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Friday, January 19, 2024

u _ u   13/03/2020   Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. The MCLC Resource Center is the online face of the print journal Modern Chinese Literature and Culture. It publishes online articles and book reviews and sponsors the MCLC LIST.   3/21/2022   U2 Brasil. O maior portal de notícias sobre o U2 do Brasil. Acompanhe notícias e novidades da banda irlandesa no U2BR, o maior portal de notícias sobre o U2 em português desde 2006.   05/02/2020   The University of Alaska Fairbanks, the nation's northernmost Land, Sea, and Space Grant university and international research center, advances and disseminates knowledge through teaching, research and public service with an emphasis on Alaska, the circumpolar North and their diverse peoples.   1/29/2023   The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is a metropolitan research university that provides an accessible, quality education through flexible learning and unparalleled internship opportunities.   3/21/2022   Music Department. University of Arkansas at Little Rock.   20/06/2018   Joe Vick has spent most of his career in Arkansas as a double bassist and string teacher. He received a Bachelors Degree in Music Education from U.A.L.R. and a Masters Degree in Double Bass Performance from Memphis State University.   17/08/2020   The Department of Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies provides excellent integrated education to students at UA Little Rock.   9/1/2023   Universitätsbibliothek. Die größte steirische Bibliothek mit wissenschaftlicher Ausrichtung, universalem Anspruch und öffentlichem Auftrag für die gesamte Region.   01/09/2018   De Bibliotheek UvA/HvA is een inspirerende en gastvrije studie- en onderzoeks- en ontmoetingsplek voor onderzoekers, docenten en studenten, off- en online.   09/07/2018   De Bibliotheek UvA/HvA is een inspirerende en gastvrije studie- en onderzoeks- en ontmoetingsplek voor onderzoekers, docenten en studenten, off- en online.   25/04/2020   Universidad Bolivariana. Universidad a Escala Humana. La Institución se constituye el 5 de noviembre de 1987 y obtiene su Autonomía el 31 de enero de 2002 por el Consejo Superior de Educación.   27/01/2021   Ubú Libros es una librería cultural de viejo y nuevo situada en el centro de Granada. Trabajamos principalmente con editoriales independientes de Poesía y Teatro, aunque también disponemos de un fondo de narrativa y ensayo político, literario y sobre feminismos.   02/02/2021   University of Central Arkansas. UCA. Academic excellence, a vibrant campus, D1 athletics and an energetic college town, all help prepare our students for success here and everywhere else.   12/16/2023   Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas.   1/1/2024   University of Calgary. Here you can transform your inspiration into impact. Top Degree Programs and Research in Canada.   02/04/2021   02/04/2021   02/04/2021   08/03/2020   Торгово-промислова палата України (ТПП України) - недержавна неприбуткова самоврядна організація, яка на добровільних засадах об`єднує юридичних осіб та громадян України, зареєстрованих як підприємці, а також їх об`єднання. Наша мета - розвинений і конкурентоспроможний на світових ринках український бізнес.   10/13/2023   University Catholic Center, UCLA. Education happens both inside and outside the classroom, and the UCC is committed to helping you grow in all dimensions of your life.   7/6/2023   Clermont. UC Clermont meets students right where they are — providing paths to pursue advanced degrees, a foundation for specialty industries, increased earning potential and elevated job placement.   08/03/2020   Sede Mendoza. Universidad Católica de Cuyo. Casa de altos estudios, ubicada en San Juan, Argentina. Más de 60 años de trayectoria. Con una oferta superior a 50 carreras de grado, posgrados, maestrías y doctorados.   08/03/2020   Sede San Luis. Universidad Católica de Cuyo. Casa de Altos Estudios, ubicada en San Luis, Argentina.   8/26/2023   La Universidad del CEMA es una organización sin fines de lucro cuyos inicios datan de 1978. Desde hace 4 décadas forma líderes para el mundo empresarial, político y académico. Actualmente ofrece doce carreras de grado y más de setenta posgrados.   8/26/2023   Biblioteca Adrián Guissarri. UCEMA.   10/20/2023   Unitat contra el feixisme i el racisme. Web del moviment ampli i unitari contra l’extrema dreta.   1/19/2024   Université catholique de Louvain. L'UCLouvain, université internationale engagée dans la société: une multitude de services, des opportunités d'emploi et un espace alumni.   1/19/2024   Institut des civilisations, arts et lettres. UCLouvain.   1/19/2024   University of California Museum of Paleontology. The UCMP’s mission is to promote the understanding of the history of life and the diversity of the Earth’s biota through research, education, and outreach.   01/09/2018   Ústav Českého národního korpusu (ÚČNK) se od svého založení v roce 1994 soustředí zejména na kontinuální a všestranný rozvoj projektu Český národní korpus (ČNK).   19/01/2022   University Of California Natural Reserve System (UCNRS). The UC Natural Reserve System offers outdoor laboratories to field scientists, classrooms without walls for students, and nature’s inspiration to all.   4/23/2022   The University of Connecticut is a national leader among public research universities, with more than 32,000 students seeking answers to critical questions in classrooms, labs, and the community.   7/6/2023   The Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health promotes solutions to food insecurity, poor diet quality, and weight bias through research and policy.   13/07/2021   The Washington Unclaimed Property. One of our top priorities is reuniting owners with their lost or misplaced property.   07/07/2016   UCSB Philosophy Blog. Members of the UCSB Department of Philosophy and anyone else are welcome to talk philosophy with us. Bring your own brain.   07/07/2016   Vox Charta. ArXiv discussions for 338 institutions including IALP-FCAGLP, RSAA-Australian National University, USP Cosmology, PUC-Institute of Astrophysics, and UNLV.   06/11/2021   University of California San Diego. Recognized as one of the top 15 research universities worldwide, our culture of collaboration sparks discoveries that advance society and drive economic impact.   07/07/2016   LibGuides at University of California San Diego.   15/01/2020   Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Instalada en Montevideo y en varias ciudades del interior, la Universidad Católica del Uruguay es la universidad privada más antigua del país y la más extendida geográficamente.   11/11/2020   LibGuides at University of the Cumberlands.   11/11/2020   Welcome to LibGuides at the Cowan. Blakley Memorial Library! Subject guides are developed by librarians to help with specific research needs by subject.   5/21/2022   Tá Údarás na Gaeltachta an ghníomhaireacht Stáit freagrach as forbairt eacnamaíochta, shóisialta agus chultúrtha na Gaeltachta.   11/11/2020   The University of Dayton is a top-tier national Catholic research university with a mission of service and leadership in community.   01/01/2021   The School of Engineering is committed to igniting passion in our students, promoting a dynamic educational environment, cultivating transformational learning experiences, and advancing programs and research that will serve and inspire the world. University of Dayton.   11/1/2023   Women’s Center. University of Dayton, Ohio. We exist to center marginalized identities, cultivate inclusion and belonging, and advocate for equitable practices through research, education and action.   13/07/2018   Fred Adams. This page contains links to papers available online and to information about current books. University of Delaware.   13/07/2018   Richard Hanley. I’m Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Wooloomooloo Delaware. My regular courses tackle things like: metaphysics, time travel, South Park, ethics, and logic.   09/09/2020   UdeMM. Universidad de la Marina Mercante. En 1965 se crea la Fundación Manuel Trigo. Dicha Fundación tuvo el objetivo de canalizar las primeras experiencias de capacitación a nivel Universitario, dirigida a profesionales de la Marina Mercante, que provienen de principios de siglo.   09/09/2020   Universidad de Santander. UDES. Ofrecemos programas de nivel tecnológico, pregrado y posgrado. Somos UDES Internacional con presencia en Bucaramanga, Cúcuta, Valledupar, Bogotá y Campus Virtual.   10/12/2020   Ured za udruge.   9/2/2023   Centro de investigación y formación en Educación Matemática. UED es el centro de investigación y formación en Educación Matemática de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de los Andes. Construimos comunidad en Educación Matemática.   23/03/2020   University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City.   12/11/2020   Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL) at the Computer Science School, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Czech Republic.   10/13/2023   UF Digital Collections. Through University of Florida Digital Collections (UFDC), users have free and Open Access to full unique and rare materials held by the University of Florida and partner institutions.   09/05/2021   The Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature in the Department of Special Collections at the University of Florida's George A. Smathers Libraries contains more than 100,000 volumes published in Great Britain and the United States from the early 1600s through the current year.   07/07/2016   Welcome to University of Florida Health, the Southeast’s most comprehensive academic health center, which encompasses our hospitals, physician practices, colleges, centers, institutes, programs and services across northeast and north-central Florida.   25/04/2019   The University of Florida Academic Health Center is the country’s only academic health center with six health-related colleges located on a single, contiguous campus.   12/06/2017   SAAB 32 Lansen - an overview. Urban F. Aviation.   12/08/2016   Urban F. Aviation.   1/1/2024   Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Com uma história de mais de 60 anos, a UFSC tem a “missão de produzir, sistematizar e socializar o saber filosófico, científico, artístico e tecnológico” e, para tanto, oferece diversas atividades de ensino, pesquisa, extensão e inovação.   28/08/2021   The College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS) is a dynamic academic environment dedicated to the study of human creativity and society, as well as our mental and physical capabilities and conditions. It is the largest and most diverse of the 18 colleges at the University of Houston.   2/21/2023   University of Hawai‘i Press supports the mission of the university through the publication of books and journals of exceptional merit.   11/23/2022   The SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) is a digital library portal for researchers in astronomy and physics, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant.   10/20/2023   UIER. Des de la UIER, (Unió Intersectorial Empresarial del Ripollès), reunim gran part d'empreses de diferents àmbits del Ripollès, per defensar els seus interessos i prestar els serveis al seu costat.   12/16/2023   Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.   22/05/2021   The University of Iowa. Join a global community of renowned artists, pioneering scientists, and faculty dedicated to student success at the University of Iowa. Ranked among the top 5% of universities in the world.   05/05/2019   University Information Technology Services (UITS). University of Arizona.   11/16/2023   Universidad José Antonio Páez. La Universidad es el lugar donde se forjan los sueños y se construyen los caminos hacia el futuro.   08/06/2018   La Unión Judía de Congregaciones de Latinoamérica y el Caribe UJCL nació en Febrero de 1998 en Costa Rica. La Unión surgió de una Primer Conferencia muy exitosa, a la que asistieron representantes de comunidades progresistas judías del área.   22/03/2016   El Servei de Llengües i Terminologia (SLT) és l'encarregat d'organitzar i resoldre totes les necessitats que la Universitat Jaume I té sobre les llengües que fa servir i sobre els models lingüístics que ha d'utilitzar en tots els seus àmbits d'actuació.   15/04/2021   Job Search. Find 1000s of UK Jobs near you. Search thousands of UK jobs near you and apply online today! Search for job vacancies by location or job title to find your perfect next job with Jobsora.   01/09/2018   Yahoo News UK. Latest News, World & UK News Headlines.   12/11/2020   29/03/2016   i-Perception is a new, peer reviewed, open access, sister journal to Perception.   29/03/2016   Perception is a scholarly journal reporting experimental results and theoretical ideas ranging over the fields of human, animal, and machine perception.   16/09/2018   The UK Children's Books. Most of the reviews on this site were originally published on "WordPool, a children’s books review site started in 1999 by children’s author, Diana Kimpton.   15/01/2021   University Library. Be an essential partner in the research, teaching, and learning endeavors of our diverse community.   08/06/2020   The Ulster Herald mainly circulates in the County town of Omagh and surrounding towns and villages.   01/09/2018   Ulteam improvisatietheater bestaat sinds 1996 en is sinds die tijd uitgegroeid tot de grootste improvisatievereniging van Groningen en omstreken! We hebben op dit moment 5 teams, varierend van enthousiaste beginnende tot ervaren semi-professionele spelers.   01/09/2018   The Ulterior Epicure. I live and travel to eat. I am a writer and photographer based in Kansas City, Missouri.   11/26/2022   The Ulterior Epicure. I am a writer and photographer based in Kansas City, Missouri.   25/04/2020   Última Hora. Noticias e información de República Dominicana. Todo lo que te interesa. La Última Hora y más.   09/09/2021   Ulukau: The Hawaiian Electronic Library.   29/06/2021   Udenrigsministeriet. Med rejsevejledninger, nyheder og information om udenrigspolitik, Eksportrådet, Danida, hjælp i udlandet.   12/20/2022   University of Maine is the state's premier public university and is among the most comprehensive higher education institutions in the Northeast.   12/9/2023   Faculty of Science. University of Manitoba. UM's Faculty of Science is focused on world-class research and offers the largest variety of science programs in Manitoba.   27/11/2020   NASA Solar Data Analysis Center. The Solar Data Analysis Center serves data from recent and current space-based solar-physics missions, funds and hosts much of the SolarSoft library, and leads the Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) effort.   6/21/2022   The University of Maryland. A global leader in research, entrepreneurship and innovation, the university is home to more than 40,700 students, 14,000 faculty and staff, and nearly 400,000 alumni all dedicated to the pursuit of Fearless Ideas.   6/17/2023   Department of Physics. University of Maryland. Exploring more than 30 fields of physics, our faculty and students work together on some of today's most cutting edge physics research.   5/10/2023   University of Michigan. A top-ranked public university, the University of Michigan has a tradition of excellence in research, learning and teaching, sports and the arts, and more.   01/09/2018   Um redondo vocábulo. Sarah Adamopoulos.   3/27/2023   Hispasec Una Al Dia. El boletín de noticias sobre ciberseguridad más grande de España actualizado diariamente para estar al tanto de todas las novedades del sector.   5/13/2023   Una cosa molt gran en una de molt petita.   11/16/2023   Una pelea cubana. Sitio para defender a Cuba Socialista. Un país imperfecto, pero bello.   19/11/2020   The Unapologetic Mathematician. Mathematics for the interested outsider. This is mainly an expository blath, with occasional high-level excursions, humorous observations, rants, and musings.   3/21/2022   Uncle Gil's Rockin' Archives.   21/01/2018   Un Cuento Viejo por Enrique García Mieres.   2/19/2023   Grand Forks, ND. The University of North Dakota (UND) is the oldest and largest college in North Dakota, offering 225+ accredited on-campus and online degrees.   1/21/2023   Undercover Reporting. Deception For Journalism's Sake: A Database. This collaboration with NYU Libraries collects many decades of high-impact, sometimes controversial, mostly U.S.-generated journalism that used undercover techniques.   2/24/2023   The Understanding Group (TUG) is about people empowering people to serve other people. It’s all about people, as reflected in the “pace layers” of TUG.   20/02/2020   Underwood Books. We are a publisher specializing in Fantasy Art & Science Fiction, and Self Help/Health related titles.   07/07/2016   DEL THAMES AL PISUERGA. Continuació d'un dietari londinenc.   07/07/2016   Un dietari londinenc.   11/03/2022   Understanding Science. The mission of Understanding Science is to provide a fun, accessible, and free resource that accurately communicates what science is and how it really works.   07/03/2020   Univerzita Komenského, (UK) v Bratislave je moderná európska univerzita. V roku 2019 oslavuje 100. výročie od založenia. Ako jediná slovenská vysoká škola sa pravidelne umiestňuje v celosvetových rebríčkoch najlepších univerzít sveta.   10/3/2023   Unibeth. Universidad Bethesda. La visión de la Universidad Bethesda es ser una organización social dedicada a la Educación Superior de compromiso con el pueblo boliviano.   11/16/2023   Unibeth. La Universidad Bethesda asume el compromiso de formar profesionales con una sólida personalidad. Dotados de principios y valores morales, éticos y bíblicos.   1/19/2024   Debreceni Egyetem. A közel 30 ezer hallgatóból álló diákközösség 14 karon, komoly szakmai értékeket felmutató intézményben gyarapíthatja tudását.   08/03/2020   Albert Ludwigs. Universität Freiburg.   23/01/2022   Unions Directory, Union Jobs, News & Forums. Unions is the #1 Union Resource on the web. Union jobs, news, forums and directory of over 6,000 unions. Check out Unions today!   10/16/2023   Universidade Paulista. A UNIP está presente em mais de 900 localidades no Brasil e promove a formação atualizada dos alunos e sua capacitação para uma sociedade em mudança, por meio de um ensino de qualidade, tecnologicamente avançado e dirigido para o futuro.   17/02/2021   Uniquely Louisiana was produced by the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism Education Council in collaboration with an educational consultant. The Uniquely Louisiana resources are based on the work of many scholars and educational consultants.   15/12/2019   12/14/2022   Daily Universe News. The official newspaper of Brigham Young University since 1956.   10/12/2023   Astrophysics Science Division. Astrophysics research to support astroparticle (gamma-ray and cosmic-ray), x-ray, gravitational-wave, observational cosmology, exoplanet and stellar astrophysics.   27/03/2020   Universe. Looking through a telescope and seeing the cosmos with your own eye is the greatest joy in astronomy. We offer many opportunities for you to share in this experience, guided by University of Toronto astronomers.   10/09/2019   Universidad Europea: Educación y Formación en España. UE. La Universidad Europea es una de las universidades privadas referentes en España con una amplia oferta de estudios universitarios.   04/04/2020   La Universidad Obrera nace como proyecto para difundir el marxismo-leninismo en castellano, surge de la unión de varios escritores, historiadores, abogados  y sociólogos marxistas-leninistas.   23/08/2018   Alle opslag - Universitetshistorisk leksikon. Herunder ses alle opslagene i alfabetisk rækkefølge.   31/03/2016   聖路加国際大学 - 聖路加国際大学公式サイトです。本学の卒業生たちは、質の高い看護を提供する実践者として、看護教育の指導者として、また看護にかかわる政治・行政への参画者、さらに研究者としてその実力を発揮し、社会の高い評価を得ています。   21/12/2020   Antologia do esquecimento.   01/09/2018   Martin Kusch. University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy, Faculty Member.   30/04/2019   Michael Doneus. Director of the Vienna Institute of Archaeological Science.   6/3/2023   Diseño y programación web. Libros y tutoriales gratuitos sobre HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX y otras tecnologías relacionadas con el diseño y la programación web.   19/02/2020   Cecilia A. Esteves. Ilustración & diseño editorial.   09/12/2020   UNOY Peacebuilders is a network of youth-driven peacebuilding organisations from around the world. We currently have more than 100 member organisations in more than 50 countries.   3/14/2023   Un Salt al món.   20/11/2020   Die Ulrich Horstmann Seiten. Ulrich Horstmann, geboren 1949, aufgewachsen unter beredten Büchern im mundfaulsten Teil Westfalens.   5/18/2023   UNT Press. Though we are the newest university press in North Texas (following SMU Press and TCU Press), we have quickly become a leading press with the most titles in print and published (approximately 20-25 each year).   27/11/2020   University Press of Florida. UPF has published over 2,500 volumes since its inception and currently releases nearly 100 new titles each year.   10/09/2019   Catch up on the latest film news, stories, and discussion with UPROXX.   11/03/2022   The Upshur County Historical Society is the county level private, not-for-profit organization that has as its mission the identification, preservation, and perpetuation of all things historical on the county level.   11/11/2020   Upstate New York Synod. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Upstate New York Synod (ELCA) is an engaged, active body of people who put faith in God into action in many ways, all over Upstate New York and through partners in ministry around the world.   9/7/2023   Upstate Today. The paper has been in print since 1904. With five editions put out a week, Tuesday through Saturday, The Journal is the foremost news source for Oconee and western Pickens counties.   1/1/2024   UQAM. Université du Québec à Montréal, L’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) offre plus de 350 programmes d’études, dont plusieurs sont uniques au Québec, au Canada et en Amérique du Nord.   3/21/2022   Urban Aspirines: 801.   2/2/2023   Urban Milwaukee. Championing Urban Life In The Cream City. Urban Milwaukee is an online daily focused on the city of Milwaukee. Founded in 2008, the publication covers real estate, politics, arts & entertainment and food & drink news.   12/05/2020   The Mozan/Urkesh Archaeological Project conducts excavations at Tell Mozan, a locality in northeastern Syria and the site of ancient Urkesh. Urkesh was a major political and religious center of the Hurrians – an elusive population of the ancient Near East.   1/16/2024   Urrike Liburudenda. Urrike es una libreria en Durango, en Urrike tenemos más de 7.000 títulos en stock. Además, podemos proporcionarle cualquier titulo que desee.   09/05/2021   Uniwersytet Śląski tworzą ludzie, którzy poprzez działalność badawczą, dydaktyczną i artystyczną odważnie kształtują przyszłość regionu, kraju i świata. Pierwsza myśl o zasadności utworzenia uniwersytetu na Górnym Śląsku pojawiła się w 1921 roku.   23/04/2021   Jobs in USA: Latest Vacancies. Job Search in USA. Search millions of jobs in USA near you and apply online today! Search for job vacancies by location or job title to find your perfect next job.   22/07/2020   Macmillan Publishers is a global trade publishing company operating in over 70 countries, with imprints in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, and India.   12/11/2020   1/19/2024   Sage is a global academic publisher of books, journals, and a growing suite of library products and services.   10/13/2023   USAfrica, founded since 1992 by Dr. Chido Nwangwu (author of MLK, Mandela & Achebe: Power, Leadership, Identity, 2022), has its headquarters in Houston, Texas.   29/08/2020   Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). As part of its mission, CISA leads the effort to enhance the security, resiliency, and reliability of the Nation’s cybersecurity and communications infrastructure.   02/02/2021   The Center for US-China Arts Exchange is a not-for-profit organization affiliated with and headquartered at Columbia University in New York City.   07/07/2016   Fighter Aces from World War One to the Present. This is, for the most part, a compilation fighter aces from the various conflicts that featured air warfare.   07/07/2016   Jello / Hostess Airplane Wheels.   07/07/2016   Margaret Mead. Un petit groupe de citoyens engagés et réfléchis est capable de changer le monde. D'ailleurs rien d'autre n'y est jamais parvenu.   28/10/2016   List and Glossary of medical terms: Spanish.   28/10/2016   Language Selection for lists and glossaries. On this page you will have to choose your look-up language. After your selection, you can call the alphabetical list of medical terms or the glossary in the language you have selected.   28/10/2016   Multilingual Glossary of technical and popular medical terms in nine European Languages.   10/3/2023   Universidad de San Francisco Xavier.   12/20/2022   University of Southern Maine. Our new website is designed to make searching for academic programs and information easier. Visit our Academics page to explore majors, minors, and programs.   14/02/2022   U.S. PIRG stands up to powerful interests whenever they threaten our health, our financial security, or our right to fully participate in our democracy.   12/03/2022   USS Landing Craft Infantry National Association. Navy and Coast Guard Veterans of World War II and Korea.   4/8/2022   The Submarine Force Museum, USS Nautlius, is home to the Nautilus, the world’s first nuclear powered vessel. Located on the Thames River in Groton, Connecticut.   12/03/2022   USS Oklahoma.   3/12/2023   Associació Cor Mestral de Reus.   3/12/2023   Taller de Escultura Luis Gueilburt. Coleccionista y estudioso de las obras de Gaudí.   8/29/2022   Obras Completas de Federico García Lorca.   07/06/2017   Canciones (1921 - 1924). Federico García Lorca.   07/06/2017   Bodas de sangre. 1933. Poema trágico en tres actos y siete cuadros. Federico García Lorca.   8/29/2022   La casa de Bernarda Alba. Drama de mujeres en los pueblos de España. Federico García Lorca.   05/05/2020   The Official Website of the State of Utah.   4/29/2022   Utah Blog Hive is a website devoted to providing comprehensive and up-to-date pharmacological information on both brand and generic medicines. Utah Blog Hive is the leading Internet Drug Index resource, founded by pharmacists in 2021.   4/29/2022   Utah Democrats. We, the Democrats of the Great State of Utah, united in common purpose, acknowledge that we are a party of enduring strength, and that we must lead, guided by those we lead.   4/29/2022   Utah Policy. Raising Our Political IQ. Utah Policy is your one-stop shop for the news you need to know to keep up on Utah politics, policies and people.   03/06/2021   Utah Soaring Association is a large club with four different soaring locations in northern Utah. The club facilitates basic and advanced instruction and maintains multiple gliders for member use.   04/01/2021   Uncle Tom's Cabin and American Culture: A Multi-Media Archive, Directed by Stephen Railton.   15/11/2020   Uncle Tom's Cabin & American Culture.   4/20/2022   UT Health San Antonio. We serve patients in San Antonio and South Texas. Our health care professionals serve in more than 100 affiliated hospitals, clinics and health care facilities across San Antonio, Laredo and the Rio Grande Valley.   9/2/2023   UTPL. Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. Explora nuestros cerca de 50 programas de grado y postgrado en 4 áreas académicas diferentes y descubre a donde puede llevarte tu pasión.   12/11/2020   SP Utrecht. Elke dag zijn SP'ers actief voor een sociaal Utrecht.   27/02/2022   UT Southwestern Medical Center. The #1 Best Hospital in DFW. UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas is one of the top academic medical centers, delivering compassionate care and the latest medical advances to patients.   04/02/2022   The Fralin Museum of Art, U.Va. The permanent collection of The Fralin Museum of Art at the University of Virginia consists of nearly 14,000 objects.   13/07/2018   Undervisningsministeriet arbejder for at skabe fagligt stærke uddannelser til alle. Find oplysninger om ministeren, vores arbejde, mål og værdier, organisation, og hvordan du kontakter os. Under ministeriet er der to styrelser, tre statsinstitutioner og en række råd, nævn og udvalg.   11/16/2023   University of Waterloo. Today, with more than 42,000+ students attending annually, Waterloo is #1 in Canada for experiential learning and employer-student connections.   12/03/2018   The control systems group consists of nine faculty members in the Department of Electrical and Computer and Computer Engineering.   9/2/2023   Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). Waterloo Engineering is ranked among the top 50 engineering schools in the world; our ECE department is committed to sustaining that excellence in our areas of research while venturing into growing areas of opportunity.   11/16/2023   A powerhouse of discovery and innovation. The Faculty of Mathematics was founded at the University of Waterloo in 1967. Its roots can be traced to Waterloo College, a Lutheran liberal arts college affiliated with the University of Western Ontario.   9/2/2023   Science. University of Waterloo. As an integral part of Canada’s most innovative university, the Faculty of Science is a global leader and a preferred destination for those seeking to engage in world-class basic and applied research and learning.   08/03/2020   UW Digital Collections. Thousands of images, texts, and sound recordings from across Wisconsin and the world.   04/03/2019   Te University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Center has worked collaboratively with UW System faculty, staff, and librarians to create and provide access to digital resources that support the teaching and research.   04/03/2019   Folk Figures: A Survey of Norwegian and Norwegian-American Artifacts brings together, in digital form, a virtual exhibit of objects ranging from the 17th century through the 1930’s that depict animals, humans, birds, fish, or supernatural figures.   27/05/2020   UW Digital Collections. Selected by librarians, scholars, and other subject specialists along a wide range of criteria, this collection includes published materials as well as archival documents.   04/03/2019   The State of Wisconsin Collection brings together, in digital form, two categories of primary and secondary materials: writings about the State of Wisconsin and unique or valuable materials that relate to its history and ongoing development.   13/08/2016   UWire is the largest college news and press release distribution service that was founded in 1994 to help brands, public relations firms and businesses to reach college media outlets across the country.   30/04/2021   The UWM Libraries—the Golda Meir Library on the Milwaukee campus and two branches, the UWM at Washington County Library and the UWM at Waukesha Library—are committed to promoting student success, research excellence, and community engagement at UWM, one of the nation’s top research universities.   7/6/2022   The Material Culture Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison examines forms, uses, and meanings of objects, images, and environments in everyday life.   06/02/2022   The University of Wisconsin Press is a not-for-profit publisher of books and journals. We select the books using a careful process of review by Press staff, outside experts, and a board of University of Wisconsin faculty.