. Read the latest news, Arizona Wildcats sports, lifestyle, parenting, business, entertainment, weather, jobs, autos and real estate listings from the Arizona Daily Star.   12/02/2016   Balázs Bárány. Freelancer im Bereich Analytik, mehr Info auf der Homepage.   12/11/2020   Die Technische Universität Dresden hat ihre Wurzeln in der 1828 gegründeten Technischen Bildungsanstalt Dresden. Heute ist sie eine Universität, zu der neben den Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften die Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften sowie die Medizin gehören.   12/11/2020   TU Bergakademie Freiberg. Die Ressourcenuniversität. Seit 1765.   11/4/2022   Tulane University. Founded as The Medical College of Louisiana in 1834 to train New Orleans doctors in the fight against yellow fever and cholera, Tulane has a long history at the forefront of groundbreaking research.   15/09/2021   Research at Tulane. Tulane University. At Tulane, researchers across 10 schools and colleges connect and cross boundaries to make new discoveries.   15/09/2021   Tulanian. The Magazine Of Tulane University. The Tulanian tells the stories of Tulanians—students, alumni, friends and faculty—and how they are changing the world.   25/11/2020   Sede Tumaco. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Como Universidad de la nación fomenta el acceso con equidad al sistema educativo colombiano, provee la mayor oferta de programas académicos, forma profesionales competentes y socialmente responsables.   7/6/2023   Temple University Press. Temple was an early publisher of books in urban studies, housing and labor studies, organizational reform, social service reform, public religion, health care, and cultural studies   10/20/2023   Turistren. Els trens turístics d’FGC. Descobreix Catalunya a bord dels trens turístics de Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya.   21/03/2015   A Time Line of Mathematicians. Click below to see time lines of mathematicians between the dates stated. They show how the lives of the mathematicians overlap.   8/20/2023   Turquinauta, Blog de Rafael Cruz desde Cuba. Un Blog sobre temas de actualidad cubana e internacional.   11/16/2023   Ayuntamiento de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.   11/07/2019   El Tribunal Vasco de Cuentas Públicas. El TVCP es el supremo órgano fiscalizador de las actividades financieras y contables del Sector Público Vasco creado por Ley el 5 de febrero de 1988.   14/07/2016   Retrouvez le Programme TV de toutes les chaînes TNT, Câble et Satellite ainsi que toute l'actu de la Télé, des Séries, des People et de la Télé-Réalité.   14/07/2016   电视猫电视猫为您提供电视剧分集剧情介绍,最新一期综艺节目预告及每周电视节目单;丰富的视频聚合在线观看非常方便,更新速度快。电视猫是您看电视看剧情的必备网站。   7/15/2023   The Vanderbilt Television News Archive began recording broadcasts on August 5, 1968 with the mission to create, preserve and provide access to the news broadcasts from the U.S. national television networks.   14/07/2016   TvNewsLIES. No Distractions, No Deceptions, No Diversions, No Delusions! Your nonprofit alternative source of news and information!   1/1/2024   Agencia de Noticias Independiente. Noticias, entrevistas, reportajes, música, política y cultura. Una producción de diario del pueblo tv. José Luis Ortega Pérez.   14/05/2020   TVXS. TV Χωρίς Σύνορα. ανεξάρτητη ενημέρωση.   04/01/2021   Mark Twain in His Times. Written and Directed by Stephen Railton. Department of English, University of Virginia.   8/21/2022   Twangfest is a music festival in St. Louis featuring the finest twang, rock, pop and soul in the known universe.   8/22/2022   Twangville began in early 2005 by humble means as a place to post playlists for our friends. It wasn’t long before we expanded to covering releases, reviews, downloads, links and more.   04/02/2022   TWCF, Third World Conference Foundation is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that offers analyses, conferences, discussions, peer reviewed publications, consultancies, and selected community youth mentoring activities.   3/21/2022   Twilightzone! Just for your listening pleasure: tune in, turn on, and drop out!   02/01/2022   The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities is among the nation’s top public research universities offering a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs.   12/12/2015   Artilugios. Un poco de lo que hay y un poco de lo que hace falta. BYS, La mayor parte del tiempo un tipo muy centrado.   4/13/2023   Audubon Texas. Protecting Birds in the Lone Star State.   12/13/2022   The Texas Classical Association fosters the teaching of classics and encourages an interest in them in Texas. Membership is open to any current, future, or retired teachers in Texas at all levels from elementary to university.   30/03/2020   Textron Aviation. Manufacturer of Beechcraft and Cessna Aircraft.   30/01/2021   Tygodnik NIE. Opiniotwórczy tygodnik polityczny o satyrycznym charakterze. Ujawnia negatywne zjawiska polityczne, afery gospodarcze, patologie społeczne. Uwaga! Osoby wierzące, wchodząc tu, ryzykują obrazę uczuć religijnych.