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Monday, February 5, 2024

v _ v   11/27/2023   Mario García Joya ("Mayito") es sin duda uno de los fotógrafos y cineastas más importantes e influyentes que Cuba ha producido.   20/06/2018   The story of a portrait Korda's Che. This exhibition is about a single image: Guerrillero Heróico; Ché Guevara's portrait shot by cuban photographer Alberto Díaz Gutiérrez, known as "Korda" (1928-2001) on March 5, 1960 in Havana, Cuba.   20/06/2018   El Che de Korda. Te invitamos a participar con fotografías relacionadas con este tema. Imágenes publicadas en el orden en que fueron recibidas.   10/05/2018   The story of a portrait Korda's Che. This exhibition is about a single image: Guerrillero Heróico; Ché Guevara's portrait shot by cuban photographer Alberto Díaz Gutiérrez, known as "Korda" (1928-2001) on March 5, 1960 in Havana, Cuba.   12/11/2020   V2_, Lab for the Unstable Media is an interdisciplinary center for art and media technology in Rotterdam (the Netherlands).   2/4/2024   Galerías ZoneZero. Las galerías se muestran de las más nuevas a las más antiguas.   9/2/2023   Photographing the Mexican Revolution by John Mraz. The Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920 was one of the most-photographed social struggles in history.   31/08/2018   Gerda Taro. Una mujer poco comun.   9/2/2023   Vaccimonitor. Está dedicada a la difusión de los resultados científicos concernientes a la Vacunología y temas afines.   20/11/2020   Valer Books. Nakladatelství limitovaných luxusních knih. Naším cílem a posláním je připravovat limitované edice luxusních knižních publikací, které vycházejí pro ty nejnáročnější čtenáře, milovníky umění, patrioty a sběratele.   18/02/2022   Vallesse. Depuis sa création en 2005, Vallesse Éditions a ouvert son catalogue à la littérature générale, à la littérature jeunesse, au scolaire et au parascolaire.   5/17/2023   La revista Valors, igual que el programa de ràdio, són dos espais de reflexió entorn els valors humans i l’actualitat des d’aquest prisma.   20/09/2018   Jean Valjean Vandruff Tribute Homepage. A page of tribute to our Father and Husband, J.V. Vandruff, from his sons and wife."   12/11/2020   Van Gogh Worldwide is a free digital platform providing art-historical and technical data about the work of Vincent van Gogh (1853–1890).   17/07/2020   Suomen vapaussota 1918. Sosialistien vallankumoushalu johti 27.-28.1.1918 vallankaappaukseen. Punaisten kaappaus onnistui Helsingissä ja eteläisessä Suomessa. Kaappaukseen vaikutti tuntuvimmin Venäjän bolshevikkien esimerkki.   08/09/2019   Exoplanet Transit Database (ETD). ETD is here to suply quickly and easily the list of all ever observed transits of transiting exoplanets to observers and researchers.   17/03/2020   Variacions. El món segons Pep Montes.   13/03/2020   Variety is the most authoritative and trusted source of entertainment business news, reaching an audience of affluent influencers.   07/02/2016   Review: ‘Biography’, DECEMBER 1, 1992.   10/12/2023   FBI Records: The Vault is our new FOIA Library, containing 6,700 documents and other media that have been scanned from paper into digital copies so you can read them in the comfort of your home or office.   10/13/2023   Georgia Archives. The Virtual Vault provides virtual access to historic Georgia manuscripts, photographs, maps, and government records housed in the state archives.   24/07/2018   This comprehensive site about John Muir was initially launched in 1994, and it is still continually being updated and new additions are being made on a regular basis.   08/03/2020   Karl E. Peterson's Classic VB Code.   12/03/2020   Vladimir Bursać.   14/02/2016   Project list. © DTU Wind Energy. Department of Wind Energy 2016.   03/08/2016   El Vedado en Cuba. Mejores hoteles, el Malecón de la Habana, Cementerio Colón y contiguo al centro historico de la Habana Vieja.   8/26/2023   El Vedado. Habana. Plaza de la Revolucion. Avenida de los Presidentes. Malecon habanero. Cementerio Colon. Estacion de autobuses. Agencias del Gobierno.   07/03/2020   Slovenská Akadémia Vied, SAV. Súčasná Slovenská akadémia vied je samosprávna vedecká inštitúcia zameraná na rozvoj vedy, vzdelanosti, kultúry a ekonomiky.   15/09/2019   Veg Online is your total vegetarian diet resource. Veg Online strives to provide its readership with the best tips, advice, and information on all things vegetarian.   15/09/2019   Veg Peace. Raw peasant cuisine. Quick, simple raw vegan recipes. Fresh ingredients that are low cost. Staying healthy when you're too busy to spend lots of time making food.   15/09/2019   Once upon a time, back in the year 1996, a food-loving, web-savvy, super-smart vegan saw a need for an online veg community.   06/05/2020   Velocity Aircraft. When you buy a kit from Velocity Inc, you become part of the Velocity family. Velocity Inc. is owned and operated by the Swing family.   26/11/2021   Venepoetics. “Your Dream-book is a numinous Computer...” (Wilson Harris). Guillermo Parra.   1/1/2024   Venezuelanalysis. Our main objective is to counter the corporate media propaganda against the Bolivarian Revolution by giving a voice to leftist and grassroots movements in Venezuela.   10/06/2018   Veracidade.   06/01/2021   Verdade. A verdade em cada palavra.   02/02/2020   Los Verdes somos una organización política, constituida como federación, de las nacionalidades y regiones del Estado Español, unidos en un marco político común y con una acción conjunta y única en las políticas estatales y europeas.   10/09/2020   Federazione nazionale dei Verdi. Da oltre vent’anni i Verdi continuano a promuovere e far valere le ragioni di chi, in Italia, vuole tutelare l’ambiente e avviare una conversione ecologica dell’economia, del modello di consumo e degli stili di vita.   01/09/2018   Manifest De Maig és un corrent d'opinió que neix al sí del partit ICV i que es planteja el debat d'idees entorn del projecte ecosocialista, l'anticapitalisme, la radicalitat democràtica, el fet militant i els diversos aspectes que poden configurar una esquerra transformadora.   12/4/2022   Veritas Publishing produces and publishes the works of Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., an internationally renowned spiritual teacher, psychiatrist, physician, researcher, lecturer and developer of the widely-known Map of Consciousness.   9/12/2023   Verité provides the knowledge and tools to eliminate child labor, forced labor, human trafficking and gender discrimination from supply chains.   3/11/2023   Vermont Country magazine celebrates and explores the lifestyle and culture of Vermont like no other. Vermont Country magazine, Vermont's finest.   02/03/2016   Versailles Daily Photo blog. Welcome to Versailles! By European standards, it is a very young town that sprang out of marshes towards the end of the 17th century for a king's whim.   6/22/2023   South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs. Provide comprehensive care and quality service to veterans and their families, regarding health care, education, disability benefits, long-term care, and burial honors by providing professional customer service and care.   22/12/2020   Facultad de Veterinaria de Zaragoza.   11/10/2020   Veu Pròpia som una associació de nous catalanoparlants, dones i homes de totes les edats que no vàrem tenir el català com a llengua inicial però que l’hem adoptat com a llengua pròpia i el defensem com a llengua de cohesió social i com a llengua comuna de tots els residents als territoris de parla catalana.   10/04/2019   VEXATA QUAESTIO. "Honeste vivere, neminem laedere, suum cuique tribuere" (Digesto,   19/11/2019   Venlo Eindhoven ZweefvliegClub, leer zelf zweefvliegen in Noord Brabant en Limburg te Groote Heide in Venlo.   9/7/2023   The Van Horn Advocate. The Weekly Newspaper Serving The Crossroads of the Texas Mountain Trail and Scenic West Texas. Serving Van Horn and Culberson County Since 1910.   12/16/2022   VIAF: Fichero de Autoridades Virtual Internacional. VIAF es un proyecto conjunto de varias bibliotecas nacionales, implementado y alojado por OCLC.   21/10/2016   Viajar: La primera revista española de viajes. Destinos únicos, hoteles de lujo, viajes inolvidables, en definitiva, experiencias que enriquecen la vida.   01/09/2018   Das Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science – VIAS wurde 1992 gegründet und ist eine zukunftsorientierte, transdisziplinäre Forschungsinstitution innerhalb der Universität Wien, einer der größten und ältesten Universitäten Europas, deren Forschungstradition 15 Nobel-Preisträger inkludiert.   5/4/2023   Via Sole. Poesía italiana traducida por Carlos Vitale.   10/12/2023   Vickie Henderson Art. As an artist, writer, photographer and naturalist, I enjoy any opportunity to photograph and sketch nature.   27/02/2017   La guerra civil española y sus víctimas desde 1936 a 1939 despúes se unió con la segunda guerra mundial, y luego con todo el dolor, muerte, desesperación, desolación, hambre, falta de trabajo, falta de familia, falta de justicia.   17/04/2019   Botanical Electronic News.   27/08/2020   Музей Победы — открытые экспозиции военной техники, экскурсии и выставки на тему ВОВ. Посетите увлекательные экспозиции и выставки в Музее Победы. Групповые и индивидуальные экскурсии, патриотические программы и квесты.   16/03/2020   Vida Culinaria. Cuina, Cuisine, Cocina, Cooking.   10/04/2019   Vida Extra: A nova marca do jornal Expresso. Essencial para quem quer ter uma vida extra.   13/03/2016   Videodrome. Blog de cine, lecturas negras y otras perversiones. El título del presente weblog, “Videodrome”, está extraído de la película del mismo nombre, dirigida por David Cronenberg en 1983.   8/29/2022   Das Instituto Cervantes wurde im Jahr 1991 vom spanischen Staat gegründet und setzt sich zum Ziel, die spanische Sprache zu fördern sowie das Kulturgut Spaniens und der iberoamerikanischen Länder im Ausland weltweit zu verbreiten.   07/01/2018   Información general de la Biblioteca Juan Gelman. Instituto Cervantes de Viena.   3/12/2023   Viena Editorial. Perquè ens agrada llegir. El nostre catàleg reuneix més 1900 obres, una mitjana de 70 obres l’any.   12/9/2022   Viento Norte Editorial. Editorial tradicional e independiente de novela. Publicamos libros que te hacen disfrutar, reflexionar, viajar y emocionarte; en definitiva: sentir.   25/01/2020   The Vietnam War website is the hub for memories of New Zealand and the Vietnam War. It was created as part of the Vietnam War Oral History Project run by Manatu Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage between 2008 and 2012.   04/09/2021   Eth susvelhant deth far: qüestions de llengua.   09/04/2021   Villabonako udalalaren webgune berria, herritarren harreman zuzena eta parte-hartzea sustatzeko pentsatua. Amasa-Villabonako albisteak, lan eskaintzak, ekitaldi agenda, errebotea,... eta udal informazio guztia. Tolosaldean gaude, Gipuzkoan.   09/04/2021   H. Ayuntamiento Villa de Álvarez.   03/08/2016   Science. Miembro desde hace 9 años. Vimeo.   15/10/2020   Vintagraph makes custom fine-art posters and prints. We specialize in WWI, WWII and WPA posters and prints.   17/12/2020   Colloquium on Violence & Religion. International Association of Scholars of Mimetic Theory.   6/29/2022   Virginia Symphony Orchestra. The Virginia Symphony is at the center of the Hampton Roads arts community, and in many ways serves as the cultural cornerstone for the region.   05/05/2020   The Virtual Blue Angels are a group of enthusiastic flight simulation pilots who strive to be the best of the best among the flight sim community.   15/04/2020   Visão. Notícias da atualidade nacional e internacional reportagens e multimédia. Visão Online é economia, sociedade, cultura, política, artes, cozinha, desporto, cinema e opinião em Portugal e no Mundo. Visão como nunca viu.   23/10/2016   Visão. Visão Se7e.   04/01/2021   Visão. Jornal de letras.   23/10/2016   Visão. Visão Verde.   23/10/2016   Visão. Visão Júnior.   12/13/2023   Traductors i traducció Català. Revista de literatura i traducció del PENCatala amb l'objectiu d'internacionalitzar les lletres catalanes i promoure els intercanvis literaris.   07/01/2018   The Cosmic Timeline. Astrophysicists have deduced the age of the Universe (dated from the Big Bang) to be 13.7 Billion Years!   22/08/2017   Música que solo los dioses escuchan.   13/11/2021   NASA's Visible Earth catalog of NASA images and animations of our home planet.   03/08/2016   EGYPT, NILE DELTA AND SINAI FROM MODIS. The Nile river and delta winds through Egypt in this image from MODIS. The Sinai peninsula and Red Sea are on the right.   13/02/2016   Για Την Βυσσινι Φανελα ... Ael News. Για Την Βυσσινι Φανελα Μεσα Στο Μυαλο Εχω Τρελα Θα Στο Τραγουδω Θα Στο Λεω Αελ Ολε Ολε Αελ Ολε Ολε ...   22/07/2016   The Vision Group at NASA Ames Research Center is a team of scientists and engineers who conduct research on human vision and visual technology for NASA missions.   21/12/2020   Welkom op de officiële website van het bureau voor toerisme van Brussel, hoofdstad van Europa en België. Ontdek onze hotels, Brusselse musea en  attracties, de Belgische gastronomie en venues voor uw seminaries en congressen.   10/31/2022   Visit Bozeman, Convention and Visitors Bureau. Plan your next vacation or your next meeting in Bozeman, Montana. With Bozeman’s proximity to Yellowstone and the abundance of recreation, Bozeman is a great place to come visit.   1/13/2023   Visit Culpeper. Centrally located between Washington, DC, and the home of Thomas Jefferson in Charlottesville to the south, lies Culpeper, the ideal mustering point for great Virginia adventures.   8/19/2023   Visit Dothan. Explore the city and enjoy our museums, festivals, sports, and emerging culinary scene. Dothan, Alabama, Peanut Capital of the World, offers visitors a Southern experience steeped in history and agriculture.   12/4/2022   Destination El Paso. El Paso, Texas. Destination El Paso is the department name for the former Convention and Visitors Bureau/Convention and Performing Arts Centers.   17/06/2021   Visit Gillette. Campbell County Convention & Visitors Bureau. Whether Campbell County is a stop along the way of your dream Western vacation that includes Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Devils Tower National Monument and Yellowstone National Park, or it’s your weekend getaway destination, we can’t wait to welcome you.   28/12/2021   Visit Glendive. Where the adventure begins.   12/22/2022   Idaho. Visit Idaho. Beyond Ordinary Hike to waterfalls. Savor local cuisine. Explore wild forests. Paddle the best whitewater in the country.   2/10/2023   INFINITY Science Center. Space and Earth Science Museum. Enjoy fun and fascinating learning experience at The INFINITY Science Center in Pearlington, MS. We are a nonprofit museum.   6/14/2022   Official Lake Tahoe Visitor Bureaus Official Lake Tahoe Visitor Bureaus.   12/20/2022   Visit Maine. The official website for the Maine Office of Tourism. Information on activities, events, lodging and chambers of commerce. Searchable by region.   12/27/2022   Visit Maryland's Coast. Worcester County, MD. Discover Maryland’s only seaside offering the beauty of Assateague Island National Seashore and its wild horses. Explore authentic main street communities and the thrill of Ocean City.   11/03/2022   Ripley Convention & Visitors Bureau. Our community is situated along Interstate 77 in West Virginia between Charleston and Parkersburg. The town was founded in 1832 as the centrally located seat of government for the newly organized Jackson County.   12/4/2022   Visit San Luis Obispo. Hotels, Things to Do, Events, Blog. Visit San Luis Obispo and discover endless things to do, vacation ideas and exciting deals and packages today.   02/12/2021   Vulcan Park & Museum: Birmingham, AL. What kind of city builds a huge statue of a burly, bearded, bare-bottomed man to tower over its entire population? One that never forgets its roots.   6/5/2022   Visual Studio: IDE and Code Editor for Software Developers and Teams. Visual Studio dev tools & services make app development easy for any developer, on any platform & language. Develop with our code editor or IDE anywhere for free.   30/10/2020   Visual Studio Express. Download Visual Studio Community for a fully-featured and extensible IDE; An updated alternative to Visual Studio Express.   8/18/2022   The USC Viterbi School of Engineering is innovative, elite and internationally recognized for creating models of education, research and commercialization.   11/4/2023   Vitrine linguistique. Un accès rapide et unique pour obtenir des réponses à vos questions sur la langue française, des rubriques linguistiques et des centaines de milliers de termes et de définitions.   01/09/2018   Viu i llegeix. M'agrada llegir. Entre altres coses, sóc dona i sóc lectora. I potser no calen gaires més presentacions. Les lectures i el que en dic em retraten de dalt a baix.   03/09/2018   Viure a Estocolm.   2/4/2024   Vivir en Perú. Perú, tierra de los incas. Preso de sus políticos, su gente lucha por la subsistencia...   13/03/2016   The WWW Virtual Library (VL) is the oldest catalogue of the Web, started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator of HTML and of the Web itself, in 1991 at CERN in Geneva.   10/06/2020   Välisministeerium.   8/21/2022   Venerable Music. 78rpm Vintage Record Auctions & Sales.   10/12/2023   Virginia Native Plant Society. Conserving Wild Flowers & Places. Learn about Virginia’s native plants and habitats and how you can help preserve, protect, and promote these precious natural resources.   20/12/2019   Voegelin View is an interdisciplinary and international website dedicated to the thought of Eric Voegelin as well as to political philosophy as public commentary that includes all aspects of culture, including philosophy, religion, politics, society, science, education, and literature.   6/30/2022   The Volante is the University of South Dakota’s independent student-run newspaper since 1887. The Volante covers topics relevant and interesting to USD students.   1/30/2023   Volaré Products. Free Flight Model Aviation. My name is George Bredehoft. In the mid-1980s (or my mid-20s), I started to become interested in model aviation.   03/07/2016   USGS: Volcano Hazards Program. The USGS Volcano Hazards Program (VHP) monitors and studies active and potentially active volcanoes, assesses their hazards, and conducts research on how volcanoes work in order for the USGS to issue "timely warnings" of potential volcanic hazards to emergency-management professionals and the public.   03/07/2016   The David A. Johnston Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO) is part of the USGS Volcano Hazards Program and serves the nation's interest by helping people live knowledgeably with volcanoes.   14/11/2020   USGS: Volcano Hazards Program. Volcano Hazards Program Glossary.   08/06/2020   Вологда. Новости Вологды.   16/12/2021   Volquartsen Firearms Official Site. Precision-made rimfire firearms and accessories for competition, varmint hunting, and recreation.   12/14/2022   Utah Voter Information.   26/12/2020   Voxeurop. Informing on a European scale. Independent and multilingual. Support independent European journalism. European democracy needs independent media. Voxeurop needs you. Join our community!   12/16/2023   La Voz de Guanacaste. Somos La Voz de Guanacaste, el único medio hiperlocal que ofrece periodismo de datos y de investigación en Costa Rica.   16/03/2020   Raons que rimen. Blog personal de Víctor Pàmies i Riudor. En aquest diari pretenc fer la meva aportació a partir dels següents temes principals: l'actualitat de la llengua catalana; l'actualitat a Vallromanes, el meu poble; les meves lectures; llocs webs d'interès, i la paremiologia.   24/06/2021   Clark Fork Valley Press - Mineral Independent. Plains, Montana.   05/03/2016   The Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (VPTL) promotes and advances the vibrant, intellectual endeavor of teaching and learning at Stanford.   18/09/2019   Väestörekisterikeskuksen uudistetut internetsivut otettiin käyttöön joulukuussa 2013. Väestörekisterikeskus edistää yhteiskunnan digitalisointia ja sähköistä asiointia Suomessa. Vastuullamme olevien kokonaisuuksien häiriötön ja sujuva toiminta on yhteiskunnalle elintärkeää. Väestörekisterikeskuksen yli 200 työntekijän tekemistä ohjaavat strategia ja arvot.   21/12/2020   Vrouw en Vrijheid. Citaten van vrouwen over politiek. Vrouwen aan het woord. Citatenwoordenboeken bevatten een zeer laag percentage van uitspraken die vrouwen gedaan hebben. Wanneer sprekers een citaat in hun toespraak verwerken, kun je er bijna donder op zeggen dat het er eentje van Kennedy of Churchill zal zijn.   03/07/2016   ООО "Мультисервисные системы" (МСС) является владельцем двух телевизионных каналов: ВРТ и ЭлТВ. Компания создана в 2011 году и имеет все необходимые технические и творческие ресурсы для производства и трансляции телевизионного контента. Над созданием программ ежедневно трудится творческий коллектив «ВРТ», который отличает профессионализм и стремление совершенствовать своё мастерство.   07/03/2020   Výpočtové stredisko, Centrum spoločných činností Slovenskej akadémie vied. Výpočtové stredisko svojou činnosťou plní úlohy podporujúce riešenie vedecko-výskumných projektov Slovenskej akadémie vied a vysokých škôl.   02/08/2021   Veg Society of DC. Founded in 1927, the Veg Society of the District of Columbia (VSDC) is the nation’s oldest continuously operating veg society. VSDC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that promotes the tremendous benefits of a vegan diet & lifestyle through education, community-building, and social activities throughout the DC metro area.   3/7/2023   Vtape. The Source for Video and New Media. Vtape is a vibrant distribution organization that represents an international collection of contemporary and historical video art, documentaries, and installations.   6/5/2022   VteX. Solutions for science and publishing. Professional LaTeX, proofing, typesetting services and all-round assistance in any academic and scientific project. Technical know-how that brings value.   6/5/2022   Grand Lodge of Vermont. Free and Accepted Masons. Founded on the tenants of Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth, it has no regard for differences in a person’s race, color, creed, or station in life.   07/01/2018   The month of June. This blog explores the relationship between pedagogy and research as I document my experiences in the writing classroom and the struggles and discoveries of my dissertation writing process in the field of composition.   6/5/2022   The Vermont Jazz Center is the leading jazz venue in New England. Its emphasis is threefold: 1) presenting world-class jazz concerts, 2) providing abundant educational opportunities and 3) community outreach.   10/10/2021   Vermont Libertarian Party. We the members of the Vermont Libertarian Party do declare and affirm the following to be a faithful and true recounting of our core values and principles; and is to be used to guide us in politics and in life.   03/07/2016   Planeta Vulcano.   03/07/2016   Vuletic – Hume.   02/11/2016   Vulguentesendir, queriendotedecir, iwanttosay, jeveuxdire... Elucubracions d'un fotògraf informàtic entramuntanat.   02/11/2016   Vilafestuc - una vila no derivable.   28/05/2020   ВЗГЛЯД. Издание специализируется на оперативных новостях, публикации актуальной информации и аналитических материалов о российской и международной политике, бизнесе и финансах, а также событиях культуры и спорта.